• Published 3rd Apr 2013
  • 3,331 Views, 54 Comments

The Heart of Shadows - TheSilentAuthor

A young prince of the crystal empire saves a strange creature and soon becomes attached to it

  • ...

Night to Remember

Sombra had been sitting by the food table the entire time.

“Well this is turning out to be a real fun time.” He said to himself while stuffing his mouth with a piece of cake.

A young mare came up to him, her teeth chattering with nervousness. Sombra looked at her, he knew what she was going to say.

“Is this seat taken?” she asked while nodding to the empty chair beside him.

“No, but you’re the hundredth pony to ask that question tonight, do yourself a favor and walk away now.” He said taking another bite of the cake.

The mare stormed off clearly upset about the way he had spoken with her.

The great hall was filled with ponies he despised. Growing up, he was always taught to never waste anything. Looking at the hall he was sickened by the scene. All these kings and queens were indulging in goods far beyond what they truly could consume. Sombra finally understood why his father never went to these types of things. The thought of his father made him feel sad, many here said that was the best king of the crystal empire. Other would argue that he was one the best kings in the entire land. He was at times ruthless but in the end he was a gentle soul. What have these rich snobs ever do for their kingdoms? Each one of them never had to work for their thrones they just inherited them from their parents. Sombra's father had to fight for his kingdom, when all seemed lost his father found a way to win. What have these ponies done to earn their spots in power, nothing. Coming here was a mistake he thought, he had better things to do than get angry at nothing. He got up and started to head to the door.

Suddenly a voice called out to him. “Sombra!”

He turned around. “Tia!?” he responded

A young alicorn came running up to him flinging her hoofs around him almost knocking him over.

“Sombra it’s so good to see you again.” The white alicorn said

Was this Celestia? Sombra remembered ages ago that during the great war that he was looked after in Canterlot while his father went with the rest of the allies. During his time he made friends with one of the princesses here but was this really her? The mare standing before him was beautiful beyond imagine and she gave off a sense of comfort. To say the least he was completely star struck.

“Celestia is that you?” He said pulling himself away.

“Yep its me who else did you expect?” She said with a smile.

“Nopony I am just surprised, I almost didn’t recognized you.” He said

“Well it has been ages since we last saw each other, how have you been?” Celestia asked.

Sombra was stumbling over his words. He began feeling a burst of red starting to form along side his checks.

"Good." he said 'Don't forget to ask her the same.' "And you?" he asked very shaky. 'Well do try make it sound less awkward next time'

Celestia giggled like most mare do that age when they know a colt is nervous around them. "I've been doing great Sombra. You know I thought this evening couldn't be anymore boring but then all of the sudden you show up of all places. After all the years of invites why now may I ask?"

He froze in place for he really didn't have an answer for her question. 'Cuase my father taught me that most of these ponies here are scum who never worked a day in their lives yet feel the need to throw expensive parties to satisfy their egotistical selves'. "I thought I would give it a shot. You know, got to be a first for everything" He managed to smile.

Celestia smiled back but then suddenly remembered something. "Um Sombra I know its a little personal but do you really think that attending tonights gala is such a good thing I mean your father's funeral was just two weeks ago." She stopped as the look on his face exposed everything he was feeling at that moment. The look he had was of somepony who had been through a lot and was looking for something to distract themselves for awhile. "Oh." she mumbled

"Yeah well you see the thing is I thought that I would just get away from everything for a while. Just to breathe you know?" Sombra managed to say.

Celestia wrapped around him again in a hug. “I am sorry about your father passing away, it must be hard on you.” She said

Sombra smiled. “You know you’re the first pony to tell me that tonight.” He said

“Really? I am the first?” She said stepping back.

“Yeah sadly but true, everypony here has just ignored the fact that my father had just died. All night ponies have treated me as if nothing had happened.” Sombra said.

“The nerve of them, I swear these days ponies have no moral conduct.” Celestia said.

This made Sombra smile.

“So what have you been up to lately?” Sombra asked trying to steer away from a grim topic.

“Me? Well don’t tell anypony but lately father has me and Luna being trained in all sorts of magic. You would not believe they type of magicians, I have seen the last few days” Celestia said with a giggle.

“So the rumors are true huh?” Sombra asked. 'Well so much for steering away from that topic'

Celestia lowered her head a little. “Yes his health is deteriorating faster than the doctors had hoped for.” She said

Sombra stepped towards her. “I am sorry for asking.” He said

“Don’t be, mother always said it was good talking about our problems than trying to deal with them by ourselves.” She said

Sombra grabbed one her forehoofs. “Well if there is anything you need let me know.” He said

Her eyes lit back up, she blushed as she realized that her hoof was being held with his. She slowly removed it placing it to her side.

