• Published 31st May 2020
  • 1,550 Views, 74 Comments

The Chef's apprentice - vincent789

What if Twilight becomes a chef instead of Celestia's apprentice

  • ...

School Days part 2

"So, Shiny," Twilight started, "Why did you want 500 grams of my chocolate? I thought an Opera took a lot more chocolate."

"Why yes, It takes about 2 kg to make one. Atleast those made of 100% chocolate anyways." Shining responded.

"So, what are you planning then?" Twilight asks surprised.

"I am making my specialty Opera." Shining answered.

"You have a specialty?" Twilight and Night exclaimed in sync.

Velvet stood there, still looking at Twilight's secret compartment. She was taking at out her stupor however, when Night and Twilight shouted. When she realized what they were talking about she simply smiled, "Why yes. He has a specialty! Although it's been years since you tried making it." she said happily.

"Huh. You meant when he tried-. I see. Yes it's about that time." Night suddenly remembered.

"Uh, why am I the last to know about this?" Twilight asked, feeling a bit left out.

"Let's just say. It's a time I like to forget." Shining said blushing.

"Huh. Did you know she is a judge and a critic about sweets?" Twilight said out of left turn.

"She is a WHAT?!" Shining exclaimed.

"Now, now. You started! You finish it!" Velvet scolded.

"Yes, mom." Shining said feeling dejected already.

"Uh, I feel like I should have said that sooner. Oh well." Twilight said to herself as she left the kitchen to Shining.

'Hmm, With Shiny in the kitchen I can't continue my experiments. Perhaps I should read up on Heat Distribution.' Twilight thought.

Twilight now in the living room, quickly turned back to grab a book about heat distribution from Velvet's collection. She then moved the back in her magic to the living room and place the book on her favourite book cushion. She lit the fireplace and used the light from the fire to look at the pages, as she dims the lamp right above her.

Moving the pages. She saw a lot of french words, most of which did not interest her. Atleast until it landed on a page with english text. It appears to talk about heat distribution that even fillies could understand. Curious Twilight started her read on the topic.

The understanding of heat which even fillies could understand.

'As one could understand, It isn't just fire which generates heat. Every form of motion generates some too. However in cooking, there are two factors that are the most important to note. That is besides the fire and the pans. It's what fills your pans also. And most importantly room temperature. These two factors play the biggest roles in cooking.
Let's say you are making your favourite cup of coffee, which is a Latte. Then you follow the recipe, but despite it. You get burned latte?
Well, Let's counter these two possible problems.
First the room temperature, The norm for such a temperature should be between 19 and 21 degree celsius. To lower your temperature, you should install fans. Cast a 'cool down' spell or open a window. To increase your temperature, use your house heaters. set your oven or stove to high, etc.
Okay. So those are easy examples. But we know the filling is everything. Your room temperature may not necessarily change the outcome. What you do with the filling do.
First thing first, Choose a pan with a thin bottom for easier distribution. Set your heat on medium always, when working with milk. That way it can never burn. And add sugars last. Remember to whisk well, when working with milk. especially if you added something heavy like pumpkin puree.
The reason you add sugar last, is because they are usually the cause when you burned something.
Oh and one more thing! This information might be outdated so watch out.*'

"Huh. Okay. That will be useful." Twilight said to herself.

"What are you reading dear?" Night asks Twilight.

"Oh. Just some understanding about why I kept failing. Now I know." Twilight replied.

"Burned latte, huh. Yes that can happen quite often. Just remember dear. When you keep failing, just look outside the box. Look at yourself in a different perspective. And understand your problems without getting frustrated about it." Night explained.

"Thanks dad. I will, I will." Twilight said hugging his dad.

"Yeah. Listen I wanted to talk about Shining's path and a bit about his past." Night began as Twilight got comfy besides him.

"It all began when Shining wanted to become a pâtissier. He had loved making cakes and cookies all his childhood and wanted something more. However Velvet didn't like it. She believed it to be a girl's job not a meant for stallions.
Shining didn't give up however. He choose his path and secretly started to act like it. So he, in secret, went to a school for baking to learn about the basics. However, he tried and tried. And eventually gave up his dream. When Velvet found out. She forced Shining to learn more about baking. Mostly against his will.
However he was a bit of a problem child. And eventually even Velvet gave up. After that we kept it a secret even from you." Shining explained.

"What was wrong with him?" Twilight asked worried.

"Well. He wasn't made for work that require finicky precision. He was to brutal and strong. Which caused most of his baking to fail." Night explained.

"Uh, well what about bakery work then? You don't need precision and just mostly strength." Twilight suggest.

"I was too late. By the time I suggested it. He was too depressed to go to that line of work. So I called an old friend and asked him to teach Shining about fighting instead." Night said disappointed.

"That is disappointed." Twilight simply expressed.

"Yeah. Anyways. He completed his masterpiece. Even Velvet is impressed. What to see it?" Night asked.

"Nah. I have homework and I need some time alone." Twilight said.

"I see. Yeah, that is a lot to take in." Night said as he stood back up and slowly walk to the kitchen.

Twilight meanwhile had her head filled with gears. 'What if I ask Arms, And sneak in bakery work.' Twilight thought as she smiled darkly while looking at the fireplace.

"Sis. Mom started to make breakfast. Could you set the table? I am still moving my cake into a container!" Shining shouted.

"Sure, I am coming!" Twilight said as she made her way to the dinner table.

after a nice dinner and some night sleep. The following day arrived.

Wednesday arrived. Twilight was excited to make a latte as she rushed downstairs to get a slice of bread with homemade fruit jam on it. Before she leaves however. She eats a piece of beacon to get the nutrients from it. And leaves with the bread in her mouth.

As she eats the bread, she was greeted by her many fellow classmates and a half asleep Lulu. Finishing her bread, she greets them back. And quickly enters her classroom.

Once inside, she greets Becky who sat in the corner and took a seat at her test kitchen. She then places her prepared pumpkin puree and pumpkin spice on the kitchen as she waits for class to start.

Becky notices Twilight's containers. And nodded at Twilight in understanding.

As the rest of Twilight's class enters the room and morning also enters right as the bell went of. Twilight notices something off about Morning.

"Good morning class!" Morning said chipper.

"Good morning!" The class responds.

"Okay. So. I hope everyone learned more about Latte because-" Morning was about to starts as Twilight hoof was stuck in the air. Which interrupted her.

"Okay. What is it Twilight?" Morning asks.

"Uh. Are you feeling alright? You look kinda weird this morning." Twilight asks worried.

"Do I look off?" Morning asks Becky. Becky simply nods her head.

"Uh. I don't know. Honestly I feel like this since yesterday. Maybe I am a bit under the weather. However class must go on!" Morning simply stated, something which caused Twilight raise her eyebrow at.

Morning notices Twilight lack of enthusiasm and the raised eyes she was getting from the class. "Uh. You do realise it's against health regulations to teach us about food when you are sick, right?" Leaf responds.

Morning sighs, "Yeah. I was up yesterday teaching another class about meat, when I was several times interrupted by Princess Cadence about the ethics of meat and why I shouldn't teach the fillies about it. She then also proceeded to show cruel and sickening examples, why." She says.

"Ugh! Yeah. Despite her being an omnivore. Cadence absolutely hates meat." Pepe explains. "Also she tends to overreact about the topic."

"Hmm. Well meat is part of our curriculum and stuff. Although I get it. Why do we need to be taught about it?" Dress asks.

"For the omnivores and predators?" Twilight offers.

"Fair enough." Dress responds.

"MEAT?!" Cadence shouts as she barges in, which scared Twilight causing her to accidently teleport Cadence away.

"Oops! My bad!" Twilight said as they hear a grumble above them.

"Remind me not to scare Twilight!" Cadence shouts from another floor up.

Cadence then proceeded to teleport back with a part of a kitchen stove stuck to her head. Something which caused Twilight's whole class, including Becky and Morning to laugh.

"Ugh. Twilight get this off me!" Cadence shouts, Twilight then teleports the stove without thinking. Which displaced it somewhere random.

"That's better. Now meat?! I talked about this with you!" Cadence angrily shouts.

"What me to teleport you at random again?!" Twilight responds annoyed.

"Ugh. No Twi. It's just sensitive." Cadence said.

"Enough! We are in a school for cooking. If you dislike meat, Then please kindly LEAVE!" Twilight said, shouting the last part.

"Okay! Okay! Nevermind. I will get going then." Cadence said unhappily.

"Not so fast. You are so going to get a full lecture about meat from me, for that!" Twilight warned.

Cadence simply gulped and walked away. Leaving a shocked principal and secretary behind. Although Morning and Becky were smirking.

As the principal turns to Morning and becky. They quickly shifts their faces more serious. "Punish Twilight for that." he says.

"Whatever you say, sir. That was unacceptable behavior." Morning said.

He nods then runs towards Cadence and using a bunch of apologies in the distance as they leave the class alone. A few moments later. The class started to giggle and then going into a full blown laugh. This continued for a few minutes.

"Thank you so much Twilight. I needed that." Morning said, smiling in glee.

"Same." Becky simply added.

Twilight simply nods "So what is my punishment?" she asks.

"Hmm. Use your own pocket money to buy some stuff from the farmers market for us to make something with. That's all." Morning said.

Twilight smiled "Good. I wanted to go there anyways. Tomorrow the largest farmers market, Farm Global, will be held. I was going to go anyways." Twilight said.

"Mhm. Good, now let's start class. How far is everyone with the pumpkin spice latte?" Morning asks happily.

As everyone spoke about their adventures. It was finally Twilight's turn.

"So where are now with the latte? Twilight?" Morning said. Becky now stared at Twilight.

"Uh, so I successfully made my own batch of Pumpkin puree and spice." Twilight said.

"So I see. What about the latte?" Becky asks.

"Uh... Well I made 360 batches... However-" Twilight started to sweat a little.

"However?" Morning asks.

"Well, I burned all of them. However I did do some reading on heat distribution and got some hints about how to try again." Twilight offered.

"How do burn a Latte?" Marie asks.

