• Published 31st May 2020
  • 1,550 Views, 74 Comments

The Chef's apprentice - vincent789

What if Twilight becomes a chef instead of Celestia's apprentice

  • ...

Basic Cooking part 4

Twilight wakes up in her bed and immediately gets a sense of Deja-vu. However she wasn't bothered by instead she decides to go wash up in the bathroom. The events of yesterday still fresh in her mind. She once again entered the marble tile filled bathroom. She sees that the bath is clean, the same goes for the shower. She quickly smells herself but she was surprisingly clean. With no reason the bath or to take a shower she decides to go and brush her teeth and wash her face instead. She then brushes her hair into perfection while looking in the mirror above the sink. when she is done she goes downstairs to the living room.

Once she was downstairs, she looks around while she thinking more about yesterday. looking through the window she spots something through the window that normally isn't there before. It was raining today, tho that in itself is not
all that interesting. However she sees a blue filly lay on the ground near her house. Wondering who that filly was, She looks closer to see the filly laying unconscious in the rain

Uncertain about her identity and spotting some rough ponies approach the filly, causes her to have panic fill her body as she ran upstairs to see if her brother is home. Opening his door he sees him sleeping peacefully.

"Shiny!" Twilight shouts in his ear.

Shining armor didn't even flinch nor even react to her shouting. Unsure of what to do. she thinks of a methode. Realizing that he is in the military, she puts up her best commander voice.

"Shining Armor! Why are you sleeping on duty?!" Twilight asked using a gruff imitated voice.

Shining woke up instantly causing Twilight to flinch at abrupt action. He then looks around his bedroom with panic when he spot Twilight standing in his bedroom.

Grumpily Shining asked "Twilight? Why did you wake me up? This better be good."

"There is a blue filly laying unconscious in the rain outside! But I see some bad ponies nearby that want to harm her. Can you please go help her?" Twilight plead ignoring his uncertain stare.

"Okay, okay. Where is she?" Shining asks more serious then before.

Twilight and Shining then walks down the stairs. Twilight then approaches the window and points outside towards the blue filly and the bad ponies.

Shining looks outside and also sees the filly. Shining checks her exact location one more time before opens the front door and run outside. Using his barrier, he blocks the rain from hitting him and the filly when he arrives. However he notices more bad ponies approach him and the filly. They are all heavily armed with spears and weapons.

Twilight sees the bad guys approach Shining. He then realized that if someone doesn't get him back-up, he would get a bad time.

Twilight who also realized Shining's panic. Runs outside to use an ability Shining taught her in her past. The ability is called Flare, it's used by the guards to beacon all the guards to his/her position. However in Twilight's panic she uses too much magic in the ability. This caused the flare to turn into a alert beacon instead. The beacon hits the sky and cause the entire guard to get alerted instead. Including Celestia who was nearby in the area.

Shining realised she used a beacon instead of a flare. turns to his adversaries. He sees a lot more hostile ponies arrive. Just as they were about to attack, Celestia turned the corner to see what was happening and quickly used levitation. one of the hostile ponies attempted to use smite on Celestia. However she diverted the attack into the clouds. Causing every cloud in the area to instantly blast away. Which also caused the rain to immediately stop.

The guard now fully aware something bad is happening. Decides to deploy the entire guard into that area.

Twilight seeing this was about to go to Shining when she was hit by a spell from behind. This caused her to scream in pain. The guard now fully aware of the situation didn't hesitate but to rain down hell on the adversaries. Celestia noticing the guards sudden aggressive attack, blinked. Shining too blinked as atleast one hundred guards descend on their position.

Twilight annoyed at the hostile attacker, who was busy fighting 6 guards, decided it was not worth it.

She shouts towards Shining "Get that filly into our house! She is in danger out here!" Shining blinked then acted on the request. Celestia threw the hostile ponies towards the guards and also ran inside.


Once inside Twilight feels something weird about the filly and scans her. Realising she has a curse that can be purified, She turns to Shining who was just standing there "Shining! Can you please use purify on her?" Twilight asked.

Shining nodded and used the spell on her. After a few moment later you heard a spell break. And the hostile ponies immediately stopped fighting.

Celestia noticed this and decided to order the guards to arrest every single pony involved with the assault.

Twilight scanner pick up a signal from Ponyville library. "Princess! The librarian in Ponyville is likely the culprit. My scanner pick her up when the spell broke." Twilight said.

Celestia nodded and sent a signal to the guard in Ponyville to go and arrest her.

A few moment later, confirmed that she was indeed behind it. Celestia and Shining signed relieved. Twilight meanwhile was still busy scanning the filly for injuries.


"Princess? Could you please bring her to Ponyville Hospital? I detect that is most likely lives where she lives. Altho my scanner picks no injuries up, it's possible that she is atleast mentally injured." Twilight asked.

