• Published 15th Apr 2020
  • 6,634 Views, 287 Comments

The Devil's Prize - MerryMelancholy

Princess Nightmare Moon has it all. Socially awkward shut in Twilight Sparkle has nothing of worth. Princess Nightmare Moon can acquire anything she desires. Twilight Sparkle can't seem to catch a break. So why's the Princess desire Twilight Sparkle?

  • ...

Chapter 19: A Good Princess - Finale

In present day, both Princess Nightmare Moon and Princess Cadence stood together in a grand crystalline hall. The walls were decorated with bright pink and gold banners, and the blinding blue shine of the crystals practically made the landscape seem illuminated with light. A few feet ahead of them was a crystal podium, in which Princess Cadence motioned towards with a hoof, "Come Auntie, the memory you seek is this way."

Princess Nightmare Moon wore a smirk as she glanced around in admiration. "Your dreamscape is quite refined Niece. I'm glad to see you took my advice seriously. Protection of the mind is of utmost importance." She paused, closing her eyes halfway in subtle curiosity. "Though I hope you're not protecting it from me."

Princess Cadence sighed. "How long do you intend to play this game? Go in or don't."

Princess Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes, "I'm joking, can I not do that? I thought you'd approve."

Princess Cadence made her way to the podium, before placing a hoof upon it. "Well with you, I tend to have a difficult time between deciphering jokes and veiled aggression. You always were impatient." She glanced down at the podium then back at her, "It didn't take you long to come here after discovering Twilight, after all."

Princess Nightmare Moon then looked at her quite seriously, before eventually closing her eyes as smirked humorously. "Well after a banishment sentence such as mine, forgive me if I'm a bit more pressing."

Princess Cadence continued, "For access to this, I'd like access of my own to your memories."

Princess Nightmare Moon raised a brow, before smirking. "Interesting, that's fair. Although I can't help but wonder what you hope to gain from such a request. My lifespan is practically infinite by comparison to yours." She paused, "There will also be no answers to overcome me. Are you certain this is how you'd use my favor?"

Princess Cadence nodded simply, "Yes... so will it be an issue Auntie?"

Princess Nightmare Moon snickered, "What are you scheming Cadence? I know you're not simply curious."

Princess Cadence sighed, "I am testing your integrity when it comes to Twilight. That is all."

Princess Nightmare Moon's eyes widened. "Testing my integrity? Hah! Very well... waste your time if you must."

Princess Cadence rolled her eyes then, before repeating herself. "So, I ask again, will it be an issue?"

Princess Nightmare Moon squinted at her, even more intrigued with a sly smile. "Of course not." She then casually waved her hoof, as a podium of her own appeared before her within this dreamscape. It was an impenetrable black, with jagged spikes protruding out the edges, as a faint ghostly smoke emitted from beneath it. "Here you are, do as you wish." She then began casually trotting towards Cadence's podium.

Princess Cadence did the same, as eventually, they each stood before one another's podiums in silence.

Princess Nightmare Moon placed her hoof upon Cadence's, "Be seeing you soon."

Princess Cadence glanced back at her with a nod. "You as well, Auntie. I hope this clarifies things for you."

They each disappeared then from Cadence's dreamscape, while in reality, both alicorns were seated within a protected barrier within the throne room. Each sat in silence, their eyes closed as their horns glowed faintly with magic. Still as statues, any onlooker might assume they were in a deep meditation, or even a trance.

In an apartment not so far off from Canterlot Castle, another meeting occurred.

Moondancer snapped ferociously, her voice booming from outside the apartment doors. "One job!"

While inside, sitting upon a couch was Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lyra, and Bon Bon.

Twinkleshine was holding her hooves to her face, attempting to hide her crying.

Moondancer snarled, "All you had to do was keep Twilight safe! Show me I had no reason to worry! Come to find out!?" She wheezed, needing to breathe for a moment. "Come to find out... s-she... she's suddenly gone!? That I just need to accept that!? Have you all lost your minds!? You're supposed to be her friends!"

Minuette frowned heavily, unable to look Moondancer in the face. "M-Moondancer! It's my fault... I-"

But Twinkleshine interjected, shouting then. "No, it's mine! And I own it! I... I was the one who was approached by Madam Applejack! I was tempted okay!? I've never been involved with a celebrity before! I messed up..."

Moondancer's eyes widened. "Madam Applejack? T-The CEO of Macdonalds and model?"

