• Published 9th Dec 2012
  • 10,497 Views, 1,125 Comments

Hot Heads, Cold Hearts and Nerves of Steel - Trinary

AU Dashverse: The Crystal Empire has returned and the foals of Equestria have gone missing!

  • ...

Chapter 12

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The vicious pack of snow leopards snarled menacingly at the ponies before them. Rainbow Dash wasn’t impressed.

“Seriously?” she snorted. “Oh no, we’re being attacked by deformed snow ponies. Come on...” A snow leopard growled and slashed at the wall of one of the houses. Its icicle claws did not shatter, but tore a jagged rend through the wood. “...oh.”

Shining Armor stepped forward protectively, his head lowered so that his horn pointed at the oncoming beasts. “Stand back ladies, I’ll take care of this.” A beam of magic streamed toward the snow leopards. The front rank of snow creatures collapsed into their composite snow and ice. “There, now that was…” he paused as the mounds of snow and ice reformed themselves back into their normal leopard shapes.

“…disappointingly short-lived?” Twilight supplied nervously as angry monsters stepped forward.

“All right!” Rainbow cracked her neck, grinning widely. “Finally some action! Let’s kick some--!”

“Say ice an’ I’ll buck you.” Applejack warned.

The proud pegasus snorted, rolling her eyes. “Geeze, fine Applejack. No need to get all worked up.” A small, cherubic grin graced her face. “Just...chill.”

“….Ah hate you.” Her friend commented casually right as the snow leopards came upon them, snarling and growling.

Rainbow snorted, her hot breath creating small clouds of frozen air that made her look like a bull about to charge. “Bring it on!”

The lead snow leopard bellowed and the pack of snow creatures rushed at the ponies, claws and teeth outstretched. “Yee-haw!” Applejack whooped as the battle was joined. “Git you critters!” She turned and lashed out with her rear hooves at the nearest leopard. Her aim was true, but unfortunately bucking snow wasn’t the same thing as bucking trees or anything solid. “Gaah!” She let out a surprised yelp as her hooves sank into the packed snow of the snow leopard’s side. “Of all th’…I’m stuck!” She grunted, her lower body trapped in the snow. The snarling leopard didn’t seem too pleased either as it whirled, trying to snap at her. All it succeeded in doing was the equivalent of a dog trying to bite its own tail as it went around and around in a circle. Applejack’s face took on a green tint.

“Hold on, Applejack!” Cadence started forward to help, but Shining Armor leapt in her path.

“You stay back!” He shouted as he continued the charge she had begun. “Get inside one of the houses and stay safe, I’ll protect you!”

Cadence gave an angry snort. “Of all the stupid, mule-headed…” But even if Cadence were of a mind to heed Shining’s warning, there was no time or place to flee. The snow leopards had them completely surrounded, cutting off all escape back to the safety of the train. They surged forward in a charge.

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes, determined to meet their charge with one of her own. “Hi-yaaaah!” She charged forth and with a powerful flap of her wings, leapt into the air. With her bottom hoof outstretched into a fierce power kick, she came down and plowed through three snow leopards like it was Winter Wrap Up. “Aww, yeah!” She pumped a hoof triumphantly as she stood back up. “That’s what I’m talking about!”

Twilight’s sudden warning shout took her out of her victory revel. “Rainbow Dash, look out!”

“Huh?” The pegasus turned just in time to have the ice-filled jaw of a snow leopard snap shut half an inch from her nose. “Gyah! Oh come on!” She backpedaled to put some space between her and those teeth. Then she groaned as she saw the leopards she had so expertly demolished (if she did say so herself) reform themselves from the snow. “What a rip!”

“Aww, don’t fret, it could be worse Dashie!” Pinkie Pie chirped as she bounced around, seemingly oblivious to the snow leopards that kept pouncing where she just was, oftentimes missing by just a second. “At least they’re not made of yellow snow!”

Dash brought a hoof up to her face as she flew over the snow leopards, snarling and leaping at her hooves. “Thanks so much for that Pinkie…”

“Welcome!” After a few more bounces, Pinkie Pie abruptly stopped and turned on the snow leopards behind her. From behind her back she pulled out a pair of ice cream scoops. She twirled them in her hooves. “So…who wants to make some ice cream?” The leopards’ icy-eyes widened with fear as they hastily backed away. One in the forefront wasn’t quick enough. Pinkie’s hooves were a pink blur as she dug away with her scoops, tossing the leopard over her shoulder bit by bit, ending with its severed head. It blinked in confusion.

“Yum!” Pinkie licked her lips as she took out a can of whipped cream and a container of chocolate syrup. “I wonder what flavor it is!” The snow leopard gulped, ears flattening in fear as the hungry pink thing approached.

