• Published 15th Apr 2020
  • 6,645 Views, 287 Comments

The Devil's Prize - MerryMelancholy

Princess Nightmare Moon has it all. Socially awkward shut in Twilight Sparkle has nothing of worth. Princess Nightmare Moon can acquire anything she desires. Twilight Sparkle can't seem to catch a break. So why's the Princess desire Twilight Sparkle?

  • ...

Chapter 8: Masquerade Madness! - Part 3

I don't believe I'm an adequate fit for these sorts of things.

Twilight whom was still in grade school, stood before another colt, doe eyed and curious. The two stood alone together in a school hall, supposedly private and away from any sort of commotion. "Are you okay?"

The colt gulped and placed a hoof against his chest. "T-Twilight! I really like you!"

Twilight looked at him, her eyes widening a little. "O-Oh um, I like you too."

The colt sighed and looked at her in annoyance. "No, not like that! Like like you!"

Twilight still appeared doe eyed and then glanced down, turning red. "Ah."

Suddenly turning into the hallway they were standing in was a group of colts, one pointing and laughing at the colt addressing Twilight. "Bahaha! I told ya guys! He's confessing to spotty spaz! Believe me now!?"

The colt addressing Twilight flinched, flushing completely red before looking back at Twilight in panic.

Twilight glanced back up at him with a blank expression, unsure why he reacted the way he did.

The colt looked back at the group and shook his head. "N-No I'm not you weirdos! She confessed to me!"

The group still snickered in the background, shaking their heads. "Uhuh! Sure she did."

Another of the group pointed at the colt. "We're gonna tell everypony you got a crush on Spotty Spaz!"

The group then immediately turned back around the corner, sprinting away while laughing the whole while.

The colt addressing Twilight panicked, before looking back at her. "T-Twilight! You... I was just kidding. I, I don't know what I was thinking I just thought we could go slow but... but I can't let them make fun of me! Please don't tell anypony what I said!" His eyes became watery before he turned away from her and ran down the hall.

Twilight watched him run off, as she just blinked a few more times and stood there alone. "Um... okay."

They always confuse me. Why are they so quick to say something they soon come to regret?

"Sunburst... what're you doing?"

Sunburst was still leaned in towards Twilight, though without muzzle contact. He froze, as despite his drunken stupor, he recognized with horror the voice that questioned him. He glanced over in silence, trembling.

Twilight glanced over as well, before pushing Sunburst away gently. "I... uh, need to go Sunburst. Sorry!" She proceeded down the opposing direction of the hall hurriedly, disappearing into another crowd of ponies.

Sunburst reached out to her with a frown, "T-Twilight! Wait!"

The voice cut in again. "Sunburst... are you ignoring the question?"

Sunburst glared on over at the individual who'd butted in, now with all seriousness. "What?...Trixie."

Standing there in a beautiful starry dress and head ornaments was Trixie. "What was that?"

Sunburst rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Ugh! It was nothing." He made his way over to her before patting off his suit. "I was just... uh, drank a little too much okay? All we did was talk, nothing happened. Okay Trixie?"

Trixie smirked at him and raised a brow. "That didn't look like nothing to Trixie."

Sunburst groaned and huffed. "Trixie! It was noooothing. Starlight doesn't need to know."

Trixie tilted her head to the right at him. "If it was nothing, then Trixie wonders why she can't know? Hm?"

Sunburst began distancing himself from her. "Because I know you. You blow things way out of proportion."

Trixie gasped, "Why! The Ethereal and Majestic Trixie would never! How dare you make such an accusation!"

Sunburst turned with a slight hoof swipe at her. "See what I mean? Trixie... don't go spreading rumors!"

Trixie's nose wrinkled as she snorted. "Trixie sees you are veryyyyyy protective of that purple stallion."

Sunburst flushed red. "Purple stal-... WHAT!? Trixie!" He snapped, "Twilight is a mare!"

Trixie gasped even louder this time. "Whaaat!? So it was a mare you were finagling with! Trixie is shocked!"

