• Published 15th Apr 2020
  • 6,645 Views, 287 Comments

The Devil's Prize - MerryMelancholy

Princess Nightmare Moon has it all. Socially awkward shut in Twilight Sparkle has nothing of worth. Princess Nightmare Moon can acquire anything she desires. Twilight Sparkle can't seem to catch a break. So why's the Princess desire Twilight Sparkle?

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Chapter 17: A Good Princess - Part 4

When we first met, you were a piece I didn't know I needed.

Amidst her visit back to Canterlot, Princess Cadence reflected on the day she'd first met Twilight Sparkle. The filly who seemed to be weighing so heavily on her mind these days. The filly who meant more than she knew.

Princess Cadence stood alone in Canterlot's throne room, as an endless line of ponies, both noble and commoner alike, were in attendance. Each waiting for a chance to have an audience with Princess Cadence. There was an obvious sign of nervousness upon her as she sat on a throne that didn't feel like hers.

A noble at the front of the line adjusted his monocle. "Princess Cadence, why hasn't Princess Nightmare Moon met with us yet? Is she too busy? Does she not care for keeping the peace with her subjects? There is much to discuss in terms of inheritance, rights, and logistical matters what with Princess Celestia's sudden banishment."

Princess Cadence nodded to him. "Forgive me good Sir, I... I um- it's not that Princess Nightmare Moon cares not for her subjects, we are simply amidst a transition period, and much has changed in her absence. There is much she simply wishes to observe for the time being before making a firm decision on such pinnacle matters. But think not of it as being ignored; simply delayed, we are doing all that we can to ensure everypony is-"

"Liar!" Shouted a commoner pony from the background, fiercely upset based off her demeanor alone.

Princess Cadence was taken aback, as she looked to that pony in the distance, at a loss for words.

The commoner had tears drenching her face as she snarled at Princess Cadence. "My home was destroyed in the attacks! Yet nothing has been done! Princess Celestia treated us well, treated YOU well! Yet there you sit upon her throne! I'd wager this was all a part of the plan wasn't it!? Betray her and the new Princess gives you a nice slice of the pie! Right!? Princess Celestia relegating you to mere observation wasn't good enough!? Huh!?"

Princess Cadence shook her head, exclaiming in adamance. "That's not!-"

However, the pony noble at the front interjected again. "Commoner! You are at the BACK of the line!"

Chaos erupted at the guards present suddenly attempted to get everything under control.

Princess Cadence watched helplessly as she glanced down in a tired manner, uncertain of what to do.

Later that night, Princess Cadence sat alone in what appeared to be royal but more leisurely common chambers. Almost as if it were an entirely separate home nestled away within the castle itself. She sat at the dining room table, nervously tapping the table's surface with her forehoof as she looked down lost in thought. No guards were present it seemed, and it was simply her alone as she appeared to be waiting for something.

Three abrasive knocks suddenly came upon two doors leading to the dining room.

Princess Cadence's eyes widened as she rushed over to those doors and opened them.

Standing in the doorway was Shining Armor, accompanied by his parents as well as Twilight, still but a tiny filly. Shining Armor was using his magic to hold onto multiple bags as he chuckled. "S-Sorry we're late Princess. I won't lie, it seemed like an odd request to meet this deep in the castle, with nothing in tow but my family and well... cooking ingredients? But! An order's an order, right?" He smiled warmly at her, "It's good to see you."

Princess Cadence shook her head, "Please Captain, I told you not to think of it as an order."

Suddenly bowing before Cadence was Shining Armor's parents, Twilight Velvet and Night Light.

Princess Cadence looked down at them, shaking her head. "No please, you don't have to."

They rose, each shaking their heads back at her. Night Light responded curtly, "We insist Princess, what good would it do us to not acknowledge you properly? I'm sure you worked hard to get to the position you're at."

Princess Cadence was quiet as she frowned and kept her gaze on the ground, but then she smiled warmly at them. "Thank you, I appreciate your earnestness. Now please, come inside." She stepped from the doorway.

Night Light and Twilight Velvet bowed their heads at her again before proceeding inside.

Shining Armor whispered in Cadence's ear as he made his way inside. "Sorry about that, I know you want this to feel more casual. Old habits are hard to break is all." He glanced down at Twilight who was still somewhat behind him, "But I guess in some ponies' circumstances, that might actually work in your favor." He shook his head at Twilight, not seeming too pleased with her behavior, as he made his way inside afterwards.

Princess Cadence blinked a few times looking down at Twilight.

Twilight looked up at her blankly, before closing her eyes and smiling. "Heya!"

Princess Cadence's eyes widened further at Twilight's comfortability, before she knelt down and got a good look at her. She appearing to be the more curious one as she tilted her head at her. "H-Hey there! Um... Twilight, was it?" She blinked again in momentary silence, "You're quite the calm little pony, huh?"

Twilight tilted her head at Cadence curiously, before closing her eyes and smiling. "I think I... um, just didn't think you cared how I should be, and I got lots of stuff on my mind anyhow." She held a book to her chest.

