• Published 15th Apr 2020
  • 6,645 Views, 287 Comments

The Devil's Prize - MerryMelancholy

Princess Nightmare Moon has it all. Socially awkward shut in Twilight Sparkle has nothing of worth. Princess Nightmare Moon can acquire anything she desires. Twilight Sparkle can't seem to catch a break. So why's the Princess desire Twilight Sparkle?

  • ...

Chapter 18: A Good Princess - Part 5

That same night, in time... Shining Armor and Cadence also found time for themselves as Twilight slept.

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor sat alone on a rooftop in Canterlot City. Together they remained huddled close to one another, peering up at the vast expanse of endless stars and the bright moon. Though, Cadence's eyes couldn't help but sadden every time she looked upon it, for her Auntie Celestia's image outlined upon its surface would always remind her of the worst day of her life. She turned her gaze downward then.

Shining Armor noticed this, as he looked at her in concern. "What's on your mind?"

Princess Cadence shook her head with a sigh. "Everytime I think on my own happiness, I'm reminded that there is a part of me that's deeply unsatisfied. I feel stuck, in this absent space between love and hate."

Shining Armor frowned as he looked down in thought. "It's about the Princess?"

Princess Cadence's brows furrowed in frustration as she gritted her teeth, before shouting, "She doesn't even ponder how I feel! She doesn't know what it's like to live with this feeling! Of keeping my mouth shut because of my love for both her and Auntie Celestia! I recognize that she's suffered, I recognize that she could've chosen not to spare me, but I recognize that she's my family too! So why can't she do the same!? In her thousands of years of wisdom, why has she instead chosen to focus only on her bottomless pit of suffering and not love and forgiveness!? If it weren't for you and Twilight, I don't know how I'd deal with all my frustrations with her."

Shining Armor looked to Cadence earnestly but seemed mixed on the matter. He looked down again.

Princess Cadence caught sight of this, showing a hint of anger. "You think I'm wrong?"

Shining Armor shook his head, smiling at her. "Wrong? No, of course not." He seemed deeply lost in thought, as he looked down again. "But I also don't believe the Princess sees her perceptions as wrong. I feel... perhaps, she too has come to her own conclusion about the world. One that contradicts ours. In my time as guard captain, I've seen many such situations. Criminals who thought they were justified in their crimes against the nobles. Nobles who thought they were justified in their treatment of everyday citizens. As captain, it's my job to adhere to the written laws... but... I cannot help but intervene when I witness something that feels truly wrong. Am I right to do so? I'm not so sure. But I know I'm constantly debating my positions, and responsibilities."

Princess Cadence huffed, crossing her hooves, still not convinced. "She doesn't have such self-reflection."

Shining Armor smirked a bit in amusement. "Perhaps you're right. Though, I'd like to think of the Princess as somepony who has experienced much, and simply came to a different conclusion about the world. That doesn't mean she's right, nor does it mean we need to follow in her hoof steps, but it does allow us to make sense of her actions in our own way." He smiled at Cadence again, earnestly. "I'm sure you simply being there for her has its affects, even if you don't see them. I'm sure as stubborn and cemented as she is on her views, there's a part of her that ponders her positions. She's just grown much more accustomed to hiding it all away, in that armor of hers." His eyes saddened at the thought, "Pain... can truly change somepony at their core."

Princess Cadence sighed, looking down now in contemplation. "Well... when you put it all like that." She huffed again, before shoving Shining Armor. "Agh! You're so annoying! You know that!? Why can't you just let me be a grumpy brooding Princess, huh!?" She suddenly rose, before raising a hoof confidently to the moon with determination. "But... you're right. Auntie Nightmare is just more complicated is all, and like with anypony, she too loves and hurts. I simply have to figure out how to reach her and teach her about how bright the world can be." She smirked to herself, "I can do it." She glanced back at Shining Armor affectionately, "Thank you."

Shining Armor snickered, looking at her affectionately as well. "Don't thank me, you could always do it."

Princess Cadence closed her eyes halfway before she turned and strode towards him both slowly and playfully. Soon she put her forehooves upon his shoulders, peering straight into his eyes with a deep adoration. "Where exactly did you come from? First you rescue me from certain despair, then become my biggest supporter in a world that is still grieving its lost Princess. Was this your plan all along you sly smooth talker of a stallion?"

