• Published 15th Apr 2020
  • 6,647 Views, 287 Comments

The Devil's Prize - MerryMelancholy

Princess Nightmare Moon has it all. Socially awkward shut in Twilight Sparkle has nothing of worth. Princess Nightmare Moon can acquire anything she desires. Twilight Sparkle can't seem to catch a break. So why's the Princess desire Twilight Sparkle?

  • ...

Chapter 7: Masquerade Madness! - Part 2

W-What is going on? Twilight blinked a few times, eyeing both Applejack and Pinkamena skeptically.

A heavy tension hung in the air as both Pinkamena and Applejack seemed quite uncomfortable with one another. Applejack glanced over at Pinkamena, "Don't you have some deals to go discuss Diane?"

Pinkamena flinched, as she frowned heavily with hurt and irritated eyes. "Don't you have ponies to entertain!?"

Applejack's brows furrowed as she glared at Diane. "Oh, I'm sorry... am I supposed to be on stage for you?" She placed a hoof on her chest, "Perhaps I should go oppress some impoverished communities. You'd like that?"

Twilight awkwardly sipped some juice. She would casually glance around, overhearing other ponies.

Many gossiped. "Isn't that Madam Applejack, the Broadway Model?"

"Yes, she's as gorgeous in person as she is in magazines. Absolutely stunning..."

"Why is she sitting with Miss Diane? T-They've never been on good terms."

"Has Pinkamena Pie gained some weight? She is looking quite plump."

"Who is that sitting with them? I've never seen him before. He looks quite ordinary?"

"How is some meek ordinary stallion such as that sitting with them? It's practically an insult!"

Twilight was beginning to sweat, being a bit nervous. "Ah, excuse me you two?"

Diane and Applejack paused and then looked at Twilight, putting on smiles; speaking in sync. "Yes, Twilight!"

Twilight smiled a bit, trying to ease the mood. "I believe I'm missing quite a bit of context here. Is it safe to assume a particular series of events lead to this bitter sarcasm being exchanged between you both?"

Applejack scoffed, before shooing Diane. "Oh Twilight, apologies. There is no bitterness between us."

Diane looked down with a broken smile. Her eyes lost in a trance. "You're such a liar."

Applejack froze, as she glanced over at Diane, eyes wide with shock. "What did ya just say about me?" Her dialect changed again, once again bearing not that familiar noble grace, but a more country commoner vibe.

Diane glared over at her, snapping. "You're a big phony! Even Twilight sees right through you!"

Applejack grabbed her by her dress collar before snarling. "Ya take it back. I ain't no liar."

Diane shook her head. "No! Why would I? You're mean and a liar too! You don't deserve any takebacks!"

Twilight frowned, as she leaned up a bit worriedly. "G-Girls, let's calm down now. There's no need to-"

Applejack disregarded any civility and grace she once had in her voice, pressing nose to nose with Diane. "And who're you to judge me? Ya think ya know me, Diane? There's a reason you're more hated than I am."

Diane's eyes were moist as she continued to smile. "I know I'm hated. But at least... I can accept who I am."

A look of innate rage overcame Applejack as she cocked back another hoof, about to take a swing.

Twilight's eyes snapped wide. Oh no! Her horn started to glow at that moment.

Diane didn't budge as she just closed her eyes, preparing to get hit.

Applejack gritted her teeth, filled with anger, but noticed her hoof wouldn't budge. "H-Huh?" She found her hoof was stuck in place, wrapped in telekinetic magic. She then looked over at Twilight, "Twilight?"

Twilight was sweating as she held Applejack's hoof back from hitting Diane. She's... really... strong.

A look of shock and disappointment overcame Applejack as she ceased and lowered her hoof. "Oh no..." she frowned heavily, glancing around at everypony staring, all of them just as shocked. "I done messed up."

Diane fell back into her seat as she blinked a few times at Applejack. Shocked. "You... didn't hit me this time."