Princess Cadence remained knelt down before her, eyes still wide as if she were simply observing the filly. "I see." She eyed Twilight's book, before smiling in amusement. "Lots on your mind huh? You like to read?"

Twilight nodded at her enthusiastically, "I love to read! And uh-" she paused, looking down at the cover of her book now, conflicted. "I'm trying to learn on how to be calmer actually, s-so it's funny you mentioned it!"

Princess Cadence appeared surprised again, as she looked at the surface of Twilight's book, which was titled, The Fundamentals of Keeping Cool. Some laughter escaped her then as she couldn't contain herself before she placed a hoof atop Twilight's head. "You silly filly! You didn't have to read that entire book just for me."

Twilight blinked at Cadence in confusion, looking up at her. "I didn't do it for you though."

Princess Cadence was taken aback, before she smirked in utter amusement. "Oh my! For whom then?"

Twilight continued, looking back down at the surface of the book. "For myself. For my future."

Princess Cadence's eyes widened again, before she smiled warmly at Twilight. She ruffled her head as she closed her eyes halfway then. "That's good. I'm happy for you." She rose then, before turning back in towards the dining room area and nudging her head towards Twilight, "Come come! Let's not dawdle forever here."

Twilight followed after Cadence then, somewhat obediently, but also casually.

Princess Cadence couldn't help but notice this, and a sign of earnest affection graced her smile.

As dinner concluded, Princess Cadence stood at the sink in a nearby kitchen, washing the dishes.

Twilight Velvet tried to interject, "P-Princess! You shouldn't be washing dishes! Please let me."

Princess Cadence shook her head, "No Ma'am, you need to go back in there and have fun."

Twilight Velvet frowned heavily at her, "Princess... I... but this shouldn't be-"

Shining Armor came into the kitchen, grabbing hold of his mother gently. "You heard her Mom, come on."

Twilight Velvet was pulled along hesitantly, still showing concern. "B-But Shining, dear, she's-"

Shining Armor rolled his eyes, still pushing her along. "She made her decision Mom, that's that okay?"

As the two returned to the dining room, Night Light was laughing, pointing a hoof at his wife.

Princess Cadence remained in front of the sink, washing the dishes with her hooves, and not magic. She was silent again, eyes half closed as she remained lost in thought. There was still... something missing she felt.

Suddenly, Twilight joined her at the sink, getting a stepping stool as she began to dry the dishes.

Princess Cadence looked to her in shock, before beginning to pick her up. "Twilight no! I got this, go back in-"

Twilight then shoved Cadence's hooves off her sides before continuing to dry. "No! I... I want to! I need to."

Princess Cadence looked to her in further shock, before she huffed, continuing to wash. "Well, fine then." She seemed somewhat upset, absently washing now. "But you know I'm a Princess, I don't need your help."

Twilight shook her head, appearing quite determined. "It's not for you. It's... it's for myself."

Princess Cadence glanced over at her, not buying it this time. "And what would a filly need this for?"

Twilight continued, "Because it makes me feel better, knowing I can see you."

Princess Cadence cocked a brow at her, "See me?"

Twilight nodded, mimicking that almost absent look Cadence had as she dried the dishes. "I'm studying a lot and, I... I don't talk to many ponies outside of Shining, Mom, and Dad. Studying a lot... I don't have lots of friends. I got one special one, but that's it." She paused, blinking a few times. "That's okay. I can take it! I... I think." She looked at Cadence then, "But I don't know if you can. T-That... doesn't make me feel so good. So, I just-" she paused, staring at her blankly. "Just wanted to make sure." She looked back down at the dishes.

Princess Cadence flushed red, as she sighed, going back to washing the dishes. "I don't need help." She paused herself, before she leaned down, unable to look at Twilight now. "But I guess... a friend is nice to have."

Twilight, almost in complete naivety exclaimed with excitement. "So, I read the situation correctly!?"

Princess Cadence splashed water into the filly's face before she muttered. "Don't push it filly!"

She drifted back to the present of her current visit; it was another similar quiet night to back then.

A filly Twilight Sparkle slept soundly on the couch high within Canterlot Castle. The comfortability of Twilight in this position was quite the surprise to Cadence, who soundly watched over her, in deep contemplation.

Twilight slowly opened her eyes, catching sight of the alicorn. "C-Cadence?"

Princess Cadence couldn't help but smile fondly at her as she awoke. "Hello again, Twilight."

Twilight leaned up from the couch, rubbing her eyes. "Where's Shining?"

Princess Cadence then sat next to her on the couch. "He went downstairs for a little bit to talk with some of the guards. Besides, I wanted to speak with you myself too. It's been such a long time. How have you been?"

Twilight frowned, glancing down and blushing in embarrassment. "I've been... okay."

Princess Cadence's eyes saddened. "Twilight, I know when you're lying to me."

Twilight turned away from her, hugging a book to her chest now. "I-I'm... I'm not lying Cadence."

