• Published 31st May 2020
  • 1,550 Views, 74 Comments

The Chef's apprentice - vincent789

What if Twilight becomes a chef instead of Celestia's apprentice

  • ...

Summer sun celebration part 1

It was weekend. The beginning of Twilight's vacation and the start of a new adventure. Twilight was sleeping in her bed while the sun outside slowly woke her up. It was 5 O'clock in the morning like usual. Stretching her body like a cat, she looks through the window besides her bed. It was a beautiful day. The sun was out and she saw ponies and griffons moving about.

As she slowly got out of bed, she took another look around her room. Her room had a few books missing and a few cobwebs. Happy that not much is out of place, she heads to the bathroom.

Once inside the bathroom she once again looks through the window. She spots Moondancer casually doing business. Looking at the douche and bath and sees that both were clean. Twilight decides to take a douche. Placing a few towels around her she opens the faucet and allows the water temperature to increase before heading in.

The temperature was warm but not hot. She thought back on her week. Lots of new things have been learned and lots of events also. Twilight then puts some soap on her hair and cleans said hair off with water. Putting some soap afterwards on her body and cleaning it off. Done with the douche, she stops the faucet and cleans herself off with the towels. And moves on to clean her teeth before moving on.

Now in the hallway she heads down the stairs and into the hallway that separate the front door and stairs with the living room and kitchen. Slowly moving to the living room. Twilight finds an exhausted Shiny on the couch, still in his uniform. Twilight looks at him before heading to the kitchen.

Once inside the kitchen, Twilight grabs some crushed coffee beans and some water. Adding them both to the coffee maker and plugging it in, starting the process. A few minutes pass before grabbing a coffee cup and added the freshly boiled coffee to the cup and levitating the cup with coffee in front of Shiny.

Shiny looks at the coffee, before eagerily drinking up. "Thanks Twi. I needed that." Shiny said.

"No worries. So how was work?" Twilight asked.

"Hard and tiring. Although my thirst has been lessened, I am still quite hungry." Shiny explained.

"Why don't we both go to donut joe then?" Twilight suggest.

Shiny lights up "Sure. Let's go." He said enthusiastic


Once outside, Twilight and Shining looks around. They see lots of houses hit hard by the overloaded amount of rainwater. Their neighbour's backyard was turned from a flower garden to a swamp. They notice lots of streets filled with rainwater and water damage everywhere. It's like a storm passed over them.

Twilight looks towards the commercial district, only to see a bridge collapsed and blocking boat traffic. There also seem like a lot of broken windows in that direction. Shiny looks to the slums and sees minimal damage, The strong construction and well-made blueprints saved the slums from a disaster.

Shining sighs in relief "It seems your blueprints for the slums, saved their lives." Shining said.

Twilight looks towards the slums happily "It would seem so. Thank Celestia." Twilight said.

"Let's hope Joe wasn't hit by the storm." Twilight hoped.

"It would be unlikely. His house is close to the castle, it might have been protected from the rain thanks to a forcefield." Shining said.

Breathing in relief, Twilight points to the forest and said "Well let's take a shortcut. It might be a bit swampy but it should be the safest route."

Shining nods "I agree. A little swamp won't stop me!" Shining practically shouts.

Shining and Twilight then calmly head towards the shortcut. In between arriving at Joe's and their current location, not much happened. Well besides the sheer awe of the damage done by the rain. The guard wall appear damaged, a part of the north wall had collapsed. Trees were uprooted and had fallen over. Some rather fragile buildings in the old side of the city had also collapsed, Twilight also noticed lots of rescue teams flying around.

Twilight looks at Shiny "Aren't you supposed to help them?" she asked worried.

Shiny shook his head "No. I am still in training, besides those rescue teams have royal army levels of training." he said.

"Royal army? Not royal guard?" Twilight asked confused.

"Correct. Royal army. That just goes to show the scale of the disaster. The royal guards are currently investigating the cause of such a disaster." Shining answered "Meanwhile the royal army is rescuing and helping civilians."

"I see. It's like a hot side of a kitchen and the cold side." Twilight said vaguely.

"What?" Shiny asked confused.

"Doing and prepping." she answered vaguely.

It took Shiny a second to understand its meaning. When he finally understood the meaning, he simply nodded. He then points to the forest as Twilight moved forward.

Twilight meanwhile was feeling conflicted. On one hoof she wishes to help the rescue teams, on the other hoof she realizes she might not be able to help. Twilight then looked back one last time before asking "Is there a way we can help in the background?"

