• Published 31st May 2020
  • 1,550 Views, 74 Comments

The Chef's apprentice - vincent789

What if Twilight becomes a chef instead of Celestia's apprentice

  • ...

Cooking lessons part 3

The next morning everything happened very fast. Twilight woke up while her mother and father were busy trying to get her fired from the hospital. Shining was carrying a very sleepy Twilight on his back while already leaving the hospital without permission. Velvet was shouting for release and Night was busy with the paperwork As Twilight closed her eyes.

When Twilight opened her eyes again, she home already and laying on the couch. Her parents were sitting to her left and Shining to her right. On the other side of the coffee table sat Celestia and Cadence patiently drinking tea and listening to Velvet complaining.

Twilight sat upright to take a better look at Cadence. Cadence, noticing this, had a sad smile on her face. Celestia also noticed this and said "It would appear your complaining woke Twilight up."

Velvet jerked her head to Twilight. Looking sheepishly "Sorry Twi. There was just some important business to talk about."

Twilight calmly looked Velvet in the eye and said "Perhaps it has something to do with the incident in the slums."

"That is correct. I don't understand why they let a random guard do something like that. And then push the blame to you." Velvet said annoyed.

"Do what?" Twilight calmly asked.

"Blame you for shooting a laser beam that caused that event!" Velvet shouted at the end.

Twilight didn't flinch instead she stared daggers into Velvet eyes "I did do that. Why do you think I was in the hospital? I drained too much magic into that laser beam." Twilight said standing her ground.

Velvet, Night and Shining all flinched at her saying that. Celestia and Cadence raised their eyebrows at that information. And Twilight calmly went to grab some tea in the kitchen.

Returning from her trip to the kitchen. She also had grabbed a piece of bread with some jam on it, together with the milk tea. Twilight than looked at her parents and noticed them staring at her. "What?" Twilight asked confused.

"How can you be calm knowing you killed some ponies?" Shining asked.

"It was an accident. Apparently the magic target was defected. Normally it could easily withstand that much magic. But it didn't. Which meant the Magic Barracks gave me a faulty target." Twilight continued "Also my spell didn't cause the fire. It couldn't." Twilight calmly stated.

Cadence look at her in shock "What do you mean "It couldn't"?" She asked.

"After being stuck in the hospital I looked back on the events and I realized I used a water type laser beam. Not a fire or light type. Which for your information couldn't cause fires." Twilight explains.

Celestia looked at her for a lie. She didn't find any as she sighs "I see. Thank you Twilight that was most helpful."

Twilight however wasn't done "The only thing that in theory could cause a fire was the shock wave that followed soon after." she calmly said.

Cadence looked at her then smiled "I see so you aren't at fault right?" She asked.

"No. Even with that in mind I still killed 40 ponies even accidently. Although indirectly." Twilight calmly state.

Celestia nods "Well Twilight with your honesty. I have decided to pardon you for doing that. Since it wasn't your fault. We found signs of sabotage in both the orb and the fire." Celestia decides.

Twilight raised her eyebrow then lit up and ask "Wait don't tell me. It was her right?"

Celestia nods then proceeds to leave without saying anything. With Celestia gone. Cadence just sat there, confused.

Cadence was about to ask something when suddenly somepony knocked on the door. "Come in!" Twilight shouts.

The front door opened and showed Royal Chef "Hey Twilight! Ready for your lesson?" he asked.

Twilight shook her head "Not yet. We are still talking about something rather important."

"I see. Do you mind if I wait in your room?" Royal asks.

"Sure!" Twilight said.


While Royal is in her room, the conversation continued. "So why are you so okay with the whole event?" Cadence asked.

"I am not." Twilight calmly said.

Cadence now looking even more confused, attempts to look into Twilight heart when she sees the psychological heart. It held a great deal of depression. Cadence looking shocked at Twilight said "You are going to my office tomorrow!"

Twilight looked shocked in turn "Why?" She asked.