Princess Cadence used her magic to gently grab hold of the filly before scooching her closer. She then wrapped one hoof around her with a sigh. "Okay, perhaps lying is a harsh word. Maybe your phrasing is what I disagree with." She paused, looking at her gently. "Twilight, are you still blaming yourself for failing that exam?" Even back when they first met, that exam meant so much to her. Yet at the time, Cadence couldn't quite understand it. Even now, she had trouble understanding Twilight's mentality regarding it, but now, she was paying far closer attention. It concerned her. Why couldn't Twilight simply let it go? Was it that important to her?

Twilight's eyes snapped wide, before she removed herself from the couch and turned towards Cadence both in frustration and anger. "I-I didn't fail! I was just nervous! Nervous! I could've done it! I could've!" Tears began to swell in her eyes as she glanced down, "But now everything is different! I... I don't even know what the exam is like now since the new Princess came. So, I need to study everything I can! I need to make sure I'm ready!"

Princess Cadence's concern worsened as her eyes saddened in response to Twilight. "Twilight... you can't possibly know everything there is to know about magic, nor should you try." She glanced down in thought, "Not all magic is worth knowing anyhow, but that's beside the point." She rose from the couch herself too, now going over to Twilight and lowering herself to meet her at eye level. "Study magic because you love it, not because you need to prove yourself for something that doesn't even matter in the grand scheme of things. Your worth isn't dictated by some test." She glanced at her blank flank, then back to her eyes. "All things come with time."

Twilight looked at her at first with wide eyes, uncertain, before her brows furrowed. "H-How do you know?"

Princess Cadence's own eyes widened in response, before she closed her eyes halfway and booped her on the nose. "You're a little rascal you know that? Who taught you to talk back to Princesses so often? Huh!?"

Twilight placed a hoof upon her chest, "One must be honest in the pursuit of knowledge! So says-"

Princess Cadence rolled her eyes before flipping Twilight over and beginning to tickle her. "Starswirl the Bearded! I know, and I'm tired of hearing your sass!" She upped the tickling intensity. "So, take this!"

Twilight scrambled upon the ground, going into a giggle fit. "C-Cadence! Cadence stop it!"

Princess Cadence snickered, smirking in amusement. "Still giving ME orders huh!?"

Twilight was still in a wild gigglefit as she attempted to roll onto her belly, "Stop! Please!"

Princess Cadence picked her up, breathing a bit heavily. She smiled. "You're coming with me."

Twilight blinked a few times as she seemed confused. "W-What? Coming with you where?"

Princess Cadence threw her on her back, before she rushed out to a nearby balcony, peering out towards the blanket of stars which decorated the night sky. She spread her wings with a smirk. "Hold on tight!"

Twilight gulped as she wrapped her hooves around Princess Cadence's neck.

Then just as swiftly as she announced their departure, she took off, taking Twilight with her.

Shining Armor then proceeded back into the room, "Hey girls, I got us some-" he was using his telekinetic magic to levitate a tray of brownies, and a couple glasses of milk. "Snacks?" He paused, glancing around. "Girls?"

Princess Cadence touched down on a nearby roof, which seemed isolated from the world below. Yet it gave a wonderous nighttime view of Canterlot City, its lights, and the tiny dots which were ponies who roamed the streets. One could also peer out at the vast expanses of Equestria, its distant mountains, and the floating crystals of magical power which now decorated its skies. The endless fields of green, visible still thanks to the bright moonlight, showing that even now, her Auntie Nightmare Moon still attended to her duties. "There."

Twilight glanced out at the distant sights in wonderment. "W-Wow."

Princess Cadence removed her from her back, before sitting down next to her, wrapping a hoof around her and pulling her close. "See? Isn't this simple? Isn't this beautiful... Twilight?" She smiled down at her, "These are the types of things I want you thinking about. The world, your freedom, and how much simpler it can be for you to be happy." Her brows furrowed, "Twilight... I've been doing a lot of thinking. About you, about why you study. About the things you told me when we first met." She paused, frowning somewhat. "You're a filly, almost too thoughtful for your own good. But, that side of you is also why I appreciate you. It's why I want to help you."

Twilight was wide eyed and looked down now at the tiles of the roof in silence.

Princess Cadence continued, thinking back to the night she confided in her Auntie Celestia. "In a world such as ours, where we each have unique roles to play, these roles may often at times require more... guidance... than others. I've come to accept that though I don't agree with your obsession of needing to prove yourself by passing the new exam for gifted unicorns, that as somepony who cares for you deeper than you know, that I should still be there to guide you. It's not favoritism as a Princess, it's as you saw me back then. I see you."

Twilight looked up at Cadence then, still remaining silent but observant.

Cadence continued, smiling warmly at her. "So, you can count on me to help you. To support you."

Twilight's eyes began to swell with tears again, as she hid her face in Cadence's coat then.

Cadence pulled her closer, into a more affectionate hug. "No matter the cost."

Despite all that's happened, that still holds true, you taught me more... than you could ever know.