• Published 31st May 2020
  • 1,548 Views, 74 Comments

The Chef's apprentice - vincent789

What if Twilight becomes a chef instead of Celestia's apprentice

  • ...

Cooking lessons part 4

Twilight was sleeping on her bed. Yesterday was very exhausting. So exhausting in fact, that it's 12 O'clock in the morning and she is still asleep. Perhaps it helped that her parents had opened the window while it was raining. The rain was known to make her sleepy or calm.

Meanwhile Royal was sitting on the couch in the living room. He was casually drinking some earl grey tea together with Velvet and Night. They were sitting on some reading chairs besides the couch. Night then suddenly stood up and walked to the opposite couch to Royal.

"So what did you have planned for her to learn this week?" Night asked Royal.

Royal looked at Night "Well. I wanted to teach her some cooking using meat and fish." Royal said.

"I don't think that is a good idea. She will try to eat the meat dish even as herbivore." Velvet said casually, while still not looking directly at Royal.

"So I have heard. But it is essential that she learns how to work with them." Royal urges.

Velvet looks at Royal sighing "I know. We believe what you just said is true. However I wish for you to very carefully plan, to prevent her from attempting to eat the meat." Velvet suggests.

Royal nods "Very well. It would push her learning to cook with meat to after the summer sun celebration." Royal says while taking another sip of his tea.

"That would make us less worried." Night said relieved.

"What will Twilight learn then?" Velvet asked

"The basics of patisserie. With homework for her to make cookies." Royal said.

Velvet and Night looks at him with glee "Great! I would be atleast quite happy if she learns that." Velvet said excited.

Night nods in agreement "I for one, would love to see her bake cookies." He said happily.

Royal raised his eyebrow at their reaction. Casually sipping his tea until it was empty. He then said "Well. Her lesson starts tomorrow. It's clear she is still exhausted from yesterday. Which I can't blame of course. She has done well." Royal said while walking to the front door.

"Well duty calls. I have to go to work. It was a lovely chat miss Twilight, Sir Light." Royal says with a bow before leaving.

Velvet and Night simply raise their eyebrow at his bow. Before going back to read their book.


It's 2 O'clock midday. Twilight finally woke up with a stretch. Before having a big yawn. She looks at the clock and sees she slept too long. However she slept so long that it took her 15 minutes, just to get out of her bed. As she calmly walked to the bathroom she looks down the stairs. She sees her parents reading some books in the living room.

Entering the bathroom she looks out the window. It's raining. She then looked at the bath and douche. However she didn't want to do more than refresh herself. So she stood before the mirror doing her teeth. She then washed her hair and added a little bit of conditioner.

Moving down the stairs, she greets her parent "Hey mom! Hey dad!" Twilight said.

Velvet looks at her smiling "Good morning Twi. How did you sleep?" she asked.

"Good. Atleast better than the days before. So when is Royal going to get here?" Twilight asked.

Night shook his head "There was a change of plans. Today there is no lesson. Tomorrow you will however." Night said.

Twilight looks saddened at her father "Why?" she asked.

"He had to improve and revise the lesson for after the summer sun celebration." Velvet said.

Twilight lights up suddenly "I forgot about the summer sun celebration." Twilight said excited, "When is it?"

"It's next week on monday. We have been invited to the after party." Velvet said.

"I will also go with you to the summer sun celebration." Night explained.

Twilight looks excited at dad and mom "Am I also invited?" Twilight asked.

"I mean you are. However it's an high society party, you might not want to come." Velvet explained.

Twilight deflates "Yeah. I am not ready for high society parties. Perhaps some other day." She said saddened.

"So what are you going to do today?" Velvet asked changing the subject.

Twilight lights up "I am going to visit Elly. Something tells me, she is not doing too well with Vermouth." She says.

Velvet and Night raises their eyebrow at those two names "Who?" they both asked together.

Twilight however was already outside and gone before they could get an answer.


Once outside Twilight casually walked through the forest to the castle. Along the way she spots an orange filly with an apple cutie mark. The filly was trying to move a cart with apples that were clearly too heavy for her. Twilight looks at the sun, than shrugs and walked towards the filly.

"Hey, do you need some help?" Twilight asked

The filly stops trying to push it to look at Twilight. The filly then inspects Twilight only to shake her head "Ah don't think you should try to help me. You are too weak looking and clearly an unicorn." She says in an country accent.

Twilight raises her eyebrow at the tribalistic remark. Then proceeds to ignore her and also push the cart against the other fillies wishes. At first it stopped moving, then it started to move forward as the filly quickly grabs the steering wheel. Twilight not noticing it, just keeps on pushing.

