• Published 15th Apr 2020
  • 6,645 Views, 287 Comments

The Devil's Prize - MerryMelancholy

Princess Nightmare Moon has it all. Socially awkward shut in Twilight Sparkle has nothing of worth. Princess Nightmare Moon can acquire anything she desires. Twilight Sparkle can't seem to catch a break. So why's the Princess desire Twilight Sparkle?

  • ...

Chapter 5: These Golden Days

Taking place hours before Princess Nightmare Moon had awaken...

Moondancer sat neatly within a small cozy back office. She wore a plain brown jacket with a red scarf. Outside the window, she could see ponies trotting casually, as the sun was beginning to set. Twilight should have left class by now. She glanced down worriedly, in deep thought. I do hope she's ready for that masquerade tonight.

Suddenly making her way inside was an older mare, shutting the door behind her. "Ah, I'm sorry about that Sweetie. Just had to take care of an issue at the front desk." She went behind her desk and sat, smiling. "So where were we? Ah, yes. I wanted to talk about your um... best friend's background." She looked to Moondancer curiously, "Her qualifications far outweigh what is necessary to work in this library. However, since she is unable to be here herself, I'd like your outside... albeit biased, perspective. We dug a bit into her history, but I believe there was more to it of course." She folded her hooves over the front desk, "Go ahead."

Moondancer's eyes widened a bit before she smiled, looking down as her eyes closed halfway, fondly. "Ever since she was little, Twilight has always been a little closed off. She can be hard to reach, but when you do reach her, you find somepony so invaluable. Like with her books, she invests in you and inherently cares about what you're saying. Though she might not even realize it." She frowned a bit, but her eyes still showed adoration. "It's that integrity that can draw some to Twilight. Even if it's against her own best interests."

The older librarian's eyes widened. "Ah it sounds like she's very caring." She smirked a bit slyly at Moondancer. "It also sounds like you're very protective of her. I see those eyes of yours, that fond adoration like a sister."

Moondancer blushed before looking away, embarrassed a little and laughing softly. "Hahaha, ah yes. Um, Twilight is very precious to me." Her eyes saddened in further reflection, "Life hasn't been easy for her."

Moondancer thought back to a time in their childhood, of her and Twilight playing hide and seek in their home.

Moondancer snickered, her horn glowing as she hid beside a cabinet. Heh heh heh, Twilight still doesn't know I've been studying illusion. She never said that the chameleon spell was against the rules. The filly smirked, finishing her cast before blending in with the surrounding environment. Their home wasn't a gigantic mansion, but still big enough to make hide and seek a fun little game. Come and get me Twilight, hmhmhm. She crouched stealthily.

Twilight soon finished counting, both her eyes covered with her hooves as she faced a corner. "Three, two, one! Ready or not, here I come Moondancer!" She giggled softly to herself in excitement and anticipation.

As Twilight raced around the home, she searched practically every nook and corner, and soon almost an hour had passed. Her laughter and excitement gradually faded away as her eyes turned to ones of worry. Still, she attempted to have fun with the game and laugh, but there was an obvious change in her demeanor. "M-Moondancer?" Twilight would reach up and touch her horn every few minutes. "Moondaaaancer... hehe."

Moondancer stalked Twilight, covering her muzzle as she snickered to herself watching her search for her.

More minutes gradually passed as Twilight's movements became slower and more sluggish, as she no longer smiled or laughed. She would wander their empty home as it was just them currently, and appear more paranoid and observant. Her eyes were full-on worry now as she wandered outside, around their home, and back inside and re-searched areas she had before. She'd hold a hoof to her horn, "M-Mooooondancer?"

Moondancer would snicker behind her, still hiding. Gosh, this is taking forever! Behind you dummy.

Twilight lowered her head as her eyes had become exponentially worried and filled with dread. She seemed lost in thought, as she still held a hoof to her horn. "M-Moondancer?" She'd force herself to chuckle softly.

