• Published 3rd Apr 2013
  • 3,334 Views, 54 Comments

The Heart of Shadows - TheSilentAuthor

A young prince of the crystal empire saves a strange creature and soon becomes attached to it

  • ...

Brother Mezzo

The carriage jolted sending the princess into the side door almost knocking it open.

"Uh, for the last time, why is this road so bumpy." She demanded.

The prince looked out the window enjoying the view of his home land. He obviously wasn't paying much attention to his wife. Catching a glimpse of the crystal castle he felt a sudden sense of pride for it looked just as he had alway remembered. His wife noticed this and quickly looked out the window also.

"That castle you grew up in, its such a site isn't?" She asked. "It seems so small compared to the one we live in now though. Seems no changes have been made since the last time we where here."

"I know, still it is my home and I always get the same warm fuzzy feeling whenever I see it. Beside I am glad that it is unchanged, it keeps it from becoming tacky." He said. "Though I wish I could remove that stupid patio on the top. I would of thought he would have gotten rid of it too."

"Well thats what happens when you let your him rule instead of the rightful heigh." She said sarcastically.

"Hey stop that he's my brother, and he was born before i was so he is the rightful heigh." He responded.

"But he's not your full flesh and blood brother so why do you still defend him? He isn't even fully royal blood like you are, I mean you're an alicorn for goodness sakes." She pleaded. "You need to take whats rightfully yours."

"Enough, father gave the crown to Sombra because he was the first born of our family making him the ruler of the empire. Besides if it wasn't for Sombra being named the heigh I would have never went over seas. Think of that, think if I never had met you." He said.

The princess sighed. "I know but it still bothers me that you were robbed of something so grand as being the ruler of the crystal empire."

"I wasn't robbed by Sombra." He repeated.

"Oh thats not what I meant, I know full well Sombra didn't mean anything like that to happen. I was speaking of your father." She said in a tone that had a hint of disgust.

"My father was one of the greatest kings of the crystal empire, it is true that in is time he did some things that weren't honorable." He said bitting his lips.

"Hmh, I am surprise your mother didn't just throw him out after that." She said looking in the other direction.

Before he could answer a small yawn interrupted him. "We will discuss this later." He said. Turning to his side he gazed down at the young filly. "Look whose finally awake."

"Where are we?" She asked rubbing her eyes.

"You're in daddies homeland, the crystal empire." He smiled.

She hoped on him trying to look out the window. "Really? Wow is that the palace you grew up in daddy?"

"Indeed it is, when I was your age I would use to run up and down the halls hours without end." He smiled. "Now I need to discuss something with you." He said.

"Yes daddy what is it?" She asked curiously.

"When we go in you're going to meet somepony very special do you know who?" He asked. She shook her head. "He is very important for you see he is the ruler of this place."

"Wow you mean like a prince, like you?" She asked.

"Yes like me. He is very kind and also very shy so don't ask him a great deal of questions. When we meet him he will tell you his name and you will responded with?" He smiled.

"Hello sir my name is princess Octet." She said with a bowing motion. "Like that daddy?"

"Yes very good but I need to tell you one more thing." He said.

"What?" She asked.

"Do you know how I know him?" He asked as if playing a game.

"No, wait I know did you use to be friends before you came over the seas?" She asked hoping she was right.

"Close but even better. You see the ruler of this place is my brother." He said in a low whisper.

"Your brother?" She asked.

"Yes and likewise he is your uncle." He said.

"Wow, I never knew I had an uncle whats his name?" She asked getting excited.

"His name is Sombra." He said.

"Thats an odd name isn't it?" She asked.

"Octet that is very rude, one does not judge the name given by their parents." His wife said.

"Yes mother." She said.

"She's right you know." She said so that he could hear her.

He gave her a look to cut it out. "Now once we arrive we are going to be escorted to meet him in his throne room hopefully." He said turning his attention back to his daughter.

"But father on other visits the hosts usually greet us in the courtyards." Octet said.

"Ah yes but there is something special about our visit. He doesn't know we are even coming." He smiled.

She let out a gasp of excitement. "You mean we're gonna surprise him?" She asked.

