• Published 31st May 2020
  • 1,550 Views, 74 Comments

The Chef's apprentice - vincent789

What if Twilight becomes a chef instead of Celestia's apprentice

  • ...

Summer sun celebration part 3

Today was the big day. The day Canterlot has been waiting for. The summer sun celebration. Yet not everyone was happy, no not everyone. As a small blue unicorn filly scurries into an alleyway, holding her mother's pendant around her neck. While also crying in fear from the fireworks in the background.

It has been years since that filly saw her parents, as she roamed the streets feeling abandoned. However she had nowhere to go. So scared, yet brave enough to return to the castle, despite her fears for loud sounds. As she sees a gold and wooden carriage with a star emblem move past her. She too makes her way to the castle.


Meanwhile Twilight who was riding that carriage looked sleepily out of the window. She had traveled across Equestria, just to see the summer sun celebration. Yet before they arrive, Twilight the attentive filly she is, notices a scared blue filly walk out of an alleyway and move alongside their carriage.

As she took a better look. She was shocked to see her in the state she was in. She was wet, dirty and appeared hungry. However something suggest that she is or used to be a noble. From the way she walked and looked however said the opposite. Walking sluggish and looking around paranoid also suggest that she was abused and abandoned.

Twilight couldn't watch her any longer. Closed the curtain and looking through the other window. She stared in a daze. Although still tired, her mind went back to the filly as she appeared to be her age. Not to mention the feeling that the filly could use her help. Ever since the day she accidently killed ponies and helped build a church, she always felt an overwhelming feeling that she still hasn't paid for all her sins. Which caused an overwhelming feeling to make others smile and feel safe. Especially when she never truly felt safe around her magic ever since that day.

Frowning and sighing 'I guess. I will look for her at the festival. I may not be able to help her. But I can atleast attempt to.' Twilight thought.

Shining looked at Twilight's frowning face and looked to Night. Night looking back noticed that Shining spoke to him without sound. From what Night was able to decipher, Shining said something along the lines of "I guess, she still is hung up on that magic accident."

Night nodded, before looking through the now closed window and saw a blue injured filly. He too frowned at the sight, as he sighed out loud

"Twilight?" he asked.

"Yes dad?" Twilight replied.

"Are you going to help her?" Night asked.

"I am-" Twilight had a deep sigh "I am going to. I can't watch her like this."

"I see. You have my permission. And I am sure that mom won't mind either." Night said.

"Mind what exactly?" Velvet asked suddenly. Something which caused her husband to jump.

"Help a poor blue filly on the street. She appears injured and is about the same age as Twilight." Shining answered before Night could speak. So instead Night nod at the suggestion.

"I see. Go ahead. Just remember! Listen to her and her heart. If she is sad, then help her release that tension." Velvet said, she recently started yoga and got some nice lines from it.

"I know, mom." Twilight replied.

"Wait she is also injured?" Twilight said shocked.

The others in the carriage nodded. "She appears that way." Shining said.

"Okay, let's get to the event first. And then we can go and help her." Twilight said determined.

Shining however looked at Twilight 'She is still blaming herself over the incident. I hope that this will help her regain her former self-confidence.' he thought.

Twilight meanwhile was looking at herself in the window. Every so often she looked at her horn only for bad memories to resurface over and over again. Twilight then settled her mind to the blue filly and calculated a plan to help her. Something which included lots of plan B's and plan C's. As she saw the castle approach, she saw Celestia in her tower watching over the city.

Celestia meanwhile was looking over the city and saw that lots of places still had heavy rain damage. As she glanced over the street she noticed Twilight's carriage approach the castle.

Twilight. That name which spoke volumes to Celestia. She wanted her badly as protegé yet realized it probably wasn't going to happen. She sighed and looked at the slums.

The slums were in perfect condition. Despite the rain that hit Canterlot, the only place in Canterlot that wasn't damaged by the rain was the slums. Twilight amazing and efficient blueprints were incredibly strong against most natural disasters. She knew this, thanks to the laboratories in Canterlot castle. They reconstructed Twilight's blueprints to test their strengths. In the end, the only thing that the houses couldn't withstand was a bomb placed inside the house. Something which caused the whole thing to collapse.