A few minutes later and the cart reached its destination. Twilight exhausted looks around, and sees her being at the market in the commercial district. The filly looks confused at Twilight.

"Why did ya help me? Ah thought unicorns were only good at magic." the filly asked still confused.

"Well I did it, because you looked like somepony in need of assistance. I like helping ponies." Twilight said shrugging off her exhaustion.

"Well thank ya very much. The name is Applejack. Nice to meet ya." AJ says.

"I see, so you are Applejack. I met a few ponies that mentioned your name before." Twilight said smiling.

AJ raises her eyebrow, but shrugs "Ah see. Well ah am where I am supposed to according to meh map." she says.

"There you are!" says the pony behind Twilight.

Twilight and AJ looks up at the pony and sees Apple Junior. A good friend and connection to Twilight. A cousin however to Applejack.

Junior then looks at Twilight smiling. "Thanks Twilight. I knew AJ couldn't have carried that alone. Here take this as a thank you." Junior said, then giving Twilight a basket of apples.

AJ looks at Twilight then at Junior and asked "You two know each other?"

Junior nods "She helped me a great deal in the past. But nevermind that. We need to set up our booth. See you next time Twilight." she said, shooing Twilight away.

Twilight nods then with the basket on her back. Continued on to the castle.


Once inside, Twilight walked to the dark blue side of the castle. She then sees a prayer bowl, with a picture of Luna above it. Twilight then places an apple in it, before moving on.

Her walk in the castle was slow but nice. Moving slowly to the kitchen. She spots Royal. Waving to Royal when he sees her.

"Here take these apples. I got them from a friend." Twilight said moving the basket of apples in her magic to Royal.

"Thanks Twi. Sorry about the lesson. But I was asked to delay the lesson I had planned in favor for another lesson." Royal explained while looking at the apples.

"I see. That is quite alright. By the way where is Vermouth?" Twilight asked.

Royal raised his eyebrow and thought about it. "I think they are in Celestia's office. However I heard screaming in there." He said.

Twilight sighed "Thanks. It would appear they could use a friend." Twilight said annoyed.

Royal nods as Twilight moved on towards Celestia's office.

Once at the office she indeed heard screaming. She also felt the hallway being very hot as she approach the guards. They look at Twilight and then nodded at her as Twilight knocks on the door before entering without waiting for an answer.

Once inside she sees Elly practically breathing fire on Vermouth. While Cadence is trying to calm Elly down. Meanwhile Vermouth was attempting to intimidate Elly while Celestia look on in horror. Celestia then notices Twilight in the room with her horn lit up.

Twilight then proceeded to force Elly to both sit down and stop breathing fire. While also forcing Vermouth's wings closed and also sit down. She than also uses iceball to undo the extreme heat in the room.

Twilight proceeds to look very annoyed at both of them before shouting "Are you childrenen or something?!"

Elly and Vermouth both look down, embarrassed. Cadence and Celestia looks surprised at Twilight bold actions. Before Cadence could talk Twilight continued "Do I even need to explain why, what you are doing, is bad for more reasons than one?!"

As Twilight slowly descend into a lecture about their actions. Celestia looks at them both. They looked embarrassed and sad. Cadence then proceeds to stop Twilight from lecturing the ambassadors. Twilight although steaming hot with annoyance, shuts herself up.

Cadence than clears her voice to say "Well. Atleast we calmed down, somewhat."

Celestia nods "Thank you, Twilight. But this is a adult conversation and-" Celestia started before Twilight cuts her off

"Yes well. These two are going to punished later. However for now I will leave the room. If I find you guys shouting at each other again," Twilight's smile became creepy and dark "The punishment will be public." Twilight finished.

The two widen their eyes and nod like a child being punished by their parents. "We are sorry." they both said.

Twilight looking satisfied, left the room to go back home. While leaving she was stopped by Celestia.

"Hey Twilight. So in a few months from now. My magic school will allow new students to join the school. I was wondering if you are interested?" Celestia asked.

"No, Your highness. I am planning on becoming a chef. I was hoping to get an entrance exam at the filly culinary school in Canterlot." Twilight said politely.

"I see. You see Cadence has already vouched for you to join my school with the warrant of you becoming my protegé." Celestia explained.

"I see. But I am sorry. I am already training for chef work. Royal is training me for the entrance exam." Twilight explained.

Celestia nods "I understand. If you ever change your mind. I will always welcome you." she said.

"Thank you, your highness" Twilight said before a bow and heading home.