Twinkleshine nodded, before rising. "Yes... and you know what, I'm tired of it! I'm tired of pretending that Twilight is the same as the rest of us okay!?" She then looked Moondancer in the eyes with deep frustration. "She's my friend, but it's only become more obvious you're hiding something about her Moondancer!"

Moondancer flinched, taken aback by the accusation. "What!?"

Twinkleshine continued, snarling, pressing her hoof against Moondancer's chest. "Twilight happens to run into the Princess one night!? Twilight is pursued by the Princess another! She has the CEO of Macdonalds looking for her! And to top it all off, Twilight is conveniently no longer close with her family!? What do YOU know Moondancer!?" Twinkleshine shoved Moondancer aggressively, "What have YOU been hiding from us!?"

Moondancer stumbled back as she was shoved before glaring at Twinkleshine as her expression darkened. "My sister is missing... and you loft accusations at me? How dare you." She lowered her head trembling in place.

Twinkleshine flinched, as she took a few trots back.

Moondancer snapped then, snarling fiercely. "How DARE you!" She charged forward, tackling Twinkleshine.

Immediately Minuette, Lyra, and Bon Bon all rose and attempted to restrain the two!

Minuette called out in desperation to ease the tension. "G-Girls! Stop! Stop it! We're friends!"

Moondancer socked Twinkleshine in the face viciously, "You question me!? When I did NOTHING!?"

Twinkleshine attempted to shove Moondancer off, socking her back! "Nothing!? Is that what you call it!?"

KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK! Three abrasive knocks came upon the apartment door then.

Suddenly, everpony froze, as all eyes turned towards the door. They weren't expecting any visitors.

KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK! Three more knocks, followed by a stern male voice. "By order of Princess Nightmare Moon, I bid thee open at once. This is the residence of a Moondancer, Minuette, and Twinkleshine? Yes?"

Then all ponies looked towards one another in question, before Moondancer lifted herself off Twinkleshine, and patted herself off as she made her way towards the door. Her lower lip was now bruised, but she didn't care, as she used her magic to open the door and meet the individual. Her eyes widened in surprise.

Standing in the doorway was a Royal Nightmare Guard. He was accompanied by two others, as he held in one hoof a small chest with a letter sealed to it. "Ah yes, you do seem the match the description. Moondancer?"

Moondancer simply stared, before suddenly gritting her teeth in fury. "YOU! Where's Twilight! I'll kill you!"

Then leaping into action was Minuette, Lyra, and Bon Bon who held Moondancer back!

Minuette pleaded with her, "M-Moondancer! Stop! Please, y-you can't go fighting the Royal Guard!"

Moondancer snarled further, practically howling at this point. "Watch me!"

The guard smirked, before continuing. "I come on behalf of Twilight Sparkle. Whom you will find wrote this letter addressed to all of you herself. I have also come on behalf of the Princess to ensure you are all well compensated for your efforts in handing her over." He opened the chest, as within glistened with blinding brightness. "Pure crystals from the deepest reaches of the Frozen North. Here in the mainland, this chest alone is suffice to say, worth over a million bits. More than enough to fund your entire schooling ventures, as well as a substantial portion of your adult lives. Twilight Sparkle urges you to take it, to make up for any trouble."

Suddenly, everypony within the apartment froze, even Moondancer. They needed a moment to gather themselves, as Moondancer muttered, "Liar..." she then fiercely snatched the letter, ripping it open as her eyes began to scroll over the contents. The more she read, the more her expression dipped into one of confusion, heartache, and shock. "T-This... this makes no sense. No, Twilight why would you?" She swiped a hoof at the guard. "Liars! Twilight wouldn't just leave us like this! You coerced her into writing this! You FORCED her!"

The guard continued to smirk. "On behalf of Lady Rarity, I also am privy to certain information that I've been instructed to deliver." He paused, before looking to Moondancer seriously. "Do you truly think Twilight Sparkle has felt no guilt in the circumstances she's placed upon you all? Are you so self-absorbed and selfish you would deny her this opportunity to feel useful amidst everything that has happened? Or would you cause more trouble for her? Would you deny her generosity, as well as the Princess', all to satisfy your own insecurities?"

Moondancer flinched. Taken aback as she began to tremble, then looked to the ground in uncertainty.

The guard placed the chest upon the ground, then smirked at Moondancer once again. "You are free of course to pursue this vendetta you might have but realize you will be helping nopony. You won't be helping Twilight, nor your friends, nor yourself. All you will be doing is satisfying your anger here in the moment, for a lifetime of consequences." With that he turned around, finishing. "Twilight Sparkle will contact you when she is ready."

