• Published 3rd Apr 2013
  • 3,331 Views, 54 Comments

The Heart of Shadows - TheSilentAuthor

A young prince of the crystal empire saves a strange creature and soon becomes attached to it

  • ...

A Grim Trip

The wind blew fiercely in the city of Canterlot as Sombra stuck his head out of the window of the carriage. The sun hung low in the coming hours of the young night. Looking off into the short distance he admired how the Canterlot place looked against the evening backdrop. The sounds of many ponies soon began filling the air. He could see that the palace entrance was filled with carriages unloading ponies from all over Equestira.

“Well, we made good time.” Sombra said to himself. He quickly pulled his head back inside and turned to face Chrysalis. “We’re here.” He smiled nudging her softly.

“Good, I was beginning to think that we would never arrive.” Chrysalis said yawning and rubbing sleep from her eyes.

“Had a good nap?” Sombra asked.

“Yep, I didn’t snore did I?” Chrysalis asked.

“Not a sound.” Sombra said. "You sure you're comfortable with all this? I mean it can be nerve wracking." Sombra said.

Chrysalis smiled revealing her short fangs which sparkled in the dimming light. "I think I will be just fine." She said.

Sombra smiled and sat back waiting for their destination. The carriage came to a complete stop and soon a voice was heard outside. Sombra looked down at his hoof seeing the reflection of himself against the armor he wore. Of all the things his father could have past down it was only his armor that he personally had left for Sombra to have. The door opened from the outside reveling the courtyard of the great palace.

“You ready?” Sombra asked Chrysalis.

“You bet.” She said striating her mane a tad bit.

Stepping out into the open Sombra couldn’t believe the amount of ponies that had come for this funeral. Everywhere he looked he could see pegasus, unicorns, and just earth ponies from all over, some where even from different countries. A guard made his way to the side of the carriage.

“Prince Sombra, thank you for attending the funeral of our late and beloved king.” He said in a prestigious voice.

“A grim honor to be here good sir but a honor no less. Shall I make my way into the hall now?” Sombra said stepping down onto the ground.

“Yes sir our seating this evening is unfortunately limited due to the unexpected amount of guest that have arrived. So apologizes ahead if it is not to your liking.” The guard said.

"Oh, I think it will be just fine. Come now Chrysalis." Sombra said.

Chrysalis stepped out catching the guard by surprise.

“And who is this?” The guard stuttered.

“Ah, this is Mrs. Chrysalis. She will be joining me this evening.” Sombra said helping her down.

“Pleasure to meet you.” She said to the guard.

The guard stood still for a second not knowing what to say.

“If it’s all right by you we will head inside now.” Sombra said as he began making his way to the door, escorting Chrysalis beside him.

The palace had a chill hanging in the air. Then again it was a funeral. As the pair walked by Sombra could tell that Chrysalis’s presence was creating a buzz. He led them to a spot by a door so that they could steer clear most of the crowd.

“It’s very lovely in here.” Chrysalis smiled.

Sombra smiled back at her but he wasn’t feeling much joy as he saw a pony walking over to him. His father always said that one could tell a rich colt by the size of his belly. If that was true, Maxwell was the riches pony in Canterlot. He was also very annoying with his chatter and irregular breathing.

“Sombra, so the prince of the north has graced us with his presence tonight.” Maxwell said extending his hoof.

“Indeed I have.” Sombra said in pretend happiness shaking his hoof.

“Ah and this must be the Mrs. Chrysalis I kept hearing about.” Maxwell said with a deep breath.

Sombra stopped in his tracks. “How in Equestria does he know about her?” he said to himself.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Maxwell said extending his hoof to her.

Chrysalis politely shook his hoof “Pleasure to meet you to Mr.?”

“Maxwell, Alexander Z Maxwell the twelfth.” Maxwell said bowing his head. “Born in Manehatten raised in Canterlot.”

“Oh you’re from Manehatten I hear it's quite the city.” Chrysalis said.

“Indeed it is. It is majestic to say the least and Canterlot is to as well. For my entire life I have lived in cities, working all day to establish my name. Secretly I am growing tired of the city life and probably going to move to a much quitter place. Maybe that nice new town what’s was the name of it?” Maxwell said looking at Sombra.

“Ah, you’re talking about Rico’s new town. He calls it..... I don't recall but I don’t think the town will stay.” Sombra said with a chuckle.

Maxwell let out a cough drawing much attention to him. “Don’t let him know that.” He said also finding it humorous.

“Sombra dear I am going to get some water do you want anything?” Chrysalis asked.

“Nah you go on ahead, love.” Sombra said regretting he let out that last bit in front Maxwell.

“Pleasure meeting Mr. Maxwell.” She said as she trotted off.

Maxwell bowed politely and both watched her trot off into a sea of ponies. “So I hear you and Mrs. Chrysalis are quite the fancy pair.” Maxwell said in between massive breaths.

Sombra grew nervous at this. “Personally I don’t care for what others are saying but Sir Maxwell if we could keep my personal life out of the conversation.” Sombra said rolling his eyes.

“What I am just telling what everypony has told me.” Maxwell said with a grin.

“And what has everypony told you about me?” Sombra asked.

“Well you see sir, you know the business I am in and just the other day I had to send some delivers to the empire. So some of my colts had a drink in one of your pubs and they started talking to the caretaker. 'So whats the word around the empire' one asked and do you know what the caretaker says? Just that the prince of the empire has taking a changeling in as if it was a real pony. Then that prince has grown a taboo relationship with said creature to the point where one might grow sick just thinking about it.” The unicorn said adjusting his monticule.

Sombra felt himself becoming a little uneasy but he was able to keep his cool. “Really ponies are sick by it you say?” Sombra asked.

“Of course they are. I mean no offence but changelings are relatively new species that have not fully been explained. It is like loving a rabbit or a bear.” Maxwell said with a chuckle.

“I don’t think it’s exactly like that at all.” Sombra said.

“Oh come now Sombra she’s a wild animal. Remember that circus that came for the gala not to long ago, you where here right, anyway they had a changeling to. Except unlike you they knew it was a wild creature and they treated it as such.” Maxwell said.

Sombra resisted the urge to flat out hit the fat unicorn in the jaw for that commit.

“Still you have to admit that Chrysalis doesn’t act like an animal.” Sombra said grinding his teeth.

Maxwell took out a cigar and plopped it into his mouth. “That may be true but one can train a dog to behave. The same can be said for your Chrysalis. Face Sombra what you are doing is wrong in nature and morally. Now if your father were alive he would agree with me one hundred percent-“

Sombra sent his hoof into the jaw of Maxwell breaking the cigar in half and sending the unicorn to the ground.

“My father!?! What in world makes you think he would have a say in the matter. For you to think that my father would actually agree with you is absurd. Never in a million years would my father ever agree with scum like you.” Sombra said clenching his teeth.

The room filled with silence as guards quickly came and circled the two. Sombra looked up to see all faces of terror being beamed in his direction.

“What is the meaning of all this.”Celestia’s voice called out. Sombra froze when he heard her voice.“Sombra?” Celestia’s voice said behind him.

Sombra slowly turned around to see the young princess standing before him wearing a black gown.

He quickly tried to think of an explanation for his outburst.“Celestia I apologize for this incident me and sir Maxwell had a bit of a disagreement.” Sombra said, sweating greatly.

“It must have been something major or else you wouldn’t have knocked him out cold.” Celestia said tending to the fallen Maxwell. “Guards take him to the medical ward immediately.”

The guards carried the fat pony away as rest of the crowd resumed their normal chitchat.

Celestia turned her attention back to Sombra. “Now, its so good to se you again.” She said embracing him in a hug.

“It’s a pleasure to see you again Celestia.” Sombra responded. “I am so sorry for you’re loss.” He said with sympathy in his voice.

Celestia drew away for a moment and looked at him with watery eyes. “Thank you very much Sombra. I was almost worried that you wouldn’t have come. I mean I know you really didn’t know my father but it means a lot to me that you came.”