Applejack glared down at her. "Not by choice. Seems I was stopped. Not that it'd have hurt ya anyway."

Diane glanced to her lower left with a sad smile, "I know. Which is why it confuses me every time you try."

Twilight frowned, looking at Applejack while wheezing. "You were really going to hit her!"

Applejack frowned back at Twilight. "She knows not ta get me riled up Twilight! She did it on purpose!"

Diane glanced over at Applejack, tiredly. "Because I wanted Twilight to see the real you. Not you're liar self."

Twilight now looked tired, eyeing them both in confusion. What's with them? I feel like I'm in a drama.

Applejack glared at Diane. "And what about you? Does Twilight know about the real you?"

Diane flinched, as she began to tremble and look down. "T-That's... none of that is important."

Applejack's nose wrinkled. "Does she know how much tears you've caused? How much sadness you've made?"

Diane shoved Applejack immediately, breathing heavily as the mare crashed into the table. "Quiet!"

Applejack got cake on her dress as she just looked at Diane with a darkened expression.

Diane trembled, "T-Twilight knows my history! The details don't matter! She likes me still! Don't mess this up!" She snapped, "Where did you come from!? Why're you trying to steal this from me! Why're you so mean!?"

Applejack wiped some splashed cake from her muzzle. "Ya keep using that word. Mean..." She grabbed Diane again, as she glared at her once more. "Ya haven't seen mean yet!" She tossed Diane across the table.

Echoed gasps rang throughout the area, as majority of the ponies observed the situation.

Twilight reacted instinctively, as Diane's body came rolling towards her. EEP! Then she teleported.

Twilight poofed, finding herself now on another level of the Masquerade. She breathed heavily. Have those two lost it!? She was sweating and gulped as she looked up towards the ceiling of where she was at. What was that? How did I get entangled in all this? She made a pouty expression as she rubbed at the back of her mane, bewildered. All I wanted was to study and settle down somewhere. But as of late... she sighed. I'm feeling chased.

She looked around then. Speaking of which. Twilight was now upon a vibrant dance floor. Rainbow strobe lights surrounded her on all sides, as techno music rang throughout. Ponies danced wildly around her, and if she weren't so good at listening to her internal narrative, she perhaps would've been overwhelmed. Where am I? As she took in the atmosphere and analyzed it, she appeared quite focused. Likely a level two dance floor?

"Eeeeeyes on the priiiiize." A moderately annoyed and keen voice said distinctly closer to Twilight.

Twilight blinked a few times before turning around, raising a brow, feeling she was being addressed.

There in a simplistic dress was Rainbow Dash, her mane cut fashionably short. Her mohawk style was now unkempt due to her mane growth. She eyed Twilight with a bored look. "I figured you'd be harder to find."

Twilight frowned as she looked at Rainbow Dash worriedly. "I uh, think you have the wrong mare, Ma'am."

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "No, I don't think so. You're wearing a mask but the details are plain as day."

Twilight raised a brow again, "Details?" She rubbed at the back of her neck. "This really must be a mistake."

Rainbow Dash smirked, "That's what I said. But what do I know? I just can't understand what she sees in you."

Twilight tilted her head to the right, "What she sees? Who?" Twilight glanced around inspectingly.

Rainbow Dash groaned, approaching Twilight before reaching for her hoof. "Be quiet and let's go."

Twilight without even looking, reactively smacked Rainbow Dash's hoof away.

Rainbow Dash's eyes went wide as she stood there in silence, shocked.

Twilight blinked a few times as she also looked down at her own hoof. "Ah sorry; that's odd."

Rainbow Dash's expression darkened as she glared silently at Twilight.

Twilight continued, looking down at her own hoof still. "In school I've taken it upon myself to study hoof to hoof combat dynamics." She chuckled lightly, rubbing at the back of her neck in slight embarrassment. "I went aspect of the turtle for self-defense purposes. I won't have my magic forever, so I felt it was best to know how to protect myself without it." She appeared perplexed, squinting some. "So it's just strange you set off my defensive instinct. Based off the motion of your hoof grab I'd say you were echoing the submission stance of the boa." She tilted her head to the right a bit, closing her eyes. "But that's likely a stretch huh." She smiled.

Rainbow Dash immediately and swiftly attempted to grab her again, aiming for a chokehold.

Twilight reactively parried once more, knocking Rainbow Dash's hooves upward. "Huh?"

Two onlooking ponies watched as one commented in a drunken stupor. "Wow! What dance moves!"

The accompanying partner snickered, raising a hoof to her muzzle. "It's so unique! I wonder what style it is!"

Rainbow Dash's nose wrinkled in inherent annoyance. "Who are you?" She got into a unique stance.

Twilight Sparkle backed away nervously, holding her hooves in front of herself. "I-I'm nopony special! Really!"

Rainbow Dash blitzed forward, and in a mere second had positioned herself right beneath Twilight.

Twilight sulked as she looked down at the mare, frowning with frightened eyes. EEP!

"Uuuuuugh." Nightmare Moon stood in the middle of a hall, surrounded by groupies.

Many of the observant ponies were fascinated by her. "Oh my gosh! Can I get your name!?"

"A-Are... Are you a model by chance? You're so pretty!"

"She looks sort of like the Princess! A distant relative!? Niece? Cousin!?"

"Please please please! Can I get a picture with you! I feel you're secretly super famous!"

"J-Just your mailing address. I promise if you give me a chance I'll be the best special somepony!"

Nightmare Moon's eyes were half-closed. Why is it that even though I'm wearing a disguise... She glanced down at the mob of groupies who'd swarmed her regardless. She let off a roar! It feels I'm in a worse situation!?

Many of the mob flinched at her roar, looking up at her with wide and fascinated eyes.

Nightmare Moon blinked a bit too, surprised and hopeful. O-Oh... did that do the trick!?

One of the mob commented, "Even her roar is so majestic! She must be a singer!"

Many others nodded in agreement, swarming her again with intrigue and questions.

Nightmare Moon whimpered as she snarled in frustration. Nooooo! No no no!

"Now now everypony; let's calm ourselves. You're making my date nervous." A majestic voice cut in.

Nightmare Moon's focus turned to a pony ahead of her, giving her a look of slight skepticism.

A pure white elegant mare with a long blonde mane and golden eyes stood not far off. "Dear, shall we go?"

Nightmare Moon now glared at her in uncertainty. However, she noticed the mob was now quieter, more enticed by the two of them together in silent respectful curiosity, in comparison to when she was by herself. Catching the hint, she looked back to this mare, playing along, albeit temporarily. "Ah, it's about time."

The mare strode up to Nightmare Moon, wrapping a hoof around hers. "I'm sorry, I got caught up."

Nightmare Moon started leading her through the observant crowd, gradually separating themselves from them. The whole while she played her role, trotting casually as this other mare just smiled at her affectionately.

The further they got, the groupies all hadn't quite dissipated but were far enough now that while they gradually dispersed, they had enough privacy to talk. The white mare chuckled. "Now that was quite fun, wasn't it?"

Nightmare Moon glared over at the mare now. "Enough of this." She jerked her hoof away from the white mare's grasp. "I thank you for your help, but I have business to attend to." She began trotting off on her own.

The white mare stood off in the distance with a caring smile, before she giggled. "Who's the lucky pony?"

Nightmare Moon stopped in her tracks, before giving a tired glare back at the mare. "What?"

The white mare continued, smiling affectionately. "I've been watching you ever since you came in. Those desperate eyes scanning the area searchingly aren't hard to notice. Even now I see such genuine drive behind that veil of annoyance. It's very cute." She placed a hoof to her chest. "Whoever it is, must be a very lucky pony."