Sunburst paused and glared at Trixie. "Trixie... I mean it. Don't. You know how she gets."

Trixie smiled slyly at the stallion. "Trixie does. But Trixie sees no reason to be worried."

Sunburst kept a tired gaze upon her, silent for this portion of the time.

Trixie squinted at him in a playfully conniving manner. "Trixie is Starlight's dear friend afterall."

Sunburst sighed heavily and continued on ahead, holding a hoof to his head. "I guess I was wrong."

Trixie raised an eyebrow at him curiously. "You are just now acknowledging this?"

Sunburst rolled his eyes at her. "Wrong about you knowing how she gets, if you really think you'd have no reason to be worried." He paused briefly yet again, "Do yourself a favor Trixie, and stay out of this drama."

Trixie sneered at him, scoffing lightly. "You think Trixie can be threatened by anypony? Let alone Starlight?"

Sunburst just shook his head and continued forward. "Whatever Trixie!... Just... do whatever you want." He sulked somewhat before pressing forward, "I'm going to go look for Twilight. I need to clear the air."

Trixie growled at him lightly, gritting her teeth. "T-Trixie won't let this sit idly! You haven't convinced her!"

Sunburst glanced back at her absently. "Go ahead if you really want Trixie. It's your funeral."

Trixie flinched before watching as Sunburst disappeared into another crowd, and she glared to the side.

As Twilight scurried through the crowd, she made her way into another large room with a plethora of ponies. She had no idea where she was, and honestly, didn't bother keeping track at this point. All she knew was the first floor was where the exit was, and that's where she'd be heading shortly. However, she still needed to tell her friends whom she couldn't find. Her mind was racked with uncertainties. She took a seat at a nearby bar stool and held a hoof to her horn and closed her eyes, taking a breather. Ah... I don't feel so good.

"Oh wow you don't look so good. You doing okay?" Came a light perky voice, filled with slight concern.

Twilight opened her eyes slightly to gaze at the individual, which surprisingly, caused her brows to give raise. Standing before her and cleaning a glass with a napkin was a draconequues. It was as tall as her, and fairly slender looking. Twilight was left speechless and couldn't say anything. She tried to speak, but no words came.

The draconequus smiled. "No worries, first time meeting me? Most who attend these parties for the first time have the same reaction." She pulled out a card from beneath the counter, and slid it in front of Twilight. "Name's E, like the letter. I bartend these gigs on behalf of the Royals. Our kind gets around, so it helps with big events. Princesses need quality, and with the places I've been, quality is assured. Spread the name for me."

Twilight took the card and stared at it blankly with wide eyes, still a bit dumbfounded.

E nodded to her. "Well then, what will it be? Any first drink with me is on the house."

Another pony suddenly came up to the counter with a tray of drinks, she was wearing a tuxedo much like Twilight. "H-Hey E, I need some help. Can you give me a Berry Blitz with Cilantro?" She pulled at her bowtie. Her mane was disheveled and her color scheme was almost exactly like Twilight's, if a bit more rough.

Twilight glanced over at the mare, still holding the card in her hoof.

The fellow tuxedo mare glanced at Twilight, "Oh hey! You new? I didn't see you on the roster."

E shook her head, "No Y, she's a customer. Also here," she snapped and the drink appeared on the tray.

Y gasped with excitement, "Thanks a lot E. We're making a killing! See you at the end of the event!"

E nodded to her and then focused back on Twilight. "Now where was I, so... what will it be?"

Twilight blinked blankly a bit more before glancing down, "Ah actually I'm not-"

Then another mare cut in. "She'll have three Fireballs, all on me!"

E's eyes widened as she smiled wide in surprise. "Ah Lady Tempest! How's it going?"

Twilight glanced to her side, as immediately sitting down beside her was a mare with a broken horn.

Lady Tempest smiled down at Twilight, soon placing a hoof on her shoulder and winking.

A look of innate shock overcame Twilight as she stared at Tempest's horn. A... A broken horn?

Lady Tempest pulled up a stool beside Twilight and snickered. "It's going pretty well E. How're you?"