“Anything for you.” Sombra said.

Celestia gave him a tired smile. “Well if you excuse me I have to get back to the preparations for the ceremony.” She said walking away.

Sombra could tell that she was putting on an act of happiness to hide her grief.

Anyway, Sombra got back to socializing with the other ponies that weren’t terrified of him already and soon Chrysalis rejoined him. After a good thirty minutes a servant came for and told everypony that the ceremony was about to begin.

“All right lets go in.” Sombra said leading Chrysalis towards the door.

Upon approaching the door to the main hall Sombra saw Luna standing by the door greeting ponies as they entered. Sombra wasn’t familiar with Luna, in fact many ponies weren’t. He always remebered when he was young that ponies where always quite whenever Luna was around. She seemed nice but she was not quite as bubbly as her sister. If Celestia was the bright and cheerful as the day then Luna had to be quitter and still like the night.

“Evening Luna.” Sombra said bowing his head in respect.

“Prince Sombra, We don’t think We ever had a proper conversation with you.” Luna said bowing her head in the same manner.

Sombra shook his head, we? Then it occurred to him that she was using the royal we.“I am terribly sorry for your loss.” Sombra said in a low tone.

“Thank you for saying that.” She said. “And may we ask who is this pony that you have brought with you?”

Chrysalis stepped forward and mimicked the way Sombra did. “Hello princess Luna my name is Chrysalis.” She said politely.

“Chrysalis? My that’s a very pretty name and how do you know Sombra. No” Luna asked conversationally.

Sombra stopped right in his train of thought. He wasn’t prepared for a question like that; he quickly tried to think of a story of some kind.

"Oh, me and Sombra meet awhile ago. How long has it been three years or four?" Chrysalis said finishing Sombra's thought.

Luna seemed to buy it.

“If you don’t mind us asking but your horn is quite odd shaped, for what reason?” Luna asked.

Chrysalis looked up to the center of her forehead where her horn had grown.

“We are sorry if we have offended you.” Luna said as she read the expression on Chrysalis’s face.

“No, it's alright I get asked all the time. The fact of the matter is I really don’t. All I know is that I have always had it.” Chrysalis said peeping her cheer back up.

“If you don’t mind Luna we are going to get out seats now.” Sombra said guiding Chrysalis away from the young princess.

As they made they’re way down the aisle Sombra glanced over to the huge crowed of ponies that had already taken their seats. He had never seen so many decorated war veterans, politicians, and overall high-class members of society all in one place. Soon the pair took a few open chairs towards the middle of the huge hall. After a while a stallion cladded in black took to a self made stage to what many expected for the ceremony to begin.

“Greetings to one and all.” The colt said as the room grew quite. “Tonight we are he to remember and cherish the memory of our great king, Sir Dawnbreaker son of Starshine, who is now with the other kings of old. Now many can say what they thought they knew about our beloved king but tonight we hear from the eldest daughter of his royal majesty Celestia the first.” The colt proclaimed as Celestia made her way to the stage. From where Sombra was sitting Celestia looked like an emotional wreck. She barely made it to the stage as her legs shake terribly.

“Mares and GentleColts. I thank you for coming this evening.” She began with a sniffle. “My father as you all would know was a good colt who believed that any was possible as long as we thought it could be done. In his time of passing he told my sister and I something very important. Never doubt the power of faith.”

Sombra’s mind began wondering away form Celestia’s speech and began looking around to find something to capture his interest. He had never been good at sitting still someplace for a long time. By the time he drew his attention back to the stage Celestia had begun sheading tears and was being comforted by the stallion that came before her. Thanking the crowd she went back down and took her spot by her sister who was also begging to show sorrow.

“Now we can begin the passing of the soul.” The colt said ordering the lights to be brought down.

The torchlights began dimming as everypony began standing up.

“What’s going on why is the room dark.” Chrysalis whispered in Sombra’s ear.

“It’s the passing of the old king's soul. In a moment they will bring out a coffin with the king inside and light it on fire. The darkness is to symbolize the world and the flames off the king are representatives of the impact he had made.” Sombra explained.

