• Published 9th Dec 2012
  • 10,500 Views, 1,125 Comments

Hot Heads, Cold Hearts and Nerves of Steel - Trinary

AU Dashverse: The Crystal Empire has returned and the foals of Equestria have gone missing!

  • ...

Chapter 13

& & &

Across the white expanse of the frozen north, the rolling white landscape was broken up by eight multicolored ponies struggling across the terrain. Their travel north was impeded by falling sheets of snow and howling winds.

However, that wasn’t the only thing slowing them down. Rarity suddenly startled everypony with a horrified shriek. “There is snow inside my scarf!” She danced about as she felt it dribble down her neck.

Applejack was less than sympathetic. “Well, shake it out an’ quitcher whinin’.”

“I am not whining! I am simply informing you all of a very important fact.” She shot her rustic friend an annoyed glare. “Would you like to hear whining, darling?”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “I think I can speak for everypony--everywhere--when I say: NO!” Not waiting for Rarity or Applejack to respond, she pulled ahead so she could brood. Her fuse, always a touch on the short side, had grown even shorter since leaving Snowridge.

She wasn’t alone in this. She, Shining Armor, and Cadance had alternatively avoided and sniped at each other throughout the day, leaving everypony else feeling caught in the middle. The tension only impeded their process further and left everypony awkward and on edge.

Dash shook her head as she turned her attention back just in time to hear Applejack finish up whatever point she was making to Rarity. “Ah’m just sayin’, we’ve got bigger issues at hoof than a little bit o’ snow gettin’ caught up.” Applejack replied, pointedly shaking off her snow covered hat.

Cadance raised a hoof to shield her face from the worst of the snow. “Don’t worry girls, it’ll get better soon,” she smiled in Rainbow’s direction, offering to mend fences. But Dash just ignored her.

“It’ll get worse before it gets better!” Shining Armor shouted over the wind. His special somepony shot him a glare that said ‘be more supportive or I’ll deck you.’

“Are we arguing? Can we stop?” Fluttershy pleaded as she struggled to move forward, her long mane whipping about.

Not hearing the first part of Fluttershy’s request, Shining shook his head. “No, we can’t stop! Just keep going, or else you’ll freeze to death!”

“But what if we run out of things to argue about?” Pinkie Pie asked, bouncing up and down the snow banks, the only pony who didn’t seem to have any real trouble moving. “Do we have to keep going with just mindless contradiction?”

“Oh my goodness! Well, if we have to...” Fluttershy slowly turned her head to the nearest pony, which happened to be Rainbow Dash. “Um—Rainbow Dash? Sometimes you can be very ... loud.”

Rainbow facehoofed. “Fluttershy, that is not what he--oh forget it, never mind.” She growled under her breath.

Her soft spoken friend flinched. “You hate me now, don’t you? Please don’t hate me! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it!”

Nopony could make you feel as big a heel as Fluttershy could. Rainbow’s anger ebbed as she saw Fluttershy trembling in the snow. “What? No, of course I don’t!” She gently laid her wing over Fluttershy’s back, sheltering her from the snow and guiding her forward.

Shining cast a quick look back and snorted, shaking his head forward. “Don’t slow down! We have to keep moving!” He turned around just in time to miss Cadance glaring at him.

Rarity forgot about the snow for a moment as she cooed happily at seeing Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy cuddled up. “Nice to see that some of us still know how to be friends,” she shivered. “It occurs to me that they do look rather less cold like that as well.”

Twilight nodded. “We’re going to be in a lot better shape if we share body heat while walking. It’s not much compared to, say, a fire or a blanket, but it’s better than nothing. A pegasus’ down feathers are an excellent source of insulation--

“Yay! Epic Hug Time!” Pinkie whooped as she took a flying glomp onto Twilight, knocking them both into the snow.

Sputtering, Twilight sat up and proceeded to spit out some snow. “--as is an extra layer of other insulation.” She climbed to her hooves, leaning against Pinkie as the two got back underway. “We should pair off, one pony with insulation with one pony with less.”

Rarity and Applejack immediately stared at each other and pointed, announcing in unison. “YOU have more insulation!”

Rarity recovered her voice first. “Ugh, I think not.” She trotted away from Applejack, hoping to spend time with a more civilized pony. She shot a hopeful look towards Princess Cadance, which she missed.