Moondancer was still frozen in place for a time, as she then watched them trot off, a look of hurt upon her.

Lyra and Bon Bon were inspecting the crystals, also still shocked.

Lyra eventually exclaimed with a shaky voice. "T-These are definitely real."

Minuette looked to Moondancer in concern, eyes saddened. "Moondancer... Twilight will certainly-"

Moondancer snapped yet again. "Shut up! Nopony speak to me! This is what you all wanted right!?"

Twinkleshine had her back against the side of the couch, as her forehooves were wrapped around her knees and she kept her head lowered. She was silent, frowning, as if she weren't a part of the discussion.

Moondancer still held the letter, before she crumpled it. "I'm done with this! All of it!" She stomped off.

Minuette reached out to her desperately, "M-Moondancer! Wait!... P-Please..." she then fell silent.

Moondancer continued trotting off, now towards the heart of the city. Tears swelled in her eyes, before soon enough, they began running down her face. She then yelled, catching the attention of other citizens before she simply began running down the street in no particular direction. As if a way to vent her bottled frustration, she simply ran, as fast as she could, her thoughts racing as her heart ached. Twilight! I... I can't accept it! You belong with us! You don't need to be concerned about your past anymore! Because I'm here! I've always been here! I'll ALWAYS be here! Eventually she came to a stop, crumbling to the ground as she simply looked at the pavement, now sobbing. "So why..." her voice quieted, "Why is it as your sister... I still don't know everything. Twilight..."

Meanwhile at the Castle of Two Sisters, deep within the confines of the royal halls, emotions stirred.

Rainbow Dash slammed her hooves upon the table angrily. "NO! I refuse!"

Rarity smirked at Rainbow; hooves folded over one another. "Even if at the Princess' behest?"

Rainbow Dash flinched, her brows furrowing in discomfort as she gritted her teeth.

Applejack looked to Rainbow in concern. "Rainbow, why does this bother you so? It'll be simple enough."

Rainbow snarled at Applejack, "That's easy enough for you to say! You want to be in her company!"

Applejack folded her forehooves over one another as well. "That's beside the point Rainbow."

Diane remained silent; eyes cast downward in a solemn manner. Her thoughts were her own.

Applejack continued, "Twilight will likely be spending some time with us. Seeing as how prevalent activity is in Manehattan, it only makes sense for her to come with me there to get her hooves wet. However, having your keen insight as a soldier and former resident in the slums, your experience will also be much appreciated."

Tempest remained quiet as well, attempting to remain separated from the heat of the conversation.

Fluttershy observed Rainbow in bewilderment, not understanding her heavy discontent.

Rainbow Dash slammed the table again, "Enough! Enough! I want nothing to do with her!" She removed herself from the table, before stomping towards the door and making her way out, slamming it shut behind her.

Rarity continued to smirk, closing her eyes then. "Sometimes it feels as if I'm the only sane one here."

Tempest scoffed, looking at Rarity in amusement. "Oh yeah? You really think that huh?"

Meanwhile Applejack cast her gaze downward, with a satisfied smile, now also keeping her thoughts to herself.

As Rainbow exited out into the hall, her rage was still apparent on her face. However, as she stood alone, her demeanor shifted into one of apparent heartache. Memories flashed in her mind of an echo of the past.

Rainbow sat in an alleyway, as her coat was marred with grime. She had a brown blanket wrapped around her, as her mane was dyed a dirty blonde then. Her expression was one of emptiness, while she peered up at the night sky.

Another pony sat beside her; a stallion who also appeared ragged. He too looked up at the night sky. "What are you searching for up there? You've got wings you know. You can just fly! Search through those stars yourself."

Rainbow scoffed, as she wrapped her blanket more tightly around herself. "Shut up you loser." She glanced over at him with a hint of amusement. "I think I'd rather remain content here on the ground." She looked back up, "I tried soaring high up there, things never really worked out." She shrugged absently. "Maybe in another lifetime."

The one sitting next to her glanced down at where her Cutie Mark should be, only to find faded self-inflicted scars. His eyes saddened, as he looked to her earnestly. "You know, just because you haven't discovered what you're meant to do, doesn't mean you're a failure. Life moves at different paces for everypony. We all figure it out someday."

Rainbow glared at him then, before rolling her eyes. "Pleeeeease do not start with the therapy talk. Let me be a bum in peace! Yeesh, can't a pony even look at the stars anymore?" She rested her head on her knees tiredly. "Hmph."

