• Published 31st May 2020
  • 1,550 Views, 74 Comments

The Chef's apprentice - vincent789

What if Twilight becomes a chef instead of Celestia's apprentice

  • ...

Filly Twilight part 2

Twilight fell asleep the moment she finished her food, causing Cadence and Celestia to stand awkwardly in front of her.
Celestia being first clear her throat "Well that was interesting, anyways Cadence I have to get going, duty calls"
Cadence looked at Celestia then back at Twilight.

she was about talk when she was interrupted by Shining armor "Hey Caddy!" Shining shouted causing Twilight to wake up at his loud voice, Cadence noticed and released a disapproving growl and stare toward Shining.

Either Shining armor is dense or wasn't paying attention he stated "I have been accepted to the guard!" Shining he slowly trod towards Cadence smiling with glee. Twilight now fully awake tackled his brother "oof!" Shining shouted "Hey Twilight, How has your day been? boring?" he asks.

Twilight looks at him also smiling as she shook her head "No, I experienced some amazing food today! It was delicious!" Twilight said staring at the kitchen "Actually can I see the chef who made this? I would like to praise him/her personally."

Cadence shook her head "The chef is currently conversing with Celestia, sorry twi." Twilight looked a bit disappointed, she then remembered it!

"Will we still go to that restaurant? whatsitsname" Twilight asked

"Yep, I succeeded so we are going to "The Royal Star"" Shining stated

Cadence Eyes Widened "Isn't that the only Restaurant with 5 stars in Equestria?!" "Yup" Shining confirmed "And you are also invited!"

Cadence smiled but shook her head "I am sorry shining but if it's today then I can't come with you."

Shining's eyes widened "Why not?!" he asked disappointed.

Cadence smiled sadly "I have other plans, I am sorry."

Shining looked very disappointed "I understand, well Twi we should get going our reservation is in 3 hours and we need to prepare ourselves for it." Twilight nodded and quickly followed Shining towards the exit.


Twilight and Shining trod towards their home and spot carriage in front of it. Shining raised his eyebrow while Twilight looked at the moon and gasps "We are late BBBFF! We should hurry back home before they leave without us!" Twilight shouted. Shining looked at Twilight then proceeded to run towards home. Twilight barely being able to keep up

Night Light was about to enter the carriage when suddenly Shining crashed into him. Causing him to see stars, he shook his head then looked towards Shining disappointed "You are late you two!" he then sighed and asked "What was the hold up?"

Shining looked sheepish and said "Twilight fell asleep in the public canteen and we simply forgot the time" Shining looked to Twilight a moment then he remembered "Also I succeeded my entrance exam!" He smiled

Twilight Velvet exited the house and closed the front door locked, she then looked at shining and smiled "Congratulations on your entry into military school."

Night Light also smiled "I knew you could do it, Shining!"

Twilight looked at both of them and asked "Are we going to go yet?" she said impatiently as she entered the carriage while Shining followed her.

Night LIght and Velvet looked at them both then sighed as they too, entered the carriage closing the door behind them.
The carriage then proceeded to move towards "The Royal Star"

The trip itself was uneventful, well besides Twilight being unnaturally quiet which caused some eyebrows to be raised
Night Light asked "Twi, what's wrong dear?"

Twilight looked at her father "Nothing I am just excited what food the restaurant will be serving" Twilight said.

This caused Shining to raise his eyebrows even further "But, didn't you already eat a meal at the public canteen?" he asked.

This time Velvet looked at Shining confused then towards Twilight "You did what?" Velvet asked confused

Twilight this time looked sheepish and said "But I like food! Also that was different, this time we are eating at and actual restaurant. I can make some extra space for that!"

Night laughed at that, while Velvet shook her head "You like food that much do you?" Shining asked while his hoof was on his face. Twilight looked sheepish then stayed quiet until.

"Look there it is! "The Royal Star" Restaurant!" Twilight suddenly shouted, causing the rest in the carriage to flinch. which in turn caused another sheepish smile to appear on Twilight's face. They all stared at her then at their destination smiling and shaking their heads.


A moment later they were out of the carriage and inside the restaurant. an waitress came and asked "Is there something you would like to drink?"

Twilight looked up at the waitress and asked "May we have the menu first, please?" the waiter looked at her then nod and rushed to get the menu.

While the waitress was grabbing the menus in the background, she herself looked around the restaurant. She saw that the floor was made ebony planks, the walls made with silver and andesite, and the ceiling was made from a combination of porcelain and gold. She also saw a odd looking cutie mark on the ceiling, but thought nothing of it.

The tables however were standing out for they all are pre-filled with items such as plates, cutlery, wine glasses, a golden chandelier with pre-lit candles, coffee cups and plates, glasses and jug of water with it. It also some kind of cloth over it.
Twilight feels the table and also noticed it's made from magic oak planks.

By the time she was done scanning the room, the waitress returned with the drinks menu and gave everyone one of such menu. Twilight looks into it and saw a bunch of drink she has never heard of, their was also no lists attached to it that suggests what's in them and while everyone chose their drinks she looked at the waitress and asked "Do you have a menu card that also states whats in them?"

The waiter looks at her for a second, then she nods and quickly grabbed an easier menu she still had in her magic.

Twilight looks at everything and sees:
'Irish coffee, an coffee made with hot milk and alcohol',
'Latte macchiato, an coffee made with lots of hot milk and cream'.

She proceeded to skip on coffee as she would not be able to enjoy food with it and looked at cold drinks section of the menu:
'Cola, made from Spices and citrus'
'Ginger ale, made from fresh ginger and spices'
'Ice tea, made from fresh fruits and mixed with ice cubes'
'Sinas, made from sparkling water and fresh oranges'
'Pony Up, made mostly from sparkling water and citrus/lemon flavoring'
'Cassis, made from sweet berries and sparkling water'
'Tonic, made from sparkling water and quinine'
'Bitter lemons, made freshly juiced lemons and sparkling water'

It took twilight 10 minutes to read and re-read the menu and settled on 'Ginger ale' the waiter nodded and moved on.

The choice caused a few raised eyebrows, as they weren't sure that it didn't contain alcohol but they let it go.

2 minutes later the drinks arrived, Night Light got some black coffee, Velvet got a Latte, Shining got a Cassis and Twilight got her Ginger ale. She then took a sip and was surprised at the weird yet refreshing taste. "Can i taste some of that too?" Shining asked, Twilight nodded, he then proceeded to take a sip then declared "Yup, there is no alcohol in here!" which caused Twilight and the waitress to giggle.

Shining and her parents blushed at the response. Velvet cleared her voice and asked "Can we also get the menu, madam." The waitress nodded and slowly went to grab a food menu, she also glanced at Twilight for a moment and remembered to grab another easy menu card.

Twilight didn't notice it, as she was busy scanning the room again for any decorations. She saw 3 paintings, one with Princess Celestia on it, another with Cadence on it, the last one however was a dark blue pony with the same cutie mark as the one on the ceiling, she had a horn and wings but she had never seen her before. which confused her a bit.

The waitress returned with the food menu, she gave everyone a normal card besides Twilight who got an easier one.
Twilight looked at her and asked "Who is the dark blue pony on that painting?" she said while pointing towards the painting.

The waitress looked at the painting and said "I am not quite sure, but the head chef said that her name is Luna, Princess Luna. She went missing about a thousand years ago. They say that she used to control the moon." The waitress then bowed and went to help another gast.

Twilight, now even more confused, looked at the moon through a window behind her and mumbled "The mare on the moon..." Twilight then looked at her mother and asked "Do you know about this Luna?"

Velvet looked at Night and then at Twilight "Only a few things, like that she didn't go missing but rather she was banished by Princess Celestia to the moon." "Also, she was the one who also controlled the stars." Velvet explained.

Twilight nodded a few times, saddened, she would have loved to meet this pony.

Twilight proceeded to open the card but was surprised at the amount on it, she closed the menu. She called the same waitress. When the waitress arrived she asked "Can I have something that both you as well as the head chef recommend?" the waitress looked at her, Then nodded and levitated the menu away from her. She moved towards the kitchen after that.


The waitress arrived in the kitchen where it was atleast 2 to 3 times hotter than in the rest of the building, and started to walk towards the head chef while dodging lots of chefs in said kitchen.

When she arrived "Hey, Royal!" she shouted over the sound of food being made.

Royal looked up at her "What is it?! I am kinda busy here!" he shouted back.

"A filly at table 3 wants something we both recommend as her dinner!" The waitress shouted.

Royal raised his eyebrow, he expected something that he recommend but not something they both recommended. He looked at her and asked "What type of filly is she?!"

"She seems curious yet adventures, She took a cold drink not many ponies ask for, plus she has a great attention for detail!" the waitress shouted back.

While Royal stopped what he was doing, to think about what food to give her, The waitress was dodging more and more chefs while she waited. Royal looked at her and asked "What would you recommend her?"

The waitress suddenly stopped dodging which caused a few chefs to slam into her. "I would recommend that burger thingy!" She said now on the ground with food all over her.

Royal stared at her, he thought about it. He then nodded "Okay I will give her secret menu 5#!" "Now please clean yourself up so that you can server her this food."

The waitress stood back up, she nodded then ran towards the locker room.


Twilight was watching what other ponies were getting as food, from vega Caesar Salad, to fries. This restaurant had it all. Yet somehow all those foods seem so boring, they were presented lamely, they smelled normal, nothing about these foods seemed special at all.

Twilight saw the waitress come from a staff only room, she waved at her to get her attention, the waitress saw it at walked towards her.

Once the waitress arrived, Twilight asked "What is your name?"

The waitress surprised that someone asked her that answered "My name is Clear Music, What is yours?" she asked

"My name is Twilight Sparkle" Twilight stated smiling "I had a question."

"Ask away!" Music answered smiling

"Why does the food here look so bland and smell average?" Twilight asked, which caused Velvet, Shining and Night to do a spit take.

