• Published 3rd Apr 2013
  • 3,334 Views, 54 Comments

The Heart of Shadows - TheSilentAuthor

A young prince of the crystal empire saves a strange creature and soon becomes attached to it

  • ...

Face to Face

The pain shot throughout his head as he opened his eyes. Sombra held his hoof against his head. Naturally he could tell that he was somewhere different just by the smell in the air. It was a cold and almost musty kind of scent.

“Where am I?” He asked out loud.

”You’re in the hospital sir.” A familiar voice spoke out.

Sitting up he looked in the direction of where the voice came from. In a chair sitting across from his bed sat a grey unicorn covered in dry mud.

“Sam!” Sombra said with a smile.

“Yes sir it is me.” Samuel said rising from the place he had been sitting. “So I have been gone for a little while and you end up hurting yourself. I am starting to think you can’t take care of yourself at all.” He laughed.

“Its nothing just lost my footing.” Sombra shrugged.

“That’s not all. I have been hearing of this ‘unrest’ you have been plagued with.” Samuel said pouring a glass of water from a pitcher by the bed.

“Not going to lie to you Sam but what you heard is true. I haven't been sleeping, my body is feeling weak all around buts thats not all. Lately I have been feeling this great pain in all my joints. It starts in my chest and slowly works its way throughout my entire body.” Sombra said stretching his hooves out.

“Have any of the doctors been able to help?” Sam asked handing Sombra the cup of water.

“Bah, if you would call it help then no.” Sombra said gulping down the water. “My head is killing me.”

“That’s what happens when you usually have an head injury sir.” Sam said with sarcasm in his voice.

“Did you speak to the doctor? In fact who is the doctor here?” Sombra asked looking around.

“Not sure sir some chap by the name of Edward. He said that your injury wasn’t to severe but you will have to take some medicine for the pain.” Sam said taking the cup from him.

“Ah don’t care to much for that and besides I don’t need medication, I will be fine.” Sombra said while throwing the hospital covers off of him.

“I knew you would say that so I took the liberty of crushing your medication into the water you just drank.” Samuel said with a smile.

“You really do think of everything don’t you?” Sombra said while stepping onto the floor. His body felt woozy and he stumbled a bit before standing up right.

“Sir may I ask about something else.” Sam said while making sure Sombra didn’t fall.

“Yes of course.” Sombra said.

“I also have been hearing rumors about other things that have been going on. Personal things about you.” The butler said in a dry voice.

“What kind of things?” Sombra asked.

“Forgive me sir but I have heard things about the nature of which you have taken this…Chrysalis is it? Neither way but I heard some nasty talk about how you have become envolved with her.” Said Samuel.

Sombra let out a sigh. “Sam how long have you known me?”

“I have known you before you were even born sir.” Sam said.

“And I can trust you with anything right?” Sombra asked.

“Yes sir, it is my duty to protect anything you do.” The butler smiled.

“Deep down inside I have had been feeling things for Chrysalis.” Sombra said in a rather loud voice. “What do you think?”

“Well sir it is not my place to judge personal matters about you. Now if I was your father I would yell and probably tell you to stop pursuing such odd fetishes but I am not going to do that. Personally sir if this changeling makes you feel happy then who cares what any other pony thinks.” Sam said placing his hoof on Sombra’s shoulder. “Whatever you decide sir I will back it up one hundred percent.”

“Thanks Sam I needed that.” Sombra said.

“Oh, and what on earth do you tend to do with these circus colts that you had me drag have way across equestria?” Samuel said while making his way to escort Sombra to the door.

“Where are they now?” Sombra asked.

“In the prison.” Said Sam.

“Hmh, maybe later I will figure something out but for now I am hungry.” Sombra said looking at the clock on the wall.

“Lunch was being prepared before I came here.” Said Sam.

“Good I got things that I need to do.” Sombra said making his way to the door.

The light hit Sombra’s eyes as he stepped out into the mid day sun. He notice that a group of guards stared at him as he made his way to the carriage.

"Careful sir don't want you to fall and hurt yourself again." Sam sad as Sombra stumbled down the stairs.

Sombra chuckled.Then the thought quickly shot to his head.

“Oh god Chrysalis.” He said out loud.

“Hmh sir what about her?” Sam asked.

“We…I don’t know how I am going to face her.” Sombra said hanging his head.

“Oh, well um, I know she was still at the palace when I arrived at dawn but she didn’t want to come with me to see you.” The unicorn said looking above at the sky.

“Good she hasn’t left yet maybe I can try and….who I am kidding.” Sombra said biting his lip.

The ride to palace was quick and soon Sombra was escorted inside to the dining room.

“Here you are sir your favorite lunch.” Sam said presenting the small feast.

“Sam you are covered in mud go and wash yourself off.” Sombra said attacking the food.

“As you wish sir.” Samuel said disappearing into the next room.

Sombra ate in silence, he was trying to figure out a way to talk to Chrysalis.

“More water sir?” A young mare asked.

“No thank you. Um has Mrs. Chrysalis come down for anything?” Sombra asked.

“No sir, nopony has heard from her today.” The servant said bowing her head.

Sombra let out a sigh. “Can you go and request her presence for me.”

“Yes sir right away.” The mare said.

“That wont be necessary.” Chrysalis’s voice shot out.

The pair looked at the door to see the Changeling standing there.

“Good afternoon Chrysalis would you to take a seat?” The mare asking pulling a chair out from the table for her.

“Thank you.” Chrysalis said taking the spot.

Sombra sat in silence while Chrysalis ordered some food and ate in silence as well. Once the food she had request had arrived Sombra notice that he and Chrysalis where the only ones in the room. Sombra tried really hard to think of what he should say. A part of him wanted to break down and cry from the shame he felt. He knew he couldn’t do that but finally as Chrysalis was finishing up her meal he gather enough courage.

“Chrysalis?” He asked in a way a young does when they know they did something wrong.

“Sombra before you say anything I just want you to know that I am sorry for last night.” Chrysalis said in a low tone.

“What?” Sombra asked.

“Yes I read your emotions wrong and you felt confused by my advancement which lead to another advancement and I am truly sorry for it all.” Chrysalis stated.

“But..but..I.” Sombra stuttered.

“You need not say a word Sombra I am sorry.” The changeling said.

Sombra felt his throat twist as he tried to cut in. “Chrysalis it is I who should be sorry.” He said in almost a whisper.

“Well anyway I think I should get my things packed now that I am leaving and all shortly.” Chrysalis said obviously not hearing his words.

He watched in silence as she went out of the room disappearing into the palace halls.

"Blasted why couldn't I speak louder." A sudden pain shot through his body. "Ah, no I have to go talk to her and tell her the truth."

Sombra leapt from his chair hitting the ground galloping. His mind rushed as he rushed through the palace not caring who was in his way.

A delivery pony started walking towards him "Afternoon Sir, I got a letter from-"

"No time be back later." Sombra responded.

He bounded up the stairs almost falling along the way. As he went up he got strange looks from all his servants as if he was mad. Sombra bursted into the corridors charging head first down the hall towards Chrysalis's room. Bursting the door open he obviously startled her. Upon entering he fell to the ground breathing heavily from his rush.

“Sombra are you alright.” Chrysalis said kneeling down to him.

“I don’t want you to go.” He said coughing.

“What?” Chrysalis asked.

“I don’t want you to leave me.” Sombra said taking deep breaths.