The stallion smirked before looking up at the stars himself. "Fair enough. Though I'm sure the world has more in store for you Rainbow Dash." He paused, before continuing. "You don't belong here with the rest of us bums."

Rainbow's eyes began to swell with tears as she reflected on this. She gripped her mane with a hoof then.

"E-Excuse me... are you alright?"

Rainbow flinched, as she was caught in a trance, before looking ahead to see Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight stood there, appearing somewhat nervous. "I uh, was gonna check with Lady Rarity and-"

Rainbow became stern, cold, and emotionless as she immediately cut in. "Shut up." She then casually trotted past Twilight with cold eyes, "I don't want to hear you speak. So do whatever you want." She huffed.

Twilight turned, watching her depart with a now blank expression, before frowning. Remaining silent.

Wherever the future lead, neither mare knew what role they had to play in any of it.

Within the memory of Princess Cadence, no time was wasted. The Princess had crashed through the windows of the Canterlot Castle library, before spreading her wings and flapping towards a distant residential district. Her expression was one of panic, confusion, and uncertainty. She shook her head, "No! What is happening!?"

Observantly witnessing these events unfold, was a remnant of Princess Nightmare Moon. Gliding above.

Within that district, dread filled the block as ponies left their homes to witness the commotion. A large magical tornado had fully engulfed a home, left others in tatters, and was spreading by the second. Ponies caught in the crossfire laid on the street, holding their heads in confusion as others stood some distance away from the disturbance. A slim few ponies actually progressively made their way closer towards the tornado desperately.

Princess Cadence touched down, eyes wide as she was left stunned and bewildered at the sight.

Suddenly a mare made her way up to the Princess desperately, "P-Princess! Princess please!"

Princess Cadence flinched, before looking towards that mare. "O-Oh... I... apologies..."

The mare continued, clutching the side of Cadence's coat. "Please! My husband is in there! T-This magical tornado suddenly engulged the area and he was pulled in! Please! You must save him! You have to!"

Princess Cadence still appeared in shock and overwhelmed. She nodded to the mare, "O-Of course, please, just remain calm and I'll tend to the situation." She looked at the sight of the tornado, eyes wide. Twilight?...

"Princess!" A nearby guard called out before beginning to rush over. "Princess! Are you alright!?"

Princess Cadence looked to him swiftly, before raising a hoof. "Please get these citizens a safe distance away!"

The guard halted, before saluting Princess Cadence with a firm nod. "O-Of course... citizens! With me!"

One of the nearby citizens shook his head, "B-But we still have-"

The guard squinted, "Do you want to make things worse!? Help us help you!"

The concerned citizens looked towards one another in hesitation, then towards Princess Cadence, before nodding at the guard and slowly making their way over to him. Some still hesitant to leave the area.

The mare beside Princess Cadence looked to the guard, then up towards her in uncertainty.

Princess Cadence nodded towards her in affirmation. "I will do what I can, I promise."

The mare's eyes swelled with tears, before she nodded back. "T-Thank you Princess..."

"Princess! P-Please, let me pass!" An unknown voice shouted from the background.

Princess Cadence looked in the direction of the mysterious caller, not recognizing her.

The individual in question was a middle-aged mare, breathing shakily as she uttered. "My daughter is close friends with Twilight Sparkle! The filly who lives in the engulfed home! Please! Tell me she is alright!"

Princess Cadence's eyes widened. A close friend of Twilight's? She shook her head in concern herself, frowning as her brows furrowed. "I am uncertain! But I aim to find out now. So please, keep your distance." She looked up towards the tornado, before her horn started to glow and she attempted to use telekinetic magic to disperse it. Yet in making contact, her horn sparked, and she flinched in pain. "Agh!" W-What? This magic... it's...

And like a ghost in the background, the faint remnant of Princess Nightmare Moon stood. She too peered up at this tornado of magic in astonishment. It is a void, a mass of time magic devoid of any order. Yet it is also not akin to chaos. Emptiness, akin to a blank slate to paint upon existence. I've never seen such a mass conjuring, not even from Starswirl. You mean to tell me that meddlesome mare did this? Cadence... do you comprehend what this is?

Princess Cadence continued to peer up at the tornado, before gulping. She then cast a barrier around herself, before slowly pushing herself against the tornado, heading into its heart. It doesn't matter. I need... t-to move!