Moondancer rolled her eyes while standing behind Twilight. Ugh! What's she just standing there for? Is she giving up al-... Moondancer paused, as her eyes widened a bit. Ready? She noticed Twilight was trembling suddenly.

Twilight sniffled as her eyes were now shut tight and she continued to hold a hoof to her horn. Tears and snot drizzled down her face as she trembled and pleaded, "Moondancer? A-Are you still out there?" She lowered herself onto the ground as her distraught sobs became more intense and she muttered brokenly, "I'm sorry."

Moondancer rushed forward as she'd realized, and immediately canceled her chameleon spell. She lowered herself beside Twilight, "T-Twilight! Hi! I'm right here silly!" She smiled down at her, "I-I'm right here."

Twilight sniffled, as she looked over and up at Moondancer and then immediately leaped into her, hugging her tightly and pulling her down to the floor. She never loosened her grip, "Moondancer! You're here!"

Moondancer held onto Twilight worriedly, patting her mane. "Mhm, I-I'm right here okay?"

Twilight continued to nuzzle into her, crying softly as she didn't let go. "You're right here..."

Moondancer nodded reassuringly, "Mhm." She glanced down worriedly towards the floorboards.

Moondancer came back to the present and was fairly silent, still lost in deep reflection from back then.

The old librarian looked to her worriedly, "Dear, are you alright? You spaced out there."

Moondancer blinked a few times and shook her head, before looking back to the mare. "A-Ah yes Ma'am. I'm sorry, I was just thinking back to some things." She frowned a bit, "And wIshing I had all the answers."

Meanwhile, both Twilight and Twinkleshine were still at the mall, prepping for the Masquerade that night.

Twinkleshine sat in a chair, waiting for Twilight to come out of the dressing room, bored. "Twiiilight, come on."

Twilight ended up coming out at first in a tight blue dress with bright yellow swirl patterns coursing down the backend. It reached all the way to Twilight's hooves, as it hugged her chest tightly as well. She herself wore an expression of unease. "Um... Twinkleshine." She'd glance at her backend, then up and down with uncertainty.

Twinkleshine cocked her head to the left. "So? What'cha think?" She smiled in anticipation. "Amazing right?"

Twilight pulled at the frontal area as it snapped back against her chest. "Ah, tight... uncomfortable. A little long."

Twinkleshine's brows furrowed as she groaned. "Well, I did my best Twilight! Why're you so mean to me!?"

Twilight gave her a single cocked brow and confused look. "I know. I never said you didn't Twinkleshine."

Twinkleshine glared at her, pointing a hoof. "Don't get sassy with me! I'm here to help you ya know!"

Twilight frowned a bit, "I'm sorry if you interpreted it that way Twinkleshine. I was trying to be honest."

Twinkleshine crossed her hooves and growled, "Then you go choose something if that's hooooonestly how you feel! Go on, shoo shoo!" She looked away and up with a huff. "Let's see how much better you do out there!"

Twilight blinked a bit at Twinkleshine, before shrugging and going off to rummage through clothes for a few minutes. After a bit of time had passed, she looked at Twinkleshine with a hopeful smile. "H-Hey Twinkleshine, I think I found something I like." She looked down at it as it was folded in one hoof. "Want to see?"

Twinkleshine remained in her prior position, before shooing Twilight. "Well then, let's go see it then! Go on, let's see how much better you are at picking clothes for yourself! Hmph!" She grumbled. "Can't wait for this."

Twilight closed her eyes and smiled. "Okay. Be right back then."

Twinkleshine turned red and fumed in her seat. "Rrrrrrrrrrr!"

At least another 30 minutes had passed, as Twinkleshine continued to sit grumpily in her seat.

Twinkleshine eventually roared, "Twilight! How long does it take to try on a dress!?"

The dressing room door slowly creaked open, as Twilight trotted out.

Twinkleshine remained angry... until her expression slowly dissipated into one of shock instead. "T-Twilight!..."

Twilight stood there proudly in a dark blue tuxedo with a white undershirt and pale pink bowtie. "Mhm."

Twinkleshine was at a loss for words, before she put a hoof to her face. "Twilight... you need to wear a dress."

Twilight raised a brow at her, "Really? Those specifications were in the dress code?"

Twinkleshine flinched before looking away with unease. "W-Well no, it's just... you're a mare and it's weird."

Twilight blinked a few times and glanced down at herself with a slight frown. "Hm, I think it's stylish."

Twinkleshine sighed, "Well that's why I'm here Twilight, I-I'm supposed to help you make the best choice."

Twilight shrugged, "I like the colors. It fits perfectly. And it stands out. Weren't these your prior criteria?"

Twinkleshine frowned, eyes saddening for Twilight. "You know what Twilight, if you want to wear some tuxedo to the party, then fine! You do you, but... don't come crying to me when other ponies start questioning you!"

Twilight smiled at Twinkleshine, a bit confused. "Okay, I won't. I'll just tell them the same thing."

Twinkleshine slapped a hoof to her forehead. "I really don't know how I deal with you sometimes Twilight..."

More time passed as Twinkleshine ended up choosing a dress of her own, and the two proceeded to checkout.

The cashier finished bagging Twilight's tuxedo. "Oh, shopping for your special somepony?"

Twilight raised a brow at her before taking the bag and smiling softly, shaking her head. "Naw, just me."

The cashier blinked a few times before tilting her head to the right.

Twinkleshine finished purchasing her dress, then shoving Twilight along gently. "Let's gooooo Twilight." She gave a nervous smile towards the cashier, giving her a shooing motion. "J-Just ignore her. She's a comedian."

As they made their way out the store, they headed for some of the elevators up ahead, trotting casually. Twinkleshine stood beside Twilight, tossing an occasional glance over at her as she appeared somewhat nervous and uncertain. "T-Twilight... by chance you know anything about the founding of MACdonalds?"

Twilight glanced over at Twinkleshine, both brows raised in curiosity due to the question. "Oh um, not really. I just know it's the fastest-growing fast-food chain in Equestria over the last few years. That's no small feat."

Twinkleshine's eyes widened more worriedly due to Twilight's answer before she looked down. "A-Ah... I see." She paused, eyes closing halfway with a frown. She then looked over at Twilight with excited anticipation. "Anyways... you excited for the Masquerade tonight Twilight? I'm so happy you're coming out with us!"

Twilight glanced up in thought, before looking over at Twinkleshine with a gentle smile. "I'm excited and happy I'll be spending time there with my closest friends." She closed her eyes then. "It'll be a nice change of pace."

Twinkleshine nodded at Twilight in a hopeful manner, just as excited. "Y-Yeah it will!"

As the two reached the elevator, the familiar voice of Starlight called out to them from behind. "Hey, girls!"

Both Twinkleshine and Twilight paused, as Twinkleshine turned around with excitement. "Aye! Starlight!"

Both Starlight and Sunburst stood together a couple of feet back before Starlight rushed on ahead.

The two mares trotted to one another merrily, acting as if they hadn't seen one another in forever.

Both Twilight and Sunburst looked to one another with blank expressions. Twilight broke the silence between them first, blinking a few times as she lowered her head a tad bit and raised her brows at him. "Hi Sunburst."

Sunburst gulped and nodded to her, glancing away nervously before smiling back at her. "H-Hey Twilight."

Twilight made her way up to him, eyeing his bag curiously. "How'd your guys' shopping go?"

Sunburst hurriedly shut his bag super tight before pulling it away from Twilight. "Oh! G-Good! Just a tuxedo and mask. Nothing too fancy you know." He rubbed at the back of his neck, "Starlight picked for me." He smiled back down at Twilight, just as curious. "So what about you? I'd love to hear about what you chose out."

