• Published 31st May 2020
  • 1,550 Views, 74 Comments

The Chef's apprentice - vincent789

What if Twilight becomes a chef instead of Celestia's apprentice

  • ...

Summer sun celebration part 2

It's monday. Twilight was sleeping in a bit, It was atleast 7 O'clock when suddenly a sound outside woke her up out of nowhere. Twilight grumpily looked out the window to see lots of colored lights were being hang on the streets. And guards were patrolling on the street. The sound actually came from a familiar guard tripping over herself. Twilight then looked at the calendar on wall opposite to the bed and notices that today was the summer sun celebration.

Realizing the importance of such an event. Twilight then quickly decides to wash herself and to head downstairs to the kitchen for some breakfast. Grabbing a piece pre cut of bread from the cabinet and putting some strawberry jam on it. Twilight moved to the dining room and quickly eat her bread. Velvet entered the dining room just as Twilight finished her breakfast.

"Twilight your late. The carriage is about to depart." Velvet scolded.

"One moment. I need to grab my backpack." Twilight stalled.

Velvet rolled her eyes. "Okay. But hurry." She urges.

"I know!" Twilight shouted as she heads back upstairs. Once upstairs she heads to her room to grab her backpack. She filled the backpack with a book and some food. She also added a pot of homemade cookies before moving back down the stairs.

"Hurry up. Twilight!" Velvet urges.

The sudden shout caused her to run down the stairs something which caused her to lose balance. As she tumbled down the stairs, Twilight hits the door to the living room breaking the door hinges right off. She then shakes off the pain as she ran towards the carriage.

"What was that sound Twilight?" Night asked.

"Nothing! Just me falling down the stairs." Twilight answered once inside the carriage.

Velvet then nodded to the ponies carrying the carriage. Causing them to move forward. Shining and Velvet sat down in the carriage as it started to roll forwards. Twilight looked outside and noticed they were taking a detour.

"Where are we going?" Twilight asked.

"Today there are many things to-do. But first we are going to a food convention in manehattan." Night explained.

Twilight raised her eyebrow "A convention, why?" she asks.

"Because, after the Culinary school for filly in Canterlot. You are going to school in Manehattan." Shining explained.

"Oh? What is the name of the school?" Twilight asked interested all of a sudden.

"'Culimarie' is the name." Velvet said.

"Hmm, Why is it called that?" Twilight once again asks.

"I don't know. This is why we are going to the food convention. They are the ones that hold the convention." Velvet answered.

"I see. I can't wait!" Twilight said excited.

As the trip waned on. Twilight and her group moved from a carriage to the train. Only for the trip to take 6 more hours. Twilight meanwhile kept herself busy by rereading all that she has learned these past few day from her notebook. Of course she also looked out of the window once in a while. Her parents also were reading some books and Shining simply stared out the window for the full duration of the trip.

After those agonizingly long hours of waiting. they finally arrived, atleast Twilight thought so. For the music from the convention was starting to get louder and louder. Before the train got to the south station, it drove past the high school and the convention.

"Arriving at Manehattan South station. Don't forget your bags when leaving the train. Thank you, for choosing CanterTrain." said a monotone voice from the train cabin.

Twilight and her parents close their books and grab their bags. Putting the bags on their back. Shining simply grabbed his reserve armor and placed it in his hair. The ponies in the train started to stand up when the station started to came into view. Twilight notices a lot of guards and also lots tour guides waiting on the platform.

As the train started to slow down with the puffs of smoke which came from the brakes and also the iconic sound coming from them, the train conductor entered the cabin around the same time.

"Everypony I need to see your tickets before departure off the train." The conductor sternly spoke.

Twilight and her group got the tickets out of their baggage and showed it to the conductor. The conductor grabs the ticket and places it in front of a magic scanner. "Beep!" the scanner said for each of the tickets.

"Welcome to Manehattan. Your ticket suggest you have a carriage near the station. It should be near the east entrance." the conductor explained.

