• Published 15th Apr 2020
  • 6,645 Views, 287 Comments

The Devil's Prize - MerryMelancholy

Princess Nightmare Moon has it all. Socially awkward shut in Twilight Sparkle has nothing of worth. Princess Nightmare Moon can acquire anything she desires. Twilight Sparkle can't seem to catch a break. So why's the Princess desire Twilight Sparkle?

  • ...

Chapter 9: Masquerade Madness! - Part 4

A star yellow stallion unicorn sat grumpily at a small floor table, within what could be considered a mini library of a room. His hoof rested on his cheek as strands of his evening violet mane remained somewhat parted over his bright blue eyes. He'd toss a glare frequently forward, followed by a huff. His pencil gripped by telekinetic magic scribbled notes onto paper absently. He yawned, before muttering with half closed eyes. "Quite the sentence you must be writing, huh?" He was met with only silence as he awaited the response that never came.

Sitting across from him was Moondancer, who was staring down at a piece of paper with a single half-finished sentence upon it. Her pencil also gripped with telekinetic magic as it just made rhythmic circles overlapping one another, never actually going anywhere. She wore an expression of strained concern. Her thoughts clouded.

The stallion continued, "Must be quite the sentence you're writing there, HUH?"

Moondancer flinched, before peering ahead and her brows furrowing at the stallion in apologetic fashion. "Ah! C-Comet Trail. Did I space out again?" She organized herself and adjusted her paper, "I'm so sorry!"

The stallion, Comet Trail, rolled his eyes with a sigh. "Yeah, only for the hundredth time."

Moondancer frowned heavily, before looking back down at her paper. "I'm sorry Comet... I just can't stop thinking about Twilight. She's been on my mind this whole night. You can go home if you'd like."

Comet Trail's grumpy expression slowly melted away, before he shook his head and then reached out to her, placing a hoof upon hers and sighing with a concerned look. "No it's not that I want to leave. It's just you're always so nose deep in your books, studies, work, that I rarely get alone time with you as is. The time I finally do, it's occupied by Twilight, who is FINE. She's at one of the biggest parties for hoof's sake!" He made a grand gesture before huffing. "You're thinking too much into it. You need to relax." He blushed a bit, before catching himself and turning his gaze downward. "A-And well study... of course!" He nodded in a reassuring manner.

Moondancer eyed him, blushing herself a little before smiling, only for it to be followed still by a concerned frown. "I know I know... it's just that Twilight... I know her better than anypony else. She's been with me since we were fillies. I need to protect her. My instincts are telling me to protect her, and I can't shake that feeling."

Comet Trail reached out to her again, tilting her chin to face him directly, so their eyes could lock. "What you need to do is stop punishing yourself. Twilight isn't your daughter, she's your sister. She's capable too."

Moondancer looked at him as her gaze quivered, and she seemed uncertain. After a moment, she gripped his hoof with hers and then gave him a reassuring nod. "Y-You're right. I need to focus." She then placed that hoof on his cheek. "And for now, that's on you." She chuckled a little. "So, you better work hard you dork."

Comet Trail gulped and turned beet red in the face.

Moondancer than bopped him with her pencil on the horn. "WITH YOUR STUDIES!"

Comet Trail flinched. "Oooooow!"

Still at the Masquerade, Princess Cadence peered down at Twilight questioningly. "Twilight?"

Twilight was still frozen in space, unaware of how long she'd been awkwardly standing... staring.

Princess Cadence knocked her from her trance with a mere tilt of the chin, forcing eye contact. "Twilight."

Twilight as she came to a realization of her situation, once again eyed the Princess with a fearful gaze.

Princess Cadence didn't let up her stare. "I asked how you've been. How is Moondancer?"

Twilight managed to ease her composure for but a moment before looking up at Princess Cadence confused. "I've... I've been okay. Um... M-Moondancer is okay too. Are..." there was an obvious hesitation in Twilight's demeanor. She turned her gaze downwards towards the floor, a hint of fear upon her. "Are you okay Cadence?"