“So where you heading off to now?” She asked innocently.

“Back home” Sombra said.

“What and miss the special surprise my father has planned?” Celestia asked.

“Look no disrespect to you or your father but this is all just to much for me. I am not familiar with these types of parties.” Sombra said

“Oh please stay.” Celestia begged

Sombra’s ears folded back he was trying to think of an excuse. “I really do have to go, it’s going to be a long journey back to my palace.” He said

“Don’t leave tonight leave tomorrow.” Said Celestia

“I have no place to stay here.” Sombra responded

“You can stay in one of the guest bedrooms. I’ll have the guards prepare you one.” Celestia said motioning a guard over.

“Look Tai, I appreciate the offer but-“ He started to explain. Her eyes got big and watery as if he had just crushed every dream she had ever had. He couldn’t say no to her. “Fine I’ll stay.” He said with a sigh.

“Yay!” she yelp hugging him again. The guard came over and asked what she needed.

“Prepare the guest bedroom number two hundred and thirty six for our dear friend over here.” She said with authority in her voice. The guard bowed and went off. "Come now Sombra shall we have a seat somewhere?" She asked.

The young prince looked around the crowded hall searching for a spot to sit. His old spot was being occupied by a bunch of elegant looking stallions with lush suits.

"Um, I am afraid that there is nowhere to sit Tia." Sombra said looking around.

"Oh, thats okay." Celestia said. "Guard!" She motioned with her hoof.

From behind him, Sombra felt a guard rush past him presenting himself before the young princess.

"Yes ma'am." he saluted.

"Find me and my guest here a place to sit would you?" Celesita asked.

"Right away you majesty." The guard said trailing off.

The guard had cleared off a small table by one of the windows overlooking the majestic Canterlot garden. As the two sat down Sombra caught glimpses of ponies out and about there. The gala was going by as he thought it would, slow and boring.

"So how are things up in the crystal empire, you got that festival coming up don't you?" Celesita asked.

"Indeed i have but never have i imagine that it would be so much work. For my whole life i have enjoyed attending it but never have i actually run it you know?" Sombra said.

Celestia smiled and trailed off for a bit. "Must be lovely up there this time of year, with the wild flowers and grassy plains."

"It is but i am afraid that one such as yourself wouldn't want to live there." Sombra smirked.

"Oh and why is that?" Celestia asked.

"We have a beautiful summer and spring but once winter comes you would freeze your nose off. Most ponies apart from us can hardly tolerate such harsh conditions." Sombra smiled.

"Still i bet it is lovely to see the crystal palace and capital covered with a blanket of snow." Celesita sighed.

Sombra smiled not knowing what to say for he didn't want to come off boring. A sound from the band sent the room into a frenzy of cheers, startling him.

"Oh good they started it." Celestia said clapping her hooves together.

"Started what?" Sombra asked.

"You know the traditional sky ballad dance." Celestia squealed.

Sombra was baffled. "The sky ballad? But that dance, nor music had been used in ages."

"I know right, my father had it requested specially for tonight for some reason." Celestia said looking at all the ponies preparing for the music to start. As the dancers took to the floor she got an idea. "Um Sombra may i ask you something?"

"Yeah go right ahead." Sombra said.

"Will you dance with me?" Celestia asked.

Sombra's eyes grew in horror for if anything he was good at dancing was not one of them. He began sweating, he didn't just want to object out right but he also didn't want to embarrass himself or her.

"Oh Celestia I am not that good at all and I would just look like a fool if I tried." Sombra said nervously.

"Come on now I bet you're a great dancer." She said.

"No for real Tia I am terrible at it." Sombra said.

"Please?" She asked.

Sombra was begging to feel defeated. "I don't even know the first steps to the sky ballad you might as well ask a pony who's blind to do it much less than me."

"It isn't that hard all it is mix between a waltz and the sib." Celesita responded knowing he was running out of excuses.

She got up from her chair grabbing Sombra by the hoof forcing him out of his as well. Sombra began panicking as she guided him to the floor. He wanted to protest but for some reason his mind didn't think of any kind of action. The two made it into the crowed of ponies ready for the dance to begin. Looking around he could see many of the other dancers eyes where on them. He began thinking of a thousand things that could go wrong at that moment. As he desperately tried to remember the steps to the dance the music began signaling the dance to begin.

"You ready?" Celestia asked with a smile.

'I would be more ready to jump off a cliff right now' Sombra thought. 'Pull yourself together Sombra its just a dance how hard can it be.'

Celestia posed him into the position and placed her left forehoof on his shoulder.

'This is imposiible' Sombra whimpered to himself.

"Remember Sombra its one, two, three, turn and repeat thats all." Celestia said sensing his nervous vibes.