Celestia blinked then nodded grabbing the filly in her magic and teleported away.

"However are you okay-" Shining was about ask, when out of nowhere a field doctor entered the house and checked her out.

The field doctor looks at Twilight and sees no injuries, decides that she's fine. He then writes a report. Giving it to Shining and leaving the house to then the injured guards.

Shining looks at the report. He then smiled and puts it in his work bag. He looks up and sees the beacon still active.

"Twilight? Could you turn off the beacon?" Shining asks.

Twilight nods and turned the beacon off.

"Twilight. Next time please try and cast that flare spell instead okay?" Shining asked.

Twilight nodded as they left the front door to go to the living room.


Now that the excitement is over. Twilight lazily lays on the couch and looks at Shining to ask "Hey Shining? Do you want me to make some breakfast?"

"Sure, Twi. But we don't have bread or cereal how are we going to eat breakfast without it?" Shining asks.

"I will enter the kitchen to think of something." Twilight answered causing to Shining nod.

Twilight entering the kitchen looks around for anything good to eat. When she looked toward the foodbowl she noticed that the fruit bowl was overflowing with fruit. Twilight thought about it. 'I could perhaps make a smoothie, unless we have yogurt. Then we will make a parfait'

she looks in the fridge and noticed lots of savory drinks including a unopened pack of yogurt.

Afterwards she looks in the cupboards and sees that they contain a pack granola among many other things. Twilight then decides to make a parfait with lots of fruit.

Twilight begins making the parfait by grabbing 4 large glass cups and places them in a row. She then grabs a apple, a banana, an orange from the bowl. She also grabs a pre-cut pieces of watermelon from the fridge.

Grabbing a cutting board and large knife she begins by peeling and cutting every fruit into small cubes. She puts them in a bowl and mixing them until a spoon holds a good selection of fruits when she grabs some. Satisfied, she grabs the granola and a honey bottle from the cupboard, and the yogurt from the fridge.

Putting the yogurt and honey in a mixing bowl. She mixes them till you can't see the honey, then she starts layering into the cup.

First some yogurt, then some granola and then the fruit. She does this till there are four layers in each cup.

when she is done her parents came downstairs to eat breakfast. Only to find Twilight in the kitchen and Shining in the dinner room.

Twilight then proceeded to carefully place every cup on the dinner table while Shining, Velvet and Night waited patiently.

"I made 4 cups of Yogurt Fruit Parfait." Twilight presented

She then proceeds in giving everyone a spoon with an assortment of fruit already on the spoon.

Shining and Twilight immediately started to eat the parfait while her parents looked at each other.

Velvet asked "What happened outside?"

Night also asked "We heard fighting?"

Shining looked up as Twilight is still eating the parfait. "Well, we got in a bit of a pickle when we were about to save somepony. It ended with Twilight setting off a beacon which caused about a hundred guards to descent on our position. We don't know everything that happened, but we saved a fillies life and got the suspect arrested." Shining answered.

Velvet raised her eyebrow at the short explanation but decided not to comment further on it. While Night blinked then started to eat the parfait.


Twilight finishing her parfait then asks "So, about yesterday. Is there any update from Royal?"

Shining looks at Twilight "Well, yes. He says that after yesterday, you have what it takes to learn from him." Shining explained "He also said that the learning won't happen in that kitchen however. Actually he asked that you should go to him in the public canteen. After you wake up of course."

Twilight looks Shining then nodded "Well I am done with breakfast, I will go to him. But first I need to go grab my wallet as I want to buy something from the commercial district" Twilight explained

"What are planning on buying? The farmers market is gone and it won't be back until next year." Velvet asked

"I am not sure. But I suddenly have a lot more money than normally. I will find something, I am sure about that." Twilight said optimistic.

Twilight then climbed out of her chair and moved to the front door. She opens it and waved at her parents before leaving closing the door behind her.

Once outside she looks around. There still are a lot of guards marching around. She then suddenly sees a familiar face. It was Pride Keeper. He was ordering some guards around as Twilight approaches him. Keeper hearing sound of someone walking towards him. He looks in Twilight direction and smiles.

"Hey Twilight! Is everything alright? We saw the beacon in the sky and came rushed to your aid." Keeper asks

"I am fine, now that everything calmed down. Say where is the pony who caused this? You know the librarian?" Twilight asks.

Keeper looks at Twilight "Well she is in one of the holding cells at the guard station. However she refuses to talk to us." Keeper signed

Twilight looks at him then the ground as a light bulb turns on behind her. "Say, do you think we can use food to bribe her into talking?" Twilight asks

Keeper raised his eyebrow and thought about it. signing he said "Sure why not. It's not like she is dangerous or anything. In fact she does look hungry." Thinking further on it. "Well I suggest getting Royal's aid in this, Twilight."