Shiny stops in his tracks. He too realized that right now was his biggest call for duty, however he was asked not to interfere. He looks at Joe's donut cafe one last time before sighing. "But what can we do? They won't let us help." Shining asked desperately.

Twilight thought about it. 'Well. Rescue is out of the picture. However do they have enough food? water?' She looked at the injured and at Shiny "Actually we might be able to help. It would seem that the rescue teams lack morale. They also look thirsty and hungry." Twilight said smiling.

Shining looks closer at the injured after hearing that "And their medics are lacking magical powerful allies." He said, putting up a brave face.

The two look at each other. "Are you willing to sacrifice your job?" Twilight asked, "Are you willing to cook even in such situation?" He asked her in unison.

Smiling. "We are nobles, are we not?" they ask each other, confidence build up. They nod at each other before running off, to their jobs.
Shining ran towards the hospital preparing his magic for a heaviest task in his life. As he enters he looks for a doctor. Once he found one, he decided to do something honorable and foolish. "My name is Shining Armor! Commander of the medic fleet! We need more medication at the emergency tents! We are also lacking doctors! We order more to be sent there!" He ordered using the royal badge he got from Cadence.

The closest doctor looks at the badge then salutes "Understood! But we are lacking doctors ourself. The most we can do is sent a signal to every hospital in Canterlot for assistance and give you a lot of equipment and medication." He spoke.

"Every little bit helps. There are lots of ponies badly injured by collapsing buildings. The cost of everything will be sent to the castle." Shining said.

In front of him, lots of equipment and medication was placed. He then proceeds to grab everything in his powerful magic and moved towards the rescue tents. The doctors in awe of his powerful magic, quickly sent an S.O.S. to every hospital for assistance to the rescue teams.
Meanwhile Twilight races to the public canteen's kitchen, Taking the forest shortcut previously mentioned. However once she arrives there she is stopped by the guards.

"Halt! No access permitted to the castle while the investigations goes on." Says the guard to Twilight.

"But-" Twilight tries to talk on to be once again cut off by the guard.

"No exceptions, unless one is part of the guard or army!" The guard shouts.

Twilight looks annoyed at the guard before walking off. While walking off she bumps into a very tired looking Cadence. Cadence then looks down to give a sad smile, only to continue into the castle without a second word. Twilight looks very worried at Cadence and starts to think.

'If I can't enter, where else should I go?' she thought. Twilight taps her horn for some magic, but it seems too unstable to try to teleport. 'No Teleportation. Yet I still need to get access to a kitchen,' then she suddenly lights up.

As she ran towards her home she thought 'If I can get some resources from the commercial district and use my mother's kitchen. I might be able to make emergency rations.'

Twilight proceeds to run towards the commercial district. And once she arrives she sees one of the boat that transports vegetables is stuck in the canal that flows through the district. Twilight also spots her favorite cheese spot opened up.

Twilight took a second then decides to make vegetable soup and mac and cheese for the wounded. Approaching the boat reveals that on board Carrot Top and Clear Music is sit on it.

"Hey you two! Do you think I can buy some of that stuff?" Twilight shouts.

"Sure! How mu-" Clear started until she made eye contact with Twilight.

"Twilight! How are you?" Carrot asked.

"I am fine. I am currently planning on making emergency rations for the injured." Twilight said.

"I see. Take some of our vegetables then. We can miss them!" Carrot said pushing the vegetables onto Twilight.

Clear attempted to stop Carrot, but failing terribly. "We need that stuff for the restaurant! Stop!" Clear shouts to Carrot.

Carrot smiled mischievously towards Clear as she pushes her into the water. "Go Twilight. I will hold her off!" Carrot shouts.

"I will pay you back I promise!" Twilight shouts before running off.

Clear now in the water looks annoyed at Carrot "What have you done?! Royal will be so angry." She says.

"She is giving that stuff to the injured. I am sure Royal will understand." Carrot answered.

Clear hmpf-ed "I hope so."
Twilight then approached the cheese shop, but before she can enter. A massive Gouda cheese roll was thrown at her. Twilight quickly stops it in her magic. She looks annoyed at shopkeeper. The shopkeeper instead simply smiled and shooed her out of the shop with cheese and all.

Twilight smiled and said "I will pay you back!"

"Don't! My mother is among the injured. Pay them back with the best food you can produce!" The shopkeeper shouted back.

Twilight looks shocked at her. She nods and ran back home.

Once home she sees her parents are reading some books in the living room. Twilight quickly ran into the kitchen and started to prepare a vegetable soup to the knowledge she had learned the past few weeks. Grabbing every single biggest soup pans she could find. And starting a mega portion of vegetable soup.

Velvet realizing Twilight is home and in the kitchen. She enters the kitchen and raised her eyebrow at the large quantity being prepared. She also spots a massive gouda cheese roll on the counter. Looking at Twilight to get her attention, makes her realized Twilight having lots of concentration.

Velvet still confused asks "What are you doing Twi?"

Twilight not looking at her mother says "I am making emergency rations of those injured people outside. The rain water caused a massive disaster and lots of ponies are injured."

Velvet looks shocked at her and slowly walked to the window. She looks in the distant and sees lots of emergency medical army tents. Realizing the scale of the disaster, she walks back towards Twilight.

"Twi. Let me make my special vegetable soup. You make the stuff from the cheese." Velvet says.

Twilight looks smiling at her mother "Okay. I will make the Mac and Cheese then." she said

Velvet smiled and got to work. Twilight meanwhile grabbed a massive bag of pasta from the pantry and proceeds to use the second stove. Also grabbing lots of pans filled with water and the pasta, starting to cook the mixture. Meanwhile grabbing lots of gouda cheese, a piece of cheddar and some mozzarella. Putting the cheese in a massive bowl and putting that on the pan of boiling water. Stirring the mixture into one big cheese sauce.

Once one big mixture, Twilight let it stay warm separately. Meanwhile the pasta was done. She removed the water and let stay warm on the stove. She then grabs parts of the cheese into the pan with the pasta and mixes every pasta pan individually. Once done she looks at Velvet.

Velvet was also done. She looks at Twilight and nod "I will move it there Twi. Good job." Night said from behind her.

Twilight turned around and nod. "Now I should go and pay Royal for the vegetables." She said.

Velvet nods "While you do that. We will move these there. Are they aware you are doing this?" she asked

"No. I kinda decide to do this in secret. And Shiny put his job on the line for this." Twilight said saddened.

Night shakes his head "Don't worry. He will be fine. I will make sure of it. You should go to Royal." he said.

"I can't enter the castle. I have to wait until the evening." Twilight said refusing to pay right now.

"No young lady. You will go pay right now. How you get to him is your guess." Velvet said in a scolding tone.

"Okay." Twilight disappointed said, before walking to the front door.

"I guess I will see you later." Twilight said closing the front door behind her.

Twilight walked to the castle. Meanwhile a whole bunch of things were happening in the background.

Shining Armor arrived with additional medical equipment to the tents, something that caused the medical team's morale to skyrocket. At the same time Twilight's parents arrived with the additional rations for the army and patients.

Cadence finally figured out what happened and flew post haste towards cloudsdale with the report regarding the incident. Vermouth and Elly finally struck a strong deal regarding meat import and export which opened up the southern dragons to the griffons.

And once Twilight arrives at the castle the guards guarding the front gate were gone. Twilight calmly heads to the kitchen in the castle. Once inside the kitchen she sees Clear Music and Carrot Top in front of Royal and sees them being scolded.

"So could you explain what happened?" Royal asked very angry.

"I accidently threw some vegetables off board." Carrot lied.

"And I fell asleep on board while she was doing that." Clear also lied.

Royal was starting to grab his knife. Much to the horror to the two. "STOP LYING!" He shouts enraged.

Twilight smiles at their attempts and simply levitated Royal off the floor. Much to the shock of Royal.

"Twilight. Put me down." Royal said annoyed.

"No." Twilight said smiling. Meanwhile her magic removed the knife from his hooves and placed it on a knife rack in the background.

Royal looks at her "Guards!" He shouts.

The door was knocked open by the door guards. They look at the situation and spots a smiling Twilight levitate a angry Royal. Unsure what to do, They simply left.

"Oi!" Royal said looking annoyed at the guards. He looks at Twilight, and studies her smile. Twilight smiled in such a way that it felt innocent. He sighed.

"How can I help you Twi?" he calmly asks

Twilight realizing he calmed down, placed him back on the floor. "Oh nothing. I am here to pay you back." She said.

Royal now looking much calmer, raised his eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Twilight placed a small bag of 100 bits on the counter and turned around "Thanks for the vegetables." she simply said to a shocked Royal. Before leaving in a very mysterious way.

Royal finally realizing what just happened. Quickly goes through the same door only to find Twilight gone. He then re-entered the kitchen sighing in the direction of Carrot Top and Clear Music.

"Fine. But next time don't lie. I won't get mad. I promise." Royal said calmly.

The two simply smiled and left the kitchen also.


The following day. The food and medical equipment that was given by the Twilight family was used greatly. As hospitals and other restaurants also helped. In the end they found 3050 ponies injured, of which 50 badly injured. However thanks to the hospitals and the Twilight family, no one died that they found in time.

Sadly that doesn't work for those they were too late to help. 250 ponies weren't helped in time and they succumbed to their injuries and died. They were later found and their bodies send to the grieving families. Many chose to bury them at the church Twilight and the guards build. However that church didn't have a priest.

Celestia and Cadence that same day got a high priest and some nuns to take care of the church. Celestia was there when every single pony was buried. This all happened while Twilight was at home.


It's sunday. The day all those ponies got buried. Twilight woke up from the sunlight that shone through the window in her face. As she woke up, she notices the Royal guard outside their front door. Realizing there might be visitors, Twilight quickly heads to the bathroom to clean herself up.

Once inside the bathroom, Twilight cleans her teeth, face and hair. Putting a small amount of conditioner in her hair also. She looks through the window in the bathroom and sees that a lot of pegasuses were cleaning the sky of clouds. Looking at the calendar she also realized that tomorrow is the summer sun celebration.

Slowly heading down the stairs. She listened in, but she heard nothing. Nothing besides slurping. As she enters the living room she sees Velvet and Night sitting in chairs. Cadence and Celestia also in chairs. Shining and Pride in front of a unknown female pony.

Shiny realizing Twilight entered. Beacons her to sit next to him. As Twilight sat down Celestia begin to talk.

"So we are all here." Celestia started.

"So it would seem." Cadence added.

"Okay. I will start. What do you have to say for yourself Shiny?" Pride spoke.

"I did it to save lives. I regret nothing." Shiny said nervously.

"I understand. However you broke my order. You will be punished. Do you understand?" Pride said.

"Of course. However as my first offence and an action that brought no harm. I ask for a minor punishment." Shining replied.

"Of course." Pride answered.

"Okay. My turn." Said the female pony.

"My name is Arms Keeper. I am the general of the Royal Army." Arms said looking at Twilight.

Twilight gulped very nervous "N-Nice t-too m-meet y-you." Twilight said stuttering over her words.

Arms nod "Do you know why I am here?" she asks.

"I helped the army without their permission?" Twilight suggest.

"That too. Of course we are happy with your assistance, but no. Try again." Arms said smiling.

"I don't know." Twilight admits.

Arms sigh and looks Twilight in the eye "I am not here to punish you." she says.

Twilight raises her eyebrow, "What?" She asks confused.

Arms grabs a small box with a medal inside and gives it to Twilight "As thanks for your assistance. The army has decided to reward you with a Medal of Honor. As thank you for your assistance with the crisis." She says smiling.

Celestia does a spit take, so does Velvet. As they look shocked at Arms. Night and Shiny take a closer look at the medal and realize it's real.

"Why?" Twilight asked confused.

"You helped the effort in a way that we could never. Obtaining lots of food and medical equipment through your brother has helped us immensely. And building that church gave ponies hope. Even in times of crisis you did more than even your adults did. For this we thank you!" Arms said as she and Cadence bowed.

Twilight cried as she hugs Cadence and Arms. "Thank you so much." She cried out.

Arms and Cadence hugs back. As Twilight's parents simply smiled. Celestia and Shining looks at them nodding.


After that emotional moment Twilight walked towards the church and sees a nun cleaning the additional gravestones. As she enters. She sees lots of ponies praying before a statue that wasn't there before. The statue looked like Twilight and a scale with on one side a medical cross and the other some food.

The metal on the statue base reads 'For the one that helped in times of greatest need. The one who build this church and assisted in rebuilding the slums. With the power of food and health.'

Twilight who at this point was blushing ignored the statue to approach the priest.

"How can I help you young one?" The priest asked.

"I would like to donate to the church." Twilight said.

The priest shook his head "At this time we are not accepting donations. My apologies."

Twilight looks sad at the priest "Okay."

Twilight approached the bowl in the back in front of a picture of the fallen. And places 10 bits as offering in it. before leaving.

Then moving back home.

Author's Note:

The start of a new adventure starts now.