Princess Cadence slowly made her way inside the swirling arcane torrent, uncertain of what she'd find. Using her defensive alicorn magic, though it crackled and shuddered with pressure, she was able to pass through. Upon finding herself in what should've been a residential block's worth of space, she was met with a sight that only left her standing in awe and perhaps even... horror. What she witnessed shouldn't have been possible, yet it was undeniably present before her. A vast practically unending labyrinthian library, with rifts in the world itself scattering the distance. "What is this?" She was left stunned for a moment, simply standing in place.

Eventually she shook her head, spreading her wings yet keeping herself enclosed in a personal barrier for safety within this place. As she took for the skies in this vast endless space, she glanced around observantly, attempting to catch sight of anything familiar within this now foreign landscape. Minutes passed, before her eyes widened at finally glimpsing a familiar filly down below, surrounded by a collection of other ponies. Yet... something wasn't right. "Twilight!" She flapped her wings, racing down. No, something was certainly wrong.

As Cadence touched down, there was a foreboding silence. Twilight, not far in the distance also peered off into this endless landscape, with an empty and broken gaze. Yet her physical appearance was altered as well; a luminescent blue glow radiated from the whites of her eyes, as arcane energy had formed rims around them. Her horn also radiated that same magic, having now become twisted and imbalanced. Ravenlike violet wings now protruded from each of her sides as a black flame emitted from the center of her bangs. "Twilight?"

Princess Nightmare Moon who was watching from afar appeared distraught. That's!... I-Impossible.

Twilight was muttering to herself. "E-Everything was right. I... I did it all right. So why? Why is it like this?"

Princess Nightmare Moon continued in her confusion. This is a... fractured ascension?

Cadence glanced around at the other ponies, who all peered off into the endless distance, also seemingly stuck in a dreamlike state. A trance. Their eyes wide and focused on an unseen objective. Practically zombies. Cadence gritted her teeth as she squinted in concern, before shaking her head, focusing and racing over towards Twilight. "Twilight! What happened here!?" She raced to the filly, before kneeling and getting her to look her in the face. "Talk to me!" Again, Cadence observed her features. A-Ascension!? No this is... broken.

Twilight remained stuck in a trance herself, before she finally realized Cadence's presence after what felt like an eternity. Distraught, she continued to mutter. "Cadence, I did everything right. I followed the instructions and still, it turned out like this. I don't understand." She turned her gaze upward, "I... it doesn't make any sense."

Cadence placed a hoof on each of Twilight's cheeks, trying to calm her. "Twilight, talk to me! What happened?"

Twilight spaced out for a moment again, before focusing on her, speaking slowly. "I... I borrowed the tome I was reading from the library. It... it spoke of many spells relating to cutie marks and destiny. I ignored the more advanced ones; I didn't want to try anything reckless. I only wanted to use a foresight spell." She turned her gaze downward, "It's meant to act as a compass, a window to one's destiny. I... I only wanted to know what I was doing wrong. Yet, for some reason, though I cast the spell perfectly, this happened. Though I only wanted to see a glimpse of my calling, everypony else was pulled into it. It makes no sense! I... I didn't want this!"

Though she felt Twilight's words were earnest, there was no denying the reality of the situation. This vast labyrinth of endless knowledge, rifts acting as windows into other worlds, and ultimately, innocent citizens caught in the crossfire; this was a magical mishandling of catastrophic proportions. How a filly could accomplish this left Cadence devoid of understanding. Yet, she couldn't deny the sight before her all the same. Cadence turned her gaze downward, thinking back to the strange dream she had. It will only get worse; I need to act...

Princess Nightmare Moon looked at Twilight, eyes wide and honed upon her. Utterly fascinating.

Twilight remained slumped upon the ground. Her gaze cast downward once again.

Princess Nightmare Moon's remnant slowly made her way over to Twilight, kneeling down before her and placing a hoof upon each of her cheeks. Suddenly, what animosity the Princess held for her short time nemesis, was beginning to swell further with that curious unexplainable fascination. Though Twilight could not feel her presence, Princess Nightmare Moon looked her in the eyes, nonetheless. That slumped, broken expression, filled with such promise. It is no wonder my Niece desired to hide you. My meddlesome mare, you are ripe with potential. Perhaps in my search for answers... she squinted in devious adoration. I've treated you too harshly.