Shining Armor blushed intensely as he was taken aback. "W-What!? N-No, that's not-"

Princess Cadence placed a hoof on his muzzle, "Shhhh. I'm only messing with you, ya goof." She booped his nose softly, before pressing her forehead against his, smiling earnestly as she peered into his eyes. "Do you forget what Princess you're talking to? I knew your intentions were pure a long time ago, which still begs the question, where exactly did you come from? Only destiny could've gifted me such a perfect partner in crime."

Shining Armor couldn't help but sigh with relief as he looked her in the eyes back, and then wrapped his forehooves around her and held her close. "I don't know... everything with you just feels, right? I could say the same to you. You're so pure hearted, kind, and caring towards everypony else around you. You bear the weight of the world on your shoulders." His eyes saddened as he looked down in disappointment of himself, "I can't fathom how a plain guard captain such as myself could hope to stand beside somepony so inspiring... "

Princess Cadence could tell he wanted to continue, as she playfully muttered. "Go on."

Shining Armor huffed, blushing intensely yet again as he exclaimed with certainty. "And beautiful."

Princess Cadence blushed then as well, before she raised her forehooves a bit and instead wrapped them around the back of Shining Armor's neck. She closed her eyes halfway, before closing them fully and leaning into him without warning and kissing him softly on his muzzle. She then leaned forward, pushing him down.

Shining Armor simply let everything flow naturally, as he wrapped his hooves around her tighter as well.

Together they laid on that rooftop, getting lost in a feeling of mutual infatuation for the time being.

Hours turned to days, days weeks, and weeks to months... for Cadence, such peace felt everlasting.

Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, and Twilight all trailed down a seemingly endless hallway. Princess Cadence looked to a window at the far end, seeing the sunlight pour through with satisfaction. She commented absently, "It seems I'm getting a bit better at this day by day. Though I still need Auntie Nightmare's help from time to time, I've gotten quite used to being able to communicate with the land's rotation to appropriately produce a familiar night and day cycle." She smiled to herself, looking down as she trotted. "Auntie Celestia will be proud when she returns someday." She chuckled, before focusing on the path ahead again. "Now, almost there."

Shining Armor looked to Cadence in slight inquiry, "Speaking of which Cadence, when does Princess Nightmare Moon expect to be back? She is taking an awfully long time in the Frozen North. Any updates from her?"

Princess Cadence shook her head. "Only in my dreams, and they are often brief and obscure." She sighed, closing her eyes halfway in slight annoyance. "Auntie Nightmare Moon values her privacy when it comes to her plans for the future. Though a lot of it she exclaims is due to my ignorance of the nature of the world. I admit, I do not know as much as she does, but it doesn't mean I shouldn't be kept in the loop." She glanced back at Shining, "But to answer your question Shining, I've no timeframe of when she expects to return. However, she does exclaim that once she is finished, we will assuredly have a long-standing foothold in the north... "

Shining Armor's eyes widened. "S-So, she managed to-"

Princess Cadence nodded, before looking down. "Liberate the north from the evil which plagued it."

Shining Armor looked down in bewilderment. "Not even Princess Celestia could fully cleanse the evil in the north. I must admit, Princess Nightmare Moon albeit ruthless, does not set out to leave things undone."

Princess Cadence sighed as they trotted. "That ruthlessness can be efficient... but I fear the cost will come with time. Unbeknownst to us." She suddenly stopped before a pair of large grand doors, looking up at them. "But I guess that is a day I will not worry about for the time being. For now, I wish to focus on the present."

Shining Armor nodded at her with a warm and affectionate smile.

Princess Cadence returned that look right back at him, with greater adoration.

Meanwhile Twilight glanced up at the large doors they stood in front of. "Where are we?"

Princess Cadence then looked down at her. "Somewhere you will certainly love, Twilight."

Twilight raised a curious brow at her, before looking back up at the doors.

Princess Cadence with a slight push of her hoof, let the doors fly open.

Before them now was the sight of the grand Canterlot Castle library.