Chrysalis stared wide eye at him. “But I thought that-“

"I didn’t mean to come of so brutish about it but its true you did read my emotions right.” Sombra said pulling himself to Chrysalis level. He stared into her green eyes. “Everyday I wake up and think to myself how much my life has changed since you entered it. Nopony has ever made me care for them as much as you do. Last night was really how I felt but I was scared to believe it for what it would bring.” Sombra said hanging his head. “But now I realized that I have to face the truth.” Sombra picked up Chrysalis’s hooves and held them in his. “Chrysalis I love you. I love you so much no words on earth can describe it. You’re my everything and only thing that I have ever felt love for.” Sombra said swelling with passion.

Chrysalis smiled with tears begging to form in her eyes. “Do you really mean that?” She asked.

“With my entire soul.” Sombra said.

Chrysalis shook all over falling into Sombra, embracing him in a hug. The young unicorn felt warmth spread all over his body as he held her close to him. Sombra nudge her off a little bit so that their faces where facing each other. With no hesitation Sombra locked lips with her as if he had been doing it since he was alive. The two sat there for what seemed like eternity, Sombra didn’t care. For the first time in his life he felt complete. A grunt broke the silence and the two snapped around to see Samuel standing at the door.

“Is something the matter?” Sombra asked.

“No sir just checking up on you.” The butler said with a smile. “Hello again Chrysalis.”

Chrysalis blushed. “Nice to meet you again too Samuel.”

“Oh call me Sam ma’am ‘Samuel’ is only for guests to use.” Sam said with a smile.

“Sam get the daily orders from my desk and meet me back in my throne room.” Sombra ordered obviously embarrassed.

The unicorn bowed and was soon gone.

Sombra turned his attention back to Chrysalis. “Well, what shall we do now?” He asked.

Chrysalis pecked him a kiss and rested her head under his chin. “Whatever you want to do.” She said.

Everypony was in shock to see the sight when they entered the throne room. Sitting on the throne was Sombra as always but the thing that surprised everypony was Chrysalis. The changeling was also sitting on the throne cuddled up against Sombra resting her head on his shoulder. Sombra didn’t seem to be phased by this sudden change of appearance. In fact he felt like he had been this way ever since Chrysalis had arrived there. Every time he was alone with her he would kiss her passionately until somepony came knocking on the door with urgent business.

Sombra felt a new energy begging to flow through as the next few days rolled by. There was something different about him that was the only thing he was sure of. He felt alive and energetic at all times. Maybe it was the fact that he had almost nothing to worry about that went on outside his empire. He also thought that maybe it was that he final came out and proclaimed his love to Chrysalis. Either way he was filled with joy beyond imaginative. Everyday he would be with Chrysalis but it was different that before, now he could hold her and didn't have to be ashamed for feeling for her. It was apparent that she felt the same way he did for she would want to do nothing except be with him all day.

A loud pounding came shattering the silence. Sombra sprung from his sleep looking all over the room. It was still dark. The knocking came again making the young prince leave his bed and head for the door. Sombra’s joints popped and sent pain through his body causing to cry out a little bit. He stopped for he hadn't felt the pains in awhile and he hoped they weren't returning. Upon opening the door he saw Sam standing there with a letter between his teeth.

“Good gracious Sam do you ever sleep?” Sombra said rubbing his eyes.

“Only when I want to.” Sam responded.

“What time is it?” Sombra asked looking down the empty hall.

“Six o’clock in the morning sir.” Sam said.

“Well why did you wake me.” Sombra yawned.

“A letter from Canterlot has arrived for you in a speedy fashion.” Sam said handing Sombra a letter with an official stamp.

Sombra ripped open the letter and began reading it. “Oh my” Sombra said out loud.

"What?" Sam

“King Dawnbreaker is dead. His funeral is two days from now.” Sombra said slowly. “Celestia and Luna have request that I attended.”

“Shall I prepare a carriage for your journey?” Sam asked.

“I don’t know if I should go, I mean I didn’t really know him that well.” Said Sombra.

“It would be rude if you didn’t I mean they did send you a letter and all.” The butler said.

Sombra let out a sigh. “Yeah prepare a carriage.”

“Right away sir see you in a few hours.” Sam said closing the door.