The slum buildings were stronger than even the villas in the Noble district. Celestia and Cadence felt incredibly prideful of Twilight's achievement. As she single hoovingly made the safest and most comfortable housing in the entire city, well minus the castle.

Celestia looked at the clock and realized that it's almost time to raise the moon and lower the sun. "Luna. If you could see this. You too would be proud. You wanted the slums to have better housing, well you got it in the end." she said before heading down the stairs of her tower, towards the podium at the castle entrance.

Twilight and her group arrives at the castle. Which was about ten minutes before the lowering of the sun and rise of the moon was going to take place. Twilight quickly moves to the podium and started her search for the filly through the crowds.

The crowds near the podium were thick. However she heard something being beaten in the background. As Twilight listen closer she heard the yelps of a filly. As adrenaline kicked in, she ran towards the sound to see the guards punching and kicking the blue filly around.

If you want to make Twilight angry, it usually take quite a lot to do it. Punch her and she laughs it off. Insult her and she attempts to understand the ponies behavior. However there are some things in life that will anger her. This was one of them.

While Twilight looks stunned for a moment, she listens to the "conversation" the guards were having with the filly.

"You thought we forgot about you?" A female pegasus laughs evilly.

"I am sorry-" The blue filly attempted only to get hit in the belly. Which caused her cough badly.

"Shut up, you sick bastard!" A male earth pony shouts.

Twilight slowly got broken at the sight. But chose for the sake of the filly to wait just a little longer. She needed more information.

"I didn't mean to-" The filly attempted only for her to be stomped on her injured legs which caused her to start crying.

"You didn't mean to? My ass. We have noticed you in this area before and stealing scum like you should go to your parents to beg for forgiveness. Wait! You don't have any." He said with at the end having a big smile.

Twilight finally had enough. She gathered her magic in her horn. And just as Celestia and Cadence climbed on top of podium stairs, they suddenly feel Twilight's combat magic near the alleyway. Cadence eyes widen when she notices Twilight's calm yet terrifying face.

"Well, let's finish this." The male unicorn guard said, and just as he was about to fire his magic at the filly, he notice another filly build up dangerous amount of magic at him.

And before he could fire his shot at the blue filly. Twilight was quicker. "You should never have hurt her!" Twilight shouts as she sends a powerful beam at the unicorn's horn. The beam was so bright you could have seen it in Ponyville. And after a few seconds it passed and the sound of screaming filled the alleyway, The crowd behind Twilight looked panicked at the situation, just as Celestia summons her combat armor. Cadence however stood back. In shock with sudden turn of events.

Twilight disintegrated his guard's horn. And the guard laid on the ground in extreme pain. As the group including the filly was stunned. Twilight wasted no time to start a second beam only for it to get cancelled by Celestia. Celestia now in full combat gear entered the alleyway. She looked enraged at the guards when she noticed the blue filly injured on the ground.

"What is going on here?!" Celestia shouts as her mane had turned into a white color with what looks like flames covering it.

Twilight noticing Celestia, froze in place. Only for that to pass quickly when she remember that the filly needed medical attention. She moved quickly grabbing the blue filly in her magic and moving her to Canterlot hospital. Moving passed the still stunned companions of the now non-unicorn horned unicorn.

Celestia watched as Twilight moved the filly away from the crime scene. "Guards! These three are under arrest for child abuse and breaking a royal vow!" She shouts just as a whole battalion of guards arrived at the scene.

Celestia looked at the guards being arrested. Realizing the event. She summons her secretary. "Extend the event to tomorrow. Right now is not the right moment for the big second moment in the event."

The secretary nod and wrote down the order. Meanwhile Celestia ordered Commander Pride to investigate the incident.

Twilight finally arrived after running nonstop for an hour to the hospital and quickly moved to the first aid side of the hospital. She carries the blue filly into the hospital and approaches the counter. Her horn was red hot at this point and she herself was exhausted.

"Can I help you?" the cleric asked.

"My friend here is heavy injured after an encounter and need medical assistance." Twilight explained, pointing at the filly.

"We can't help her. She has an open debt of 300 bits with us. Only with that paid can we help her." the cleric explained.