"Well, You don't properly whisk the milk and sugars into a solid mixture." Mince explains, "It's a common mistake. I do it all the time. Even though I am specialized in it."

"Ah." Marie responds.

"Exactly. When you are out of ideas Twilight. Come to me for help. You know where to find me." Becky said.

"I will, I will." Twilight responds.

"Good. Then my time is up. I have a restaurant to maintain. It simply can't wait any longer." Becky said.

"I see. Hopefully you can make time, next time." Morning said slightly disappointed.

"I hope so too." Becky responds, as she stood up she waves to Twilight and leaves the room.

"Okay, well. Let's make some pumpkin puree. I got some jack-O-lantern pumpkins here. We are going to turn them into puree." Morning said. Then Twilight put her hoof in the air again.

"Yes Twilight?" Morning asks.

"Uh, I read in a book that only sugar pumpkins and pie pumpkin are edible. Atleast usable for what we are trying to make." Twilight said.

"You did?! Hmm, Perhaps you are right. My mother used to tell me the same thing." Morning said uncertain.

"What did your mother tell you? If I may?" Harissa asks.

"Well, each pumpkin type is made for their own purpose. Jack-O-Lantern pumpkin's shouldn't be used for cooking. You could but the taste is terrible and isn't really designed for ponies." Morning explained.

"I see. So now what?" Twilight asks. "Actually how about we make the puree after the farmers market is done and dusted with?" she suggests.

"That is a good idea! Hmm, how about I teach you some information about latte and-" Morning was about to suggest when the bell at the sounded for next class.

"Aw. I guess next time. Well first break is here, then class. We had to shift the class around a bit. Cadence apparently destroyed the butchery classroom, just before she left." Morning said annoyed.

"Of course." The class said as they rolled their eyes.

"Well. I kinda understand why though." Twilight admitted.

"Oh? What do you mean?" Baste asked.

"Well. I was told that during the fall of the Crystal empire. The mother of Cadence gave birth to her. In order to survive, she choose to force feed, Cadence. That meant at birth she ate like a young wolf." Twilight explained.

"I hope she was an omnivore at that time right?" Lulu asked.

"Luckily. Yes! She was born with the rare mutation to be able to eat meat, even though she was born as a pony." Twilight finished, "I read this in a book about Cadence's mother dairy."

"Why not straight from the dairy? Knowing you, you should have enough connections to get to it right?" Leaf asked with a bit of confusion.

"I would love to, however. Besides the fact that the book was written in an ancient language. It's also locked tight by Celestia. I don't know why, but that is how it is." Twilight explained with a slight disappointment in her voice.

"Actually I might know why." Morning started which caused everyone to pay attention to her.

"But before I start. Are you sure you will listen to this tale, while you are missing your break?" Morning asked curious.

The class looked at each other and shrugged. They decided to could skip morning break for a nice story. The class nod their head.

"Okay. This might take awhile, since you know, I used to be a scholar to once." Morning added. The class ignored the comment and continued to stare at her.

Morning realized that they were waiting regardless. "Fine." she said defeated.

"Okay, so this started when I was in the school for gifted unicorns. I was studying about ancient language when I overheard the professors talking about something unusual. Even for them." Morning started.

'"Sir! I heard some archaeologists talking about a diary inside a unicorn-magic-made ice cave." The math professor said with desperation.

"Darn. They got to it first." The history professor said annoyed.

"What do we do? I heard that when they opened it, it froze everyone solid. It took the guards outside 24 hours of antifreeze magic to restore them." The math professor said, he sounded a bit in shock when I heard it.

"WHAT?! But how could this be. Ice magic of such a level requires atleast an alicorn! Unless..." The history professor said starting to mumble.

"It most likely is, professor." Princess Celestia said as she casually walked in the room.

"I see. Her mother huh. I wonder what happened to her. She didn't arrive with Cadence." The math professor points out.

"Most likely." The princess had a tear roll down her face. "Most likely she didn't make it. Perhaps the frostbite got to her."

"But that is most unlikely! She was the princess of ice! She was immune to ice!" The professor about archaeology point out as he angrily walking into the same room.

"Not exactly. Yes she was immune to ice. But not immune to the cold." The princess explains.

"I see. Perhaps we should lock that book in your secret library. Near the moon and all the books." The math professor cryptically suggests.

"Yeah. Let's." The princess stated before leaving the room all to Morning.

"Is what happened. Not sure what the math professor meant however." Morning finished.

"Wow, That's so cool!" Mince said, which caused the whole class to raise their eyebrow at her.

Mince grumbled "That was not intentional." she said annoyed.

"Hmm." Twilight simply responded.

'Perhaps, annoying Shining can wait. This will take priority. I will give Celestia the latte. Then I am going to the library. I swear, I know what that message meant.' Twilight though as the class, moved on to butchery.

Author's Note:

* I am not experienced in proper heat distribution. Do not take my advice to heart. And always with a grain of salt. Thank you.
By the way between 66.2K degree fahrenheit and 69.8K degree fahrenheit. For those outside the metric system.

Also this book is making my writing skills better and better. I am also more composed. I can't wait to show you what I have in store in the future!

Also more Lore, yay. But seriously, things are about to get interesting.