Princess Cadence closed her eyes halfway. "Now... why would you ask that Twilight? Do I not look okay?"

Twilight's worry deepened as she frowned heavily, her eyes showing an intense buried pain. "It's just... It's been years Cadence. You haven't sent a letter and I tried to see you, but you were always busy and-"

Princess Cadence interjected, "I'm here right now, aren't I? I didn't refuse your presence, did I? Twilight?"

Twilight looked up at Princess Cadence pleadingly, "N-No! Um, no you didn't Cadence. I'm not suggesting that!"

Princess Cadence continued, her adamancy becoming more transparent. "Then what are you suggesting?"

Twilight paused, looking up at Princess Cadence with wide distraught eyes, filled with fear.

Princess Cadence also peered straight into those eyes, observantly. Desperately awaiting an answer.

There was a drawn-on moment of silence between the two, despite the commotion surrounding them.

Princess Nightmare Moon too was enwrapped in this occurrence, her eyes homed in on the two with an almost hunter's gaze, learning all she could from the interaction. Though her focus was Twilight, she also didn't fail to notice her niece's odd behavior. They know each other? No, more importantly. Why are you baiting her.... Cadence? All the while, obsessed fans of the Princess had their fill of pushing against her, admiring her coat and her mane, taking pictures all the while. Yet the Princess didn't budge, all she did was observe, as if this moment was more important than anything else. Reminiscent of her military ventures, the Princess was utterly focused.

Angel Purity stood off in the background, now jittery with excitement as she etched every detail of the scene playing out before her in her mind. "Oh this is just too good to be true! This whole time I was standing beside the Princess, and even better..." she closed her eyes halfway before taking a glance over at Princess Cadence and Twilight, focusing more so on Twilight in particular. She squinted at the young unicorn, before looking back to Princess Nightmare Moon and her hunter's gaze. I now have gotten a good look at the prize you seek.

Fluttershy also remained observant of Princess Cadence in particular, as she'd never been told of this Twilight before. She blinked a few times, filled more with innocent curiosity but a hint of worry as well. P-Princess?

Twilight looked back down to the floor again, feeling she needed to choose her words carefully. "I didn't come here to find you... Princess Cadence. I promise, I just happened to run into you." Her expression saddened.

Princess Cadence's eyes widened somewhat, now surprised by this turn of events. "Oh, is that so Twilight? Well, in that case I'm doing quite alright." She turned back towards Fluttershy, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm-"

Twilight's expression darkened as she kept it downward, brazenly interrupting. "B-But! I have missed you!" Why tonight, after so much has already happened... is it the first time I've seen you again? Why in the world is everything happening so fast? Why can't I just run away or ignore it all like usual? Why am I doing this? Why, why, why...

Princess Cadence froze in place then, her expression cold and piercing as she eyed Twilight in silence.

Twilight felt as if some form of liquid courage was spurring her forward, something often unfelt. Everything has been a mess. Twilight reflected back on the night of losing her job. I feel like I keep messing everything up.

My friends constantly have to worry about me, when they're much better off without me. Meanwhile amidst the Masquerade, located on an entirely different floor was Lyra who was passed out at a table from drinking too much wine while being tended to by BonBon and Lemon Hearts. Twinkleshine was fidgeting nervously with grave concern when she was suddenly approached by Minuette, who also seemed worried. "I can't find her anywhere! Where is she!?" Minuette ruffled her mane in frustration, "Aaaah! Moondancer is gonna kill me!"

It just feels like, so many bad things happen when I'm there. Back at the banquet area, Pinkamena Diane Pie and Applejack had finally finished their fighting as both sat near a flipped table with food scattered everywhere, and all upon their clothes. They eyed one another with contempt, before crossing their hooves and huffing.

Scouting through the halls was Rainbow Dash, eyed still spurred by anger and annoyance.

Lady Tempest and Lady Rarity were also in the halls, linking back up and shaking their heads at one another.

I can't stop worrying about those I let in... will they all feel the same way about me in the end?

Sunburst and Trixie connected back with Starlight, who leaped into Sunburst, giving him a crushing hug.