Princess Cadence peered down at her momentarily, before slowly trotting past her. A familiar sight had now caught her attention, as she saw slumped in the distance, affected like all the other bystanders, was Shining Armor and Twilight's parents. She made her way over to him, kneeling down in front of him and getting a good look at his condition. His eyes were in a trance, empty, as if observing a thousand different things at once. The same condition beset Twilight's parents, which left Cadence stunned and in shock. She looked Shining Armor in his eyes earnestly, desperately. "We still have time Shining; I will fix this." She rose again, before turning to look at Twilight. "T-Twilight... where is the tome now? That might give us insight on how to reverse all of this."

There was a drawn-on moment of silence.

Princess Nightmare Moon whom was still in that same position, a hoof upon each of Twilight's cheeks, gave Cadence a disappointed sigh with sly eyes. Oh, my poor Niece. You do not know. She looked back to Twilight.

Princess Cadence shook her head, confused, becoming more adamant. "Twilight! The tome!"

Twilight began to tremble as she lowered her head further. "T-The tome... it... it was pulled into one of the rifts not long after I cast the spell. I don't know where it's gone. But I already know of the ways to end the spell."

Princess Cadence's eyes widened as she stood there, again in shock. "What?"

Princess Nightmare Moon smirked at Twilight in further surprise. My. Such a smart girl.

Twilight continued, "The foresight spell like many, relies on a source. That source being myself in this case. With enough magic, any adverse outside affects may be dispelled, contained, or destroyed. H-However, only the source may dispel any adverse effects casted upon others, and if such a solution is unreliable, then only with the destruction of the source may the spell's connection to others be completely severed." She frowned.

Princess Cadence cocked a brow, "T-Then we simply need to dispel it! Twilight! You have to dispel the magic!"

Twilight looked up at Cadence desperately, "I-I tried! But it kept spreading! T-To the point I don't understand the fundamentals of what was produced anymore. I... I tried but the spell's result is too unrecognizable to me."

Princess Cadence began pacing back and forth. "C-Containment then! I am sure with my magic; I can contain it within you. Then all you'll need to do is dispel the remnants that are left from the others so they can return."

Twilight nodded, but still frowned. "Containment is possible still, but I'm sorry Cadence..."

Princess Cadence paused in her pacing, looking now at Twilight in confusion.

Princess Nightmare Moon rose, sighing as she looked to Cadence. Oh Niece...

Twilight continued, closing her eyes. "I... I cannot dispel the remnants. The very fabric of the spell has grown beyond my understanding, and by unintentionally casting it upon them, I've also produced a foreign equation tied to each of them individually as well. To dispel it would take... near infinite fundamental combinations."

Princess Cadence's eyes widened exponentially. "Twilight... what are you saying?"

Twilight began trembling again. She started fiddling with her forehooves, as tears swelled in her eyes and she sniffled. Unable to look at Cadence anymore. "T-The most efficient way to fix the problem before it spreads out of control, would be containment within the source to sever the connection but lose the only algorithmic properties needed to dispel any of the adverse effects upon others." She paused, "Or... to simply get rid of the source. T-Then, then not only would the spell immediately cease, but as it stands, it should be immediately dispelled with the highest success rate." She sat motionless, "This would be... most efficient for everypony."

Princess Nightmare Moon looked to Cadence in silence, expectantly.

Again, there was a long-drawn silence between them.

Cadence muttered eventually, breaking that silence. "No."

Princess Nightmare Moon closed her eyes, shaking her head.

Twilight looked up at her, in shock, before sniffling. "Cadence, b-but we-"

Cadence snapped, shouting in her Canterlot voice. "No! I said no!" She snarled, fiercely now at Twilight, practically becoming unrecognizable in demeanor. "How dare you ask that of me!?" Her eyes began to swell with tears, as her expression became broken. "How could you put me in this position!? Twilight! How could you do something like this!?" She shouted so loud her voice became hoarse. "This is wrong! Wrong wrong wrong! Equestria shouldn't be like this! We shouldn't need to be put into positions like this!" She crumbled then, raising her forehooves to her head. "This is all wrong! Our world should be bright... loving... filled with hope, and yet.... and yet." Her mane now became disheveled as she raised her head, and tears drenched her face. "And yet."

Auntie Celestia's words rang in her mind. "Cadence, you will come to know Equestria differently from me. To be a good Princess, you may... need to find your own answer... I have made many mistakes in this lifetime."

Auntie Nightmare Moon's words rang in her mind. "In the vast expanse of emptiness there is a feeling even more powerful than love, a place where all love dies. That is where my soul resides, a place of true freedom."

Shining Armor's words rang in her mind. "Pain... can truly change somepony at their core."