Nightmare Moon squinted. "Fool, don't go making such baseless assumptions. Who I'm looking for is the furthest from lucky a pony can get. What's it to you anyway? Why watch me? Are you some sort of stalker?"

The mare giggled in amusement, blushing some. "Oh well, I had a crush on you the moment I saw you. You see, I'm Angel Purity, a mare of nobility from Manehattan. I love painting ponies who inspire my artistic urges, and you set off my radar." She spread her hooves some. "Your coat and mane are so reminiscent of the Princess."

Nightmare Moon raised a brow at her and smirked. "Oh, so another simple admirer. How quaint."

Angel Purity smirked in confidence. "Oh, not just another admirer. You see, I'm opportunistic. I waited for a chance to earn your favor by helping you out of a sticky situation. That at least puts me a leg up on the others."

Nightmare Moon showed slight intrigue. "That's a fair assessment. But it still won't get you far with me."

Angel Purity lowered her head a bit, raising both brows now with a more hopeful smile. "Love, I never assumed it would. Just enough to let you know I am thinking in your best interest." She stood confidently, "Let me help you find this unlucky pony of yours. I frequent these parties often, and obviously you have had difficulty."

Nightmare Moon sighed, glaring at her slightly still. She may be another admirer but she isn't overbearing. Perhaps her presence can be tolerated for the time being. "Very well. Come, and let me fill you in on the minor details."

Angel Purity clapped her hooves. "Oh thank you Love! This is so so exciting!" She scurried on over.

Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes before beginning to whisper into her ear. "Now, let me be frank."

DJ Pon-3 was DJing, overlooking the dance floor before uttering on the mic. "Let's get wild everpony!"

Amidst the strobe lights and blaring music, Twilight continued to duck and dodge Rainbow Dash. "U-Um!"

Rainbow Dash with blitzed movements from her wings, attempted to subdue Twilight consistently. "Tch!"

Twilight would remain defensive, parrying blows with analytically perceptive movements as she backed away. "Might we come to a reasonable understanding Ma'am? I believe your assessment of me is mistaken!"

Rainbow Dash snarled. "As if! You think I'll give up that easily! I'll prove I'm better for her than you!"

Twilight whimpered as she backed away, trying to turn. "Better for who!?" She felt panicked.

Rainbow Dash blitzed forward again, trying to grab Twilight's rear leg, only to be knocked back by a telekinetic parry of magic, blocking her like a fist. "Ugh!" She smirked, "Thought you weren't gonna use magic."

Twilight continued to try retreating, "S-Sorry! It's a condition!" She gulped and ran.

Rainbow Dash cracked her neck; feeling warmed up. "Sure it is." Time to up the speed a little. She blitzed forward again, this time in a masterful zig-zag manner to remain unpredictable. She came upon Twilight's side.

Twilight once again reacted instinctively, immediately doing a defensive roll maneuver to her left as Rainbow Dash attempted to grab her. She slid back on the dance floor, now in a prowled position. "You switched to the eagle stance." She gulped, "If you weren't chasing me I'd have liked to admire your dedication to form."

Rainbow Dash rose, standing confidently and eyeing Twilight with fiery eyes. "You're quite the adversary. Masterful magical defense and hoof to hoof combat. I'm starting to see why she's so interested in you." Rainbow Dash smirked, "But that won't stop me. I've been too loyal and have worked too hard to be stopped by some random pony like you." She snapped, her nose wrinkling. "I won't feel threatened by an upstart!?"

Twilight laughed nervously, gulping again with sulking eyes. "Can you teach me how to not be threatening?"

Onlookers watched the two with interest. "Wow, what strange dance forms!"

One pony looking at them nodded. "Obviously a foreign dance. Truly truly fascinating."

Another pony clapped. "This party sure does have the most interesting ponies!"

Rainbow Dash pressed forward again, now letting loose a flurry of hoof grabs at Twilight. "Come on!"