Moondancer and Comet Trail continued to work on their studies, as Moondancer smiled fondly at him.

Will they end up feeling the same way about me that you do... Cadence? Twilight continued adamantly despite that piercing gaze she gave. "S-So, I um... I don't care that I stumbled upon you randomly! My whole life has been that way as of late! I... I won't let you leave without at least asking you, because this is the bravest I've felt in a long while and I'm still so scared!" Twilight's eyes began to tear up while focused on Cadence. "So, please listen because I need to hear it from you Cadence." She placed a hoof upon her chest, "Do you still feel the same way about me, Cadence?" She paused, now tears rolling down her cheeks. "Are we no longer friends, C-Cadence?"

At this point, the commotion surrounding Princess Nightmare Moon began to die down as even her admirers were beginning to feel somewhat intrigued by the happenings of the other just as gorgeous Princess nearby.

Princess Nightmare Moon hadn't budged either, still quietly focused upon the two like a hawk upon mice.

Princess Cadence turned back to face Twilight, now smiling wide yet with a piercing hateful squint. "There it is."

Twilight flinched due to that expression she made, almost frozen in fear due to it.

Fluttershy also flinched, as she'd never seen that expression upon her Princess before.

Princess Cadence continued. "Finally, you've said what you've always wanted to say. Ever since you were a filly Twilight, I've known you were timid... shy, filled with potential and such an adorable little bookworm." She leaned down towards her playfully, even bopping her nose softly. "For me, you'll always hold a special place in my heart due to the relationship we share." But suddenly, Princess Cadence's smile disappeared completely as her eyes turned cold and sour. She stared straight through the unicorn mare, with a blazing passion. "So believe me when I say I've never loved, nor hated somepony as much as you, Twilight Sparkle." She rose.

Twilight's gaze fell empty, almost lifeless as she looked up at the alicorn. "H-Huh?"

Fluttershy gasped as shock and hurt overcame her and she needed to cover her muzzle with a hoof.

Princess Cadence continued, gazing down at Twilight. "You see my cutie mark Twilight?" She glanced back at it, a heart of pure diamond. "I've found over the years my calling is many things, particularly love. I love my subjects, I love my family, and amongst those I love you are included. Love is a complicated feeling, so deep and prominent that once you understand it, you realize just how unfathomably deep the hole goes for those you love. My love for you Twilight is a bottomless pit, and that'll never change." She leaned down to give her a cold gaze again, as her nose wrinkled some. "But you cracked my diamond Twilight... you scarred me like no pony has before. Do you understand how that feels?" She squinted, angrily. "Can you fathom the hurt?"

Twilight was at a loss for words, as she only eyed Princess Cadence emptily. Still shaken.

Princess Cadence continued, "I was willing to take these feelings to the grave, but you asked me a question. Are... we... still... friends?" She paused, "You know, it's a good question Twilight and I think I have an answer. We were never friends; we were always family. I've learned how to love and hate my family, so that's the category I'd put you in Twilight." She rose, before turning away from the mare. "A love-hate relationship. That's all I think we are now..." She sighed and glanced back at her. "I hope as an adult now, you can understand, Twilight."

Twilight had tears streaming down her cheeks at this point as she was completely mute.

Princess Cadence flinched, before her nose wrinkled in frustration. "Why are you acting hurt!?" Princess Cadence turned back towards her and placed a hoof upon her own chest in annoyance. "I'm who's hurt!"

Twilight suddenly raced past Princess Cadence hurriedly, lowering her head and sprinting down an empty hall.

Princess Cadence turned angrily as Twilight ran off, "Twilight! Get back here this instant! Argh!...."

Fluttershy gave Princess Cadence a piercing glare of her own, filled with contempt and disappointment.

Princess Cadence looked at Fluttershy in genuine confusion at first, "F-Fluttershy? What's the matter?"

Fluttershy shook her head before proceeding down the hall where Twilight had run down.

Princess Cadence reached a hoof out to Fluttershy as she trotted off, "F-Fluttershy!? Wait! I can explain!"