Twilight glanced into her bag. "Ah same. Tuxedo, but Minuette is getting us our masks."

Sunburst nodded, "Ah I see that's so-" he raised a brow, "Wait... tuxedo?"

Starlight latched onto Sunburst. "Babe, hey hey, let's walk the girls home. We got some time to kill."

Twinkleshine made her way next to Twilight again, smiling widely. "Yeah, it's basically your guys' same way."

Sunburst glanced down at Starlight worriedly. "S-Sweetie, we were going to take a cart to save time."

Starlight glared up at him, "Babe. We'll be fine! Stop being a worry worm and just say yes."

Sunburst glanced down to the lower right with a sigh. "Well... didn't think it was an order but okay."

Starlight smirked at him, leaning up and nuzzling his cheek. "You should know that by now Babe."

Sunburst's brows furrowed a bit in honest irritation as he shook his head. But momentarily, he looked at Twilight who looked back at him with a blank and curious look, before smiling. This caused him to smile.

Starlight cocked a single brow as she didn't fail to notice this, then looked at Twilight in confusion.

Twilight glanced over at Starlight with a blank look again, before smiling at her too.

Starlight's nose wrinkled as her eyes were now filled with shock and skepticism.

Twinkleshine latched onto Starlight now as their elevator beeped for arrival. "Starlight!"

Starlight flinched, giving Twinkleshine now a look of annoyance momentarily.

Twinkleshine continued, "So what were you saying about Trixie? You've been to her place right!?"

As Twinkleshine was latched onto her, Sunburst suddenly moved away from her and made his way into the elevator, to which Twilight was already standing, rummaging through her bag. Starlight watched the two stand in the elevator, as her expression was filled with dread and paranoia at the mere sight of them next to one another. Twinkleshine lead her along into that same elevator, still speaking to her, but Starlight wasn't listening.

Eventually the whole way home, Starlight noticed Sunburst's interaction with Twilight. At this point, she'd practically drowned out Twinkleshine the whole way through, just casually observing her special somepony and Twilight Sparkle a few feet ahead of her as they trotted. Though Twilight looked indifferent, Sunburst looked so at peace, trotting in the sunset down the gorgeous tiled streets of Canterlot City. Eventually, they reached the point where they'd part ways and where Twinkleshine and Twilight's apartment complex was located.

Twinkleshine finally let go of Starlight and pulled out her pocket watch, "See. Still good on time!" She hugged Starlight, "Thanks for listening Starlight, you're always such a caring friend. Tell Trixie I said hi!"

Starlight muttered, "M-Mhm, of course." She continued to observe Twilight and Sunburst.

Sunburst chuckled, rubbing at the back of his neck as he said farewell to Twilight. "W-Well, see you later?"

Twilight nodded to him, smiling. "Mhm, though might be fairly difficult while we're wearing masks."

Twinkleshine grabbed Twilight and nudged her, "Come on Twi, let's go do last-minute checkups."

Twilight nodded to Twinkleshine, "Okay." She waved at Sunburst as she was pulled away, "See you Sunburst." She then looked over at Starlight who stood off on her own, "See you Starlight." And waved at her too.

Starlight flinched, before glaring subtly at Twilight, then smiling warmly. "See you Twilight."

Twilight blinked a bit at her, before smiling gently back. She then departed with Twinkleshine.

Sunburst made his way up to Starlight. "Hey, Sweetie, ready to go? Sorry for giving you a hard time." He rubbed at the back of his neck, "I guess I am happy we did take time to trot back. I feel much more at ease haha."

Starlight's face darkened as her eyes were now wide and unreadable, peering up at Sunburst intensely.

Sunburst appeared nervous, as he chuckled. "S-Sweetie? You okay?"

Starlight smiled as she wrapped a hoof around Sunburst, "Of course Babe, as long as we're together I'm fine."