"Yes we are." he said with a smile.

"Now Mezzo are you sure your brother is going to be okay with all this?" His wife asked him.

"I dont see why he wouldn't be, why?" He asked.

"It nothing its just that you always said that he took after your father very closely." She said.

"And what is that suppose to mean?" Mezzo asked.

"Its nothing but you know how your father was when is came to surprises. I just didn't know if Sombra had they same attitude." She said nodding off.

"It will be fine, its going to be fun wait and see." He said giving his daughter a smile.

Sombra laid in his throne not moving a muscle. He let the now cold air cling to his body not making any objections at all.

"Get me out of this armor." Sombra ordered to his servants. The two quickly began tearing apart the pieces of armor that encased their leader. "Sam, I need some water I suddenly don't feel so good." The butler filled a cup and brought it to him. "Thank you Sam, also what did I do today?"

The butler stared wide eyed at him. "What do you mean sir?"

"What happen, how did I get here." Sombra asked.

"You mean you don't remember talking to me in the dining hall earlier?" Sam asked.

Sombra shook his head. "Nope, what did I say."

Sam stood there not knowing what to say. "You said some very nasty things about me sir."

"Sam I am, I am sorry if I said anything hurtful, you must know that I wouldn't mean anything like that in nature to you." Sombra said growing worried.

Sam smiled. "I know."

Sombra puzzeled for a bit while a servant removed his hoof guards. "What else did I do my right hoof is sort of sore?"

The butler frowned. "You gave the ordered to have the prisoners brought in here so that you could......beat on them."

"I did what? Sam you must be joking." Sombra said. "Wait....that would explain why I saw Chrysalis leaving."

"Sir may I also add that you had a wild look about you. Your eyes had an odd line of green in them. At first I though is was something that got caught but you wiped away at it and it stayed." Sam said.

"Green?" Sombra shivered. "What else did I have....."

A knock on the door interrupted him before he could finish. The door open to reveal a servant with a worried look on his face.

"Hello sir, I know the guards were put on alert so I had to inform you that an unexpected chariot has arrived in the courtyard." She said.

Sombra tried popping out of the neck piece but to no avail. "Well tell them to see who it is." He remarked."

The servant had a look of stupidly that came across its face for not doing that. The pony quickly darted out of the room.

"Sam come get this blasted neck piece off please." Sombra asked.

Sam quickly came over and stood above, looking over him. "Alright sir on the count of three. One, two three." The butler pulled with all his might at the hinges on the back of the armor.

Sombra nodded his head forward so that he could give Sam some slack. The peice began coming undone

Sam quickly started to grow red in the face from pressure "Who on earth designed this thing? Oh, thats right, I did."

Sombra used all his strength to force open the piece. This sent Sam flying to the floor face down. The piece flung off and slide to the wall.

"There feel better?" Sam asked still with his face on the ground.

"Yes." Sombra laughed as he helped the butler up.

Sam smiled but then something caught his eye. "Um sir you have a bit of a smug on your neck. Right there." He said pointing to his own neck.

Sombra rubbed the spot. "Did I get it?"

"No it still there, here." Sam said grabbing a cloth and spitting in it.

Sombra took the cloth and rubbed as hard as he could. "There now?"

Sam shook his head.

"Will somepony grab me a mirror." Sombra said.

A servant came galloping in with a small mirror. Sombra took it and looked at the spot. It had a gray shade to it, whatever it was. As he looked closer he could see that it was covering the hairs of his coat. This wasn't any smug at all, something stained his coat.

"Huh thats odd, oh well I get it fixed in the morning." Sombra said. "Now where was I?"

The servant from before reentered the room. "Lord Sombra, the occupants of the carriage claim to be your brother and his family."

"What!" Sombra said.

He exited out of the room and headed down to the courtyard. Opening the door he was greeted by a familiar voice.

"Sombra!" His brother called out.

The alicorn quickly came up and embraced him in a hug.

"Long time no see huh?" He said.

Sombra stared blankly at him. His brother stood there with a smile as big as ever. Mezzo always made him feel bad about himself. He always served as a reminder.

"Mezzo, I didn't know you where coming." Sombra said.

"Well I figured that since I missed out on the festival that I could make it up to you. You don't mind do you?" Mezzo asked.

"No, no its fine just would like to have had a heads up first thats all." Sombra said.

"Great, oh and I brought my wife along if thats okay too." He said turning around. "Oh and Sombra you got something on below your ear there."

Sombra shook his head. He rubbed the spot where his brother said it was. "No I don't."

"Yes you do right there." Mezzo said poking Sombra's fur. "It like all gray and stuff. Same as that one on your neck."

Sombra felt the spot on his neck.

Mezzo went off to the carriage and returned with a little alicorn. She had a pink coat with a bright yellow mane. Also coming forth was his wife matching the small one almost identically.

"Sombra, I hope you remembered my wife." Mezzo said.

Sombra gridded his teeth. "Oh yes the lovely Gavotte its been awhile."

She said nothing to him.

Mezzo chuckled nervously. "Oh and this is my daughter." He said scooting the small alicorn towards him.

Sombra smiled. "Hello there, and who are you."

She stood tall and pround. "Hello sir my name is princess Octet."

"My a princess you say, that very impressive." Sombra said.

She returned his smile. "Thank you sir."

"Now Sombra if you don't mind we are quite famished from our trip and we are in need of some food." Mezzo said.

"Sure I will have something prepared shortly. Also I will have some rooms arranged for you as well." Sombra said leading them into the palace.

"Mr. Sombra is it true that you are the ruler of this place?" Octet asked.

Sombra smiled. "Yes it is my job to rule over the crystal empire."

"Wow, the whole empire thats incredible. So do you live here all by yourself?" She asked.

Gavotte let out a chuckle.

Sombra smiled. "No I have plenty of company here, I have Sam, my subjects, and then there is Chrysalis."

"Who is she?" Octet asked.

"Yes I two must ask that question as well." Mezzo said.

Sombra let out a chuckle "All in good time. But for now lets eat."

The brothers sat down at the table. Sombra ordered for some food to be giving to his guest. Gavotte sat in silence the whole time while Mezzo went on and on about the happens outside Equestria. Sombra was quite enjoying this and he was gladly answering any questions Octet was throwing at him.

"So Sombra, I am very sorry for missing the festival this year for you know the oceans can be unkind to travel." Mezzo said while taking a sip of water.

"I understand, it was wonderful by the way." Sombra said.

"Why do you have a stain on your neck?" Gavotte interrupted.

"Gev please." Mezzo said trying to hush her.

"Did you say something Gavotte? Its perfectly alright if you joined our conversation for once." Sombra remarked.

Mezzo had a look of panic come across his face as the two glared at each other.

Gavotte smirked. "Yes I did say something, I was wondering why you had an ugly grey stain on your neck there."

"I really don't know why its there, I was removing my armor and it suddenly appeared." Sombra said trying to control his tongue.

"That wouldn't be the first time something suddenly appeared in this household." She remarked.

"Sam!" Sombra called. The butler appeared before him. "Would you be so kindly and escort madam Octet out of the room for a minute."

"Go with the pony Tet." Mezzo said.

"Yes father." The princess said.

Sombra watched and made sure that the two had exited the room before he let his words start forming. The door's lock crackled as it locked in place.

"Madam Gavotte is there something you would like to speak to me about." Sombra said calmly.

Her face grew red. "As a matter a fact there is-"

"Listen here now, you gave me this little speech before you know." Sombra said interrupting. "I remember each hurtful word that you said. So no I don't care for what you have to say, again. Nor will allow you to ramble on about it. I was only asking out of politeness."

Gavotte stood up from her seat. "You see here now-"

Sombra matched her actions. "See what? All I see is a conniving little brat who does nothing but insults a pony who has done her no wrong and never had anything against her, until now. I see a pony who would dare insult me on the day of my father's own funeral. A day where everything seemed broken and made worsen by your presence. So what am I suppose to see?"

Gavotte's face burned with anger. "You are not even a alicorn." She said while grinding her teeth.

"And there it is!" Sombra said throwing his hooves up and taking his seat. "Please do go on about everything else thats wrong with me."

"You are not truly royalty, you are not even fit to share the same bloodline as Mezzo. Yet you are the prince and future king here in this gorgeous kingdom. It should be Mezzo who is the ruler of this house, not you. You stole it from him." She said.

"Yes Gavotte you're right. I somehow was able to orchestrate 'robbing Mezzo' before I was even born. I was the mastermind behind it all, I purposely was born to ruin his life. So yes blame me for another ponies actions, we all know thats what your family is good at." Sombra said.

"Both of you stop it right now!" Mezzo said.

The two looked at him, obviously they had ignored his presence during their argument.

"Now Gavotte sit down and hold your tongue. Sombra hush you mouth when it comes to something you don't know fully of." Mezzo said clearly being upset by the two. "I came here not to try and stir anything up but to see my brother. Can't I just ask for you two not to be at each other's throats while we are here?"

Sombra looked down at the floor. He stood back up quickly. "Mrs. Gavotte, I am sorry for what I said. It was out of line and uncalled for."

"Apology accepted." She said looking out the window.

"Honey, is there anything you would like to say?" Mezzo asked.

She stared off for a couple of seconds. "No, nothing at all."

Mezzo let out a sigh of frustration.

Sombra was not having any of it. "Dearest brother, I will return shortly and hopefully we can talk without being uncivilized." He said while heading to the door. "Your room should be ready by now." He said before exiting out of the room.

As the door close Sombra turned around and punched it hard. He was about to say something until he noticed Sam standing by the door. Looking down he saw Octet staring at him.

"Something wrong Mr. Sombra?" She asked.

Sombra let out a sigh of relief and kneeled down to her level. "No just frustrated thats all. Also Octet you don't have to call me 'Mr.' Sombra."

"But thats how I always address ponies unless they are a mare, then it 'Mrs.'." She said shyly.

"Yes and that is a good habit to have but you see I am your uncle. So just call me that okay?" He said.

She smiled. "Yes uncle Sombra."

"Thats better now if you would excuse me I have to go and find somepony." He said.

"Okay." She said.

Sombra went up the stairs towards his cambers. He tried calming himself down from the moment he just had. It was working but once he got to his room his heart began racing up again. Pushing the door open he found the room empty.

"Hello?" He whispered. He he saw a figure laying on the bed. "Chrysalis?"

She was curled up with the blankets shielding her from the darkness. Sombra came over and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Chrysalis I...I dont know what to say right now." He began. "I feel like I should have told you about them being held here. I was so mad at him for what he did to you I just wanted to him to suffer as much. Except that was the end of it, today I didn't know what came over me today but I lost control over my anger." She said nothing as he went on. "Look you probably are frightened and upset with me right now but I hope you understand that I am truly sorry for putting you through something like that."

She quickly shot up glaring at him. "Why though Sombra? Why would you bring him here? You know what the colt did to me and you knew somehow it would only upset me?" She said breaking into tears.

"Chrysalis I was wasn't thinking about that I was only thinking about getting back at him. Please, I am sorry." Sombra said trying to comfort her.

He waited for her to stop crying.

"You should have just told me." She said.

"I know I should have and I was a fool for not. Can you forgive me?" He asked.

She let out a sigh. "Yes I forgive you but don't ever do anything like this again you understand me? I mean to."

"I understand and again I apologize. Now would you like to meet somepony special?" Sombra asked.

"Who?" She responded.

"Well-" Sombra stopped when he heard a knock on the door. "Enter."

Sam stood in the door way. "Excuse me sir Mr. Mezzo and the rest of your guests have retreated into their rooms for the evening and wish not to be disturbed."

"Thank you Sam that actually gave me some time." Sombra said.

"Time for what?" Chrysalis asked.

"Time for me to warn you about one of the guest." Sombra remarked.

"Oh okay?" Chrysalis said looking at something. "Um Sombra dear you have a something on your neck and something running along down your side there."

"My side?" Sombra said looking down.

He lifted his forehoof to see a grey stain patch, sitting down where his ribs where. First his neck, than behind his ear, and now this? Whats next he thought, maybe his whole body will just turn this color.