• Published 9th Dec 2012
  • 10,500 Views, 1,125 Comments

Hot Heads, Cold Hearts and Nerves of Steel - Trinary

AU Dashverse: The Crystal Empire has returned and the foals of Equestria have gone missing!

  • ...

Chapter 19

“Whoa, this place is really sparkly!” Dinky’s voice echoed softly off the crystalline walls as Azure Prism and the three foals walked through Sombra’s dark castle.

“Shhh!” Azure hissed frantically, her head twisting this way and that, mortally afraid of being discovered. “We’re in the King’s castle!”

Pipsqueak looked around. “Uh, where are we going?”

“To find Rainbow Dash.” Alula frowned at him. “Dummy.”

“No, I mean … do we know which way to go so we can find her?” He explained.

Alula snorted. “Of course we do!” Then she paused, looking to Azure. “Uh, you do know, right?”

Azure flinched. “I … I know how to find the main corridor. The throne room should be in the center of the castle.”

“A’kay!” Dinky smiled. “Then you find that core-a-dor and then we’ll find the throne room!”

“Cloudy calls the bathroom the throne room sometimes.” Alula shrugged. “Maybe the king’s taking a bath or something?”

“Maybe he’s onna toilet!” Pip made a face.

“Don’t be dumb, Dummy.” Alula genlty whapped him with her wing. “Evil ponies don’t haveta go to the bathroom!”

“Everypony hasta use the bathroom!”

“Have you ever read a story where everypony stopped so the bad guy could potty?” Alula demanded, rolling her eyes as she turned to Azure Prism. ““Have you ever seen this King Somebody use the bathroom?”

Azure blinked. “Well, no I haven’t…”

“See?” Alula stuck her tongue out at Pipsqueak. “Toldja, Dummy.”

Pip drew himself up and, comporting himself as a true Trottingham gentlepony would, stuck his tongue back out at her. “Don’t call me Dummy, Loo-Loo.”

Alula frowned and stomped her hoof, glaring at Pipsqueak. “Don’t call me Loo-Loo! It sounds like a potty.”

The piebald colt giggled. “Well, you said the throne room was a bathroom, so it makes sense that we should call you Loo-Loo!”

“Quiet or Imma start calling you, um … Squeaky!”

“Hey, I hear something!” Dinky interrupted, tilting her head. “It sounds like … singing?” Everypony fell silent so they could listen. Soon they could all hear a faint melody echoing down the corridors.

“Look for me at dawning, when the earth is asleep.
Til each dewdrop is kissed, by the day”.

“Hey, that sounds like Sweetie Belle!” Pip realized.

Alula’s wings buzzed in excitement. “Then all the other kids must be here too! Let’s go find ‘em!”

Azure opened her mouth to warn them about the guards or whatever else might be in their way and once again the trio raced off, leaving her to trail after them.

Dinky led her friends down a winding series of corridors, flanked on either side by Alula and Pipsqueak as they all kept an ear out for Sweetie’s singing.

“There where ‘neath the rowan and alder, a vigil I’ll keep.
Every moment that you are away.”

Just as the soft song faded away, the three foals turned a corner and found themselves in front of a big heavy door made of black crystal bars. Beyond it was a huge room with over a hundred fillies and colts inside. Most of them they didn’t know, but they spied some familiar faces in the crowd.

“Hey, there’re our friends!” Pip realized as he pointed to some of them. “There’s Apple Bloom and Scootaloo! And there’s Snips and Snails!”

“And Archer and Twist!” Dinky chimed in.

Alula looked too. “Hey isn’t that Diamond Tiara?”

“Yeah!” Dinky confirmed. “And Sweetie Belle!”

Pip waved a hoof. “Hey! Rumble, Chowder, Featherweight! It’s me!”

The locked up kids looked up. “Who’re you?” One colt asked.

A gray pegasus rushed to the door. “It’s Pipsqueak! And Alula and Dinky! They’re our friends!”

“Rumble!” Pip smiled. “We found you!”

Apple Bloom wriggled and pushed her way through to the front. “Oh mah star apples! Yer here! How’d you get away?”

“S’was easy.” Alula said proudly.

“We found Rainbow Dash!” Dinky added.

Scootaloo made her way to the door, almost shoving Rumble out of the way. “She’s here? Where?” She looked around as if expecting her to appear out of nowhere.

“Well she isn’t here right now.” Dinky flattened her ears. “I’m here t’find her! She’s here with her friends so they can stop the bad king!”

Apple Bloom’s face split open in a wide smile. “Applejack’s here?”

“And Rarity?” Squeaked Sweetie Belle as she tried hopping up and down to look over Apple Bloom’s head.

Pipsqueak nodded. “Yeah! We’re gonna let you all out so you can go see ‘em!”

Dinky looked around. All the foals--from Ponyville and from other places--were crowding the door, trying to see what was happening. “What happened to you?” She asked.

A chorus of voices answered her until they dissolved into a general babble. Fillies and colts talking about how they went to bed at home and woke up being pulled out of carts by scary monsters who snarled and shouted at them.

“It was plum terrible!” Apple Bloom shivered as she adjusted her off-kilter trademark bow. “They’re a bunch of bullying varmints!”

Sweetie Belle nodded. “Yeah! Look what they did to Silver Spoon just cuz she wanted to go home!” She pointed to the silver filly who sat off to the side.

Dinky and her friends leaned in to look. “Silver Spoon?” She slowly asked. “You ‘kay?”

Silver Spoon, her usually braided mane looking frayed and disheveled, let out a sniff as she looked up. That’s when they saw that her glasses were broken in two, and the lenses were just a collection of cracks held in place by the frame. “T-they broke my glasses.” Silver Spoon hiccupped. “I—I can’t see!” She sobbed.

Dinky frowned. “Stoopid hairy things. That’s not nice!” She poked her snout through the bars. “S’okay! Rainbow Dash is here and she’s gonna rescue all the ponies and save the day cuz that’s what she does. Then we’ll get you some new glasses so you don’t have t’be sad anymore, a‘kay?”

Frowning slightly, Alula nudged Dinky. “We gotta focus on ‘scaping. ‘Sides, she’s a bully.”

“Mommy always says that mean ponies don't always stay mean unless you push 'em away.” Dinky replied, before adding. “But Silver Spoon an' Diamond Tiara need to not stay mean fast.” Twist walked over to Silver Spoon, offering to trade glasses for a while. Silver Spoon hesitated, especially at the rather dorky-looking glasses Twist wore, but eventually accepted them with a murmured thanks. “So, now we can all ‘scape!”

“How’re you gonna do that?” Scootaloo asked.

Alula looked at the door. “Okay, so the first thing we gotta do is make a headcount to make sure everypony is here.” She nodded importantly. “Then we can let them all out.”

Dinky looked confused. “Why’re we only countin' their heads? The rest of 'em are there too.” She gave a tiny gulp. “Right?” She asked weakly.

Alula facehoofed. Azure Prism, huffing and panting, turned the corner to rejoining them. The imprisoned foals shrank away from the bars. “It’s one of the ponies that brought us here!” Apple Bloom yelped.

“Nono it’s okay! Her name is Miss Prism and she’s gonna help us! It was the bad guy that made the crystal-y ponies do bad things!” Dinky explained. “She’s gonna help get you all free and I’m gonna go find Rainbow Dash!”

Pip and Alula frowned at Dinky. “What? But we’re coming too!” Pip protested.

“Yeah!” Alula nodded in a rare moment of complete agreement with him. “Just as soon as we get the dumb door open, we’ll all go find Rainbow Dash!”

“But that could take forever!” Dinky couldn’t keep a hint of whine out of her voice. “You and Pip can stay an' count heads an the resta ponies an' stuff but I gotta find Rainbow Dash! Miss Princess said I hafta do it 'cause... uh... it's rilly, rilly important!”

Alula put on her little soldier face. “Kickers’ dun let their friends go off alone!”

“We’re not leaving you!” Pip agreed.

“... I'll be right back.” Dinky promised weakly.

“What’s all this racket?” A deep, growly voice grunted. Everypony’s ears twitched as they turned around to see a pair of very familiar, menacing bushwoolies.

“Ahh! It’s the hairy things that wanted to eat us!” Dinky yelped.

“Look, it’s our ingredients!” He smiled toothily in a distinctly unpleasant manner the made the kids behind bars scamper away from the door.

The three free kids looked at each other and had the same thought. “Run!” The foals squealed and took off down the hallway.

Azure hesitantly stood in the middle of the hall, between the fleeing children and the bushwoolies. “S-stop--” The bushwoolies wasted no time in shoving Azure aside and chasing after them.

“Get back here! We’re gonna make a stew out of you!” Snarled the first one.

“Or a quiche!” The other piped up.

“Oh shut UP!”

The Elements of Harmony found themselves staring down an oncoming horde of hairy, smelly, clawed beasts called bushwoolies as they charged at them. Knowing that to stand still would end up with them being bowled over or simply being trampled, the six mares met the enemy charge with one of their own.

In the years to follow, historians and writers would laude this epic charge in song and story. The most famous of which was a poem that ended thusly:

When can their glory fade?
O the wild charge they made!
All the world wonder'd.
Honor the charge they made!
Honor the Harmony Brigade,
Noble six heroes!

The reality was somewhat different.

“Once more onto the britches!” Pinkie shouted as she bounced at the enemy, literally hopping on the heads of the bushwoolies as they tried in vain to catch her.

Fluttershy let out a tiny ‘grr’ and bared her teeth ever so slightly before gasping, having managed to scare herself with her fearfulness. “Ohmygoodness!” She covered her face with her hooves.

“Hiiii-yaaa!” Rarity judo-chopped one bushwoolie in the gut. As it doubled over, she grabbed him by the arm and hip-tossed him over her.

“Where’d you learn to do that?” Twilight asked, impressed.

“A lady must learn certain skills in order to keep one’s poise in balance.” Rarity pronounced. “And I find that tai-chi slows the aging process and keeps one nice and poised.”

“With your skill, you’d easily be a black belt.” Twilight noted.

Rarity sniffed. “A black belt? How tacky! I stopped once I got my blue belt. It goes much better with my eyes, don’t you think?”

“Quit fussing over yer accessories and fight!” Applejack barked as her hoof met a bushwoolie’s face. It fell over backwards, landing on and splattering an unlucky snow leopard.

Rainbow Dash flew over the heads of the hairy beasts, taunting them. “Yeah, come on you ugly furballs! Your mothers were a bunch of dust bunnies and your fathers smell like carpet cleaner!”

With an angry growl, one enterprising bushwoolie picked up a snow leopard and compacted it into a large ball. With a mighty heave, he hurled it upwards. Rainbow barely had time to gawk at the sight of a giant snowball with a snarling face and row of sharp ice fangs before it knocked her out of the sky.

Dash grunted as hit the ground, trying to hold the growling snow boulder away from her face. “Oh that is it!” She sat up. “Time for some contact sports!” Rainbow threw the compressed snow leopard up in the air. As the snow ball came back down, Rainbow dealt it a swift kick with her back hooves, sending it flying across the room, right into a pack of bushwoolies about to pounce on Rarity. They went down like a bunch of ninepins. “Striiike!” Rainbow pumped her hoof triumphantly as she got back up.

Twilight looked around seeing her friends all in the midst of battle--well, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity were anyway. Pinkie Pie was more bouncing here and there and everywhere, leading the pursuing bushwoolies and snow leopards to crash into one another in a vain attempt to get her. And Fluttershy mostly squeaked and covered her eyes … which ironically is what the monsters were doing as well, clearly terrified of the petite pegasus’ stare from their last encounter.

That just left her not contributing anything. Twilight took a deep breath and concentrated. Her horn lit up with magic as she attempted to cast a spell, any kind of spell. But the dark crystals that seemed to make up the palace prevented her from casting even the slightest cantrip.

While she couldn’t perform any spells or use any magic, that’s not the same as being unable to see and sense magic. The black crystals gave off an aura of their own as they drained the magic away from Twilight’s spells before she could even finish casting them. But beyond that, she could see something beyond them. The crystals here didn’t just absorb magic. If they did, they could eventually be overloaded and explode. But these ones diverted all the magic to someplace else. Someplace just beyond the far wall, something dark lurked.

That had to be King Sombra! Twilight’s shot open. “Rainbow Dash!” She called out. “I know where Sombra is!”

Rainbow looked up after kicking a bushwoolie in the face. “Really?! Where?” She looked around as if expecting him to be hiding behind a curtain somewhere--not that there were any).

“I think he’s in another room, behind the wall!” Twilight called out over the sound of the battle. “We need to get to the far wall!”

The others started to converge on her position. AJ looked, her hair band long gone and her mane in her face. “Which one? The one behind us? The one guarded by snow leopards or the one guarded by windigos?”

Twilight pointed to the back wall, directly behind the main body of bushwoolies. “The fourth wall!”

“Oooh I love that wall!” Pinkie beamed. “The fourth wall is the best wall ever! And if you’re on top it, you can burn bad comics.” She nodded seriously.

A twitch started to develop above Twilight’s right eye. She hoped that didn’t turn into a thing. She was about to either ask Pinkie to explain (something she knew was pointless even as she contemplated it) or direct her somewhere else when she got an idea about how to get past the enemy. “Pinkie, we need your help. Be a distraction.”

That won a snort of laughter from the cowpony as she bucked a snow leopard’s head clean off its body. “Shucks, Twi. I was afraid y'were gonna ask her to do somthin' hard.” Applejack quipped.

“Aww—I was just gonna make a lot of noise instead.” Pinkie pouted, sounding put out. “But okay…” She bounced around, waving her limbs in all directions. “Hey look at me! I’m being distracting!” Somehow, that garnished the attention of every bushwoolie, snow leopard and even the three windigos into watching Pinkie’s escapades and pursue her all over the room.

“There are so many reasons why that shouldn't have worked,” Twilight groaned as she and the others raced for the now-abandoned far wall.

Rainbow Dash hovered over her impatiently. “Well? How do we get through?”

“There isn’t a door or anything I can see...” Twilight muttered, half to herself as she examined the crystalline wall.

In the background, Pinkie Pie did a little jig as she kept two hooves ahead of the horde of monsters and evil spirits. “Oh, I had a blind date who couldn’t really rumba! He was kinda dark and ugly—his name was King Sombra! I went right on through it, that date was pretty rough. Sure it was a blind date, but I wasn’t blind enough!”

Applejack knocked her hoof against the wall. “Whooee, sure seems solid t’me.”

Twilight let out a frustrated growl. “Oh, if only we had somepony who knew more about these crystals! An architect, a thaumaturgist or...”

“A pony who grew up on a rock farm?” Pinkie Pie suggested.

“Yes, or--aaah!” Twilight let out a startled shriek and leapt into the air, spinning and falling on her rump. “H-how did, where did--weren’t you being a distraction?!”

Pinkie hmmed, rubbing her face in deep thought as she pondered the question. Then her face lit up. “Oh yeah! I was, but I delegated.”

Rainbow Dash and Twilight shared a look before turning back to the pink pony. “Delegated?” They asked in unison.

By way of answer, Pinkie pointed behind her. Her friends turned to look as they saw Applejack racing across the room, chased by Sombra’s goons … while wearing a Pinkie Pie suit.

A dumbfounded look crossed the faces of Rainbow, Twilight and Rarity (Fluttershy was too nervous to look). “Don’t ask me!” AJ yelled when she noticed them staring. “Ah don’t know how this happened neither!”

Rarity cleared her throat demurely. “ Moving along...” she turned to Pinkie. “You were saying, darling?”

“Oh, I never know what I’m saying.” Pinkie shrugged. “I say so much stuff that sometimes, even I don’t think I make any sense! Except when I do make sense, only I don’t know that I’m making sense until later.”

Twilight sighed. “Yes, well, you were saying that you raised on a rock farm, right? Does that mean you know about crystalline lattice structures? Perhaps weak points?”

Rainbow Dash facehoofed. “Twi? You’re talking to Pinkie Pie. She probably doesn’t know anything about crystal lettuces or whatever--”

“The crystal lattice parameters are in a classic symmetrical hexagonal pattern where all constants are equal,” Pinkie rattled over, examining the wall with a critical eye. “There are a few weak points or, shatterpoints, in the structural integrity that can be aggravated through a continuous application of high-pitch frequency of 1.21 gigahertz.” Her analysis completed, Pinkie Pie turned around to face her friends.

She was a greeted by a chorus of slackened jaws.

Rainbow Dash eloquently summed up what the rest of them were thinking. “Hub buh bwah--bwaaaah?”

Yep, eloquent.

Rarity recovered first and examined the crystal wall herself. “I believe Pinkie is right. These crystals aren’t naturally grown nor are they treated and refined. A high pitched sound might just shatter them like a crystal glass at an opera.”

Twilight beamed at her friends’ knowledge and clever reasoning. “Pinkie, Rarity, that’s brilliant!”

“Sounds good.” Rainbow said, not quite understanding the content of the discussion, but picked up the end result quickly enough: a way through. “So, how do we do it?”

Pinkie grinned. “I know!” She reached out with her hoof and dragged Fluttershy over. Next, Pinkie pulled out a tuning fork from her mane and tapped it against the wall. “Hmmm...” She tapped her chin thoughtfully for a second, then her eyes lit up. “A ha! Got it!” She proceeded to lick both of her forehooves and traced them up the necks of Fluttershy and Rarity.

The two mares let out a startled high-pitched shriek that prompted Twilight and Rainbow Dash to clasp their hooves over their ears.

The shrieks seemed to echo and reverberate off the walls and ceiling, amplified by the crystals. The shout themselves were of a most impressive pitch and duration, lasting roughly half a minute. Rainbow made a mental note of their impressive lung capacities and spared a moment to think of a way to get the two of them into a burping contest. Such thoughts were cut short when a large crack appeared in the wall.

“All right!” Rainbow flew up. “Here we go: first we crack the shell, then we crack the nut inside!” She pounded on the crack in the wall, slamming her hindlegs against it again and again.

The wall groaned and strained, bites and pieces falling away under her hammer blows. Rainbow Dash flew back, giving herself some flying room as she prepared to charge it. “Okay everypony, as soon as I take the wall down, follow me inside!”

Twilight tried to warn her. “Rainbow Dash, wait!”

Forelegs outstretched, Rainbow Dash circled around the room a few times to build up momentum and then headed for the cracked wall at top ramming speed. Her hooves impacted the wall and it shattered. A pony-sized hole smashed through as Rainbow found herself on the other side of the wall. She turned her head to see if her friends were following, but saw that most of the wall was still intact. Still, not a major problem since she could always swing around again and keep at it until the rest of the wall fell. No worries.

That’s when things started to go downhill. Rainbow absently careened into another wall and bounced off, falling to the ground and skidding across the floor. Rubbing her already much abused rump, Dash shakily got to her hooves and looked to where she had gotten through.

The fractured wall was thin, and on the other side she could she pony-shapes either fighting other, larger shadows or beating on the wall with their hooves. The wall shuddered. Through the hole she made, Dash heard a faint shout of ‘Rainbow!’ from Twilight, Applejack and the others.

She took a breath, about to answer back to let them know she okay, when the next worrying thing happened. A new wall of crystal grew out of the floor and ceiling, completely re-sealing it. “No!” Rainbow Dash ran over and pounded a hoof on the reinforced wall, but it was no use. It was much thicker and stronger now than it had been before. She couldn’t hear or see a thing on the other side.

Rainbow groaned and rested her forehead against the wall. She was all alone now. A cold chill ran up her spine as she started to turn around, somehow getting the feeling that she wasn’t as alone as she had thought...