Music eyes widen at that out of nowhere criticism, she then looked at the food other guests had and smelled the food in the air. She too realized that the food looked and smelled bland, which worried her. She looked at Twilight then at her manager and said "Excuse me one moment" Twilight nodded

Music walked towards her manager who overheard the conversation. her manager stared at the food for a moment then nodded towards Music as she pointed towards the kitchen.

Music again walked towards the kitchen worriedly. When she arrived she ones again walked towards Royal. Royal noticed her nervous look and asked "What is the matter?"

"Well.... I got an complaint that the food is not 5 stars worthy and I looked at the food myself, and noticed the she wasn't wrong... The food looked as well as smelled bland" Music said nervously "Oh and the manager agrees with both the one who complaint as well as me"

Royal widen his eyebrows and immediately shouted "STOP! cooking everypony!"

Everyone in the kitchen immediately dropped what they were doing and looked at Royal. Royal then proceeded to look at the food everyone was making.

He was immediately disappointed at them and said "Everyone! throw your food in the thrash! Redo every food, and make sure the quality was up to snuff" Royal shouted, he also beaconed the manager towards the kitchen and said "Get me the pony in charge of quality control!" The manager nodded and ran towards the breakroom.

Royal then shouted "I will make the secret menu item, I will make absolutely sure that it won't be a 1 star dish!" one moment later the pony in charge of quality control walked into the kitchen and immediately went to work.

Music walked out of the kitchen and nodded towards the manager who proceeded to sent every waiter and waitress to every guest in the room. Music herself walked towards Twilight.

Twilight noticing a shift in the room, smiled at Music who was walking towards her "I take that it was a problem at quality control." Twilight stated, Music nodded her head

"That is correct, young lady" Music said with a bow, Which caused Twilight to giggle.

"I am just surprised that the other guests didn't noticed change in quality within their food" Twilight said

"I am just glad you pick up on it in time before our VIP arrives" Music said relieved

"VIP?" Velvet interrupted

"That is correct, Princess Celestia is coming to dine tonight in about 10 minutes from now" Music stated

Twilight eyes widen as she noticed another pony besides Celestia. It was Cadence. She looked at Shining who also noticed it.
He looked disappointed.

"Well they are here already." Twilight stated which caused Music and her manager to freeze up. Twilight noticed it and said "It will be alright, they aren't going to be angry with 2 to 3 star food, just... disappointed I guess."

This didn't help as Music froze up entirely something which Twilight also noticed and just as Celestia entered Twilight hugged Music, which instantly unfroze at her sudden display of affection.

Something Twilight didn't notice was Celestia freezing up at what she saw in front of her, which caused Cadence to bump into her back. Cadence looked at Celestia and then she too saw what happened.

Music shaking herself awake, now noticed Twilight still hugging her. Twilight's parents staring at her and scarily her VIP's also staring at her. The manager scrambled towards the princesses with a mixture of fear and confusion.

Twilight released Music from her hug who only then, also realized that ponies were staring at her. She looked around shrugged and ignored the stares. Which caused Cadence and Celestia to stare even harder and even more confused.

It took 5 minutes for the stare to finally end as Celestia and Cadence both finally reach their table. Cadence gaze was still at Shining as Shining looked saddened back up at her. Music who finally regained her focus was called to the kitchen.

Royal looked at the now even more professional looking and happier Music "This is for the filly, Be sure to explain it as it would otherwise confuse her." Music said nothing and nodded. She grabbed all the food for table 3 in her magic, Something she usually didn't do and carried it towards table 3 like it weighs nothing. Royal and the rest of kitchen raised their eyebrow at her sudden display of good magic control. Even her manager was surprised at the display.

Music casually walked with the food like it was nothing towards table 3, which caused Celestia who came here very often to raise her eyebrow. Music ignored it and she finally arrived at the table.

Music calmly give Velvet a Ponyville Salade, Night a Flower garden special, Shining a Hayburger.

Music then placed a very meat like looking burger in front of Twilight, "This is a special burger, for it was made to look like real meat and smell like it, but in reality is made using only vegetables, the bun is made with the highest tier hay and milk, It's served with a piece of cheddar, some lettuce, homemade tomato sauce, a little bit of honey" she explained

"Besides the burger it's served with some hay, cheese, paprika fries, a prench salad with some yoghurt saus." "Bon appetit!" Music stated.

Twilight stared at her food mouth wateringly. "Thank you!" She said as belly grumbled

Shining and her parents looked at her dish uncertain. As they are about to ask if she could get something else, Twilight took a big bite of the burger. which caused Shining and Cadence to wince at.

It took Twilight a second to eat what she bit. and when she was done, she said nothing as she devoured the burger in a matter of minutes. then she ate the fries, again in absolute silence. when she was done she sighed.
"That was delicious, the burger tasted indeed like how baked meat smells, the spice combination was amazing, the burger was sweet yet very savoury, the fries complement the burger and the salad was nice and refreshing!" Twilight hammered out.

"That dish is worth being called 5 stars however... I noticed that the cucumber in the salad was inedible and the sauce was too sweet for a prench salad." Twilight evaluated

Music who was still standing next to Twilight wrote it down and said "I will tell the kitchen about it"

"Thank you and thanks for the food." Twilight said before falling in a food coma.