Cadance smiled at Twilight. “I think that’s an excellent idea Twilight. Isn’t it Shining Armor?” her tone was sharply edged.

Shining hesitated before giving a brief nod. “But we can’t slow ourselves down. The longer we’re in the open, the longer we’re in danger.” He paused. “Perhaps, as your bodyguard I should be the one to, well, guard your body.” His grin was awkwardly endearing and full of kindness, reminding Cadance of why she loved him. “We can’t take anymore risks with you.” His gaze flickered over to Rainbow Dash, suspicion written all over his face. And that reminded her of why she’d considered him such a tool lately.

“Armor, you’re not the only pony here.” Her voice was cool. “I would trust anypony here with my life.”

“But—” Cadance stalked away from him, heading towards Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Shining glowered at the rainbow-maned pegasus, unaware of his ire.

Fluttershy moved a little closer to Rainbow. “This is much warmer.”

Having her friend nuzzle and rub her face against her neck sent Rainbow’s face blushing up a storm. “Geeze, Fluttershy. I’m just glad CK isn’t here.”

That won a giggled from the more demure pegasus. “Oh yes, she would make things a bit more awkward.” She did give Rainbow a very slight frown. “She is very nice though.”

That tone of voice mixed with that look had Dash backpeddling fast. “I know, I know—I just don’t think hearing her comment on my flank the entire time would make this trip go by any faster.”

Fluttershy couldn’t—and didn’t—dispute the point. Their attention was drawn to the sound of crunching snow as Cadance approached. “Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy.” She nodded to each pony in turn before looking back to Rainbow. “I hope I’m not interrupting, but I’m wondering if you would you care to walk with me?” Her voice sounded hopeful, with just slight a note of pleading worked in. “I thought we could take the opportunity to talk.” She bit her lip. “But if you’re with Fluttershy—”

“Oh, well, I kind of liked having Rainbow—but, whatever you want is fine.” Fluttershy assured her before facing Rainbow.

“Shouldn’t you be with Shining Armor?” Rainbow Dash grumbled. “Seeing how he can’t stand having you more than five feet away...I would just hate to tear you away from him.” She grunted, her tone saying that she wouldn’t mind that in the slightest.

“I--I actually think it would be best if he and I...well, we’re taller than most of you so I think it’d be best if we walked with other ponies. Separately.” Cadance smiled as widely as she could.

Pinkie Pie, hearing only the end of the discussion as she and Twilight approached, perked up. “So Shiny-hiney’s free?” She released Twilight and bounded over onto Shining Armor, taking the guard captain completely by surprise.

Twilight snerked. “Shiny-hiney.” she giggled before Pinkie’s absence became really noticeable. She shivered. “Hoo, that really did make a difference.”

Shining Armor was nonplussed to suddenly have a pink thing attached to him for warmth. “Do you mind?” He grumbled archly.

“Nopey-dopey!” Pinkie chirped, cuddling him in an entirely too friendly manner for such a casual acquaintance.

Shining grumbled. “I just wanted to cuddle up the pink pony I loved and I get the wrong one.” Pinkie responded by wrapping herself around him like a fluffy pink anaconda. “--at least it’s warm.”

Cadance meanwhile shifted uneasily from hoof to hoof as she waited for Rainbow Dash to respond. Rainbow looked from Cadance to Fluttershy and back again. “Actually, Cadance, I think I’m fine where I am.” Rainbow kept her words polite, even though her tone was as frosty as the weather. “Maybe you should go be with Twilight instead?”

Only a slight flinch betrayed Cadance’s hurt. “O-okay. All right. That’s—a good idea. See you later Rainbow. Stay warm.” She slowly walked over to Twilight, who gratefully huddled up next to her for warmth. Cadance smiled as Twilight saddled up next to her. “Are you okay, Twilight?” She nuzzled her fondly. “Not too cold I hope?”

“I’m managing.” Twilight smiled as she nuzzled her back. “How about you? I know this is a bit outside of what you’re used to.”

The princess let out a sigh, her smile growing thin. “There’s being cold and then there’s being cold.” Her gaze shifted over to Shining Armor. “Your brother’s changed. He used to be so caring and supportive. Now he’s cold and rigid.”

“It could just be the weather.” Twilight offered with a weak grin.

“No,” Cadance murmured softly. “It isn’t. I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t talk about him like that to you. But the way he’s treated me--treated Rainbow Dash--it just makes me so angry I--I almost forget what it is I see in him!”