Twilight whined, before backing up steadily and nervously countering each blow with reactive parries, stumbling every now and then. Her horn would fizzle and spark, countering Rainbow Dash as well with telekinetic spurts of force. Eventually, Twilight began getting overwhelmed, even getting grabbed at one point.

As Rainbow Dash held onto her hoof, the pegasus smirked in confidence, sweating now. "Hah, I got you."

Twilight's horn sparked and fizzed again, uppercutting Rainbow Dash. Twilight flinched, "I-I'm sorry!"

Rainbow Dash was knocked into the air, only to masterfully spread her wings and land on her hooves with grace. Her eyes were wide as she rubbed her chin, "Ah so you know offense too. I'm not surprised I guess."

Twilight was sweating as her anxiety increased steadily with every passing second of this encounter. I-I need to get out of here! I'm using my magic too much. She held a hoof to her horn worriedly. "Please, let's talk."

Rainbow Dash looked at Twilight in surprise, before chuckling softly. Her soft chuckles soon turned into hoarse laughter, before she snapped at Twilight. "Yes! Let's talk! Let's talk about how much it hurts when you care about somepony so much only for them to dismiss you for some pony they just met! Let's talk about what makes you better than me!" She flushed red, eyes becoming moist. "Let's talk about the fact you don't even realize it." She lowered her head, eyes filled with hurt and annoyance. "Let's talk about how lucky you are..."

Twilight blinked a few times nodding, jotting down notes in a notebook in supreme seriousness. "I see I see..."

Rainbow Dash roared, snapping at her in shock. "Where in the hay did you even get that!?"

Twilight looked back at her, doe-eyed. "Oh, I kept one in my suit. Never know what you might need!"

Rainbow Dash looked up with a deep sigh before focusing back on Twilight in all seriousness. "Whether you like it or not, you're playing the Devil's game now." She pointed a hoof at her with a deepened glare. "I doubt some random mare like you can make it far in High Society. You've drawn the attention of ponies whose status you can't even fathom. From the looks of it, you don't even know who I am." She smirked, "I've played the game for years, I'm closer to her than you'll ever be and I'll look forward to watching you crumble over time."

Twilight now looked at Rainbow Dash, wholly concerned as she had no words, only worry. W-What?

Rainbow Dash sighed, running a hoof through her mane. "Now, let's finish this. I don't want to hurt anypony in here but with you looks like I've got to at least use-" she sighed, before blitzing forward, now in front of Twilight. "At least 60%." She immediately seized Twilight, throwing her over her shoulder and about to slam her.

Twilight poofed before being slammed, tossing and rolling on the dance floor before stumbling to her hooves. A look of fear overcame her as she tried to keep her footing, and before she could, Rainbow Dash was already upon her. I- She immediately began parrying Dash again, pushing back her hooves as fast as they came. M-My reactions can't keep up. She was grabbed again, unable to jerk her hoof away. She eyed Rainbow Dash with fear.

Rainbow Dash glared at her seriously. "Stop resisting. You're coming with me whether you like it or not." She tightened her grip on Twilight's hoof. "I see right through your tactics now. No matter how much you've trained your mind to instinctively read my movements before they come, my physical prowess far outclasses yours."

Twilight managed to jerk her hoof away, "Ngh!" She backed away from Rainbow Dash hurriedly.

Rainbow Dash scoffed lightly, unrelentingly being upon Twilight again, "Stop... RESISTING!"

Twilight continued to parry Rainbow Dash before her horn sparked. "Leave, me, ALONE!" She poofed!

As Twilight disappeared, a large spark of magic radiated throughout the entire dance floor.

Rainbow Dash was knocked off her hooves and onto her side, as was majority of the other ponies.

Many other ponies all paused for a second... before cheering! Then going back to dancing wildly.

Some who watched both Rainbow Dash and Twilight commented, "Wow! What an amazing dance that was!"

