• Published 3rd Apr 2013
  • 3,334 Views, 54 Comments

The Heart of Shadows - TheSilentAuthor

A young prince of the crystal empire saves a strange creature and soon becomes attached to it

  • ...

A Dramatic Finding

A small group of guards came and circled around Sombra separating him from the ponies. Anger and confusion filled their faces as they looked at the aftermath of the scene that just unfolded. Murmurs soon began circling from everywhere. Even most of the guards gazed at horror at their leader.

"Take me back to the palace." Sombra said.

Some of the guards nodded and began escorting him away. Sombra heard some of the whispers that the ponies began saying among each other. "He murdered him, yeah right there in the street." He bit down on his tongue. "He killed him like it was nothing." He was becoming angry. "How could he do that to his own brother?" Sombra began feeling his anger begging to channel to his horn again. He was walking past one pony who was whispering something to another. "Can't believe, it never have I seen such an act of brutality."

"Come again citizen?" Sombra said stopping the guards.

The pony stopped in fear of being spotted.

"What did you just say?" Sombra asked. "Oh, come now surly whatever it is you were whispering can be said out loud."

The colt just stared in horror at the unicorn prince.

"You have to the count of five to tell me what you just said or else things will become very unpleasant for you." Sombra threatened.

"I just said that never seen such an act of brutality." He said in a low voice.

Sombra got in the ponies face. "Oh really? So what does that make me? The pony who committed such an action."

The pony stumbled with his words "A......"

"A what?" Sombra shouted at him.

"A savage." The pony said almost whispering it.

Sombra stared into the eyes of the pony drawing out something from him. It was as if he was drawing out the true feeling of fear from the pony. It evoked his senses, making him feel empowered. He like every second of it. "A savage huh?" Sombra remarked. He turned around slowly but quickly whirled around and stroked the pony down to the ground. His guards quickly came and tried to create a wall between the two. "Get out of my way right now!" Sombra ordered.

"Sir I would suggest that we get you out of here immediately." One of the guard said.

"I will do no such thing." Sombra hissed.

"Sir I think the captain is right." A younger colt said.

Sombra noticed what he meant as the crowd began to have a look of anger across their faces. If ever there was a sign of hostility in a group of ponies this was it. It was a surprising feeling that rushed through just like the last feeling of fear. He could tell that it was hatred that he was feeding off this time. The anger and fear were begging to mix together creating an intoxicating feeling the invade all of his body. It brought great amounts of pleasure to him. He began to notice a pony that helped the colt who got hit was acting like he was going to make a move.

"Do it." Sombra whispered.

And his wish came true. The pony pushed a guard out of the way and charged at Sombra at full force. His anger made Sombra smile as the pony came within reaching distance. With one motion Sombra moved out of the way and let the pony fall to the ground. Immediately he pressed his hoof on the back of the fallen colt, pressing it hard digging into it's skin. The pony let out a cry of pain which drove Sombra wildly.

"We are getting out of here now!" The captain said pulling Sombra off the pony.

By this point the crowed began closing in on the small circle as if to attack Sombra. Without notice Sombra was pulled away by his guards as they soon were rushing towards the palace. Once they got there the guards had the doors locked and barricaded

"Are you out of your mind?" A young guard mumbled in the direction of Sombra.

"Come again?" Sombra spat almost shaking with anger.

The guard stood back in palace. "Nothing sir."

"Yeah thats what I thought." Sombra said.

He heard the sounds of a pony galloping from behind him. "Is everything all right sir?" Sam asked.

Sombra turned around to see his faithful butler standing their with a look of horror on his face.

"Yes everything is fine why you ask?" Sombra said casually.

"It's just that I heard that you had the body of Mrs. Gavotte removed from the throne room." Sam said.

"Yes and?" Sombra asked.

"Sir what happen?" Sam asked.

"She became an annoyance and I did away with her." Sombra said so calmly.

Sam's face just froze in place while his eyes looked behind Sombra to the door where the guards had locked up. He backed away slowly.

"You...you killed her?" He asked.

Sombra smiled. "Indeed I did?"

"How...how..did Mezzo react." Sam said taking a gulp.

"Not to kindly he tried to betray me. In the end he met his fate out in the streets." Sombra walking past him.

Sam stood silent for a moment and turned around. "How could you?"

Sombra stopped. "Excuse me?"

Sam's face became red with anger. "He was your brother! How could you just do that and act like nothing happen."

"Do you have a problem with me or something?" Sombra said turning around.

"You killed him your own brother over what may I ask? What got into you to do such things?" Where is the body now?" Sam said.

"Somewhere out there." Sombra said.

Sam went the door and demanded it to be open. "Why can't I get out."

"Cause our beloved leader has angered everypony in the empire." A guard mumbled.

"I don't have time for this." Sam said storming to find another exit.

Sombra began heading to his throne room ignoring his butler's action. He climbed into his throne with the heart firmly clutched between his hooves. He sat and just waited for something to happen only allowing complete silence to join him. He heard something that caused him to look up. It was Vig who for some reason was caring a box.

"Sorry to disturbed you sir but I have found something that may interest you greatly." The doctor said putting the box down. "Now I know you haven't been feeling well lately and I think I have found the cause."

Sombra sat up. "I feel fine now but I would love to hear your findings." Sombra said sarcastically.

Vig caught on. "Well sir the main point I am trying to make is that you're past condition may have been caused by something that you are constantly exposed to."

Sombra rolled his eyes. "Can you please just cut to the point Mr Vig."

"Certainly but I don't think you're gonna like it." Vig said.

"And why would I?" Sombra asked curiously.

Vig took a breath and was about to say but then he was interrupted by a knock at the door. Chrysalis entered the room with a smile on her face. Sombra returned her smile and beckoned her to come over to him. She trotted by Vig and stood beside Sombra's throne.

"Sorry to interrupt anything Mr. Vig." She said. "Please do go on."

Vig broke out in a sweat.

"Something the matter doc?" Sombra asked noticing his sudden change of state.

The doctor looked like he was about to pass out from heat exhaustion. "Yes...I was saying that the cause was from......"

"Vig you don't look so good you need some water?" Chrysalis asked.

Vig eyes sifted to the changeling and grew wide in panic. His legs began shaking and started to make him sway.

"I don't feel so good all of the sudden." Vig said.

Chrysalis rushed over and got a chair for the doctor allowing him to collapse into it. He breathed heavily.

"Well Vig if you need a moment to breath you can come back later and tell me." Sombra said as if he wanted the pony to leave. "I have certain things to attend to."

"Yes sir." Vig said quickly standing up and bolt towards the door grabbing the box on they way out.

"Hope you feel better." Chrysalis called after him.

He turned around and gave a sudden look of suspicion at her. Then within a second he was gone.

"Well that was odd." Chrysalis said.

"He is an odd pony in general, he said he had something to tell me but then you came in and he broke down." Sombra remarked.

"Anyway where is your brother and his family haven't seen them all day." Chrysalis.

"They left." Sombra said.

"They left so soon?" Chrysalis asked.

"I had a bit of falling out with his wife and she demanded to leave so they did." Sombra said.

"Sombra, you really made her that mad? It must have been one nasty argument." Chrysalis said.

Sombra smirked. "Yeah but she's gone now and I am happy. Anyway let's talk about something more cheerful."

"Sure." Chrysalis said perking back up.

Sombra stood up and walked over to the window. He peered outside to see his kingdom, 'his kingdom' resting in the late afternoon sun. A burning sensation began bubbling in his heart giving him great pleasure. It was ponies obscure fear. Fear over little things like remembering certain things they had to do or forgetting something. He was connecting to everyponies tiny little fears and he was liking it.

"Well I was thinking about changing somethings around here. The palace, the city, mostly the empire in general. I feel there is a new presence here and I think the empire should reflect that." Sombra said.

"Like how, I mean what do you have in mind?" Chrysalis said walking up beside him.

"I don't really know but there is going to be great changes soon." Sombra said.

He turned to face her and drew her in closer. Giving her a kiss he paused for a moment to think about something.

"Something that matter?" Chrysalis asked.

"No it's just that I feel like I am forgetting something important." Sombra said.

"Well what ever it is I am sure you'll remember it in good time." Chrysalis said. "Now what were you going to say about the empire and changes."

He looked back at her and smiled. "Just be ready for the next few days. I have a feeling that it's going to be quite the rush. Now dear I have some planning to do." Sombra said letting go of her.

"Okay dear I'll let you go off and play being king." She said playfully.

Sombra stopped for a moment. "I am a king." He told himself.

He exited out the door and left the changeling there by herself. She looked back out the window gazing at the city below. Turning back slowly she made her way to the great throne. Sitting down on it she noticed that the crystal heart was resting on the hoof rest. Picking it up slowly she stared into it. It's glow gave her a sense of comfort and pride. A sudden sound disturbed her and almost made her drop it. Looking up she could she that it was Vig.

"All right sir I am going to come clean the reason that you were under ill was because...." He stopped when he noticed that it was just her in there. "Hello Chrysalis." He said while closing the door.

"Hello Vig I hope you are feeling better now." She said.

"Please spare me the sympathies Chrysalis for I don't need any from you." He said harshly.

Chrysalis shook her head in disbelief. "Excuse me?"

"I know what you are and what you do to survive. Just to let you know that is all about to come to an end. As soon as I leave her I am going to tell Sombra and show him how you are the most wicked thing to ever walked the earth." He said.

"Mr. Vig what is the meaning of all this? What have I done exactly?" She asked.

"Being you is what you have done you deceitful creature. You been feeding off Sombra, using him to satisfy you need to live. In causing that you have set off a chain reaction within that almost lead him to great amounts of pain maybe even insanity. You been messing with a pony who has natural magical abilities and you're natural magic did a great number on him." Vig said.

"I have done nothing nor would I do anything to harm Sombra. You must be under some hallucination or seomrthing." She said begging to feel uncomfortable.

"Oh there is no mistake you have tempered with something that could have lead to disaster. Your magic messed with his magic causing him much pain. That's right all those moments when he was in pain was because of you. To make matters worse he made me try this weird spell that he found from some odd pony who's form heavens knows where. Now the spell was to reveal what the cause was but it took a strange affect on him. For you see if did reveal what was the cause, you. Thats why his skin turned to a shade of grey to mach the causes natural colors." Vig said.

"Are you saying that I am the sole reason behind all his pain and sudden change in color? I will not sit here and listen to another word of this madness." Chrysalis said walking past him.

Vig grabbed one of her hooves. "You're not going anywhere until you come clean with this whole act of yours. You have done enough damage to the royal prince and I will not allow anymore harm to befall him."

"Let go of me at once at once." Chrysalis said trying to force his grip off.

"No, you are just like the others ones stubborn and animalistic when threatened." Vig said.

"What do you mean others?" She asked.

"I have been studying you're kind ever since my eyes fell upon you. Only until recently have I been able to get my hooves on a few living ones. Such violent creatures but none share the sam level of intelligence as you do." He said.

"Oh no." She gasped.

"That's right I know all about your 'special abilites'." Vig smiled.

"Vig listen I never meant for Sombra to be hurt and I never knew that I could do something like that. At first I did it but then I started to actually care for him and tried to stop. Now please let me go." She said in a whimper.

"Thats sweet and all but you still have created something that now is a permeant factor." He said.

"I didn't know that his magical powers would somehow react negatively with mine. Please Vig I didn't know." She said almost bring up tears.

"To late for that now we are going to Sombra and you're going to tell him everything about yourself." He said pulling her along.

"Please Vig no." She said.

"Let's go!." He said yanking her

"Stop it you're hurting me." She cried.

"What is the meaning of all of this!" Sam said busting into the room. He pushed Vig off Chrysalis sending the doctor to the floor. "Has the whole palace gone made?"

"That creature is a liability to this entire city." Vig said standing up. "She needs to be locked up and left to die!"

"Mormir what in earths name are you talking about? Do you know what would happen if Sombra heard you speaking of such things?" Sam said tending to Chrysalis. "Everything okay ma'am? He didn't hurt you or anything?"

"No but he is freighting me." She said.

"Vig what has gotten into you?" Sam asked.

"She is the reason behind Sombra's newest aliment, she was the reason for all his past ones to. I can prove it with a couple of examples." Vig said.

"Whatever you speak of is lies, all of it." Chrysalis spat. "I will not tolerate anything you have to say against me nor do I tend to let you just say them at free will." She said storming out of the room.

"Well old friend you just brought a fury like no other down upon yourself." Sam said.

"It's true she a changeling Sam. A creature who finds a host, changes into somepony they care about, and feeds off of them until they're a husk of a shell. They take a form Sam, its sickening way of feeding off somepony" Vig said.

"So if any of this is true than why did she choose that form?" Sam said.

"Thats the strange part she didn't have to it with Sombra. Sombra fell for her in her natural form. In which she was freely aloud to feed off of him without having to change her form. A changeling has a certain type of magic their born with almost like a sixth sense. It allows them to use emotions, mostly love in my studies to make themselves stronger. With Sombra though he two was born with magic too so when they got mix together well we saw the results. This explains why he is becoming so angry and brutish. Her dark magic is causing his magic to become corrupt which is infecting him." Vig stated.

"Vig if all you just said was true then why couldn't you explain this to Sombra before?" Sam said.

"Cause you've seen how he acts these days when ponies anger him. Do you really think I was going to tell him while his beloved monstrosity was sitting beside him. He could probably kill me with mentioning it but then again I don't think he could kill somepony do you?"

Sam bit his lip before answering. "Vig you are right about one thing Sombra has become more violent these last few days and I am very worried about what is about to come. So tell, tell me that you are one hundred percent sure that this theory of yours is correct."

"I can prove it easily." Vig said.

"All right lets go and tell Sombra right now. Don't worry I'll be by your side the entire time." Sam said.

"Thanks old friend now lets hurry I don't want Chrysalis getting ideas into his head." Vig said leading the way.

The two made their way down the stairs and into one of the main halls. Hearing Sombra's voice they instantly found him with a group of ponies with horrid looks on their faces. Sam could tell they where architects but he could also tell they were scared out of they're minds. Sombra spotted the two of them.

"Ah Vig, Sam please come here I want you to hear of my plans." The prince said.

"Plans sir?" Sam asked.

"Ah yes I haven't told you yet. I decided to remodel this entire castle to fit as a new symbol for the future." Sombra said.

"Sir the palace has been the same for generations. To change it would almost be insulting to the kings who came before you." Sam said bitting his lip.

"Oh nonsense the past kings would be thrilled and besides let the past be in the past. We are living for the here and now." Sombra said.

"Sir we really need to talk about something." Vig said interrupting them.

"Not now Vig." Sombra said. "But anyway I have it all planned out and ready to go."

"Sir please I don't think this is the time to talk about structural changes." Vig said once again cutting in.

"In one second Vig." Sombra said. "Anyway I think the production should go by very smoothly since everypony will be chipping in."

Sam's face grew suspicious." What do you mean 'everypony will be chipping in'?"

"Oh I am going to have every crystal pony work on this new remolding." Sombra said waving his hoof in a motion.

"You mean like a jobs program cause I don't think they will be to kindly just building and not getting paid for it." Sam said jokingly.

Sombra's face become stone cold expressionless. "They will do out of the goodness out of their hearts."

"As much as I think they would love to do that I am not sure you have the best credibility right now. Sir you can't force ponies to work on something they don't want to do." Sam said.

"Of course they will if I say so!" Sombra shouted. "I am the leader and they will do whatever I tell them to do."

Sam stood there with anger coming across the face, Vig was sure that the old butler was going to strike Sombra down.

"Yeah thats it get angry, hate me for all its worth. You'll only make me stronger" Sombra whispered to himself.

Sam slowly began. "Sir I don't think you are feeling well."

"Chrysalis has to go!" Vig shouted causing both ponies to jump.

Sombra stood there with a blank expression on his face as if was told somepony had just past away. He looked at Vig and all his emotion began running through his head. Calming himself down he took a deep breath.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Sir I feel that you are in danger please come with me to my lab." Vig said walking away.

Sombra followed the doctor hesitantly but he wanted to know what he was going to show him.