A blast from Shining’s horn demolished the snow leopard Applejack was stuck inside, freeing her. “Thanks pardner!” She gasped, climbing to her hooves and shaking herself vigorously.

The white unicorn didn’t even look at her. “Come on, we have to get back to Cadence and the others!” He ran off, not checking to even see whether she was following him as he rejoined the fray.

The mares were actually holding their own fairly well, despite having no combat training, Twilight was able to use her magic to great effect in fending off the oncoming snow leopards. Rainbow Dash was clearly enjoying the opportunity to stretch her wings and take out all the frustration and boredom that had been building up over the last few days, punching and kicking her way through the thickest part of the foe.

Rarity, naturally, was not one to resort to such a hooves-on method. While nowhere near as powerful as Twilight, she still made creative use of the abilities and materials available to her. This was powerfully attested to by the number of snow leopards around her that were tightly, if tastefully, bound with sheaths of fabric tied into festive ribbons like so many Hearth’s Warming presents.

Once Applejack rejoined her friends she immediately set about slamming her hooves back into any nearby beasts. But she had learned her lesson and was more careful about where she aimed. This time she focused on taking out their legs or bucking their heads clean through. “It ain’t hard to knock ‘em down!” Applejack called as her hooves bucked another leopard into so much snow and powder. Even as she spoke, it began to reform itself. “It’s getting them to stay down that’s the trick!”

To the others’ surprise Cadence wasn’t sitting idly by either. Her horn flashed again and again as she tossed leopards this way and that. Every time she took a step away from Shining Armor’s side, he would leap in front of her and blast whatever snow leopard she was about to engage, not noticing the frustrated look on her face...or if there were anypony else that needed his assistance more. Pinkie Pie was too, well, Pinkie Pie for the snow leopards to even touch her. But that just left one other pony…

Rainbow Dash looked around nervously, unable to spot Fluttershy from her place in the air. She finally spotted her soft-spoken friend huddled up against the side of a building, snow leopards closing in around her. Rainbow was about to head down there to kick some frozen flanks when she heard Shining Armor’s shout. “Cadance!”

Despite having held her own for a while, Cadance wasn’t used to using her magic in sustained combat. She was getting tired and the leopards were pressing their advantage. Shining Amor was pinned down by a larger than average leopard that had managed to get in close and wrestle him to the ground. As the pony and snowbeast grappled, Shining saw Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow! Help Cadance!”

Saluting, Rainbow flew over to help Cadance when she remembered Fluttershy. Rainbow looked from pony to pony. Both were in trouble—who should she go to first?

Cadance rose on her hindlegs and whinnied as she lashed out with her front legs, knocking an icicle fang from the jaws of one beast. Fluttershy was too terrified to even fight back. “N-nice snow leopards…” Fluttershy swallowed nervously, her knees knocking together as a group of the ice-golems had her pressed against the wall. “T-there’s no need to be upset…” She was so petrified she couldn’t get her wings to open. Worse, she didn’t notice the leopard standing on the snow-covered rooftop over her. It crouched down, preparing to pounce on the unsuspecting pegasus.

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath and made her choice.

“Fluttershy, move!” Rainbow yelled as she zoomed over, her wings beating furiously. A dribble of fallen snow prompted Fluttershy to look up, just in time to see the creature above her leap down.

Time seemed to slow-down. The canary-colored pegasus froze. The snow leopard was pouncing downwards, its icicle claws outstretched. Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth. At the last possible second, a pair of cyan hooves shoved Fluttershy aside just before the snow leopard landed—on Dash.

“Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy cried out as the snow beast and the pegasus tossed and wrestled in the snow.

“Go!” Rainbow grunted as she tried to kick the leopard off of her.


“GO!” Dash’s cry came out as a snarl. With a pained and fearful-sounding sob, Fluttershy flew up, looking for somepony to help them.

Rainbow’s wings were pinned down by the leopard’s snowy paws, depriving her of the ability to fly. “Getoff you over-sized snowball!” She grunted. As if it understood her insult, the leopard’s claws sunk down into her right foreleg. Rainbow bit down on the pained yell before it was fully formed. Her eyes blazed. “That is it!” She raised her backhoof up and planted it firmly between the snow leopard’s back legs. It howled, raising one of its paws off chest. While not freeing her, it gave Rainbow Dash the chance to pull a hoof free and vigorously apply it to the leopard’s face.

“Get! Off! ME!” Rainbow grunted, punctuating each word with a punch to the head. With her last furious blow, she knocked the head of the snow leopard clean off its body. It went rolling through the snow. “Ha!” She grinned triumphantly. “That outta do it!” But unlike every other time when she or her friends had demolished a snow leopard, the body didn’t fall apart. It did however scamper off her as it ran around aimlessly, searching for its head. “Wha...?”

Twilight blinked as the severed head of the snow leopard rolled past her. Then she looked to its headless body as it bumped into walls and its fellow beasts, looking for it. “That’s it...the regenerating magic is in their heads!” Her eyes widened. “Everypony, listen!” She called. “Destroying the snow leopards just makes them reform! But if you separate the head from the body without destroying either, then they can’t regenerate a new form!”

Rainbow pounded her hooves together. Got it!” She grinned, zooming over to pick up the head she had knocked away. It snarled feebly at her. “Pinkie, catch! Time for a game of keep away!” She threw it to Pinkie, began tossing it from hoof to hoof.

“Oooh, fun!” She smiled as she held the now dizzy looking head of a snow leopard. “Hi there!”

Applejack galloped hard to another leopard, only to turn around and coil her back hooves at the last second. “Heads up!” She stretched out her legs, kicking the head of the snow leopard off.

“And you were complaining about my jokes,” Rainbow grunted as she dive-bombed another one, her bottom hooves crashing through its neck. The snow leopard blinked as it suddenly found itself rolling around on the ground. Dash reached down and picked it up, tossing it over to Pinkie.

The party pony giggled as she began juggling snow leopard heads. “”Eeheee! There’s no business like snow business…”

Applejack whooped as she leapt onto another creature’s back. “Whooa, nelly that’s cold!” She shivered as sat down on its back. “Rarity, Ah could sure use something to bust this ‘ere bronco with!”

“It would be a pleasure, darling!” Rarity sang out as she levitated a scarf her way.

The cowpony grinned as she snagged it in her hooves. “Thank yew, kindly!” She whooped as the snow leopard bit down, providing AJ with a pair of reins. “Yah! Git along little snow doggy, er, kitty!” The leopard bounded this way and that, doing its best to buck his unwanted rider off. “This is how we do it down on the farm!”

Shining Armor shook his head. The most dangerous fighting force in Equestria…he idly wondered if there was a way to integrate this into the guards training routine. Maybe he could get the girls to come down and give a demonstration?

Twilight lifted a heavy beam with her magic and waited for the leopards to charge at her. Just when they were under the beam, she neatly dropped it down on their necks. Their heads went bouncing to her hooves. She gave a little grin and idly prodded one with her hoof…then winced as the bodiless head snapped at her with its icicle fangs. “Gyah!”

Pinkie bound over to let Twilight add the heads to the juggling circle of snow leopard heads. “Oooh, that was really cool Twilight!” She chirped as she continued juggling. “And look!” She giggled. “Their bodies are getting all dizzy and silly!” Headless snow leopards staggered around, bumping into one another and collapsing in the snow.

“Then they’re about to get even more dizzy!” Rainbow Dash grinned as she zoomed over. She flew in the middle of the juggled circle and began flying around Pinkie Pie. “Step back Pinkie, I got this!” Pinkie hopped away but none of the juggled heads fell. They all became caught up in the miniature-tornado Rainbow was forming. “Shiny! Batter up!”

Grinning, Shining Armor used his magic to lift up the beam Twilight had used earlier. “Gotcha!” He dug his hooves into the snow, gently patting the ground with the lumber. “Let ‘em rip!”

Pinkie Pie leaned over a balcony (how and when she’d gotten up there nopony knew), wearing a baseball hat complete with a bottle of cider on each side and a long straw to drink from both of them. “And it’s the bottom of the ninth with a runner on first and third and two outs! Shining Armor comes to the plate and he’s had a terrific season so far! But can he knock one more out of the park?” She pumped a hoof in the air, inserted into a foam hand. “Shiny, Shiny he’s our colt! If he can’t do it—uh, Dashie’s gonna molt!”

“Huh?” Rainbow looked at her, even more confused by her than usual.

“Sorry, I panicked.” Pinkie apologized. “What, all the songs can’t be good--you have to expect that once in awhile.”

The pegasus rolled her eyes and sped out of the tornado, letting it wander over to where Shining Armor was standing. He tossed his head and gave a mighty swing. The beam connected solidly with the tornado of snow leopard heads and sent them flying out of town, whining and howling. Their confused and headless bodies ran after them—including one covered in bits of syrup and whipped cream.

“And they are outta here!” Rainbow whooped as she came in for a landing, pumping a hoof in the air. “Shiny, that was awes—OWW!” She winced, clutching her foreleg. In all the excitement she had nearly forgotten about the deep scratch that snow leopard had given her. She had several others criss crossing her body, but none that bad.