Twilight grabs the 300 bits from the convention out of her hair and places it on the counter. "Can you help her now?"

"Yes. Please leave it to me." Said a doctor that walked in on Twilight's conversation with the cleric.

"It's exactly 300. Very good. Leave her to us." the cleric said.

The blue filly got removed from Twilight's magic and placed on an intensive care bed. After which she was moved to the emergency room behind closed doors. Twilight meanwhile sat down exhausted. Especially now that her adrenaline wore off. Twilight sitting in first aid waiting room fell asleep right there and then.


The following day arrived, Twilight realized she was still at the first aid waiting room. Slowly waking up she approached the counter. "How is my friend?" She asked the same cleric as last evening.

The cleric looks at her. Then smiles, "She is much better. She has recovered fully and is about to leave the hospital." the cleric replied.

"I see. Where is she?" Twilight asks relieved.

"She is right there." The cleric said pointing outside.

"Thank you. I have to go then." Twilight said waving at the cleric.

Once outside, Twilight approaches the blue filly. the filly noticed it and smiled although her smile was fake. "Thanks for saving me. I have to get going then."

"Wait! What is your name?" Twilight asks stopping the filly in her tracks.

"My name? Why would you like to know my name?" She asked confused.

Twilight raised her eyebrow "I would like to be friends?" Twilight offered.

"..." The blue filly stared uncertain at Twilight. Twilight could just feel her fear and uncertainty coming from her eyes. The blue filly kept staring, but Twilight held her ground.

"Fine, my name is Trixie." Trixie said giving in. "I don't like using my last name."

"My name is Twilight then." Twilight said, not giving her, her last name either.

"I see. Nice to meet you. Anyways I have to get going," Trixie said, trying to leave.

Twilight however wasn't having it. "Why don't you come with me. I have cookies." She said holding out the cookie jar she took from home.

Trixie looked at the offer hungrily. Although still distrustful, she couldn't refuse free food. "Okay, But I want one right now." Trixie said.

Twilight smiled and levitated a cookie out of the jar and into the hooves of Trixie. While Trixie seemed to smile just eating the cookie, Twilight got a headache from using magic as her horn had overheated yesterday and her magic supply was low.

Twilight looked at Trixie and smiled "You like the cookie?" she asked.

Trixie looks timid at Twilight "Very. Where did you get these?" She asked shyly.

"I made them myself. I am glad you like them." Twilight said smiling infectious.

Trixie smiled also at Twilight, thanks to her smile. "You are good chef. I wish my parent tasted it too." She said smiling despite the sadness.

"Are they?" Twilight hinted.

"No. I don't think so. I think I just got abandoned by them." Trixie answered.

"I see. Why don't we go back to the castle and try to get an audience with Princess Celestia?" Twilight suggest.

"Why?" Trixie asked.

"To see what type of punishment those guards are going to get." Twilight said. Something that caused Trixie to suddenly remember.

"Sure." Trixie answered as she stepped alongside Twilight to head to the castle.

Twilight and Trixie meanwhile talk about random things on the street, during their trip. It took the Twilight and Trixie roughly one hour to get to the castle.

Once at the castle, they notice that the Summer sun celebration was still in full swing. Twilight and Trixie felt confused at this, since the event is only once a year and only one day usually.

As if spoken to, the guard at the entrance explained "After yesterday's incident. Princess Celestia chose to extend the event."

Twilight made an 'O' with her mouth, and asked "Are those three getting a trail today?"

"Yes. It's an open trail. Just remember, be quiet." The guard replied.

"Thanks." Twilight said before dragging Trixie along her side. Trixie still happy, allowed her to drag her along.

As they arrive, Twilight and Trixie quietly entered the audience and listened in.
"But they were punishing a thief. They are legally allowed to do that." the lawyer of the guards reasoned.

"Perhaps to an adult. But not to a filly." Said Pride. "According to law 15, page 115, Law of Child. It says when a child is caught stealing he or she shall be punished in a non physical or mental way for any reason. Their punishment will be given only by the Princesses."

"Who made that stupid rule?!" the lawyer exclaimed. "I have never heard of that law book."

"This law book is made by my sister Princess Luna. It's an ancient law book. But it is still in effect." Said Celestia.

