• Published 3rd Apr 2013
  • 3,331 Views, 54 Comments

The Heart of Shadows - TheSilentAuthor

A young prince of the crystal empire saves a strange creature and soon becomes attached to it

  • ...

Two Brothers

Sombra twitched as the cold gel touched his body.

"Sorry about that. It should match your body temperature soon." His groomer said.

"So how is it looking so far?" Sombra asked holding his hoof up to observe the spot that had appeared on his side.

The groomer stepped back to observe his work. "Looks good, all the places I found are now covered and you're coat is one color again."

"Thanks, by the way can you tell me the source of the spots or are they just unexplainable?" Sombra asked.

"From what I observed they appear to be just simple pigments. Nothing life treating or related to any know skin diseases. These kinds of spots could usually be results of stress or lack of sleep." He said.

"Come on, my parts on my coat didn't turn partial grey just because I am not getting enough sleep." Sombra said.

The groomer closed his eyes as if to think. "Then honestly sir I would say it would have been magic that brought them." He said sarcastically.

Sombra stared at him for a second then a thought came to him. "You may be right."

"Um sir I was only joking." He said confused.

Sombra quickly rushed out of the room. His eyes darted from place to place looking for Vig. He entered the main hall where he spotted the doctor talking to another pony standing by a huge wooden box. Sombra made his way towards him.

"Vig." Sombra called out.

The doctor jumped at the sound of his voice. "Yes...yes sir?"

"Vig I need to ask you something about." He was stopped when a loud thud sound came from the box. "What on earth was that?" Sombra asked.

The doctor began shaking. "Um, its part of my research now what was it you wanted to ask me?"

Sombra stared for a second at the box wondering if it was going to make another sound. What on earth could be in there? His mind quickly returned to the task at hand.

"Oh thats right, Vig is it possible that the spell that I asked you to preform the other day some how affect my body?" Sombra asked.

"You mean like emotionally." Vig said as if hinting towards something.

"No more of a physical effect is what I was wondering, like could it change my coat or mane to a different color?" Sombra asked.

"Well sir to be honest I don't have much knowledge on the book you gave me but I have friend who is currently studying it. He should be able to tell me all about it soon. May ask why you are concerned? Did something happen to your body?" Vig asked growing worried.

"No, just curious thats all. Well I must be off hope everything goes well with your....research." Sombra said walking away.

He was disappointed that Vig didn't have the answer for his question but as long as he was alive he didn't care. For now he was more focused on his unexpected guest. Deep down he was happy to once again to see his brother but on the other hoof he had to deal with Gavotte. Sombra tried to keep his anger about her not to cloud his mind but it was so hard. Since the first time his brother brought her over from his first trip she annoyed him. Coming into a hallway he glanced down to see his brother walking towards him.

"Brother." Mezzo called.

Sombra smiled. "Good morning to you to."

"Ah yes good morning to you too." Mezzo said. "Say Sombra do you have a minute?"

"Of course I do what you need?" Sombra asked.

"I was wondering if you would join me on a walk around the town. Its been good seeing home and all but I want to get out there you know?" Mezzo said.

Sombra smiled. "Sure why not its always good to get fresh air."

The two brother made their way out of the palace and where soon in the open air of the city.

"It feels good to be back here, no matter where I go I always will hold this place close to my heart." Mezzo said gazing around.

Sombra smiled. "Yeah it something isn't it?"

"Um hey Sombra?" Mezzo asked.

"Yes?" Sombra responded.

"Look about yesterday I didn't know that Gav was going to talk like that again. I told her multiple times not to but she keeps on ignoring me. I know that she doesn't mean what she says sometimes and I hope it didn't bother you too much." Mezzo said.

"Of course it didn't bother me." Sombra said.

"Oh really? Because it seemed to bother a great deal yesterday." Mezzo said jokingly.

"I will admit that my temper got a little carried away but I didn't say anything to harsh did I?" Sombra asked.

"Eh nothing compared to what she said to me afterwards." The alicorn said.

Sombra let out a chuckle. "Apologies for anything I said that helped fueled her anger."