Twilight’s eyes widened a bit at that, so she gave her companion an encouraging nudge. “He’s got--well, a lot on his mind.” A mildly upset look crossed her face. “Besides, Rainbow’s not exactly the easiest pony to get along with at times.”

Cadance shook her head. “Your brother’s dealt with a lot worse than that, he’s Captain of the Royal Guard. He knows better than to snap and go blaming other ponies.” She frowned. “He’s gone from being protective to being obsessive! And if something happens to me, well, then it isn’t anypony’s fault: not Rainbow Dash or you or anypony else’s. I—I didn’t fall in love with him to become some trophy or award to be kept safe in a case on the mantle!” Her voice descended into a growl.

Analytical as ever, Twilight tried to set everything out rationally. “We’re out in the middle of wild territory chasing a group of foalnapping … something or other. And his special somepony’s caught in the middle of it.”

The princess snorted. “Can I tell you something? Something secret?” she looked around to make sure nopony would overhear before Cadance whispered solemnly. “Rainbow Dash has a bit of a crush on your brother.”

Twilight’s eye twitched. “You don’t say?”

Cadance nodded. “Oh yes. I’m afraid it’s just eating her up and Shining being so short with her over what happened with the snow leopards is just--terrible is what it is.”

“Maybe it’s just something they need to get out of their systems. They’ll sort it out.” Twilight pondered briefly. “Or get into an all-out brawl, but I think I know them better than that....”

“I thought I knew your brother,” Cadance grumbled darkly as she tied her scarf tighter as the wind picked up. “Turns out we don’t always know a pony as well as you think. If Shining Armor keeps dumping on Rainbow Dash…” Cadance trailed off. A very stunned and worried Twilight shivered.

The two pegasi were having their own conversation as Fluttershy gave her friend a grateful nuzzle. “Thank you, Rainbow.” She tightened her own wing around her slightly. “But, um, is everything okay? Because you seem just a teeny-tiny bit upset.”

“I’m not upset, who says I’m upset?” Dash spoke quickly. “Everything’s fine. It’s just wonderful.” She grit her teeth together slightly in what was supposed to be a smile but instead came off as a grimace.

Still, Fluttershy didn’t seem to possess an ounce of guile. “Oh. Well, you know if something was bothering you, I’d absolutely love to be able to help. I am one of your oldest friends, and I just want you to be happy. I know you trust me enough to tell me if something were bothering you.”

Rainbow Dash had taken blows to the stomach that didn’t knock the wind out of her that much. The best she could get out was, “I--everything sucks.” She looked over towards Shining Armor and Cadance. Fluttershy let out a sympathetic little noise as she nuzzled Rainbow’s cheek. The blue pony colored slightly, but was grateful for the support. “Shining only cares about her now. I might as well be something he scraped off his armor.”

“Oh, Rainbow Dash, you know that’s not true.” Fluttershy chided her gently.

“Yes, it is!” Dash tossed her head at Shining Armor. “You saw him after the fight. It was all Cadance this, and Cadance that.”

“But that doesn’t mean—well, just because she’s his special somepony doesn’t mean he’s stopped caring about you.” The soft-spoken pony reasoned.

Rainbow shook her head. “He blamed ME for Cadance getting hurt. Like it’s MY fault, like I WANTED it to happen!” A strange sensation settled in her stomach as she said it aloud. The idea didn’t sound quite so bad when Rainbow thought about it…

Fluttershy however, missed her internal ruminations. “And he shouldn’t have done that.” She said firmly. “Do you want me to talk to him, and make him apologize? I’m sure he would, once we explained everything. He’s not a bad pony.”

“Fluttershyyyy...” Rainbow Dash groaned. “Don’t do that. I can’t have you fight my battles for me.” She had a reputation to maintain after all. If anypony ever found out that Fluttershy was defending Rainbow Dash for her, she’d never live it down!

With a hint of what Rainbow called ‘Fluttersertiveness’ in her tone, Fluttershy pressed her. “He is hurting you, Rainbow Dash. Nopony is allowed to hurt my friends.”

Instinctively, Rainbow came to Shining’s defense. “It’s not his fault. It’s hers.” Her frowned as she looked to Cadance. “Everything was fine until she came along.”

Fluttershy blinked in surprise. “Her? Do you mean Princess Cadance?”

“Yeah her. Who else?” Dash demanded.