"You are going to receive some therapy from me." Cadence said adamantly

Twilight was about to complain when she looked at her parents and then at Shiny, then back at Cadence. "Fine!" Twilight said annoyed.

Everyone smiled and left for work. Leaving Twilight and Cadence alone. "Seriously Twi. Don't worry. It's mostly some TLC and you can talk about everything to me. I will listen" Cadence said hugging Twilight.

Twilight eyes became visibly depressed and Cadence noticed "Thanks." Twilight simply said in a very depressed tone. Cadence looked shocked at Twi. Twilight's thanks felt so empty, yet so emotionful it shook Cadence to her core as she hugged Twilight tighter.

Releasing Twilight she walked to the front door, Cadence looked back on more time before leaving.

"We are done, Royal! You can come down now!" Twilight shouted without a breadcrumb of depression.


Royal walked downstairs and started the lesson without skipping a beat.

"Well, Twilight. Grab your notebook and pencil for this weeks we are going to talk about vegetables." Royal said

Twilight nods as she grabs her notebook and pencil and starts listening in quiet.

"Before we start. Vegetables is a very broad topic. Besides the obvious differences in name. Every country and community have the same vegetables but they are different every time." Royal explained.
"Besides that, there is a whole process for vegetables to even reach you. But let me explain it simplified version." Royal continued
"First it's a seed which is planted. Usually they use fertilizer which is a combination of coal and minerals before planting. Then they water the seed. The water being usually local, but they do rarely use a modified version that contain more lime and stuff"
"Then while the vegetable grows it has to endure lots of things like pesticide and weather playing big roles, but also temperature differences and irregularities." Royal said showing a picture of each.
"But let's say it survivals all these events and your end product is for example a potato, then what?" Royal asks himself
"Well it gets send to a processing plant. There they make sure it doesn't contain anything bad before shipping it to a store or kitchen." Royal said showing a picture of such processing plant.
"That is the process each and every vegetable." Royal explained.

Twilight raised her hoof since she had a question, royal nods. Twilight asked "But don't farmers sometimes sell them, without a processing plant?"

Royal smiled and nods while continuing the explanation "That is correct. Those vegetables go to fresh markets or biological shops. With the rare occasion being sold on the farm themself."
"But then you are buying with risk and not every kitchen does that. So keep that in mind." Royal said while Twilight nods.

"Anyways that is the basic process of the shop obtaining the vegetable." Royal ends.

"Well that is it for today. Tomorrow we talk about the local Canterlot vegetables." Royal said as Twilight nods.

Royal then moved to the front door to leave while Twilight was still busy writing things down. When Twilight suddenly shouts "Wait!"

Royal stops to look at Twilight "What is it?" Royal asks

"Tomorrow I have to be with Cadence for some therapy" Twilight said.

Royal raised his eyebrow "Okay. Then we will merge two lessons into one, the day after tomorrow." Royal said while leaving.


The following morning Twilight woke up and went to the bathroom. She looked at the douche and the bath but she didn't want to go in them instead she looked in the mirror and sees her depressed eyes. Sighing she washes her hair and face before going downstairs.

Once downstairs she bumps into Shiny and accidentally shined her depressed eyes at him before quickly recovering. Shiny flashed worry in his face before also recovering. They both just stood there, staring at each other.

Twilight was the first to talk and asked "Could you please join me for the therapy? I don't want to go alone, I want some brotherly support."

Shiny Flashed extreme happiness hearing that, before quickly burying that look. "Sure, I am sure I can explain this to my boss later." Shining said.

Twilight nods before grabbing a quick salad from the fridge and eating it in the dining room. A moment later they both left for the castle.

Apparently Twilight was so depressed she ignored everything while on her way to the castle, besides Shiny who was standing next to her like a guard.

Entering the castle, Twilight bumps into Cadence in the hallway. Cadence looks down to see a visibly depressed Twilight looking at her and Shining Armor standing next to her. He wasn't in guards armor despite today being his workday.

Cadence was about to question it when Twilight interrupted her "I need some brotherly support." Twilight said emptily. Shiny flinched at the coldness before looking very worried at her.