Twilight's eyes practically sparkled, as her expression alit with joy. She was speechless, before scurrying past both Cadence and Shining Armor, prancing around as she couldn't fathom where to start. "YEEEEEEE!"

Shining Armor held out a hoof to her, "T-Twilight... calm down now, it's not that serious."

Cadence cast him an intense glare, speaking solely with the fury in her eyes.

Shining Armor flinched, before rubbing the back of his neck with a sigh.

Princess Cadence then made her way inside the library, after Twilight. "I knew you'd like it."

Twilight spun in a few more circles, before stopping directly in front of Cadence. "Like it!? I LOVE it!"

Princess Cadence chuckled, "Oh my! Well... don't let me keep you Twilight, go on, explore and have fun." She paused, "There's many books that've gathered dust in here, and this library hasn't been used since... well... Auntie Celestia was still around." She frowned, looking down with a saddened gaze. "But I felt in my promise to support you, what better idea than to give you access to the beloved library of a Princess of Equestria." She winked at Twilight, "But don't go bragging now, or else I'll have to take away your library pass. Okay?"

Twilight ran up to Cadence and gave a tight hug around her hoof. "Thank you, Cadence... I love you."

Princess Cadence's eyes widened, before she blushed and then smiled earnestly. "I love you too, Twilight."

Shining Armor looked upon them with a smile of adoration, as he simply remained silent and observed.

Suddenly however, a sharp and commanding voice rang out in Cadence's mind. Cease!

Princess Cadence flinched in pain, raising a hoof to her temple. "Agh!" She gritted her teeth.

The voice, feminine and somewhat distant, yet still sharp and penetrative continued. Cease!

Twilight took a few trots back from Cadence, looking at her in concern. "C-Cadence?"

Shining Armor suddenly looked just as concerned, as he rushed in and to her side. "Cadence!?"

Princess Cadence kept the hoof to her temple, groaning some. "A-Agh! Do you... do you hear that?"

The voice continued. Too soon! It paused, fading in and out of understanding. T-Too, destiny... incorrect!

Princess Cadence attempted to focus; her eyes shut tight as she muttered. "W-Who, are you?"

The voice remained distant, hard to decipher, with its remaining words fading away. P-Please! Cease...

Then... just as quickly as it'd came, the voice fell into complete silence, departing entirely.

Princess Cadence slowly opened her eyes as she blinked a few times, then looked down at her own forehoof in concern. Almost as if pondering if she were truly awake. She looked to Shining Armor and Twilight as well, "D-Did either of you hear that? It was a voice. S-She... she was calling out to me it seemed. But then..."

Shining Armor shook his head. "No, I didn't hear any voice. Are you certain it wasn't Princess Nightmare?"

Cadence shook her head, frowning still in concern. "No... it was different, unfamiliar." She looked down at the floor then, now pondering what the words could've meant. "Was it some form of magic? I don't understand."

Twilight looked up at Cadence in concern. "Cadence? Are you okay? S-Should we go see a doctor?"

Cadence paused to look down at Twilight, her eyes still filled with concern. However, upon seeing Twilight's worried expression, her own troubles eased away as she shook her head. "And cancel our library trip? I don't think so!" She shooed Twilight away, "Now go on Twilight, explore, have fun! That's an order!" She smiled.

Twilight's look of concern melted away, before she smiled back, reassured. "O-Okay!" With that, she turned and ran off in the direction of the nearest bookshelf, looked over it as if in analyzation, before shaking her head and turning around and then heading off in the direction of another one. "The S section is this way!"

Cadence watched her depart with a smile, though her expression turned grim as she looked down again in deep contemplation. Never before had she experienced such a phenomenon. To pretend it didn't concern her somewhat would be disingenuous, but nonetheless, there wasn't enough information for her to act. Right?

Shining Armor approached Cadence, still just as concerned. "Are you okay, Love?"

Cadence looked to him in surprise, then smirked a little. "Yes Dear." She booped him on his nose in amusement, closing her eyes halfway as she smirked at him. "Even better since it brought out the, Love."

Shining Armor rolled his eyes, before scoffing with a smile. "Okay okay, no need to tease!"

Cadence then looked to Twilight in the distance with a smile of adoration yet again. "She's so cute."

