• Published 15th Apr 2020
  • 6,645 Views, 287 Comments

The Devil's Prize - MerryMelancholy

Princess Nightmare Moon has it all. Socially awkward shut in Twilight Sparkle has nothing of worth. Princess Nightmare Moon can acquire anything she desires. Twilight Sparkle can't seem to catch a break. So why's the Princess desire Twilight Sparkle?

  • ...

Chapter 2: Twilight Sparkle

Sitting in the records library, hunched over a desk, was Rarity. Appearing frustrated, she sighed heavily before sorting through various records in front of her. "I just don't get it, none of this makes any sense."

"With who?" Lady Tempest popped up out of nowhere behind the fellow unicorn, wine glass in tow.

Rarity flinched, before glancing back with a huff. "Lady Tempest! Please do not do such things, my heart is stressed enough as is." She groaned before rubbing her temple and glaring angrily down at the records.

Lady Tempest peeked, more than curious. "Soooo, find anything of the supposed mystery mare?"

Rarity squinted down. "I've narrowed it down to about four individuals. It wasn't that hard to do so, considering not many ponies are young adults without cutie marks. However, the one whom I'm almost certain it is, has nothing of interest. She's lived a quiet life with her family and is a dedicated academic, and the only odd thing about her is her magical condition." She sighed again, "Could the Princess truly care for such a mare?"

Lady Tempest blinked a few times, glancing down at Rarity's pile. "Grape Gutter; specializes in fruit analytics?"

Rarity glanced back at her skeptically. "No no, not her! This one here." She pointed down to a particular file, "This, Twilight Sparkle." There laid a photo of Twilight Sparkle's academics profile picture. "It's so odd."

Lady Tempest began casually reading over Rarity's shoulder, Twilight Sparkle's file. She took a sip of her wine every now and again, before smirking a bit. "Ah... now I see. This is definitely the one that caught the Princess's eye. Do you truly not see it Rarity?" She reached over, using a hoof to spread about Twilight's file, exposing some documentation of her legalized family. "Look again, and look a little bit more closely. See it now?"

Rarity cocked a brow back at Tempest, before looking back down with a squint, taking a moment for extra observation. After a few minutes, her eyes widened, as if in realization. "Her parents look quite different!"

Lady Tempest smirked with half-closed eyes. "Right, they look quite a lot like the sister... Moondancer. But Twilight stands out in an odd way." She glanced back down at the file, "Also notice her squeaky clean childhood. Zero incidents zero mishaps, but she suffers from spontaneous magic expulsion. That wouldn't stand out to most, but I too suffered from that condition when I was younger when my horn was damaged beyond repair."

Rarity glanced back at her, "Still... it seems like a bit of a stretch. She does fit the innocent profile."

Lady Tempest shook her head, still smiling at Twilight's picture casually. "No no, statistically speaking spontaneous magic expulsion is often the result of some form of trauma. It is also a highly volatile condition depending on the bearer. Somepony definitely tampered with her record... but their concern clouded their judgment. They dismissed realism and data for the veil of purity. Noble but stupid... I've seen it many times." She sipped her wine, "I do help track down changelings after all. Many make very similar mistakes when attempting to steal one's identity." She gave Rarity a sly smile from behind, "Makes one wonder... hm?"

Rarity's eyes widened, "Are you suggesting she might be some sort of changeling?"

Lady Tempest giggle snorted as she shook her head. "It sounds like it right?" She exhaled, catching her breath before glancing back down casually at Twilight's photo. "But no, I wouldn't go so far as to assume she's a changeling. They make similar mistakes... but their style is a bit more uniform. This Twilight Sparkle's record screams of innocent mishandling. A crafted filly's tale with a good heart in mind... but, just missing a bit of dire information." She finished her glass, "I'd say you definitely found your girl. She was protected by somepony."

Rarity rubbed her chin a little, "This'd mean her true childhood was expunged and rewritten to fit this narrative. That timeframe predates the Princesses' rule, meaning this one was changed during Princess Celestia's era." Rarity's brows furrowed as she eyed Twilight's picture with deep concern. "With Princess Celestia gone, there is no way of knowing what she may be hiding. Only one with connections could warrant such an effort back then." She sighed, "The Princess will have to utilize her dream magic, or resort to direct interrogation."

Lady Tempest smirked at Rarity, "We could pay her a visit. Perhaps retrieve her for the Princess?"

Rarity glanced back, "No, as tempting as that may be, the Princess enjoys handling things her way. Giving her our findings should suffice enough for now. If she wants to pay this Twilight Sparkle a visit, she will most certainly do so." Rarity's eyes saddened a little, "She does seem quite innocent though. Such a shame."

Lady Tempest raised a curious brow at Rarity, "Concerned for her well-being?"

Rarity sighed, focused on Twilight's picture. "Most ponies the Princess plays with tend to have some detailed history of wronging her in some form. She enjoys toying with the more rebellious ones. But this mare seems so simple, I feel as if I will be the catalyst for disrupting her quiet life. Well... if it is her true life that is."

Lady Tempest smiled warmly, closing her eyes. "You have a generous perspective Rarity, I can see why the Princess appreciates your efforts. Your sense of style and organization are envious enough, but your willingness to take others into account is a rare trait in the Princess' world. I'm sure she appreciates it."

Rarity shrugged, smirking a little, still with sad eyes. "At times. Most of the time I feel like a secretary, but alas, it is an honor to serve her." She glanced back at Tempest, "I do enjoy having an influence on the style of the kingdom. It is my primary reason for wishing to earn the Princess's good favor. It's worked out well so far."

Lady Tempest crossed her hooves, leaning against a nearby pillar then. "Don't be modest... I already know about your prestigious history amongst the culture scene. You've been a prodigy since your filly days. I'm sure for you, all this is just another chapter in the portfolio of the great Rarity. Isn't that right, little miss secretary?"

Rarity giggled beneath her breath, gathering up Twilight's file. "You humble me Lady Tempest, I am just focused on my duties for now. Though yes, since I was a filly it's been as if something has driven me forward. It actually happened around the time the Princess emerged from the moon. I always found it amusingly coincidental."

Lady Tempest sighed, eyeing her empty glass of wine tiredly. "Destiny works in mysterious ways."

Rarity organized the rest of the files before particularly grabbing Twilight's and a few others. "That it does." She rose and scooted back from her seat, before nudging her head at Tempest. "Let us go grab some food."

Twilight Sparkle's eyes slowly parted open as her long mane had been ruffled. She yawned, needing to lean up a bit as she tried to fully wake up. She noticed an empty chair was at her bedside, "Hm?..." She shrugged it off, before reaching over the side of her bed for her hairband. She fastened her mane into a ponytail, before climbing out of bed looking beneath it, where she snatched up a grey hoody from a small pile of folded clothes, throwing it on. She yawned again, making her way towards her door and opening it, shutting it behind her.

The apartment was silent, and Twilight presumed it was empty as she made her way towards the kitchen. Upon their fridge was a board labeled, The Bestie Board, and each of her roommates' names upon it.

Moondancer: Out roaming for openings. Will update you all tonight.

Minuette: Heading out for maaaaasks! So exciting! Catch ya later girls!

Twinkleshine: At the mall. Twilight, meet me at MACdonalds after your class.

Twilight stared plainly at the board, before tilting her head curiously. MACdonalds, huh. She grabbed a marker with her hoof, soon writing her own message upon the board. Afterwards, heading for the door.

Twilight: Heading to history class, then to... MACdonalds?

A few hours had passed into the later afternoon; as Twilight had already arrived at her school by then. The setting sun hung in the sky, looming over Canterlot as many students could be seen trotting home.

Within Twilight's class, she sat towards the upper back row, while an older stallion lectured them at the front. She was still wearing her grey hoody, though her bangs hung over her face and her mane was still quite the mess. There were less than a dozen students attending the lecture, showing not many chose late afternoon sessions. Twilight casually wrote down notes in her notebook, eyes half-closed as if bored yet attentive.

The professor at the front was a unicorn, and motioned towards a projector with a hoof. Upon this projector was a depicted battle of Princess Nightmare Moon and Princess Celestia in the empty fields between Canterlot and Ponyville. "Though actual confirmation has never been acquired from the Princess, it's said that a distinct advantage she had in overcoming Princess Celestia was the surprise of her coming. Witnesses claim that Princess Celestia was flustered the entire battle, before finally being put to sleep by Princess Nightmare Moon."

A mare at the front row raised a hoof, "Professor, where was Princess Nightmare Moon all this time?"

The professor smiled at that student. "It's well known now that the Princess had been banished to the moon many years ago by Princess Celestia for desiring fairer treatment in their disposition of power. She managed to escape her banishment while you all were just little fillies and colts. Some of you might not even remember that exact day, but it was a historical moment that has shaped our current technological age as we know it."

Another student raised a hoof, "Professor, what was Princess Celestia like? Did you ever meet her?"

The professor showed hints of nervousness in his face as he glanced away momentarily. "A-Ah, I did but I do not recall. Let's um, let's focus on our next subject students." He motioned to his projector again as the image depicted suddenly changed to one of Princess Nightmare Moon and the Storm King. "Storm's Conquest."

As Twilight remained sitting there writing in her notebook, a stallion sat not far from her in the same row.

The stallion known as Sunburst, eyed Twilight with short periodic glances. He too had glasses, but instead wore a red scarf to keep warm instead of a hoodie. He'd fiddled with his pencil a bit, before glancing over at Twilight again. "S-So Twilight, heard you were going to the masquerade tonight? I uh, didn't take you for the party type."

Twilight blinked a few times before glancing over at Sunburst blankly. "Oh um, I'm not really. My friends really want me to go though, so I'm gonna try my best to make them happy." She looked back down at her notebook and kept writing. "Besides, it would help me better develop my social skills amongst my fellow peers."

Sunburst glanced back down at his notebook, still a bit nervous, before smiling at Twilight. "Uh, well... if it means anything, I've always thought you had some pretty good social skills. You're really straightforward."

Twilight glanced back over at him, both brows risen. "Oh, r-really? Thanks. That means a lot." She went back to focusing on taking her notes, before tapping her chin with the tip of her pencil. "It's implied that Princess Celestia had some sort of expectation with Princess Nightmare Moon's arrival based on her battle behavior."

Sunburst chuckled beneath his breath, still looking at her. "Y-Yeah, pretty interesting stuff right?"

Twilight nodded. "Mhm, though I guess we'll never know. Fairly disappointing."

"Babe, there you are!" Another voice chimed in with a hushed whisper, sneaking up to the top rows.

Sunburst's eyes widened as he glanced to his side, and sneaking beside him was another purple unicorn. "S-Starlight, sweetie. Hey, how'd you uh, find me? I didn't tell you I'd be here in history class today did I?"

Starlight Glimmer squinted at the stallion, as if irritated for a split second, before easing up and smiling wide. "Haha, you make it sound like you were hiding from me, Babe." She scooted next to him closer before placing a hoof atop his, "Besides, I know you're a nerd for history so you'd likely do a double-take. I know every little thing about you, silly munchkin." She booped his muzzle, before peeking over at Twilight. "Oh, hey there Twilight. It's been a while since I've seen you. How've things been? You still work over at that one restaurant?"

Twilight glanced over blankly at Starlight Glimmer. "Uh... not anymore. I got fired yesterday."

Starlight gasped, honestly horrified. "T-Twilight!... That's... that's terrible. I'm sorry I asked."

Sunburst also looked shocked, and then sympathetic towards Twilight, but said nothing.

Twilight shrugged absently. "It's okay. I just have to make sure I do better at my next job."

Starlight smiled earnestly at Twilight. "That's the spirit, you keep your head up no matter how terrible you are." She scooted closer into Sunburst, but leaned a bit over the desk as if still addressing Twilight. "Also Twilight, what'd you think about that last time magic lesson? Wicked stuff huh? Starswirl the Bearded was a genius."

Sunburst seemed to be getting visibly annoyed by Starlight's lack of... personal space.

Twilight nodded blankly. "Mhm, the thread theory I did find most intriguing."

Starlight closed her eyes and chuckled lightly, smiling wider at Twilight. She then glanced over and up at Sunburst while still leaned against him. "Babe, let's go grab something to eat. I'm seriously starving."

Sunburst looked at her hesitantly, "B-But Sweetie, I'm... I'm still in class right now an-"

Starlight glared at him. "Babe! You totally know this stuff already. Now stop wasting time and let's go!"

Sunburst sighed and nodded at her in defeat, "Okaaay. Fine. Let's head on out of here."

Starlight cheered in a hushed manner, "Yes! Let's go let's go! Hurry."

Sunburst grabbed up his stuff in a hurry, before looking over at Twilight. "U-Uhm, see you Twilight." He looked down at the surface of the desk then back over at her with an earnest smile. "Nice talking to you."

Twilight raised a hoof at him and nodded to him, "A pleasure speaking with you too, Sunburst."

Starlight Glimmer dragged him now, "Come ooooon! Let's goooo already. Let's go let's go let's go."

Twilight watched as Sunburst was dragged away by force. Very close couple, those two....

As about another hour dragged on, the class had finally concluded.

Twilight closed her notebook, before storing it in a little bag she'd brought along.

The professor at the front waved a hoof at Twilight, "Excuse me, Ms. Sparkle?"

Twilight's eyes widened as she glanced down at the professor, blinking a few times curiously.

He smiled at her, though his eyes showed some concern. "Mind talking with me before you leave?"

Twilight nodded to him. "Of course Sir." She continued packing her things, soon throwing her bag on her back.

The professor awaited Twilight at his front desk, motioning for her to take a seat when she arrived. "Take a seat Ms. Sparkle." Which Twilight did, and he continued. "I just wanted to see how you're doing these days."

Twilight looked at him, slightly confused. "I'm um, doing okay Sir. Is there a reason you're asking?"

The professor glanced down momentarily, before focusing back on Twilight, still with concern. "Well I overheard some of the students talking earlier today and one mentioned you lost your job yesterday. Are you having financial troubles? Is it more difficult for you to concentrate in class? Anything along those lines?"

Twilight shook her head, "Ah, no Sir. I'm concentrating just fine. Just um, a little tired is all." She rubbed at the back of her neck, looking down with some nervousness. "Financially I'm still okay. I'm covered for rent this month and my roommates are assisting me with finding openings. I've um, got some supportive friends."

The professor exhaled in relief, before smiling at Twilight. "Good... that's good. You're a smart and dedicated student Twilight, I'd love nothing more than to see you succeed. May I ask, what is your major by the way?"

Twilight looked at him, filled with nervousness as her eyes widened and she flushed red. She gripped her thighs, looking down, "Actually Sir... my major is in um... friendship studies." She lowered her head a bit.

The professor's eyes widened. "Friendship studies? Well, color me surprised. I didn't take you for one with a heavy interest in friendship Twilight. Do forgive me, but you seem quite closed off from other ponies."

Twilight's eyes saddened as she still smiled. "I know. I um, I'm not good at making friends. But I want to do better, and I uh, think maybe with the right help I can." Her brows furrowed a bit, "My condition has caused.... difficulties with keeping friends. But, I'd love nothing more than to maybe help other ponies do better."

The professor smiled fondly. "Well keep working at it Twilight... I know you'll get there someday. Also in regards to your condition, it's been a while since you've had a severe incident. Is it getting better these days?"

Twilight thought about last night then glanced away with a nervous smirk. "Um, it was."

The professor caught the hint before laughing softly beneath his breath. "Haha, I get it. I'm sorry Twilight that you've seemed to be hitting a low point, but please keep your head up." He leaned a bit closer, smiling wide at her. "It'll get better, I promise." He closed his eyes, "Destiny works in mysterious ways. But it always works out."

Twilight looked back at him, then smiled hopefully with eyes half-closed as she gazed downward.

The professor continued, "Also, are you still planning for that... um... operation when you graduate?"

Twilight's eyes widened as she blinked a few times at him, not saying anything at first.

The professor glanced down in frustration, "Ah... what was it called again? Trying to remember."

Twilight looked to him a bit more seriously as she stated, "Horn Removal Surgery."

When Twilight finally left class, she also left her school. She'd left her bag in a locker located on the premises. She pulled her pocket watch out her hoodie, staring at the time. Her brows furrowed, "... Sorry, Twinkleshine."

Within MACdonalds, located on the third story of a large Canterlot Mall, sat Twinkleshine in a booth as she had on a coat and scarf. She appeared visibly irritated as she pulled out a pocket watch and groaned heavily.

Twilight... about an hour since her class had ended, came strolling in with a hurried pace. She glanced around, before catching sight of the mare and gulping. She lowered her head nervously, then approaching.

Twinkleshine eyed Twilight with a squint, sipping her drink as she did so. Once Twilight situated herself in the booth, she took an extra-large sip, stopped, swallowed, exhaled then smiled. "Why hello there Twilight."

Twilight kept her eyes downward, before glancing up at Twinkleshine. "H-Hey."

Twinkleshine chuckled... then slammed her hooves on the table! "What the heck! An hour!? Really!?"

Twilight flinched, before raising both hooves a bit defensively. "I... I got caught up in a conversation."

Twinkleshine crossed her hooves, glaring at the mare. "Well, it better have been a darn good one!"

Twilight nodded pleadingly, smiling nervously. "Um... it was a very beneficial conversation."

Twinkleshine glared at her in silence a moment longer, before easing up and sipping her pop. She also had some MACnuggets situated in front of her and took a bite of one. As she did so, she looked at Twilight, still a little grumpily as she chewed, but soon looking to her with earnest interest. "Okay, fine. You're forgiven."

Twilight placed a hoof against her chest and exhaled. "Aha... t-thank you Twinkleshine."

Twinkleshine smirked playfully at Twilight, before scooting some of her MACnuggets forward. "Want some?"

Twilight blinked a few times down at them, eyes wide. "What are they made out of again?"

Twinkleshine sipped her pop, leaned back in the chair. "Wheat and swiss. Duh."

Twilight nodded at her nervously, "R-Right." She took a bite of one, tossing it whole in her muzzle.

Twinkleshine swallowed, as she now smiled wide, satisfied. "Ah! Hits the spot. Now, to business!" She smirked and leaned forward on the table. "Twilight, you ready for the party tonight? Hmmmmm? Excited?"

Twilight glanced to her left. "Uh, m-maybe. I... guess? Nervous. Excited. Scared. Unsure?"

Twinkleshine grabbed Twilight's cheeks, shaking them. "That's all normal Twilight, you'll be fine!" She giggled, leaning back in her seat. "Minuette is getting our masks. Which begs the question. Why did I drag you here?"

Twilight looked at Twinkleshine, absolutely perplexed. "Um... to eat MACdonalds?"

Twinkleshine snickered. "No you doof! We're going dress shopping! I know you don't have one."

Twilight blushed, as she glanced down, wide-eyed and nervous. "A-Ah... makes sense."

Twinkleshine grinned. "We're gonna get you all fixed up for tonight! Who knows..." she smirked with sly eyes. "You might even meet that special somepony there. It's supposed to be a big party, with big names."

Twilight now looked a bit more concerned, still flushed red. "H-How'd we get invited then?"

Twinkleshine chuckled, "Well Minuette secured us the invites. You should ask her about that."

Twilight looked down, eyes still nervous as she was also flushed red. A big name party? Ah, this is high level social immersion. B-But um, it'll be good for me. I've got to look on the bright side. Good for me. That's right, Twilight.

"Well well well, what a small world we live in huh?" Came the familiar voice of Starlight.

Twilight's eyes widened as she glanced over to her right, as did Twinkleshine.

Both Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst were carrying empty trays of already eaten food. Sunburst's eyes widened at Twilight, "T-Twilight... hey! Good to see you again. I never see you at MACdonalds." He used his telekinetic magic to lift an unpackaged apple fritter. "Want my Apple Fritter? I didn't end up touching it."

Starlight glanced over at him with a cocked brow. "You didn't ask me if I wanted your Apple Fritter?"

Sunburst glanced over at Starlight, flushing red. "Sweetie, c-cause I know you don't like them."

Starlight closed her eyes and raised her head with a pleased smile. "Oh Babe, you know me so well."

Sunburst sighed and lowered his head some, glancing over at her tray. "You didn't even finish your Big Mac."

Starlight shrugged, "Meh! I wasn't that hungry. Anyways, mind if we join you guys?"

Twinkleshine nodded, "Sure thing you two. Y'all are also going to the party tonight, right?

Starlight already situated herself next to Twinkleshine, "You bet. Trixie managed to nab us invites."

Twinkleshine smirked at Starlight, "Right. I forgot you're close with her. She's rocketed in popularity recently."

As those two conversed, Twilight eyed Sunburst's apple fritter blankly. "What's it made of?"

Sunburst laughed nervously, eyeing Twilight. "A-Ah it's made from apple and deep-fried batter and-"

Twilight took a bite out of his levitated apple fritter abruptly, leaning in as he held it up for her and chomping.

Sunburst flinched as he had to hurriedly look away, flushing in embarrassment.

Twilight chewed as she glanced up, "Mmm..." she closed her eyes and smiled. "This is good!"

Starlight momentarily took a second to acknowledge Sunburst. "Sunburst... stop standing. Sit."

Sunburst snapped back to reality as he looked over at Starlight. "Oh... r-right. Thanks Sweetie." Sunburst looked down at Twilight in a conflicted manner as she was finishing his apple fritter. He glanced to the lower right, before squeezing into the seat next to her, sitting at the very edge, seeing as Twilight was in the middle.

Twinkleshine who was focused on Starlight, glanced over at Twilight with a chuckle. "Twi, give him some room."

Twilight's eyes widened, before she glanced over at Sunburst, "Oh right, sorry Sunburst, forgot you were there." She smiled warmly, eating the apple fritter. "I am very much enjoying this apple fritter. I need to come to MACdonalds more often." She glanced over at him, cheeks stuffed, before scooting over. "Thank you for it."

Sunburst shrugged and smiled nervously. "I-It was nothing! Better than it going to waste, right?"

Suddenly as they all conversed, more gossip emerged. "No no, that's totally her, I swear!"

As a voice encroached upon their table, all four of them looked to the source, an approaching stallion.

Twinkleshine cocked a brow at him, "Uh... can we help you with something?"

The stallion was accompanied by two other friends, both of them eyeing Twilight. The stallion acknowledged Twinkleshine, "Ah, sorry to disturb your guys' meal, but we totally had to meet your friend here!"

Everypony beared visible confusion, as soon all eyes went to Twilight. Twinkleshine commented, "Twi?"

Twilight's eyes widened, as she blinked a few times at the stallion. "Um, hello."

The stallion grinned at her, "Hey! You're the unicorn from last night right!?"

Twinkleshine looked at Twilight with concern. "Twilight... what is he talking about?"

Both Sunburst and Starlight looked at Twilight too, now with deep curiosity.

Twilight looked at him, tilting her head to the right slightly. "Last night?"

The stallion continued, excitedly. "Yeah! You're the one who told off the Princess!"

Gasps echoed around the table, as Twinkleshine trembled, eyeing Twilight in shock. "What!?"