"Thank you." Velvet said politely.

Twilight entered the station only to stand stunned in awe of the shear size of the station as she looks around. The station was very modern with lots of windows and primarily made using steel. The floor was still however made from stone tiles. With shops on either side and a massive crowd of ponies moving about. It was bigger than the station near the villa district in Canterlot. However Canterlot main station was still a lot bigger.

"Twilight come. The carriage won't wait forever." Velvet urges as she grabs Twilight and placed her, on her back.

Twilight now on top of Velvet, sees that her group is moving to the east entrance. Once there they see lots of carriages. However Twilight immediately spots their carriage as the carriage had Shining's cutie mark.

"That one!" Twilight shouts pointing to the carriage.

Velvet nods as they approach it. "Are you Miss. Twilight?" the carriage carter asked

"Yes." Velvet said showing her ID.

"Okay. You guys are perfectly on time. Get in!" He said.

Twilight then climbs off of Velvet into the carriage with her group entering after her. Once inside and seated, they move towards the convention. Twilight meanwhile was staring outside at the convention.

"Mister Carter?" Twilight asks.

"Yes, young lady?" the carter said.

"Do you know anything important about the convention? Like rules or unspoken rules?" Twilight asks.

"Hmmm," The carter thought, which caused the carriage to move slightly slower. "Well there is a few rules." he said.

"Some of them make sense. Like no fighting and follow the instructions given by the staff."

"Those make sense. Anything obscure?" Twilight asks.

"Yes. Like when a chef from the convention asks you to eat something, you will eat it whether you like it or not." The carter suggests.

"Is that a rule so that the chef won't lose face?" Shiny suggest.

"Correct. However the rule can be exempt when you as guest believe that whatever the chef made is harmful." the carter explained.

"I see. Well I am a bit of a foodie. I can be harsh when I need to be." Twilight said with a devilish smile.

The carter looks at her a bit stunned. Before speeding up to the convention. Once in front of the convention, the carriage stops to go and show proof of their entry tickets. When ticket is properly inspected and given the approval. The carriage enters the food convention.

"Good luck, young lady. And don't forget. Have fun!" The carter said while Twilight and her group exit the carriage.

Once inside the convention. The carriage leaves the area. Twilight looks at the clock it's 12 O'clock and lots of ponies were getting something to eat. Twilight herself was also getting a bit peckish as she looks around. Twilight sniffed the air and smelled some cooked rice being baked somewhere.

"So now what?" Twilight ask Velvet.

"We go and enjoy ourself. Here Twilight some pocket money for inside the convention." Velvet said before giving Twilight 300 bits to spend.

"Okay. I guess I will go straight." Twilight said, Meanwhile her brother and parent went left.

Twilight was moving through the stalls. Seeing French food to her left and Spanish food to her right as she moved up. When Twilight entered an round area she noticed that suddenly a lot less amount of ponies were wandering about. Confused she approached the center stall.

"How can I help you? This is an Info stall." the pony behind the stall said.

"Why is there suddenly a lot less ponies around?" Twilight asks.

"This area is bit special, as the stalls around here are high tier and cost a lot. However why there is a lot less ponies is because you can't normally enter this area." She explained.

"What do you mean? I was able to enter this area like it was nothing." Twilight asks.

"This area is either accessible by fellow chefs or ones in training. Or you have to be a foodie which also means you can enter this area." She explained.

"Thank you," Twilight said "Any place you recommend?"

The pony behind the counter points to a stall with lots of gold leave on it. "That stall. Although the most expensive, it is the best stall in whole convention."

"I see, thank you" Twilight said before approaching it.

As Twilight enters the stall, she immediately got an overwhelming feel that this is the Royal Star. Yet she knew full well it wasn't. As she took a look at the menu she looked at the prices.