Shining Armor looked at Cadence now in amusement himself, before looking at Twilight. "Haha, I see her every day, so forgive me if I'm used to the sight." He chuckled, "But you two. You're practically siblings now."

Cadence grinned at him, snickering. "Now don't go attaching labels like that! What'd that make us then!?"

Shining Armor cringed before waving his hoof in realization. "Y-Yeah yeah, you're right. Still, what I mean is..." he paused, looking down in reflection of time spent together. "I'm happy how close we've all become."

Cadence moved towards him, planting a kiss on his cheek. "My brave knight, so soft on the inside."

Shining Armor groaned again before he turned away from her back towards the entrance, blushing deeply. "Aaaah! Okay, I think it's about time I head back to the barracks and see if everything is flowing smoothly. It's been quiet as of late, but still, routine checks are routine checks." He paused again, before looking back at her with an affectionate smile. "I'll come back to pick up Twilight in a little bit. I'm sure you two will have fun."

Cadence gave him a shooing motion. "We will, now, go on, do your duties, my brave Ol 'knight."

Shining Armor rolled his eyes with a smile before proceeding out the library and back down the hall.

Cadence watched him depart for a moment longer, before heading back into the library and then casually trotting about, looking for Twilight. "Twilight?" It took her what felt like some lengthy minutes before she found her nestled deep in the back, reading a blue unfamiliar tome. "There you are! What do you have there?"

Twilight curiously looked over the final pages of the blue tome. "A tome written by Starswirl the Bearded!"

Cadence tilted her head to the right. "Is that so?" She trotted over to Twilight, kneeling down and getting a good look at the tome herself. She showed a hint of concern, "T-Twilight... perhaps you should read something a little more at your level? Surely you don't understand the magical concepts such a tome delves upon?"

Twilight looked up at Cadence in slight annoyance. "W-Well not everything! But... I think I can get it!"

Cadence seemed amused but looked to Twilight in slight concern. "Twilight, Starswirl the Bearded was a master of the arcane arts, and the fundamentals he looked into were both fascinating yet incomplete and shrouded in mystery." She looked down at the page Twilight was still stuck upon, "Though I myself never connected with his work, I understood just how complex his principles could be. So, Twilight, though I don't mind you expanding your knowledge of what's present here, don't bite off more than you can chew, okay? Run anything odd by me first." She rose, "Auntie Celestia never quite got the time to organize what was left in here. So... I may have missed a few important things. Just... let me know, alright?" She rubbed the top of Twilight's head.

Twilight suddenly appeared somewhat concerned as she muttered. "C-Cadence I-"

Cadence smiled wide, looking down at Twilight curiously. "Hm?"

There was a pause, as Twilight looked up at her in what felt like a long silence. "Thank you."

Cadence blushed as she appeared amused, smirking at Twilight in embarrassment. "For what silly?"

Twilight continued, "For believing in me. I... I won't let you down. I won't let your belief in me go to waste."

Cadence frowned then, leaning back down and tilting Twilight's head to look her in the eyes. "Twilight... you don't have to prove anything to me. Despite how much you believe you do. I just want you to be who you are." She paused, eyes saddening some. "You're just a filly, yet you strive ahead as if your time is nearly spent."

Twilight's eyes became watery before she fell into silence again, looking down at the page of the book again. "It's just sometimes... sometimes I feel that ever since the day I failed the exam... I need to make things right. That if I don't try my best, things will never be right. Then since I met you, I, that feeling has only gotten stronger." She sniffled, clenching her chest then as she appeared to be in slight pain. "But I also wish I could make the feeling go away." She looked up at her then, frowning intensely. "I love you, Cadence. So much."

Cadence seemed shocked, worried, and taken aback by Twilight's sudden spur of emotion. She could only shake her head before embracing the filly in a hug. "Twilight, everything is already right. This, here, us. Everything, in this moment, is just right." She tightened her embrace, "You, are just right. I love you too."

The two allowed this moment to draw on for a long while, as if cementing their words to one another.

Yet Cadence was the first to break away, as she rose, "Now you continue to enjoy exploring this vast chasm of knowledge Twilight, I'll be over by the table near the window if you need me. Okay?" She smiled warmly.