The following day after a good night sleep, It's 5 O'clock like usual as Twilight wakes up. Looking around her room reveals nothing special, besides the dirty hoofprints on the floor. Curious Twilight inspects the hoofprints. 'Hmm, Too big to be mine. Too big to be Shiny. Ah Cadence.' she thoughts.

As Twilight heads to the bathroom she looks outside through the window in the bathroom. The door to the bathroom was open, with signs that somepony recently used the doorknob. Once inside she washes her face and her hair. Twilight also nearly forgets to do her teeth.

Once done she hears that it started to rain just now. Which is odd, since no rain was predicted. Twilight looking at the calender and the outside the window confused. Shrugging she heads downstairs.

Once downstairs, Twilight immediately grabbed her notebook and pencil. Then grabbing a slice of bread with jam on it, before eating it in the dining room. After a few quiet moment, she heard a knock on the door. Moving to open the door reveals a very wet Cadence and Royal.

"Come in." Twilight said quickly before stepping aside for the two.

The two entered the living room while Twilight went to get some towels from the bathroom. Once she returned, Twilight places the towels on both their heads. The two also issued a quick "Thank you." while also drying themself up.

After a moment or two Twilight finally asked "So I get why Royal is here, but why are you here Cadence?"

Cadence looks at Royal then at Twilight before saying "Well. I am here to help you with today's lesson."

Royal nods "She has experience with what I am about to teach you." he explains

Twilight nods confused "Wait. I thought we are going to learn cooking." she asked

Royal laughs at the expense of Cadence. Cadence simply blushed. "Of course. But today and the next few days, you are going to learn a little bit of patisserie." He explained.

"Something I have atleast a hundred years of experience with." Cadence said still blushing.

Twilight nods "Well. Shall we start then?" Twilight asked.

Cadence then donned her working glasses, removing the blush from her face. She then also grabbed a chalkboard out of nowhere. While Royal nods, grabbing his workbook.

"Let's start." Royal said nodding.

"So first thing first. What is patisserie?" He asked Cadence.

"Patisserie is the art of making sweets and dishes that require action that the kitchen usually doesn't take. However the two are very similar." Cadence started. "You see. As pâtissière or pastry chef, your job is to make sugary dishes usually. However these dishes can also be bitter or hardy."
"For example. Fruit yogurt with jam is a patisserie dish. But kitchen chefs also make them. But why would a kitchen chef do that?" Cadence asked to no-one in particular.

"Because the dish has ingredients similar to what a chef uses?" Twilight asked.

"Correct!" Royal responds "However in that sense it should be a pastry chef's task to make it right? Wrong!" Royal continues
"No. A pastry chef tends to lean more to cupcakes and cakes. But in some sense a chef is a middle pony. You as chef is to make whatever to whomever. The road you take is unimportant. Whether as pastry chef or as kitchen chef, your job is to make the guest happy. Sometimes that means you as chef take a road unknown to many."

"However!" Cadence suddenly spoke up "In that sense, you as pastry chef should be able to cook right? Wrong!" Cadence continued "A pastry chef goal in a kitchen is to support the kitchen in ways they are unable. Like chocolate, you see. Chocolate is a hard task to multitask in a kitchen since it's very sensitive to your actions. But making sweet things are also a repertoire of a chef. Just not everything."

"To put it in simple terms. As long as you know the basic stuff like cookies and bread. You as chef are set for the future. While as pastry chef the basic control of spices are important for their future." Royal summed it up.

"I see. I can't wait to learn more. But I think your shift is about to start Royal." Twilight said looking at the clock. That explanation took perhaps only 3 hours. But Twilight took lots of writing moments so the total time for this one lesson was 8 hours without breaks.

Royal eyes widen, than he looked at the clock. Shocked. He quickly thanked Twilight before running out.

Cadence too thanked Twilight before walking back to the castle.


The following morning. It was still raining. Twilight morning schedule was the same as yesterday.

As she opened the front door, Towels ready on a side table. Reveals a dry Cadence and Royal. They had a anti-rain shield.

As Twilight welcomed them in. She quickly grabbed her second notebook and a pencil. The first one was filled up yesterday. Meanwhile Cadence grabbed her glasses and chalkboard. Royal his workbook.

"Today some more overviews." Cadence started "We are going to talk cake and cake. Confused? Well, they are both named the same but they are different. One is round, the other is a loaf shape."

Twilight looked totally confused "Besides look, what makes them stand apart?" she asked.

Royal smiled "One, chefs usually makes, the other is usually made by a pastry chef." Royal answered.