E snapped one paw and from three small portals, emerged three shot glasses filled with a bronze liquid emitting small rings of flame at the rims. They were held aloft by telekinetic magic, and slowly drifted to the front of Twilight. "Three fireballs. Two cause ones on me. Looks like it's your lucky night... uuuum?"

Lady Tempest cut in as she wrapped a hoof casually around Twilight. "Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight still in surprise, glanced over at Lady Tempest. "Yes um, that's my name." She looked to E, and then nervously down at the shot glasses. "T-Thank you. But um, I don't know if I should be having these." She looked back to Tempest, not minding her mannerisms and just more curious about her information. "Have we met?"

Lady Tempest let off some hoarse laughter. "Haaaah! No no Twilight Sparkle, we haven't met." She then booped Twilight's nose with a playful hoof, "But I'm glaaaad to meet you! I've heard a lot about you. Heard that you even took it to town on Princess Nightmare Moon! Now that's something." She cocked a brow at Twilight.

Twilight's brows rose before her expression drooped into one more tired and solemn. A-Ah, so that's how she knows me. I guess word travels fast. She spoke, while eyeing the fireballs before her. "I'm um, not that special. It really wasn't my intent if that's how others see it. I was just busy, and a lot was on my mind. That's all really."

E placed both a paw and claw atop the countertop. "W-Wait! So you're not kidding!? You did take it to town on the Princess? Wow that takes some guts. I mean, there's only been one of our kind that's been able to go toe to toe with a Princess and he was put out of commission. The rest of us small fry? We wouldn't dare messing with one." She closed her eyes and rubbed at the back of her neck sticking her tongue out. "You ponies really are something." Suddenly as a couple more ponies came to the bar, E's eyes widened as she shrieked. "Ah! Looks like it's a group, gotta go ladies!" She scooped up some nearby empty glasses and wriggled her way on over.

Twilight watched her go with still faint curiosity. "That's the first time I met a draconequus."

Lady Tempest smiled and watched E depart with a smirk. "Yeah, that's often the case for those who get into these parties for the first time. E's talent's exceptional, and her race even more so. It's hard to determine whether she's hired for being a renown bartender or just a spectacle in her own right. But regardless," she smiled warmly back at Twilight with sly eyes. "You're the hot button topic Twilight Sparkle. So let's talk."

Twilight looked at Tempest with almost pleading desperation. "I... to be honest. I don't think I have much energy to talk." She sighed heavily and looked back down at the fireballs. "Ever since this night started, I feel like everypony has wanted to talk and I don't understand why. I'm so confused and..." for a split second her thoughts flashed to Sunburst and her cheeks flushed red as she lowered her head some, closed her eyes halfway and froze for a split second in deep uncertainty. "It's affecting me strangely. I think... I think I need time to process it all." She glanced over at Tempest sheepishly, "Apologies. I ah, don't mean to be disrespectful."

Lady Tempest's eyes widened at her. She's so nice. Her brow raised. A bit awkwardly transparent... but nice. I wonder if any of the others ran into her. She eased up her hold on Twilight before giving her a warm expression. "Well that sounds rough Twilight. Sounds like you've got a lot on your plate, and what you neeeeeeed," she slid a fireball even closer to the mare, "Is somepony to help you take a load off. Somepony who's here to listen, and advise." She leaned in closer and eyed Twilight intensely, forcing her to look her in the eyes. "So just talk Twilight. You want to make sense of your problems right? Voicing them out loud is a good place to start. Let me help you, I came to hear a story. Whether that story is how you handled the Princess is of little issue to me."

Twilight still couldn't escape the red in her cheeks, as she looked down at the fireball. I guess... I guess maybe taking some time to decompress wouldn't hurt. She doesn't seem as adamant as the others. Twilight squinted at the fireball and her reflection in it, before she glanced over at Lady Tempest, particularly her broken horn. Twilight paused, obviously nervous before speaking abruptly, her nervousness yet adamant desperation showing somewhat in her eyes. "If, if um I hang with you and talk, w-would you be willing to answer some questions!?"

Lady Tempest leaned back a bit from the sudden outburst, honestly surprised, before she smiled a little too. "Quite the reversal you did there. But sure, I'm down to play." She leaned in again, letting a hoof rest beneath her chin. "So let's play. What is it you wanted to ask me? On condition you take one of the shots I got you."

Twilight without hesitation, suddenly gulped one of the drinks and then focused immediately on Lady Tempest, an obvious desperation in her eyes. "Y-Your horn. Has it ever given you trouble? Even with it removed?"

Lady Tempest blinked a few times, before glancing up at her horn then back at Twilight with half-closed eyes. "Ah, I see. Well it depends on the type of trouble you're looking for Twilight." She placed her hoof gently atop the counter, before rotating it slowly in a circular motion, stopping at the quarter edge of a full circle. "In my line of work, magic is necessary. So without my horn, calling upon specific magic can be... trouble." She continued rotating it, stopping at the bottom of the circle. "Expecting that magic to act rationally can be... trouble." She then circled it back to the starting point, "And keeping it constantly balanced can be... trouble."

Twilight continued, "What about keeping it locked away? Forever."

Lady Tempest's eyes widened further. She frowned a bit at Twilight, giving her a sad smile. "Sorry Twilight."

Twilight flinched, her eyes showing a hint of fear at the implication of Lady Tempest's words.

Lady Tempest glanced down at the countertop. "From my experience, the connection never goes away fully."

Twilight's brows furrowed, and her eyes saddened exponentially.

Lady Tempest glanced over at her again, earnestly. "So you'd have to find that out on your own."

Twilight immediately took another shot of the fireball, chugging it down as the red in her face brightened. "T-That's okay!" She hiccupped before giving Lady Tempest a determined glare. "That's... compleeetely okay! Thank you for telling me!" She closed her eyes tight, and shook her head a little before prodding Lady Tempest in her chest with her hoof gently. "Now it's my turn to tell you stuff! Stuff... right." She hiccupped again, before glaring at Lady Tempest. "So to start, um... I uh, my friend had to leave me for a second! And guess who I met!"

Lady Tempest blinked a few times before chuckling wildly. Seems it's hitting her. "Who Twilight!?"

Twilight glared even more fiercely at her. "Pinkamena Diane Pie and Lady Applejack!" Who cares anymore.

Lady Tempest's expression suddenly went from amused, to serious. Wait... what?

Twilight continued, then chugging the last of the fireballs. "Blaaaaaaah! Wooooeeeey!"

Lady Tempest suddenly leaned in, trying to get Twilight to calm down. "W-Wait Twilight, what else?"

Twilight prodded her with a hoof more sternly this time. "Well I'll tell you what else! I think Sunburst likes me!"

Lady Tempest's nose wrinkled as she cocked a brow at her, unsure what she was saying before shaking her head. "No no, let's go back to earlier Twilight. Ms Diane and Lady Applejack. You know them? How so?"

Twilight groaned heavily, "A-And! I'm.. I'm not even sure why. I mean, he has a special somepony."

Lady Tempest was beginning to regret those fireballs. "Twiliiiight, please. Is it really that bad already?"

Twilight grabbed Lady Tempest's cheeks. "I'm not really good at that sort of stuff you know. I mean, first he grabbed my cheeks just like t-this. Then he started to lean in closer and closer, exaaaactly.... liiiiike, this."

Lady Tempest tried speaking with squished cheeks. "You're a sheerious rightweight."

Twilight leaned in and as they touched noses, Lady Tempest immediately pulled Twilight in to a hug and shrieked. "AH! Okaaaaay there tiger. Now I think it's time we went and calmed you down somewhere." I must be drinking too much because fireballs shouldn't be that effective... unless she's never drank in her life? Her eyes widened exponentially, before she hoofpalmed her face. Now I just feel terrible, I wanted to do this in a fun sort of way. Not that it isn't amusing but aren't all the kids drinking early these days!? "Let's go, this way Twilight."

"Mmmmmph!" Twilight pushed against Tempest, shoving her away and chuckling. "Catch me if you can!"