"If you have a problem with this, then you will have to complain to my sister on the moon. Unless you don't want to go there of course." Celestia said using a passive-aggressive threat.

The lawyer gulped and immediately shook his head.

Celestia smiled and asked the criminals the following question "Do you plead guilty?"

The pegasus stood up and said "I do."

The earth pony also stood up "I do."

The unicorn however hesitated "Could I atleast get a higher called trail? Burning my horn off my head is a bit extreme don't you think?" he reasoned.

Celestia nodded "Yes, You deserve that atleast."

Celestia looked to her assistant judges and the commander. After nodding she spoke the following. "The pegasus guard is going to get 6 years for breaking her legs. The earth pony is going to get 12 years for causing internal bleeding and for the other offences."

Celestia looks at the unicorn. "The unicorn is going to be discussed at a later date." she says and knocks her hammer 3 times. "Trail out of session."
Trixie was smiling, after years of abuse. Someone finally got punished. On top of that she isn't alone, she now has Twilight also.

"Thanks again for helping me. Twilight." Trixie said happily

"Don't worry about it." Twilight replied.

"There you are Twi. I see you got the filly, why don't we three grab lunch?" Shining said behind her.

Twilight turn around and smiled "Shining this is Trixie. Trixie this is my brother Shining Armor." Twilight introduced.

"Nice to meet you." Shining said as he held out his hoof.

"Nice to meet you too." Trixie said as she shook his hoof.

"Where are we going?" Twilight asks.

"Donut Joe. Last time we couldn't go." Shining said.

"Umm, I will sit this one out." trixie said.

Shining and Twilight raised their eyebrows. "Nah. Not today." Shining said as he started to drag Trixie along.

Trixie looks panicked at Twilight. "but I don't want to. They don't like me." Trixie explained.

"We will see when we get there." Shining said before Twilight could speak.

Twilight mouthed a 'sorry' at Trixie as she is being dragged along.

After what seemed like hours, Twilight and Shining arrived at Donut Joe. Trixie still was squirming in Shining's shield. And they entered the mostly empty cafe.

"Hey, How can I help you two-" Joe started before making eye contact with Trixie.

"I am not selling anything to her. Go away." he said.

"Oh? You want to lose you two best customers?" Twilight said annoyed.

Joe looked sad at Twilight, "Listen, she is banned from this place." he said.

"Why?" Shining asked confused.

"She's banned until she pays up for her whole tab." Joe explained.

"How much is it?" Shining asks again.

"It's," Joe grimaced "It's 50000 bits."

"WHAT?!" Twilight shouts. She shrieked so loud that one of the windows in the kitchen shattered.

"You see," Joe still in a grimace "She once accidently broke the kitchen and chose to steal roughly 20000 bits worth of donuts." he said.

"I see." Shining said and slowly turned his face around to see trixie, he looked annoyed however he was more disappointed.

Trixie was scared. That was a lot of money and she just made a new friend too. She immediately got scared that she was going to get abused and lose a friend again. Twilight noticed it, but simply smiled.

"Put that money on Cadence's tab instead. She still haven't paid for that one time, she broke our kitchen." Twilight said.

"Well not once, she broke our kitchen 50 times. And refused to pay us back for it." Shining added. "We know how much she loves your donuts."

Joe looked at them, before nodding. "Okay. Consider it done." He said. "Well Trixie. You are out of the debt. You are welcome once again."

Trixie looks up surprised and happy. "Thank you two. I might have regained my workplace as I haven't been fired yet." she said.

Joe jumped however "I forgot to fire you! Welp, I guess you can start tomorrow. These two worked hard to remove your debt." He exclaimed.

"Yes. Boss!" Trixie shouted happily.

"Well, why don't we order your celebrational 50 ponies special. Before we go back to the summer sun celebration." Shining said.

"Sure!" Twilight said. While Trixie and Joe grimaced at the 50 ponies special massive dish.

"Thank Celestia, that I am not working today!" Trixie exclaimed, while Twilight and Shining simply laughed

Author's Note:

Although Luna won't be part of this book. She will be a very important figure in the future. Especially since food and night time go hoof in hoof.

I can't wait to show her off. Not this time however :(