“So, um, you really think everything would be fine between you and Shining Armor if she wasn’t around?” Fluttershy checked. “Sorry, it’s just that, well, it looks to me like she’s been trying really hard to be nice to you.”

Rainbow opened and closed her mouth a couple of times before grumbling inarticulately. “Doesn’t matter.”

“Oh.” Fluttershy blinked, her voice earnest. “I’m sure there’s a reason that the pony who’s being nice to you is the problem rather than the pony who’s being mean, but I’m afraid I just don’t understand.”

Dash sputtered. “But it--she!! And he just--her--I--gyragh!” She growled, stomping at the ground. “You just don’t get it!” She announced by way of an explanation. “It’s her fault! It—it is!”

Fluttershy tightened her wing around Rainbow Dash, not saying a word.

Meanwhile, Rarity and Applejack found themselves close together. A touch too close for Rarity’s liking. She pointedly sniffed around Applejack. “What is that smell?”

“S’ the smell of good, honest work. With a bit o’ flank-kickin’ mixed it.” She responded with a slight grumble. “We ain’t all got magic t’ deal with snow leopards.”

“Well, good honest work and ‘flank kicking’ smells awful. Furthermore...” Her face screwed up in disgust as Applejack belched. “Ugh! Applejaaaack! You could at least excuse yourself after something like that.”

Applejack snorted in bemusement. “Oh, hesh. S’just a natural function.”

“It. Is. Disgusting! Ugh! I simply cannot abide another moment with such a crude, uncouth pony! I must have a replacement, or I’ll not be held responsible for what happens next!”

“Nopony holds ya responsible fer yer naggin’ anyhoo, Rarity. It’s like breathin’.” Applejack rolled her eyes.

“Well, I never!” Her gaze shifted to Cadance and Fluttershy as she raised her voice. “I do hope that I can find somepony with a slight amount of class and sophistication to accompany me instead of this horrible brute of a mare!”

“If they’re smart, they’re already headin’ fer the hills.” Applejack looked around, sadly the only hills seemed to be in the distance “Consarn it.”

Shining Armor nodded quickly. “Changing partners sounds like a good idea.” He hastily agreed as Pinkie continued to casually invade his personal space.

“Aww! But I’m so cozy!” Pinkie pouted as her hoof idly wandered over his flank. Shining yelped.

“PINKIE!!!” Twilight facehoofed, groaning. “The things I’ve put up with on this trip...”

Cadance snorted. “Twilight, if you wouldn’t mind--” she tilted her head in Rainbow’s direction.

“Not at all, Cadance.” Twilight nodded. “Good luck.” She trotted over to Shining Armor and roughly levitated Pinkie Pie off of him. “Somepony else needs to find another insulator, too.”

“Geeze, Twilight. It was just a tiny little touchy-wouchy.” Pinkie sounded put out, but only for a half-second before she perked up. “But okay!” She zoomed off to glomp Applejack.

AJ found herself knocked into nearby snowbank. “Con-SARN it, girl!”

“Hi Applejack!” Pinkie started wrapping herself around her just like she was with Shining Armor before.

The farmpony huffed and panted as Pinkie suddenly clambered onto her back. “Tarnation, girl, ease up on the sweets!” Still, she couldn’t deny the extra source of heat Pinkie provided wasn’t nice. “Um, after all this.”

When Rainbow Dash saw Pinkie zoom away from Shining Armor, and Cadance’s own approach her way, she nodded to Fluttershy. “Well, uh, see you later Flutters. Stay cool. Er, I mean warm.”

“Oh. Yes, you too, Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy hastily moved to intercept Cadance as Rainbow ran off to Shining Armor.

Cadance, a touch confused and worried by Rainbow and Fluttershy’s sudden maneuverings, still managed a smile. “Oh, hello, Fluttershy.”

“Hello, Cadance.” The yellow pegasus returned as she tentatively lifted a wing to block some of the snow from her back.

“Thank you,” The taller pony accepted it gratefully, if a touch awkwardly. “I had hoped to speak to Rainbow Dash but...” she bit her lip.

“Oh, um, I don’t think that would be a very good idea. She’s just a teeny-tiny bit upset right now.” Fluttershy apologized.

“That’s why I wanted to speak with her. She’s so torn up inside...” Cadance’s voice was sincere and full of desperation.