1000 bits for "le croissant avec de la confiture et un morceau de fromage"
500 bits for "rouleau de printemps avec sauce chili douce"
300 bits for "riz au four à l'ananas et aux carottes"
100 bits for "gâteau au chocolat aux noix et poivre noir"

Twilight was shocked that something as simple as a croissant cost that much. Then a very nice looking waiter approached her.

"Can I help you?" He asked 'What is a filly doing here?' he also thought

"How much do the drinks cost?" Twilight asks.

"With atleast one order of food you get an unlimited amount of drinks." He explained.

"I would like the baked rice with pineapples and carrots." Twilight said.

"Anything to drink?" He asks.

"Your recommendation." Twilight responds.

"Very well. Can I help you with anything else?" the waiter asked.

"Well I have a tiny question," Twilight started.

"Go on." he urges.

"Well. Why does this place feel like the Royal Star?" Twilight asks nervously.

The waiter raised his eyebrow and walked away without answering her question. Twilight blushes when she realized she might have offended this place. Twilight looked around meanwhile.

The stall was spacious with lots of chairs and tables. She notice it atleast one more guest and that's it. She also notices lots of Japanese style furniture and a whole bunch of fish tanks. She spots some Koi swimming in one of the tanks. When she spots the waiter return to her.

"One Ube flavored milkshake with cream." He said as he placed it on the table. Once he started to move away, Twilight stops him.

"I am sorry if that question offended you. I thought you might consider it a compliment." Twilight said.

"Why would we?" the waiter asks.

"Because that restaurant is the only 5 stars restaurant in Canterlot. It gave me a feel of nobility." Twilight explained.

"I see. I will tell the boss about it." he said before once again leaving.

Twilight was unsure if that did the trick, since the waiter didn't react at all. Shaking her uncertainty was the milkshake. It was delicious and strangely not very sweet at all. She tasted the nuttiness from it. however she did frown a bit.

"Hmm, bits of ube is still in it." Twilight accidently said out loud, exactly at the moment that the waiter that gave her that passed by.

The waiter froze when he heard that complained. To compound on his fear was that the other guest who also heard that and turned around at the waiter. Twilight still in trance of the milkshake didn't notice the stare off that the waiter and the other guest were having.

"Waiter." The other guest asked, something that got Twilight out of her trance.

"Yes, Madam?" The waiter said scared. Twilight notices his fear and looks confused at the guest.

"Give me also one of those milkshakes." she requested.

"Very well." he said immediately.

A few seconds later she got a milkshake. She took one sip before throwing it at the waiter. The waiter now with milkshake on him looks shocked at the guest. The waiter's suit was white from the milkshake, noticing it. He quickly decide to bow before changing his attire.

Once the waiter returned he asks "What's wrong madam?"

The guest looks at him with disgust. The guest then points at her milkshake and says "Make another one. Then taste it for me."

The waiter bows before rushing to the bar to get another milkshake. Once he got one he drinks it. After a few seconds he realized what was wrong before rushing into the back,

The guest then started to approach an unsure Twilight. "What is your name, little one?" The guest asks.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle. What is yours?" Twilight answered and asked.

"Twilight éh? I am sorry young one. For now, all you right now need to know, is that I own the company that runs this restaurant." She said.

"I see." Twilight simply said as the women gave Twilight her business card.

"As an apology for the actions of this restaurant. You will get the baked rice for free. If you ever need something, just give my company that card." The guest explained.

"Thank you." Twilight simply said as the rice arrives.

"Baked Rice with Pineapple and Carrots." the waiter said as he places the food on the table. Twilight nods at him as she picks the fork up in her levitation.

Grabbing some rice, pineapple and carrot onto her fork. She takes a bite. Twilight inspects the rice two or three times and realizes something is wrong with it, but she couldn't put her hoof on it.

The guest was looking at Twilight and notices her confusion and a bit of distress. She also grabs a fork and takes a bite off Twilight's dish. Twilight not minding it at all, looks at the guest.

The guest munches some of the dish and looks annoyed. "The rice is not al dente. On top of that the sauce tastes off." she says out loud. Twilight then pushes the dish away from herself.