Twilight's words rang in her mind. "Because it makes me feel better, knowing I can see you."

And finally... "Goodbye Princess Cadence, and do not lose the light of love."

Princess Cadence cackled softly. "All that I've done so far..." She snapped, "ISN'T WORKING!"

Princess Nightmare Moon flinched, stunned by Cadence's broken state. Not even she had ever seen her in such a manner, and though she didn't voice her thoughts. Concerns of the present now plagued her. Cadence...

Shining Armor remained motionless, peering off endlessly in his dreamlike trance.

Twilight's father and mother as well, like statues, they remained unmoved.

The innocent bystanders caught in the spell, were no different, all victims of this catastrophe.

Princess Cadence looked at all of them tiredly, frowning, "I'm sorry."

Twilight's eyes widened, as she rose, shaking her head and rushing to Cadence. "C-Cadence! No!"

Princess Cadence's nose wrinkled, as her eyes verged on the edge of malice, as she swiftly turned that gaze to Twilight and her horn glowed. Immediately she caught Twilight in a telekinetic hold, as she gritted her teeth. "I said QUIET! The grown up is talking now! So just be quiet Twilight! No more from you! No more! I am Princess, NOT YOU!" She rose then, now trotting over to Twilight before looking down at her in utter anguish. "So just be quiet now." She then pulled Twilight into a tight embrace with one hoof, as her horn began to glow vibrantly.

Twilight began to squirm, as she pushed against Cadence defiantly. "Cadence! Wait!"

Princess Cadence's gaze was cold, as her horn's shine only continued to glow, before suddenly with a blinding flash of crystalline light, she wrapped Twilight in her magic. "I am doing this for you... so stop squirming."

Suddenly Twilight's eyes snapped wide, as she began to writhe in discomfort. What started out as mere yelps, soon exploded into cries of pain. She desperately pushed against Cadence, attempting to escape her grasp, as by their horns, their magic was seemingly connected. A vibrant magical aura outlined the both of them.

Princess Cadence's gaze remained unchanged, as she clutched Twilight tighter the more she squirmed. Mercilessly, she poured her own magic into Twilight's horn, as if forcing her to contain it, as she began to appear strained. The more magic she violently poured into Twilight, the more this realm surrounding them began to crack like glass. Princess Cadence didn't cease, attempting to maximize those results from then on.

Twilight now screamed in a hoarse manner, as she desperately cried. "Cadence! Please! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Princess Cadence flinched, suddenly showing hesitation as her eyes held great sorrow. However, not a moment later, she squinted again with fierce determination, continuing, remaining resilient as she pressed forward. "If you're truly sorry! After I'm done here, you'll learn to let go of this reckless obsession with studying magic!"

And though Twilight cried, with a defiant shatter, soon enough, this realm of magic dissipated.

Princess Cadence ran a hoof through Twilight's mane with an exhale. "This is for you, not me."

Princess Nightmare Moon watched at a loss for words as even she was left somewhat stunned.

Princess Cadence held a now fainted Twilight against her with one hoof caressingly, as a faint arcane rain poured over this residential sector of Canterlot. She looked down at Twilight solemnly, as her own horn crackled with remnant magical energy. Twilight's broken ascension had also dissipated, and now she was a mere filly in her tattered pajamas. Cadence then slowly turned to face the opposite direction, looking up.

Citizens who awaited news on their family members were still in the area, watching in shock.

Twilight Sparkle's home now was left in tatters, as the remnants sparked with luminescent blue smoke.

The victims caught in Twilight's spell also remained present, though still stuck in an endless trance.

Then suddenly, a mare from the nearby crowd rushed forward. "Sweetie!" She rushed to one of the stallions caught in a trance, shaking him desperately. "It's me! Wake up! Please! I'm here! I'm here!" As she desperately shook him, she eventually looked to Princess Cadence. "P-Princess! He's not responding! What should I do!?"

Princess Cadence looked to that mare blankly. "I apologize, I couldn't save him. As he is now, he likely will not ever return to the way he was. However, as Princess, I promise... I will do all that I can to pour resources into research that will allow us to break the spell that holds him. In time we may find a cure to this magic."

Princess Nightmare Moon squinted with suspicion. Interesting... I've not heard of this secret endeavor.

Suddenly murmurs began to ring out among the citizens, as others rushed to their loved ones as well.

The mare looked at Princess Cadence in shock. "W-What?... But... but..." She looked back to her husband, before gritting her teeth in anger. "That's not fair... it's not fair! What happened!? How could this have happened!?" She looked at Twilight Sparkle held in Princess Cadence's hoof. "Is it her!? Was she the one!?"

More citizens began to scream, as others cried out in desperation to their loved ones.

Yet amidst the cries, a giant blue barrier of magic suddenly entrapped this residential sector.

One of the guards attempted to leave, only to place his hoof upon the barrier in question. "Princess?"

Princess Cadence continued to wear a blank and solemn expression, as her horn glowed the same color as the barrier, signifying she was the one who cast the spell. Then not a moment later, she proceeded to the mare who screamed at Twilight, before lowering herself to her level and peering into her eyes with a cold and tired gaze. "Forgive, love, adore." Then suddenly, tiny hearts poured into that mare as a spell was cast upon her.

The mare flinched, before her eyes suddenly widened and she soon smiled in adoration. "L-Love..."

The other citizens who witnessed this gasped, before some backed away in concern.

The mare continued, as she giggled merrily. "That filly... she's so... lovely. Adorable!"

Princess Cadence rose, before gazing absently at the crowd of citizens left. She slowly started making her way towards them, her horn glowing vibrantly with remnants of the same love spell used on the mare.

The mare who claimed to be the mother of a friend of Twilight's watched from a distance, as she was huddled against the barrier. She and the guard watched, in horror, as Princess Cadence made her way to each of the confused citizens, casting the same spell upon them to ensure their acceptance of the situation. Though some curious citizens were outside the barrier, the thickness of it made it difficult to pertain what was happening within. The mare began to tremble, as she'd never seen Princess Cadence act in such a manner before.

The screams of confusion all eventually fell silent, as the only sound left was that of the arcane rain.

Princess Cadence eventually made her way up to that sole mare, eyeing her in a cold manner while still holding Twilight Sparkle. She tilted her head at her. "Ma'am, your daughter is supposedly a friend of Twilight's... yes?"

The mare remained huddled against the barrier, trembling as she nodded slowly. "Y-Yes Princess."

Princess Cadence smiled warmly at her, tiredly. "Good." She paused, "I've a favor to ask you."

The guard remained silent, before lowering his gaze towards the pavement. Saying nothing.

Princess Nightmare Moon also watched in stunned disbelief. Cadence... how long have you been like this?

Meanwhile, Princess Cadence sat in silence as she observed a memory of her own choosing.

An event following the tail end of the Masquerade. A time any other perhaps would find insignificant.

Within the memory, Princess Nightmare Moon placed a slumbering Twilight Sparkle upon a bed. It was the dead of night, as Princess Nightmare Moon looked at her with a satisfied smirk. "Now then... I shall prove to you that you're nothing to me." She snickered, before suddenly conjuring a blackened spear with telekinetic magic. She pointed it towards Twilight, "You're nothing. Just another forgettable mare." Then with a maniacal grin, she lunged forward as the spear followed, aimed straight towards Twilight's chest. "A mere nuisance!"

Yet as Princess Cadence watched, she stared with half closed eyes in a cold and calculating gaze.

From then, there was a long drawn on silence within the moonlit bedroom chambers.

Princess Nightmare Moon's hoof trembled, as Twilight remained silent in her slumber. Her expression was foreign, one she'd never been caught making in public before. The spear also trembled, as it soon fell and disappeared into black smoke. Princess Nightmare Moon's eyes showed only a hint of confusion, conflict... and fear. She gritted her teeth, then placed a hoof to her chest as she snapped at the sleeping Twilight. "Who are you!? And why do you have this hold upon me!?" She roared, before using telekinetic magic to toss a dresser towards the wall. "I've stripped myself of any such childish weaknesses! And yet..." she crumbled to the floor, appearing desperately distraught. "And yet.... for you my mind only draws blanks, and unfamiliar heartache."

Princess Cadence's eyes widened then, as if in enlightened confirmation. Thank you... Twilight.

After all these years I can finally see it, the path towards a fair and beloved future.

Author's Note:

Hello friends, apologies for the late chapter. Though as I've said previously, I already know (roughly) how everything goes, sometimes, I just can't be satisfied with the end result. This was one of those times where I just had a lot of difficulty feeling satisfied with the direction of everything. Though nothing has changed, I plan to press ahead till the end, I definitely procrastinated longer than I'd have liked because of said reasons! But I'm hoping that when everything is said and done, people will enjoy the ups and downs of this fanfic. Either or, I hope you have a good day and all has been well! Apologies for odd mistakes found. :derpytongue2: