• Published 9th Dec 2012
  • 10,500 Views, 1,125 Comments

Hot Heads, Cold Hearts and Nerves of Steel - Trinary

AU Dashverse: The Crystal Empire has returned and the foals of Equestria have gone missing!

  • ...

Chapter 10

& & &

Rainbow Dash groaned. Today was their third day on the train and it felt like they had been there forever. The wind and snow was so intense that it made it all but impossible for her to go outside for a flight.

All of them were feeling the effects of such enforced closeness, but being confined in a tiny space was particularly infuriating for a pegasus like her. Three days of a confined space with eight ponies and little way to circulate the air left the train smelling, well, funky. And the bathroom….don’t ask. The windows were all stuck closed thanks to the snow. Even Pinkie’s Eye Spy games couldn’t break up the tedium because the windows were plastered with snow. Worry for their families, both behind them in Ponyville and ahead of them in the Crystal Empire took deep hold and since they could do nothing for them, worry gave way to brooding and boredom. And boredom eventually gave way to frustration, and in turn, anger.

They had been in such close proximity to one another for so long that they all knew each others’ annoying, disgusting or weird little habits. Cadence’s snoring was as bad as ever and even Shining Armor…well, apparently he had forgotten that he had company when he went into the bathroom to shower that morning.

A sudden cacophony of tortured noise jolted Rainbow Dash awake and sent her flying into the bathroom, thinking he was in the process of being maimed or killed…only to find him singing and dancing in the shower. Horribly. To say it was an awkward moment for both of them would be an understatement.

Little things about her friends that used to occasionally annoy her now became giant Ursas in the room that she couldn't ignore no matter how hard she tried…and trying to ignore them only seemed to make them grow bigger. Who would’ve imagined that the worst form of torture would be being trapped with your best friends?

Rainbow was lying despondently on her bed, lethargic and bored when Rarity walked over to her. “Darling, would you get up for a little while? Your sheets and blankets are all wrinkly and need to be remade.”

“Seriously?” The pegasus groaned. “It’s my bed. Why don’t you remake your own?”

“I have darling, as well as everypony elses.” The slight twitch in Rarity’s forehead showed that Rainbow was not the only pony who was feeling anxious and bored. “Several times.”


Rainbow crossed her hooves and laid back down. “Yeah, well I’m resting now. And if you did then I’d just have to mess it up again to get comfortable.”

Rarity huffed in annoyance. “Honestly, being comfortable doesn’t have to come at the expense of being a slob. Besides, you’ve already done quite a bit of resting today.”

“There isn’t much else I could be doing now, is there?” snapped the pegasus, wings ruffling in annoyance. “If Sombra or any of his stupid creeps were around I’d be flying circles around them and kicking their flanks before you finished combing your precious mane.”

Agog at the implied insult to her mane and the care she devoted to it, Rarity harrumphed. “Well!”

Applejack groaned from her position where she was playing tic-tac-toe with Fluttershy. “Would you two button yer yaps already? Ain’t like bickerin’ helps any.”

Both ponies turned Applejack looking disgruntled for her unlooked for and unwanted interjection. “We were having a private conversation, Applejack.” The white unicorn sniffed at her. “You are familiar with the concept of privacy, I trust?”

“Exc-use me.” The farmpony snorted. “If you don’t want anypony to butt in, mebe you should be keepin’ your voices down. Ain’t exactly like there’s much privacy on this here train anyway.”

Rainbow deadpanned. “We noticed, thanks for the newsflash AJ.”

She snorted. “Then stop fussing and feuding. Find something better t’do than just farting around.”

Her crude choice of words made Rarity curl her lips downward. Rainbow flicked her wings. “You’re one to talk, Applejack.” The cyan pegasus looked at her meaningfully. “Try cutting back on the apples, would ya?” Applejack flushed, furious.

“O-oh, s-sorry but um, could we all not fight please?” Fluttershy squeaked. Gritting her teeth, Applejack turned away. “If that’s okay with you, I mean…” The meek Pegasus added, drawing a circle on her board. “Tic-tac-toe.”

AJ sighed. “You win again, sugarcube. Fifty-four to zero.”

“I do? Oh, I’m sorry.” Fluttershy laid her ears flat against her head apologetically.

“Fluttershy…do you know how many times you’ve said sorry since we’ve gotten on this train?” Applejack groaned.

“Seven hundred and forty-two.” Twilight called out absently as she flipped a page in her book.

“…Seriously? You were keeping track?” Rarity looked at her oddly. “And ponies think I’m overly meticulous.”

“You are.” Several ponies commented as one.

Indignantly, Rarity tilted her nose upwards. “Well at least I haven’t spent this entire trip making up nonsense songs about the curtains, the bed springs, and even that ball of lint I threw out yesterday.” She gave Pinkie Pie a look that was completely missed.

“I think Pinkie’s running out of material to sing about.” Rainbow couldn’t help observing as the party pony dug through one of the emergency kits for fresh ideas.

“There’s no ‘I’ in teamocil…” Pinkie warbled tiredly, peering at one bottle of medicine. “At least not where you’d think…”

Everpony tried their best to tune her out. After her sixth full-length song, as well as five ditties, four poems, three limericks, two sonnets, one epic ballad and a matinee, Pinkie’s musical endeavors were beginning to wear thin.

“..You don’t have to keep apologizing for ev’ry little thing.” Applejack continued.

“I don’t? Oh, then I’m sorry for saying sorry too much.” Fluttershy apologized. Applejack’s eye twitched.

Rainbow propped her head up with one hoof. “Whatcha up to Twi?”

“I’m reading up on old pony legends about Sombra.” The studious unicorn replied. “He appears in some stories as ‘the dark king of the north.’ Maybe there’s something in one of those legends that we can use against him.”

“What’s to know?” Rainbow shrugged. “We have the Elements of Harmony, we zap him, end of story.”

Twilight frowned. “Well, when we fought Nightmare Moon the Elements purged the darkness that took over Princess Luna and turned her back to normal. But it isn’t clear if that’s what happened to King Sombra. So maybe the Elements will turn him back to good...but that’s assuming he ever really was good.” She tapped her book meaningfully. “That’s why I’m reading these old legends to find out. If he wasn’t corrupted like Princess Luna, then who knows what effect the Elements will have on him?”

“You’re overthinking it,” Rainbow Dash waved her off. “Celestia said the Elements of Harmony would work, so that’s that.”

“I guess so,” she allowed. “But these books also tell about his abilities and the nature of the Crystal Empire.” She coughed and took on her best lecturing professor tone.

“From his original realm of Tambelon, the dark king of the North assembled many powerful magical artifacts from the ancient and noble houses of the unicorn kingdom. These afforded him power over many dark and fell creatures and spirits that entered his service.

“When he manipulated the crystal ponies into reconstructing Tambelon from its foundations, thereafter known as the Crystal Empire, he twisted their every design to his own dark purposes. The Empire became a citadel to his power, magnifying it across the dominions of the northern reaches of the world. For crystals reflect and refract not only light and sound, but magic and energy as well. Sowing his dark crystals across the land, the dark king thwarted the magics of unicorns and others who opposed his designs.”

“Very pretty,” Applejack drawled. “But what’s that even mean? Can’t y’all high-brow types write plain so everypony can understand?”

Twilight frowned at the slap at her beloved academics and, indirectly, at her as well. “I’m sorry that the greatest scholars and historians of lore didn’t anticipate your literary critique,” she snarked expertly. “Tell you what, how about if I rewrite everything so that it could be summed up as simple Granny Smith-style farm aphorism like the king has ‘bad things a-brewin that’re nastier than a one-eyed snake’ or something like that. There, happy?”

Things were prevented from escalating by Cadence suddenly slamming the door from the kitchen car open, Shining Armor following right behind her. “--I said I’m fine Shining!”

“Will you just let me take a look?” He tried to cut her off. “I just want to make sure it doesn’t get infected and...” Cadence let out a tiny suppressed scream of frustration.

“What’s the matter?” Fluttershy asked. “Is everypony okay?”

Cadence nodded and said ‘yes’ at the same instant Shining Armor was shaking his head and saying ‘no.’

It was Shining who spoke up first. “We were making some lunch and Cadence--”

“I was making a salad and accidentally--” The unicorn princess realized it would be better if she got her version out before he did.

“--she stabbed herself in the face with her fork!” Shining declared, to gasps of horror.

“SOMEpony distracted me so I missed my mouth and lightly jabbed my cheek.” She corrected, shooting him an annoyed glare.

Shining tried examining said cheek, not noticing or caring how much of Cadence’s personal space he violated in the process. “Maybe we should bandage it...or at least rub it down with some anti-biotics. I’ll double-check to see if you need stitches.”

“It was covered with lettuce and never even broke the skin!” She cried incredulously. “Honestly, Shining! I might not be a member of the royal guard but I’m not some weak, helpless little foal!”

“But it’s my job to protect you!” he protested. “And...I lo--” suddenly remembering he had an audience, he rubbed the back of his neck. “--ook after everypony under my watch!” Shining corrected, fooling nopony.

Rainbow let out a disgusted snort and flopped back on her bed. She didn’t notice that Cadence hardly looked thrilled either as she shook her head and grumbled. “Honestly!”

That was all Rainbow Dash needed. To have Shining Armor obsess so thoroughly over Cadence that the rest of them barely existed to him. She contemplated going back to sleep when a misty wisp of magic entered the train and suddenly formed a sheath of scrolls. Rainbow’s eyes widened. “It’s the Princess! She must’ve sent—ack!” Her explanation was cut off as an additional scroll materialized, practically in her ear. “…Nice aim.” She grunted as she pulled it out to read. “Princess Celestia really needs some target practice—HEY!” She yelped again as Shining Armor grabbed the scroll out of her hooves with his magic. “Shining!”

“Sorry Rainbow.” He grunted as he started reading the missive from the Princess. “Guard business.”

“Ooh, magic mail call!” Pinkie chirped in excitement.

Rainbow frowned at the guard captain. “Yeah, well we’re all in this together so gimme!” She flapped her wings and darted forth, snatching the scroll out of his hooves so fast that he spent a moment blinking and trying to read the thin air for a second. Quickly speed reading through the scroll, she let out a sigh when she was finished.

“What’s it say?” Applejack asked quickly. “Any news ‘bout the kids?”

The pegasus dropped the scroll out of her hooves and idly kicked it away as it fell. “No.”

Applejack and Rarity shared identical looks of disappointment. Shining sighed softly as he picked the letter back up. “I’m sorry.” He dipped his head. “According to this there haven’t been any further attacks. She forwarded some reports from across Equestria that the guards have put together. Hopefully they’ll provide us with some idea of what we’re up against.”

“There anything in there f’r us?” Applejack looked at the pile of scrolls. “Ah’d sure like to hear from mah family...and to let them know Ah’m okay.”

Shining shook his head. “I’m afraid not. Essential communications are the only ones being sent through.” Seeing the upset looks he was getting, Shining felt it best to elaborate. “We don’t know what sort of magic Sombra has at his disposal. We can’t take the chance of him intercepting our mail. The more of it we send, the more likely it is that’ll happen. We have to make sure nopony knows where we’re going.”

Rainbow snorted incredulously. “Are you kidding? Half of Ponyville saw us off and even before we left, and Cloud Kicker and Ditzy’d already figured out we were going after whoever took the foals.”

“But that’s not the same thing as knowing where we’re headed or how we’re getting there.” He countered, looking at her seriously. “You don’t realize just how much care has gone into hiding our exact route. Other trains with guards have been sent on other tracks, just to make sure that Sombra won’t know which train the six of you will be on if he’s aware that we’re heading north.” He let out a small grin. “We’ve also created false reports about just who the six of you are. A lot of them.”

“Really?” Pinkie tilted her head. “You mean, we’re not us? Then who is us? Who am I?”

Twilight sighed “I think he meant that six other ponies are named in the reports as the Elements of Harmony. Right?”

Shining nodded. “For disinformation purposes, Applejack is Raindrops, Rarity is Carrot Top, Rainbow Dash is Lyra Heartstrings, Pinkie Pie is Cheerilee, Fluttershy is Derpy Hooves--”

“That’s Ditzy Doo.” Rainbow corrected. “Everypony just calls her that because she’s...well, derpy.”

“Then that’s just another layer.” Shining shrugged.

Twilight looked at her brother. “What about me?”

“Oh, you’re Trixie Lulamoon.” He answered casually then shrunk down when he saw the furious glare his little sister was giving him. “Um, there a problem?”

“T-Trixie?! Y-you have Trixie being the Element of Magic?” The normally erudite unicorn sputtered as she tried to come up with the right word to describe just how many different kinds of wrong that was.

Rainbow snickered. “Oh boy, better not let Trix see those reports. Her head won’t be able to fit inside her pointy hat anymore...”

“Looks who’s talking.” Applejack quipped.

The brash pegasus started to nod before she heard just what AJ was saying. She glared, pushing her forehead against Applejack’s. “You wanna start something, Applebutt?”

Seeing the potential flare up in the mix, Shining took a step forward, refocusing everypony’s attention on him. “It probably won’t work, but hopefully it’ll sow a little confusion into his plans. As for your mail, think about it this way: What if he intercepts a personal message from or to one of you? Say, something that identifies who your families are...” he trailed off ominously. The threat of further danger to their families rocked Applejack and Rarity to the core. The others looked similarly distressed. “I’m sorry.” He repeated sincerely. “I know my and Twiley’s parents must be worried about the both of us and I’d love to tell them that we’re all right but...we can’t.”

“S’okay sugarcube.” AJ nodded numbly. “W-we understand. Don’t we?” A chorus of faint murmurs and nods greeted her, but there was no hiding their dismay. Being cut off from the rest of the world only served to further isolate them in that tiny train and made it feel that much more an oppressive atmosphere. Cadence walked from pony to pony, offering them a sympathetic look, a hoof on their shoulder, or even a nuzzle as needed.

Taking pity on them, Shining Armor gave them a smile. “That said...there is a scroll here from the ‘Brevet Pro-Tem Militia chief of Ponyville, Cloud Kicker.” He held it up with his hoof.” Knowing her, I doubt she stringently stuck to military protocol as much as she shou--whoa!” He barely had time to blink before Rainbow grabbed the scroll out of his hooves. “Careful Dash, you almost took my hoof with you!” he half-joked, but Rainbow’s attention was fixed firmly on Cloud Kicker’s letter, her five friends crowded around her and looking over her shoulder.

She cleared her throat and began to read:

Rainbow Dash-

Hey RD. Hope you and the gals are okay. Everything’s quiet here in Ponyville. There haven’t been any signs of additional trouble, but a platoon of guards were assigned to reinforce us in case anything nasty comes in from the Everfree Forest. Somehow I ended up running the show, though some of the career guards aren’t all that happy about it. I guess Ditzy heard you ‘putting me in charge,’ and she just happened to mention it to the Mayor that the Princess’ student wanted me in charge, and...well, here I am. So thanks a lot for that.

I wish I could say that there’s been any news about the foals but so far we don’t have much. I have gotten to see some reports from the guard in other places since I’m ‘technically’ in charge of the Ponyville guards: it sounds like Princess Celestia pulled out all of the stops in Canterlot. Pegasi and tribes of friendly Griffons have been patrolling the skies all day and gargoyles at night, sea ponies have been keeping on eye on the seas, rivers, and waterways, and even those Diamond Dogs you guys befriended have agreed to keep an ear to the ground. Literally.

We’ve had a couple of ponies volunteer to join us as a sort of provisional auxiliary force for the duration of the crisis, most of them relatives of the missing kids. I guess they feel the way I do, that if they can’t physically be out there looking for them then they might as well try to make themselves feel useful. Either it’ll distract them or better yet, give them a chance to seriously hurt whoever did this if and when they show their ugly faces in town again.

I went by the schoolhouse the other day. It's just...empty. Cheerilee was just standing there, with this blank look on her face--she was the first pony to volunteer. Big Macintosh did too, after he called in some cousin of his to help take care of Granny Smith and the farm. Cute guy too, but...just not in the mood.

Ditzy wanted to join but I had to turn her down (I knew some higher up would’ve had my rump in a sling if I took her up on it). I tried to let her down gently, citing her vision and her...well, clumsiness. But really? I just didn’t want Sparkler to be alone if something bad happened. Call me selfish, but I just couldn’t live with myself if something happened to Ditzy under my watch.

I get why we had to stay behind, only so many ponies you can take with you. But still...the truth is, we’re hurting and scared. Especially since we can't do anything but sit back here and wait to see if Alula and Dinky’ll come home safe.

I just want her to be okay. She's my baby sis...

Sorry, kinda distracted. I thought I should let you know that everypony, and I mean EVERYPONY, is wishing you the best. If I had to pass on every message, this letter would be longer than your train. But there are a few I should mention:

Ditzy says to take care. She’s scared and worried for you, even as she’s being scared and worried for Dinky. She wanted me to remind you that what she said to you at her house still stands, so you better come back safe. She also said she was sorry for blaming you for what happened when she found Dinky gone. I tried to tell her that you would just say to forget about it, but she insisted. She hasn’t let Sparkler out of her sight since she came back from Canterlot. Normally Sparky would’ve gone nuts by now but she misses her little sis something bad.

Big Macintosh passes on his best wishes to you RD and has a message for Applejack. He said that he loves and misses you more than apples miss honey and says to stay safe. The big guy put up a brave front, but he’s a big ol’ softy. He poured through old family albums with me, just to talk about his baby sisters (apparently there’s a reason he talks so little, once he gets going it’s impossible to make him stop!). I think the Apples are the only family who can give the Kickers a run for their money in terms of size and members. Gave me a totally wicked idea for a family-reunion/competition, Kickers vs. Apples.

Blossomforth and Raindrops send their regards...Raindrops even said she’d take you out for a drink when this is all over. Should I be jealous?

Rarity’s parents send all their love to their, ‘pwecious Rarity-warity’ and...it got kinda hard to understand after that. I’m sorry I don’t have any messages to pass on to Fluttershy or Twilight since they don’t have any relatives here in Ponyville. But I figured I can pick up the slack by saying that you girls are smoking hot and I can’t wait until your bring your hot flanks back my way.

...Sorry RD. I’m rambling now because I don’t want to talk about how wrong everything is here. Guards are posted all around town, there aren’t any foals laughing and playing in the streets and without your posse here...somehow the town seems like it lost its soul. I want so badly for something to happen for me to do but mostly it’s just routine patrols, paperwork, and waiting to hear how things will turn out while everything is being decided without us.

You know my family prides itself on its loyalty to the Princess going back centuries. They were pretty disappointed when a Kicker didn’t get the Element of Loyalty and you did. I know it’s a big deal for them...but I thought they were being a bit dense. I know you and there isn’t a more loyal pony alive, Kicker or otherwise. But...this once I wish that it was somepony else out there instead of you.

Before you get all huffy and declare that you can take care of yourself just fine (which I know), I’m just...worried, is all. You and me and Fluttershy and Ditzy go way back and the thought of anything happening to you guys scares the horseapples out of me. And I know you. You won’t let anything happen to Fluttershy, your friends or the foals...even if it means taking stupid risks and putting yourself in harm’s way.

So please, Dash...watch yourself out there.

Brevet-Lt. Cloud Kicker,
Ponyville Militia

"PS: When you get back, I'm going to grab you and..." Rainbow abruptly cut herself off, refusing to read any more of the letter aloud. The blush on her face and the way her wings were slowly spreading open testified to the contents of the postscript.

Shining Armor coughed awkwardly. “Um, sorry to interrupt but I’ve got something here that might be of greater interest. Er, I mean interest. Just interest.” He rubbed the back of his neck as he held up one of the reports. “One of the guard patrols near Tall Tale Town came across a group of Diamond Dogs. They said that they’ve been driven from their mines by some ‘nasty creatures.’ They could be whatever Sombra used to take the children.”

“How horrid!” Rarity shuddered. “W-what kind of monster has my Sweetie Belle?” Her eyes watered.

“We’ll get them back,” Shining Armor promised stolidly.

“But what does this Sombra brute even want with them?” She demanded. “They’re innocent little fillies and colts! They should be home with their mothers and fathers and big sisters and brothers…they should be getting ready for Hearth’s Warming Eve, having snowball fights and drinking hot cocoa! N-not dragged out of their beds by monsters and taken underground where we might never e-even seen them agaaaaaaaain!”

“Shhh…there, there, sweetie.” Cadence wrapped the smaller pony up in a hug, rocking her gently. “It’ll be okay…why don’t we go sit down over some tea?” She gently ushered the shaking Rarity towards the kitchen car.

There was a sad lull as they heard the door to the next compartment open and close. “…So now what?” Rainbow asked dully.

Shining licked his lips. “The guards will investigate, see if there’s anything to this report. As far as we’re concerned…” he paused. “The plan hasn’t changed, we keep going north…” he spoke faster, seeing the looks he was getting from the mares. “…the best thing we can do for the missing children is to get to the Crystal Empire before them and defeat Sombra.”

Rainbow narrowed her eyes. “This really stinks, Shiny. We should be doing something to help.”

“We are.” He stressed firmly. “Just because you aren’t doing everything doesn’t mean that you’re not helping.” He put his hoof on Dash’s shoulder. “When I made captain, I still wanted to be out there on patrol, checking out every single thing that went on. But I had to learn to delegate, because no one pony can be everywhere. Not even the Princess. If she could, there wouldn’t be any need for guards or bureaucrats.” Shining smiled gently. “Not even you, Dash.”

She sighed. “I guess…so, we keep going north?”

“And we don’t stop for anything.” Shining confirmed. “As soon as the train stops, we start walking.”

“About that…” Everypony turned to see Cadance as she shut the door behind her. “I’m afraid that we’re going to have to stop. Our food supplies are almost gone.”

“That’s—impossible!” Shining blurted out.

“Oh no!” Fluttershy gasped, causing everypony to look to her. “I—I sometimes got hungry and in the middle of the night…I ate half an apple! This is all my fault!” She buried her face in her hooves. “I’m so sorry! Please forgive me! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”

“Fluttershy…” Rainbow Dash groaned. “Geeze, keep it together, would you? There’s no way we ran out of supplies because you had half an apple a night.”

Shining’s jaw dropped. “We were fully stocked when we set out from Ponyville! The quatermaster’s office said those supplies should be enough to last for a month!”

Applejack groaned. “Ah’m guessing they didn’t account on Pinkie Pie.”

“I thought her super-duper-sized-pancakes-with-everything-in-them were a bit…rich.” Twilight mused.

Pinkie pouted. “Heeey, you said you liked them! You had seconds.”

“And Ah might’ve gone a bit o’erboard on making the apple cobblers.” AJ admitted ruefully.

Cadance walked over, putting a hoof on Shining Armor’s withers. “Well, whatever the reason is, if we don’t want to starve before we even get to the Crystal Empire, we better stop and stock up on supplies.”

“This is going to put us behind schedule,” he muttered grumpily. Twilight gave him a sympathetic smile. Then he sighed. “But I guess we have no choice.” Walking over to his saddle bag, Shining consulted his map. “The town we’re stopping at is a small railroad town. It’ll probably have a general store where we can get everything we need.”

The prospect of coming to a stop and getting off the train brightened everypony’s spirits. Shining Armor frowned. “I’ll go get the supplies. The rest of you can just wait here and--” The concentrated glares from seven furious, grumpy, and stir-crazy mares almost knocked the captain of the royal guard on his plot. “--or, um, I guess you can come too...”

& & &

When the train pulled into the station of the small town of Snowridge, there was such a stampede to get off that Shining Armor nearly up being trampled. Everypony wore scarves and hats and earmuffs made by Rarity herself that were, “simply darling!”

“Fresh air…” Rainbow Dash breathed, greeting it like a long lost lover. Her wings snapped open as she took to the skies, delighting in feeling the wind between her feathers.

AJ took a deep sniff. “Who-ee! It may not smell like apples, but it shore is better than a train crammed full o’ ponies!”

“Indeed!” Rarity smiled. “It smells crisp and clean!”

“Eeeee! Look you guys!” Pinkie squealed “It’s snowing!”

Applejack quirked her brow. “Um, Pinkie? It’s been snowing for the last day and a half.”

“Yeah but now I’m outside to enjoy it!” She stuck out her tongue, spinning in a circle as she tried to catch the gently falling snowflakes.

An earth pony swaddled up in winter clothing galloped to them. “Welcome!” He grinned widely. “I’m Mayor LePetomane. Welcome to Snowridge! If we knew you were coming, we would’ve had somepony waiting for you. Not good manners to let visitors freeze their tails off on a day like this.”

Shining stepped forward. “I’m Captain Shining Armor of the Royal Guard.” His tone was pure professionalism, undercut only by the sight of Pinkie’s continued frolics in the snow as she chased the falling flakes, tongue outstretched. Her tongue came into contact with a pole and became stuck fast. Doing his best to ignore her attempts to pull her tongue free, he continued with as much dignity as he could muster. “We need to gather some supplies: food, medicine, and additional winter gear. You will be reimbursed by Canterlot at the earliest opportunity.”

LePetomane winced at the news that he would have to turn over supplies to them without paying. And knowing bureaucracy, it would be awhile before Canterlot sent the money owed. The merchants would howl. But there wasn’t any way to say no to the royal guard requisitioning material on a mission. “...of course.” His smile was sickly. “We’d be...happy to help.”

“Thank you, Mayor. We’re also in a bit of a hurry, so the faster you can get those supplies, the better.”

“I will do what I can,” LePetomane sighed. “Most of my ponies would be indoors on a day like this, preparing for Hearth’s Warming Eve. You know it’s less than two weeks away.” The Mayor chuckled, not noticing the pained look on his guests’ faces. Applejack and Rarity looked unhappy at the reminder that the holiday best known for spending time with your family was approaching and they were away from their loved ones. Rainbow Dash felt even worse. She’d promised Ditzy that she’d have Dinky back in time for Hearth’s Warming. Being reminded of it suddenly made her impatient to get back underway.

The Mayor walked off to gather some local help to gather the supplies. Twilight and Cadance set about trying to pry Pinkie’s tongue off the metal pole.

The first load of materials was brought on sleighs pulled by a team of ponies. Pinkie--now free but with a sore tongue--busied herself by bouncing around them and asking their names if they would be ‘fwends’ with her (having her tongue removed from the pole had left her with a slight lisp). They found it best to just smile and nod.

Rainbow Dash was sipping some warm apple cider and enjoying the rare moment of solitude, the first she’d had in awhile. “Dashie?”

She shut her eyes and sighed. Of course. “Hey Cadance.” She turned her head to look at the older pony. “What’s up?”

The pink princess made her way down to Rainbow’s side, staring out at the pleasant little town. “It’s lovely.”

Rainbow flicked her wings, shaking off some snow that had fallen on them. “Eh, it’s okay. Ponyville’s way better.”

“I can see you really love Ponyville. You’ve made some wonderful friends.” Cadance leaned down to nuzzle Rainbow. “I’m so proud of you.”

But the smaller pony stood ramrod straight, not reacting to Cadance’s affection, much less returning it. I didn’t do it for you, she thought, but didn’t say. Still, enough of what she was thinking was reflected in how she held herself that Cadance drew back, concerned.

“Rainbow Dash...what’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong. Who said anything was wrong?” She crossed her arms, not looking at her former foalsitter.

Cadance let out a sigh. It was always a fight trying to get Rainbow Dash to open up when she didn’t want to. Trying to pressure her resulted in her digging in her hooves and becoming even more stubborn. It often took a lot of gentle, patient coaxing and a willingness to let her open up on her own time and in her own way to get anywhere. Cadance knew this but...she couldn’t leave a pony she cared about in a such a state. Even if it was unlikely to work, she felt like she had to try reaching out to Rainbow.

“Dashie...please tell me what’s wrong.” Cadance gently stroked her rainbow mane with a hoof, knowing how much that soothed her as a filly. “We used to be so close, you could tell me anything.”

“....’s nothing to tell.” Rainbow finally responded, pulling away.

“Are we not friends anymore?” Cadance asked softly. “Is it something I said, or did? Or didn’t do?”

Against her own desire to say nothing, Rainbow couldn’t help jerking her head up at that. “N-no! We’re still friends! It’s just...it’s complicated!”

“Why?” A thought crossed her mind. “Is it because of my relationship with Shining Armor?”

Rainbow Dash gave a sudden start. “H-huh?! W-why would that be an issue?” She gulped.

“Well, I know you had a crush on him when you were younger and it seems like--”

“You knew?!” The blue of Rainbow’s face had been replaced by red. “Y-you knew and you never even--grah! Forget it!” Her hooves pounded through the snow as she broke into a run, ignoring Cadance’s calls.

She ran so swift that the icy wind caused tears to be formed in the corners of her eyes. At least, that’s what she would say if anypony asked. Once again everypony and everything conspired to make her look like a stupid, silly, little love-lorn foal. Why couldn’t everypony just...let it go, so they could focus on beating stupid Sombra and saving the kids?

As Rainbow headed back to the train station, she saw that the townsponies were almost finished packing all the supplies Shining had requested. They would probably be getting underway soon. Then the wind picked up, carrying fierce sounding roars and growls into town, bringing everypony to a silent standstill. “What the hay?” Applejack looked around as everypony gathered ‘round. The townsponies froze in their tracks, eyes wide with fear.

“Oh no…” Mayor LePetomane swallowed. “Everypony, get indoors now!”

Shining had to raise his voice to a shout to be heard over the wind, the roaring and the thoroughly spooked ponies. “What is it? What’s wrong?” Panicked yells and shouts were heard as ponies ran this way and that, slamming doors and windows shut and barricading themselves inside.

“Snow leopards!” The Mayor shouted as he too ran for safety. In under a minute, Shining Armor, Cadance and the girls were alone.

“You think they went to throw as a surprise party?” Pinkie asked hopefully.

“Somehow, I don’t think that’s the case.” Rarity answered.

“Eeep!” Fluttershy let out a terrified squeak, pointing behind them.

Much like timberwolves were wood-golems in the shape of a wolf, snow leopards were living piles of snow shaped like a leopard. Any chance of being mistaken for a snowpony or other creation of mischievous foals was dispelled by the snarling maws full of razor-sharp icicle fangs, dagger-like claws of ice, and beady remorseless eyes. They glistened wickedly, sizing up their next meal: Rainbow Dash and her friends.

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