Tempest stumbled back for a second before scurrying hurriedly after her. "Twilight, wait!"

Twilight smirked at her as she snickered, doing a twirl and then smiling wide at Tempest. "Too slow!"

Tempest reached out to her and sneered slightly. "Wait Twilight, seriously! Don't-"

Twilight poofed away in a flash, subjecting Tempest now to the same treatment as all the others.

Tempest frowned heavily as she groaned. "Uuuugh! If I knew she was such a lightweight I'd have gotten straight to work!" She exhaled and then leaned her head back, running a hoof through her mane. "So stupid Tempest."

E suddenly strolled on by, giving Tempest a curious look. "Somepony's looking frustrated."

Tempest growled, "Not now E!" I guess first thing we need to do is figure out that teleportation she does.

E shrugged at her and continued serving other customers as Lady Tempest huffed.

Princess Nightmare Moon groaned. "When did these events become so.... overbearing."

Angel Purity looked at her with earnest surprise. "Ah, has it been some time since you've been to one?"

Princess Nightmare Moon, still disguised, huffed. "Indeed, it seems it has." NRAGH! I do not wish to be here any longer than I have to. Already it feels as if I'm back in my banishment scouring this heaping lot of drunk ponies and admirers. So typical, how allured and hypnotized they are by looks alone. Next I will come as a bloody disfigured chimera and see how many of them are drawn to me then! Still it feels like eyes are upon me. Difficult to track down that runt when I might as well have come as myself regardless. UGH! A fierce glare shown in her eyes.

Angel Purity didn't fail to notice this. "Perhaps it would've been best to bring more friends?"

Princess Nightmare Moon turned that glare upon her then. "You think I'd be so foolish as to not?"

Angel Purity stuck her tongue out playfully, raising two hooves in defense. "But would more have hurt?"

Princess Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes. "I've no time for games. My prey distances herself as we speak."

Angel Purity smirked at her with a raised brow. "Such strong words. I find them intriguing. Prey, and all."

Princess Nightmare Moon shook her head with a groan. "I grow weary of sharp tongues as of late."

Angel Purity giggled softly, "Ironic coming from one whose tongue is that of a razor's edge."

As they trotted, suddenly coming into view was another pony who caught everypony's attention. It was none other than Princess Cadence herself, accompanied by her advisor, Lady Fluttershy. Cadence... ah, of course.

Angel Purity's eyes went wide. "O-Oh my, the Princess. I forgot she was in actual attendance!"

As they trotted and others looked upon them in awe, Princess Cadence took a moment from not acknowledging Fluttershy with a gleeful smile to then looking towards the disguised Nightmare Moon. "Hm?"

Princess Nightmare Moon had for a split second, forgotten she was disguised. Freezing up nervously. "Mmp."

Princess Cadence sighed heavily and looked at her with half closed eyes. "What're you wearing?"

Angel Purity's brows rose as she looked a bit confused. Then commenting, "T-That's quite rude."

Princess Nightmare Moon flushed red. "W-What are you talking about? I've no idea what you mean."

Princess Cadence rolled her eyes. "You know, it saddens me to realize almost immediately there is in no way you're here to support me seeing as you're wearing that ridiculous getup. So I only ask you this, please do not disturb my actual guests with your antics. I've no time nor patience for it." She huffed, and pressed on with Fluttershy, "Let's go Fluttershy." She smiled warmly at the pegasus and leaned her head down to nuzzle her.

Fluttershy looked up at Princess Cadence with wide confused eyes but nodded. "Y-Yes Princess." She gave Princess Nightmare Moon a confused look as well, still uncertain of who she was, but wasn't gonna spend time dwelling on it if Princess Cadence didn't find the necessity to either. She continued on alongside the Princess.

Angel Purity glanced over at Princess Nightmare Moon in complete shock. "You know her like that!?"

Princess Nightmare Moon sighed with relief. Thank you Cadence... albeit distasteful, you have not given up my ruse nonetheless. She glanced over at Angel Purity. "Aye, we are on not so good terms. Her and I. Regrettably."