"Let's start round cakes. Usually made for parties and important moment. They always made from cake sponge and icing in one way or another." Cadence continued without missing a beat "There are hundreds of version however. The reason you can identify this a something made by a pastry chef is because it's usually made like art. If the chef made it however, they would focus on taste rather than looks. But a pastry chef usually makes amazing cakes that seem impossible. Something even Royal can't make."

Royal looks at Cadence annoyed "However this does have a flaw. Although looks can be sellable, eating it can be hard. A chef would usually take the tasty and easy to eat methode. A pastry chef goes for looks and sellability." Royal added.

"And they often don't like each other." Cadence finished.

"Loaf cakes on the other hoof is a very easy to make and fill type cake. For they can also be other things like meatloaf and such. They are also made without layers, making decorating it rather easy." Royal started.

"and also-" Royal began before getting cut off by Twilight.

"I would also love to learn more. But the time is up." Twilight said pointing at the clock.

"I see. Well tomorrow we will be talk about toppings for a cake and loaf cake." Royal said before quickly leaving. Cadence bows before Twilight before she too, leaves.

Twilight finishes writing before spending the rest of the day thinking about cakes.


The following morning Twilight woke up and finds out, it's still raining. As she started to get worried and the fact her parent haven't been home in three days didn't help. However there is nothing she could do about it. The rest went as scheduled.

One knock came as Twilight got ready for the lesson. She walked to the door to find Royal. Quickly allowing him to enter with a towel in hoof. She asked "Where is Cadence?"

Royal looks at Twilight worried "She is currently researching why it has been raining for last three days straight." Royal explained.

"I see. Have you seen my parents?" Twilight asked even more worried.

Royal shook his head "I haven't. However we should start the lesson. We can worry later." Royal suggests.

Twilight nods, already with tools in hoof.

"Okay, so toppings. They are in many shapes. liquids like icing. or sweets like chocolate, or bitter like black pepper." Royal started "They come in many shapes. From sweet to healthy. And then some."

"However you should be careful, some toppings could ruin your dish." Royal said.

"Like adding honey/mustard to a fruit salad?" Twilight suggest.

Royal smiled "Exactly!" he said. "Thus toppings in our context. As chefs we use toppings all the time. From sauce to decoration, besides the main dish. Everything that wasn't originally part of the dish is a topping."

"However, in some cases a topping isn't a topping. Like chocolate chip to a cookie. They are a part of the cookie, yet they are still called a topping. Otherwise you would have a vanilla cookie." Royal said, Twilight was writing that part down with capitals.

"So remember, in some formats chocolate chip is a topping. In others it isn't." Royal finishes.

"That's all Twilight. I believe you have come a long way." Royal said "I believe some homework is in due."

Twilight looks excited at him "Something to make I hope?" she asked.

Royal nods while he grabs a recipe from his hair. He them proceeded to show off a 'Chocolate chip cookie' recipe. "You will be making this. Alone!" He said.

Twilight takes the recipe in her magic and looks expectant at him.

"Go ahead. Study it and make it." Royal said "This recipe is for eight pieces, but I want you to make 16. Good luck."

Twilight nods and as she started to read, Royal left the house. Leaving behind a piece of paper saying 'Tomorrow no lesson, just do your homework.'

The recipe goes as following:
120 grams of unsalted butter and kept at room temperature,
75 grams of light brown sugar,
75 grams of fine crystal sugar,
1 medium size egg,
240 grams of wheat flour,
1 pinch of salt,
A half teaspoon of baking soda,
100 grams of chocolate chips.

'I see. That is simple enough just got to multiply it by 2.' Twilight thought.

Twilight then entered the kitchen to see if she got everything. 'hmm. That is the butter in the fridge, and the eggs. Flour we always have, same goes for the crystal sugar. We have baking soda and salt obviously.' She thought as she goes over every cabinet in the kitchen.

'There is the light brown sugar!' She thought after searching the back of one of the cabinet. But after searching for a while she couldn't find any chocolate. 'Should I use my special chocolate?' Twilight thought.

'No. I will use it when I feel more confident in my skills.' Twilight thought shaking her head. However that left one path open for Twilight. To go buy chocolate tomorrow as the shops are closed.

Twilight looked at the clock. It is 7 O'clock in the evening. Twilight looked at calender and saw that today was nothing special. Twilight saddened, moved to go do something else.


The following morning she went downstairs and finds the piece of paper Royal left behind. Realizing today no class, but self-study. She quickly ate some breakfast before leaving the house. Just as her parents came from the first floor.

Once outside she moves to the commercial district. However she is very early so not many shops were open. The shop that Twilight needed however is open.