“Well, um, that’s actually why I don’t think you should talk to her right now.” Her ears drooped sadly. “I’m sorry, but, she seems to be blaming you for how Shining Armor is acting.”

Cadance lowered her head. “I see.” she sighed. “I suppose I can’t blame her.”

“It’s really not fair, when he’s being so awful to her and you’re trying to be so nice to her.”

“Do you have a coltfriend Fluttershy?”

“Oh, no. I’m afraid stallions aren’t interested in me. Besides, I wouldn’t have time for that when there are so many animals to take care of.” She gave a tiny little sigh.

Cadance briefly nuzzled her. “Well, that’s too bad. I’m sure any stallion would be lucky to have you. But word to the wise...they can make you crazy. The one you love even moreso than most.”

Fluttershy stammered, turning red. “Oh, I don’t know about that. But, um, I’ll keep what you said about stallions in mind.”

Cadance nodded. “I want Rainbow to be happy. But I’m afraid being around Shining Armor and Shining being so focused on me isn’t helping.”

“He seems to be acting very, um," Fluttershy tried to think of a diplomatic way to say ‘he’s acting like a bucking stinker.’

“Yes.” Cadance agreed archly with what Fluttershy left unsaid. “Honestly, just because I’m a princess, I’m thin, and I’m pink, he treats me like I’m weak or something! Can you believe that?”

“Oh, that sounds just awful.” Fluttershy nodded sympathetically.

“Do you have any idea how demeaning it is being treated like some weak and helpless foal, incapable of doing anything for yourself? Being seen as a burden to others?”

“Well, um, I am weak and helpless, so...”

Cadance looked at her traveling companion. “I don’t think that’s true.”

“Well, maybe not completely, but when everypony else is fighting monsters or--”

She was cut off when Cadance draped a hoof onto Fluttershy’s withers. “I think you’re a very brave pony. You’re here, after all. And I know how good a friend you are if you can get Rainbow Dash to open up. She can be very stubborn.”

“Oh, she’s not that bad,” Fluttershy instinctively defended her. “You just need to show a little kindness and know how to talk to her.”

“I used to be able to get her to talk.” Cadance sighed. “But now, she’s avoiding me. She refuses to talk, refuses to listen. We used to be SO close.”

“I’m sorry. If I’d had just a bit more time to talk to her maybe I could’ve--” Fluttershy began.

Cadance shook her head. “No, you can’t fix everypony elses’ problems for them. We’ll just have to work this out. Assuming Shining doesn’t do anything stupid.” Her eyes narrowed. “It’s all his fault.” she muttered grimly under her breath, her voice suddenly venomous.

Fluttershy nodded, a hint of anger in her voice. “He better not,” she was surprised to find Cadance giving her a nuzzle.

“You’re a good friend. Rainbow Dash is lucky to have you.”

She squeaked and blushed. “Oh, it’s nothing that special...”

“I don’t think so. She used to talk about you and your flight camp gang a lot when I foalsat her. She said that you were very cool and pretty.”

Fluttershy’s blush reached epic levels. “R-really?”

“Oh yes!” Cadance nodded kindly. “Even if you weren’t the strongest flyer, she thought the way you just were so naturally, well, lovely, that she sometimes felt embarrassed about how rough around the edges she was.”

“Oh my goodness! I never meant to upset her like that...” Fluttershy idly rubbed her legs together.

“She didn’t mean it like that! Silly filly.” Cadance giggled, giving her a supportive nuzzle. “It was just a compliment.”

“Oh. Um, thank you?” Fluttershy squeaked.

“You’re very welcome. I just wish I could’ve gotten Dashie to sit still long enough for me to make her mane as nice as yours. Do you know how hard it was getting her to take a bath?”

“Oh yes, she never did care much for personal care.” In a very quiet, conspiratorial whisper, Fluttershy added. “If there hadn’t been any rain clouds at Flight Camp, I don’t think she ever would’ve cleaned herself until the smell became positively awful.”

“I practically had to wrestle her into the tub. I don’t know how you and your camp friends could stand it!” Cadance wrinkled her nose.

“Well, whenever it got to be a problem Cloud Kicker would just wait until she was taking one of her naps, then get a raincloud and...”

Cadance covered her mouth to prevent herself from laughing out loud. “Makes me wish I was a pegasus! Would’ve made my job a lot easier!”

“I’m sure you did just fine.” Fluttershy assured her.

“I got her to chew with her mouth closed. That was a major victory.”

The demure pegasus giggled. “Oh yes. Nopony could ever stand sitting next to her at the mess hall.”

“Of course, I could never convince her to stop with her practical jokes.” Cadance added, smiling.

“Oh dear,” Fluttershy gave a tiny little giggle. “She really is a wonderful pony though.”

Cadance nodded. “Yes, yes she is. That’s why I don’t want to lose her.” Her face twisted. “And if Shining Armor can’t understand that…” her horn shimmered menacingly, a dull whine of magic that the wind carried. Fluttershy bit her lip. First Rainbow Dash, now even Princess Cadance, why was everypony acting so cold?

When Rainbow Dash attempted to approach Shining Armor, he pointedly marched over to Rarity. “Rrrgh!” Twilight facehoofed at her brother. Rainbow Dash trotted up to her just as Shining left.

She stomped the ground angrily. “”Darnit! Guess that leaves you and me, Twi.” She smiled, sadly. “Heh, s’cool, right?”

Twilight nodded, disheartened “Yeah, that’s ‘cool’.” She looked around. “Though that’s probably what we’re trying to avoid, huh?" She gave a small, somewhat forced grin.

Still, it was enough to win a chuckle from Rainbow. “”Were you actually making a joke? Twilight Sparkle? Somepony alert the media!”

Feeling encouraged, Twilight smiled. “My stand-up’s a little rusty, but it’s still better than my dancing routine.”

“Your dancing is unbelievable.” Rainbow Dash said sincerely, if vaguely. Having seen her dance, it could be described as unbelievable.


Their conversation lapsed for a few moments. “So, your brother.” Rainbow drudged up.


“Stupid Cadance.”

Twilight looked a little taken aback, “She’s really nice.”

Dash didn’t want to hear it, grumbling furiously. “Stupid, stallion-stealing, skinny, stuck-up...” she tried to think of more s-words but ran out. “...jerk.”

“You forgot ‘sister-in-law’.” Twilight nodded in bemusement.

“Not yet, she isn’t,” Rainbow reminded her, sulkily. “So not fair.” Twilight’s gaze softened as she opted to let Rainbow vent. “I--I thought I was over him. I thought I was done being a dumb little filly with her dumb, stupid crush.”

“It’s not dumb, okay?” Twilight nudged her gently. “You--” she pondered. “You liked him--still do, I guess.” Her tone was analytical. “It’s probably not easy to be this close to him when you can’t have the pony you want.”

“Gee, ya think?” Rainbow remarked acidly, glaring at her. But as soon as she saw the look on Twilight’s face, Rainbow lowered her head. “Sorry.”

“We’re all on edge, and you’ve got a bigger stake in this than most of us.” Twilight didn’t so much accept her apology as she did analyze the source of her outburst. Typical Twilight.

“Yeah, I should be thinking about that, not your stupid sexy brother.”

Twilight put on a distinctly uneasy look as she hastily changed the subject. “It’s too bad we can’t get any mail out.”

“Yeah,” Rainbow sighed. “I can only imagine what Derpy, Kicker, and the others are going through.”

Twilight nodded. “I’m sure they’d appreciate some kind of news, even if it’s just ‘we’re still looking.’”

“Do you remember what it was like? When Nightmare Moon took Shining Armor?”

There was a long silence before Twilight answered. “It was horrible. Seeing my BBBFF twisted like that--turned into something he’s not.” She looked forward. “It was worse than him being dead, in a way. He’d been turned into something that was everything he wasn’t, and up until we were able to change Dizty back, I wasn’t sure he’d ever be anything other than that ever again.”

“Derpy and CK, they don’t even know what happened to their little girls. They could be imprisoned or magicked up or even...”

“Don’t say it.” Twilight quickly cut her off. “Don’t. When Shiny was gone, I kept running through all of the worst-case scenarios in my head. What he might be doing to other ponies, what he might look like if that corruption ever got any worse... what he might do to me, if he ever cornered me.” She shook her head and rattled off something she read once. “It’s best to just focus on what we know and not wear ourselves down on what we don’t know.”

“So what do we know? I feel like I don’t know anything about anything!”

“We know that most of the foals in Ponyville were foalnapped and taken to a lair somewhere in the region--and that all evidence points to them being taken alive. Somepony, or something, took them without killing them, which means we can get them back.”