The guest than pushes the dish in the face of the waiter. "Taste it!" she pushes.

The waiter then took a bite and he too realized something is not quite right. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention." He said professionally "Truth be told. Our primary head chef isn't here today and is causing some major problems in the kitchen. On top of that. The bar is running on half capacity and is lacking the correct bar waiters. My most biggest apology for the inconvenience."

Twilight looks at him and asks "Can I take a look in the kitchen?"

The guest looks at Twilight before smiling "Sure. It can't get worse anyways." she said and started to escort Twilight to the kitchen, leaving the waiter alone with his milkshake.

Once inside she wanted to look around when she spots an familiar face. "Hey Becky!" Twilight shouts over the chefs that were cooking some vegetables.

Becky looks at the source of the namecall and sees Twilight "Twilight! How are you?" she asked with a hint of surprise under her breath.

"I am fine. It seems you are not doing alright. Need help?" Twilight offers.

"Why? The baked rice was not good?" she asks concerned.

"Exactly. The guest next to me said something about it not being "Al dente" whatever that means." Twilight explained.

"I see. For your information. It means that its too soft, It has no bite to it." Becky explained worried. "How about this, now would be good time to teach you about rice a little bit. Grab that white cooker near the hot side of the kitchen."

Twilight grabs the cooker and places it in front of her and plugs the cooker in. Becky then points an a hole in it and at the faucet. Understanding the hint, Twilight fills it up with water. Becky then opens the cooker and points at the rice.

Twilight grabbing a small sack of rice, fills the cooker with them. Becky turns the knob and sets a timer at 10 minutes. Meanwhile Twilight inspects the machine with childish curiosity.

After 10 minutes at passed and the timer went off. Becky opens the cooker to show freshly cooked rice. She then places a little bit in a bowl and give it to Twilight.

Twilight grabbing a spoon in her levitation and take a bite. The rice was smooth, soft yet it also had a bite. Twilight then connected the dots. "Thanks Becky." Twilight said smiling.

Becky was about to say something when a event wide call went off "Ding Dong Dang Dong~, Ding Dong Dang Dong~." was the call sign. "Fillies and Gentlecolts. This is Info bar at the entrance speaking. The worried parents of a certain 'Twilight Sparkle' is currently waiting at the entrance. Will this certain filly please make her way to the entrance. Thank you." And the call ended with the same call sign.

Becky and Twilight look at each other. "It seems I have to go." Twilight said.

"Mhm. I will see you around right?" Becky asked.

"Of course." Twilight said before leaving the restaurant and walking towards the entrance.

As Twilight walked back, she noticed lots of ponies had moved on from that area. It mostly empty now. Twilight then started to approach the info bar. When they spotted a filly approach them, they point at her parents.

"Hey mom." Twilight said as she approached Velvet.

Velvet turns around to see Twilight approach her. Nodding she beacons Twilight to her side and points to the carriage. "We are going back. It's 3 O'clock and we are going to take a high speed train back to Canterlot. That way the trip will only take an hour." She explained.

"That way we won't miss the summer sun celebration." Night added.

Twilight nods as she enters the carriage. As the carriage moved fast, it approached the train station in mere minutes. Once at the station, they quickly board the train as it moves back towards Canterlot.

Inside the train, Twilight explains her adventure at the convention, something that took about an hour to explain. When Twilight was done explaining, they had arrived at Central Canterlot Station (Or CCS for short). CSS looked about the size of South Manehattan Station. However that was not true at all, The size was about 6 to 10 times bigger and also mostly made from brick and stained glass. It felt old school and traditional.

Twilight and her group then quickly moved to their family carriage and moved to Canterlot Castle for the main event, The Summer Sun Celebration.

Author's Note:

I was going to add the event itself, however I felt that, that cliffhanger was a good place it end this Chapter.

Also that 1000 bits one is just a cliche, btw.

That and I have a bit of a writers block. Not to mention quite tired when writing this.