As she looks at the outside she sees that it's wooden exterior and home feel already attracted customers this early. There was a small crowd in front of the a counter on the outside. The counter had fresh bread and sweets with a brown pony behind it. In front of the counter were roughly fifteen ponies as well as six others who were sitting on the benches placed besides the wall.

Taking a small look at the shopping window, she sees that a cookbook made by Blueblood was selling like hotcakes. Twilight however wasn't very impressed, continuing her look at the shopping window. She some flour types also on display.

Twilight finally had enough of looking inside from outside, decided to enter the old school shop. Once inside she sees every wall, floor and ceiling was made from some kind of wood. That also includes the stands and displays. As she approaches the counter, she spots the chocolate chip on the other side of the counter. It was a pre-cut, ready for bake and quick to melt type chocolate chip. The bag also contained exactly what she needed '200 grams of chocolate.'

As she beacons the shopkeeper closer, she sees one of her friends and also shop owner filling some displays. Approaching the shop owner. "Hey!" Twilight shouts.

Startled, the shop owner throws the objects into the air. Twilight quickly grabbed it out of the air using her magic. The shop owner than turned annoyed to Twilight. "Hey, Twilight." she grumbled.

"Hey, Flour Dance." Twilight express.

"Can you not do that?" Flour said annoyed while grabbing the object out of Twilight's levitation.

"Sorry." Twilight said smiling sheepish.

"So, how can I help you Twi?" Flour asked.

"Just here to grab some chocolate for some cookies." Twilight explained.

"I see. Did you bring some money?" Flour asked.

"Yup. I want that pre-cut stuff." Twilight said.

Flour nods standing back up to go and grab a bag. "Since you are a loyal customer and friend. I give you a discount." She said

"That will be 5 bits instead of 20 bits" flour said.

Twilight raised her eyebrow before grabbing the chocolate and quickly placing 20 bits before running away.

Flour looks at the 20 bits, then at where Twilight stood. Shaking her head and grabbing the bits. smiling although with a tinge of annoyance. "Why won't she accept my generosity?" she asks herself.

"Perhaps because we are still just starting out?!" Shouted the brown pony.

"Shut up, you!" Flour said angrily, causing him to shut up.


Once Twilight was home she gathered everything on the countertop.

200 grams of unsalted butter that was getting to room temperature,
150 grams of light brown sugar,
150 grams of crystal sugar,
2 medium size eggs,
480 grams of wheat flour,
2 pinches of salt in a small bowl,
1 teaspoon of baking soda in a small bowl,
and the bag of pre-cut chocolate.

Twilight then studied the recipe while the butter was getting to temperature. 'Okay. The first step would have been to cut the chocolate chip. Which is unnecessary. Then to mix the butter and sugar types together for roughly 30 seconds. Then add the eggs one by one for roughly 30 seconds. Sieve the flour to remove clumps together with the soda and salt. Add that to the mixture. And mix it together with a spatula. Then also add the chocolate and mix with a spatula. Knead the mixture a bit and then cling film it for an hour into the fridge.' She reads and starts calculating her actions.

As soon as the butter was at temperature, she added the butter with the sugar types to an automatic mixer. while that mixes she sieve the flour, salt and soda together. As soon as the mixture looks good, she adds the eggs one by one. Once that was done. She removed the mixing bowl from the mixer and add the dry ingredients to the mixture, slowly folding it with a spatula.

She then also added the chocolate at the end, also mixing it with a spatula. Once one whole mixture, she placed a cling film over it and let it rest for an hour.

Meanwhile Twilight read the second step. 'preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius. add baking paper to the a oven plate. make 8 balls of cookies. place them on the baking paper and press them down. make sure there is enough space for the cookies with the rough diameter of 10 centimeter. And bake for 10 minutes.'

Twilight rereads it a few times while also preheating the oven to 180 degrees and also placing it on turbine mode. Not forgetting to get two oven plates and add baking paper to both of them. Realizing 1 hour has passed she removed the cookie dough from the fridge and quickly dividing it in 16 round balls. Placing them on the baking paper and gently pressing it down to 10 cm diameter sized cookies.

Looking at the oven, it was done preheating. Preparing a timer and setting it to 10 minutes. Twilight placed the oven plates in the oven and start the timer.

10 minutes later. She stopped the timer and removed the cookies to cool down. They looked golden brown and beautiful. Twilight feeling very prideful waited a few minutes before eagerly eating one.

It was delicious.

Author's Note:

I was getting distracted constantly.
I loved making this chapter though.
Attempting to translate a dutch recipe to english is very fun and challenging.