Rainbow Dash slowly got up, eyes wide as she appeared quite shocked. What in the hay was that?

Twilight found herself in a random hallway, thankfully more barren. She held a hoof to her horn, trembling as she wheezed. That was a close one, b-but too close for comfort. She frowned heavily, her eyes saddening. Things are getting crazy, maybe I should just go home. She glanced to her lower right. I miss Moondancer, I want to sit in my room and study. I... I'll go find Minuette and Twinkleshine. Let them know and then go home. She nodded to herself in reassurance, before smiling hopefully and heading down the hall. Before things get worse here.

As Twilight was about to enter into a more open area, turning a corner into the hall was suddenly Sunburst.

Twilight flinched, stopping in surprise. "O-Oh, Sunburst. Hi there."

Sunburst's eyes widened. "Twilight?" He had rosy cheeks and seemed to be in a bit of a stupor. His expression brightened further before he exclaimed again. "Twilight! T-There you are! It's so nice to see you here finally!"

Twilight smirked nervously, a bit surprised to see Sunburst in this state. "It adds a positive aspect to my night as well to see you too." She glanced around absently, "Aren't you with Starlight? Why isn't she with you? Hmhm."

Sunburst's expression worsened as he looked down tiredly. "She's off with Trixie somewhere. Partying."

Twilight's eyes saddened as she glanced to her lower left. "Ah... I uh, see. I'm sorry Sunburst." She raised her head at him in a hopeful manner, "But surely she's around. Are you trying to find her? I'm looking for my-"

Sunburst suddenly fell forward a bit, before grabbing onto Twilight and pulling her into a hug.

Twilight was frozen there for a second, surprised. "Huh?" She raised a hoof to Sunbursts, confused as she glanced to her right at him as he held her. "S-Sunburst? Are you okay? Might it be you had too much to drink?"

Sunburst shook his head in a tired yet serious manner. "No Twilight. I'm just fine with you here."

Twilight's brows rose as she seemed more confused. "Oh... um. Well, I'm glad I can be of help!"

Sunburst hugged Twilight a bit tighter, before frowning. "I feel like I'm drowning at times Twilight."

Twilight's brows furled inward, as worry overcame her. "Sunburst... are you sure you're okay?"

Sunburst pulled himself back a little, staring Twilight in the eyes. "I'm okay when you're around Twilight. I feel like I can actually breathe and be myself. I don't feel like I'm stuck in a vice or constrained! You... You just talk to me naturally, you're not overbearing and don't treat me like a child." He frowned more, "Twilight..."

Twilight looked him in the eyes, not understanding as she seemed concerned for him. "Yes?"

Sunburst continued, raising a hoof to Twilight's cheek. "I like you Twilight. I've liked you for a long time now."

Twilight chuckled, still seeming confused. "Well, I like you too Sunburst. You're always nice to me."

Sunburst shook his head. "Y-You don't get it Twilight. I really like you, really really like you!"

Twilight's brows rose, as she blinked a few times. She slowly started to turn red. "H-Huh?"

Sunburst put a hoof beneath Twilight's chin. "Maybe this will help you get it."

The moment was moving so fast, as Twilight glanced down at his hoof beneath her chin. "Sunburst, um... I, I'm not well versed in this area of life. But I believe you already like like Starlight if I-I presume correctly and um-"

Sunburst now leaned in closer to Twilight, his muzzle steadily going for hers.

Twilight's eyes went wide, as her heart raced in panic. S-Sunburst... WAIT!

In another area of the party, Starlight glanced around searchingly. "Now, where did he run off too?"

Author's Note:

I'm so sorry for being late 3 weeks everyone. :fluttershysad:

I believe I'm back on a reliable weekly schedule! (with hopefully bonuses where appropriate.)

Life was CHAOTIC, but now it's calmed down.:pinkiesad2:

I hope you're doing okay and thank you for reading. Hope you enjoy this story.:heart: