• Published 15th Apr 2020
  • 6,645 Views, 287 Comments

The Devil's Prize - MerryMelancholy

Princess Nightmare Moon has it all. Socially awkward shut in Twilight Sparkle has nothing of worth. Princess Nightmare Moon can acquire anything she desires. Twilight Sparkle can't seem to catch a break. So why's the Princess desire Twilight Sparkle?

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Bonus Chapter: Broadway Blues

Many years ago, in the early reign of Princess Nightmare Moon...

A speakerphone rang out across the night skies of Equestria. "Fillies and Gentlecolts! Do purchase your tickets and take your seats for the show is about to begin! The Fantastic Fillies of Manehattan Madness!"

Bright lights shined vibrantly across the sky as well, originating from the wild nightlife of Canterlot's Broadway District. The main event of the night was at a golden red carpet theater, with a line packed out front.

A couple within the line were dressed for the occasion. The mare addressed her husband. "Oh, I'm so excited! Princess Nightmare Moon will be in attendance tonight too, so this will surely be the best performance yet."

The stallion responded in kind. "Indeed! The talent in these children is astounding, it always boggles my mind."

In the backstage halls of the theater, another couple looked around frantically in panic. The mare had a yellow coat, orange mane, blue eyes, and orange slices as her cutie mark. The stallion had a full orange as his cutie mark, a yellow coat and green mane. They both were dressed for the occasion too, but obviously not prepared for whatever had just occurred. The two were none other than Applejack's Auntie and Uncle Orange.

Aunt Orange looked around in worry. "Oh Darling, where could she have gone!? She was just here!"

Uncle Orange nodded as he frowned, glancing around. "Applejack! Where are you, dear!?"

Meanwhile sitting on a seat backstage with her rear legs crossed was a filly Rarity, appearing guilty and grumpy.

Suddenly rushing out the side of the building, slamming the door behind her was a filly Applejack, dressed head to hoof in a gorgeous white dress with a black tiara. Her long blonde mane was fashioned into two buns, as her face was adorned in makeup. She wore thick red lipstick and black eyeliner. She backed away from the door further, moisture building in her eyes as she kept going until she hit the wall of the opposing building behind her. She frantically turned, soon running down an alleyway, still focused on the door to the theater.

She ended up crashing into another filly, knocking her to the ground unexpectedly. "Ah!"

There, now flat on her rear, was a filly Twilight Sparkle. She wore her backpack and cheap school clothes, as she looked up at the fellow filly who hit her. The right side of her lower lip was already bruised, as was her left cheek prior to this encounter. She blinked a few times, eyeing filly Applejack up and down in surprise.

Applejack trembled, tears began rolling down her face as she gulped, looking down at Twilight, speechless.

Twilight rose and patted herself off, then frowned. "Ah... apologies, I didn't think I hit you that hard." Twilight rubbed at her chin inquisitively, confused. I'm fairly certain I was the one hit, but she's the one crying. Perplexing.

Applejack continued to tremble, as she shook her head and lowered it. "N-No, I'm... I'm sorry, it's not you." Her voice was soft and sweet, with perfect etiquette. "I just have a performance tonight and I'm super nervous. The Princess will be there and I don't think I can do it. I'm just gonna make a big joke out of myself." She sniffled.

Twilight raised both brows at her. "Why can't you do it? You look completely healthy." She blinked a few times.

Applejack glanced up at her, flushing red. "My friend said I'm going to mess up in front of the Princess."

Twilight tilted her head to the right, still a bit confused. "Unless your friend is educated in the use of time magic, I doubt she can perceive possible future events." Twilight paused, "Might this be the case with your friend?"

Applejack shook her head, frustrated, as she stomped a hoof, still crying. "No, but she's right! I will mess up!"

Twilight lowered her head down, peering into the fellow filly's eyes. "Earth ponies can't use time magic."

Applejack glared at her. "I don't need to know the future to know that I'm not good enough!"

Twilight looked at her blankly still. "If you're not good enough then why'd they choose you?"

Applejack sniffled... needing to pause for a moment. "B-Because... because I'm the star of the show." She looked down, eyes saddening. "But I don't feel like the star. These clothes are uncomfortable, my face feels nasty, and I don't feel myself. B-But I keep going to make my Auntie and Uncle happy. But, I don't feel like me."

Twilight glanced her up and down, before tilting her head again. "Then act like yourself. You're the star right?"

Applejack looked at her in thought, before looking down hesitantly again. "I-If I do that, I'd be going against what my Auntie and Uncle want." She frowned further, "I don't want to make them sad by changing things."

Twilight frowned a little, shrugging. "They'll likely be fairly sadder if the star of the show runs away instead."

Applejack frowned and looked down in deep thought. "Ya-" a hint of her southern accent began to return, as she looked up at Twilight, still with moist eyes and now sloppy makeup. "Ya think... I can do this my way?"

Twilight glanced her up and down, before closing her eyes and smiling. "You look healthy and pretty enough based on my assessment." She shrugged, smirking a little despite her bruised cheek and lip. "I'm no doctor though, so perhaps you know better than I do. Though I feel the star of the show, should be in control."

There was a moment of drawn silence, as suddenly overcoming filly Applejack was a look of determination. Her makeup was messed up, and quite spread about her face now. She threw off her tiara as she loosened the collar on her dress. "Y-You're right! I... I have to go up there, so I want to feel comfortable enough to do so!" She nodded to Twilight, "I... I'm the star of the show, so I'm in control! That's what I'll tell em, I'll tell em that!"

Twilight looked at her blankly. "That's sounds quite logical." She looked at her pocket watch, eyeing it now with half closed eyes before she nodded to Applejack. "I must be going show pony. Do excuse me." She trotted past.

As Applejack stood there, face still caked with makeup. She glanced back, "W-Wait!"

Twilight glanced back at her, "Hm?" She raised a brow at the fellow filly.

Applejack glanced down nervously, then back at her desperately. "I never got your-"

But suddenly the filly poofed, teleporting out of sight, nowhere to be seen.

Applejack stood there now alone in the alleyway... a hoof slightly raised as her eyes saddened. "N-Name...."

Author's Note:

Hello all. I decided to include short bonus chapters when I have extra time. They're more seperate from the central narrative of the story, but I thought they'd be fun for additional depth and context. I hope you enjoy these, they'll crop up every now and again, and are much shorter than actual chapters.:twilightsmile: