• Published 3rd Apr 2013
  • 3,334 Views, 54 Comments

The Heart of Shadows - TheSilentAuthor

A young prince of the crystal empire saves a strange creature and soon becomes attached to it

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New Barring

A ray a light hit his face forcing Sombra to awake up from his sleep. Looking around to the bed he saw the changeling also lying awake.

“Good morning.” He said

“Good morning to you to.” She said with a smile.

Sombra got up and walked over to her. He sat himself down on the edge of the bed.

“Well I don’t know about you but I want to leave as soon as possible but there is one problem.” He said.

“What?” she asked almost concerned.

“I got to figure out a way to get you to my carriage without getting spotted and that is not going to be an easy task.” He said.

“I..I could change.” She said.

Sombra looked at her. “No I don’t want you to ever do that again.” He said.

“No it’s okay, it’s what my kind does naturally it doesn’t hurt me or anything.” She said sitting up.

“Well, that would certainly help lets see what you got.” He said.

The creature closed her eyes and then a green aura flashed changing her into a young golden-colored mare with a silky black mane.

“Ta-da.” She said.

Sombra smiled. “How’s you hoof feeling?” He asked.

“Better but I don’t think I can stand on it.” She said holding it up.

“Don’t worry we’ll get that fixed soon but for now you're just going to have to lean on me till we get to the carriage. I do hate doing this to you and all but I would really like to get going before everypony in Canterlot wakes up.” He said while getting up.

Sombra helped lift the changeling off the bed propping her up with her hurt hoof wrapped around his neck. Both headed to the door slowly and soon they were in the hall heading down the stairs. It was still very early in the morning and the only other ponies that were awake were the guards and the cooks. Sombra and the changeling reached the door only to be stopped by a guard.

“Hope you had a wonderful stay, do you wish to summon your carriage or did you come without one.” The guard asked pulling a book from his pocket.

“Um, yes I did, I would like to summon my carriage to the entrance. It should be under the name Sombra.” Sombra said while trying to balance the changeling from falling to the ground.

“One second Sir and it will be right out for you.” The guard said motioning to others to fetch the carriage.
The changeling stumbled again making the guard notice her.

“Is your date alright sir?” the guard asked.

“Hmh? Oh she’s fine just a little tired from the festivities last night.” Sombra said.

“Oh, okay, well I hope you are feeling better Mrs.” The guard said.

A knock came on the door. The guard opened it up and poked his head out. He turned around opening the door wide open for the pair.

“Your carriage is suited up and ready to go, thank you very much for atteneding this year’s Gala.” The guard said with a fake smile as if he had rehearsed the line.”

“Thank you.” Sombra said as the pair walked by and headed down the stairs. Sombra opened the door and lifted the changeling into the carriage. She got settled in and just as he was about to enter the carriage himself a voice called out to him.

“Sombra wait!” Celestia’s voice called. Sombra shut the door to the carriage and quickly turned to see the running alicorn coming towards him. She reached where he was standing. “You leaving already?” Celestia said as if it was a very big deal.

Sombra thought of a quick lie to tell her. “I do wish I could stay but I remembered that I have urgent business to attend to, have to rule my kingdom you know?” He said hoping that she bought it.

“Will I see you again soon?” She asked.

“I afraid I wont be able to come to Canterlot for a while.” Sombra said but soon retracted as he saw the look that came over Celestia’s face. “Hey why don’t you and you’re sister come to visit me at my palace.” He said regretting the words.

“Really? That would be splendid!” she said with glee. “When would be a good time?” she asked.

“Lets make it for the end of this month how does that sound?” Sombra said while taking a step on the carriage.

“Sounds wonderful do have a safe trip, I wish you could have stayed longer.” She said.

“Well I do to but my kingdom needs me.” He said looking at the driver.

“Oh and Sombra thanks again for showing up last night it was good seeing you again.” Celestia said moving forward hugging him.

The hug lasted longer than he really wanted it to. "It was a pleasure seeing you again too Tia." He said.

As soon as she let go he propped open the door hoping for her to take her leave.

“Have a safe trip, I will be looking forward to seeing you again.” She said walking back to the palace doors.

Sombra watch as she entered the door letting out a sigh of relief. “Well it could be worse.” He said to himself.

As he opened the carriage and began getting inside his eyes caught something near the top of the palace. His heart froze as he saw King Dawnbreaker staring down at him from his balcony with a confused and a sick look on his face. Sombra smiled from embarrassment and quickly locked himself inside of the carriage. He knocked on the roof and soon they were both on their way.

For the first two hours none of them spoke a word. Sombra was just glad he could take a nap in something comfortable. Soon he was awoken by the sound of a voice.

“How long till we get where we are going?” The changeling asked, she had transformed back into her natural form.

“I say another good eight hours if we make good time.” He said rubbing sleep from his eyes. “You ever been to the artic north?” he asked.

“No sir, I have never been pass Canterlot until today.” She said shyly.

“Well don’t worry you’re going to love it, its nice and crisp up there. Well during the summer times that is” He said looking out the window. “Once we get to my palace-“

“You have a palace!?!” She asked.

“Um yes I am the prince of-“ he started.

“You’re…..you’re royalty!?!” she said curling herself up as if she was afraid.

Sombra chuckled. “Yes I am the prince and ruler of the crystal empire.”

She looked at him. “Crystal Empire?” she asked.

“You never heard of the crystal empire?” Sombra asked.

She shook her head.

“Well the crystal empire was founded by an old alicorn who helped unite all the crystal ponies."

“Crystal ponies?” she asked interrupting him. “I am sorry please go on.”

Sombra laughed. “You are a curious one aren’t you? Well as I was saying my ancestor united all the crystal ponies into one kingdom. Now crystal ponies are like the regular ponies that you have come to know but with one difference. We shine like diamonds.” He said as if telling a bedtime story to a group of small ponies.

“Can you do that?” she asked intimately.

Sombra smiled at this. He closed his eyes finding the spot within himself where he felt warmth and happiness. His white coat and black mane shined instantly like a stainglass window being hit by the sun. The changeling’s eyes grew wide and her mouth hung opened.

“And I thought I was the only one who could change my appearance.” She said flabbergasted.

Sombra turned back to his normal state. “Well to be perfectly honest it does get kind of annoying after a long period of time.” He Chuckled. "Most keep the form on all the time which to me seems unbearable."

She giggled. “If I could do that I would never change back.” She said.

He gave her a smile and she looked at him intently.

“Fine but last time.” He said turning back into his shining self.

She squealed with joy as if receiving a present.

The rest of the ride up north consisted of nothing but small talk after that. Both of them held very short conversations. Sombra felt it in his blood when they entered the artic north. He really couldn’t explain it, it just shot through his bones whenever he crossed into the tundra. The changeling also began to feel this also sending her into a state of shivering. It was summer time but he forgot that the temperature was still lower than most places in Equestria and some places still had snow covering the area. Sombra noticed her shivering and removed his coat and give to her. He did reinsure her that once they got to the capital that things would be different. After a long time the carriage came to a stop. Sombra cracked the door open letting in the cool artic air. He smiled as he saw the buildings of his home city standing all around him.

“We are here.” He said with a smile. “Now wait right here so that I can get a doctor to get you some treatment.” He said to the changeling while exiting out of the carriage.

A small group of servants greeted him as he stepped down from the step and onto the pavement.

“My lord how was your trip?” Samuel, his butler asked.

“I will talk about that later get me doctor Winhelm at once and tell him its urgent.” Sombra said.

“Yes sir right away.” Samuel said galloping away.

The sky was grey from what Sombra could tell was a storm that happen earlier. He sat by and waited for the doctor to arrive. Within the time span of thirty minuets the doctor came with two medical nurses with a stretcher.

“Doctor Winhelm at your service.” The pony said with a thick foreign accent.

“Ah doctor I am in need of your medical assistants.” Sombra said.

“Sir? Forgive me but I don’t see anywhere that needs medical attention on your body.” Winhelm said looking over the young prince.

“No, no I am not the one who is of need.” Sombra said opening the door up to the carriage, he held out his hoof as if showing a guest in. “She does though.”

The doctor walked and poked his head into the carriage. He jumped back. “Is that a changeling sir?!?” He asked.

“Yes and her hoof is in terrible condition, please can you do anything for her?” Sombra asked.

“Well a changeling isn’t that much different from a pony, body structure wise, have her delivered to my private care center near the hospital and I can see what I can do.” Winhelm said adjusting his glasses.

“She will be there within the hour now please go back to your patients I must have bothered you a great deal to show you this.” Sombra said stepping back inside the carriage.

“No sir it always an honor to be summoned by royalty” Winhelm said turning and walking away.

“Samuel please join me in here wont you?” Sombra said to his butler.

“Yes sir.” Samuel said as he climbed in the tight carriage.

Samuel jumped upon seeing the changeling, which in return caused her to be startled.

“Sam meet um……our friend here.” Sombra said.

“Hello” the changeling said.

“Pleasure to meet you ma’am.” The butler said dumfounded.

“Now Sam I need to take our friend here to Winhelm’s private care units and stay with her the entire time. I will arrive shortly once I make some arrangements got it?” Sombra asked.

“Yes sir.” Samuel said.

“Good, now I will be back, for now I am leaving you with Samuel, he is going to take you to get your hoof fixed okay?” Sombra asked the changeling.

The changeling nodded. Sombra began to exit the carriage and soon watched as the two wheeled down toward the destination.

Sombra let out a deep heavy breath. He seemed tired all of the sudden but he needed to do some things. He entered his glorious palace, which was draped in all sorts of color banners for the festival. Sombra enjoyed walking into the great throne room, no matter how many times he did it he could help but shake a feel of excitment.

“Order, for the crystal ruler has retuned to his natural earth.” He shouted letting everypony know that he had arrived.
The phrase was one of the first things that he remembered from his youth. His father taught him that over and over again drilling him on how he pronounced it.

“My lord we are so glad that you have returned safely to our kingdom.” The head servant said with a bow.

“Good to be back now go and prepare a room, for we have a guest who is to be staying with us for awhile.” Sombra ordered.
Several servants went off carrying out the given task.

“So sir we are having a guest, do they require anything special for their stay?” she asked.

“No but I do. Listen up everypony. When I bring my guest in tomorrow I don’t want a single word about her image or what she is, being whispered about got it?” Sombra barked.

Each servant bowed his or her heads acknowledging the order.

“Whatever she asks you to do you do it. Whenever she needs something you better go and get it. This poor creature has been through a life of misery that I can never fully grasp so for the time being I want her to be treated as a queen is that understood?” Sombra asked his staff.

“Yes sir.” They all said in unison.

“Good now dismiss and prepare dinner for tonight.” Sombra said.

“So sir this guest where did you meet her?” The head cooked asked.

“That is none of your concern but if you must know I met her in Canterlot during the gala.” He said.

The room filled with chatter as the group of servants went off to prepare dinner. Sombra went to his throne and threw himself down on it. Oh how he had missed this great chair if he could he would sleep in it.

“Sir um, reports have come in from the mine up near Elder’s Grove still no sign of the heart my lord.” A shy mare said handing the prince a piece of paper.

“Well tell Charles that his ponies can stop working and take the next two days off for holiday. We will eventually find it trust me.” Sombra said while resting his head on his hoof reading the report.

“I do hope so sir.” She said walking out the door.

Sombra set the letter to the side and began staring at the ceiling until some other matter of business came to present itself. One after another he listened to the concerns that where happening around his kingdom. The sun began to go down by the time he was done.

“Fetch me my coat and bring me one coat made of the finest white material that we have.” Sombra ordered as he stood up from his chair and started to head for the stairs.

By the time he got down them he was greeted by servants who wrapped the coat around him. They took the liberty of putting the white coat in a bag Sombra liked to walk instead of taking a carriage, he never did like the idea of it. The doors flew open letting in the cool summer breeze. The capital city was filled with ponies on their way home. Each stopping and bowing as Sombra walked by casually as if he wasn’t anypony special. He enjoyed the sights and sounds of his city, with the small ones running around while the grownups tried to get things done, it brought a certain joy to his heart. His father always taught him that the love of his fellow ponies would always be the source for a good ruling king. Sombra walked through the market place, which was in its final minutes before closing up for the day. Looking around he waived and smiled at all the ponies he could before exiting that part of town and continued towards the hospital. The sun had almost disappeared as he had arrived at the place; Samuel was standing at the door.

“Samuel what are you doing out here?” Sombra asked walking up to him.

“My apologies sir it’s just that doctor Winhelm is currently working on our guest and I am not to fond of the sight of needles or blood for that matter, not since my retirement.” The butler said.

“That all right, can you tell me what room they are keeping her?” Sombra asked.

“Yes sir room twenty three, I will lead you to it myself.” Samuel said opening the door.

Sombra never did like going to the doctors even when he was small or as a colt. The private hospital was only for ponies that wanted to be left alone and who could afford care to great for normally trained doctors. Samuel led him to a small room with only a bed and a couple of chairs. Sombra sat in the chair closest to the bed as Samuel stood by the door. It was a good thirty minuets before doctor Winhelm came by the room.

“Ah good I am glad you are here.” The doctor said.

“How is she doc?” Sombra asked.

“Good, that was one of the most intense repairing operations I have ever done, one mistake and I would have to cut her entire leg off.” WInhelm said wiping the sweat from his forehead.

“Was it really that bad?” Sombra asked.

“Yes the scar tissue around her wounds have been infected for years now, I had to cut out so much of it. I am just glad the infection didn’t get to her bones or else we would have a major problem.” Winhelm said taking the seat opposite to Sombra. "She also had several broken bones in the same area, got those braced up. Also I treated her with many shots for she had many virus in her system. Due to the lack of access of medicine she probably had no doubt. Overall she should be fine."

“What about her horn, is that natural or was that also a problem?” Sombra asked.

“Well as far as I could tell its natural.” Winhelm said.

“That is most curious isn’t it? What do you think of her?” He asked.

“Me? Well I think she is just splined, she didn’t flinch at all when I put the needle in.” The doctor said.

“When will she be awake?” Sombra asked.

“She is currently being transferred back to this room as we speak. Ah here she is now.” Winhelm said standing up as a nurse rolled in a portable bed into the room. “Samuel can you help lift her onto the bed gently please.”

The butler and doctor lifted the changeling and slowly laid her down on the hospital bed. Sombra stood and walked over to the side of the bed. The changeling moaned and opened her eyes.

“How do you feel?” Sombra asked in a low voice.

“I feel terrible but a lot better than before, thank you sir.” She said looking at the doctor.

“It was no trouble at all, now I do suggest that you cannot leave tonight. The brace that I have attached to your hoof will allow you to walk around until you are healed.” Winhelm said.

The changeling looked at her hoof that was covered in a big black shoe looking thing.

“Thank you doctor.” Sombra said handing him a sack of money.

“Always a pleasure to serve you my lord, see you tomorrow to check up on your condition.” Winhelm said to her as he headed out the door.

“Sombra... um when can I get up and walk?” The changeling asked.

“Easy now you heard what the doctor said you can’t move until morning, can you do that for me?” Sombra said.

“Okay, but make sure that you’re here too I want to explore this place I saw so much on the way here.” She said.

Sombra chuckled. “Of course, see you in the morning.” He said walking towards the door. "Oh and also i got you a little welcome gift." He said setting the bag by the door. "It's a coat."

The changeling smiled. "Thank you but....what is a coat?" she asked.

Sombra laughed “ Good night, oh Sam I need to speak with you.”

Both ponies entered the hallway. “Sam I need to tell you something.”

“Yes my lord?” Samuel asked.

“It’s about the changeling, she’s not really a guest she is more like a refugee.” Sombra started.

“What do you mean?” Sam asked.

“I sort of freed her from being a slave.” Sombra said slowly.

“You what sir?!?” Sam said looking back into the room.

“It wasn’t like a slave trader or anything it was more of a carnival freak show.” Said Sombra.

“Sir, no offence but you could have been hurt or worse. Why did you save only her?” He asked.

“I didn’t, I tried to save them all but my plan didn’t work out so well, that’s why I need you.” Said Sombra.

“Whatever you need sir I will do.” Samuel said.

“I need you to track down a group by the name of ‘Sir Griswald and the ever changing circus’ and invite them here. Tell them that you will offer fifty thousand gold coins if they come here. Now go take a party of seven to ten ponies and go to Canterot, the colt said they had three more shows to do.” Sombra said.

“Yes sir but um what if they decide not to come by invitation.” Samuel said before rushing to the door.

"Well then I think a little of your former self needs to do some convincing." Sombra smiled.

Samuel smiled. "Yes sir."

Sombra stood silent for a second, he noticed two night shift guards standing outside. He walked over and opened the door.

“Guards!” Sombra barked.

Both stood attention. “Sir.” They said.

“How would you like to double your pay tonight?” Sombra asked.

The colt’s eyes opened wide. “We would like to but how my lord?” The one on the right asked.

“Simple come inside.” Sombra said. They both came into the hospital following him to the room where the changeling was staying in. “All you have to do is stand here and not let anypony in here until doctor Winhelm and or I return in the morning. Can you boys handle that?” Sombra asked.

“Yes sir.” Both said taking a stance by each side of the door.

“Wonderful now if you two don’t mind I am going home to sleep, good evening to the both of you. Oh and come by the palace about your pay in the morning after the doctor and I show up.” Sombra said walking down the hallway and exiting out of the door.

His bed was cold as he laid his head down. The room was lit by a roaring fire, which gave him warmth as he pulled the covers around him. Thoughts rushed through his head as he tried to fall asleep.

“Did I do the right thing?” He asked himself. He turned to face the ceiling and stared blankly into it.
“No matter what happens I am going to show her the time of her life.” He said as he dozed of to sleep.