Twilight remained sitting, still with the Starswirl's blue tome in front of her. She nodded simply. "Mhm!"

Cadence regarded her with a nod back, before making her way over to the aformentioned table, and then taking a seat. She looked out towards a beautiful view of the city, and its peaceful quiet. The streets per usual were bustling with ponies, and despite recent history, it seemed life found a way to carry on regardless. She couldn't help but wonder if perhaps her Auntie Celestia often found herself looking out at the city in this manner. She laid her head on the table for a time, simply peering out, lost in quiet thought. In this moment, memories of Auntie Celestia were all she could dwell upon. Even as she slowly drifted off into a peaceful sleep, the image of her Auntie Celestia was all that was on her mind. She begged an all too familiar question.

Auntie Celestia, would you believe I'm a good Princess? Somepony you'd be proud of?

Princess Cadence slowly opened her eyes, as she found herself in a realm unfamiliar. Though she still sat at that same table, the world around her was ethereal, dreamlike, yet unlike any dream her Auntie Nightmare had graced her with. She glanced around absently, "Wha? W-Where... where am I? What is this place?"

"Forgive me Princess..." cut in that unfamiliar piercing voice from before, yet now... it was clear.

Princess Cadence looked ahead, seeing the figure of her Auntie Celestia. "A-Auntie?" She blinked a few times, before shaking her head and finally waking herself up within this place. "Auntie Celestia!? It's... it's you!"

The figure shook her head, before placing a hoof upon her chest. Her eyes saddened as she turned her gaze down towards herself. "I am sorry, I am not who you perceive. I have merely taken upon the form which would bring you most comfort, and my time is short. So, I must make haste with what I am about to tell you."

Princess Cadence frowned, shaking her head as she remained seated but leaned up. "You're the voice from before." She glanced around her surroundings again, "W-What is this place? How did you reach out to me?"

The figure shook her head again, as her body began to crack, and fragments of herself dissipated, slowly turning to ethereal dust in this place. "Due to unforeseen circumstances... I have failed this world, and because of my lack of foresight, I will soon disappear. What I become, or whatever takes my place, I am uncertain. I know not what destiny awaits you further, but in this moment in time, I have decided to use what little influence I have left to chart you a better path." She smiled, "I hope, you all will find a happier future still."

Princess Cadence stared at her in bewilderment, still uncertain what to make of anything she was saying.

The figure continued, "At this point in time, Shining Armor has already retrieved Twilight Sparkle, leaving you a note and allowing you to rest in comfort and peace. However, in her subconscious desire, Twilight Sparkle has unknowingly attempted to correct the shattered course of destiny. Unbeknownst to her, her curiosity and desperation, has led to the complete destruction of Canterlot, leaving naught but arcane ash in its wake."

Princess Cadence's eyes snapped wide as she immediately rose in panic, "WHAT!?"

The figure began to crack further, her face now beginning to fall apart like glass. "At least, that would've been the case. But harmony is not so easily extinguished." The figure fell silent for a moment, before regarding Cadence with a warm smile and saddened eyes. "The times ahead will be uncertain, and I know not what hardships you will be forced to endure, but I hope with this chance, you can still find reasons to smile."

Princess Cadence shook her head at her, stunned in silence, as nothing she witnessed made any sense.

The figure closed her eyes and lowered her head, before cracking and fading away completely, becoming dust in the void. Her voice echoed one last time, "Goodbye Princess Cadence, and do not lose the light of love."

A sudden crash had caused Princess Cadence to awake from her slumber, back in reality.

She immediately slumped up, eyes wide as she breathed heavily and glanced to her left. There... a bookshelf was toppled over and all the books scattered upon the floor. She blinked a few times before looking down at the surface of the table before her and noticing a note. She used telekinetic magic to pick it up, as she heard the soft discussions of two guards posted outside the library doors. T-This is just like.... Then just as her thoughts began to ponder, a bright blue light from the window caught her attention instead. She turned her gaze towards it, out towards the vast city of Canterlot. Her eyes widened further, shock overwhelming her yet again.

In one of the distant residential sectors of Canterlot, a swirling arcane tornado grew larger by the second.

Now familiar words rang in her mind. I hope with this chance, you can still find reasons to smile.