Sombra felt sick when he laid back down in his bed.

“Who was that?” Chrysalis asked.

“Just Sam, he had something to give me.” Sombra said curling up against her. “I tell you more about at breakfast.” He said closing his eyes.

Sombra really didn’t want to go to a funeral of all things especially now. He then thought about how he had to go through lost his father and mother by himself. Deep down inside he thought he too would love to have somepony to be there for him during that time. Armed with these notions he quickly agreed within himself that he should go. Breakfast was by far the best Sombra had in a while. Chrysalis sat right beside him munching on a flat pastry as she smiled to herself.

“So what did Sam want this morning?” Chrysalis asked swallowing.

Sombra’s head snapped up as he recalled the letter. “It was a message from Canterlot.” Sombra said whipping his mouth.

“You remember the king of Equestria right?”

“Not really I think his name began with an H.” Chrysalis said looking down at her plate.

“Well unfortunately he passed away a couple nights ago.” Sombra said.

“Oh no, did you know him well?” Chrysalis said looking up at him.

“Not really I mean my father knew him better. In fact I can’t remember a time where Dawnbreaker and I ever had a direct conversation.” Said Sombra.

“Oh, so why did you get a letter notify you of his passing?” Chrysalis asked in her curious voice.

“His daughter, Celestia, sent me it actually. I know her from a long time ago. She just wanted to know if I would come and pay my respects.” Sombra said.

“Are you?” Chrysalis said looking at him.

Sombra smiled. “Yeah, I think it would be for the best I mean it would be rather mean spirited if I didn’t at least show up.”
Chrysalis leaned her head on his shoulder resting her eyes as he thought to himself.

“Hey Chrysalis.” Sombra said in a low voice.

“Yes.” Chrysalis responded.

“Do you want to go with me?” Sombra asked with a smirk on his face.

“Really?” Chrysalis asked obviously shocked by the question.

“Sure I mean it is a long and boring trip.” Sombra said with a growing smile creeping along his face.

“But I mean it’s a funeral. I am not saying that I would like to go but it’s a pretty grim thing to go to.” She said.

“Well afterwards we can go do other things go other places. You must admit it is boring now that you’ve seen the crystal empire in is entirety.” Sombra said wrapping his hoof around her.

“Yeah but I don’t want to seem like I am intruding. You’re the one who got the letter and I literality have never meet these ponies in my entire life.” She said in a timid voice.

Sombra loved it when she acted timidly. He didn’t know why maybe it was because he felt that he could comfort her.

“That’s what I love about you.” Sombra said.

“What?” She asked.

“You’re so cautious and caring for those around you.” Sombra said. He felt her jolt at his words as if he had delivered a terrible message. He pulled away from her. “Is something the matter dear?” He asked.

Chrysalis sat for a second and snapped her head up. “Yeah its nothing just a head ach.”

“So do you want to go with me?” He asked again.

Chrysalis smiled. “Yes.”

“Good cause you were coming if you wanted to or not.” Sombra said sarcastically.

“Excuse me who do you think you are.” She said in a teasing manner.

“I happen to be a prince thank you very much.” He said fluffing his mane.

Chrysalis gave him a playful nudge. “So when do we have to leave?”

Sombra thought to himself trying to recall the letter context. “The day after tomorrow. Probably early in the morning for the service is in the evening.”

“Sounds good to me.” Chrysalis said as she began leaving the table.

“Where are you going?” Sombra asked.

“Um just upstairs to freshen up a bit. Meet you in the throne room?” She said.

Sombra smiled as she exited out the door. He felt something begging to creep along his inner chest. Immediately as soon as he was sure that she had left Sombra let out a cry of a pain. He clenched his chest, which had been bothering him all morning. The noise from the door quickly forced him to regain his composure he didn’t want Chrysalis to see him in agony. Much to his relief Sam came rushing to his side with a covered tray.

“Are you alright sir?” The unicorn said sitting down the tray on the table.

“Yeah just a little bit of heart burn.” Sombra said.

“Now sir the one thing that I always taught you was never lie.” Sam said with a scolding look on his face.

Sombra felt the pain rushing back. “I don’t know what’s going on. For the last few day I hadn't felt the slightest thing of pain but now all the sudden its worse than it was before.” Sombra said.

“Have been to that doctor that I recommended?” Sam asked. Sombra looked the other way. “Of course you haven’t.” Sam said. Pausing for a second Sam went over and got a coat and tossed it to Sombra. “Come on we are going right now.”

“But I..” Sombra stopped as he saw Sam’s face burn with determination. “Fine I’ll go.” He said throwing the coat on.

Sombra once again got the same feeling he did whenever doctors are mentioned. But he was willing to do anything if it meant curing him of these sudden pains. Sam lead Sombra to the edge of the capital to a small building that was in between two larger ones.

“This is it?” Sombra asked as Sam knocked on the front door.

“Yes, now I know it might not look that much but trust me doctor Vig knows what he is doing.” Sam said.

The door opened to revel an old pegasus wearing a lab coat.

“Sam old buddy it has been a while since I’ve seen you around here.” The doctor said. “What do you need this time?”

“Actually I am here for him.” Sam said stepping to the side to reveal Sombra.

“Oh your majesty.” The doctor said kneeling. “Please come inside.”

“Thank you sir.” Sombra said stepping inside.

The house was nothing like the outside it was clean and well kept. Sombra was lead to a room with a large examining table.

“Please make your self at home.” The doctor said moving towards a cabinet.

As Sombra began taking a seat by the window the doctor quickly rushed over to him. “Um if you would sir, take your spot on the table please.”

Sombra made his way to the table and placed himself on it. He felt odd just lying there he wished the doctor would say something.

Suddenly out of nowhere Doctor Vig placed his ear on Sombra’s chest. The sudden move almost sent the prince jumping into the air.

“What on earth are you doing?” Sombra asked angrily.

“Shhh quiet.” Vig said.

Sombra didn’t like how this pony just invaded his personal space but if he could help he wasn’t going to protest.

“Ah there you are.” Vig said removing his ear and darted back to the cabinet.

“Where is what?” Sombra asked.

“The source of the pain.” Vig said digging through bottles of liquid.

"How did you know that I was having pains?" Sombra asked.

Vig turned around. "Just looking at you, you're tired right?"

"Yeah but how are you able to tell what it already is without test?" Sombra asked.

"Trust me, I have been doing this for a long time." Vig smiled.

“Hold on there Momir you’re telling me that you figured out what all this is about. In just a few seconds?” Sam said.

“Yeah its not that hard to pin point it actually.” Vig said holding a glass of liquid up to the window.

“Well what it is?” Sombra asked sitting up.

“Easy, it’s your heart Mr. Sombra.” Vig said.

“My heart is causing all the pain?” Sombra asked.

“Yes and no, you see something is slowly eating away at your body. Bit by bit you feel tired everyday, drained of energy no?” The doctor asked.

“Yes I have been feeling tired lately.” Sombra said rubbing the back of his head.

“Ah good then my theory is correct. You are suffering from a non-physical disease but more of eh, magical disease. You haven’t happened to have dabbled in black magic have you?” Vig asked jokingly.

“No, never in my entire life. I am no where near a master in regular magic either.” Sombra said missing the joke.

Vig frowned at his. "Okay so if you are not the cause then somepony else is or there is magic just attacking you for no reason. Always be careful for those who are around you I always say." The doctor said going through bottles until finding one he liked. "Well this potion will help ease your pain for a while but for a long term solution you need to find a raw energy source.” Vig said handing Sam the bottle.

“What kind of energy source Momir?” Sam asked tucking the bottle in his coat.

“Ah, that is a serious question. Something that can constantly channel healing magic twenty four hours a day. Something that is very powerful, let me see if I can find something around in my archive.” Vig said heading for the door.

“A consent magic source?” Sombra said to himself. “You mean like a source that could generate magic or boost a common spell to make it stronger?” he said out load.

"Precisely a simple source can be made but it takes time and preparation. Also you have to find one that will be powerful enough or else it will all be in vain. In other words we need to find something that isn't easy broken. Maybe there are some old relics I can dig up" Vig said thinking to himself.

Sombra sat there while the doctor was looking through a big book. 'Where can there be a magic source powerful enough to substain magic for great periods of time?' ' Surely theres nothing in the entire empire that could help channel magic as powerful as the doctor was referring to. In fact there is nothing except.' Sombra stopped his train of thought.

"Would you thinking doc?" Sombra asked.

The doctor froze and turned around. “Oh sir, I was thinking about what kind of source we need. It has to be able to control your condition. But things like this can be dangerous."

“Its not like I got noting to lose is it?” Sombra said in a smile.

The doctor stood still for a moment. “That’s what I was going to talk to you about.” He said while sitting by the table. “I didn’t want to worry you but your condition is really bad.”

“How bad?” Sam asked.

“Like I don’t know how you’re still alive bad.” Vig said in a low voice. “You see Sombra this thing, whatever it is literally killing your body and heart.”

“What?!” Sombra shouted.”

“Now calm down.” Vig said.

“What do you mean 'its killing me'? Are you saying that I could die because of this?” Sombra shouted.

Vig sat there and finally letting out his breath he looked Sombra in the eyes. “Yes.”

Sombra felt his head spin and eyes begging to fill with tears. “How long do I go until I need to find a source?” he asked.

“A month not even.” Vig said. “I am sorry, I will be right back.” He said heading to the door.

Sombra sat on the table not knowing what to do.

“Sir?” Sam asked. “I am terribly sorry.”

“Sam.” Sombra said with his cheeks becoming stained with tears. “I am scared.” He said getting up then falling to the floor. His boned cracked as he hit the ground but he was too upset to notice them.

Sam kneeled down beside him and placed his hoof around him. “Its alright sir we will find a way.” He said in a whisper.

“But where are we going to find a source of raw magic that powerful?” Sombra asked.

“I don’t know but we will.” Sam said reinsuring.

Sombra quickly thought to himself. “Sam I have two orders to give to the ponies of the empire.”

“And those are?” Sam asked.

“I want all my archives looking for any relic that may be useful. Anything will be good and I don't care if its dangerous, I want it.” Sombra said in a broken voice.

“Sir Momir clearly said that-“ Sam stopped as he saw the look on Sombra’s face. It was a look that Sam had seen before, it was the same look as the day Sombra's mother passed away. “Yes sir.”

Sombra smiled while clearing his tears. “Also make Mo- Moa-Vig….”

“Doctor Momir Vig sir.” Sam said.

“Yes thank you, make Doctor Vig the palace doctor I want him around at all times understand?” Sombra asked.

“Yes sir.” Sam responded.

“Now get me back to the palace I....I have things to do.” Sombra said heading to the door.

“Sir? Slow down you just had some pretty heavy news dropped on you.” Sam said in astonishment.

“As far as I am concerned I still have a life to live. Also this new doesn’t leave this room nopony can know about this. Not even the Chrysalis, especially her” Sombra said.

“Yes sir.” Sam said reluctantly.

“Good now lets go back.” Sombra said.

Sombra entered his throne room with a weak walk. Everypony in the room was startled by his entrance that he had made. He looked around and saw Chrysalis standing by the window talking to a mare. Sombra didn’t waste any time, he marched forward and knocked the mare out of his way.

Chrysalis was startled by his sudden approached. “Sombra what in the worl-“

Sombra embraced her and began kissing her in front of the entire room.

After a few seconds Chrysalis was able to pull away from him.

“Sombra dear?” She said blushing.

“Yes?” He asked wrapping his hooves around her.

“Are you alright?” Chrysalis asked looking at the stun faces in the room.

“Never been better.” He said with a smile. “Oh James!” he shouted at the top of his lungs.

A lime greenish pony came running up to him. “Yes sir?” he asked.

“Send orders for both of my daily sweeps to be given to Sir Rockshire..” Sombra said.

“All of them?” James asked.

“Did I stutter?” Sombra asked eyeing him.

“No sir right away sir.” James said running off.

“As for the rest of you all you can leave for the day except the kitchen staff. Once dinner is done then you can leave. Tommorow I only want the Kitchen staff to return for the day understood?” Sombra said to the rest of the room.

The crowd of servants all looked at each other and slowly made there way out.

“Sombra what’s going on? Why did you send everypony home?” Chrysalis asked.

Sombra twirled her around and let out a laugh. “Do I need a reason?” He chuckled.

“I guess not.” Chrysalis said.

“Good.” He said pecking her lips. “Now what do you want to do today?” He asked.

“Nothing really I thought we could just relax for the day you know.” She said sheepishly.

“Aw, come on there’s something you want to do.” Sombra said.

“Not really I mean not today.” Chrysalis said.

“Aw fine.” Sombra said letting go of her and taking his seat on the throne.

Sombra began humming to himself an old song he remembered from his mother. Chrysalis also sat in the throne curling up against him laying her head under his chin. Sombra reached out and began running his hoof up Chrysalis’s horn.

“What on earth are you doing?” Chrysalis giggled.

“Just admiring.” Sombra said placing his hoof were her horn curved into a jagged shape.

The two sat there until dinner came around. Sombra liked how quiet the palace was without any servants in it. It was as if he and Chrysalis were the only ones there. Of course Sam came by once in a while to make sure that this was not the case.
That night Sombra slept peacefully. He thought about how much life he had to live if he didn’t find a source or the heart in time. Looking down he gazed at Chrysalis sleeping beside him. A thought popped into his head and at first he didn’t think it was a great idea but he soon thought differently.

“I want to spend my entire life with you.” He whispered in her ear.

Chrysalis did not stir from her sleep but Sombra didn’t care. He closed his eyes and began letting his mind wonder.

Next day went relatively fast for Sombra. It was almost too fast for he didn't have a chance to actually stop and enjoy anything. He didn't the reason why but to him that day ended as soon as it began.

The next morning came and soon Sombra was being fitted in a suit of armor with a black shading on it. He had almost forgotten that he was going to attend a funeral.

“Now Sam while I am gone you are in charge alright.” Somrba said standing in the courtyard.

“Sir!?” Sam asked.

“You heard me.” Sombra smiled.

“I did but this is highly unorthodox.” Sam began but quickly stopped. “Yes sir.

“Good now where is Chrysalis?” Sombra asked.

“Right here.” Her voice called out from behind.

Sombra turned to see Chrysalis in a black dress with a lime green trim. He neck was lined with the necklace he gave her. Her hair was done so that it didn’t fall or cover her face.

“You look beautiful.” Sombra said.

“Thanks.” She blushed. “You don’t look to bad yourself.”

“Well of we go?” Sombra said offering his hoof so that she could get up into the carriage. Before he closed the door Sombra turned around and gave Sam a hug. “Good by Sam.” Sombra said as he entered the carriage.

“Good by sir.” Sam said standing bewildered.

As the carriage drove off Sam stood by the door and watched as the sun began to rise. “Thank goodness now I can get some sleep.” He said to himself.

"Sir, um we have a bunch a paper work from the last two days to do." A mare said holding a huge folder.

"Or maybe not." Sam said with a sigh.

Author's Note:

More is still to come. I appreciate those who already faved this story in such a short time. It really means a lot to me. The rest is still being worked on and I hope you enjoy it.

"Sometimes silence is the sweetest music one can wish to hear."