"Now that's quite the side I've never seen from you before dear Niece, impressive."

Princess Cadence glanced back now, exhaling. "Auntie... I'd almost forgotten you were there."

Finally proceeding forward was Princess Nightmare Moon whose eyes were half closed as she looked upon Cadence almost in what could be perceived as admiration, smiling from cheek to cheek. Behind her, all nearby guest's hooves were locked to the floor with pure telekinetic magic in the fashion of translucent sapphire chains. "Oh, I was simply listening, you are your own Princess after all. A shame you never addressed those scheming royals in their antics in such a manner. It is so rare, if ever, I'd seen such a passionate side of you dear Niece." She chuckled softly as she gradually made her way past Princess Cadence, towards that same hall.

Princess Cadence sighed heavily as she was lost in thought now, padding herself off.

Princess Nightmare Moon continued, "Oh and another thing, dearest Niece."

Princess Cadence looked tiredly up then, before her eyes snapped wide and a shiver ran down her spine.

Halfway embedded in the hallway shadows, Princess Nightmare Moon's fierce yet piercing gaze was locked onto Princess Cadence. A quiet and unbridled rage seemingly hidden deep within her as she muttered sternly. "Let us discuss your history with that pony in due time, and why you felt such a tone was necessary. I am quite curious." Suddenly, that demeanor disappeared entirely as she closed her eyes and smiled in a playful manner. "For now, I shall do things my way, so from here on, do your best not to interfere." From there, she proceeded forward, eventually disappearing into the darkness of the halls Twilight herself departed down as well.

Princess Cadence raised a brow, genuinely confused. W-What's with her?

Suddenly the sound of snapping chains rang out across the floor.

Princess Cadence's eyes widened as she frowned and sighed. Oh no.....

And near instantaneously a mob of ponies suddenly came upon Princess Cadence in adoration.

Princess Cadence just stood and chuckled nervously, feeling stuck between four brick walls.

As Twilight raced down the near endless halls, the tears didn't stop streaming down her face. Her thoughts were a whirlwind, as her horn began fizzing in and out erratically, as she ported forward without control in one moment, slamming into the wall and tumbling to her side. "O-Ow... ugh... uuugh.." she began sobbing softly.

"W-Wait! Excuse me! P-Please... Please slow down!"

Twilight tried to wipe the tears away, then rose and began to trot again. "P-Please, leave me alone!"

Fluttershy was the pony in pursuit, as she kept trotting as well. "I don't think that's a good idea right now!"

Twilight picked up her pace again as she ignored Fluttershy, and simply ran as fast as she could.

Fluttershy continued to call out to her, "Please! Ma'am! I just want to talk, I promise I won't yell at you!"

Twilight shook her head and cried out, "You're yelling at me right now!"

Fluttershy rolled her eyes as she grinned pleadingly in response, "But I'm yelling NICE things!"

Twilight found a random door further down the hall, opening it, "Please! J-Just go away!" She slammed the door shut behind her and proceeded inside, unable to stop the tears from flowing. She'd felt so brave at first, now she felt so broken and emotional. Was it the stuff she drank earlier? Was it still affecting her this way? She'd never felt so terrible. She looked around, finding herself in a large almost royal fashioned room. There was a mirror nearby which she looked into, and as she saw her expression and more particularly her horn, it filled her with disgust. It's all your fault. She began gripping at her horn, yanking at it even. Always... y-your... FAULT!

Abrasive knocks suddenly came upon the door. "M-Ma'am, are... are you in there? I'm coming in!"

Twilight flinched, gritting her teeth as though the tears still flowed, a ferocity marred her expression. Twilight glanced around, gasping as she saw a large patio balcony not far off. She sprinted towards it, opening the glass doors which lead outside. The full moon hung in the background as did the stars, but Twilight cared little for such things in this moment. With her disheveled suit, she loosened it up and then proceeded towards the edge of the balcony. A tortured look came upon her as she looked down towards Canterlot City, and breathing became difficult. She couldn't stop the heartache and tears from flowing as she used a hoof to desperately rub up her cheek. I need to fix this. I... I need to fix this problem. "I... I need to help Cadence. And... the only way is-"

Fluttershy screamed, "STOP!..." Now standing at the balcony entrance was Fluttershy, catching her breath. "Ma'am! P-Please stop! You're wrong! Princess Cadence would never want this. S-She wasn't in her right mind, and n-neither are you! Okay?" She spoke with a soft and sweet voice, as if attempting to reassure Twilight.

