• Published 15th Apr 2020
  • 6,634 Views, 287 Comments

The Devil's Prize - MerryMelancholy

Princess Nightmare Moon has it all. Socially awkward shut in Twilight Sparkle has nothing of worth. Princess Nightmare Moon can acquire anything she desires. Twilight Sparkle can't seem to catch a break. So why's the Princess desire Twilight Sparkle?

  • ...

Chapter 13: Destined Daydreams

Forehooves folded over one another, Lady Rarity wore an amused expression. "How exciting!" Gathered at the large table Twilight and herself sat at hours prior, was a collection of familiar faces. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Diane, Fluttershy, and Lady Tempest. The doors to the room were closed and a dimmed shade of sunlight poured through large stained-glass windows on the secondary observation level. Rarity's eyes were half closed, as she took in the faces of everypony present. "How long has it been since we've been gathered together here girls? Two years? Three? Maybe more?" She closed her eyes and chuckled, "It's all so very, very, nostalgic."

Rainbow Dash sat there with an intense grimace on her face. Obviously... frustrated by something.

Applejack also seemed upset, though much less obvious than Rainbow Dash. Per her usual trademark, she was rarely seen in any public sphere looking unprofessional. Her shorter mane was perfectly combed over, her makeup done to perfection, and her dress casual was flawless. She sighed, running a hoof along the side of her mane. "These meetings are too spontaneous to ever recall. The Princess' will is sporadic to say the least."

Diane remained completely silent, glancing downward in a tired manner, while eating a muffin.

Lady Tempest smiled a bit, leaning forward and attempting to lighten the mood. "So, uh! Fluttershy! How is Princess Cadence? Has she been doing alright these past few years? You two are like peas in a pod."

Fluttershy blinked a few times at Lady Tempest before smiling warmly. "Yes Tempest, she's alright. Thank you for asking!" A soft chuckle escaped her muzzle. She was dressed more formally, while her pink mane was styled to flow naturally down her left side. Most who looked upon Lady Fluttershy assumed she was the definition of grace. However, Fluttershy's expression suddenly hardened as her brows furrowed and she peered at Rarity specifically. "Rarity, I'd like to speak to you about Twilight Sparkle's condition. Where is she at now?"

Lady Rarity gasped sarcastically, before holding a hoof to her muzzle in an aghast motion. "Oh my oh my! Somepony is fiesty today!" She leaned forward with a warm yet amused smile. "I'd expect no less from my opposite equivalent. As for Twilight, Darling, she's doing fine. I spoke with her earlier this morning and she's recovering. I took her on a tour of the castle and of course updated her on her well... current predicament."

Fluttershy squinted at Rarity in slight annoyance. "And what might that predicament be?"

Lady Rarity rolled her eyes. "Ugh! Always the melodramatic one Darling. She isn't a prisoner, albeit she did commit the heinous crime of disrespecting the Princess. However, per her wishes, Princess Nightmare Moon aims to make her feel comfortable for the time being. So, further details are of no use to you right now."

Fluttershy let off hushed grumbles of uncertainty, peering at Rarity, before easing up somewhat. "F-Fine..." her expression twisted into one of concern. "Will she be receiving the appropriate medical treatment?"

Lady Rarity groaned loudly this time, "Uuuugh! What is with you? You don't even know her Fluttershy!"

Fluttershy slammed both forehooves upon the table. "And why should that matter Rarity!?"

Lady Rarity bobbed her head per point she made. "Hm, time... resources... equivalency. Must I go on?"

Fluttershy squinted at her. "Princess Cadence entrusted me with ensuring that Equestria's citizens are looked after fairly where I can when I can, and though I'm unfamiliar with this Twilight Sparkle situation, what I witnessed says enough. It's obvious Princess Cadence has some sort of history with this Twilight Sparkle, and though they are not on good terms, I'm certain she still wishes no ill will upon her. I find it of utmost importance to ensure she in particular is treated with kindness and delicacy. Two Princesses biased against her is something I cannot simply ignore. So, I ask you again, will she get appropriate medical treatment?"

Suddenly unable to hold herself back any longer was Rainbow Dash, snarling fiercely. "What does it matter!?"

Everypony fell silent and looked to Rainbow Dash in slight surprise. She was often more... disciplined.

Rainbow Dash continued, practically ranting. "What does the Princess find so special about her anyway!? She's a nopony. She should throw her in the dungeons already!" She huffed, turning slightly red in the face.

Lady Tempest leaned forward a bit amused. "Didn't you two get in a bit of a... scuffle... last night?"

Rainbow Dash's nose wrinkled, as she slammed a hoof on the table. "Shut your trap Tempest!"

Lady Tempest continued, smirking somewhat. "Pretty impressive to contend with the likes of you Dash."

Rainbow Dash pointed a hoof at her. "It wasn't a contention! She just caught me off guard is all."

Suddenly concerned, Applejack interjected. "W-Wait, what? You scuffled with Twilight, Rainbow? Why!?"

Rarity suddenly cut in, "Girls, girls, girls! Enough. We're getting far too sidetracked." She glanced around the table at everypony, then gently placed her own forehooves atop the table in a crossed manner. She smiled gently, "It's obvious why this Twilight Sparkle is of great interest to the Princess. Can't you all see? It seems she not only has a special talent for finding herself intermingled with esteemed individuals, but also carries with her great latent magical potential. Yet strangely enough, she is a pony wrapped in... almost... complete mystery. "

Applejack couldn't hide her subtle frown of concern as her eyes saddened. She seemed lost in thought.

Lady Rarity didn't fail to notice this as she tossed Applejack a squinted stare of curiosity, before glancing back around at everypony else. "Nonetheless, if I were to make any assumptions darlings, I'd even go so far as to wager we might be having another amongst us soon enough. This Twilight Sparkle is certainly special too."

Rainbow Dash cut in again. "What!? Are you serious!? Did the Princess tell you this Rarity!?"

Lady Rarity shook her head. "No, just my presumptions as stated."

Rainbow Dash growled, "Good! Because there's no way some nopony would fit among us!"

Applejack cut in, glaring at Rainbow Dash then. "Might you have some personal vendetta against her Rainbow? Because it seems you're taking this all rather personally. Quite frankly it's odd behavior coming from you."

Fluttershy also eyed Rainbow Dash skeptically. "Agreed. Though I also don't believe Twilight Sparkle should be forced into one of our positions, I can't help but find your anger towards her unsettling, Rainbow Dash."

Lady Rarity chuckled before interrupting again, albeit a bit more firmly this time. "Girls!... As said, we are getting sidetracked. The mysteries surrounding Twilight Sparkle and her position among us will all be more transparent in due time. For now, I'd like to focus on how last night's events affects us and the Princess' plans moving forward. Surely it is no coincidence that all our paths crossed in relation to this mare, and surely you all know what I'm implying." She took a moment to glance around the room once again, discerning the mood.

Fluttershy seemed quite confused. "Why must you speak in riddles Rarity?"

Diane was trembling as her eyes were wide and lost in a deep and petrified stare, still focused downward.

Applejack was leaned back with her hooves crossed as she responded to Fluttershy in a calmed manner. Though her expression depicted one of slight concern and sadness. "Destiny is on the move it would seem."

Tempest's demeanor mimicked Applejack's, as she too appeared lost in deep thought.

Rainbow Dash could care less, as her grimace remained, and she scoffed in annoyance. "What rubbish."

Fluttershy blinked a few times, her lower lip somewhat puckered as she felt like the only pony lost. "Destiny? Um, might you all explain to me why you must be so vague? I'm uh, not following any of this right now."

Lady Rarity politely interjected. "Of course, this would make sense Fluttershy, you were chosen by the Princess to be a guiding hoof under Princess Cadence. Your position is quite different from ours as you don't often hear from Princess Nightmare Moon directly. It seems Princess Cadence would also prefer to keep you in the dark about such things, which she must have her own reasons for." Rarity paused, before continuing, "To put it simply. The Princess assumes that with this Twilight Sparkle, a chain of events is likely set to also occur."

Fluttershy raised a brow, "Chain of events? What specifically?"

Lady Rarity shrugged, "We do not know. That is why we must prepare to do all that we can."

Fluttershy's expression only distorted into further uncertainty. "And what would that be exactly?"

Lady Rarity's smile widened with warm regard. "To ensure Princess Nightmare Moon remains in control."

Princess Cadence was in the Canterlot throne room, packing what seemed to be suitcases. She was alone.

Suddenly the grand doors opened as casually trotting through was Princess Nightmare Moon.

Princess Cadence was distracted, "Fluttershy, I was wondering what was taking so lo-" she paused, glancing over to confirm only to realize it wasn't Fluttershy. A look of surprise overcame her, before she squinted in annoyance down at her clothes in her suitcase. "That explains things." She suddenly slammed one of her suitcases shut aggressively. "Are you the reason that Fluttershy still hasn't returned to me yet... Auntie?"

Princess Nightmare Moon's head was slightly tilted as she held a steady smirk. "Heading back north?"

Princess Cadence sighed. "Of course, I've still diplomatic concerns to deal with." She paused, frowning in a tired manner before casually glancing back at Princess Nightmare Moon. "Auntie... shouldn't you be asleep?"

Princess Nightmare Moon chuckled, "Ah, I should be, and by all accounts I am. However, before you departed I certainly wanted to speak to you in regards to our now mutual friend. Might you have a moment, Niece?"

Princess Cadence peered at Princess Nightmare Moon with half closed eyes and a tired expression.

Princess Nightmare Moon glanced around, "I'm surprised you chose to rest here instead of at the location of the Masquerade. Did you find it to be a more appropriate setting? Or perhaps were you missing somepony?"

Princess Cadence responded curtly. "Feeling jealous Auntie? That's unlike you."

Princess Nightmare Moon cackled, "You amuse me Niece, but jokes aside, why are you resting here?"

Princess Cadence sighed, looking back down at another suitcase before beginning to stuff it with telekinetic magic. "Because it's more private and spacious Auntie, nothing more. So, you can stop overthinking, though I know you'd never admit it. I care about you, just as much as Auntie Celestia. Happy now? Or did you expect to uncover some secret vendetta I have against you?" She looked back at her, "Now... what with Twilight?"

Princess Nightmare Moon smirked again, "Are you concerned that I'll lay a hoof on her?"

Princess Cadence squinted. "Since you were eavesdropping last night, I assume you know how I'd feel."

Princess Nightmare Moon kept her same demeanor. "I'd rather hear it come from your muzzle."

There was a long pause, before Princess Cadence responded. "Don't hurt her."

Princess Nightmare Moon also paused, before beginning to trot around the throne room casually. "I assumed as much. Originally, I was planning to torture her and relish in her screams for weeks on end. However, that all changed after what I witnessed growing in her fractured little mind." She paused before a large portrait of an anonymous pony noble. "A mare with a blank flank, latent magical potential, and somehow a past associated with my Niece. How curious it all was." She looked back to Cadence with half closed eyes, and a smirk.

Princess Cadence paused, looking downward with a saddened expression.

Princess Nightmare Moon continued. "So, why did you hide her, Cadence?"

Princess Cadence sighed, "So... you even know about that."

Princess Nightmare Moon chuckled. "You can thank Rarity and Tempest for that breadcrumb deduction."

Princess Cadence paused, before continuing to fill her suitcase. "It... it has nothing to do with you."

Suddenly Princess Nightmare Moon's demeanor changed completely as the shadows surrounding her began to stir and grow darker. The air around her grew heavy as her patience was wearing thin. "Cadence... you-"

But Princess Cadence interjected, "But if you must take a peek. Go ahead... I won't resist you."

Princess Nightmare Moon was legitimately caught off guard. She rose a brow in confusion.

Princess Cadence looked to Princess Nightmare Moon tiredly. "You know as well as I do Auntie, that I am also an alicorn. I have a skillset of my own. I am fully grown. My mind is guarded, even from you. Is that what had you concerned? We're you thinking you'd have to force me to submit to your desires?" She paused, her expression softening in heartfelt uncertainty. "Did that idea conflict you? Hm." However, that softness dissipated as her demeanor returned to one of focus and she locked another one of her suitcases. "But that doesn't matter because I have nothing to hide. If you want to see what Twilight Sparkle did to me, then dive right on in. Though before you do, I want you to do the same." She raised her head, "Tell me... why her."

Princess Nightmare Moon wore a blank expression. She opened her muzzle slowly, yet paused, as words couldn't escape them. For a moment, she faltered, before expressing with confidence. "Simply control."

Princess Cadence's expression also became blank, as she appeared surprised.

Princess Nightmare Moon squinted at her, frowning in annoyance. "What?"

Princess Cadence smiled, looking down at the marbled floor with half closed eyes. "Well it was worth a shot."

Princess Nightmare Moon cocked a brow yet again. "Niece?"

Princess Cadence sighed and turned around. "Let's get started Auntie. Also..." She glanced back, "Liar."

Author's Note:

Happy 2024 everyone! I'm really sorry for the long waits for chapters. I don't want to make any promises, as it's so difficult for me to keep them. However, I'm hit with renewed inspiration, organization, and a plan to help me release chapters more reliably. SO! I'm giving it another shot! As this story I've already had written up (how it'll all play out) since 2021, but just have not been able to find time to write the chapters. It's been some time so I'm sorry if it's sloppy! As I'm just jumping back in! Thank you for reading!