Sunburst looked down at her skeptically at first, then smiled at her affectionately. "Yeah."

From there, the couple trotted off back towards the direction of their own apartment.

As they trotted off, sitting on a bench in the distance was Applejack, still wearing her mask and shades. She appeared lost in thought, as she cared little for Sunburst or Starlight. However, as Twilight and Twinkleshine disappeared from sight, she slowly leaned up from her seat and patted herself off. She thought back to her encounter with Twinkleshine at the mall, as she began making her way down an opposing direction.

Applejack inquired. "You and your friend will be heading to the Masquerade tonight, yes?"

Twinkleshine looked back up at her, a bit surprised she knew but not questioning it. "Ah, yes. Yes, we will be."

Applejack closed her eyes and chuckled. "Would you mind doing me a small favor then?"

Twinkleshine smiled up at her brightly, "Of course! ... But uh, what's the favor?" She appeared semi worried.

Applejack smiled warmly. "Once you arrive, tell your friend you'll meet her at the banquet area as you grab drinks. In return," She pulled out a small card. "I'll give you this. It is card that'll allow you free drinks all night, no charge."

Twinkleshine gasped as she took the card, "Y-You'll really give me this? But why? Why separate us from Twilight?"

Applejack looked at Twinkleshine slyly. "Don't worry, I won't hurt her. I just need to speak with her alone."

Twinkleshine nervously held onto the card, appearing guilty. "F-Fine, but if you hurt her or she goes missing or anything, remember I know who you are! I-I don't care how famous you are. You better not do anything!"

Applejack smirked at her fondly. "Thank you, love. You just have fun, and enjoy your free drinks." She trotted off then, before glancing back at her momentarily. "Please do be at ease, I'm a mare of my word. I promise you that."

Applejack smiled as she trotted. Finally, after so long. We can do this appropriately this time.

As the hour towards the Masquerade drew closer, other happenings were still at work.

Both Rarity and Lady Tempest made their way into a small cafe at the heart of Ponyville. However, Rarity's mane was now a bright blue as her eyes were a shimmering gold. She glanced over at Lady Tempest, "It would be simple to cast you a temporary makeup spell darling. Would it not hurt to keep your identity a bit safer?"

Lady Tempest smirked as they trotted. "Rarity, I'm no celebrity like you. The citizens of Equestria do not know of a military commander such as myself, they could care less about such things. Ironically, it is you status symbol ponies who have more control over the narrative and say-so of our world than those of us in actual branches of power." She glanced over at Rarity, "So you can spare me your fancy illusionary magic spells. But thank you."

The cafe was cozy and semi-populated. Ponyville ever since being the closest settlement to the Princesses' castle, had bolstered in revenue and status. Many ponies came from all around to visit, and thus, Ponyville had become a trademark visiting location for many tourists. The town was now ripe with wealth and beauty, with paved tiled roads and lush scenery around every corner. As Rarity and Lady Tempest had received their lattes, they decided to take a cozy seat outside and enjoy some of the sights. Rarity smiled, "Ah, this is nice."

Lady Tempest looked out to the town. "It truly is, I am thankful I can live to see it."

Rarity frowned a bit at her, "Ugh, now that is morbid darling. More admiring, less reflecting."

Lady Tempest chuckled, amused by Rarity. "Very well Rarity, I will not reflect on my wartorn past." She glanced over at her, "But what of yours? Have you always had this eye for beauty ever since you were a filly?"

Rarity sipped her latte, "Ah no no no no. To tell you the truth, when I was a filly, it was hard for me to find inspiration at one point. But there was this critique of one of my works that inspired me so much to be better."

Lady Tempest's eyes widened as she looked over at Rarity now, curious, as she folded her hooves beneath her chin and peered right at her. "Oh? Tell me more about this. It sounds quite interesting." She smirked keenly.