Mezzo shared his chuckle "Nah its all good. Nothing a little time away from her won't solve. Thats why she off seeing somepony she claims she knows in the city. Frankly I think she just needed to let off some steam." The two passed the an open part of the city where the festival where held. "Say I heard from several ponies that the festival this year was quite the spectacle."

"That would be an understatement dear brother. It was quite marvelous" Sombra said proudly.

"Really now? An understatement? Surely your dancing wasn't that much of a marvelous sight to see." Mezzo said. "My only regret is not seeing that" He said with laugh

Sombra stood still for a minute as Mezzo walked forward.

"Oh come one I was only joking. "His brother said turning around.

Sombra face showed anger.

Mezzo began growing worried. "Sombra I was only kidding. From what I heard it was quite excellent, in fact the best ever."

Sombra just glared at his brother.

"Please say something." His brother asked.

Sombra face melted quickly back to his cheerful self. "Got you going for a second didn't I?"

Mezzo sighed a sigh of relief. "Goodness I though you actually were upset at me."

"Its all good and just to let you know it was best performance ever." Sombra said with a smile.

"I also heard that this Chrysalis was also spectacular. May I ask who she is?" Mezzo asked.

"You promise you wont laugh when I tell you?" Sombra asked.

"Why would I?" Mezzo asked confused.

"Cause to me she is the most beautiful and graceful creatures to ever grace this earth." Sombra said.

Mezzo was stunned. "Um, I meant like where does she come from and who she as in position,family, ancestry."

"Does all that really matter?" Sombra asked.

"No not really but when I asked some of the servants acted strange. Like they seemed a little hostile to the subject. Now the only thing that could do that is if she came from any family from the north. You know how father always disliked the northern tribes." Mezzo said.

Sombra said nothing but grew a smile.

Mezzo shook his head in disbelief "Oh Sombra, please don't tell me she is one of those ponies."

"Maybe." Sombra teased.

"At least tell me she isn't a member of the Arkland family." Mezzo went on.

"Who knows." Sombra said knowing what was coming next.

Mezzo flapped his wings in frustration "Sombra out off the ponies in the empire why on earth did you go after a mare that is a part of the family that wanted nothing but the failure of our father. I mean you know how he felt about them. All our lives they yelled horrible insults and accusations at us then you turn around fall in love with one of them."

"Mez calm down for a second. She isn't a daughter of the arklands nor is she from the northern side. In fact she isn't from the empire at all. I met her awhile ago in Canterlot during one of their ridiculous parties." Sombra said trying to calm his brother down.

"Don't ever lead me on like that again bro." Mezzo said letting out a deep breath. "I honestly thought you where being serious, deep down I had a feeling you were joking."

"Sorry but it was almost to easy to do." Sombra smirked.

"Anyway when do I get to meet her?" Mezzo asked.

"Probably when we get back and that is one of the things I actually wanted to talked to you about." Sombra said.

"Which is?" Mezzo said.

"You see Chrysalis has a very....interesting appearance. Now she is isn't like any pony you have seen and I bet you never seen anything like her on your travels." Sombra said.

"Come now she cant be anything that exotic now can she?" Mezzo asked.

Sombra nodded. "I am afraid I can't really described it you will just have to wait till we get back. Also one more thing, Gav."

"What about her?" Mezzo asked.

"I guarantee you that she will have plenty to say about her once she sees her." Sombra said.

"I'll try the best I can but no promises." Mezzo said. "Now shall we be getting back now?"

Sombra shrugged. "Sure."

The two of them went down the street heading back to the direction of the palace. Upon entering Sombra had Sam fetch Chrysalis and instruct her to meet in the throne room.

"Now Sombra word has also reached my ears about the troubles of Equestria these days?" Mezzo said taking a seat.

"Yes, for most of the part the trouble has stayed out of the empire until recently." Sombra said.

Mezzo rubbed his hoof. "Now this is going only on rumors but ponies are saying that its just one creature thats causing all the ruckus. It shouldn't be that hard to deal with one creature should it?"

Sombra turned his head to look out the window. "One would think so but from what I head this creature is nothing like anything from this world."

His brother was about to say something until the door began crackling open. Sombra got up quickly and went to it. Sticking his head out he was meet with Chrysalis's face.

"Hey." He smiled.

"Hey you need me for something?" She asked.

"Yes I wanted you to meet somepony." He said opening the door.

The changeling stood there until he escorted her to the alicorn sitting in the chair. Mezzo stared at her not knowing what to think of her. It wasn't until Sombra made a gesture to signal him to stand up.

"Chrysalis this is my brother Mezzo. Mezzo this is the one and only Chrysalis." Sombra said.

"Its a pleasure to finally meet you." Chrysalis said in a bowing motion.

Mezzo stood still not know what words to use. "Pleasure to meet you as well Mrs. Chrysalis." He finally managed to say.

"Chrysalis, Mezzo heard how wonderful our performance was during the summer festival." Sombra said trying to keep the introduction going.

"Oh it wasn't that much of a big deal." Chrysalis said trying to blow it off.

"No I heard that its was quite the spectacle to see. Never have I heard ponies so excited over a dance thats been performed for over hundreds of years." Mezzo said.

Sombra smiled and began stepping back so that the two could hold their own conversation. He could tell Mezzo was having trouble comprehending what he was talking to but it seemed to be going well.

"So I couldn't help but noticed that you are an alicorn. Your wings look so majestic " Chrysalis said.

"Thank you so much, I also noticed that you have wings yourself." Mezzo said.

"Well they are not quite as nice as the ones you have obviously." Chrysalis said.

Mezzo tried to think of something."May I ask Chrysalis on how you have come to know my brother? Not that it matters but I enjoy those types of stories."

Chrysalis went on about some event that never truly happened but as far as Sombra could tell Mezzo wasn't paying attention. He seemed to be studying Chrysalis, probably trying to determine what she was. He kept nodding and was occasionally exchanging glances with Sombra. Sombra knew that he wanted to talk to him alone about her.

"And so you have." Chrysalis finished

"Well always glad to hear how others have met. Now if you would excuse me I have to go find my dearest wife." Mezzo said scooting towards the door.

"I can't wait to meet her as well, Sombra told me all about her." Chrysalis said.

Mezzo looked at Sombra. "Am sure he did, well see you both very soon."

The alicorn went out of the room leaving the two alone.

"He seemed very nice." Chrysalis said.

Sombra let out a chuckle. " I am was surprised myself actually."

"Oh?" Chrysalis.

"Its just that I am sure he didn't expect you coming through that door. He usually is so up front about things. I am surprise he didn't start asking you a thousand questions." Sombra said.

Chrysalis was about to say something until a servant came running in.

"Message for you sir, nothing urgent just needed your approval on something." She said.

"What is it that needs my approval?" Sombra asked.

"Its well, um I have to show you, it would only take a second." She said.

Sombra turned to Chrysalis. "Be right back."

The servant lead Sombra down the hall. Turning a corner he was met with his brothers face.

"Am sorry sir but he demanded to have a word with you." The servant said.

"Go." Sombra ordred.

The servant scattered away as fast as she could.

"Now Mezzo." Sombra began.

"Sombra I don't meant to come off as being rude but what on earth is that. I have seen things that would make your hairs stand up but never have I seen such a fascinating pony before." Mezzo said with wonderment in his eyes.

"Wait so you are not disgusted by her appearance?" Sombra asked.

"By all means no, it just took me by surprise thats all. I mean is she a mix between a pony and something else? Where did she come from would be the proper thing to ask first." Mezzo said.

Sombra looked around. "You really want to know don't you?"

Mezzo nodded his head.

"Well promise me that you will keep this a secret but she isn't a pony." Sombra said.

"Then what? She talks like one, looks kind of like one, even has the exact body structure as an average size pony." Mezzo said.

Sombra breathed in. "From what I have gathered she is a creature know as a changeling. And no, before you ask nopony has any information regarding them. I was in Canterlot attending a party after fathers passing is where I first saw her."

"I was going to ask why you went to Canterlot early but may I ask why again? You know how father felt about the ponies of Canterlot." Mezzo said.

"I don't know it seemed like something to do. Anyway while I was there they had this freak show circus come through and I short of took offense to the whole thing." Sombra said.

Mezzo leaned against the wall. "How so?"

"Well I tried breaking out all the creatures that where involved and tried leading them out of the city in the cover of night. Thats how much offense I took." Sombra said nervously.

Mezzo eyes grew big. "You did what?"

"Its what happen." Sombra said.

"Wow, I mean thats pretty nobel and all but couldn't you have gotten in a lot of trouble?" Mezzo asked.

"Luckily we will never have to know that now will we?" Sombra smiled.

Mezzo thought out loud."Still I don't see how this has to do with..." He stopped. "What can see do?"

Sombra was surprised at that question. "What do you mean?"

"She was part of the circus or whatever so that means she had to have some sort of talent. So what can she do?" Mezzo asked.

"To tell the truth I don't know what all she capable of for I have only seen short examples of her powers." Sombra said in a low voice.

Mezzo grew excited. "Powers? Like what?"

"She can sort of becoming almost any pony that she sees." Sombra said. "Like take on their image. Say like you asked her to become you. She would literally become a mirror image of you."

"That's incredible, can she do it on command? Oh, I would love to see such a thing." Mezzo.

Sombra shook his head. "Sadly I would advise you not to ask her to do anything of the sort. I know it may seem hard to understand but I would ask that you respect my request."

Mezzo smiled. "I shall respect it. Now if you excuse me I have to go find Gav and octy."

"Don't be late for dinner. I am having it served a tab bit sooner than usually." Sombra said.

"Gotcha." Mezzo said heading off.

Sombra watched his brother leave the hall until he decided to go back to Chrysalis. Stopping as he was about to open the door he noticed a gray spot on his coat forming around his hoof.

"Really? Might as well get myself one color again." Sombra said in frustration.

The miner stopped before he put his hat back on.

"Hey come on now we got some more work to do." His friends said hopping up from his place of rest.

"Yeah I know but its just that I am sick and tired of staring at this stupid rock all the time. I mean you think we would have given up on this ages ago." He said.

"Well as longs as the empire has royalty there will always be a desire to find it. Now come on lets hammer away at this some more shall we." His friend said handing him his hammer. "Who knows maybe today is the day."

The miner laughed. "You say that about everyday."

The two slide down the side of the huge rock almost touching the water that engulfed the rest of the structure. With the harnesses secured they began slamming their hammers into the side of the mighty stone. The pale blue light gave them sight as they chipped away. After a good while the two stopped and rested only being suspended by the ropes that held them.

"Like I said there is no point in all this. My father dug this mine and his father before him. Either its here or this is got to be one of the greatest jokes in history." The miner said wiping the sweat away from his forehead.

His friend was trying to catch his breath. "Yeah maybe but still we're getting payed to follow a joke as you call it. Could be worse you know?"

"Yeah I know but its just annoying knowing that it couldn't be here at all. Maybe my dad was right, I should have joined the army." The miner said gazing at the rock. "Show me something!" He said slamming his hammer with all his might into the side of the rock.

"Ha, maybe they could have used that determination better on the battlefield than this mine." His friend laugh.

A crackling sound echoed throughout the cavern causing both to be silent.

"You hear that?" His friend whispered.

"Yeah and it didn't sound good." The miner said.

Another crackling sound ripped throughout the air. The two looked up to see that a huge crack had appeared near the top of the rock. It soon began ripping down the side at an alarming rate. Soon the pale rock surface looked liked a spiders web of cracks. Then within an instant pieces fell into the dark water, leveling the rock down almost to the water lever. The miner sat there in shock as almost all of the rock that was above the water was now gone.

"Wow, you must have hit that thing hard huh?" His friend said.

The miner didn't hear the words for something held his gaze. He lowered himself down and swung himself onto the now small island. Walking forward he came to the center.

"Hey buddy what gives? You know you're not suppose to step onto an unsafe structure." His friend called out.

The miner kneeled down and plucked something up from the stone.

"What you got there?" His friend asked.

The pony turned around and held up what looked like a heart made up of the rock. It shined with a light blue aura.

His friend sat there with his mouth opened. "Could it be?"

Author's Note:

"Back and writing. Currently trying to edit and finish the story. The rest should be up shortly as soon as I feel its complete. Once again I thank all of you for taking the time to read this story. More to come."