"By the way, the reason the guards were so aggressive were because they recognize you as the filly who made the delicious soup yesterday." Keeper smiled "Good job, you are getting quite the fanbase already!"

Twilight blushing, nodded timidly "Okay, I will go and get Royals assistance." Twilight answered as she ran towards the castle.

Keeper saluted and continued to order some guards around while Twilight left him alone.


On the way to the castle, she once again enters the commercial district. She was about to run past it when she sees something in an alleyway. Taking a closer look she sees a glowing door. She was about to ignore it, until her curiosity got the better of her. She quietly entered through the door to find a large marketplace.

As she entered she sees the board saying "Black market". Having no idea what a black market is, she entered. Looking around she spots Clear Music working in a different restaurant. Confused she approached the restaurant to take a closer look at Music.

Just as she entered, Music spots her and panics. "What are you doing here?!" Clear music shouted

The chef behind the counter also sees the filly enter. Causing her to raise her eyebrow as Music continue to panic "This is a adult only restaurant! You shouldn't even be able to enter this place!"

Twilight unsure what she was talking about ignored her "Uh, well I entered through that open door. Back there." Twilight answered by pointing at the door

Music and the chef look at where Twilight was pointing. The chef then looks back at Twilight and started to howl with laughter. While Music looked confused at the security who in the background also notice the open door. The security then starts to approach Twilight, who didn't notice them.

Twilight looked at Music "Did I do something bad?" Twilight asked looking unsure

Music signed "No. But normally you shouldn't enter the black market. It's not a place to just walk around in, as it's quite dangerous." she explained

"Okay," Twilight said gloomy. She then looked at Music "So what are you doing here then? Are you in your rebellious age?" Twilight asks innocently.

Now the guest and security roar with laughter. At the expense of Music who blushed at the question. The air in the restaurant turned quite jolly and Twilight giggled mischievously.

Clearing her throat "Anyways, What are you doing here?" Music asks Twilight who looks back up at her, altho still mischievously smiling.

"Well I wanted to go to the castle. But I got sidetracked and since I still need a bit more food then a simple parfait as breakfast. I will take a bite at this nice establishment." Twilight said politely.

The chef stopped laughing and says "Sure let me whip something up that filly friendly." as she started to prep a sweet sauce over what looks like some potatoes.

"The name is Black chef, by the way. Just call me becky." Becky said.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Twilight sparkle." Twilight said.

Becky raised an eyebrow "Twilight eh?" She said when she suddenly realized something. "You are Twilight sparkle huh? Soon to be protege to my brother Royal eh?" Becky asked.

Twilight sudden lights up "You are his sister?" she asks.

"That is correct. Say are you interested in learning something important about cooking?" Becky asks.

Twilight nodded, while Music left to help some guests.

"The most important thing about cooking is that the dish is for someone else. So always put your heart in it. No matter how evil or rude someone is. Make a dish you are proud of and make it with everything you have. That way you won't regret anything." Becky explained "Be confident about yourself as a chef and confident about the dish you make."

Twilight eyes widen as she quickly wrote everything down "Thank you Becky. For the advise. I will treasure it." Twilight said as she hugs becky.

"Here Twilight take some in Teriyaki sauce baked vegetables, it will be on the house" Becky said.

Twilight takes the dish from becky and takes a bite. She noticed that the sauce was very sweet and sticky and that the vegetables were baked to perfection. However she feels as tho its not meant for vegetables, but rather for meat.

"Is teriyaki sauce normally used on meat?" Twilight asks

Becky lights up surprised "That is correct, I am surprised you know that."

Twilight shakes her head and says "I didn't know. I just guessed."

"Well, good luck with learning how to cook." Becky said "Music! Please guide Twilight out of the black market." she ordered

Music nodded and proceeded to move Twilight out the door. Twilight looks back and sees that the door is gone. Confused she looks around and spots some runes on the wall, in the form of a door.

She then looks at a nearby clock while eating the remaining food. When she finished, she threw her food in a bin and continued to run towards the castle.


Once at the castle she enters the long hallway to the public canteen. She then casually enters the public canteen. Looking around she sees Royal sit at a table. While approaching she sees that to her left, Princess Celestia walks with Vermouth. They seem to be talking about something serious as Vermouth looks quite angry.

Twilight not sure what to do. Decides to ignore Royal for a moment and enter the kitchen. Sundown sees her and asks "Can we help you?"

"Yes, could you make something for a friend of mine?" Twilight asks

"Sure, what is it?" Sundown asks

"Could you make Teriyaki flavored bacon for me? It's for a griffon." Twilight asks "I will pay for it."

Sundown looks at her and nodded "Sure, how many? 3 Bacon slices will cost you 5 bits."

