• Published 31st May 2020
  • 1,550 Views, 74 Comments

The Chef's apprentice - vincent789

What if Twilight becomes a chef instead of Celestia's apprentice

  • ...

Basic Cooking Part 2

"Would you to learn how to cook?" Cadence question rang through Twilight's head as it froze Twilight. Cadence noticing Twilights lack of response, she asks "Is everything alright? Twilight?"

Twilight however still didn't responded as she was too busy thinking about it. She could become Cadence's student but that didn't make any sense as she knows that Cadence was not a good chef. Yet she still would love to learn it. so for a minute of silence later she fought about the idea.

"But I thought you said you couldn't cook?" Twilight asks confused.

Cadence looks at her then started to laugh loudly. She continued to laugh for atleast thirty more second, while Twilight looked even more confused at her. When she was done laughing she said "Of course I won't teach you! But I do have someone in mind for you to learn from."

Twilight looked at her and asked "Who?"

Cadence then called a guard, the guard entered the room and she asked "Bring Royal Chef in here." the guard saluted and moved to go beacon him towards Cadence.

After a few moments of waiting he entered "You called for me? Your Highness." Royal stated bowingly.

"You can stand Royal. I want you to meet Twilight. Twilight this is Royal. He is the current head chef that works in the public canteen." Cadence introduced.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Twilight! My name is Royal Chef." he says as he moves his hoof forward.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle, Nice to meet you" Twilight says has shakes his hoof politely.
"Wait a minute! You are the chef from yesterday that made the food in the public canteen?" Twilight asked shocked.

"That is correct, I am also the head chef that works in the restaurant "The Royal Star"." Royal explained.

This caused Twilight to be stunned into shock. Royal noticed this and looked at Cadence for assistance.

"She was both in the public canteen as well as the restaurant yesterday." Cadence explained which causes Royal to widen his eyes.

"She was the filly at table 3, that pick up on the lack of quality. And also the one who caused the public canteen reserve to be emptied, in one day." Royal said widening his eyes at the coincidence.

"Wait, is that why the canteen suddenly order a bunch of ingredients?" Cadence asked.

"That is correct. Tonight the griffon ambassador Vermouth Roux is holding feest. He also asked us to prep the largest high quality meat I have ever seen. Something he obtained at the morning market." Royal explained while Twilight suspiciously looked away at the mention of the meat.

"Anyways the reason I ask you to come. Is because I was wondered if you were interested at teaching Twilight here, how to cook?" Cadence asked.

Royal looked at Twilight who was still acting suspicious. Cadence and Royal raised their eyebrow at the display. then Royal asked "What's wrong twilight?"

Twilight immediately recollected herself and said "Nothing! I just was thinking about the me-" Twilight twitchingly cut herself off.

Cadence looked at Twilight with narrowed eyes "What did you do?" she asked.

Twilight signed "Well I may or may not have helped Vermouth obtain that meat at the morning market." Twilight said defeated.

Royal eyes widen for third time at Twilight "What happened?" Royal asked surprised.

"I noticed that he was about to buy a block of overpriced low quality meat, then I showed him why it was low quality after which I helped him obtain the high quality meat. After that encounter the shopkeeper gave us the meat. I also found out that that booth was ripping off their customers, which of course helped us obtain the meat also." Twilight explained.

Cadence smiled approvingly "Good job Twilight! I am proud of you." as she gave Twilight a hug.

"Well as I was saying, I was wondering if you are willing to teach Twilight how to cook?" Cadence asked.

"I would love to. But that will have to wait after tonight. As I am too busy for that today. Not to mention. It's been a long time since I worked with meat of such high quality and size." Royal stated approvingly.

"I understand. But I have some connections within the farmer market. I could get some good quality vegetables and fruit faster if you need me to?" Twilight asked.

Cadence was surprised to hear it. as Royal spoke "Yes, I would like that. I still only need some high quality carrots. If you could get me some that would help greatly"

Twilight nodded and immediately left to get those carrot she quickly turned around and asked "How many?"

"I need atleast 10 kg" Royal shouted.

Twilight then ran to the exit. And then to an old friend which she hoped was on the farmers market.


As she ran towards the market which turned into a farmers market, since it wasn't morning anymore. She saw that the market now expanded to sell items internationally. There were atleast hundredths of booths in circles around wells and lining the streets around the commercial district. She also noticed more and more vegetable selling booths.

Not to mention it was filled with a massive crowd of different types of people. From pony's to griffons and then some. However despite the busy nature of the area, Twilight moved around like she owns the place. As she have atleast fifty connections in the farmers market.

She searched the then many carrot shops for her connection person and then she saw one of her friends.

"Hey Carrot Top!" Twilight shouted over the crowd.

Carrot looked towards her and waved "Hey Twilight, How are you doing?"

"I am fine, I am actually here for some business." Twilight said.

Carrot looked at her and asked "Oh? Here for some carrots?"

Twilight nodded "But it's for a high quality client, so I need the best of the best carrots you have. The bill will be sent to the castle." Twilight explained.

Carrot widen her eyes then she poked her mother who was listening in "So, how many?"

"I need 10 kg of high quality carrots delivered asap. They need it tonight." Twilight explained.

Carrot's mother widen her eyes "How soon?"

"If possible right now." Twilight explained.

Carrot looked at their brought supply and saw that she bought 20 kg of normal carrots and only 1 kg of high quality ones.
"I only have 1 kg of them but we do have 9 kg back home, how are we going to solve that?" she asked herself.

Twilight noticing her uncertainty, looked around for some guards. she saw one guard near a security booths close to one of the intersections and moved toward the guard.

"sir?" Twilight asked to get his attention.

The guard looked around, then down to see Twilight "Can I help you?"

"Yes, we need 9 kg of high quality carrots moved from Ponyville to Canterlot. And I need you guys assistance with it." Twilight said as she showed the medal the ambassador gave her. The guards eyes widen and nodded. Twilight then pointed towards Carrot top's mother.

The guard approaches her and asks where her farm is and a receipt of proof that is bought it. She gave the guard the receipt and the guard approaches her commander in the background who nodded at Twilight.

the commander and an army of guards moved towards Ponyville the obtain those carrots.

Twilight looks back at Carrot. "It's a pleasure doing business with you." Twilight said politely.

Carrot looks at Twilight "The pleasure is all mine" she says back.

Twilight then trod towards the guard with her medal to tell them where to send it. The guard nodded. Twilight then makes her way back to the castle.


Back at the castle, Twilight walks towards the kitchen and enters.

The kitchen was chaotic with chefs all over the place. She quickly looked around to find Royal and to look at the kitchen.
The kitchen had porcelain tiles on the floor and walls, with some wall also containing metal sheets. She sniffed a soup pan on a stove and noticed it contained vegetable soup and she secretly add a tiny wisk of salt.

Twilight still searching for Royal notices atleast 6 stoves, 12 ovens and atleast a dozen stove tops. Knives were hanging from the wall as she saw atleast 6 fridges in the back, and also a weird looking metal door. After wandering for a bit she sees Royal in the back near a oven and some cupboard. She also notice him making some kind of sauce.

She walks towards Royal as other chefs dodge her while she moves around.

"Hey, Royal!" Twilight shouted over the kitchen.

Royal looks down to see Twilight approach him "Hey Twilight, How is that carrot delivery going?"

"The guard will deliver the carrots any minute now." Twilight said. as soon as she finish her sentence the guards entered the backdoor with atleast 4 earth ponies carrying the 10 kg of carrots.

"There they are! I sent the bill to the castle." Twilight stated smiling

Royal nodded and pointed the guards where to place the carrots. He then proceeded to look at every carrot for their quality. He picked on up and asked "Where did you get this? It's really good quality."

"That is a trade secret." Twilight said mysteriously smiling. Royal looked at her with a knowing smile.

"Anyways, thanks to you. We are able to complete every dish in time." he says looking at the clock in the kitchen. "Before you go home as it's quite late. Remember to report yourself to the pubic canteen kitchen. Tomorrow at 7 O'clock for your first lesson" Twilight nodded and wrote it down.

Twilight said her goodbyes to the people in the kitchen and walked towards the farmers market for the final time that day.


While moving towards home, she looked at the farmers market one more time. when she notice something catch her eye. It only cost 1 bit which she luckily have, thanks to searching her hair for one.

it was an ultra rare, ultra high quality bag of salt from the frozen north back when the crystal empire still existed. She didn't hesitate to buy that item immediately.

after that amazing encounter, she quickly headed home as the sun started to go down.

2 hours later nearly back at home, she was exhausted and very hungry as she entered her home to an angry father and a disappointed mother.

"Where have you been, Twilight sparkle?!" Night practically shouting.

Twilight flinched and said "At the castle with Cadence"

Velvet raised her eyebrow to also look closer at Twilight. to see if see was lying. Noticing nothing that suggest she was lying. She sighed.

"Next time just tell us okay?" Velvet begged.

Twilight nodded "I am sorry mom, I am sorry daddy." Twilight said hugging them both as they hugged her back.

"Anyways what are we eating today?" Twilight asked excited. Causing Night to shake his head, while velvet giggles at her question.

"Today we going to eat pasta Carbonara." Velvet stated. Twilight's eyes lit up at it.

"Something new?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, we got the idea after reading the book you left open on the counter top" Velvet said narrow her eyes at twilight.

"Yes, what did you do with the book, Twilight?" Night asked serious.

Twilight looked at them both and said "Nothing, just some reading on cooking" she answered nervously.

"Including the maple syrup, that was still on the page?" Velvet answered raising her eye.

Twilight signed defeat again "Okay, so I made some pancakes following the recipe" Twilight admitted.

"And?" Velvet asked.

"I did succeed at making my first batch of small pancakes" Twilight said a bit more excited.

Night smiled at Twilight and hugged her "That is my little girl, already making her first homemade pancakes" He stated.

"Very good Twilight! Come help me make that carbonara. It's on page 256" Velvet state looking at Twilight, while also moving towards the kitchen.

Author's Note:

Carrot Top is a filly btw.
Also altho close, Twilight is not quite as far in the story for her to do the lady bug dance with Cadence.
She does have a lot of friends in this [AU]