She grabbed his left forehoof and held it out. Sombra placed his right hoof above her hip and gulp hoping for the music to start. As the music began he found himself shuffling through the steps slowly but at least it wasn't wrong. The music soon drowned all his worries instantly. He began feeling the rhythm channeling through him as he and Celestia danced.

'Ha i can do it, what was even afraid of?' He thought.

He twirled Celestia around and pulled her back to the orignal position.

"Um Sombra that wasn't part of the dance." She said in confusion.

"Oh i know just adding some moves of my own." He said with a grin.

He began moving faster as the music started to increasing in speed. Feeling a rush of energy he began moving and stepping in ways that weren't common for the particular dance. Celestia could do nothing except follow his lead. Sombra smiled for he didn't remember a time where he actually was having fun dancing. Pacing himself he made sure not to get carried away. Soon the music started slowing down and a signal was let out to notify that the dance had ended. Upon finishing he gazed at Celestia whose white cheeks where red from blushing. Confused by this he looked around to notice that a huge crowd had gathered around the dancing space and apparently the two of them where the reason. All the other dancers had scouted away too leaving a huge space to where Sombra and Celestia were. Had he really made a spectacle of himself? Not knowing what to do he bowed as if he was putting on a performance and thankfully Celestia played along. The crowd clapped as Celestia pulled him back to the table where they were originally sitting.

"Oh Sombra that was amazing." She said taking a seat. " I never knew you could dance like that."

"I am just as shocked as you are Tia." He said with a laugh.

Celestia giggled. "But be truthful, did you know what you were doing out there or did you just make it up as you went?"

"A bit of both actually." Sombra smiled.

The two sat there for awhile carrying on conversation until the room fell to a complete silence.The sound of trumpets sounded off meaning that the old king was about to speak. The crowd of ponies started to gather together. Celestia almost sprung out of her seat grabbing him by the hoof.

“Come this way I'll get us good seats.” She said pulling him through the crowd.

The group entered the great throne room with everypony taking their seats. Celestia lead him to a pair of chairs elevated by the steps that lead to the throne itself. The old king sat on the throne breathing hard for a pony his age, he looked terrible. Everypony in the room buzzed about the condition he was in. Trumpets sounded off letting everypony know that he was about to speak. Celestia was sitting directly beside Sombra leaning her head on his shoulder. Sombra looked around, he was shock at how many ponies were looking at him and whispering. Old king Dawnbreaker stood up with as much strength as he had.

“Friends welcome one and all to tonight’s Grand Galloping Gala!” he proclaimed.

The crowd cheered and clapped at this. He raised his hoofs to silence them.

“Tonight I have a special treat for you, you saw see things that you probably have never seen before. During my time in the swampy south I came across a colt that ran a circus show. Mind you this isn’t just some regular circus but a circus of wonders and amazement. Mares and Gentlecolts it is my privilege tonight to introduce you to SIR GRISWALD AND THE EVERCHANGING CIRCUS!” he yelled.

As he finished the doors flew opened and with it dancers with colorful flags waived high in the air entered. Musicians came in playing flutes and bagging drums as a pony dressed in the manner of a general came marching forward followed by huge tent looking things. His hat was topped with a feather to large for any atonable statement. The music stopped and the lights dimmed down to create a mood.

The oddly dressed pony who as far as Sombra could guess was the ringleader.

“Friends tonight you shall see wonders. Friends tonight you shall see things beyond your understanding. Friends tonight you shall see things that will question you very mind so all I ask you is this, ARE YOU READY?” The ringleader asked.

The crowed cheered wildly and chanted for the show to start. He gave a signal for the show to start. What fallowed was nothing more than an hour and a half of lights, smoke, and overall typical circus acts. It wasn't really nothing new that Sombra hadn't seen before but everypony else including Celestia was enjoying it. He began noticing something strange about certain performers. They had collars and not ones for show business but actually collars. A crackling sound rushed through the air catching his attention. Sombra sat there watching with horror on his face realizing what was going on. Many of the performers were in chains, being whipped playfully by the ringleaders into doing the stunts. Once they where done they were marched back into the giant tents that were on the floor.

“What kind of circus is this?” Sombra whispered to Celestia.

“I don’t know but isn’t it amazing!” she replied.

Sombra looked at her with disgust he couldn’t believe that she could think that this was fun. Seeing the crowd react the same way he wondered if he was the only one seeing it. He closed his eyes hoping for the whole thing to be over.

The ringleader stepped back in the center of the room.

“Now friends what you are about to see is real. You see in the south we have creature that can mimic ponies. Oh yes they can become somepony that you know. They can look like them, sound like them and you would never even know the difference. Tonight I bring one of those creatures. Tonight I bring the creature who can mimic anypony for its named appropriately, give it up for the CHANGELING!” He yelled while two circus colts brought forth a crate of great size. “I bring you not only a simple changeling but the queen of the changelings give it up for the one and only CHANGELINGESS!” he pronounced as he motioned for the colts to open the crate.

