• Published 15th Apr 2020
  • 6,645 Views, 287 Comments

The Devil's Prize - MerryMelancholy

Princess Nightmare Moon has it all. Socially awkward shut in Twilight Sparkle has nothing of worth. Princess Nightmare Moon can acquire anything she desires. Twilight Sparkle can't seem to catch a break. So why's the Princess desire Twilight Sparkle?

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Chapter 14: A Good Princess - Part 1

"Auntie Celestia, will I be a good Princess someday?"

Cadence was but a young alicorn mare, laying curled up on a large bed of pillows in an extravagant room, lit by a fireplace and the moonlight which poured through a large gold rimmed window. "A Princess, just like you?"

Laying closer by the fireplace was Princess Celestia, nose deep in a book, before she glanced over at Cadence across the room. Firstly, with a look of curiosity, then a smile. "You will be an incredible Princess, Dear." She glanced down for a moment as her eyes saddened. "But not like me, you will be your own Princess."

Cadence's eyes were wide in thought as she looked down blankly. "Why did you choose me Auntie?"

Princess Celestia's eyes widened in further surprise, before amused chuckles escaped her. "Somepony is quite curious tonight." She rose, striding over slowly to Cadence before laying down next to her and running a hoof through her mane. "What ails you Dear? Surely these thoughts didn't originate from nowhere. Elaborate."

Cadence blinked a few times. "There were other orphans too, and nopony cared to look for us in the north. Yet you found us..." She glanced down then in confliction, "No, you found me. You were looking for me, even though you saved the others too. I was just like them, but you chose me to also be an alicorn like you." Her eyes saddened in concern as she looked down only at the pillows, "But I don't feel like I'm any different from them."

Princess Celestia placed a hoof beneath Cadence's chin before tilting her head over and up to look at her closely. "Everypony is special in their own way Cadence, we're all different, with unique talents and contributions." She smiled earnestly, "I valued each of your lives with utmost importance... but you are correct, I was searching for you." She glanced away momentarily at the moon, before looking back to Cadence. "I will not deceive you dearest, in a world such as ours, where we each have unique roles to play, these roles may often at times require more... guidance... than others." She rose again heading over to the window now, "It's not about whether or not we're deserving of these roles. It's about weighing the consequences of our actions, should we choose to ignore them. Your difference is your innate talent makes you suitable to be an alicorn."

Cadence looked at her curiously. "So... if I didn't want to be an alicorn, would that make me a bad pony?"

Princess Celestia shook her head. "No, I'm the one who made the decision for you. Any blame is mine alone."

Cadence tilted her head slightly, still curious. "Does a good Princess make choices for others, Auntie?"

Princess Celestia fell silent as she only looked silently towards the moon from the window.

Cadence blinked a few times, before tilting her head the opposite direction. "Auntie?"

Princess Celestia smiled in silence, looking down, before finally responding. "Forgive me Dearest, it seems you have stumped me this night. I... well... I believe a good Princess does what they can for the good of their subjects. Yet at times, that may mean the hardship of another." She looked back to Cadence, "However Cadence, you will come to know Equestria differently from me. To be a good Princess, you may... need to find your own answer." She then looked back out to the moon, "I have made many mistakes in this lifetime."

Cadence lowered her head a bit, still curious with wide eyes. "What do you mean Auntie?"

Princess Celestia seemed deeply lost in thought. "I believe I took a misstep somewhere Dearest, that is all." She remained standing there in silence for a moment, before turning around with a sigh and striding back over to her. "But regardless of what our future holds, I know from the bottom of my heart..." she leaned down and tilted Cadence's head to get a good look at her once again. "You are befitting the title of Princess and will find your own path whether I'm there or not. For you have discovered one of the greatest natures of magic there is." She smiled warmly, taking a moment to run a hoof slowly through Cadence's flowy pink mane. "Love."

As the years passed, Princess Cadence couldn't help but think back to such a memory.