"Please make 15 pieces." Twilight says as she gives 25 bits to her.

Sundown nodded as she enters the hot side of the kitchen quickly make the bacon.

5 minutes later she gets the bacon. she quickly thanking Sundown. She ran through the hallway to a guard and asks on the whereabouts of Vermouth Roux. The guard points her to Celestia's office.

Twilight then ran to Celestia's office and politely knocks on the door.

"I am busy, Please come some other time" Celestia shouted on the other side.

Twilight gulped as she opened the doors anyways at disapproving look of Celestia.

"Did you not hear me? I am busy with the ambassador." Celestia said annoyed.

Twilight then proceeded to ignore Celestia and walked toward Vermouth. Celestia noticing this was about to interfere when Vermouth raised his claw.

"Can I help you Twilight?" he asks calmly with a smile. Celestia flinched at him knowing Twilight.

"I noticed you looked angry, so I got you some bacon." Twilight said "I hope you like them, I just want to see you smile."

Vermouth looked surprised when Twilight handed him the bacon. He takes a bite and smiles.

"Thank you Twilight. What I would have done without you." Vermouth said.

Twilight bowed as she quickly left, leaving the two alone. Once back in the hallway she runs back to the public canteen. Finally ready to talk to Royal, she approached him.

"Royal!" Twilight shouts

Royal looks at her and smiles. "Hey Twilight, how was your trip here?" he asks

"Eventful! I had a great fight, then a great adventure and then made someone smile" Twilight explains "It felt great to see him smile."

Royal smiled at the expressive look on Twilight's face "That's great, let's get to business then shall we?" He said seriously

Twilight nodded causing Royal continued "So your character test succeeded, not to mention the soup of course."
"Now that tests are complete. I shall teach you at your home for the next 6 weeks. After that you are going to go on a summer sun celebration vacation. After that I shall teach you for 3 more weeks. Then at the end of the course you are going to take the entrance exam to a cooking school for fillies." Royal explained

Twilight wrote everything down on a notepad. Royal then gave her the schedule for the next 3 weeks of training and a character test certificate.

"Good luck, Twilight. From tomorrow to the next 6 weeks I shall visit you everyday at your home." Royal congratulate.

Twilight then did a yes dance in front of Royal for the first time. Twilight thanks Royal as she heads back home. But before she does, She as one last thing to say.

"By the way, I met with becky your sister. Please thank her for the food she gave me" Twilight said, which caused Royal to flinch

Twilight not noticing it left the public canteen, then the castle towards home.


Looking around, She decided to go a bit of a walk before going home. She slowly heads towards Canterlot forest. The forest was a lush forest, with lots of trees and plants spread across it. Looking a bit around a bit more. She spots some birds and a small river with a wooden bridge build over it. She looks in the river and sees a pair of koi swimming around.

Feeling her stress melt away she lays on a bench. As she sees a yellow pegasus walking around. She has a pair of butterflies on her flank. and that while Twilight is still a blank flank. watching her for a bit. She rests a bit longer until she suddenly remembered something important.

She suddenly remembered that she forgot to ask Royal for help to get information out of the librarian using food.
Moving forward she sees a familiar face. Approaching her she sees it's Moondancer.

"Hey Moondancer!" Twilight shouts.

Moondancer looks at her and smiles "Hey, Twi. What are you doing here?"

"Just going on a walk" Twilight answered "Hey, What are you making?"

"These necklaces are for the librarian in Ponyville. She recently placed a large order of ruby necklaces." Moondancer explained

"Hmmm, did you know she is arrested on suspicion of assault?" Twilight asked

Moondancer stared at her shocked "What?! What did she do?"

"She cursed a filly, from which said filly got seriously injured." Twilight explained "The guard is unsuccessfully trying to get information out of her. They asked for my assistance in cooking something for her to eat, which is a bribe."

Moondancer looks at Twilight and then gives her a necklace "Thank you for the warning! I will warn my mom. Here take this, perhaps it can be used as evidence."

Twilight takes the necklace and thanks her. Moondancer ran out of sight and Twilight quickly ran towards home.


Arriving at the guards house, she enters the building only to meet Sundown. He is blocking the door and says "You can't enter, Celestia forbid you from interfering with the investigation. I am sorry Twilight."

Twilight looks disappointed at him

"I obtained a piece of information that the librarian was buying these necklaces, I hope it help." Twilight said by placing a ruby necklace on his desk.

"Thank you, Twilight. This will help." Sundown looks grateful.

Twilight then left to go home for a final time. After waving at Sundown.

Once home. She had dinner with her parents and went to sleep for today.

Author's Note:

Okay, This completes Basic cooking.
Next time she will start learning how to cook.

"from which said filly got seriously injured."

she means mentally altho she probably was just trying to scare her a bit.