Shining Armor looked over, worry written all over his face. “Are you okay?” He asked frantically as he started to run.

Rainbow Dash shrugged before realizing that it wasn’t the smartest thing to do with a torn up foreleg. Still, she was resolved to keep her cool. “Meh, no big deal. Barely a scratch…” she gave a shy grin as he approached her. “I mean, did you see me out there taking down those things? And the way the two of us teamed up to send them packing? It was so…” her voice faltered as Shining stopped, quickly looked her injury over, then ran over to Cadence without a word. “…awesome.” She finished hollowly.

“Cadence, are you all right?” Her coltfriend and bodyguard fussed over her. “I told you to get to safety and leave the fighting to the professionals!”

If looks could kill, Cadence would’ve eviscerated him faster than any snow leopard. “Shining, I’m fine! They barely even touched me…”

“What do you call THAT!” Shining demanded, pointing at bloody scratch near Cadance’s thigh, staining her pink coat crimson. He nuzzled her cheek.

Rainbow felt the bottom drop out of her stomach she watched the two of them. She shuddered, feeling cold all over as the wind blew past. Fluttershy meekly made her way over to her friend. “I-I wanted to thank you for—oh my goodness, Rainbow Dash, you’re bleeding!”

“I’m fine.” She ground out through clenched teeth.

“But, um, maybe I should make a bandage—” Fluttershy offered as she took a strip of gauze out of her saddlebags and gently began wounding it around Rainbow’s foreleg. But even her gentle touch sent a bolt of pain racing up the prismatic pony’s leg, fueling her anger.

“I said, I’m fine Fluttershy!” She yanked her foreleg away. “If you really want to help, then maybe next time you’ll remember to stay out of the way! Or at least learn not to get in the way without knowing how to throw a punch! You could’ve gotten killed out there!”

Fluttershy crouched down, give a faint squeak. “I-I’m sorry...” She whispered as Rainbow Dash stomped off angrily, wincing at every stomp on her injured leg.

Twilight trotted up behind Rainbow Dash, shooting her best scowl at her. “Rainbow! She was just trying to help!”

“Ugh, not now...” the pegasus grumbled, only to have Pinkie bounce up in her way.

“Well, it's a little late for earlier, and later just doesn't work. You were ROTTEN to her!”

“It was the truth! Fluttershy shouldn't be getting involved in fights and stuff! She should just stay out of the way.” Rainbow shot back.

“It's not like she was trying to get involved.” Twilight reasoned. “In case you didn't notice, we got attacked with almost no warning!”

“Since when do we ever get warning before something bad happens?”

“When I get a twitchy tail?” Pinkie chimed in, adding her two cents. They both ignored her.

Twilight took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. “It's not like she was trying to put herself in a dangerous situation, Rainbow.”

“I know that!” Dash fumed. “It's just--look, she...she just shouldn't BE in these sort of situations!”

“None of us should be in this sort of situation!” Twilight snapped irritably. “But we are, and making Fluttershy feel bad isn't gonna help.”

“Well, speak for yourself!” Rainbow growled. “I can take care of myself just FINE! I don't want her to feel bad Twilight but...this…” she held up her injured leg, “happened because I had to be there to save her. What if I wasn't there, huh? What do you think would have happened to Fluttershy?”

Twilight glared. “And there's no way you could've made that point without upsetting her in the process?" She pointed at a sniffling Fluttershy, sitting off by herself. Pinkie lowered her ears and let her lip tremble at the sad sight.

Rainbow looked away. “…she has to be stronger.”

“Fluttershy is strong.” Twilight was firm, then added in a gentler tone. “Just...not the way you are.”

“...I know…”

Pinkie took a seat and reached over to put a hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder. She jumped up with a yelp as her bottom touched cold snow. “HOO chilly!” She gently lowered herself back down and shifted her derriere. “Sorry! I’m good!”

In spite of it all, Rainbow shook her head, snorting. Twilight settled for a good old eye roll. “Pinkie Pie, this is serious.”

“Really?” Rainbow pretended to look surprised. “You mean the snow leopards that nearly tore us apart weren't a joke? I'm shocked.”

“Oh, sarcasm.” Twilight noted dryly. “That's original, Rainbow.”

“Answering sarcasm with sarcasm? That’s even more original Twi.”

Pinkie looked at each of them. “HEY! Jokes aren't funny if they hurt ponies, and sarcasm hurts!”

Twilight let out a frustrated groan. “What's wrong with asking you to be a little more sensitive?”

“Because being nice and sensitive isn't going to keep you alive out here!” Rainbow Dash exploded, her wings extended as she stomped the snow covered ground angrily. “Look around! It's cold and dark and full of monsters trying to kill us! Everypony HAS to be able to take care of themselves because Shining Armor himself said that I can’t be everywhere!” She swallowed nervously, the thought that for all her speed and loyalty that she might possibly not be there for her friends when they needed her shook the blue pony to the core. “I-if I can’t be here…y-you guys have to be strong, all right? Because I can’t…I can’t…you just gotta take care of yourselves!” She lowered her head.

Caught off guard and stunned, Twilight plopped down in the snow on her rump, not even caring about the snow. “Oh.”

Rainbow looked away from her, mumbling as she slowly sank down on her haunches. “I wasn’t there when Dinky needed me and…I can’t lose Fluttershy, or any of you guys. I can’t lose anypony else.”

“We're not going to lose anypony, okay?” Pinkie gave Rainbow a hug, rubbing her back. ”We're here to find ponies.”

“Now I understand.” Twilight murmured quietly as she leaned against Rainbow Dash. “You’re concerned about us, is that it?” She felt more than saw her nod. “Oh Rainbow…”

“Silly pony.” Pinkie sniffled. “When you’re worried you’re supposed to act worried, not get all grumpy and mad!” She gently started working her hooves through the pegasus’ namesake mane. “Lemme check…”

Rainbow snorted, closing one eye as a pink hoof got too near. “Heey...”

“You musta gotten your wires all mixed up. Instead of worried, you came out angry! Do you think when you’re sad you end up smiling? Or laugh when you’re hurt?” Pinkie thought long and hard on this…about a full three seconds. “I’ve got it! Maybe you can put a ribbon in your hair so we’ll always know just what you’re feeling!” Seeing their confused and incredulous faces, Pinkie groaned. “Duh, don’t you get it? Each color in Rainbow Dash’s mane can represent a feeling! Like when you’re feeling mad put a ribbon in your red hair! And if you’re feeling excited, then you can do the same for the orange! Yellow can be fear, green can be jealous, blue can be happy and purple can be when you’re feeling, uh…grape-y? No wait, that’s silly.” She pouted. “Purple is for when she’s feeling all fancy and great!”

Rainbow and Twilight blinked in synch. Then they looked at each other and shrugged. “So…you’re expressing your concern through anger. Okay, I've read about that.” Twilight mused.

“Seriously?” Rainbow looked at her. “You’ve read about that?”

“Rainbow...” Pinkie nudged her. “She's doing her own thing, okay?”

Twilight smiled softly. “It’s okay. Look, Rainbow, I know what happened to Dinky and what almost happened to Fluttershy has you a bit rattled. I’m scared too. But you’ve got to remember that even if we’re not all as brave and fast…”

“And awesome!” Rainbow Dash added.

“…and awesome.” Twilight allowed, shaking her head and chuckling.

“And fantasta-superrific!” Pinkie reminded.

“…and fantas…fantasta…” Twilight became tongue-tied. “The POINT is, everypony here has their own strengths and weaknesses, even if they don’t all correspond to physical traits, per se.”

“Who’s Percy?” Pinkie blinked owlishly.

Twilight pressed on, knowing that if she got sidetracked now she’d never reach the point. “ANYway, just because Fluttershy doesn’t have the strengths needed in a fight, that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have other strengths that you or I lack. Just like back in the Everfree Forest, when Nightmare Moon returned: each of us had some skill or ability that helped get us through each obstacle we faced.” She gently draped her hoof across Rainbow’s back. “I know you’re worried for us, and caring about us is part of what makes you a good friend. But we can also take care of ourselves. You’re our friend...not our bodyguard.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “Yeah...I know you guys are cool. I mean, did you see how Fluttershy won over those gargoyles? Totally. Awesome.” She shook her head. “I just...I don’t know. I want--”

“You want to protect us the way Shining Armor does?” Twilight guessed shrewdly. “Show him that you’re as brave and competent and self-reliant as he is?”

It took a concentrated effort on Dash’s part not to wince. Twilight had good aim. “...maybe?”

“Yeah, well, remember that my brother sometimes takes himself a little too seriously.” She paused. “True, I don’t think you’ll have that problem but it does get annoying sometimes.”

“Is Shiny always such an 'I'll protect yooouu!' serious McSeriouspants?” Pinkie asked. Then she paused. “Well, Seriousshirt, I guess, he doesn't really wear pants.”

“He always was a bit protective,” Twilight smiled fondly. “But joining the Guard did make him a lot more serious.”

Rainbow nodded at the assessment and then gave Pinkie a glance. “Why? Were you looking?” She snorted, nudging the pink pony.

Pinkie fidgeted. “Well, yeah? Just a bit of a sneaky peeky.” She shyly traced a hoof in the snow.

Twilight turned a little green at the idea of her friends checking out her big brother. “Hooves off, Pinkie,” she grumbled.

That amused the blue pegasus as she fought the urge to burst out laughing and draw anypony’s attention their way. “Heh…he was always kinda stiff but he knew how to laugh and take a joke and stuff. He was really cool.”

“Of course he's cool.” She said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, like noting the sky was blue, or Dinky announcing that she had the best mom in the world. “He might have gotten a little more serious, but he's still my BBBFF.”

Rainbow gave a vague nod and looked over at nothing in particular. “When I was in the palace, he was the coolest pony I knew. He was just so smart and clever and funny and cute—” she winced, not having meant to say that aloud.

Pinkie giggled knowingly and nudged her. “Go ooonnnnn...”

As the cyan pegasus’ face turned a bright shade of red, Twilight squirmed uncomfortably. “Could we not talk about my big brother like that? Please?”

“Why? We already watched him like that!” Pinkie replied breezily.

“Pinkie Pie!” Rainbow hissed at her, still flushing.

“What?” She blinked not getting it. “Fluttershy found him first--she thought a kitty was in danger and went to investigate, but it wasn't really a kitty 'cause it was really him singing in the shower and--

Twilight covered her ears and Rainbow covered her reddening face. “I'm not listening to you talk about my brother like he's... a piece of meat!”

But Pinkie continued her stream of babbling. “…and then we all came to investigate and Rarity was all like, 'Fluttershy DEAR, are your wings okay?' and Fluttershy was all like 'Eepysqueak' 'cause that was all she could really get out, even though she meant...”

A frantic Twilight started humming to herself, pressing down even harder on her ears. Finally, Rainbow inserted her hoof into Pinkie’s mouth. “We get it, okay?!” She snapped, willing her own twitching wings to stay closed.

Despite the hoof making coherent talking impossible, Pinkie happily kept talking away for a moment. Twilight took her hooves off her ears and stopped humming to herself. "Thanks Rainbow…” She sighed. “I’m just happier not knowing if my friends are interested in Shiny...that way.”

“Heh, yeah…” Rainbow rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly as she tried to think of a way to change the subject. “Sooo, what about your old foalsitter?”

Twilight’s face brightened at the new topic. “Cadance? She's great!”

“So, you're okay with her and your brother...?”

Pinkie helpfully tapped her hooves together demonstratively to support Rainbow’s question. She smiled happily when her rainbow-maned friend took her hoof out of her mouth.

But Twilight only beamed further. “Of course! Back when I was a little I filly I used to tell Shiny he should marry her so Cadance could be my big sister!” She smiled happily at Rainbow Dash but stopped when she saw the strong pegasus look down, recalling Rainbow’s feelings. “I—well I didn't really know you back then, you hadn't even come to Canterlot yet, but I'm sure if I did...” Then it was Twilight’s turn to awkwardly rub the back of her head. “Sorry.”

“It's...it's fine,” Dash breathed. “Cadence really is a great pony...so is Shiny. They…they’re really good for each other.” She looked as if she was had just swallowed something really unpleasant.

“Yeah.” Pinkie hugged her. “But even good ponies can hurt other good ponies without meaning to.”

Twilight nodded. “My BBBFF can be just a little dense sometimes.”

“A little,” Rainbow chuckled dryly. “He didn't even tell you that he was gonna propose to Cadence!” She blinked, then facehooved. “Ooops.”

The excitable party pony let out a delighted gasp. Twilight squeed and clapped her hooves, raising her voice in an excited shout. “My big brother is gonna propose to Cadance?” She started bouncing around her happily. “He's marrying Cadance! He's marrying Cadance!”

Pinkie shook her head slowly. “Twilight is so random sometimes.”

Quickly, Rainbow chomped down on her tail and pulled her back down onto the snow. Twilight let out a short yelp at the cold sensation. “Twi, keep a lid on it! He only told me and I wasn’t supposed to let it get around!”

“Yeah, that's my job!” Pinkie nodded firmly. “I gotta send out the invitations and make the party stuff for a 'Congratulations Shiny and Cadence You're Getting Married if We All Make it Back Alive' party!” She paused. “Hmm, maybe I should cut part of that last bit out...”

Suddenly realizing the way she had acted in public, Twilight slowly shrank down, blushing up a storm and offering a sheepish chuckle. “Uh...right.”

“C'mon, you guys...Shiny will totally kill me if he finds out I told. Please promise you won't say anything?” Rainbow pleaded, pressing her hooves together.

“Okay...but...eeeheeheee!” Twilight clapped her hooves some more. After a moment her adorkable joy slowly died down, and was replaced with a frown. “Wait...why didn't he tell me? I'm his sister! This is kind of a big deal to not tell your sister about!” She grumbled. “I'm gonna go give that lunkhead a piece of my mind...”

Rainbow looked panicked as she put her hooves on either side of Twilight’s head. “Twiliiiiight! You promised! If you yell at him, he'll know I told you! He said he told me because he trusted me and I don’t wanna lose that! Pleeeeeease?”

The lavender unicorn sputtered. “But...he...” she sighed, resigned. “Okay.”

Dash sighed, dropping her hooves back to the ground with a slight wince. “Thanks...It--I really want Shiny to think I'm cool and stuff.”

Twilight gave her friend a sympathetic look…that quickly morphed into something else as what Rainbow told her earlier sank in. “He...he told you. What the hay was he thinking, telling you of all ponies? He knows how you feel—felt—feel—about him!”

“Um, no? Stallions are kind of dense like that.” Pinkie observed.

The nervous pegasus fidgeted. “W-well, remember when he snapped when he thought I wasn't taking things seriously? I guess he wanted to apologize and...” she trailed off, wanting to defend Shining Armor but lacked any ground to do so.

Twilight groaned and facehoofed. “My brother is an idiot.”


“No he's not. He's just a stallion.” Pinkie patted Rainbow’s good shoulder. “It's genetic, don't blame him.”

Despite herself, Twilight couldn’t help rolling her eyes and taking the time to correct her. “That's a massively unfounded stereotype used to justify continued misunderstandings between the sexes. Stallions and mares are perfectly capable of understanding each other and sharing open, honest communication.”

“...............you've never gone on a date, have you?” Pinkie questioned her.

Ignoring the byplay, Rainbow mused aloud, for whose benefit she didn’t even know. “I--I thought I was over him. I thought, I was okay with him and Cadence...then we're on this train with them and he's telling me he's gonna marry her and it's like I don't exist and...” she groaned. “I'm pathetic,” She flopped backwards into the snow.

Twilight sympathetically placed a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “I'm sorry…”

“...thanks Twi,” Rainbow sighed, sitting back up. “Sorry I've been so cranky lately.”

“It's fine. My brother was a doofus.”

“Good thing it isn't genetic.” Rainbow nudged her.

“Waddaya mean 'was'? He still hasn't told you about his gagement en-ay.” Pinkie pointed out.

“Good point.” Twilight turned to Dash. “Are you sure I can't give him a piece of my mind?”

Rainbow thought it over. “Wait until after he pops the question.”

“You think he'll tell Twilight before then?” Pinkie asked.

“He better...” Twilight grumbled menacingly. Forcing her frustrations aside, she nuzzled Rainbow. “Now, I think you should go talk to Fluttershy.”

The cyan pegasus nodded as she started flying off. “Yeah...all right. Thanks guys.”

“Anytime, Rainbow.”

“You’re welcome, Dashie!”

Feeling better, she circled around to look for Fluttershy. She finally saw her sitting next to the train...alongside a familiar pink princess. “Fluttershy!” Rainbow called as she came in for a landing.

“O-oh, Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy ducked her head down, nervously tracing her hoof in the snow. “I-I’m sorry I--”

Cadance gently put a hoof on her shoulder. “Fluttershy, we talked about this. You don’t have to apologize for anything.”

Rainbow felt herself gritting her teeth, feeling a hot flash of anger that was soon replaced by something much colder. “Cadance, could we have a minute? Alone?”

After a brief second of hesitation, one so brief that Dash was almost sure she imagined it, Cadance nodded. “Of course,” she looked to Fluttershy. “If you want to talk later...”

Rainbow felt an irrational spike of anger flare up in her. “She’s one of my oldest friends, Cadance.” She snapped. “If there’s anything bugging her, she can talk to me.”

“...of course.” Cadance repeated, lowering her head. “I didn’t mean anything by it...I-I’ll just leave you two alone.” She walked away slowly.

Once she was gone, Fluttershy hesitantly spoke up. “Um...she was just trying to be nice...”

Biting down on an angry retort, Rainbow closed her eyes and started to count to ten. She got to five. “Look, Fluttershy I--I wanted to say sorry. About earlier. You know.”

“Oh, it’s okay. I’m sorry that I was bothering you--”

“Fluttershyyyy...” Rainbow groaned. “You don’t apologize to me. I’m here to apologize to you!”

“You are? Oh, I’m sorry.”

It was all Rainbow Dash could do not to facehoof. “Fluttershy...” she sighed. “Look, I was mad and I took it out on you like a jerk. So I want to say sorry, okay?”

“It’s okay.” Fluttershy leaned her head against Rainbow Dash’s. “I forgive you. Cadance explained...”

Rainbow snorted angrily. “Cadance should mind her own feathering business.”

“She was just trying to help…like I was,” she added gently. Rainbow flushed and looked away. “I know things are…difficult for you right now. But she isn’t here to make things harder for you. So, um, think about what I said? I’ll just…bandage you up now.” Fluttershy murmured as she fetched one of the first aid kits the townsponies had been packing the train with. Rainbow Dash never said a thing as she was fussed over.

Once the snow leopards were gone, the townsponies hesitantly poked their heads out. Seeing the danger had truly passed, they ran out of their homes and cheered their newfound heroes. Mayor LePetomane ran up and eagerly shook Shining Armor’s hoof.

“Thank you, thank you, captain! My entire town owes you a debt! You may consider yourselves all honorary citizens of Snowridge.”

Shining Armor nodded. “Thank you, sir. What can you tell me about those snow leopards? Why would they attack? Is this normal behavior for them?”

“No,” a mare spoke up. “Normally the snow leopards stay away from settlements and live in the frozen wastes. But over the last few weeks, they’ve been getting bolder and bolder.”

Sombra. Shining narrowed his eyes. “I see.” He exhaled. “Mr. Mayor, normally I would be the first to stay to help clean up the damage and make sure those beasts don’t return, but I’m on a mission. Somehow, I think that if we were to move on, your troubles with them would diminish considerably.”

“Then we should get moving.” The mayor and Shining Armor turned as Cadance approached. “The faster we get going, the faster we reach the Crystal Empire.”

“But Cadance—” Shining began. “You’re hurt. We should take time for you to heal.”

“My injuries are minor.” Cadance narrowed her eyes, ignoring the wind blowing strands of her mane into her face. “And others have been hurt worse than I.” She tossed her head in Rainbow Dash’s direction. “We cannot delay our mission on my behalf.”

Desperate, Shining looked to Rainbow. “Well, we should wait for Rainbow to recover! Right?” He looked at the cyan pegasus, meaningfully examining the injuries on her he had all but ignored before. “She’s clearly too hurt and weak to go on…”

Rainbow Dash flinched. Was that how Shining Armor saw her now? “Hey, I can reach the Crystal Empire while the rest of you are putting on your horseshoes. I’m ready to go right now!”

It was all Shining could do not to snarl at her. An icy chill ran up his spine. Was that Rainbow’s plan? To push them all into danger in the hopes that she could get rid of Cadance? Well, he wasn’t falling for it. “What? No! Absolutely not!” Shining stomped his hoof. “It’s much too dangerous for Cadance!”

“What about all the kids Sombra snatched? They’re in danger every moment their away from their parents!” Rainbow glared back at him, the wind beginning to pick up. A nasty little thought crossed her mind: does he care so much about Cadance that he’ll let everypony else hanging?

This time Shining did snarl. “She’s a bright PINK unicorn, taller and thinner than most ponies and practically screams ‘Princess!’ We can’t risk dragging her through the frozen wastes in her condition!” His voice rose, keeping in pitch with the wind.

“But you can take Rainbow Dash and the others through in theirs?” Cadance shot back, glowering at Shining Armor with a look of pure, concentrated authority. “You’re right…I AM a princess. And as a princess, it is my duty to see to the needs of my subjects.” Shining opened his mouth but it was forced shut by Cadance’s magic. “I refuse to put my safety ahead of their own. I will not have my youngest and most vulnerable subjects’ placed in prolonged danger because it MIGHT be risky for me. We are going and that. Is. Final.”

Holding her head high, Cadance whirled, nearly smacking Shining Armor with her tail. She marched off to get her supplies, not waiting for Shining and the girls to follow her.

Rainbow Dash and Shining Armor watched her go. The two of them glared at each other angrily. “Well great,” the guard captain groused. “Now she’s determined to march herself off into danger and she’s mad at me. I know what you’re up to Rainbow Dash and it won’t work.” He stomped off, not giving her the chance to reply.

Her friends walked up to her, about to offer some words or gesture of comfort, but Rainbow stole a march on them. She passed by Shining Armor as she gathered her gear, neither meeting the others gaze.

Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie looked at each other worriedly as they too got their supplies. Soon the eight ponies were bundled up in cold weather clothing and carrying heavy packs of supplies. They silently marched north, without any cheer or fanfare to mark the next leg of their journey, save for the eerie howling of the wind.

& & &