Cadence nods as they moved to her pre-prepped office with Shiny in tow. As they enter Twilight notices a LOT of sweets and ice cream. And smartypants lying on the floor. however she ignored everything in favor for Cadence.

Cadence noticing this, grabbed her business glasses and Shining grabbed his gear. Putting it on just for the feeling of safety in favor of Twilight. Twilight smiled sadly to Shiny. Her smile is genuine and so was her sadness.

Shining almost instinctively wanted to hug Twilight but decided not to, after locking eyes with Cadence. Cadence looked extremely serious. Twilight has never seen Cadence look this serious, in fact even Shiny had never seen her like this.

Cadence cleared her voice and grabbed a notebook and pencil "Please go lay on this sofa Twilight." Cadence asked and Twilight did as asked.

"Why don't you start at the beginning of your mistake." Cadence asked

Twilight nods as she explained that she secretly entered the military district to see Shining Armor, but found out that Barracks there is the wrong kind of Barracks and that Shining worked at the Royal version.

She met a kind Commander there and saw ponies training on the black orbs. She then used her most powerfullest water laser beam to great the strongest laser beam so that she could impress the Barracks there. That she thought afterwards to be her biggest mistake.

She explained her time in hospital and her extreme feeling of hopelessness and helplessness. Feeling her sins crawling on her back and the pain of hearing ponies dying because of her mistake.

This rant continued for hours on end, until eventually Twilight felt the weight on her back lifted by telling somepony about this. Twilight although depressed was feeling a lot better, than before as she smiled genuine once again.

When Twilight was finally done. She noticed two ponies had entered during her explanation. Pride and Magic had entered the room. They both looked shocked and sad at Twilight. Shining at frozen stiff at Twilight's pains and felt like he hasn't been a very good brother. Cadence on the other hoof felt pain for not being there for her, when she needed her the most.

For like a solid hour the room was quiet. Twilight was slowly calming down, as she felt happiness grip her body. Quickly realizing a lot of ponies like her. And will gladly help her in need. Just as she helps them in need. She then calmly gives Shiny a warm hug, Cadence also a hug, Magic a awkward hug and Pride a warm hug.

Shiny looked happily at Twilight, realizing Twilight already recovered somewhat. Cadence looked in though at her explanation of the hospital situation. Magic and Pride looked warmly at her, although uncertain. And Twilight? She calmly looked around the room.

Cadence's office had a big desk with a window behind it. She also had four bookshelves filled with books. The floor was made from dark oak and the walls had a hearty wallpaper, The ceiling was painted white with a big chandelier in the center. Behind the desk was a red leather office chair. It also had four comfy sofas and 2 coffee tables. With a carpet in the center.

Being done with looking around the room. Twilight looked at pride and asked "So why are you here, Pride?"

Pride looked at Twilight, seeing Twilight's eyes being shiny he said "I am not sure. Magic and I were asked by Cadence to come."

Magic nods while she looks at Shining Armor "Is he your brother?"

"Yup! I asked him to come for emotional support." Twilight explained.

"I see. Then he is excused for not coming today." Pride said.

"Thank you, Sir!" Shining Armor said while saluting.

Pride nods proudly at Shiny's response. Magic looks at him and also nods.

"Well sorry for calling you both. I wasn't sure if we needed both of you. But in the end we didn't need you two." Cadence said apologetic.

"That is quite alright Cadence. Your request came so sudden that we scrambled. We thought we did something wrong." Magic said.

"Well besides unbanning me that is." Twilight said impish.

Cadence eyes widen when she remembered. Then she decided to stare daggers into them both. Causing them both to flinch and gulp. until Cadence smiled and waved it of dismissively.

"Perhaps besides that." Cadence said dismissively "We do need to give them a punishment for that, right Twi?"

Twilight's smile became creepy as she said "Yes." her voice dripping with mischief.

Cadence too became creepy as she asked "What should we give them?"

At this point Shiny already left the room. As Magic and Pride looked nervous at them both. And perhaps a bit scared.

"I suggest anti-cake punishment." Twilight suggest

Cadence looked beyond creepy. At this point she looked down right terrifying "Yes. That is a good punishment."

Twilight turning back to normal said "You are going to prevent Celestia from eating cake of 1 week. Good luck!"

Magic and Pride looked shocked and scared as Pride said "NOOOOO!" in darth pony accent.

Cadence giggled and rang her bell as Royal entered the room "How may be of service to you?" Royal asked

"These two commanders decided to prevent Celestia from eating cake. You may not serve any form of cake to Celestia until these two lifted the banishment." Royal's eyes widen looking at them both until nodding

"Very well." Royal said before quickly leaving.

Twilight spend the rest of the day talking about her adventures and eating sweets until suddenly the doors open with a bang. And a very angry Celestia enters. Twilight than quickly left while Cadence and Celestia argued. Twilight returning home as nothing happened in between.


Twilight woke up and went to the bathroom. The bath and douche were dirty. She quickly washed up and cleaned her teeth. She sees a happy Twilight in the mirror as she went downstairs.

Royal already was downstairs when Twilight enter the living room

"Good morning Twilight. Today will be an extra long lesson. But first eat your breakfast." Royal said. Twilight then entered the dining room to eat her salad.

Leaving she quickly grabs her notebook and pencil to join Royal in the living room.

"Okay, Today we are going to learn about Canterlot local vegetables and the Import and export of vegetables." Royal started
"First thing first, Canterlot produces vegetables?" He asked himself,
"The answer is sort of. We produce our vegetables in greenhouses near the edge of Canterlot on the other side of the hill that Canterlot is on. But what do we produce, well that is complicated."
"Technically on paper we produce coffee beans and cacao beans. However truthfully we don't really produce rather we develop vegetables into better ones." Royal continued "As most of Equestria produces the developed products. That being said we do produce coffee beans and cacao beans just a lot less than other nations."

"I went to the market and got us some coffee beans to showcase. Since production is low but demand is high, the price of a bag of 500 grams is like 500 bits." Royal said causing Twilight to gasp.
Royal nods at the shock "It's VERY expensive." he said.

"However I couldn't obtain the cacao beans equivalent as I couldn't buy them. a bag of 500 grams of cocoa being 50.000 bits" Royal said, however Twilight just smiled.

"Lucky for us then," Twilight said before reaching a secret compartment and grabbing a 50 kilo bag of Canterlot Cocoa out of it "I got some of it." Twilight finished

Royal's eyes were as big as dinner plates "How did you get this much?" he asked excited

Twilight simply smiled "Trade secret."

Royal looks at Twilight "Did you buy this at the black market?" he asked suspicious.

Twilight shook her head "I got it, through trading using information of how to develop something." She answered

Royal looked at her then nods "Well moving on, these products are special for they are one of a kind unlike certain products. Yes cacao are being sold anywhere, but no these are special developed ones."
"Anyhow that is the Canterlot vegetable production." Royal ends this explanation.

"Now onto import and export." Royal starts the second lesson.
"I won't go into detail but Export basically is the produce being sold to outside Canterlot."
"Import basically is Canterlot buying produce from the outside. to put it simply."
"These two can go hoof in hoof. Like Canterlot Imports a seed and exports the end product of the seed."
"It's a tool designed for money and business. But it can be important for vegetables. For example the import from Manehattan for lettuce cost 10 bits, but the import from Ponyville cost 9 bits. You as consumer, would buy them in from the cheaper version. However if you are trying to get a good trade relationship going between the two you would go for Manehattan."

"If you were in Manehattan it would be called export, but if you are in Canterlot it is called Import. This information is important if you buy things from the market like the Farmer's market. Or from a supermarket."
"Sometimes you find the same cheese twice in a supermarket. That is no mistake instead they are selling the same type but they come from outside Canterlot. The supermarket is importing a resource from a different state or country. And usually you will know if they use a third name on said product. Here have an example: Apple Dairy Pony. This product is an apple, the name of the company is Dairy, and it comes from Ponyville."
"However lately it is on the address of the product instead of the name. And the product get the company icon. And the product you can identify without the name."

"Which is were we end this lesson." Royal said finishing up.

Twilight has been writing for the last few hours, as she closes her book. She then grabs a one kilo bag and fills it with the cacao. "Here take this, with you." Twilight before putting the rest in the compartment.

Royal lights up "Thank you so much Twilight!" He beams before leaving once more


The following day had the same actions as the last, The bathroom was dirty and she ate breakfast while Royal waited for her in the living room.

As she enters Twilight asked "Why are you here so early?"

"My Head chef shift has been moved to evening for the castle. While my head chef shift for the restaurant is night." Royal said.

Twilight thought then jumped "Don't tell me she is eating cake?" Twilight asked annoyed.

Royal looked nervous away "Most likely." He simply stated.

Twilight then smiled "Celestia you want to play this way? Fine you will be punished later." Twilight said impish.

Royal blinked then shook his head "Anyways tomorrow we go to the slums to give them food." He said.

Twilight blinked as Shiny smashed the front door in. "NO!" He said before leaving

Twilight and Royal looked at the now broken door. Twilight said "I don't know if that is a good idea."

"And help them rebuild the slums. That fire devastated half the slums." Royal finished.

Twilight thought about it. Sighing "Fine. We might want to make it fireproof." she said

"That's the spirit. Now today is the final talk day. Today we talk about the different types of vegetables." Royal said as Twilight grabbed her notebook and pencil.

"There are lot of them. There are even some that are technically fruits. We will only talk about four vegetables because I need time to prepare for our trip." Royal explained causing Twilight to nod.

"Okay, first vegetable is the tomato. A vegetable with lots of juice and technically a fruit. It's also a rich source of vitamin C. It's mostly used as garnish or on a salad. It's stem and leaves are poisonous." Royal explained.
"The second vegetable is the potato. A vegetable with a lot of versatility. It can literally used for anything including making pasta instead of flour. Some versions of the potato are poisonous"
"The third vegetable is a Rockmelon. A fruit with vegetable attributes. It contains the same amount of vitamins as most red or orange vegetables. It is quite a small melon type fruit however."
"As the last vegetable, we are going to talk about Ube. A uncommon vegetable that is purple. Its a rather nutty and earthy type jam and can be used as an ingredient for a cake roll. Can also be classified as a potato."

"That's all Twilight. I hope tomorrow will be productive!" Royal excitedly said. Twilight however is very nervous and unsure. Royal noticing this asked "What is the matter?"

"That day I used for therapy had something to do with that fire. Which by the way costed 40 lives." Twilight explained.

Royal catching the hint, "Oh." he simply said.

"But I will be fine! I want to do my actions justice. I will get some people together." Twilight said confidently.

"Okay," Royal said unsure as he left.


Once Royal was gone Twilight ran to the castle to see Vermouth Roux. On the way she saw Becky and ran towards her. "Hey Becky!" Twilight shouted

"Twilight! What is the hurry?" Becky asked.

"Tomorrow I am going to go to the slums to help rebuild, but I need some help. I want to upgrade the slums to make it fireproof." Twilight explained in rapid succession.

"I see. I can get you some ponies. I will be there!" Becky said.

"thanks!" Twilight said before running further only to bump into Pride and Magic. "Hey, Pride and Magic!"

Pride looked at Twilight "Hey, What is the matter?" Pride asked.

"I am going to rebuild the slums and upgrade it with fireproof wood but I need help." Twilight explained.

"We were at fault too. We shall help with the entire Magic guard." Magic said.

"I will get some people together." Pride said.

"Thanks!" Twilight said before continuing.


Once inside the castle. She wandered the castle until she found Vermouth sitting in the Royal Canteen. As Twilight enters she sees Celestia eating cake.

Twilight smiled creepily at Celestia "Hey Celestia! It would be same if the bananas suddenly got tax boosted." Twilight said ominously.

Celestia then flinch at Twilight causing her to cough from cake. Ignoring Celestia Twilight walked over to Vermouth.

"Good sir?" Twilight asked

Vermouth looks at Twilight "Twilight! It's been awhile. Do you need me for that tax boost?" he said smiling at Celestia.

Celestia blinked while Twilight continued "No sir, I want to improve the living conditions for the slums after an accident which was indirectly caused by me. But I need specialized wood. Something you export." Twilight asked.

Celestia and Vermouth raised their eyebrow at the word export, "Which wood product?" he asked.

"I need a LOT of fireproof wood. Atleast 5 tons" Twilight asked.

"I see. But only if you afterwards find me a good meat producer." Vermouth requests.

"Done! In fact I will do that right now and get an additional 5 tons." Twilight bargains

Vermouth laughs "Okay, Deal!" He then shook Twilight's hoof. "When do you need it?" He asked

"Tomorrow." Twilight said while calling the guards.

"Very well. But first your side of the deal." Vermouth said to a distracted Twilight.

Twilight waited, until a dragon ambassador entered the Royal Canteen. "Twilight. You called for me?" she asked.

Celestia stood up shocked and Vermouth raised his eyebrow at her reaction. "Yes. You are searching for clients regarding High Quality Meats right?" Twilight asked.

"That is correct. You found somepony?" Elly asked.

Twilight shook her head "Not somepony but some griffon." Twilight said impish.

Elly laughed "I see, and that griffon is Vermouth Roux?" Elly asked.

"Yes." Twilight said.

"I see." she turns to him "Nice to meet you. My name is Elly Dragoon, I am the ambassador of the southern Dragon tribe and the Third Princess."

"I see. Nice to meet you, Your Highness. My name is Vermouth Roux. I am the third ambassador of the Griffons empire." he said.

"You were in need of meat?" Elly asked.

"That is correct." Vermouth said.

"Very well. We will talk later." Elly said before leaving.

"Thank you, Twilight. I shall deliver not 10 tons but 50 tons." Vermouth said happily "None of our ambassadors ever got through to do Southern Dragons. This will be a big step!"

Twilight nod before heading home.


Twilight woke up extremely early in the morning. It's 4 O'clock in the morning. She went to the bathroom to find the bath clean. She started to fill the water up with warm water as she looked outside. The weather was clear and sunny. She enters the bath sinking in the past weeks events. Today she is going to do her best to redeem herself. Even though she will be permanently scarred for life and be stuck with depression as an attribute of her own actions. Not to mention being uncertain to use her magic for something. She washes her hair and body with soap and exited the bath and brushing her teeth in front of the mirror. She then went downstairs to go eat something.

Once downstairs, she grabs another pre-prepped salad from the fridge. These salads were the recovery her mother performed on the mistake she made with the fruit salad. Somehow they taste amazing.

As she sat in the dining room eating her salad, Velvet and Night entered the dining room to find Twilight. They raised their eyebrow and ask "Twilight. Why are you up so early?"

"I am going to 'Meet the music' in a few hours. I am going to try to restore the damages on the slums with some friends." Twilight explains.

"I see. So you wake up, extra early why?" Velvet asks.

"So I don't miss you two in the morning" Twilight answers

Night smiled "I see. You do know, you can always interrupt our work when you need us." Night says.

"Do you need anyone for the rebuild?" Velvet asks.

"The more, the merrier" Twilight says.

Night and Velvet smiles "We will get some people together." they said.

Twilight smiles warmly "I might also need you two for my depression. Something I obtained as a side effect if you will." She requests.

They both nods as they too eat the salad and then leave to go to work. After that Shining went downstairs "Hey, Twi!" Shiny said.

"Good morning." Twilight returned.

"Today I have been assigned as you guard by Commander Pride." Shiny said while eating the salad.

"I see. Shall we go face the music then?" Twilight asks when Shiny finishes his salad.

"We were supposed to meet them 6 O'clock, It's currently 5:30." Shining said while looking at the clock.

"Let's go then." Twilight pushes causing Shiny to nod.

He enters his gear and moved to Twilight as a guard.

They leave the house to enter the now building site. Once there she sees atleast a thousand guards, a thousand griffons, ten dragons and a LOT of builder ponies and repair ponies. overwhelmed by the sheer number of people, she regained her bearings. She sees the 50 Tons of fireproof wood to her left. atleast 1 km of glass panes. Some steel beams. And as last atleast 5000 tons of regular hard oak wood.

Then the crowd sees her and like a stampede move towards her. Causing Shiny to look steeled at them. Once closer Twilight spoke up "A few days ago. I made a massive blunder. This blunder costed the lives of 40 ponies. However today I and you shall try to ask for forgiveness by rebuilding and upgrading these poor ponies houses. They shall live in proper wooden houses and we might be able to build a school in there somewhere. So that we can achieve what a specific pony has been trying to do for years. In honor for those that died, we gather here today to rebuild what they have lost! Let's work hard TOGETHER!" Twilight shouts

"Huzzah!" The massive group of ponies shouted.

"I made a better blueprint of the rebuild locations and improved road work. I will leave the the heavy duties to the guards and griffons. Then metal works to the dragons. The builder ponies build the interior and help build a stable house with their training. The repair ponies will build the road and the well. I am not very strong, so I will do my best in communication." Twilight explained. Everyone nods in agreement and started to build according to the blueprint.

As everyone works, the other slum dwellers also want an upgrade. Twilight then proceeded to make an expanded blueprint, and got her hooves on even more materials. Meanwhile ponies who heard about Twilight's action came to help. As they came from all over Equestria.

In the end they all build a better and upgraded slum with a school, multiple wells, cobbled roads and then some. Twilight with the help of the guards also build a stone church with the 35 poor ponies deaths written on the stone graves besides the church.

With a now better slum and Twilight having success in finding teachers for the, by Canterlot funded, Slum school. Everything was back to normal and improved. Including a happy slum dwelling. Those injured by Twilight's accident were told what happened and how she has tried to redeem herself. Every pony who were injured by her actions were happy and forgiving. now that they have better homes and comfort.

Twilight then proceeded to invite everyone to a massive after-party in the castle. Which was hosted by Cadence herself. Even the poor were invited. With free drinks and food to go around. And a DJ at the helm, everything was picture perfect.

Yes, everything. Besides Twilight. Although she has redeemed herself. The pain of having killed somepony was still haunting her. Something that compounded the depression. Falling asleep in Cadence's quiet room. She was carried by Cadence back home. there she slept quietly but in pain. Something that Cadence was very aware of. But could do nothing about.


The following day, Twilight was saddened when she woke up. But after the washing herself and eating breakfast. She left home to go to the church and leave flowers and pray. She did this the whole of Saturday.

While asleep that evening, she dreamed of those haunted dreams until those spirits once again entered her dream realm. They haunted her as she sighs and asks "Why are you haunting me? I made a church. I made a grave. I made a school. I improved the slums. What else do you want of me?"

The spirits became deadly silent then one spoke "Did you truly do all that?"

"Yes!" Twilight shouted as she pulled her memory up to show it off.

The spirits watch her memory, They then looked at her and ask "Do you bid Forgiveness and Fear?"

"I bid you a safe afterlife, For you to enter heaven at a leisure pace and to have peace in the light." Twilight said.

"Truly?" They ask in a ghostly voice.

"Yes. To my name. My title as noble. My status as chef in training and happiness." Twilight vowed.

As the dream changed from darkness to light they smiled, the spirits.

They appear as clean and visible as possible. As they say to her "Then we wish your peace on your mind. Freedom as student. Happiness with friends. And among all of them. No fear of your magic." one explained.

"AMEN!" They shout together, before disappearing. Her head felt clearer and some of her depression were buried. As happiness gripped her mind, She whispered "Thank you."

Author's Note:

although Cacao beans are a fruit,