• Published 31st May 2020
  • 1,550 Views, 74 Comments

The Chef's apprentice - vincent789

What if Twilight becomes a chef instead of Celestia's apprentice

  • ...

Filly school day? Part 2

It's monday. Shining Armor's world is about to be shattered. It's been 30 minutes since Twilight's kidnapping. With the culinary school on lockdown and Canterlot security suddenly increased. Things did not look good.

"Shining Armor, we got a problem." General Arms Keeper suddenly said.

"Sir?" recruit Armor asks.

"Your sister has been kidnapped." Arms said sternly.

"..." Shining stayed quiet as his face contorted with emotion, from fear to sadness to anger. However he stayed calm.

"Now what do we then sir? Trixie still requires protection." Shining calmly asks.

"Listen closely. You and those 6 battalions will protect Trixie. That was Twilight's request. In the meantime, Me and the boys will do an search and rescue on Twilight. Do you understand?" Arms asks worried.

"I understand. That way my emotions won't get in the way right?" Shining said.

"Exactly. Besides Twilight is tough. She will be able to handle herself." Arms said, "Oh, one more thing. It appears that there was no struggle. Which means she behaved herself as the kidnapper entered."

"That is good to hear sir." Shining said prideful.

"Anyways, Protect Trixie with your life. That's all." Arms said as he teleports to the castle.

"Well you heard it boys. Let's protect her the best we can! Meanwhile I should break the news with Trixie." Shining shouted and the guards saluted.

As he enters his estate. He looks around. The living room was filled with cushions and snack for the sleepover. He notices Trixie sitting in a by Twilight made Bookfort. She appears to be hugging a Twilight doll.

"Hey, Trixie." Shining beacons.

"Hey, Shining. Is something the matter?" Trixie said. She notices Shining swollen eyes.

"It's Twilight. The mafia got her." He said with cold eyes.

Trixie's face fell. She started hyperventilate and shake uncontrollably. As she squashes her doll, she attempts to calm down.

"With got her, I meant kidnapped her." Shining quickly added.

"I know." Trixie said trembling. "Twilight is much stronger than me. Not just magic power, but also willpower and hope. She is much more determined than me."

"And kind and playful." Shining added as he couldn't stop his tears.

"And- and-" Trixie takes a big gasp of air, "And loyal. Generous." She was showing some tears also.

"But, also unstable. quick to get lonely, and also an incredible tunnel vision." Shining added as he could keep his composure, finally it became to much as openly cries in pain and fear.

Trixie shed some tears before hugging Shining. Around the corner was Arms. He watched as one of his biggest and most loyal guards broke down.

He realized that losing Twilight would be the biggest problem and greatest lose he would ever face. Shaking his head, he steel his eyes for the upcoming battle. Strengthen his resolve and face an uphill fight.

He instead teleport to the barrack were Twilight made a bunch of friends. As he approaches, every guard immediately formed a row and saluted. They knew what was about to occur.

"Everypony, As you are probably aware. Twilight has been kidnapped. However! It would appear that they don't know what that means. It means that they declare war on our knights. Declare war on her friends. Declare war on ME!" Arms shouted.

"Sir, Yes, Sir." they saluted.

"You would think that kidnapping the wrong pony would atleast make them aware. It did not. Which means we have the upper hoof." he shouted.

"Here is the plan. Until orders from the higher up, I would normally wait. But not this time. Commanders! Prepare your troops. ALL of them. Prepare for war with the Manehattan mafia!" He orders.

"Understood!" They shouted back and all of them ran towards their units.
The throne room
As the situation outside the castle was starting to reach a worse and worse state. Celestia herself stood for a dangerous problem. 2 important to her ponies face an incredible danger. And one of the two being kidnapped.

Celestia stood in front of an dilemma. Prioritize protecting Trixie and letting the guard search for Twilight. Or Prioritize a search and rescue on Twilight and calling Trixie out second. She was unsure.

As advisers from the castle pour into the throne room. One thing was unanimously said, Prioritize Trixie. As she is her teacher. She was about to make that order when Mage Keeper entered the throne room.

"Your highness." Mage said.

"What is the matter?" Celestia asked.

"It's Arms. He jumped the gun. They are preparing for war against the mafia." Mage said.

"He is WHAT?!" Celestia exclaims. "Stop him!"

"I can't. Twilight has too many friends with the commanders of the general. I tried. Nothing happened." Mage said.

"Fuck!" Celestia said as she for the first time in centuries broke her chair on purpose. Something which instilled fear into her advisers.

"How bad?" Celestia asks.

"We are too late. Half of our ghost army has already departed for Manehattan. It appears they will either find her or burn the place to the ground." Mage said worried.

"That is really bad. Like beyond bad." Celestia said. "Wait, what about the other half?"

"They have gone out to destroy every secret hideout and safehouses that the mafia has. And gone to capture every spy they find or kill them." Mage said.

"Well. That is fine. Still I don't know what to do now." Celestia said as she sits on her broken throne.

"May I suggest something?" Mage asks.

"Go on." Celestia said.

"Go to Manehattan before they arrive. And explain the situation to the mayor." Mage suggested.

"That is not a good idea." Says a confused Trixie behind Mage.

"Trixie?! How did you get here?" Celestia asks shocked.

"I teleported, sort of. I am really dizzy." Trixie said.

Celestia smiles prideful and casts a spell to wear the confusion off.

"Thank you. That mayor is part of the mafia organization. Warning him would worsen the situation." Trixie explains.

"I see. Is there anything else we should know?" Celestia asks.

"Are you sure Twilight is powerless? I heard she knows hoof to hoof combat. And has already casted spells to would ruin their days no?" Trixie asks.

Mage smiles and nods, "I guess you're right. Twilight is the least of our worries. But Manehattan might get destroyed because of this attack."

"I heard the guard calling it the largest Search and Rescue mission known to the guard." Trixie explains.

"I see. That would make things better. That however doesn't mean the situation has improved." Celestia said smiling despite herself.

"But it hasn't worsen right?" Trixie asks. "All we can do is minimise collateral damage. no?"

Celestia and Mage smiled "Right!"

Mage spoke first, "I will get a medical and repair unit up and running. They will be moved to Manehattan in a day."

"You do that. In the meantime I will get the hospital up and running maximumly and write letters to every other mayor to enlighten them of the situation." Celestia said.

"I guess, the safest I can be is near you, Celestia. If Twilight starts talking, my position would be compromised. I am the safest in the castle." Trixie said.

"That is fine. I will also teach you some personal spells. Oh and we are doing to petitions until the end of attack." Celestia added.

All these decisions have already prevented worse case scenario and this all happened in matters of minutes.
Meanwhile at an undisclosed location
It's dark and cold. These were Twilight's first feelings. Her horn was blocked, magic was impossible and her hooves were roped. She couldn't see and move. However her brain was already working on solutions. Although she couldn't move or see, it didn't stop her calming herself down.

'Trixie is safe for now. Now how will I get out of this pickle' Twilight thought

"Hey! She is awake! remove the cloths covering her eyes." An unknown male pony said.

Twilight's eyes flicker as she looks around. She appears to be in a cell, the wall are made from concrete. The windows barred with iron bars and an iron door in front of her. She sees a single lamp from the ceiling. There is also 3 ponies in the room. 2 female, 1 male.

"You finally awake?" the male asks.

Twilight didn't respond.

"Good. Now. Where is she?" the male asks.

Twilight didn't respond.

"Talk!" He shouts.

But no response was given.

"Sigh, let me try." the younger female said, she then proceeded to slap the hell out of Twilight. But Twilight neither screamed nor made any sound besides breathing.

"Huh, Still nothing. She is tough!" The young one said.

"Hmm?" the older one said. The older one then proceeded to do every torture in the textbook. But again Twilight didn't even bat an eye.

"I guess. Somepony already shut her up." she said.

"Then I guess he is going to get it." the older one said as she pulls a machete on the older male on the wall.

Twilight then realized that he was Trixie's father. Unable to allow him to die.

"Fine!" Twilight said finally giving in.

"She should be in the castle. Under Celestia's direct protection." Twilight confessed.

"Not at your house?" He asks.

"I am sure Trixie already knows that the best place to be is near her mentor. Inside the castle. Not at some house that could be easily attacked." Twilight said smiling.

"Shit. She is her personal student?" he asks.

"Yup." Twilight smiling evilly at this point. "You thought she was easy gain? I don't think so."

"What?" The younger asks.

"I did a complete background check on her. And found out that you may or may not want her. So I refused Celestia, Gone to culinary school so that she would get protection and I would go to my second favourite school. All because I knew this would happen." Twilight smiles "I planned it from the day I met her."

"So that you would not get your wish!" Twilight finished.

"Wow. She is impressive." the older one said.

"So you planned to be late, to get detention, to let yourself get found. That's why you didn't struggle." She said.

"And to fool your enemies, you should first fool your friends." Twilight said. "That being said you are boned. I have connections in the guard. They should be here any minute if I properly planned this."

"Oh no. Dump her outside quickly!" The younger said.

"You are too late!" Arms said as he jumps open the door.

"Shit." the trio said as they kept their hoofs in the air.

"I guess, they forgot to check my mane." Twilight said she pulls out a signaller, caused all three to facepalm.

"Am I late?" Arms asks.

"No. I just finished my good girl Monologue." Twilight said.

With the trio arrested and every hideout and safehouse destroyed. The ghost army arrested the mayor and rescued every civilian captured by the mafia.

Twilight returned home alongside nearly the entire ghost army. Once home Arms and Twilight had to report themself to Celestia.

As Twilight enters the throne room, the first thing that caught her attention was the throne. It was shattered.

"Twilight Sparkle! Do you know why I called you here?" Spoken in royal Canterlot voice and by a quite angry Celestia at that.

"Uh, Because I got myself kidnapped?" Twilight asks confused.

"No, because you worried me, Trixie, your brother, your friend and your family. Before I talk about the serious stuff, How are you?" Celestia asks worried.

"A bit beaten up. They used every single torture methods they could think off. Besides that. I am fine." Twilight explains.

Celestia eyebrow rises at her nonchalant figure of speech. "Good."

"Now on the serious side of things. How is her parents?" Celestia asks.

"They will make a full recovery, but their business is destroyed." Twilight explains.

"I see. That is a shame." Celestia said.

"However! I already gave some new start up money and a place in Canterlot to do new business at." Twilight explains.

"How?" Celestia asks surprised.

"Connections and planning." Twilight said.

"Ah. Wait, Planning?" Celestia asks.

"Oh this whole tirade? All planned from the day I met Trixie. together with Arms." Twilight explains.

Celestia's face went from happiness to shock to anger to surprise and then back to happiness.

"To fool your enemies, you first have to fool your friends." Twilight said.

"You little!" Celestia said as she disabled Twilight's gravity with an spell.

"Woah!" Twilight said as she floated.

Celestia was smiling, "Is that why you refused me?"

"Correct. But I won't change anymore. I got too many friends and already got a dream." Twilight said smiling.

"I understand. Well Trixie isn't bad. She is different and also has many fears. But one of them would be, losing you." Celestia said. "You should visit her, she is in my room."

"I will, thanks!" Twilight exclaimed happily.

Author's Note:

Wow, talk about curveball.
I hope you didn't see that one coming.
Now we will get the True 'School Days' act

-Vincent :3