Canterlot City loomed in the background of a dreary and thundering sky. Rain poured over the fields on the outskirts, as dozens of pony platoons consisting of all varieties stood ready. Many of them... trembling.

Slowly approaching them from a distance was Princess Nightmare Moon, grinning fiercely.

Standing towards the back center of the pony platoons was the now, Princess, Cadence. She looked at Princess Nightmare Moon with wide eyes of disbelief, confusion, uncertainty, as she felt she couldn't even form thoughts. A-Auntie Celestia... she lost? She's gone? I... I can't do this. How am I supposed to do this!? I'm just... me.

One of the ponies close to her shouted, "Princess! W-What're your orders!?"

Princess Cadence snapped from her trance, slowly looking at that soldier. "Huh?"

The pony repeated, this time more adamantly. "Orders! Princess! What are your commands!?"

Princess Cadence began breathing heavily as time seemed to slow for her. O-Orders? Orders... right... orders. I need to think! I need to do this. She straightened herself, before glancing up at the sky in deep thought. Auntie Celestia's battle is what caused this catastrophic weather. She squinted at the clouds. Perhaps we can use-

However, suddenly appearing before her with a poof, was none other than Nightmare Moon.

Time seemed to slow again, as the platoons up front still had their eyes fixed on where Princess Nightmare Moon was prior. The panic slowly setting on them in realization as mere seconds had only passed. They were in mid turn to fall back to Princess Cadence, as those surrounding Princess Cadence also had difficulty adjusting to what'd just occurred. As Princess Cadence felt the foreboding presence before her, her eyes were still fixated on the clouds as her gaze attempted to focus on the pony now before her. Her shock, apparent. "Huh?"

Princess Nightmare Moon wore a fierce grin, as her back right hoof began to ignite with black telekinetic magic. Without a moment's notice, she swiftly spun and bucked Princess Cadence in her plated chestpiece.

An immediate sense of agony washed over the Princess as her shocked expression had yet to dissipate. Yet almost instinctively, she wrapped defensive magic around herself before taking the blow. Despite this, her chestplate cracked and in similarity to a blitzing pegasus, she was sent hurtling towards Canterlot City.

Princess Nightmare Moon still grinned, before flapping her wings and sending out a mighty shockwave which sent the surrounding soldiers hurtling backwards, as she flew in pursuit of the now distant Princess Cadence.

One of the soldiers left behind shouted in desperation, "Fall back! We must assist the Princess!"

Some of the pegasus who attempted to fly after them were struck with fear as violent clouds filled with magical residue sparked and cracked the air before them. They showed obvious hesitation to go full speed.

Yet despite all this, one unknown soldier had suddenly blitzed past all of them in a series of rapid and desperate teleportation spells straight for Canterlot City. Those left barely registered his presence.

Princess Cadence in what felt almost instantaneous, was sent crashing into a Canterlot building, shattering the roof before bouncing off into a plethora of other buildings and finally hitting the pavement. Her mane now disheveled, her body drenched and covered in dirt and grime, as pieces of her armor had fallen off. She wheezed, catching her breath. W-What? What just happened? She trembled, rising to her hooves. I'm... alive?

Suddenly smashing down on the streets before her was Princess Nightmare Moon. "Impressive!"

Princess Cadence looked to Princess Nightmare Moon tiredly, still attempting to catch her breath.

Princess Nightmare Moon stood tall as she relished in the rain, before addressing Cadence. "You instinctively activated a defensive barrier before I hit you! It seems Celestia didn't completely waste her time after all."

Princess Cadence frowned, eyes saddening somewhat. "Auntie Celestia... she's gone then?"

Princess Nightmare Moon's eyes widened. "Auntie!? My oh my Celestia, you've got quite the sense of humor." She tilted her head to the right in curiosity. "Because I don't recall ever having myself a daughter."

Princess Cadence shook her head. "I'm... adopted." She looked down at the pavement in a saddened manner. "Though as a niece. I assume she didn't want the pressures of the kingdom to fall directly to me."

Princess Nightmare Moon smirked at her, "Yet here you are."

Princess Cadence closed her eyes for a moment, "Yet here I am." She reaffirmed herself, as she stood straight and stopped her trembling, eyeing Princess Nightmare Moon fiercely as her horn started to glow vibrantly.

Princess Nightmare Moon appeared amused. "That's it, put up a good struggle for me. I don't want my reign to start unceremoniously. I'll start with you, then move on to the rest of those who would question my coming."

Princess Cadence gritted her teeth as she let off a blast of raw magic.

Princess Nightmare Moon suddenly cast a transparent barrier to protect herself, as Princess Cadence's spell was easily deflected and sent off into the skies. "That was... disappointing. Surely there's more to you than this? Did my buck take that much out of you, Child?" She sighed, "Is there anything that makes you special?"

Princess Cadence teleported to a nearby roof, letting off another blast.

Princess Nightmare Moon easily tracked her, strengthening that position of her barrier and deflecting the blast. "Boring." Her horn started to glow as suddenly; a flurry of black octopus tentacles launched themselves at Princess Cadence. "Come now, aren't you supposed to be Equestria's new protector? What is this?"

Princess Cadence's eyes widened, before she gritted her teeth and cast a defensive barrier herself. As she was struck by the tentacles, she was sent hurtling again, bouncing around in her barrier like a hamster ball rampaging through the city. Once it came to a gradual stop, she dissipated it again, wheezing. "Ugh..."

Princess Nightmare Moon casually landed nearby again, glancing around in curiosity. "Ah, so Celestia was smart enough to evacuate the city in case our battle carried over. Granted, I doubt she expected it to carry over to her useless protégé." She chuckled before looking at Cadence again. "I just can't understand what my sister saw in you. Your defensive magic is quite impressive, but I've barely touched you and you put on a lackluster performance. Surely my initial blow didn't cause you that much harm? Did it? Are you that fragile, Child?"

Princess Cadence remained silent; however, she began to light her horn again with crystalline magic.

Princess Nightmare Moon closed her eyes and sighed. "Again? Surely you can't mean to-" when suddenly, almost instinctively herself, her eyes snapped wide and she poofed away from her current location.

A sword smashed into the ground where Princess Nightmare Moon stood, shattering the pavement beneath it as it was ignited with a vibrant telekinetic magic. Gritting his teeth as he appeared strained, was an armored but bruised and battered unicorn stallion with a dark blue mane, Shining Armor. I missed! Darnit!

Princess Nightmare Moon appeared on a nearby roof, still somewhat shocked. Is that- "You are the unicorn who was fighting alongside my sister earlier. I thought I'd dispatched you... impressive you can still move."

Shining Armor was using his magic to hold his sword and shield. He glanced back over his shoulder at Princess Nightmare Moon before turning to face her. "Ah! I'm quite stubborn, especially when it comes to my duties." He smiled gently at her, "I was hoping to stop you with that blow, but it seems you never fail to impress."

Princess Cadence just watched with a tired and dumbfounded look, as she seemed somewhat lost.

Princess Nightmare Moon gave him a cheeky smirk. "Surely you did not think a single blow would stop me?"

Shining Armor eyed her in silence, before looking to Princess Cadence and rushing over to her. He overlooked her condition before whispering, "I'm sorry I'm late Princess. I was with Princess Celestia's group, but as you could guess, we failed in our original duty." He glanced back at Princess Nightmare Moon, "Orders?"

Princess Cadence frowned as her expression saddened and she shook her head. "I have no orders for you. I'm not who you think I am. I'm not who Aunt Celestia thought I was. I... I can't do this. It's just as she said, I'm a disappointing alicorn who isn't special in the slightest. She made a mistake in choosing me..." Overwhelmed and finally allowing her emotions to pour through her, she crumbled to her knees. "It's all too much."

Princess Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes with a groan, "Ugh! How melodramatic and dull."

Shining Armor leaned down next to Princess Cadence and smiled gently at her, "Princess... you may not know me. However, I've heard nothing but great things about you. From what I've seen, there's no doubt in my mind that you're capable of everything Princess Celestia said you'd be. All you need to do is trust yourself more."

Princess Cadence looked to Shining Armor, still bearing a broken yet now questioning expression.

Shining Armor continued, closing his eyes. "Despite everything that's happened, you're still here. You're still fighting for the wellbeing of your subjects, even though it would've been easier to run. Even though it would've been easier to simply turn everything over to the enemy without a fight." He placed a hoof on her cheek, "It's why even though Princess Celestia has lost, I've not lost faith and rushed over as fast as I could, because I know her values live on through you. I know that she chose you for a reason, because you're your own pony who also believes in the special individuality, we all share." He paused with a smile, "You're a good Princess."

Princess Cadence's eyes widened as tears began to swell in them despite the rain.

Princess Nightmare Moon suddenly poofed down to them however, "Aw, how... REPULSIVE!" Her forehoof ignited now instead with black telekinetic magic as she kicked it into the side of Shining Armor.

Shining Armor winced before flying off to the side and smashing into a nearby building, unconscious.

Princess Nightmare Moon then manifested a crystalline black blade, looking down at Cadence. "Now you..."

Princess Cadence bore a look of sudden affirmation, as her horn ignited with a vibrant crystal glow.

Princess Nightmare Moon cackled maniacally. "Again!? Your magic is weak! Are you that dense!?" She snarled like a rabid animal in excitement, "Fine then!" She swung the blade down, "Rely on your misplaced trust!"

Yet Princess Cadence didn't retreat from the blade, she simply rose to meet it, letting it slice deep into her flesh much to Princess Nightmare Moon's surprise, as she suddenly embraced her in an affectionate hug.

Princess Nightmare Moon was legitimately shocked as she practically yelped, "AGH! What're you-"

But Princess Cadence's magic didn't explode into a blast, no, it simply washed down over them both like a waterfall, before dissipating like a mist. She tightened her hug around Princess Nightmare Moon, desperately.

Princess Nightmare Moon's eyes went wide in shock then.

Though she didn't directly state it, Princess Nightmare Moon felt something pathetic overcome her. A sudden emotion she thought long absent, murdered, in the thousand years of isolation she endured. Yet a spark of it had ignited, deep within her once thought impenetrable armor and soul. A warmth she hadn't felt in so long, it was unfathomable. Yet it was there, it was undeniable. Yet just as quickly as it overcame her, it left. However, not before reminding her of a moment in time, nestled within her infinite library of memories. An image of a younger self and Celestia, cuddled together, closely huddled by a campfire. Then, it all simply disappeared.

A crimson flow ran down Princess Cadence's coat, as she wheezed even more heavily now.

Princess Nightmare Moon shoved her away and onto the ground, turning her gaze now away and towards the pavement. It was almost as if an unfathomable anger was consuming her then, but her eyes told a different story. They were eyes of confusion, frustration, and defeat. She muttered beneath her breath, "So that's what she saw in you." Those eyes suddenly saddened, as she laughed, almost in disbelief. "How humiliating."

Princess Cadence could barely remain conscious, as she held a hoof to her wounds while upon the ground. She seemed lost in thought. I... did it work? I... I'm not sure. I feel I'm going to fall asleep soon... I. She slumped.

Then suddenly, Princess Nightmare Moon leaned down and held her up.

Princess Cadence looked to her tiredly, surprised and confused with half closed eyes.

Princess Nightmare Moon couldn't meet her gaze yet still held her, as dark magic began to wrap around the fellow alicorn's wound. She spoke quietly, despite the fact amidst the rain, it was highly likely only the two of them could hear their conversation. "Perhaps... maybe... despite first impressions." She gritted her teeth and growled even further, lowering her head almost in shame. "I could learn how to be a good Auntie too."

On the off chance a remnant of love lost remained, Princess Cadence bet it all on a long forgotten past.