• Published 3rd Apr 2013
  • 3,321 Views, 54 Comments

The Heart of Shadows - TheSilentAuthor

A young prince of the crystal empire saves a strange creature and soon becomes attached to it

  • ...

Darkness Emerges

Sombra smiled as he sipped from his glass. "Brother, I haven't felt this happy in a long time."

Mezzo just stared with a puzzling look at his drink not saying a word. He looked tired but not in the sense that he did a great amount of work but the the tiredness of wanting something.

"Something wrong?" Sombra asked.

"It's nothing its just so over whelming that a living part of history has returned to us." Mezzo said.

"Yes it is amazing isnt it?" Sombra smirked. "After all to have it come under the same time as my rule is just incredible. Years from now they will retell how it was during this time that it returned."

Mezzo looked at Sombra with a look of distrust. "Yes this time."

Sombra looked at the sky and began to imagine the future. "Oh, I must go and tell Chrysalis. Meet up with you later?"

"Yeah sure." Mezzo said.

Sombra trotted off leaving his brother on the balcony alone with his thoughts. The alicorn slumped over the railing with his eyes falling down to the city. His heart called out for the strange crystal but he couldn't explain why. As soon as it passed by he sensed a great power within it. The thought came to him that Sombra must have also sensed this and he became worried. Though he loved his brother he couldn't help but feel something bad was about to happen to him. Then the thought entered his mind.

"Could I?" Mezzo said. "Come now, I am starting to sound like my wife. Sombra would never do that to me nor I do it to him."

Sombra walked down the hall with his head held high.

"The heart is mine." He said with a grin. "Though Mezzo seemed to have experienced the same feeling of overwhelming power like I did when I first saw it. Could he have felt the same feeling of longing for it as well? I have to study this thing some more to see just how powerful it really is."

"Sombra." Chrysalis voice said cutting off his train of thought.

"Chrysalis dear I have the most spectacular news to ever grace this palace in years." Sombra said.

Chrysalis trotted up to him and instantly gazed over him. " That's great but firstly are you feeling any better?"

Sombra smiled. "Yes I think I have calmed myself down but thats not important."

"Well it is important to me. I just don't want you feeling ill and going around telling everypony off." Chrysalis said.

"Yes I know and I apologize to Vig already. I was out of line and rude." Sombra said.

"And?" Chrysalis asked.

Sombra smiled and suddenly kissed her with a flash. "And I am sorry for snapping at you. If I ever do it again you have my permission to give me a good smack on the face."

Chrysalis shook her head from his sudden actions. "I....I am thankful for you apology."

"Now do you want to hear the news or not?" Sombra asked.

"Very much so." Chrysalis said.

Sombra straitened himself up. "The famous and incredible crystal heart was discovered recently and is now residing in our palace."

Chrysalis let out a gasp of shock. "Sombra are you being serious?"

"As serious as the sun sits in the sky." He said.

"Sombra that fantastic you must be so proud right now." Chrysalis said.

Sombra grabbed her and drew her close to him. "Well its only the second time where I felt good about something that happen unexpectedly."

"Oh and what was the first?" Chrysalis asked.

He responded by kissing her firmly on the lips. Sombra felt a chill go up his spine as he held her there for a bit.

"Why the first has to be the first time we kissed." He whispered.

"Oh please Sombra always with the romantics?" She said while blushing.

"I was being serious." Sombra said. "Ever since you came into my life everything has gotten better. Yes I might have hit some speed bumps here and there, but a lot has changed. Several months ago I was a depressed prince who though he didn't have anypony that understood him. Then I stumbled upon you. At first I was didn't know what was going to happen but as it went on I was kind of glad it turned out this way. Now that we are here and in this spot I am glad that I revealed how I felt about you." He said trying to think how he was going to top his last sentence. "So now lets try something else that's unexpected. Chrysalis I would like to ask you to...." He took a gulp. "I would like to ask you to marry me."

Chrysalis stared with a horror stricken look. "What?" She finally managed to say.

"Will you marry me?" Sombra asked again.

"I mean would they allow it. I thought only princess were allowed to marry a prince." Chrysalis said.

"I allow it and if I say it is okay then it is. Besides you are much more important than any princess in the world to me. To me you're more than that. To me you're a queen among ponies." Sombra said. "Now again will you marry me?"

Chrysalis smiled and kissed him. "Yes." She whispered once she pulled away.

Sombra clutched her closer to him. "You have no idea how happy you have just made me. Never in my life would I though I would feel this way about something. Chrysalis, we are going to be so happy together."

"I know, I know." She said.

Sombra felt so giddy inside. "Come lets go." He said pulling her along as he began rushing off.

"Sombra, where are we going?" She asked.

"I don't know, there is so much rushing through my head right now. I mean this could be possibly be one of the best days of my life." He said with a laugh. "I have to show you it."

"You mean the heart?" She asked.

"Yes the heart." He said.

The two bounded down the stairs and were both standing in one of the main halls.

"Can somepony please find my the vault keepers please and tell him to bring the new arrival?" Sombra called out.

A guard from a across the room stood forward and bowed. He ran off to go do the request. After a minute he returned with the vault keepers who looked excited and worried at the same time. Sombra noticed that the older one had the heart. It was in a box but he could feel the energy coming off from it. It was calling for him, he craved for it's touch.

"Sombra you're sweating like a pig." Chrysalis said.

"Eh, it's a bit warm in here isn't it?" He said.

Chrysalis looked at as if he had misplaced where he was. Surely the coming fall weather wasn't too warm. The vault keeper who held the box approached the prince shakily.

"You called upon us sir?" He asked.

"Yes I wish to see the heart once again." Sombra said.

The pony placed the heart on the ground and took a key hidden beneath his mane. Unlocking the box he slowly lifted the heart handing it to Sombra.

"Here you go my lord." He said.

Sombra grabbed the heart quickly and began basking in it's majestic form. The heart shined greatly with it's pale blue light toying around with the shining objects near by. Turning to Chrysalis he motioned for her to come closer.

"Come, you have to hold it." Sombra said.

"Me? Oh no I couldn't." She said.

"Come now I'll make sure you don't drop it or anything." He said.

She slowly moved in and placed her hooves on it. "Promise me that you wont let me hold it alone. I don't want to be responsible for the destruction of a beloved treasure."

"I promise." Sombra said.

He gave more of it so that she could cradle it almost. He kept his hooves under her's to give her a sense of comfort. Then without warning he quickly jerked his hooves away so that she could hold it by herself.

"Sombra! Please don't make me hold it by myself." She pleaded.

"You got it there is nothing to worry about." He said playfully.

"Sombra its just that I don't want anything to happen to it." She said.

"Maybe she's right sire." The vault keeper said cutting in.

Sombra glared at the vault keeper. "It's fine."

This caused the pony to step back. He looked at the heart as if he was watching a drama play. Sombra kept watching as Chrysalis was begging to sweat herself. Every single move she did was jumpy and spastic. Sombra thought she was going to have a heart attack.

"Okay give it back now." Sombra said laughing.

Chrysalis quickly returned it to him. "Thank you."

Sombra smiled. "Isn't beautiful? It reflects a little of all of us in a way. I mean the crystal ponies. We share it's shine and overall magnificent presence. I would go as far to say that this is the very soul of the empire." He stopped for a moment to think. "Guards get Sam down here immediately." Sombra turned to Chrysalis. "This will be placed upon the palace so that all can see it. This doesn't need to be hidden away from the world it needs to be shown. It will symbolize how we are all one and soon we shall be too."

Chrysalis blushed at these words. "Sombra please there are ponies around."

"Oh I don't care in fact. HEY EVERYPONY, YES EVERYPONY I AM GETTING MARRIED." He shouted loudly. Not to princess from a far and strange land. Nor am I wedding a mare who's family line has had mighty figures throughout history. No, I am getting married to Chrysalis here.

The room fell to a complete silence. Ponies stood there in shock some had their mouths hanging open.

"Not the response I was hopping for but still. I am getting married and I want it as soon as possible." Sombra said. Turning around he saw Sam standing there with his mouth hung opened. "Ah Sam my boy."

"Sir...I." He began.

"Now I need you to do a few things for me okay?" Sombra said. "Firstly I want some sort of a holding display built right in the palace courtyard. I want you to oversee it gets done because I know I can trust you."

"Why.......why do you need?" The butler stumbled over his words.

"It is going to hold the crystal heart my dear friend. For all the empire to come and see. All will be able to say that they saw it with their own eyes." Sombra said.

"You said that you're getting....." Sam froze in place.

"Come again friend I didn't hear you?" Sombra said.

"You said you were getting married?" Sam asked.

"Yes in fact I did say that. Isn't that wonderful?" Sombra asked.

Sam paused for a minute bitting his lower lip. "Yes sir its fantastic, congratulations."

"Thank you, now I need the finest architect in the city to report here. Can you go do that for me?" Sombra asked.

Sam still stood there with a blank expression on his face. "Yes sir." He managed to say before trotting off.

Sombra nodded as he left. "Now Chrysalis shall we go and find a planner or whatever it is they call themselves?"

Chrysalis shrugged. "I mean if you really want to but don't you think that you should have the heart secured first before doing anything?"

He looked at the heart that he was still holding. Thoughts rushed through his head as he tried to think of an idea on how the display would look. All thoughts though came to one conclusion, he had to keep it safe. He had to keep it away from anypony who may want it for themselves.

"Yeah, you're right I'll go do that right now." He said slowly.

"Good, it just gives me the jitters seeing you holding that thing so casually." She said. "I'll come and see you whenever you figure it out."

She quickly moved up a flight of stairs and out of his vision. Turning to the room full of ponies he slowly made his way towards his throne room. Striding carefully as he could, watching everyponies movements. He couldn't take any chances for any of them could strike him down and take the heart. As he opened the door to his throne room a guard tried to assist him.

"What are you doing!." Sombra demanded.

The young stallion almost jumped out of his body. "Nothing sir just properly showing you respect." He said shakily.

"Well next time give me a warning." Sombra spat.

"Yes sir." The pony said while regaining his statue like composure.

Sombra felt something his mouth ache it was as if he had an unpleasant experience with the royal dentist. Naturally he used his tongue to feel around the spot he discovered blood was flowing from his teeth. Putting the heart down, much to the guards dismay he began rubbing his jaw line.

"Something wrong sir?" The guard asked.

"No just a tooth ache I guess." Sombra said with only his left side of his mouth in motion.

The place started to really burn with pain. Sombra tried to think of a way to numb it as fast as he could.

"Have wine brought to me at once." He ordered.

"Yes sir." said the guard dashing off.

Sombra put his hoof in his mouth to poke around the place to see if it was an infection of some sort. The place was swelling but he noticed that it wasn't his gum line that was hurting but a single tooth.

"Please don't be rotting." He said to himself.

With that another part of his mouth began hurting this time it was another tooth. In fact it was the tooth right above the one that had already been giving him pain.

"Did I bite into something that I shouldn't have? Well I want be able to answer anything without a mirror." He said grabbing the heart.

Entering his throne room he rushed to the little room where the mirror hung on the wall. Gazing into it he opened his mouth as wide as he could. Much to his fears both teeth had blood circling their bases identically. He notices that the opposite from the bottom one also had a small amount of blood coming forth from it. A knock from his door drew him away for a moment. Opening it he was once again in the presence of the young guard who this time was holding a jug. Sombra snatched it and slammed the door shut before the pony could say anything. Taking a swig of the fine drink he began swishing it around inside his mouth. The pain was going away but he probably needed to go get this checked out. Before he could take another sip the door flew open catching him by surprise.

"Who in there right mind thinks they can?" He stopped when he noticed that it was Gavotte standing there. "Oh hello ma'am."

"Sombra I...what happen to you." She said taking in his odd appearance. "You look terrible."

"Gee thanks." He said under his breath. "Well Gavotte I was just enjoying my sleep and awoken to find that I had been stricken with an unknown aliment. Also to answer your question, no I don't believe it is contagious and no nopony else has been stricken by it. All I do know about it is that it's making my teeth hurt. Now what did you come down here for?"

"I was looking for Mezzo and I are you sure you're alright?" She asked again.

"Yes I am fine but I would like to know how this all came about." He said taking a sip of wine.

"Probably got it from that filthy creature of yours." She said.

Sombra swallowed and his expression became a stern one. "Excuse me?" He asked low toned.

Gavotte put her hoof up to her mouth, obviously she didn't mean to say that out loud.

"What did you just say." Sombra asked again this time throwing the jug to the ground shattering it.

She slowly back away from him.

"How dare you say that about her you, you witch." Sombra hissed. His infected eye began burning but he could finally see out of it. All of the sudden it was like somepony took their hoof away from it. The burning feeling soon became a cool one. A strange flowing feeling crept along the outer corner. "You disgusting, all mighty, pompous idiot. How dare you come in here and make a remark like that. I can handle anything you say about me for I can defend myself but to insult somepony who isn't here to defend herself is just barbaric."

"Well to be honest you're the one whose acting barbaric right now. Besides it's probably true I mean she is a vile creature." Gavotte said sarcastically.

Sombra slammed his hoof into the ground leaving an impact on the floor. "You making it worse for yourself." He said. "One more remark and I will strike you where you stand." The anger inside of him began filling his mind up to the point of breaking.

"How dare you threaten me you monster, you abomntiaion of blood lines. I am a royal alicorn descendent of many others, some who still live near you. You have no right to talk to me like that understand? So why don't you just back off. I can say whatever I want about you and that little hell spawn thing you call Chrysalis." She spat.

With that he lost all control over himself. His rage began spewing from his mind almost blinding him. Gavotte stumbled as she started to shake at the site of him.

"What is wrong with you're eye it's got purple stuff coming out of it." She said timidly.

"Silence, you come here insulting me, my heritage, and my love. Well I can guarantee that it will be the last time this ever happens." Sombra hissed.

Gavotte's face became stern. "You lay so much as a hoof on me I will have the west nations bring down a fury that will crumble down this pathetic city. I tell you that if any harm is brought upon me that I will see that you're disgraceful reign is ended. You stupid half breed........

Sombra charged at her sending his hoof across her jaw. She hit the floor with a thunderous thud. The alicorn struggled to get up failing with each attempt. Blood gushed from her mouth as she stared with horror invading her face. Sombra stood over her breathing heavily. A cruel smile crept along his face as he watched her in pain. It was almost as if he was feeding off it. His mind began whispering thoughts that would be considered dark to most ponies. All of them ended with the same solution.

"Not so strong now without your tongue are you?" Sombra mocked. "Fitly creature." He said sarcastically. "From where I am standing it is you who is lower than dirt right now."

"Sombra.......please......have mercy." Gavotte whimpered. "Please....my daughter."

Sombra let out a wicked laugh. "Yes your daughter to bad you'll never get to say goodbye."

With one motion he channeled all his hate and rage into his horn and casted it like a spell. He beamed it down upon the alicorn not stopping for anything until he can be sure that it was done.

"See! See! Not's so funny now is it? What's that nothing to say? Good!" Sombra cackled.

He kept on and on to the point of exhaustion. Stopping for a moment he whirled backwards gasping for air. Looking down on the floor he could see something that chilled him. The alicorn's body wasn't moving. He slowly made his way over to still body and he notice that Gavotte wasn't breathing. Her eye's laid open as the last reaming light escaped through them. The odd thing was that her horn was now covered in small grey projections almost like crystal formations. Sombra held his hoof up to his mouth.

"I didn't mean to..." He teeth began aching. "I just wanter her to shut up for once and I did it." He said cold heartily.

With no remorse he went back to his throne room picking up the heart along his way. Flopping down on the great seat he began to let his mind wonder about what was to come next. Staring at the body he began to notice that the room had began to look more depressed. The shiny walls seemed less joyous and more grey.

"Fine lets all be depressed together." He said charging his horn.

With a few quick spells he changed the entire room into a dark grayish color.

"There much more lively." He joked. A knock came to his door. "Enter!"

Cracking open he saw his brother standing there with a smile on his face.

"Brother I just wanted to say that........." Mezzo's eyes fell upon his wife.

He galloped over to her and began cradling the pony to see if any life remained.

"Gav! Gav!" He said with tears begging to pour from his eyes. "Please talk to me."

Sombra watched feeling no remorse for what he did.

"What...What did you do?" Mezzo screamed at Sombra.

"I did away with her isn't that obvious?" Sombra remarked.

Mezzo let out a cry of frustration. "How could you! How could you do something like this?"

Sombra smiled. "Easily."

"You monster." Mezzo spat. "You got annoyed with her so you decided to......HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!"

"Don't raise your voice at me or else you'll be next." Sombra threaten.

Mezzo face showed that he was broken from the words. "Sombra what has happen to you? You just took my wife away and now you threaten me with my own demise? What is the matter with you?"

Sombra became annoyed. "Why does it always have to be something wrong with me? I do nothing but try and I receive no respect."

"You're the prince of the crystal empire how much respect do you need? You are nothing but a short sited fool who only thinks for himself." Mezzo spat.

"Watch you're tongue." Sombra growled. His horn began crackling with energy.

"Or what? We both know that I am soupier when it comes to magic, I have mastered my skills." Mezzo said producing his own aura around his horn. "I think it's time I put you in your place."

"I knew it!" Sombra hissed.

"What?" Mezzo asked bitterly.

"I always knew you were out to get me. You were always jealous that I was the one who got to rule." Sombra said.

Mezzo began shaking with anger. "No this has nothing to do with that. I always was contempt with father naming you the heir. This here right now is for Gavotte. I also do this for others who'd would have stood in this path of insanity of yours."

"So be it." Sombra said.

The dark unicorn turned around as if to call off the fight but quickly jolted back. He channeled all his anger once again into a spell, shooting it at Mezzo. The alicorn stood still and let the spell hit him squarely. Mezzo stood there with his own face showing anger. He quickly started walking forward sending Sombra into a state of panic.

"Get away from me." Sombra shouted.

Mezzo kept coming forward. Sombra stumbled back and fell to the foot of his throne. Turning around he noticed that the crystal heart sat gleaming on the chair. Grabbing it he clung to it hoping for a way out. He tried to think of something but the site of his brother's rage caused him to freeze.

Mezzo stood a foot away from Sombra. "Never in a million years would I ever bring harm upon you but now I don't know who you really are anymore. So what's about to happens pains me greatly brother. Goodbye."

Mezzo charged his spell making Sombra sweat. Focusing on his feelings Sombra began building a counter spell. A sudden feeling began channeling through him giving him strength. Noticing that the heart began to give off warmth he made the connection. Closing his eye's he prepared to unleash everything he had. His eyes burned greatly causing him to open them and shooting his spell. Mezzo flew back from being hit and began screaming in pain. Sombra stood up to take in the scene with the crystal heart in hoof. The heart still glowed making him wonder what powers it truly held.

"Well what do you got to say for yourself? 'Brother'." Sombra said sarcastically.

"What did you do?" Mezzo asked calming down from his pain.

"I really don't know I am just as surprised as you are. I think it has to do with this little gem stone here." Sombra said. "Now what were you saying about your magic being greater?"

Mezzo swallowed knowing that he may have been outgunned. He tried to think of way to get out and buy himself some time. With quick thinking he leaped up bolting towards the doors. Jerking his head back he shot a spell at Sombra stopping the mad unicorn from lunging at him. Sombra hit the floor releasing a blood curling scream as Mezzo quickly bolted out the door.

"Something the matter?" A guard asked standing in front of him, obviously hearing the commotion.

Mezzo pushed the guard out of the way and began heading up to his room. His mind was racing with emotions, mostly fear. The alicorn galloped as fast as he could to the room and almost broke the door as he entered. Turning towards the bed he watched as his daughter slowly stir from her nap.

"Who's there?" Octet asked sleepily.

Mezzo went over and picked his daughter up. "Hey sweetie sorry to wake you but we have to go."

"What?" Octet.

"We have to leave right now." Mezzo said.

"But why?" Octet asked.

"I'll explain later Octy but for now we have to leave." Mezzo said.

"Okay, where's mommy at?" Octet asked.

Mezzo bit his lip he tried to think of something. "She's busy at the moment but she will join us as soon as we get ready to leave. Now lets go."

"But we haven't packed anything up." Octet said.

"Don't worry about it we'll have somepony pack it up and sent to us now let's go." Mezzo said placing her on his back. "Now hang on cause we are going be to going fast."

Sombra clasp the heart closer to him so that he could gather strength. The spell that Mezzo used burned into his chest causing him to feel weak. The heart though rejuvenated him in a matter of moments. He felt a deep strength coming from it and soon he somehow began transmitting it to him.

"Guard!" He shouted as loud as he could.

The guard by the door quickly came in. "Yes sir....good heavens what happen." He said spotting the body of Gavotte.

"Never you mind now where did my brother go?" Sombra spat.

The guard stood paralyzed for he kept looking at the body and back to Sombra.

"Answer me you worm!" Sombra commanded.

"He went to the direction of the living corridors sir." The guard said backing away slowly.

Sombra hissed. "That fool is going to get it way worse than his precious wife did. Now get this body out of her at once!"

Sombra bounded out the door leaving the crystal heart on the throne. His speed was unnatural as he almost plowed through ponies to get to his destination. As he came to the room he slammed into the door, shattering it. Peering inside he could find no trace of his brother.

"Mezzo! Where are you!" He shouted.

Wasting no time he went back to his throne room to find the body of the alicorn gone but also something else. The heart was gone as well.

"Where is it? I left it here? Where? Did he?" He paused. "That stupid pony." Sombra spat.

Mezzo galloped as fast as he could away from the courtyard and was soon in the city streets. His mind was filled with doubts but he knew that he needed the heart to stop his brother.

"Daddy where exactly are we going?" Octet asked. "Also what was that thing you grabbed." She said while holding the stone.

"We are going home and never you mind what that is. Get ready sweetie for we are about to take off." Mezzo said spreading his wings.

Then he heard a voice that sent a cold shiver down his spine. "MEZZO!" Sombra screamed. Turning around he could see his brother charging through the streets with rage in his eyes. He pushed ponies out of his way causing many to start to follow him to see what was going on. Mezzo quickly began to take flight knowing he could still get away. Taking off he turned his head back to see his brother running behind him down below.

"THAT IS MINE!" Sombra shouted.

Sombra's eyes bursted with a strange purple aura, almost like flames to a fire. He let out another shout and a giant crystal formation bursted through the earth a couple of yards in front of Mezzo. It towered higher than his current altitude. Sombra galloped past and under his brother. He reached the base of the formation and began madly climbing it. Mezzo stared in horror as his brother quickly reached the top and began shooting spells at him. The alicorn tried to dodge but a spell hit him in one of his wings. He began falling to the earth as he heard his daughter scream.

"Octet you have to fly!" Mezzo said.

"But dad I haven't been trained fully yet." Octet said clinging to her father.

"All you have to do is flap your wings as hard as you can. Please Octet." Mezzo said.

"But I am scared." She whimpered.

Mezzo grabbed his daughter and tossed her in the air. He used his last remaining strength to give her the ability to use her wings through magic. Her wings felt strong and naturally she began hovering in mid air. She peaked open her eyes to the amazement of her flying. Looking down though her joy quickly vanished as she saw her father lying on the ground.

Mezzo let out a moan as he tried to move. "Somepony help me." He asked.

Crystal ponies began forming around him trying to help him back up.

"Get away from him!" Sombra shouted.

The crystal ponies parted away from the alicorn leaving him alone. Sombra galloped over to him and slammed his hoof into his brothers chest.

"You...you...pathetic worm." Sombra hissed.

"Please Sombra something is wrong with you. Let me help you." Mezzo pleaded.

"I dont need help all I need is for you to get out of my life." Sombra hissed. "Now where is the heart?"

Mezzo eyes looked at something from behind Sombra. Turning around Sombra saw Octet standing there with the heart.

"Octet sweetie would you please place that on the ground." Sombra said.

"Run! Run Octet!" Mezzo shouted.

"Quite! Octet please do what I say." Sombra said losing his pactientes.

"Don't do it Octet run away right now." Mezzo gasped.

Octet stood there not knowing what to do. She began slowly backing away as if she was about to bolt.


The little alicorn dropped the heart and began galloping down the street running to the outskirts of the city. Sombra began lunging at the heart only to be pulled back.

"You are not getting that heart." Mezzo said holding his brother back.

"You...can't...hold me back....any more." Sombra forcing his brother off him.

Mezzo fell to the ground smacking his head violently against the rocky road. Sombra quickly went over and scooped up the heart and turned around to face his brother. To his dismay there was protest or reaction from the alicorn who just laid in the street. Sombra went over to see a gash on the alicorn's head. The light from his brother's eyes was fading away slowly. The unicorn stood over his brother and quickly let out a sigh. Then sounds of ponies beginning to whisper amongst each other soon fell all around and soon began running through his ears.

He turned to face the huge crowd of crystal ponies that surrounded him. His eyes began burning brightly.