Rarity shook her head. "Oh trust me, it's not that fascinating." Rarity however did show a hint of hidden frustration. "Just this one pony absolutely trashed one of my first designs when I was up and coming. Total lack of respect! Rrrrrrr, it had been when I submitted it to the local competition and various critiques came from all around. Sadly we went by nicknames in the papers to protect our identities so I could never prove her wrong directly. But, I shall never forget this pony. Nor that ridiculous idiotic name." She huffed grumpily, fuming.

Lady Tempest snickered, having difficulty holding in her laughter. "Oh now I must know, what was the name?"

Rarity glared at Tempest, taking it a bit personally as she spoke it with a deep growl. "Smarty Pants."

Lady Tempest burst into hushed laughter, "Hmhmhmhm, Rarity. That is hiiiiilarious. Really? Smarty Pants!"

Rarity blushed, snarling at Tempest. "It's not funny! Her critique drove me to madness for many years!"

Lady Tempest wheezed, ducking her head a bit beneath the table. "Smaaarty Pants, Rarity's greatest foe!"

Another voice echoed from the background in a separate conversation, "Twilight is gonna love this!"

Both Rarity and Lady Tempest immediately froze, looking at one another in utter silence.

Sitting in the background at another table was Minuette wearing a sunhat. She was accompanied by Lemon Hearts, Lyra, and Bon Bon. Minuette held up a black masquerade mask with silver glitter. "I think it's got that midnight mystique to it. Twilight has always been into this sort of stuff. She is tooootally gonna have a blast at the masquerade tonight! The selection here in Ponyville turned out better than Canterlot's ironically!"

Lyra smirked at Minuette. "Yeah I was surprised by that too. Bon Bon, how'd you know?"

Bon Bon who was seated close beside Lyra chuckled, rubbing at the back of her neck. "Well I get around quite a bit. Ponyville has always had the best stock of supplies ever since the Princess moved next door." She shrugged, smiling warmly at Minuette. "I'm glad your friend will like it, she sounds really interesting."

Minuette giggled as she shut her eyes and leaned forward a bit. "She iiiiiis she iiiiiis! You'll love her!"

Lemon Hearts cut in. "Yeah Twilight can be a bit out there sometimes, but she's overall really nice."

Lyra nodded in agreement, looking to Bon Bon. "Mhm, Twilight really has a unique personality."

Bon Bon chuckled softly, looking to each of them somewhat nervously. "Well I do like the strange ones."

Lyra blinked a bit at Bon Bon, not saying anything but raising a brow at her skeptically.

Minuette pressed a hoof against her chest playfully, "But Twilight's the best type of strange!"

Bon Bon smirked a bit with curious anticipation. "Hey, I'll take your word for it." She glanced down at a bag in front of Minuette, "So what about you and Twinkleshine's. You guys like them? They're a pretty nice find, right?"

Minuette cheered. "Like them? I LOVE them! You're the absolute best Bon Bon! Really!"

Bon Bon blushed, she rubbed at the back of her neck again. "Ugh, I try I try."

Minuette tilted her head at Bon Bon, excitedly. "Speaking of which! Hooooow did you manage to nab all these tickets? I mean, this isn't an easy party to get into right? It must've been so hard to acquire one for all of us!"

Bon Bon shrugged. "Ah it was no biggie, I've got me connections from back in the day."

Lyra looked to Bon Bon, legitimately curious. "What in the heck did you do back in the day?"

As both Lady Tempest and Rarity listened closely, Rarity smirked, whispering ."This just seems to get more and more fun." She paused, tilting her head at Tempest. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking... Lady Tempest?"

Lady Tempest smirked back at Rarity, "Sounds like we need to do a little shopping ourselves."

Meanwhile, Minuette continued to chuckle and laugh in the background. "Yeah Bon Bon, we're all ears!"

For Twilight, the hours seemed to fly by, as before she knew it, the time of the Masquerade had come.

Twilight was dressed fully in her tuxedo, which fit nice and proper. "Thanks, Moondancer."