Rainbow hesitated. “Can I tell you something? And, um, promise you won’t laugh?”

“I promise.” Twilight nodded.

“I really liked having Dinky and Shining hug me and say that they loved me and stuff, like I was family.” Rainbow fidgeted, prompting Twilight to nestle in a bit closer to her. Dash nodded silently. “Now Dinky’s gone and Shining’s all--whatever. And it’s like I had it but now, it’s gone.”

“We’ll get her back, all right?” She paused as she tried to think of something else to say but for once couldn’t think of anything reassuring. In the end she settled for a weak smile. “Besides, you’ve still got me.”

“Yeah,” Rainbow wing hugged Twilight close. “You’re awesome.”

“Thanks, Rainbow.”

Shining Armor trotted over to the remaining unattached pony. “Miss Rarity! Would you do me the pleasure of joining me?” He glowered in Rainbow’s direction. “I find myself wanting some civilized companionship.”

Rarity noted the barb at Rainbow Dash and bristled. “I should like that as well, but unfortunately it would seem I must settle for your company.”

Shining Armor barely heard her. “Fine, let’s keep moving.” The two walked in silence for several minutes. “...so.” Shining finally broke his silence. “You make dresses?”

“That’s correct.” Rarity answered coolly.

“But ponies don’t normally wear clothes.” He couldn’t help observing.

Rarity fought the urge to roll her eyes. Like nopony had ever brought that up to her before. “They do for special occasions.” Rarity reminded him curtly.

Shining mused that over for a moment. “Like weddings and such?”

“That would be an example, yes.” Her voice was dry enough to counteract the freezing air around her. Of course weddings were a special occasion. Honestly, stallions! She only hope that other handsome, Canterlot ponies were more sensitive and less block-headed than Shining Armor was behaving right now.

“So, would you be able to make a wedding dress?” He asked, a touch hesitantly.

Rarity’s cold shoulder faded a bit at talking about her two favorite things: romance and fashion. “Of course! I love making wedding dresses. It’s just so--romantic.” She swooned.

“Nothing’s more wonderful than finding that one pony, the one you know you’re meant to be with.” Shining sighed blissfully.

“Oh, of course!” Rarity agreed fully.

“Do you have...?” He asked leadingly.

“Hmm? Oh, no.” Rarity shook her head. “Well, not precisely. There are ... certain stallions of interest.”

“Best of luck.” Shining Armor said simply, tilting his head. “When you find the right pony, there’s nothing you won’t risk in order to be together.”

Rarity smiled. “Oh, of course, true love is the most important thing in all Equestria!”

“Yes,” he looked over at Cadance. “And once you have it...you’ll never want to be without it. And anything or anypony that stands in your way...”

That remark made Rarity’s cold shoulder return in full. “That’s all well and good, but it hardly excuses treating other ponies intolerably.” She chided him sharply.

Shining Armor shook out his mane, frowning. “Rainbow Dash is jealous and immature.”

“And if she is, that excuses your behavior?” Rarity pressed. “She thinks the world of you and you seem to go out of your way to shun her!”

“I’ve seen what jealousy does to ponies.” Shining grumbled ominously. “It doesn’t turn out well for anypony involved. She just has to cope.”

Rarity sniffed. “And? Whatever your excuse, you are still treating her poorly, and I’ll not have it.”

Shining frowned. “She let Cadance be attacked.”

“She did not!” Rarity cried, fury and horror raging for control of her voice. “If you truly knew or cared for her in the slightest, you would know she could never do such a thing!”

“Princess Celestia probably said the same thing once about her sister.” Shining answered darkly. “Look how well that turned out.”

“How dare you!” Rarity’s eyes flashed furiously, her face red. She called out. “I wish to change partners again. Applejack could give lessons in manners and propriety to this ... stallion!”

“What’s going on?” Twilight asked as she and Rainbow Dash trotted over.

“I’ll tell you what’s going on!” Rarity cried. “This—this pony is the most uncouth, unchivalrous, uncharismatic—”

“HEY! Nopony calls Shining Armor unchrusimatic!” Rainbow shouted at Rarity, flaring her wings and drawing everypony’s attention.

“Simmer down, Rainbow!” Applejack stomped up to her and got in her face. “Shewt, Rarity’s been the one trying t’help you this whole time while you were mooning over a stallion who didn’t give a bushel of moldy apples fer ya!” The wind began to pick up as their voices were raised.

“Applejack, that’s enough!” Cadance stepped forward, her hoof crunching the snow beneath her. “Rainbow Dash is just on edge—”

“I don’t need your help!” Dash snapped at her, her wings ruffling in the breeze.

“Don’t you shout at her!” Shining Armor snarled at Rainbow.

“Shiny!” Twilight gasped, horrified.

“Armor, stay out of this!” Cadance barked at him.

“I don’t know who to yell at!” Pinkie announced loudly.

“EVERYPONY STOP SHOUTING NOW!” Fluttershy bellowed, her sudden shout echoing widely across the vast open space. Everypony turned to look at the usually soft-spoken, dainty and shy pegasus panting heavily as fury raged across her features. “What is wrong with everypony?” She demanded. “You’re all acting so mean! It’s like—like—what?” she asked as everypony looked at her with growing horror.

As one, they all pointed at something behind her. Fluttershy turned around and let out a little squeak. A large black crystal obelisk had burst out of the icy ground and cut off the path in front of them.

“What the hay is that thing?” Rainbow asked, confused.

Twilight looked at it. “I read about these. King Sombra scattered these all across the frozen wastes. They block any other magic beside his own.”

“That ain’t good.” AJ opined. “Ah’m guessin’ we should put tracks between it and us.”

Cadance nodded. “Yes we—” she winced as a high-pitched whine assaulted their ears. “What in Equestria?” Everypony clapped their hooves over their ears as the pitch grew higher and higher, until the crystal shattered and exploded outward, spraying crystalline shards in all directions.

“Hit the snow!” Rainbow cried as everypony got down on their bellies and covered their faces with their hooves. The terrifying barrage only lasted a second, but it was enough to thoroughly spook everypony involved. “Let’s get out of here!”

Twilight got to her hooves and frantically looked around. “Rainbow Dash!” When her friend stopped to look, her eyes widened. Black crystals started jutting out of the ground all over the place.

“Move it!!!” The group broke into a panicked gallop as dark crystals continued to burst out of the ground and explode around them. Rainbow Dash barreled and rolled this way and that, trying to avoid the flying bits of crystal. Looking below her, she could only direct her friends through the maze of crystals. “Keep going! Go left! Then right! Two more rights!”

The crystals started thinning out, and Rainbow let out a sigh of relief as her friends started to clear the crystal patch. Then there was a sudden shriek as a pony fell on her side. Rainbow spun in midair to see who it was.

It was Cadance. Either a crystal had struck her, or perhaps her injury from the Snowridge battle had been aggravated during the run. She had gone sprawling, coming to a halt beside one of the crystal spires, just as it began to hum and whine.

Rainbow flapped her wings and prepared to dive down when, unbidden, a dark thought snaked its way across her mind. You don’t have to save her. It whispered seductively. Once she’s gone, Shining Armor can be all yours.

Wait, what? Rainbow Dash shook her head. W-where did THAT even come from? I don’t want Cadance to die—she’s awesome. I just don’t—with Shining—and—her head hurt as if strongly encouraging her not to think on it.

Shining Armor loves Cadance, not you. But if Cadance is gone…that same part of her mind whispered again.

Dash clasped her hooves over her ears. “Shut up! Just—shut up!” She shook her head. Out of the corner of her eye, she could’ve sworn she saw a ghostly equine-ish face lurking over her. It was there for only a second before it vanished, leaving her to wonder if it was ever there at all.

Shining Armor turned his head. “Cadance!” He started running back to her.

“S-stay back!” Cadance gritted her teeth as she fought, and failed, to get up.

Rainbow shook her head. “Hang on, Cadance!” She dove down just as the crystal shattered, sending sharp bits and pieces every which way. At the last second, Rainbow tackled Cadance, covering her with her body and wings. She screamed as shards penetrated her skin.

“Rainbow Dash!” Shining Armor exclaimed as he drew close, his magic charging up, heedless of the crystal shards.

“Shining Armor, wait!” Twilight cried out. “Your magic—”

But it was too late. Shining launched a bolt of his magic that surrounded him, Cadance, and Rainbow Dash in a protective bubble. When bits of the black crystals thudded against the barrier, it wavered and shook. Shining Armor let out a sharp cry of alarm as the snowy ground beneath the shield gave way, dropping him, Cadance, and Rainbow Dash into the depths below.

& & &