Sure enough hooded ponies carried in a coffin and place it on the stage. Soon an alter of some kind was also place and the coffin was hoisted up on it.

“Are they seriously about to set it on fire.” Chrysalis asked.

“Yes.” Sombra responded.

“But wouldn’t that smell?” Chrysalis asked.

“No the body has been prepared with herbs so that doesn’t happen.” Sombra said hushing her. “Besides what comes next is what I am not looking forward too.” He said to himself.

“Now the night and day were one in the same with our king. But now they are separate and so they must pass the king on.”

The colt said. “Princess Luna and Princess Celestia are the new keepers of night and day so it is their duty to pass their father’s soul on.”

Two torches were brought to the stallion and soon he was joined by both young princesses.

“Pass him on.” The colt said handing them the torches.

Sombra watch as the both of the young rulers slowly grabbed and brought fire against the coffin sending it into a blaze. Celestia immediately began weeping using her sister as support. It was almost too much for Sombra, he never could handle the sight of ponies in pain. Once the fire began smoldering the colt gave the ceremonial ending and beckon everypony to go. Sombra lead Chrysalis towards the stage despite being forced back by the crowd of rushing ponies. Finally Sombra made it to the spot where Celestia and Luna were standing.Upon seeing Sombra Celestia came over and clung to him and began weeping. Sombra really didn’t know what to say to her so he kept silent.

Celestia finally pulled away drying her tears away. “Thank you for being here tonight Sombra.” She said.

“It was an honor.” Sombra said bowing his head in respect. “Now if it’s alright with you princess we must be going.”

“Going?” Celestia asked. “Already?”

“Um yes, you see we couldn’t find a place to stay and there is a hotel not to far from here.” Sombra said.

“We?” Celestia asked.

Sombra slowly beckoned Chrysalis to stand by his side so that he could introduce her. “Celestia I would like you to meet Chrysalis.”

“Ma’am.” Chrysalis said bowing in respect.

“Chrysalis? That’s a pretty name.” Celestia said eyeing her.

“Thank you very much.” Chrysalis said almost joyfully.

“ Always a pleasure to meet somepony new. Anyway what where you saying Sombra?” Celestia said almost snapping back into reality.

“We are going to a hotel for the night.” Sombra said reminding her.

“Ah yes that’s right. Um when are you leaving?” She asked.

“Tomorrow late morning I am afraid that I have much business to attend to and I imagine you do as well.” Sombra said nudging Chrysalis to not say a word.

Celestia let out a sigh. “Yeah you’re right it seems that business has to be taken cared of first.”

“Alas maybe one of these day we can sit down and have a decent conversation, now if you excuse us we must be going for I am externally tired, Luna.” He said gesturing while guiding Chrysalis to the door.

Once the pair where out hall, Celestia turned to her younger sister. “What on earth was that creature he had with him?”

“Sister that’s not very polite to ask.” Luna said.

“Was it a pony? It sure didn’t look like anything I have ever seen.” Celestia said.

“Well we don’t see how it is of importance.” Luna said walking off.

“Its just that I felt like I have seen her before.” Celestia said to herself.

Sombra lay awake in bed staring into the ceiling. The medicine for his pane hadn’t worn off yet so he was in a relaxed state.

“That was a beautiful ceremony.” Chrysalis said in a whisper.

Sombra stroked her mane with his forehoof gazing down at her. “Your beautiful.”

Chrysalis let out a giggle as she rested her head on his chest right over where his heart was located.

“You seem calm.” Chrysalis said.

“I am always calm.” Sombra said back.

“I mean you seem better now than you have been these last couple of days.” Chrysalis responded.

“To tell you the truth I haven’t felt this great in a while.” Sombra said.

Chrysalis quickly leaped on him cuddling up against him. “I am glad you are feeling well.” She whispered in his ear.

Sombra guided his face to hers and began showing her with kisses. He swelled with passion as the two were laying there. Before he could go any further Sombra began feeling a slight pain within his chest. He tried ignoring it but soon it began spreading throughout his body.