Moondancer adjusted Twilight's bowtie, blushing intensely. "Twilight, I still can't believe you're wearing this."

Twilight raised a brow at her slightly. "That's hard to fathom considering you're actively touching it."

Moondancer rolled her eyes and sighed. "Okay okay, I get it Twilight. No need to be a smarty pants."

Twinkleshine came out of her room in a beautiful pink dress with yellow sparkles. She was adorned in makeup and some jewelry. "Oh my gosh, Twilight... if you were a stallion. I would totally date you ya know."

Moondancer glanced over at Twinkleshine, still helping Twilight. "You look lovely Twinkleshine."

Twinkleshine smirked, puffing up her mane. "Don't I? You should've come too Moondancer."

Moondancer shook her head. "No no, you girls have fun. I've got other plans tonight anyway."

Twinkleshine leaned in, with a brow raised slyly. "Other plans? Or a certain stallion maybe?"

Moondancer blushed heavily, as she looked away and ran a hoof through her mane. "W-What!? Don't.... Don't be ridiculous Twinkleshine, you idiot. Just a study session. Besides, I have nothing else to do by myself!"

Twinkleshine scoffed, "Uhuuuuh. Sure. Well, you have fun with your study partner." She made her way up and beside Twilight, "Come on Twilight. Let's hurry up, the girls should already be waiting for us nearby."

As Twinkleshine dragged her along, Twilight waved at Moondancer with a nervous smile. "B-Bye Moondancer."

Moondancer watched the two depart out the front door, as waiting further outside in a more open area was Minuette, already with Lyra, Lemon Hearts, and Bon Bon. Each of them already wearing their masks. Moondancer watched all the way up to the point Twilight had joined the group, making for a total of six... a bit more than she expected. But safety in numbers so it put Moondancer at ease. She watched from a railing, waving at them as they went. As Twilight took a second to give her an extra farewell wave, Moondancer's heart ached. She tried not to drown herself with worry, so she smiled at her reassuringly. Stay safe for me.... please.

At the sight of the Masquerade, at the top of a balcony overlooking the entirety of the main lobby, stood Princess Cadence. The entirety of the main lobby floor was a spotless velvet red. Dozens of butlers and waitresses stood on duty, ready to commit to serving all their guests who'd be coming shortly. Gold ornaments hung around every corner, as a large chandelier hung in the middle. She looked towards the grand wooden doors ahead, with a nervous smile. "Thank you so much for being here Fluttershy, this means the world to me."

Princess Cadence was in a royal blue dress with a variety of ornaments, and her own mask being worn.

Approaching behind Princess Cadence was Fluttershy, sporting a fashionable two bunned mane style. She too wore a mask as she held onto a bouquet of flowers. "You're welcome, Princess. Um, will Princess Nightmare Moon be coming? You did say this would be paramount to discussions with the Saddle Arabians, yes?"

Princess Cadence looked down at the main lobby. "No, I doubt it. I sent her word of this party in a letter at least a month ago and she never said anything. She never cares about these things, only herself. I've grown a bit tired of expecting anything more from Auntie Nightmare these days." She glanced back at Fluttershy with a warm caring smile, "But... that's alright because you're here Fluttershy. Your kindness always keeps me calm."

Fluttershy blushed, sheepishly looking to her lower right as she muttered. "Of course Ma'am. T-Thank you for your kind words. I uh... never thought I offered much. But, I'll keep doing my best for you. I promise."

Princess Cadence turned around and placed a hoof beneath Fluttershy's chin. "Fluttershy, never doubt yourself. I call upon you time and again for a reason. In a world as nonsensical as this, you are one of the last things that give me any sense of clarity. You are a beloved advisor." She nuzzled her softly, "Now, let us go play host."

Fluttershy nodded as she smiled sheepishly at Princess Cadence. "Yes, I'll stay at your side, Ma'am."