• Published 9th Dec 2012
  • 10,500 Views, 1,125 Comments

Hot Heads, Cold Hearts and Nerves of Steel - Trinary

AU Dashverse: The Crystal Empire has returned and the foals of Equestria have gone missing!

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Chapter 26

Rainbow Dash grinned wickedly as the power surged through her. The battle between an (relatively) underpowered alicorn and a (definitely) overpowered pegasus might have put them on a more-or-less equal plane, but Rainbow definitely held the advantage at the moment. She’d already gotten a measure of Sombra’s strength, abilities and tactics when he’d been knocking her around. On the other hoof, Sombra had no idea how the Alicorn Amulet would work on a pegasus. Neither did Rainbow for that matter, but she’d never let a minor detail like that stop her.

She felt like she had electricity in her veins, storm clouds in her stomach and a tornado racing inside her heart. Rainbow felt exhilarated, intense, alive. And most of all, she was going to reduce Sombra to a greasy red smear on her hooves.

Lunging at the newly ascended alicorn, Sombra was left with less than a second to react before Rainbow’s hoof struck him in the chest, sending him sailing up in the air. She sped over to where he was about to land.

“This is for Derpy!” She slugged him across the face. “For Dinky!” She punched him again. “for Cloud Kicker … and Applejack … and Rarity! Alula! Pipsqueak! Princess Glisten! The Crystal Ponies! The foals! Luna!” She hit him again and again, before pausing to wind up her hoof as much as she could. “And this … is for everything else!” She hit him, sending him soaring halfway across the room.

Rainbow flapped her wings, getting the air moving again within the room. She stuck out her tongue, partly to infuriate her foe, but she had another reason for it: she was tasting the water in the air.

Her wings flapped harder and harder as she separated out the water in the air and condensed it into a fine mist. Her wings began to beat, creating a gentle updraft that carried the mist to the ceiling where it expanded and cooled into clouds.

All pegasi had the ability to manipulate and shape the weather, but Dash was taking this to the next level. By flapping her wings, she wasn’t just pushing air around. She was creating winds: high pressure or low pressure, warm front or cold front, north or south or any kind she could imagine. She began beating her wings quickly, the wind whipping around her fiercely. For Sombra, he had to dig in his hooves and use his magic to prevent himself from being completely blown away by the howling hurricane winds.

But Rainbow wasn’t through. “Hey, you ugly sack of horseapples!” She waited for him to look up before she plunged a hoof into one of the clouds she’d constructed and—somehow—managed to pull out a thunderbolt! No pegasus had ever managed to simply create a thunderbolt, much less touch it! But Rainbow simply readied herself, and pulled back the thunderbolt, all the while grinning triumphantly at the dumbstruck Sombra. “Shazam!” She tossed the bolt right at the dark king. He hastily threw up a magical shield which the bolt impacted on. Even though it didn’t hit him directly, it still knocked him back Undeterred, Rainbow pulled out another thunderbolt, and then another. Sombra managed to block or bat aside the next two bolts, but the third struck true.

He roared out an anguished bellow of pain as he looked to his scorched side. He was far from powerless, but the initiative was firmly on Rainbow Dash’s side. With a toss of his head, he commanded the windigos to join the fray.

The ghostly apparitions howled as they charged down at Rainbow Dash. She made no move to stop them until they were practically on top of her. At the last moment, she flared her wings and started beating the air, creating fierce tornado winds that scattered the windigos.

With that threat neutralized, the grinning pegasus bucked the clouds, creating a torrential icy rain to fall on Sombra. It was soon joined by sleet and hail the size of hooves. Rainbow Dash—master of the elements! It had a nice ring to it. After all, Celestia had the sun and Luna had the moon.

Sombra reached out with his magic, a thousand black strands of crackling energy, trying to close in on Rainbow Dash. She snorted contemptuously. He might have been an alicorn, but she was Rainbow Dash—the Thunderer! Hmm, she thought to herself. The name is cool, but it could be cooler.

Rainbow dove, spiraling around the lightning as she traced it back to its source—and proceeded to kick Sombra’s horn. Hard.

This proved to be a poor move for both combatants. Sombra’s magic abruptly cut out with a pained yell as Rainbow Dash backed away, clutching her singed and smoking hoof. She flew back upwards, putting some distance between them. Okay, so perhaps that hadn’t gone perfectly. Still, it was just a small hiccup in the great battle of Rainbow Dash the Thunderstriker! Nopony could stand against her—alicorn or not!

Sombra stayed on the ground, having realized that any battle in the air would favor Rainbow Dash. He mustered his strength, content to wait for his magical reserves to replenish. He knew that this upstart pegasus was too enthralled by her sudden rush of power to think clearly. She would soon overreach and make a mistake. All he had to do was wait for it and then—strike!

A cold smirk crossed his face as he consoled himself with the thought of just what he would do once he seized the initiative. But for the moment had to settle for dodging thunderbolts.

The Alicorn Amulet shone brighter as Rainbow Dash drew upon its power. It was such a rush. She had never felt so energetic! So incredible! So … so … scared. A small tremor ran through her body as she thought of what would happen if she didn’t stop Sombra now. Images flew through her mind at near-rainboom speeds: Sombra standing triumphant on a pile of foals, including Dinky and her friends. His darkness radiated even stronger than it had before as he stood before her: a true alicorn of unfathomable power. Other visions soon followed: a dark shadow spreading across Equestria, plunging everything into terrifying blackness. Ponies screaming and panicking as Canterlot burned and everything fell into ruin. Celestia and Luna obliterated by a wave dark magic as Sombra strode through the halls of Canterlot Castle.

Then Rainbow saw Ponyville burn. Sweet Apple Acres lying desolate and fallow, Fluttershy’s cottage and Sugarcube Corner smashed flat and the library and Carousel Boutique burned down. She flashed to the Crystal Empire, seeing her friends in agony, crying and bleeding as Sombra stood over them. There was a flash of his horn and then … nothing.

Dash trembled at the imaginary visions of horror. Her friends being hurt…or worse…all because they had tried to help her do what should have been her job and hers alone—because she just wasn’t good enough. Her veins filled with ice. That was the truth of it. Her friends—the girls, Dinky and the kids, Shining Armor, Cadance, Zecora—they were in danger because she wasn’t capable of taking care of Sombra herself. And why wasn’t she? Because she was a failure. That was the truth of it. She was all talk … she couldn’t even get to the Crystal Empire without help.

She wasn’t good enough, and because she wasn’t, her friends and her fellow ponies were going to pay the price for it. Rainbow gripped a thunderbolt in her hooves, so hard that she could feel tiny jolts of electricity running up her limbs.

Dash wouldn’t let that happen. She wouldn’t—couldn’t!—fail. She was going to make sure nothing happened to any of them, make sure they stayed safe: forever. And the only way to do that was to ensure that everyone who even thought about doing something bad ended up on the business end of a thunderbolt before they could even blink. That’s where Celestia failed, Rainbow thought bitterly. She didn’t act to nip evil in the bud until it was already a monster-sized threat. And what did she do when she did beat the bad guys? She banished them. Whoop-de-doo, Rainbow snorted. All that meant was that they could come back and try again, be given another chance to hurt the ponies Rainbow cared about.

Well, she wasn’t about to make the same mistake. If Celestia was too weak to permanently end evil before it took root, then Rainbow would have to do it herself. Some tiny part of her mind recognized that Celestia probably wouldn’t agree with her … but she ruthlessly shoved that thought aside. Celestia was immortal, all-powerful. She didn’t understand what it was like to be a normal pony, to see them so vulnerable and hurt. No, Dash would do what she had to do. And if Celestia or anypony else didn’t see the wisdom of it … well, she could take care of that later.

Rainbow Dash brought down the thunder on Sombra’s shield, again and again. His barrier began to crack under the strain as smoke and debris filled the air, completely shrouding the dark lord’s vision. Sombra’s eyes narrowed as he waited for the smoke to dissipate. It did—just in time for him to clearly see Rainbow Dash’s hoof crashing through his shield and snap his head back.

Once she had him off-balance, Dash was determined not to give him a chance to recover. She punched him, and punched him, and punched him some more. Her hoof actually started to ache from all the times she planted it against his face. But she didn’t stop, wouldn’t stop. Not until she was sure that it was over.

She wasn’t going to be as nice to Sombra as she foolishly was to Nightmare Moon. The Nightmare pony could’ve just as easily taken advantage of Rainbow’s mercy to hurt her friends again. They just lucked out that time. But the thing about luck was that it eventually runs out. This time, there’d be no second or third chance for Sombra to see the ‘error of his ways.’ Rainbow Dash hefted another thunderbolt as she decided that she would be his judge, jury, and executioner.

Hmm … Electrocutioner. Now that sounded nice.

Dinky was confused. She didn’t quite know what to do after Princess Cadance went away. How was she supposed to find Rainbow Dash? The little filly wandered around, calling for her godmom. “Rainbow Dash? Rainbow Dash, where are yooou?” After several minutes of wandering aimlessly through the void, Dinky sat down and grumbled. “Dumb place. How’m s’posed t’find anything if there’s nothing anywhere?”

She pouted for a bit before hitting upon a solution. My horn always tells me when Mommy’s nearby … maybe I can use it to find Rainbow! Dinky concentrated hard, her horn flickering and sputtering as she tried to find Rainbow Dash. She tilted her head, trying to get a better look to see if it was working. Looking at your own horn was hard!

Her horn started to glow when she tilted her head a certain way. She experimentally tilted it another way, but the glow died down, but returning it to the other position made the light shine again. Maybe Rainbow Dash is that way! She guessed as she started walking in the direction her horn was pointing when it got all glow-y.

Dinky walked and walked for what felt like forever and then, two minutes later, she found Rainbow Dash! She saw her beating up a really mean and ugly pony who must’ve been Mr. Sombre … Samba … Sombra … Sombrero … whatever it was.

“Rainbow Dash!” Dinky yelled as she ran over to her godmommy, ignoring the ugly pony. She would’ve kept on running but she ran straight into an invisible wall. “Owie…” She whined as she shook her head. Now she knew how her Mommy felt!

Dinky shook her head and tried to go around it, but the wall wouldn’t let her get to Rainbow! “Stoopid wall!” She banged a hoof on the wall and called out. “Rainbow Dash!”

But after a while it became clear that Rainbow couldn’t hear her. With a sad whimper, Dinky slumped down in front of the wall and sat, watching Rainbow Dash beat up the bad pony. She wondered if Rainbow was gonna give him a spanking. He deserved it for being such a meaney and taking her away from Mommy and Sparky and everypony.

And Rainbow Dash was rilly beating him up! “Go Rainbow Dash!” She hopped up and down. “Go get ‘im! Get Mistah Sombrero!” She grinned, knowing that Rainbow was going to stop that big, dumb, cootie-infested jerk. Beat him up until he said uncle!

Not until she was sure that it was over.

Huh? Dinky rubbed a hoof in her ear. It was like she was hearing invisible ponies—or maybe even ghosts!—talking. It sounded kinda like Rainbow Dash only more … grumbly.

Electrocutioner. Now that sounded nice.

Dinky whimpered. She knew that word from that time Mommy accidentally made the toaster all lightning-y like a storm cloud. It was a bad thing. “Rainbow Dash!” Dinky shouted, pounding her hoof against the wall. “Stop! You sound rilly grumbly, an' I don' like it!”

Rainbow had hefted Sombra, barely conscious--if at all--up and held him against a wall. A thunderbolt was clutched in a drawn back hoof, ready to deliver what she expected to be the coup to end all de graces. But all of a sudden, she heard something.

You sound rilly grumbly, and’ I don’ like it!

It sounded like … Dinky? In her surprise, Rainbow dropped Sombra. “Huh? What was that?” She turned around, looking hard. Something rippled out of the corner of her eye, but when she turned to look, it vanished. Then it happened again, with similar results. Frustrated, Rainbow started headbutting Sombra's unconscious form. "Stop with the tricks!" After a minute of this, she backed away, her eyes bleary as she tried not looking at anything. And that time … a familiar purple-grey filly materialized before her. “Dinky?” Rainbow blinked. “Is that you?”

“WHOA!” Dinky jumped in surprise when Rainbow looked at her. A wide grin split her face as she rushed over to tackle-glomp her. “Hi Rainbow Dash!” Despite having materialized seemingly out of thin air, Dinky’s hug proved to be surprisingly solid.

Rainbow’s expression was torn between stunned surprise and horror before compromising on gobsmacked. “Dinky? What are you doing here? It's not safe!” She looked behind her at the still immobile Sombra. “Get out of here!”

She wasn’t even aware her voice had become a yell until she saw Dinky shrinking down. “N-nuh-uh! I'm here t' help ya!”

Dash closed her eyes and realized she was getting worked up. She tried counting to ten … but only got to five before her patience gave way. “I don’t need your help Dinky … I’ve got this.” She looked behind her at the stunned Sombra. “Just go--” she blinked as she tried to fathom just how Dinky came to be here in the first place. “--wherever it is you just were.”

Dinky refused to budged. “But Miss Princess said I had t’ help! She said ya needed help and--”

NO!” Rainbow barked, stamping her hoof and summoning a clap of thunder, the power of the Amulet making her eyes glow red. “It's my job to help you, to protect you! I’m the pony who keeps all of Equestria safe! It’s my job, mine! I'm going to do it alone so nopony ever gets hurt by monsters like Nightmare Moon or Sombra!” Her voice had gotten progressively louder and angrier, taking on an enraged—and possibly deranged—tone. “Only I'm not gonna just lock them away for a thousand years and make it somepony else’s problem! No, I'm going to stomp their faces into the floor!”

“S-stomp ‘em?” Dinky gulped. “B-but that’s mean!”

Dash snorted. “It’s what they deserve.” She cracked her neck. “Should’ve done this from the start. Hay, I should’ve done this to Nightmare Moon when I had the chance.”

That made Dinky gasp. “But Miss Princess is really, rilly nice! She wants me t’ help you!”

Rainbow tossed her mane short-temperedly. “Whatever. I don’t need Luna’s help … I don’t need anypony’s help. I’ll take care of everything myself. I’ll stop the bad guys … permanently. And I’ll do the same thing to anypony or anything that gets in my way!” Her eyes flashed red again, terrifying poor Dinky.

“No ya don’t!” Dinky tugged pleadingly on Rainbow’s leg. “You don’t gotta do bad stuff!”

Rainbow paused, her anger ebbing slightly. “Dinky…ugh!” A sudden headache gripped her, the amulet glowing against her chest. “No!” She shook her head, as if bedeviled by flies. “I’ve got to crush Sombra beneath my hooves … make him pay … make him suffer.”

Dinky gave a scared little intake of breath as she tightened her hug on Rainbow. “Nuh-uh! Don' do that, Rainbow, that's mean an' bad an'--an'--an' EVIL!”

“Evil? EVIL?! I'm not evil!” Rainbow slammed her hoof against the floor, looking at Dinky suspiciously. “You--you just want me to spare Sombra! This is all just some trick of his to distract me and spare his miserable flank!” She flared her wings and snorted, agressively. “Well, it’s not going to work! I’m going to destroy him, just like I’m going to destroy everything evil in Equestria—no matter what anypony says!”

Dinky gasped, backing away from Rainbow. “Y ... y-you ... you're not ... Rainbow Dash wouldn't say that!”

“Yes, I would!” Rainbow stomped her hoof again. “Now that I have the power to make sure that all the monsters and evil ponies can be stopped once and for all! That none of them can ever hurt my friends, my family or anypony else ever again!”

Dinky stomped her hoof right back. “No she wouldn’t! 'Cause Rainbow Dash doesn't destroy stuff! She makes stuff, like she makes friendships with Mommy an' Miss Cloud Kicker an' other ponies, an' the only time she destroys stuff is when it’s food or clouds! She—she wouldn’t be mean like that!” Dinky rubbed her face with her foreleg, trying not to cry. “Rainbow Dash is a good pony, an' the bestest pony 'cause Mommy wouldn't let anypony else be my godmommy--but you're soundin' mean an' stuff, an' Rainbow Dash isn't mean!”

Rainbow raised her hooves to her forehead, suddenly stricken with a head-splitting headache. “I—I have to stop the bad guys from doing … bad things. Otherwise—it’s all my fault.”

“Then ya gotta be there when it happens, like I was there for Miss Princess” Dinky frowned as she hugged Rainbow tight. “Bad stuff happens sometimes, but if you make other bad stuff happen t' try an' stop bad stuff, then that makes you a bad pony, an' I don' like bad ponies!”

Dinky bit her lip to keep it from trembling. “Ya gotta be brave now ‘cept ya also gotta to it in a way that makes you a good pony, just like my godmommy'd only make me do things that make me a good pony.” She sniffled as she gave Rainbow a tentative embrace. “I—I love you, Rainbow Dash.”

Dinky felt moist drops fall on the top of her head. “D-Dinky…” Rainbow leaned down and wrapped the little filly up in the tightest, warmest hug Dinky had had in what felt like forever. She tilted her head up to see Rainbow Dash was crying–and her eyes weren’t all red and glow-y anymore.

“Rainbow!” Dinky grinned up at her. “You’re back t’normal! Yay!”

“I--I'm sorry!” Rainbow gasped out in between hitching breaths. “I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry....”

Dinky held her onto her. “S’okay Rainbow … you were just bein’ grumbly cuz you were scared. And I still really, rilly love you!”

“I--I love you too.” Dash hiccupped, trying to suppress her sobs as she kissed Dinky’s cheek and hugged her even tighter. “So, so much.”

“Whoa!” Dinky giggled as she mwa’d Rainbow’s cheek. “Now I know you're rilly Rainbow Dash, 'cause she's the only pony that can make me all squeaky when she gets snuggly!”

Rainbow gave a choked, half-laugh, half-sob as she held her goddaughter. “Dinky…”

Dinky held her godmom in a get-better-hug. “Ya gotta de-feet Mistah Sombra, but ya gotta do it while bein' a good pony, 'kay?” Dash nodded solemnly, earning an approving nod from Dinky. “Good! Now go get 'im! 'cause he's a super-big meanie that also made me super big!”

The vision of Dinky faded away and Rainbow found herself staring back at Sombra’s limp form, dangling from the end of her hoof. A thunderbolt had been prepped and was clutched tightly in her other hoof, preparing to jam it directly into Sombra’s eye. Her hoof trembled, still wanting to do it.

A glint of light caught the corner of her eye and she looked to see what it was: it was the Element of Loyalty, peeking out from behind the Alicorn Amulet. Rainbow regarded it for a moment, gently brushing the amulet away so she could stare at the ruby lightning bolt. Loyalty. That’s what she was.

Sure, she was loyal to the Princess, loyal to Equestria and of course she was super-loyal to her friends and stuff. But Rainbow started to realize that loyalty meant a bit more than doing anything for the folks you cared about. It was also about being true and loyal to yourself—to your morals and stuff. All that … stuff she had been thinking earlier was trying to sound all loyal and stuff to protecting ponies—which Rainbow was totally behind—but it was asking her to do it by being totally un-loyal to who she was.

She was Rainbow Dash: and Rainbow Dash is everything awesome and radical, but not a despot (she really will have to thank Celestia for the dictionary for Hearth's Warming. It was more useful than just looking up naughty words). She let the thunderbolt drop to the floor and dissipate, joined a moment later by Sombra’s inert body. Another pulse of energy ran through her body like concentrated adrenaline, courtesy of the Alicorn Amulet. If it had a voice, it would’ve been screaming at her to maim, kill, destroy, burn!

Rainbow flicked her ears. “Oh shut up.” She grunted as she fumbled with the clasp for the amulet hanging around her neck. While a part of her tried to suggest that she wait to take off the amulet after she dealt with Sombra, a much larger part of her knew that if she did that--if she took the step of actually killing another pony--she’d never be able to take the damn thing off.

She stepped away and tried looking over her shoulder, trying to see if she was even getting it right. After a moment she had succeeded, and pulled the Alicorn Amulet off her neck and away from her. She spent a long time looking at it and wondering if she was really doing the right thing, turning her back on this power—all the good she could do, saving Equestria from its enemies and stuff.

Then about half a second after she started thinking about it, she tossed the thing over her shoulder without a glance. With all due respect to Twilight and the Princess, sometimes thinking too hard about stuff was just a distraction; Rainbow had been all about listening to her gut. And right now, her gut told her she wanted nothing more to do with anything that had been created by King friggin’ Sombra of all ponies.

Speaking of, Dash turned around and walked back to the unconscious alicorn. As soon as she got close, she winced at the smell of burned feathers and charred flesh. She had really gone all out on the tyrant. Suddenly worried that she had already gone too far, Rainbow stretched out a hoof to check his pulse. He might’ve been an evil, monstrous creep who deserved every bit of the beating he’d gotten, but Rainbow didn’t really want to be a killer.

As soon as her hoof drew close to his neck, Sombra’s eye snapped open and grabbed her by the leg and tossed her aside. Rainbow landed hard, a whoof of air forced from her lungs as she hit the floor. She quickly scrambled back up just in time to see Sombra getting up, his wounds and injuries magically healing. “Great…” Rainbow flew over in a flash, intent on striking him before he was fully recovered.

But Sombra anticipated her, and used his magic to neatly slam her onto the floor. Rainbow groaned and turned over, just in time for Sombra to step over her. His right foreleg pressed down on her wing, his left foreleg digging into her chest. Rainbow struggled, but couldn’t dislodge the larger, heavier pony. “What now, pompous brat?” He hissed in her face as he stood over her.

“I…” Rainbow grunted as she raised one of her hindlegs “…improvise!” Then she jerked her hoof upwards and planted it firmly between Sombra’s back legs.

The tyrant’s pupils dilated as the pain registered with his brain; he screamed in agony and rage. With him distracted and the pressure on her lessened, Rainbow managed to break free and roll away. She got back into a fighting stance just as Sombra recovered.

“Fool.” Sombra spat furiously. “Did you really think you could defeat me all by yourself? Me? A living god?!

“Actually, yeah.” Rainbow rubbed the back of her head, climbing back to her hooves and staring at something just behind Sombra. “But on the off chance I might have been wrong…”

Sombra turned to see what she was looking at—just in time for the wall to explode inward. Chunks of shattered crystal went flying in, giving Rainbow Dash the chance to put some distance between her and the enraged alicorn.

And enraged he was, snarling at being interrupted at the moment of his triumph once again. When the dust and smoke cleared, he found himself face to face with five unfamiliar mares, each wearing a necklace to match the Element of Harmony around Rainbow Dash’s neck.

The pink earth pony on the far right tossed her hooves up in the air and announced boldly: “Ta-daaa!”

Rainbow Dash had never been so happy at the sight of pure randomness. “Took you long enough.” She said casually, trying to offset the mammoth grin on her face.

“Aww, sorry Dashie!” Pinkie pouted. “But do you know how hard it is to arrive just in time for a Big Darn Hero moment?”

“Heh, it’s okay.” Rainbow joined her friends at the middle of their line, the six Elements together again. She grinned at Sombra. “So, has it sunk in yet how totally screwed you are?”

Sombra bared his teeth angrily at the six mares. Apparently it had. Applejack narrowed her eyes at the alicorn. “This that Sombra fella?” She scraped her hoof against the ground, snorting as if preparing for a charge.

“I am King Sombra.” He corrected. “Lord and master of the Crystal Empire and soon to be god-king of all Eques—” His introduction was cut off by a chunk of crystal bouncing off his snout.

Everypony turned to look at the thrower. “You @%#&!” Rarity spat at him. “How dare you steal away my Sweetie Belle and then take her youth?! I’m going to stomp you into the dirt where you belong and grind you into dust!” She panted as everypony just looked at her.
“…Oh my.” Fluttershy blinked.

Rainbow shook her head. “All right, Rare!” She grinned at her friend. “You said it! let’s curbstomp this creep!”

“Foolish wretches! Mewling impudent imbeciles! Sniveling tools of an outmoded order!” Sombra snarled as the six mares took up positions around him, forming a circle.

“Ah reckon that mean’s he don’t fancy us much.” Quipped Applejack.

“Would be my guess.” Rainbow deadpanned as they circled around him, drawing the noose tight and denying him any avenue of escape.

The six Elements of Harmony on their necks began to pulse in synch with each other. They glowed brighter and brighter, forcing Sombra to cover his face with his wing and shrink away from them. Each Element sent out a beam of rainbow light that spread to the ones on either side of them. By the time it had finished, the six friends had formed a ring connecting them. The rainbow light began to constrict, but Sombra summoned all his strength and created a black shield of magic energy to hold the Elements at bay.

“Come on everypony!” Rainbow Dash called over the din of the crackling and sizzling from the colliding magics. “Pour it on!”

“Fools!” Sombra laughed. “The entire Crystal Empire is my place of power! I have had over a millennium to weave my enchantments over it, to bind it and its inhabitants to my very being! Destroy me and you destroy them as well!”

“No.” A determined voice rang out. “Not this time.” The six mares risked looking at source of interruption … to see Princess Cadance, flanked by Shining Armor and Zecora, stepping through the hole in the wall and into the throne room.

Rainbow’s eyes lit up. “Cadance!”

“Shining!” Twilight cried out joyously at seeing her big brother.

“Zecora!” Pinkie whooped, not wanting the zebra to feel left out.

“Yay.” Fluttershy cheered softly.

Cadance gave her friends a nod and a smile. “Hello girls … sorry I took so long. I had to dig a family heirloom out of the basement.” In her magic grip, she held the Crystal Heart high. “You won’t be dooming the Crystal Empire or the crystal ponies this day, Sombra. This,” she indicated the Heart with a toss of her head, “is the heart of the Crystal Empire. Not you. And unlike you, it doesn’t take anything from the crystal ponies. It gives. The love of the crystal ponies is what powers the heart, and spreads love and joy across all of Equestria.”

“NO!” Sombra snarled as he tried to grab the Heart with his magic, even as he fought to maintain the shield around him.

Cadance staggered, but planted her hooves firmly and tugged back, keeping the Heart ensconced in her own magic. “Girls!” She called out to the six ponies surrounding Sombra. “F-focus your Elements on the Heart once I get it into position!” Unlike before where Sombra and Cadance were engaged in a pulling war over the Crystal Heart, now the two tried to push the Heart away. Cadance was trying to put it into position right above Sombra, in the middle of the girls’ circle and Sombra was trying to push it away to anyplace but there.

The pink princess grunted in an unladylike fashion, as she pushed and strained against Sombra’s more powerful magic. Her grip weakened and sweat beaded across her brow. She felt a pang of fear that the two of them might end up grinding the Heart to dust between them … like in her dream!

But her fears died before they could truly be reborn. Shining Armor saddled up next to her, lending her his warmth and strength. His own horn shimmered as the two of them managed to slowly push Sombra’s magic back, and helped Cadance push the Crystal Heart into position.

“Now!” Cadance called to the others. Rainbow and the others tilted themselves back and up, their Elements sending a burst of rainbows straight into the Crystal Heart. The Heart began to spin in place, beaming the power of the Elements of Harmony up and into the main crystal Sombra had used as a conduit.

The Elements of Harmony continued beaming out rainbow colored-light to one another. The beams of light began to crisscross until each and every Element Bearer was connected to each other; forming a complex lattice matrix, centering on Sombra’s failing shield in the middle.

With the power of the Elements of Harmony and the Crystal Heart combining, Sombra’s shield gave way. Sombra let out a strangled cry of defiance as the light poured into him. He threw his head back as light poured out of his eyes and mouth. A multicolored shockwave burst out from him and spread out. The wave washed over the group … and it felt wonderful. All their aches, pains and tiredness seemed to be washed away as the rainbow light continued to spread out. All the black crystals shattered upon impact with the wave, and regular crystals became brighter.

And though the group couldn’t see what happened after the wave passed through the walls, it spread through the Crystal Empire and beyond, destroying all traces of Sombra’s dark crystals and ridding the Empire of his evil taint. With a fearful whinny the windigos were buffeted by the shockwave and knocked together, a solid wall of crystal forming around them: trapping them inside.

As for Sombra, he seemed to shrink as the light poured from where he stood, which wasn’t so far from the truth. His bat-like wings shriveled and decayed to the point of falling apart into nothing and his long, curved horn began to shrink and straighten out. The earth pony size and proportions he had gained melted away, leaving him a normal unicorn again.
There was a flash of light and then … it was over.