Twilight's horn began to fizz and spark violently with violet magic, as she raised a hoof to it before shaking her head desperately at Fluttershy. "No, YOU'RE wrong! All I bring is trouble! All I've ever brought is trouble! C-Cadence only showed me everything I've done is a waste of time! You don't get it, you'd think the same if you knew what she knew a-and..." she glanced up at her horn, "It's better this way. Nothing about me can be fixed, okay? Tomorrow, I'd just be the same timid pony who only makes mistakes and doesn't understand what anypony is thinking." She closed her eyes and gripped her horn further, "You don't get it! So please, just go!"

Fluttershy's eyes saddened exponentially as she trotted forward slowly. "T-Then tell me your story and let me be the judge." She shook her head, frowning. "It's not fair to say all that, and not let me try. R-Right?"

Twilight's eyes widened at Fluttershy, as she glanced down guiltily and sniffled. "Please... just go." When suddenly the sparks from her horn grew more intense and suddenly caused Twilight to stumble, but she caught herself on her hooves before trying to straighten her stance. As she did however, her horn began to spark erratically, before letting loose wild zaps of magic. One struck a random segment of the building, sending flying even a piece of debris. Twilight was overcome with fear as she desperately covered her horn. "PLEASE!"

Fluttershy began to tremble as she witnessed this, but she shook her head and proceeded forward. "No!"

Twilight looked at Fluttershy desperately before her horn erratically let loose another bolt towards Flutteshy.

Fluttershy leaped and landed on her side, narrowly dodging the bolt.

Twilight gritted her teeth, trying to compose herself so her magic would calm down as well. "L-Leeeeeave!"

Fluttershy wobbled to her hooves, before spreading her wings and adamantly stating. "No!"

Twilight wobbled as well, before her horn sparked and let loose another bolt straight at Fluttershy again.

Fluttershy gasped as she attempted to dodge, only for the bolt to clip her wing and send her tumbling onto the balcony floor. "O-Ow..." She glanced back at her wing, only to see the tip burnt and bruised. "Oh no..."

Twilight continued to struggle, as another bolt of magic let loose, and she screamed. "No!"

Fluttershy gasped again, unable to react quickly enough, she covered her head defensively.

Twilight shut her eyes tight as she couldn't bear to look.

However, amidst the chaos, the sound of a sudden poof echoed then, before a metallic crack followed.

Twilight slowly opened her eyes as she stood there, still wobbling with her erratic horn.

Fluttershy slowly opened her eyes as well, peeking to see why she wasn't feeling anymore sudden pain.

Standing there confidently was Princess Nightmare Moon, who was suddenly dawned in her signature black plated armor. She exhaled with excitement, as a smoky crack was present upon her breastplate. She glanced down at it, smirking, "Oh, now isn't this fascinating my little pony. You cracked my armor. It's as if every time we meet, you give me more reason to give chase." She chuckled, licking her lips hungrily as she eyed Twilight with fierce determination. "Now will you calm down and come down from there? Or must I intervene?"

Twilight continued to struggle in place, her magic violently sparking. "I... I'm sorry, I can't."

Princess Nightmare Moon grinned fiercely as she trotted slowly forward. "I was hoping you'd say that."

Author's Note:

Hi all, so it's been a long time. If there's any readers even left, I appreciate your patience. I'd been so busy and hadn't written MLP in so long that I honestly have little confidence I'm good enough to be back. But after watching G5 movie and getting back in the groove of the community I really want to get back on track. Hope all has been well friends! Also hope you're enjoying new MLP stuff! Brohoof! :twilightsmile: