• Published 31st May 2020
  • 1,550 Views, 74 Comments

The Chef's apprentice - vincent789

What if Twilight becomes a chef instead of Celestia's apprentice

  • ...

Filly Twilight part 1

Twilight was walking around the castle, anxiously because her brother Shining Armor is currently taking the test to get into military school. Her brother has been training for this for a few years. Still it scared her.
She always was scared of tests and exams. Not that she goes to school but nevertheless it was something that ran in the family atleast mother's family, Twilight Velvet's family. Her father on the other hoof was always quite brave, he would gladly take tests if it means to test himself.

She wasn't the only worried pony in the hallway however, Her babysitter Cadence also paced in the hallway. Altho she seemed more worried about Twilight than Shining, "Twilight calm down, he will be fine" Cadence spoke.

"I know Cadence, I am just worried that he will fail or destroy a wall... again, or worse!" Twilight shrieked.

"Twilight he won't fail. listen why don't we go to the canteen to grab some food to calm your nerves?" Cadence calmly asked.

Twilight ponders the question, she looks at the door then back a cadence and signed "Okay, but only something sweet!" Cadence smiled and took the lead.

As soon as Twilight and Cadence are at the now packed public canteen, they take a peek inside, Twilight asks "Can we go somewhere else Cadence? It's too busy here and you know I don't like crowds"

Cadence looks around "Sure, let's go to the royal canteen then. It's too busy for me too."

Twilight was about to turn towards Cadence who started to trod towards the royal canteen when she smelled the food being served. She looks at Cadence, then back at the public canteen, then again towards Cadence, then back at the eating soldiers, she sighed and entered the public canteen, still packed with soldiers


Twilight immediately regretted entering the public canteen when a guard who didn't see her and tripped over her with food on his back, in the meantime one of the unicorn chefs who was behind the guard saw it happen and immediately levitated the food of the guards back before disaster happened. The guard then smashed his face into a table where his commander is seated next to, thus breaking the table with the commanders food still on it. the food fell to the ground a moment later while the commander blinked at the situation. The rest of the soldiers in the public canteen became silent after the display of clumsiness.

The commander then first looked at twilight and at the now unconscious soldier, then at his food and the broken table, he also noted the levitating food of the guard with the chef in the background, a moment later he also saw that the filly was injured thanks to the now broken table from which she started cry, he sighed and shouted "I need a medic right now!" then he pointed at a soldier and shouted "Wake this soldier up! Tell him to go to my office when he cleans himself off!" The soldier saluted, and quickly moved to carry the still unconscious soldier on his back towards the barrack.

A moment later the doctor entered the public canteen. he then proceeded to check Twilight for any injuries and saw 2 cuts on her left front leg. he proceeded to first put some alcohol on it, to disinfect the wounds and then he used some magic to heal the wounds right back up. The doctor then proceeded to write a report give the report to the commander and left towards the barracks.

Twilight was still crying just not in pain anymore. the commander looked at her and asked "Where is your parents, little one? This place is only suitable for adults not young fillies."

Twilight stopped crying when she heard that and proceeded to look at her now missing wounds "I came here with my babysitter to grab some food while my big brother is taking an exam, however we got split up when I decided to enter anyways, after I told her it was too busy." the commander looked confused at her, while she continued "I entered anyways because the foods smells so good and I am quite hungry." Twilight stated as her belly grumbled.

The commander looked at her and then proceeded to laugh. after he was done laughing he asked "What is your name little one?"

Twilight looked at the now smiling commander and stated "My name is Twilight sparkle, what is your name sir?"

The commander saluted and stated "My name Pride Keeper, I am the current Captain of the Royal guard." Twilight smiled "But you can just call me Keeper, little one." says Keeper, "But let's go grab some grub then, twilight!" He says as Twilight smiled and saluted.


Meanwhile after a silent slow trod, Cadence finally arrives at the royal canteen "We are here Twi." Cadence stated as she slowly looked behind her, then she was stunned to see that there is no one there, her eyes widened and immediately started to panic "Twilight?! Where are you?" She shouted when Celestia was about to exit the royal canteen.

The door opened up "Is something the matter Cadence?" Celestia asked with a worried look,

Cadence immediately turned around to see Celestia and stated "I lost Twilight on the way to the royal canteen!" Cadence practically shouted.

Celestia look at her calmly and asked "Is it possible that Twilight is still at the public canteen?" Cadence looked at her, then looked at the canteen, trying to see through it's windows and... she sees Twilight still at the public canteen, she sighed and teleported herself back to the canteen.

Celestia looks at Twilight, curiously after all she was still searching for a potential protegé and altho her niece spoke volumes about her, saying things like her magic is really strong and she has what it takes, she was still curious nonetheless.
She proceeded to create a illusion over her and grab some guard outfits, after that she teleports into room with the little filly called 'Twilight', she listened in on some of the conversations regarding the little filly.


"So Keeper, what kind of food is the public canteen serving this time?" twilight asked,

Keeper looked at her and says "Today they are serving Poached eggs in hollandaisesaus together with some nicely salted green beans with feta on the side and as dessert chocolade pudding." Twilight mouth watered at hearing the chocolade pudding but she was also curious about the other parts of the dishes. Keeper noticed it and asked "Should i ask for some pudding?"

"No, I want the entire menu. It all sounds delicious." Twilight said, Keeper nodded and looked at the chef, the chef then proceeded to grab the better parts of the dishes and serve it as best as she could.

Twilight then proceeded to sit at an open up table together with Keeper, she grabbed her fork and knife and took a bite of the Poached egg after dipping it lightly in the saus, and then she moaned. For the first time she ate a dish she usually hated and it was amazing. She then looked at the green beans and picked her fork back up, she then proceeded grabbed a bean with a small piece of feta attached to it, and put it into her mouth. again she moaned. she had never experienced this bean before, it was different, the taste was sweeter despite the salt and softer while the feta created a balance for it was thicker and stronger of taste. she then ate the rest of her food in mere minutes. ignoring Cadence and the disguised Celestia, practically towering over her, she was so distracted that the world didn't matter, all that matter was the food in front of her.

The rest of the people of the canteen saw how she practically considering the food godlike which caused the guards to quickly grab some grub, even Celestia grabbed some even tho she had already eaten an entire breakfast.
Cadence hesitated, but chose to grab some food too. one moment the canteen loud and about the second everyone was quiet, eating the food or leaving to go do their duty.

Cadence and Celestia (whose disguise wore off) sat next to each other eating the food, Cadence then asked "So... the head chef, will he get a promotion for this?"

Celestia looked at her and whispered "Only if he/she can also make cakes then, yes."

Author's Note:

That sounded really delicious, doesn't it?
btw can you guess which green bean i referred to?