• Published 3rd Apr 2013
  • 3,334 Views, 54 Comments

The Heart of Shadows - TheSilentAuthor

A young prince of the crystal empire saves a strange creature and soon becomes attached to it

  • ...

Fear's Own Enemy

5 weeks later

Celestia sat by the flowers taking in their fresh scent. The sun shined brightly around the garden making her watch the rays bounce off the leaves. She smiled to herself as she felt in peace.

"Such a wonderful day. Think I am going to go out of the town for awhile." She said to herself.

She got and trotted towards the palace greeting everypony she saw with a smile. Upon entering a guard immedialty meet her, almost running into the princess.

"Sorry princess." He said bowling.

"No that's alright I'll just be on my way." She said.

"Actually I was looking for you." He said. " There is a squad of guards from our northern boarders who have something to report to you."

"Oh then lead on then." Celestia said.

The guard lead her to her throne room where a group of guards were resting. Each one had a look of worry on their faces as they sat there. Celestia calmly went to her throne and kept a strait posture.'

"You have something to report to me gentlecotls?" She said.

"Yes your majesty we have somethings to tell you about our neighbor from the north." The supiour officer said taking a step forward.

"Oh? You mean the crystal empire? What is there to tell about them?" She asked.

"Well ma'am we have been meet with crystal solider along the boarder and upon question they said that the boarder is closed. Also they threaten us if we came any closer." He said.

"That certainly seems odd is there any reason for this that they gave you?" Celestia said motion for a guard to come to her. "Go and find my sister and bring her here please."

The guard nodded and went off.

"As of reason they gave us none. We have also have heard disturbing stories for a crystal pony that we found wondering away from the line. She looked terrible your majesty like she hadn't eaten in days. The thing that we notice at first was the marks around her neck, which were swollen beyond belief."

"Is the pony here?" Celestia asked.

"Yes ma'am she resting with the royal doctor currently." He said.

Luna entered the throne rubbing sleep from her eyes. "You called upon us sister?"

"Luna come here there is something going on up north." Celestia said. "Sir can the pony talk or is she to worn out?"

"She can talk but I don't think she'll talk for long periods." He said.

"Who?" Luna asked.

"I'll explain on the way." Celestia said getting up. Luna followed her sister down the hall. "Those guards were just telling me that the crystal empire has closed it's boarder and are enforcing it by force. Right now we are going to see a crystal pony who has came from there and apparently she's been hurt."

"Oh dear." Luna said. "You think everything is okay?"

"I don't know but I hope so." Celestia said.

The two came into the room where the royal doctor's office was. As soon as they entered the room the doctor bowed respectably.

"How can I help you today you majesties." She said.

"The crystal pony that was brought in here today how is she doing?" Celestia asked.

"She is in bad shape ma'am. She's been starved and deprived of all nutrition and her neck has been restrained by what appears to be chain marks." She said.

"Can she talk at all?" Luna asked concerned.

"For now yes but you might want to hurry. I just gave her some medicine that will probably knock her out very shortly." The doctor said stepping to the side. "She's right down there."

Luna and Celestia walked over to a small hospital bed where the pony lied down. Her eyes were wide and looked like she hadn't rested in days.

"Hello little one." Luna said kneeling beside her. "What on earth happen to you" She said stroking the pony's forehead with her hoof like a mother would do.

The pony flinched at the touch but settled back down. Her breathing was heavy and her eyes darted from both sisters. "Where am I?" She asked.

"You're in Canterlot dear now what happen to you?" Celestia asked.

"I am really in Canterlot? Oh, thank the heavens I am safe. I just hope my family made it out to." She said biting her lip.

"Out of where?" Luna asked.

"The empire." The pony said.

"Why would you want to leave the empire isn't that your home?" Celestia asked.

The pony grew fearful at hearing Celestia asking here why she wanted to leave.

"Why did you and your family want to leave?" Luna asked gently.

"Sombra." The pony said growing tense. "Sombra."

"Sombra? You mean prince Sombra?" Luna asked.

The pony nodded her head. A tear fell from here eye. "King Sombra."

"King? There has to be some mistake Sombra couldn't do anything to terrible to drive ponies like you away could he?" Celstia asked.

"He chained us all up like animals!" The pony cried. "Forced us to work with no food, no water, and no rest. All for pointless things that can never be done. It was almost as if he was just making us to miserable things just to make us miserable. Night and day, every single minute we had to lift things, carry things, hammer rocks, pile rocks, all while being whipped by the guards. Father said we had to leave and get as far away as possible so we did. Last time I saw him was when we were nearing the boarder and he went to distract the guards so that I could cross."

"Sombra did all those things?" Luna asked.

"Yes, he's gone mad. The look in his eyes is that of a madcolt. He sits upon his balcony looking down on this with a smile of satisfaction. Once and awhile he would come down and have us punished for no reason. It was like living in a nightmare all the time. Please did my father make it here to? Please tell me he did." She said with her eyes begging to form tears.

"Don't worry we will find your father but for now you have to tell us for certain that this is going on." Celestia said.

The pony began to look woozy. "I swear it is, we are all suffering under king Sombra. Please help us." She said dozing off. "Please......help......from......Sombra."

With that the pony was out cold from the medication. Luna tucked the pony in, sucruing her in the blanket.

"Luna do you think any of this is true?" Celestia asked turning her back to her sister.

"Sister We can't tell for certain unless we see if with our own eyes." Luna said. "Maybe we should pay a visit to the empire?"

"Maybe but I don't want to go alone. If what this pony said is true than we are going to need to come in by force. Even though I hope for the best maybe we need something planned just in case." Celestia said.

"Well we can have troops escort us shouldn't that be enough?" Luna asked.

"On any other given day I would agree sister but from what we heard it sounds evil is ahoof here." Celstia said turning to face her sister. "I think we need to use our magic if it comes to that."

"Sister,don't you think thats a little drastic?" Luna asked.

"Maybe you're right its just that I am fearful for what is to come. I don't like the sound of this at all." Celstia said. "It can't be true can it?"

"We both know that there is only one way we can really know." Luna said.

"Lets take the trip shall we?" Clestia said.

It was quite, for now. The streets laid empty and deserted of all life. All around laid the ugly and dark structures that now made up most of the once great capital city. Sombra stepped over a crystal pony who had fallen do to work.

"Get up." Sombra hissed.

The pony looked up at him with a tired and hatred look in his eyes.

"Get up right now or else I will have you suffer beyond what you have already have." Sombra said.

"Go ahead I don't care what happens to me anymore I would rather die than live in this kind of world." The colt said.

Sombra slammed his hoof in the back of the pony's head, pressing the pony into the ground. "No death will to be easy of an escape for you. Take him away."

One of the guards standing on the sidewalk came and dragged the pony away. Sombra locked eyes with the pony as he was being pulled away by his chain.

"Make sure he is not allowed anything that resembles a normal life. No social contact and no food." Sombra said. "Now how goes the structures that we are working on today?"

"The building is almost complete sir but your orders said that there was to be no Infrastructure so it probably won't stand." One of the guards said.

"How many of the workers failed to be at the completion?" Sombra asked.

"Over half." The guard said.

"Take them out to the palace courtyard and have them beaten in front of the rest of the others." Sombra said.

"Yes sir." The guard said sadly.

"Was that hesitation I heard solider?" Sombra asked.

"No sir!" The colt said.

"Good thats what I thought. If any thing else goes wrong alert me immedialty." Sombra said heading off to the palace. "It is just as I imagine it would be. They're all miserable to the point of breaking. Sure maybe I am going to hard on them but I can't stop now. Stopping now would make me more of a monster than harming them. Surly by now they are used to the chains and the constant work that they probably don't notice it." He came to the palace where a heavy amount of guards stood guard around the doors. Sombra entered and went strait to his balcony over looking the capital. It became his favorite spot to be. He would have his food served there and if he could he would sleep outside. All day he would watch the ponies at 'work' and smile to himself. "Such a fine and wonderful day out. Hope the sun stays out of the way." He yawned. "Think I'll take a nap for awhile before giving out orders for the night tasks."

Celestia and Luna rode in a carriage that was heavily guarded by a swarm of guards. They were also accompanied by several squads of soliders heading directly for the boarder of the empire. The sun was begging to set as the large caravan was approaching the boarder.

"Sister I can see a makeshift fort up ahead." Luna said peering at the horizon.

"So the boarder really is guarded huh? We'll see how long that last." Celestia said.

As the two princess came up to the fort several crystal soldiers greeted them with spears armed and ready.

"Halt who wishes to enter out land?" One asked.

"I am princess Celestia of Equestria and also princess Luna of the realm as well. We are here on the account of an improper closing of the boarder between the land and the crystal empire. To close a boarder is an act of war or a way to show hositlity to us and we demand to know the reasons for it." Celestia called out. "We wait for you're comply."

"The boarder was closed by his highness King Sombra of the crystal empire. He has deemed all outside travel without permission by the royal court as an act of treason. All who enter will also be charged with treason unless they have his permission." The voice called back.

"This is nonsense we are the princesses of Equestria and we demand to see prince Sombra at once!" Luna shouted.

"Look I would love to help you majesties but my hooves are tied by this point. Even if I could get an audience with him I would doubt that he would even sit and listen to anything you say." The guard said.

"And why would that be?" Celestia asked.

There was a minute of silence before the guard answered. Suddenly the gate to the fort opened up and the guard came out to meet with them. He bowed respectfully.

"Princess Celstia, princess Luna what I am about to tell you will get me in a lot of trouble if anypony finds out that I told you." He said. "I just can't take it anymore."

"Take what anymore?" Celestia asked.

The guard broke down in tears. "I can't do it anymore I just can't. He made us do terrible things. It drove me mad so I requested to be sent out here but I can't hide it anymore. Please you have to help us."

"Calm yourself solider and tells us what is going on here?" Luna asked.

"It's awful princess, just awful we are living in a madhouse. Day and night we are forced to make others complete ridiculously hard task that result in nothing really being accomplished. I was one of the enforcers who made sure that it got done. I am not proud of the things I had to do so I asked to be part of the boarder patrol. Out here its not as bad as the capital but still I can't live myself knowing what I have seen." The guard wept. "Please help us."

Celestia got off the carriage and walked over to the guard. Like the pony that was on the hospital bed the guard had no crystal shine to him at all. Below his eyes where marks of unrest for several day.

"What is happing up here?" Celestia asked.

"It's king Sombra ma'am he's crazy, vile, cruel, violent, and making our lives terrible please you have to stop him. Many here have been reassigned in hopes of staying away from it all." The guard said.

"Solider, if what you say is true and it's starting to sound like it is. We must stop this immedialty and try to restore peace to this land." Celestia said.

"Yes ma'am but its still a long ride to the capital from here so you must be going on your way." He said.

"Will you not ride with us?" Celestia asked.

The guard looked down at the ground. "I would but Sombra missioned an ultimation to his generals and us. We have to obey his orders and stay here no matter how much we may dislike it."

"Solider as much as honor is important you have to realize that you must keep the honor of the ponies you are to protect. You may be a servant to the ruler of the empire but you have to remember that you are a guard to the empire too." Luna said walking up.

The guard looked at them and looked back at the other soldiers who now had begun stumbling out of the fort.

"Will you help us protect the empire?" Celestia asked.

Sombra was jolted awaked by a hammering knocking on his door. He went to the door and flung it open.

"What in the world can be so important that I have to be awaken....."

Sam stood there with a look of anger on his face. The butler was wearing a black robe that covered his entire body.

"You have gone mad!" Sam said.

"I don't have time to listen to your dribble now begone before I really hurt you." Sombra said.

"You may not have much time as you think you do." Sam said. "Or did you even question why I knocked on your door?"

Sombra growled. "Tell me."

"Several of your 'boarder forts' have gone dark over the night and one scouts reported a large party closing in on the capital." Sam said causlly.

"Impossible they wouldn't dare betray me." Sombra hissed.

"Oh really? You think hurting them and forcing them to destroy each other wasn't going to make them go off on you eventually?" Sam asked.

"Enough!" Sombra said walking away.

Sam followed behind the mad unicorn as he stormed through the palace.

"Where have you been anyway?" Sombra asked.

"Nowhere in particle just healing from a certain pony's spell that was blasted at me." Sam said. "Really nasty business it was but I had worse. Nothing compared what you have going on out there, I mean I thought you were becoming violent fool but not this bad. Does it somehow make you feel better? Does it somehow replace the loss of Chrysalis digging your heart out?"

Sombra whirled around. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you."

"Cause I am still loyal to you after all that." Sam said walking in front of him.

The unicorn watched as the old butler went ahead and continued on without him. Sombra was puzzled by Sam's statement but decided that in the end it was a good thing he still had somepony who was still loyal willingly. The two came to the throne room where Sombra noticed all his generals where gathered together. He could tell that something was up.

"Morning gentlecolts what seems to be reason that we are all here?" Sombra asked taking his throne.

"Sir many of our squadrons have gone dark on us this morning. Each messenger we send doesn't return and it's starting to worry us a bit. One scout reported a large party heading this way" General Gog said.

"We still have control over all troops in and around the city but something seems fishy to me." General Dull said cutting in.

Sombra pondered. "Yes this does seem odd for our troops not to responded to orders or messages. They know that they swore an oath to the seal and now that its broken they have to obey it. As for now be on your hooves colts for we may be dealing with treason here."

"SIR!" A guard said almost falling into the court room.

His face was sweaty and he had a look of almost complete relief in his face. Sombra noticed that Sam quickly stared and grew nervous with the guard's presence.

"Yes solider?" Sombra asked still eyeing Sam actions.

"There is a large group of troops closing in on the city some of them are ours but a ton are not. They said that they are from Canterlot and demand an audience with you." The guard said.

Sombra grew nervous at the sound of Canterlot. "Did they say why they were here?"

"No sir the princesses just told us to tell you that they request audience." The guard responded.

"Princesses!" Sombra said springing up from his chair. "Alert all solider to rally around the palace. Also alert all workers to return to their homes immediatly." Several troops left to carry out his will. "How? Why are they here and what could they want?"

"Good work solider now return to your post." Sam said to the guard.

"No, you and him are going to have audience with our guest right now!" Sombra yelled charging toward the doors. "I swear if they are here to try and stop me I'll make them pay."

Sam went over to the guard as soon as Sombra was away. "You fool why couldn't you stay out of sight like I told you?"

"Sorry but that captain just yelled at me to go and I did." Chrysalis said bitting her lip. "What do you think is about to happen?

"I don't know but I know that we are stuck with that madcolt until it goes down. Lets go before he notices we are lollygagging." Sam said pulling her along.

The two caught up to Sombra as he flung open one of the palace's doors. He marched down the street watching all the ponies retreating to their homes. Rumors were begging to surface about the large formation that was settled outside the city. Sombra was having none of it as soon as he head a whisper he glared at whoever spoke it. Coming to the edge of the capital Sombra stared in horror at the vast group of ponies who waited in the distance.

"Guard, go and tell them that King Sombra has come to hold audience with them." Sombra ordered.

"Yes sir!."The colt said running toward the group.

"Sam be ready for anything I don't like the look of this." Sombra said.

Sam rolled his eyes. "Surprise that this is the on thing that you don't like the look of." He said to himself while turing to see the city.

The two waited untill the guard came back.

"Step up a few feet and they will meet you in the middle, come alone and no guards." The colt said.

"Sam stay here I guess I am flying solo." Sombra said walking out.

On the outside Sombra was stern and not showing any fear but deep down he was terrified for what was coming. Off in the distance he could see both Celestia and Luna coming his way. The small army of ponies made up of mostly crystal ponies and some cantlerol soldiers looked ready to take him down all at once. As the princesses drew near he began sweating a great deal. Soon the three were within reaching distance with each other. The two gasped at Sombra's appearance as he sat there waiting for them to begging their talk.

"How can I help you?" Sombra said cooly.

Celestia face burned with anger. "What has happen to you?"

"Excuse me but is their something wrong?" Sombra asked.

"You're a monster." Luna said.

"Still nopony is telling me what everypony is upset about that they need to threatening me with an army." Sombra said.

"You have hurt to many to say such a thing like that. You have enslaved you own kingdom that you ruled and now parade around like a king drunk with power. We are here to set these ponies free and put an end to your madness." Celestia said brightly.

"Oh and how will you do that?" Sombra hissed.

"By force." Luna said.

"Good luck with that." Sombra said turning away.

"Sombra please listen to me your troops told us that you're not well. Let us help you and maybe we can find peace somewhere inside your mind." Celestia said breaking her composure. "I know that this is not the real you and something had to drive you to lash out this way. Please don't make us hurt you."

Sombra stopped feeling the sadness from her voice made him feel weird. Then a roaring feeling of anger came washing over him. "I don't need to be saved. I don't need you help. You come to my door with one hoof ready to embrace me with a hug and the other holding a sword ready to strike. Well I am no fool and I am sane enough to know that I am not crazy."

Luna began prepareing to lung only to be stopped by Celestia. "We'll give you one hour to comply. Then we are not responsible for your fate."

Sombra hissed and turned around to walk away. "That's right Tia no pony is responsible for my fate cause its mine to control."

The two princess looked at each other in horror.

"Sister what happen to him? He looks like somepony that we never seen before." Luna said.

"I don't know and whatever it is it needs to be stopped." Celestia said.

Sombra walked almost zombie like back to Sam and the other guard.

"Well?" Sam asked.

"They want me to surrender within the hour." Sombra said.

Sam smirked. "Well I know thats not going to happen so we best...."

Sombra raised his hoof to silence him. "Sam leave me and thats an order. Go and live your life somewhere else. As for you soilder go and be with your family. I no longer have the need to fight anypony."

Sombra walked past them and headded for his palace.

Sam and Chrysalis looked at each other.

"What's gotten into him you think?" Chrysalis asked.

"I don't know but I want to find out. As for you, you need to come along with me back to palace at once." Sam said.

Sombra laid his head against his hoof not saying a word. His face had the look of pony who knew he was in trouble.

His generals and guards stood around hoping to get some sense of direction

"Um sir the most of the empire has retreated to their homes like you ordered. There is no pony left besides us and the troops outside." One said.

"Some even have gone off to join the others outside the city"

"They're traitors I say."

"Please sir we need orders!"

"Should we start evacuating the remnants of this house? Or do you wish to stand and fight?"

The dark king sat in silence. Finally he looked at them all in the eye. "Do what you wish I longer care what happens to anything anymore." Sombra said letting out a deep breath. "Why do you all still stay after all I have done? Shouldn't you all be running towards Celestia embracing freedom form the tyrant that is your king?"

Samuel stepped in between the group of guards that formed around his throne.

"Sam? I thought I told you to leave." Sombra said.

"Well sir you did always have an act for telling me something that I didnt always agree with. Besides I swore an oath to protect you until the bitter end." Sam said.

"Looks like that end is going to come. Whenever the winds blows against the house of the crystal empire comes the bitter winter. There will be nothing but silence and despair. Who knew that I would be the last ruler of the empire, out off all the ponies why me? Did I destroy parts of my kingdom? Did I hurt my own kind? Yes. I guess that destiny has decided my fate for that reason and now I welcome the deliveries of my punishment. What do you think they will do with me?" Sombra asked.

"Nothing and do you know why? Cause I would rather die then see the ruler of the crystal empire be tried and convicted like a common criminal." Sam said shaking his forehoof.

Sombra smiled. "I am no criminal, but I have done things much worse."

"You lashed out in a time of pain and all you wanted was others to feel the same way. Deep down all you did was mimic what others do when they're wounded greatly. Now granted you did some things that made me question your morals and overall made me quite scared of you." Sam said stopping for a moment. You even did some things that deep down I can never shake. One thing I can't forgive you for is Mezzo. For all the things you're own flesh and blood was not above your wrath. It pained me in my heart what fate befell him and his wife. To be honest I hated you for it." He looked Sombra in the eyes. "I ensure you that not even through all off that, not for one sec did I every think of abandoning you." Sam said taking a chair by the window. "Now what are your orders?"

Sombra sighed. "I too felt great sorrow when I did it Sam but at the time it felt like I couldn't control myself. It was a nightmare that I could only watch fallout. Will the heavens forgive me? Would father or mother ever forgive me? Nopony has the answer to that question." Sombra said with a tear rolling down his face. "Orders? Why bother I mean what am I going to do? Run away? Leave the castle to be taken over by others? No, no I must stand and accepted punishment" Sombra said.

"Thats the kind of talk I didn't want to hear." Sam said rushing Sombra. "Look you're still the leader to the empire and we have enemies threating us. Now what are your orders?" Sam said removing his robe to reveal and old set of armor clinging to him. "Before you ask yes this armor his twice as old as you but it still holds its ground against anything thats modern." Sam said "Now be a king and create a plan."

Sombra got up and strolled around the room for a bit trying to think of a plan. Then something came to him. He could sneak out with his remmaing troops through the tunnels and regroup and plan a full scale attack.But what if that failed, what if the princesses use magical means to stop him? Granted his magic had increased greatly but he need time to think of something to counteract whatever they had. Plus there were two of them and only one of him.

"Sam I got something" He said breaking the silence.

"Yes sir," Sam said.

"I can regroup whats left of our army if i can get to the plains. I can get most of the army through the tunnels and out of the city" Sombra said.

"Thats a start but what if the princesses get here quicker than we predicted. Without any troops here they'll be on us within minutes."

Sombra pondered. He thought of two ideas of keeping his kingdom safe from the princesses."Then I will have a back up plan but I need some time in order to prefect it." Sombra said eying Sam.

A slow smile grew across Sam's face. "How much tim do you need?"

"As much as you can give me." Sombra nodded.

"Now lets say that I run into the princesses while 'buying time', how would you want me to deal with them?" The butler asked.

"Sam, they are no longer princesses. As far as I am concerned they are enemies to the empire. Search and destroy every enemy you see out there no matter who they are. I all ask of you is to return when I am ready to go." Sombra said puffing his chest up.

"And what of the citizens shall I help lead them away once you are ready?"Sam asked.

"We don't have time for that. They will be prisoners of war no, they will be motivation for us to conquer these invaders." Sombra said.

"Ha, I havent felt the spirit of battle in ages. So shall I go now and buy some time?" Sam asked.

"Yes go and do whatever it is you use to do before being my butler." Sombra ordered.

"Yes sir." Sam said saluting him. "If I shall not return sir may I say it has been an honor serving you."

"You will return." Sombra said.

"Yes sir." Sam said. "Now who wants to join me in charging into oblivion?" Sam asked the remaing guards in the room.
At first there wasnt a response but soon more than a dozen raised there hooves.

"Good now fallow me we have work to do." Sam said leading the group out the door.

"Prepare to evacuate general Gog." Sombra said watching Sam walk out.

"Yes sir." Gog said.

"Now all of you leave this room I need it concentrate." Sombra said pulling the heart out from his armor.Once the room was cleared he began thinking of something to insure he would be the victor.

Chrysalis walked a bit down past the steps that reached the top of the palace. She kept looking back down and kept remebering all the things that had happen.

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen" She said to herself. "I wish that I had never meet him or at least stayed with him." She stopped dead in her tracks. "But in a way I am glad I did but it also pains me as well." She opened the door so that she could stand atop the palace over looking the capital "I actually loved him." she said with tears begging to stream from her eyes. "I actually did not use him for only my needs. I messed him up but that wasn't on purpose. I need to go back." She said turning around.

Her eyes caught a sight that shook her. Across to the east to where she was standing came marching down the army of Canterlot and the remnant of crystal ponies. Its forces nearing the east part of the city. She could see citizens running to the army with joy as if they had been suffering for years. Her pace soon became a galloped as she began racing back down stairs.

Celestia and Luna both walked side by side down the city's street trying to calm the crystal ponies.

"Please return to your homes you're free now." Luna shouted.

Celestia looked all around in appaulment at the condition of the capital. Crystal ponies looked starved to death while nothing had the famous shine that the empire was know for. But the thing that stork he the most odd was the palace. It was a ugly shade of black with jagged crystals sticking out of. The top had been reshapen to form from what she could tell was almost a lighthouse shape. This only stopped her train of thought for a second, she remembered the reasons that she came here in the first place. A small crystal pony came run up to her, throwoing itself down before.

"Oh thank you, thank you. Have you come to rescue us?" The small pony asked.

Celestia stood in shock, she was eyeing the whip marks all across the pony's back. Reaching down she picked up the small filly and held her like a mother would do.

"Yes I have now I need you to go home and wait with your family. Can you do that for me?" Celestia asked in a sweet whisper.

The fill looked up at her. "Yes ma'am."

"Good now go." Celestia ordered.

The small philly ran off dissapering around a corner and out of the sight of the army.

Celestia stood still for a moment not saying a word.

"Sister are you all right?" Luna asked.

Celestia snapped her head back. "Why did he do this?" She asked angrily.

"What?" Luna asked.

"Why did Sombra do this to his ponies, He knew that he would be exposed and dealt with. But what happen, something had to change him, something had to make him become this cruel creature." Celestia said grinding her teeth.

"Sister whatever happened happened. All we can do now is fix what he has destroyed." Luna said.

Celestia smiled weakly.

"Most of his army has left his side and has come to us. It won't be long now." Luna said.

All of the sudden a whistle broke the through the air. Immedialty all the crystal soldiers began shaking in their armor.

"What is the matter solider?" Luna asked.

"It's.....It's.... Sir Samuel." One said.

Down the road near the palace stood a pony sorrounded by loyalist with a smile across his face. "Welcome Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. My name Is Samuel but you can call me Sam. I am afraid we are going to have ask you to leave or else I will make you."

Chrysalis rushed through the palace reaching the throne room door. The generals all stood outside trying to hide thier sense of hopelessness.

"Did something happen?" She asked.

"The king wished to be alone." General Gog said.

"Well I have a message for him from the invaders." She said.

The generals looked at each other and shrug. "Go ahead maybe they can talk some sense into him."

Chrysalis opened the door and stepped inside.

Sombra was sitting on the floor channeling magic from his horn to the heart. The magical energy flowled from the heart and into the place.

"Sombra." Chrysalis spoke in her natural voice.

Sombra looked up , confused by her appearance and from what he heard. She slowly transformed back into her natural state.

"You." Sombra said.