Angel Purity let off some hushed laughter. "You get around quite a bit don't you?"

Princess Nightmare Moon glanced up in slight amusement. "One could say that."

Angel Purity smirked at her. "Still not enough to find the one you seek however."

Princess Nightmare Moon glared at her. "Don't push your luck now."

And soon stumbling out into the hallway was Twilight Sparkle, still in a drunken phase. "Got awaaaay!"

As the three now stood in the hall, accompanied by multiple other ponies, there was an undeniable tension between the three however. Particularly Princess Nightmare Moon who was practically frozen in place.

Another anonymous pony attempted helping Twilight. "A-Are you alright hun? Had too much?"

Twilight's tuxedo was now a disheveled mess, as she snickered at the pony. "What makes you say that!?"

Princess Nightmare Moon cut in. "You won't be smiling for long!" Boomed her voice!

All paused as all eyes fell upon Princess Nightmare Moon then, even Twilight's.

Princess Nightmare Moon grinned fiercely. "Theeeere you are! Finally! I will be rid of your plague on my mind!"

There was a period of brief awkward silence as nopony said anything.

Twilight Sparkle smiled warmly at her with a slight squint. "Do I know you?"

Princess Nightmare Moon flushed red, biting her lower lip in rage. "WHAT!?"

Twilight Sparkle questioned her again, now looking more amused and chuckling. "Do, I, know, you?"

Princess Nightmare Moon fumed! She stomped her way on over, lifting Twilight with ease with telekinetic magic by her collar. "Do you know me!? Do, you, know, meeeee!?" She removed the ring from her horn, shouting in her Canterlot voice. "Maybe this will jog your memory then!? You insolent child!" She wheezed.

Twilight Sparkle blinked a bit now as she watched the magic unveil itself, Princess Nightmare Moon's wings emerging from her sides as her mane became its more astral starry depiction. As she was now very obviously being held up by Princess Nightmare Moon, she was left in slight surprise. "O-Oh... Princess? It's you."

Princess Nightmare Moon was still red in the face. "Of course it's me! Is that all you have to say to me!?"

Suddenly the voices surrounding them got louder and louder. "I-It's the Princess!"

"Princess Nightmare Moon!? Here!?"

"Oh my god, Bella over here, Princess Nightmare Moon! She's actually here!"

"I've never seen Princess Nightmare in the flesh before. She's stunning!"

Princess Nightmare Moon suddenly glanced around in annoyance, cocking a brow as she noticed more and more of them drawing in closer. The fear that was often apparent suddenly replaced with courage? Was it the alcohol they'd all consumed. "Wait... back. Back!" She growled as she kept hold of Twilight as best as she could, as more ponies kept getting close to her, some actually being right up in her face with their admiration.

One pony gripped Princess Nightmare Moon's dress. "Princess! Please! Just one picture for my friends!"

Another shoved that pony aside. "Hey! Do you know her or something!? Back off! She's uncomfortable!"

That pony replied to the other. "You're just as close as me! Why don't YOU back off!?"

More antics ensued as ponies all surrounding the Princess all began to break out in small scuffles.

As the Princess was assaulted, Twilight felt the telekinetic grip upon her loosen. She glanced down at herself before looking to Princess Nightmare Moon in slight concern. "I guess it makes sense, since she's so popular." Twilight turned before bumping into somepony else. "H-Huh?" As she looked up to catch a glimpse of who, Twilight was suddenly overcome with an intense fear. Dread filled her expression as she peered upwards.

Having returned to the situation after hearing the ruckus her Auntie was causing, Princess Cadence looked down at Twilight with slight surprise, but ultimately an indifferent stare. "...Twilight? Now isn't this a surprise."

Twilight began trembling as she eyed Cadence as if she'd seen a ghost.

Princess Cadence continued looking down at her, as her eyes saddened a little. "How have you been?"

Author's Note:

Hello all, it's been awhile as you can tell! But hopefully I'm back in the swing of things. Won't make any immediate promises as I realize life is unpredictable but happy to be back! Hope all is well. :twilightsmile: