• Published 3rd Apr 2013
  • 3,332 Views, 54 Comments

The Heart of Shadows - TheSilentAuthor

A young prince of the crystal empire saves a strange creature and soon becomes attached to it

  • ...

Love's Last Moments

Sam stood tall with the rest of the reaming guards. All around he could see ponies that he now considered enemies coming for them. It almost brought a tear to Sam's eyes.

"This is where I'll meet my end." He said to himself. "All right colts this is where we must hold off the enemy. There is no turning back, no retreats, and no surrenders. Understand!"

"Yes sir!" They fired back.

"All right once they reach that building over there we charge in." Sam said.

The Canterlot troops went forward leaving the crystal soldiers behind in order to breach the palace.

"They seem so afraid of that pony sister. It's incredible that he is able to jolt so much fear into them." Luna said.

"It is troublesome but I hope he comes to see that we are the ones who are here to help." Celestia said in response. "Soldiers engage enemies if needed but try to take them unharmed. We march to the palace now."

The troops started moving forward with the two sister sitting behind. Sam ready himself as the sounds of many hooves crashed down all at once upon the stone road. "Farewell Sombra I hope you find peace somewhere in that mind of yours."

"Sir the enemies are coming closer should we attack now or wait?" A guard asked.

"Wait untill I say so. They haven't reach the spot yet." Sam said.

He watched as the enemy troops came closer and closer until they were several feet away from the spot he had picked.

"Lay down your arms or we will force you to." A Canterlot guard shouted.

"The only way you're going to get this weapon from me is from my cold dead hooves." He shouted back. Sam closed his eyes and smiled. Running forward he clutched his teeth down and let go off all his fears. "Attack!" He shouted charging into the line of colts.

The rest of the remanning loyalist followed and plunge into their enemy.

"Sister they're attacking!" Luna said. "We have to stop them."

"You're right lets go." Celestia said.

The two quickly went forward to where the small battle was taking place. Many of the crystal guards had fallen quickly due to the higher number of the of Canterlot troops. Despite their small numbers though the loyalist had caused many of the Cantelot troops to fall as well. In the end though it became a numbers game. Soon only a hoofful remanded of the crystal enemy. Celestia noticed that the one called Samuel was cutting through troops like they were nothing. The look in his eyes was a madding one that shook her to the core. Each pony he brought down seemed to fuel his fighting. He had cleared a small cicle around himself, beckoning any pony to challenge him. As the rest of his followers fell it became only him. The two princesses were now coming up to try and to make him surrender.

"Come on, I'll take on all of you." Sam said swiping with his sword.

"It is over solider you have lost all your colts and stand alone." Luna said sadly observing the surronding area.

"No, I never surrender. I will defend the palace from all invaders." Sam said.

"It's over please there doesn't have to be any more harm brought to anypony here." Celestia said.

Sam stood silent for a minute letting his sweat drip off from his body and down his armor. The butler looked up at the two princess and readied himself. "Let those who ask for a surrender be the ones who beg for it later." He said out load. Sam leapt ready to strike them down only to have a swarm of colts counterattack, burying the old warrior into the ground.

Sombra stared blankly at Chrysalis as the pair stood there in silence.

"Sombra I" She began only for Sombra raise his hoof up to stop her . Chrysalis stood, shaking from the glare that came from Sombra's eyes.

His mind was thrown into a state of confusion by the emotions that began filling him. On one side his mind kept reminding him that she was nothing more than a leech, a parasite who was now scared from being cut off from its food source. No matter what she was going to say it would only to be so that she could once again feed upon him. Dark thoughts soon crept into the corners of his perspective. As he stared at Chrysalis anger began building up, consuming him to the brink. He started to think of the ways that he could forever deal with the changeling, to rid her from existence and from his. The dark energy that he felt for so many days began fueling theres feelings of hate and soon it would be a matter of time before they drove him to act. Sombra began taking action but then another part of him began fighting against the hate. It started off as a smooth cool feeling that rushed his heart that began climbing to his mind. It was as if all the memories that he had of her before the grim discover was made began counteracting all his anger. Sombra felt passion and happiness come flooding back to him. Memories of him and Chrysalis just sitting together, walking, talking, holding each other, kissing, gazing into each others eyes all started to take effect on him. Sombra felt weird, even though he knew the truth about her it was as if he didn't care. Before he could reflect on these feeling the anger came roaring back destroying all traces of happiness that were left in him.

Chrysalis moved forward. "Sombra please let me explain, I didnt want to tell you the truth about my kind because I was worried that-"

"Silence you worm, you monster. This is all your fault, everything was going fine in my life until had to show up to ruin it." Sombra spat.

Chrysalis shook with terror. "Sombra, do you remember how we even meet?" She asked wearily.

A part of Sombra tried to access the memories only to be greeted with shadows distorting them.

"No and I don't want to remember. All was fine until you came. I had my future, my family, and the love of my empire all snatched away by you. A monster, a disgusting thing that preys upon others to survive. I could never bring myself to ever pity another vile thing such as yourself." The dark unicorn hissed.

"Please Sombra listen to me." Chrysalis begged.

"No, I have had enough of you lies you vile creature." Sombra said, his horn begging to crackle with a dark aura. He thought of a spell that would properly but her out of her misery. "Now dear Chrysalis." He said sarcastically.

"Sombra please." She said with tears begging to fill her eyes.

"Begon from this world forever." He said tilting his head back to gather energy. "BEGON!" He said shooting a beam of magic at her.

He was greeted with a small force that knocked him off his balance for a second. Staring at the spot where the changeling was, there was no trace that the spell had actually worked. Looking down he found the cause of the small force, it was Chyrsalis. Whatever happened she managed to dogged the spell and was now clinging to Sombra for dear life. She wept profusely as she clung to him. Her warmth sent a chill down his spin, calming the anger that had been raging within his heart. For once he felt like his old self, before the pain, before the dark magic, he felt like he did when he first picked the changeling up to carry her to the royal palace in Canterlot.

Chrysalis kept crying. "Please say something." She asked.

Sombra could barley speak, this sudden sift in his soul left him feeling week.

"Chrysalis?" he asked in a low voice.

Chrysalis stopped and looked up at him for she hadn't heard that tone from him in quite some time. "Yes Sombra?"

"Get off of me you monster." He yelled tossing the changeling away from him. Sombra felt like he was having split personality disorder episode.

The changeling scrambled to the wall. "Sombra please remember all that we shared."

"Sorry but my mind has been rotted, drained almost . Funny all that time where I though I was the one who was going crazy and it turned out it was just somepony else causing it." He hissed.

"Sombra I am sorry." Chrysalis said tearing up.

This caused him to stop in his tracks. "What?" He said in a gentle voice.

"I am sorry, I never meant to ever have harm befallen you. At first I tried to tell you but as the further we went on the harder it became." She said. "Now everything is going wrong and I feel so lost. Please Sombra forgive me."

Sombra held his head for it ached greatly. "No....you......used me."

"I know, I know I did and I should have ran away when I planned to but.....but." She babbled.

He became angry again. "BUT WHAT!"

She stopped. "It was the morning where you said that you loved me. I was planning on leaving and never coming back but you looked me in the eye and said you loved me. Deep down it pained me to stay but a part of me wanted to be by your side."

Sombra felt something move inside of him. It started in his eye and crawled down his cheek. Touching the place he notice that he had sprung a tear. "I said that I loved you?"

"Yes and I said I loved you too." Chrysalis pleaded.

"I love you." Sombra whispered. "I feel weak." He managed to say before falling to the ground.

Chrysalis tired holding his head up as he laid on the floor. "Oh Sombra I am so sorry I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I was scared that you would cast me out if you knew the truth and despite what Vig told you I am not a monster. It was never about feeding off of you or anything I didn't mean for that to happen but its what zo do naturally."

She was stopped by the raising of Sombra's hoof to her mouth. "I know." he whispered.

"What?" she asked obviously confused.

"I know that you really didn't mean for this to happen." Sombra smiled at her.

She grasped his hoof into her own. Her tears ran down her cheeks. "I am sorry." She whispered.

Sombra felt the passion that he felt before course through him. "Chrysalis?"

"Yes?" she asked lowering her face to him so that she could hear him.

She was greeted by a kiss on the cheek by him.

"I know that you didn't use you me just for food, I always knew. I should be the one to apologize to you for treating you so cruelly. I don't know what is but our interactions have changed me but for the better I think." Sombra said. "I am still worried but not as much now that you are here, please never let me make you leave again understand?"

Chrysalis nodded her head yes and proceed to fling herself on him wrapping her hooves to embrace him. Sombra felt that he could fall asleep right then and there but then reality came crashing down around him.

"The princesses." Sombra said out aloud.

Chrysalis removed herself and quickly got Sombra to his feet. "What are we going to do?" she asked.

Sombra stood still trying to think of a plan. With the army of Canterlot surrounding the palace and only a few small squads escorting the princesses escaping would be impossible. His army was trapped or had surrendered so counterattacking wasn't an option. Then it hit him like a brick.

"Of course mountains." He said aloud.

"What?" Chrysalis asked.

"The mountains, its an old gathering place just outside the reaches of the empire we can hold up there." He said.

"But then what? We will be sitting ducks, plus we got to figure out a way of here." Chrysalis said in an uneasy voice.

Sombra paced around the room trying to figure something out. Then it dawned upon him.

"Chrysalis stand back from that area." Sombra asked.

Using his magic he moved a great rug that was placed there., it revealed a huge peace of flooring that had obviously been cut out and put back it. Using his magic, Sombra lifted the flooring to reveal a large dark hole with stairs scaling all the way down. He remembered that his father created this way in case if anything happened to the castle or a threat by an enemy.

"You see we can use this way and escape through one of the underground tunnels." Sombra said.

Chrysalis looked down the hole, it seemed to go on forever. "Are you sure its safe?"

"Trust me it is." Sombra smiled.

In the back of his mind he began feeling anger and hatred making its presence strong again. It would only be a matter of time before he would lose himself to it.

"Guards!" Sombra shouted.

The throne room doors swung open and the remaining colts stood at attention awaiting they're orders.

"We are leaving this place though it is not a retreat nor are we abandoning the empire. It will only be temporary but we are going to make a break for the mountains to the north. There we will regroup and slowly drive these princesses from our land." Sombra said trying to inspire his colts.

The group shared the same tired smiles and respond with. "Yes sir."

"Good now we must make haste, I pray Sam is still alive." Sombra said.

Sombra stood still for a second, thinking about something.

Chrysalis began to worry as the rest of the guards quickly made they're way down the stairs except for a few to escort Sombra.

"Sombra we need to get going." Chrysalis said tugging him.

Sombra grabbed her staring into her eyes. "Before we do I need you to do something." Sombra said.

"Anything for you love." Chrysalis said.

"Good." Sombra smiled.

Celestia stood behind a solider fearing that this pony end was near.

"Alright enough get away from him right now!" Luna ordered

Celestia looked as the crowd moved away from the spot where the pony was last seen. Clearly there on the ground laid the warrior clucthing onto life's last few moments.

Sam's eyes stared at the sky as his breathing was starting to slow down.

Celestia walked over to the spot where Samuel lied down. He did not move a muscle. Despite his lifeless appearance she was on her guard for anything. With a moments silence she began hearing a soft laughter.

"Well done, well done finally somepony has defeated me." Sam said lifting his head to reveal bruises and cuts. across his face.

Celestia washed over with concern. "Can you stand?"

Sam let out a laugh.

"What is so funny?" Celestia asked. " Please get up."

"I can't." Sam replied.

"Why not?" Celestia asked bitting her lip.

"Because I can't feel my right forehoof, most my back, and my left eyes going out." He said.

Celestia gazed in horror at the state the pony was in. Most of his body was twisted and cut up past the point of healing. Thinking fast she began to conger up a spell so that maybe she could help him without doing any more damage.

"Don't dear princess for with one move I fear that you'll do more damage than help." Sam said with a smile.

Celestia began feeling miserable, she had never meant for something like this to happen.

"How does it feel?" Sam asked.

"What?" Celestia asked.

"How does it feel?" Sam asked again.

Celestia started becoming nervous.

"How does what feel?"Sam said.

Sam locked eyes with her sending her a message that shook her very soul. "How does it feel knowing that I am going to die?"

Celestia remained silent for a moment not wanting to seem weak in front of the warrior.

"Its okay to feel sad by this, death is never a thing one wishes upon somepony no matter who they are." Sam said looking the princess. "You did what you had to stop an enemy and now you continue on not looking back."

Celestia began shaking for she felt responsible for leading this pony and the others to their end.

"But how can I move on, its not like I can just put it out of my memory." Celestia said with a trembling voice.

Sam smiled at her. "You use this experience to fuel your inner passion so that you will never have to experience something like this again."

Silence soon crept across the city as the two just stood there not saying a word.

Finally Sam looked at Celestia, giving her a nod. "Goodbye Princess Celestia and may you find better days ahead of you."

The princess turned her head and closed her eyes to hide her pain. After a minute she turned around and gazed at the unicorn who was still. Celestia began feeling tears flowing from her eyes.

"I will fuel my passion from this. I will never have to resort to something like this ever again. Do you hear me? I will never have to deal with something like this ever again." She cried out. Stopping for a moment she looked upon his body. "My you find your way now." She said in a low voice.

Returning to her sister who was finishing up healing some of the troops, Celetisa began staring at the crystal palace where Sombra was hidden.

"You okay sister?" Luna asked.

Once Luna was done healing Celestia put her hooves on her sister's shoulders.

"Luna before we go in promise me one thing." Celestia asked.

"Anything." Luna responded.

"Promise that we will never let something like this happen again. Promise that we will never let anypony be treated like this again. Above all promise that we will never have to fight against somepony like that ever again." She said teary eyed.

Luna placed her hooves on her sister's shoulder as well. "I promise that we will never let this happen as long as we live."

Celestia looked at the palace. "Good, lets end this."

"Sombra I dont think I can do such a thing I mean what if it doesn't work? I don't think I am strong enough to pull something like that off." Chrysalis looking down.

Sombra clenched her hoof in his own. "Please just promise you will try if it happens."

Chysalis looked at him and forced herself to smile. "Okay I will but hopefully we don't have to resort to that."

"I pray that isn't the case ether now lets go we haven't got much time." Sombra said escorting her down the dark stairs.

"Wait Sombra." Chrysalis said stopping. "What about the crystal heart?"

Sombra stopped and turned around to see the crystal heart lying on the throne. It looked darker and less bright than he had remembered. Looking into it he knew that he couldn't let it fall into the hooves of his enemies. "Dont worry I will have it hidden away where nopony will be able to find it." Sombra said. " Once we leave we'll hide it here so we can retrieve it. Behind me is a hidden staircase that leads deep into the earth below where will make our escape. As soon as we get down there I'll have gaurds take the heart someplace else."

"Can you trust them?" Chrysalis asked.

"They have stayed this far haven't they?" Sombra remarked.

Sombra felt a disturbance as a cold wind came through the palace. That could only mean one thing.

"We have to go now. Guards! We are leaving now." Sombra grabbed Chryslis's hoof. "Quickly down we go." Sombra said begging to descend the stairs in an alarming pace.

The way was dark and dense, almost a suffocating feeling. Chrysalis stated close to Sombra as his troops tripped and stumbled behind. After while they finally came to the end of the great staircase. Reaching the bottom what was left of Sombra's guards stood waiting for their next orders.

"Glame, Skimp take the heart through that door and place it on top of the palace. Don't worry it's a shorter rout trust me. Laslty and I do hate asking this but can you stay in the throne room?" Sombra asked.

The two guards looked at each other as if he asked them to march to their executions. "Yes sir." the said weakly.
Sombra handed the heart slowly over to Glame who was shaking to the point of collapse. The gaurd swolloed and gave a weak salute as he went through the door disappearing. Sombra felt weaken inside now that the heart was no longer in his possession. It was as if something was removed from his body. He watched as the other guard followed.

"Good now the rest of you on me lets go." He said pulling Chrysalis along.

Her eyes caught Sombra's face which was filled with doubt. "Sombra if somehow this tunnel doesn't lead out how do you expect to get out of the city alive?" She asked concerned.

"I'll think of something but for now we keep heading north." Sombra said leading the group down a dark tunnel.

The two guards returned to the throne room clutching their weapons for dear life. At first there was only silence but then the soft sounds of hoofsteps started echoing in the hallway.

"Right once they enter we jump them catching them off guard." Glame said.

"Whats the point they're alicorns the probably can just say a few magic words and turn us to dust." Skimp said throwing his weapon down.

"Fool get ready." Glame said.

"There isn't a point in fighting I don't want to die. I have a wife and fillies to look after." Skimp said.

The great door to the throne room swung open and the two guards looked and beheld the two princesses. Celestia and Luna stood with a great number of guards behind them. Without hesitation Glame went charging at the pair with his spear aiming for them. Luna easily just stunned him with a flick of her horn causing him to be knocked out.

"Please dont hurt me I'll tell you whatever you want." Skimp said falling to the ground covering his face with his hooves.

"Where is he?" Celestia asked kneeling down beside him.

"You mean Sombra?" Skimp asked.

"Yes, where is he?" She repeated.

The terrified guard pointed at the opening behind him. "Down there. There is a secret passage way, he's trying to use the tunnels that leads to the outskirts of the town."

"Where exactly does the tunnel end?" Luna asked looking at her sister sharing the same idea.

"North side by the old clock tower, can't miss it." Skimp said.

"Thank you very much good sir. Luna get that window opened." Celestia pointed. "Alright everypony quickly get out of here and surround the city. Nopony is leaving until we catch Sombra."

"Yes ma'am." The colts said quickly leaving.

Luna couldn't get the grand window to open so she used her magic to shatter it. The two then took off into the air racing towards the north end of the capital. As they traveled a very light snow began falling from the sky.

Coming out to a small opening the small entourage arrived at the outskirts of the capital.

"Right sir we need to head north as fast as we can." Chief Warstar said to Sombra.

"Seems the weather has turned its smile upon us, this will make it hard for anypony to follow us." Sombra said looking behind.
He gazed at his palace with great sadness building up in him, never in a million years did he think he would have to abandon it. Chrysalis wrapped her hoof around his as if trying to encourage him. Sombra gave her a weak smile in return.

"You going to be okay?" She asked softly.

Sombra let out a sigh. "Yeah I mean eventually we will take it back but for now you're all I need." He said kissing her. "Right lets move out colts."

The small group set out towards the frozen wasteland that lied a good bit a ways from the capital. Sombra turned around to see the if anypony was following them off in the distance. Something in his mind told him to that he needed to get out of there. As soon as this feeling hit he noticed the army of Canterlot soilders had begun forming outside the city in a circular motion.

"Be on guard." Sombra ordered. "Formation around me."

The small group of guards encircled the pair as they stood around searching for what ever alarmed their king.

"What is Sombra, whats out there?" Chrysalis asked almost worried.

Somrba began channeling his magic through him case he needed the extra strength. Before anything was going to happened he turned around and held Chrysalis's hooves. They felt so soft, he guided one to cup the side of his face.

"Chrysalis I need you to do one more thing." Sombra said.

Chrysalis began worrying. "What?"

Sombra gazed into her eyes, he almost lost where he was for a moment. "I need you to run."

"What? No I will do no such thing." Chrysalis protested.

The feeling of fear started to consume his mind and it wouldn't be long before something was bound to happen. He felt a powerful presences getting closer with each second and now he could feel something else. What was only one presence was now two which helped confirmed his fears. Sombra looked behind to see if they have arrived but the snow now made it impossible for anypony to see a few feet ahead of them.

Sombra grabbed Chrysalis and kissed her while holding her close to him. He made the moment last as long as he could before he began feeling strong enough.

Letting Chrysalis go he held her hooves in his. "Please go now, if this all turns south I don't want you to get hurt."

Chrysalis began babbling "But Sombra i-"

"I promise that I will come and find you." Sombra said.

He let go of her hooves and waited for her to make a move. She looked up at him as if she was never gong to see him again.

"Please run." Sombra said softly.

She rushed up to him pecking him once more on the lips. "You better not get hurt." She said.

Sombra smiled. "I promise."

Chrysalis smiled and soon she began galloping in the direction of a mountain only turning around hesitantly. She locked eyes with Sombra and soon she disappeared into the snow. As soon as she vanished Sombra let out a painful cry.

"Sir are you alright?" One of the guards asked.

Sombra began letting out a quite laugh. "Never felt better." He said.

The small group looked at each other for the voice did not sound like the one that belong to Sombra. It was his but almost distorted from frustration. Gazing upon him the began noticing an purple aura begging to flow form his horn. Soon it grew into a deep black with crackles of energy fuming off. Sombra violently jerked his head up to reveal that his eyes had turned to a shade of green. All the stallions of the group soon began feeling fear creep into the corners of their minds as they watched their king twitch all over. Then within an instant the purple aura soon began fuming almost leaking out of the corners of Sombra's eyes. Instead making a downward motion like tears they raised up like a kindled flame.

"Come, come and meet you doom young princesses once I am done with you there will be nothing left for anypony to find of you." Sombra hissed. "Prepare yourselves colts for this will be place where death comes for us."

The guards looked at him with panic as the words came from his mouth. One of the younger ones threw done his spear and began galloping back to the capital.

"Traitor! Once I dispose of the princesses I will come for you and everypony that you hold dear!" Sombra screamed after him.

Snapping within his mind the feeling he felt of the two princesses was suddenly gone. It was as if they had disappeared into thin air. Looking all over he growed to himself.

"Be on your guard." He ordered.

The small patrol took positions ready for anything to strike out against them. Silence was the only thing that begun attacking them, it filled the air to the point of chocking. Just then like a flash of lighting one of the guards screamed and vanished into then air.

"What was that!?! You better have a good reason for screaming like a scared filly." Sombra turning to the direction of the scream.

Much to his surprise and to rest of the group the young stallion was no longer anywhere to be found.

"Stay close, back to back formations now!" Sombra ordered.

Despite his orders another stallion let out a scream and just like the other he was nowhere to be found.

"Report!" Sombra yelled.

"I don't know sir he just vanished." General Flats said.

Sombra began growing annoyed. He was about to give orders until three of his guards suffered the same fate. Whirling around he could see not trace of them. With those loses he was now just down to four troops including himself.

"I am done with this." He said.

Concentrating he began using his magic to clear the area around him so the snow wasn't blinding him. Creating a small pocket of air he could see a good ways around him.

"Show yourself you cowards what have you done to my colts!" He shouted.

"We did them a favor." Luna's voice sliced through the air above him.

Gazing into the sky his eyes fell upon the image of the two royal canterlot princesses. Grinding his teeth he began cursing at himself while his guards trembled in horror.

"You fools stop that! You shake at the site of a pair of princesses who haven't got any years of experience over you. Stand tall for these two are our enemies." Sombra spat.

"That is enough Sombra, you're rule has come to an end and these colts no longer have to follow your orders." Celestia said proudly.

The group of colts looked at Sombra with defeat in their eyes.

"What? No, my rule has only just begun." Sombra said."Guards remember these are the two who just destroyed your fellow comrades." Luna let out a laugh causing Sombra to become annoyed. "What may I ask is so funny?"

"We didn't destroy or hurt any of the ponies that were here we just sent them back." Luna said.

"Back where?" Sombra shouted.

"Back to the capital, you see we teleported them there." Celesita said.

"Ha I doubt that you two could ever master such a spell let alone cast it with such ease. Don't believe a word these two say for it is nothing but lies." Sombra smirked.

"Is it? Luna now!" Celesita shouted.

With a flick of her horn Luna beamed a low aura striking the rest of Sombra's guards. Much to his surprise they all disappeared before his eyes.

"No, no, no, you cant be that powerful." Sombra growled.

Thinking fast he shot an aura beam trying to strike the the two princesses but to no avail. He began feeling his own fear begging to craw up his spine. Over and over he began shooting spell after spell none to which made they're proper use on the two. Sombra began to panic. How was this possible? Wasn't his magic suppose to be superior? He started to think of what his next move should be but all he could think was that he should run. Trying one more time he fired a deadly spell directly at Celetisa pouring all his hate and might into it. Celestia almost didn't batter an eye to it as she slowly started to lower her altitude.

"Given up yet?" Luna smirked. "Face it Sombra your no match for us or our sister."

"Luna thats enough we are not her to gloat." Celestia said hushing her sister.

"Yes Luna quite I am not mach for you apparently and your sister here knows that." Sombra smiled. "Yet when you do show off she is always around to silence you isn't she? Always taking the spotlight for herself."

"Quite Sombra my sister wont fall for your craftiness." Celesita barked.

Sombra could see a spark in Luna's eyes, one that could tell that she had already had the thought that he had given her.

"Luna lets end this." Celestia said shooting her magic off in the distant direction.

Feeling the ground begging to shake Sombra felt something terrible was coming.

"Sister what spell do you wish to use upon him?"Luna asked charging her horn.

"Easy we will make him into what he has truly become. A shadow upon which has devoured all hope within his kingdom. Ready?" Celesita asked doing the same.

Sombra began charging his magic so the he could repel whatever was coming his way.

"Now!" Celestia shouted.

The two beamed two lines of magic crushing Sombra. He began feeling his body fading away as if he was begin submerged into water. He looked at his hooves as the rays of light continued to affect his body. They began crumbling away like sand does when meeting water. It was most painful as the rest of his body fell to the same state. Soon he felt nothing as if he had no body. His mind and thoughts were still there but he couldn't feel the ground beneath him.

"Now Sombra!" Celesita shouted.

Sombra looked up in horror.

"Away with you!" she shouted shooting him with her magic.

His form was lifted into the air and carried away to crevice in the icy ground. He was tossed into the crevice like a rag doll. letting out a scream he felt sere fear take over him. Once he entered the crevice closed up sealing him inside.