Sombra watched as a small young mare looking creature came forth from the box. She couldn’t have been older than Celestia. The crowd gasped for she had holes through her hooves and wings. On top of her odd apperance she had a great number of scars running along her hooves and back. She made her way to the side of the ringleader almost limping.

“Watch now as she becomes anypony who volunteers.” He said

A pony jumped up and down from the crowd. “Oh please make the freak become me.” He screamed causing the room to laugh.

The ringleader used his staff to lift the head of the poor creature to face the direction of the pony. “Now become that pony!” he ordered.

The creature didn’t move she kept looking at the ringleader not saying a word. Sombra became angry for he looked at the staff the ringleader was holding. It had a smooth spear tip at the end that matched the scars on the creature’s body.

“Looks like our queen needs a little motivation folks.” The ringleader said clapping his hoofs together.

Two circus colts came and held down the creature. The audience snickered a bit while the ringleader went around room holding his staff up showing it off to the world. Sombra grew sick as the ringleader stood over the poor creature.

“Change!” he ordered raising his staff up.

The creature looked at him with a stubbern look on her face. The ringleader forced the staff down upon her wing causing it to tear a hole in it. The creature let out a cry as the room filled with laughter. Over and over the ringleader stabbed with staff all over the creature’s body focusing on her hoof that was the cause of her limp.

“Change! I command you to change into that pony!” he screamed drawing blood. Finally the creature began to glow and suddenly it became the pony that had called out. The crowd gasped and remained silent for a few seconds but soon everypony cheered. Then all of them cried out asking the creature to do the same for them. Sombra looked away. How could ponies do this, how could they hurt a creature just for their amusement it was barbaric. Sombra got up to leave heading for the door.

“You sir are next don’t worry you’ll get your turn.” The ringleader said.

Sombra wanted to flat out hit the pony . The creature’s eyes locked with Sombra’s for a split second. Pain and despair were the only things that filled them. The creature soon produced tears and was trying to say something only to be interrupted by the ringleader.

“All right my queen transform into that young dashing colt over there.” He said

Sombra tried to stop it but as soon as he walked forward the creature took his appearance. He froze, the room full of ponies laughed and cheered at this accomplishment. Sombra looked at the creature that had now mirrored him, it had his exact image, he felt very sick. He galloped out the door as fast as he could only hearing the ringleader asking for a new volunteer.
Sombra ran into the courtyard of the grand palace. He almost vomited but was able to keep it down.

“Sombra!” Celestia’s voice called out.
She came galloping up to him. “Oh goodness you’re sick.”

“No I fine, what is wrong with your father?” he asked

“What do you mean?” she asked obviously upset at his question.

“That whole thing was disgraceful to society.” He said

“You mean the circus?” she asked

“Circus? That wasn’t a circus Tia that was sick.” He said angrily.

“Calm down I don’t see why you’re getting so upset about this.” Celestia said.

“Upset, I have every right to be upset did you see how he treated those ponies and creatures, they were slaves Celestia!” Said Sombra

“So who cares its not like he was killing them.” Said Celestia.

“He was stabbing the poor creature!” He argued.

“I will admit that it was a bit much but it’s a wild creature its not like it was a pony.” Said Celestia.

“How do you know it wasn’t, it could probably talk or fly at one time just like me or you. I have a headache.” Sombra said stepping back.

“Do you need some water?” Celestia asked.

“Yes please.” He said softly.

Celestia ran back inside. As he watched her he saw one of the circus colts coming outside to smoke a cigar of some kind.

'Why you no good piece of-' His mind stopped to think for a second. 'I can't just leave this alone i have to do something about it.'

An idea formed in his head. He walked up to the pony.

“Excuse me good sir.” Sombra said

“What!? Oh, yes?” the colt asked.

“I couldn’t help but notice that you were part of the circus that’s preforming tonight.” Sombra said.

“Yeah what about it?” the colt asked.

“Well I was wondering if you could tell me where the ringleader and the rest of your crew are staying tonight. For you see I really enjoyed the show and was wondering if I could by chance hire you all for a festival I am having in a week.” Sombra said

“Well I don’t think you’ll get any luck we got three more gigs after this.” The colt said

“Name your price. I’ll pay seven thousand gold pieces if needed, its really important.” Sombra said.

The colt’s eyes widen with the sound of the amount. “Well sir your luck just changed, come by the Dusty Mare tonight around eleven we should still be there.” The colt said.

“Great! I’ll be there.” Sombra said walking away. “I hope I can pull this off.” He said to himself.