• Published 9th Dec 2012
  • 10,500 Views, 1,125 Comments

Hot Heads, Cold Hearts and Nerves of Steel - Trinary

AU Dashverse: The Crystal Empire has returned and the foals of Equestria have gone missing!

  • ...

Chapter 6

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The first night on the train was probably the worst. The gentle—and sometimes not so gentle—rocking and trembling of the train, the new beds, the drama and chaos of the past day and the presence of seven other ponies sleeping in the same confined car…it didn’t add up to making a peaceful night’s sleep.

Even so, exhaustion took its toll on everypony present and one by one they slipped into a, if not deep or peaceful, then at least a sound sleep. All except for one: Rainbow Dash.

This was somewhat surprising considering she was by all accounts a champion sleeper. In clouds, in trees, in beds, on rooftops, on haystacks: you name a location and Rainbow had slept on it. She was never one to pass up a good nap, especially if there was homework or an assignment waiting somewhere for her to do. Not only could she sleep anywhere, but she could sleep through just about anything. But tonight sleep eluded her, proving that there were some things even the fastest pegasus in the world couldn’t catch.

Gripping her blankets, she stared upwards at the ceiling as a million thoughts raced through her mind. Contrary to popular belief, Rainbow Dash did indeed think. And like everything else she did, she did it fast. She was also easily distracted by stray thoughts that just created an unholy cluttered jumble in her head that made it impossible to think anyone thing through to the end. It just made for one heck of a racket that threatened to drive her nuts. She groaned and buried her pillow over her face.

It was all just too much! In the course of one day she had to go through finding Dinky gone, Ditzy’s maternal melt-down, the Princess’ laying out this Sombra stuff on her and then Shining Armor’s news about Cadence. It all made for one unholy din in her mind that made her want to scream and made sleep all but impossible.

Plus, Cadence snored.

After an hour of tossing and turning and finding increasingly new (and odd) positions to try to get comfortable, Rainbow gave up. Flapping her wings gently, she made her way over to the door to the rear car. She quickly opened and shut it behind her, trying not to wake everypony else by the sudden sound of the wind roaring past that could be heard whenever the doors were opened. After that she just brushed through the kitchen compartment and then out the back door.

The night air was chilly and brisk. Already wide awake, Rainbow loved it. She took a deep cleansing breath of fresh air before hopping onto the guardrail and jumping off. The wind tugged at her wings as the train continued to run. Grinning, she spread her wings wide and let herself get dragged along in the train’s wake for a bit. Then she peeled off and stretched upwards to the clear night sky. The twinkling of the stars and the fullness of the moon reflected brilliantly upon the freshly fallen snow.

Looking around, Rainbow Dash saw nothing but snow-capped hills and trees in all directions. The train had passed a few towns but they hadn’t stopped in them. Princess Celestia had the foresight to have whoever was in charge of the railroads keep a clear path for them. They would probably stop to replenish their supplies at some point along the way, but the train was pretty well stocked for the moment.

Rainbow swooped down along the length of the train, only to pull up before she would have collided with the engine car. She twirled her wings and let herself get carried up by the heat radiating from the train’s furnace.

Flying was great for clearing her mind. Dash hadn’t felt so peaceful all day. Idly curious, she lowered herself until she was flying next to the sleeping car and peered into the windows. She came across Fluttershy first. The canary-yellow pegasus was curled up, sound asleep and clutching her teddy bear. Rainbow let out a soft awww and flew a little faster, looking into the window above hers. It was Pinkie Pie’s. The window was full of little drawings she made with her breath. There was a pony, a sun, and a lot of cakes and pies and other bakery goods. Pinkie was nomming gently on the corner of her pillow and making happy noises. Rainbow snorted. “So random…”

Twilight Sparkle was in the next window. She…Rainbow giggled. Was she sleeping with a book? Of course she was. Just as Fluttershy was snuggling with her teddy bear, Twilight was literally curled up with a good book. Another was tented open on her belly. She was drooling slightly, which just made the scene that much more adorable. No, Rainbow Dash corrected herself. Adorkable.

Rainbow had to take herself up and over to the other side of the train to check in on the others. Cadence was still sawing logs, though looking graceful while she did it. It might have just been because the train was moving, but she swore she saw the windowpanes rattling as Cadence snored. Idly, the pegasus wondered if she was snoring with the Canterlot Royal Voice.

Shining Armor was literally looking over her, sleeping in the bunk atop hers. He was on his back, his forelimbs neatly tucked over his chest. Rainbow supposed that all that guard training really stuck with you. He looked so peaceful, but she knew was capable of some serious awesomeness on a moment’s notice. Just having him around her made Dash feel…safe. Like nothing bad could happen if he was with her. Even though she was outside in the cold air, she felt a warmth spread in her cheeks.

Shaking her head, she tore herself away. No need to get all creepy-stalker on him…she frowned as she realized that she hadn’t seen Applejack or Rarity. No wait, there was Rarity now. She was making her way to the front of the train. Rainbow gave a quick flap to propel her forward just in time to see Rarity meet Applejack in the train engine.

The orange earth pony was leaning against the window in the engine, apparently lost in thought. Rainbow Dash suddenly felt like disturbing her would be wrong. Still, she didn’t want to leave either. She tilted her wings and let herself be lifted upwards, landing gently on the engine’s roof.

She had just laid herself down on the engine when Rarity entered from the train. “Applejack,” Rarity nodded as if she’d just run into her in Ponyville while grocery shopping.

“Rarity,” Applejack returned, tilting her hat back as she turned around. “Cain’t sleep neither I’m guessin’?”

The white unicorn nodded primly. “Quite.” The two were silent for a while. “Rather chilly out here, isn’t it?” She offered after a bit.

“Yeah…” AJ sighed. “Ah hope Apple Bloom’s warm. She tosses her blanket off at night. If she gets a cold…”

Rarity drew herself up to Applejack’s side, sharing warmth and comfort to offset their mutual woes. “I know what you mean. Sweetie used to sleepwalk. Mother and Father never did warn me about that, I’ve had to tie bells on her hooves more than once.”

Applejack smiled lazily. “How'd ya fix er?”

“It was Opal actually.” The unicorn admitted. “Opal crawls into bed with her and she stays put.”

“Or she knows not to wake that durn cat.” The cowpony suggested coyly. “It’d probably skin her alive.”

While privately agreeing with that assessment, Rarity still felt honor bound to defend her precious little hell kitten. She drew herself up and sniffed. “Oh like you're one to talk, Applejack. Winona slobbers you awake every morning.”

“How'd you figure that?” The puzzlement on AJ’s face was clear. How did she know?

Rarity grinned wickedly. “Only you would think canine slobber is an adequate substitute for hair gel.” She brought up a hoof to her mouth and let out a little titter as Applejack ran a hoof through her hair and proceeded to sniff it. She made a face and dropped her hoof back to the floor as Rarity shook her head and sighed. “I do hope they’re all right.”

“Ah reckon they will be. After all, they’ve got each other.” Applejack patted Rarity’s back.

“Apple Bloom told me she started hanging out with yer sister at recess. Said she’s really sweet.”

“It is her name after all.” Rarity gave a sad, fond smile. “And Apple Bloom is so darling! That little bow suits her so perfectly.”

“Eeyup.” AJ nodded, channeling her brother. “Perhaps we should all go out for a picnic or something, set up a playdate for ‘em. Ah know Apple Bloom could stand to have some more friends. She’s a bit shy since she don’t have her Cutie Mark yet.”

Her companion nodded. “Sweetie Belle too…right now her only friend is that young pegasus, Scootaloo.” Her face must have given something of what she thought about the rather uncouth, rough and tumble pegasus for she turned to see Applejack frowning at her. “Oh don’t me wrong!” Rarity hastily added. “I’m grateful that they’re friends. Sweetie Belle’s told me how Scootaloo stands up for her against some of the school bullies. She has a good heart, even if she’s a bit…” she paused. “Scruffy.”

Applejack chuckled. “Reminds me of another certain pegasus we know.” She tilted her head up to look at the roof. “Ain’t that right, Rainbow Dash?” When there was no answer, the earth pony rapped her hoof against the side of the engine. “Come on out sugarcube, ah know yer up there.”

The pegasus in question sighed and poked her head down, appearing upside down in the window. “How’d you know?”

“Ah noticed you weren’t in yer bed when I got up for starters, and I could hear you settling down on the roof like a rooster on a chicken coop,” she smirked.

“Yeah, well, I was just testing you! To see how good your hearing was for the mission.” Rainbow blustered.

Applejack nodded amiably. “’f coursin’ you were. Weren’t she, Rarity?”

“Indeed,” Rarity raised an elegant eyebrow.

Rainbow nodded as she righted herself, landing beside the two of them. “Darn right!” Her confident grin faded after only a few seconds.

“So, you couldn’t sleep either?” Rarity asked.

Dash snorted. “Oh no, I’m totally sleeping. In my bed and everything. That’s why I’m standing here talking to you.”

Rarity sniffed indignantly at Rainbow, prompting Applejack to none too subtly nudge her. “All right, simmer down sally. Rarity’s just being polite.”

Rainbow looked away, grumbling something that might’ve been an apology or nothing at all. Applejack sighed. “You okay?”

“Yeah, sure. Why wouldn’t I be?” When Applejack looked at her, Rainbow found she couldn’t meet her gaze. “…s’not like this has been the suckiest day ever or anything.”

“Darling…” Rarity walked over and put a hoof on the cyan pegasus…after carefully dusting off any stray snow. “Would you like to talk?”

“What for?” She demanded. “Not like talking’s gonna fix things. Not like it’s gonna…” Rainbow sighed. “Forget it.” The brash pegasus was mercurial at the best of times, her moods coming and going almost as quickly as she did. But after a day like today, with a definite lack of sleep and her usual naps, her mood was pretty firmly in the dumps.

Applejack quietly made her way over to Dash’s other side. “Yer worried about Dinky, aintcha?”

“…Yeah.” She twitched her wings as she rested her forehead against the window. “I mean…this time last night I was telling her bedtime stories and stuff.”

Rarity gave a sad smile. “You were telling bedtime stories to the little dear? That's simply adorable.”

Dash flushed, but smiled as she did it. “Yeah...she had Favorite and was all snuggled up and...she really liked having me around. She even said she didn't want to go to bed so she could stay up all night with me. How cool is that?

“Awwwwww…” The white unicorn cooed.

Applejack gave her friend a half smirk. “Tha's....real sister-like. Sounds like that filly right loves ya.”

Rainbow’s flush intensified for a second, but then faded away as her face fell. “Yeah…” she looked downtrodden.

That’s when Rarity trotted up and gave her a quick nuzzle. “Now darling, you mustn't fret. We'll get them all back, safe and sound.” Her voice was soft, encouraging. Then it suddenly took a turn for the vicious. “And then we'll rip whoever took them from us to pieces!”

Applejack snorted in angry agreement. “An' pound them pieces into the ground. Repeatedly. With our hooves.”

Rainbow cracked her neck, eyes narrowing. “I’m down with that.” After that moment of bonding over shared vengeance, she shot Rarity a look. “Heh. Rarity…..who’da thunk it?”

In response, Rarity just tossed her mane primly, pressing a hoof to her chest in an approximation of Rainbow Dash’s own posturing. Then she frowned down at her hooves. “I do hope I don't mess up my hooficure on those ruffians. Perhaps I could just give them a sound thrashing with my magic instead?”

“Nopony takes mah sister an' gets away with it.” Applejack agreed before giving her friend an eye roll. “How 'bout hold an' Ah pound? That'll keep yer prissy hoofjob intact.”

That sparked an annoyed huff from the offended unicorn. “Well excuse me for wanting to preserve my appearance!”

Rainbow snorted and rolled her own eyes in response. “You two should take this show of yours on the road. Maybe Trixie's looking to expand into comedy.”

All that did was prompt the farmpony into shifting targets for her grousing. “Oh, there's another pony Ah have words fer....she's lucky yer friend got ahold o' her first, a spankin's a blessin' compared ta' what Ah had in mind fer messin' with mah sister's head like that.”

Rarity gave a sharp nod. “So horribly uncouth ... though I suppose she did learn her lesson at the end.”

Dash snorted. “In the ‘end’…” she chuckled.

That caused yet another eye roll from Applejack. “Ah swear, ye're as bad as any filly around.” Rainbow, deciding to take the highroad, sniffed haughtily and tilted her nose up like a snooty Canterlot noble...and then stuck out her tongue out at her. “Yer face'll stick like that, if ya keep doin' that.”

“Worse than a filly.” Rarity pronounced. “My darling Sweetie Belle would never laugh at such lowbrow humor.” She paused, then started tearing up. “Oh, Sweetie! Where are you? Fear not, little darling! Rarity will find you!” She brought a hoof up to her forehead. “I will search high—” she dramatically reared up, “—and I will search low!” She dropped down. “Low and high, high and low!”

Applejack blinked. “Talk about yer emotional whiplash.”

Rarity paused, then prissily added. “I hope we don't have to search too low, though. The dirt stands out so horribly against my coat.”

Not entirely sure how to respond to…whatever that was, Rainbow reached out a hoof and put it on her back, “Hey Rares, s'okay. She's got the coolest ponies in all of Equestria here. We'll find her. Apple Bloom too.” She nodded to Applejack.

The orange earthpony took her hat off to cover a laugh. And just a laugh, totally not tears. “Yeah, me too. Apple Bloom still ain't ready t' face the world on her own, and 'specially not somethin' this big.”

“Oh, don't worry, darling.” Rarity soothed as she walked up to her. “I'm sure a tough, resourceful little filly like her will be just fine.”

“Ah'm sure Sweetie's sittin' tight and happy knowin' ye're willing t' risk grit and grime fer her.” AJ replied. “She's still jus' a filly... she's an Apple, but she's gotta long way to go 'fore she's ready to be set loose.”

Rainbow hesitantly looked out at the snow-covered scenery as it rushed past them. “...Can I ask you girls a question?”

“Ya just did.” Applejack pointed out.

Rainbow turned to shoot her a glare. “I’m serious!” She protested.

“Ah thought you were Rainbow,” Applejack drawled in amusement.

“Applejack!” Rarity warned, offended.

“Jus' trying t' break the tension,” she conceded with a half-smile. “Sure, ask away RD.”

“This is no laughing matter!” Rarity drew herself up, trotting up next to Rainbow and placing a comforting hoof on her shoulder. “Do go on, darling. Some of us can be considerate.” She shot a pointed look at Applejack.

Dash fidgeted, trying to find out how to ask her question without seeming uncool. Finally she just gritted her teeth and asked “...how do you guys be good sisters?”

“....um, well, Ah ... jus' am.” Applejack scratched her head through her hat. “Ain't something Ah've ever thought about, Ah just do it. Like breathin'.”

“Well, I suppose it is important that one spend time bonding with their sister.” Rarity offered. “Going to the spa together, having her sit quietly in the corner watching me work, teaching her how to cook my favorite meals...”

Rainbow flinched. “Oh…”

Applejack walked over and put a hoof on her shoulder. “It's about spendin' quality time together, an' doin' stuff that ya both enjoy. Something that ya've already done, by the sounds o' things.”

“Oh yes, quite so!” Rarity gave Dash an encouraging smile. “Darling, if Dinky is as fond of you as it sounds, then I would say you're doing quite well at it.”

“I guess so....” Rainbow conceded. “I just...I don't wanna mess this up you know? Ditzy's one of my oldest pals. We go way back.”

Applejack nodded, agreeing with Rarity. “Sounds like it, if she's trustin' ya with her baby.”

“That's just it!” Rainbow burst out. “She trusted me with her daughter! Dinky made it through the Nightmare Moon stuff perfectly safe and after I move to Ponyville and start being with Dinky more..." She demonstratively smacked her hooves together.

“Darling, don't. You'll chip a hoof doing that.” Rarity pushed her hooves back down.

“None of us saw this comin' RD.” AJ agreed. “We all lost family this time.” Her face shifted determinedly. “An' we're gonna get 'em back.”

Rarity nodded. “Of course. Nopony could possibly blame you for losing Dinky under the circumstances, and you will bring her back completely unharmed.”

“But what if I don't?” Dash looked at the two of them. “Everypony’s counting on me to find their kids…how am I gonna face Ditzy and tell her that I lost her daughter on my watch? How am I gonna tell Cloud Kicker that she isn't going to see her sister again?”

“That will not happen.” Rarity chided her firmly.

“Hey…” Applejack gently shook Rainbow. “None o' that now. We'll get 'em back, okay?”

“We will get the girls back, safe and sound, and without one hair on their cute little heads harmed, or so help me...” Rarity coughed delicately and shook her head.

Momentarily buoyed, Rainbow turned to the other thought that was really bothering her. “...Can I tell you guys something?”

“But of course!” Rarity exclaimed as AJ nodded.

The blue pony hesitated. “...and promise that you won't hate me afterwards?”

“Ya got mah word.”

Rarity agreed. “Perish the thought, we could never hate you.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “The truth is...I've been trying to think of how we're gonna save Dinky and your sisters and all the other kids. But every time I try I keep getting...distracted.”

“Well, a great deal has been going on.” Rarity mused. “What's on your mind, darling?”

The pegasus fidgeted, having trouble coming out and saying it. “It's....” she looked up to see Applejack giving a patient, expectant nod. She groaned, her face heating. “...Shining Armor.”

The prim unicorn’s face fell slightly. “Ah, yes. I can see how being on a trip with him and his current paramour could be ... distracting.”

Applejack gave Rainbow a small, knowing grin. “Understandable.”

Dash groaned, covering her face. “You guuuuys...” she whined, her cheeks turning cherry red.

The earth pony shrugged. “Ah'm sorry, Rainbow, it's just...well, he ain't exactly hard on th' eyes.”

Rarity let out an offended huff at Applejack’s bluntness. “You could try to be a little more sensitive, Applejack.”

The pony in question winced. “All right…all jokin' aside, what's put a bee in yer bonnet, Rainbow?”

She bit her lip. Rainbow didn’t want to tell them about Shining's announcement...especially since he hadn't even told Twilight yet, the doofus. “It's just...being in the same train with him. The same tiny space...for a week. It's just...” She squirmed before letting out a frustrated yell. “Grah!” She walked over to bang her head against the wall. “Why can't I get him out of my head? I've got bigger things to worry about! Saving Equestria! Saving the kids! Instead I've got Shining Armor on the brain and I can't get him off!”

A suddenly concerned Applejack rushed over to hold Rainbow’s head back. “Hey, hey--easy there! A concussion won' do anypony any good.”

“Darling, there's nothing wrong with a few romantic desires.” Rarity agreed, before frowning and fixing RD's mussed mane.

“I'm a terrible godmom...” Rainbow groaned. “I should be spending all my time thinking about Dinky and how to get and the others back. Not...not on some STUPID crush!”

Rarity chided her. “Rainbow Dash! You are a wonderful godmother. You simply need to address this distraction, that's all.”

“You're here now, so ya ain’t a bad godmom.” Applejack agreed. “You're just a bit...yeah, distracted.”

“Perhaps you should try talking to him about the matter to get some closure?” The unicorn suggested.

“But we talked about it already!” Dash couldn’t help letting out a small whine. “After the Nightmare Moon stuff we talked and he was all nice and stuff...I-I thought I was over it. That he could just be like my big brother...but now he's here with Cadence and...grah!” She let out a frustrated growl, her wings stretching open and closing restlessly against her side, as if she just wanted to up and take off, a sure sign of frustration for pegasi.

Rarity nuzzled her withers comfortingly. “So the presence of his paramour has complicated things?”

It had the intended effect, if not for the reason she desired. “Para-what?” Rainbow blinked. “Nah, he just has his girlfriend here. You know, Cadance?”

Applejack snorted, trying to comfort Rainbow as best she could. “Prissy thing looks like she ain't never set hoof offa carpet before.”

That seemed to backfire as the pegasus shot her a glare. “Hey, Cadance is awesome! She was my foalsitter when I lived in the Palace. She took me to Wonderbolt shows and everything!” She sighed. “I really want to be mad...to hate her but...I can't…”

“An' there ah go puttin' mah hoof in mah mouth again...” Applejack winced.

Rarity pursed her lips in thought. “Perhaps it is her you should be speaking to, then?”

“That might not hurt.” AJ agreed.

But Rainbow Dash had a different reaction. “Are you kidding?!” Her face lit up in an embarrassed blush just at the thought. “No way!”

“Whyever not?” Rarity pouted. “It would seem to be the source of your current concerns.”

Applejack nodded. “Well stumblin' around things ain't gonna help none.”

“You guys don't know Cadence...she'll just...she'll be...” Rainbow groaned.

“Yes?” Rarity prodded.

“She'll be so understanding!” She grimaced. “She'll be so kind and nice and perfect and sympathetic that I'LL be the one who ends up feeling like a total mule over the whole thing. And...I'll just come off as a silly, little filly with a silly, stupid crush.”

Feeling a bit out of her depth, Applejack remained silent and let Rarity field this one. “Rainbow, there is nothing silly or stupid about how you feel. And if you're really that uncomfortable about your feelings, then you should definitely speak with her. You mustn't feel guilty about such things.” The white unicorn urged gently.

Dash shook her head but offering no arguments. “C-can we just talk about...something else for a bit?”

Rarity frowned and considered pursuing the matter further, but decided that Rainbow Dash would just dig in her hooves and get stubborn. “As you wish, though I still think you should speak with her.”

For her part, Applejack nodded in agreement with Rarity, but was willing to shift topics if that’s what Rainbow anted. “Sure! Um....so, how long've ya know Der—” she hastily corrected herself. “Ditzy?”

Rainbow missed the slight slip as she smiled wistfully. “Heh. Ages. Ever since I was a little filly at summer flight camp, didn’t even have my Cutie Mark yet. Ditzy was a counselor-in-training and was in charge of the cabin group I was in. There were some dumb colts at camp who liked to give me a rough time because of....one or two minor accidents I might have had. Maybe three.” She admitted.

“An' she was there t' stand up fer ya?” Applejack asked, a small smirk gracing her face.

Rarity gave a disapproving swat to AJ's shoulder. “Stop needling her, darling.”

“What?” Applejack looked indignant. “Ah'm serious this time!”

“I saw the look on your face, Applejack.” Rarity glared. You were practically enjoying hearing about Rainbow's pain!”

“Ah was not!” She stomped her hoof. “Would you just hush an'…”

Rainbow let out a warning groan. “You guys....”

The two feuding mares took a half-step back and looked down. “Sorry, RD.” Applejack laid her ears back. “Go ahead.”

Rarity stepped up to the cyan pegasus and gave her a sympathetic nuzzle. “My apologies, darling.”

“‘S cool. Anyway, AJ was sorta right. Standing up for ponies wasn't exactly her strong suit. She was all bubbly and sweet and asked the foals not to call each other names like....” she let out a faint, unintentional hiss. “Rainbow Crash.”

Any smile that might have been on the orange pony’s face faded into a frown. “Now that just ain't right, twistin' a pony's name like that.”

“Eh, it was nothing. The name thing really didn't bug me,” Rainbow shrugged nonchalantly giving the impression that it was all beneath her. But her gently twitching pinions and her flicking tail gave her away. “They were dolts, what can you do?”

Rarity wordlessly pressed up sympathetically against her, but said nothing to call attention to the fact that the bullying bothered her more than she would admit.

For her part, Applejack stroked Dash’s back comfortingly and nodded for her to continue. “Ya get jerks in every circle 'S good t' have ponies t' help ya at the end of the day.”

Rainbow nodded, accepting their comfort but not acknowledging it. “I liked Ditzy. Even after my worst crashes she'd always be there to help me up, take me to the nurse and stay with me. She even brought me muffins.”

“She is a very sweet mare.” Rarity agreed.

“Yeah....too sweet for her own good sometimes,” Dash frowned. “Some of the kids liked to call her names, y'know because of her eyes. And because she sometimes lost stuff or made some mistakes. Like that time she once set a cloud on fire. Don’t ask.” She added, forestalling the obvious questions that the other two ponies clearly wanted to ask. “She sometimes got on my nerves too when she goofed up, but she would just smile and sheepishly say, ‘oops, my bad!’ or ‘I just don’t know what went wrong!’ and how could you stay mad at her?” Her question was rhetorical, but she answered it anyway. “Well, some of the other counselors and camp workers did. I heard one of them say...well, stuff a filly really shouldn't have heard after she dropped some supplies through a cloud. Then she started to cry.”

Rarity let out a disapproving glower. “I see.”

“Jerks in all circles.” Applejack narrowed her eys. “She's a bit...well, her, but she don't deserve nothin' like that. Anypony can tell she means well.”

“Yeah.” Rainbow agreed. “So I went over and yelled at the creep who was making her cry. Then I kicked him in the knee.” She smiled.

“Entirely justified, but I can't imagine that ended well.” Rarity pointed out.

Dash let out a chuckle, sound pleased with herself. “Oh they shouted at me and called me a naughty little filly, but I didn't care. They sent me to my cabin without dinner but somepony left a muffin under my pillow.”

Applejack smiled, nudging her gently. “'Loyalty,' huh. Small wonder ya got it.”

The usually proud pegasus, rubbed her neck, flushing a bit. “Aw, c'mon....”

Rarity also shot Rainbow an approving smile. “So, that is how the two of you became such good friends?”

She nodded. “Yeah...she did her best to keep the bullies in line and the counselors and campers who made fun of her tended to end up the victim of a certain mysterious prankster.” Rainbow’s face was entirely too innocent. “They woke up to find rainclouds hanging over their beds, hail put in their ice cream and syrup in their feathers. Or so I heard anyway.”

Applejack snorted in amusement. “Remind me never t' tick ya off…too much.” Rainbow just shot her a toothy smile.

“Well, that's a lovely story, dear.” Rarity complemented.

The cowpony nodded. “Ah'm a might surprised ya weren't 'round more, bein' her baby's godmom and such. What happened?”

Rainbow flinched, then tried to pass it off as a shrug. “I-I wanted to, but being Princess Celestia's student cuts into your time, you know? And it's not like Dinky was ever at a loss for cool adults to watch out for her. Well, as cool and awesome as I was, I Ditzy's her only camper you know. I didn't even mention that she's the one who introduced me to Fluttershy and Cloud Kicker.”

Rarity quirked an intrigued brow at the pegasus. “Oh really?”
“Oh yeah!” She nodded. “Ditzy knew Fluttershy was really...well, Fluttershy, and got picked on a lot. She wasn’t a strong flyer. Those jerks at camp called her ‘Klutzershy.’”

That prompted another angry snort from Applejack. “'Klutzershy'? Really? Ah'll eat mah hat if that girl ever earned that name.”

Rarity also gave a disapproving frown. “I might have a word with those ponies some day about their treatment of Fluttershy.” She paused briefly. “And ... Cloud Kicker? I imagine she was a bit young to be so ... social.”

“Oh CK? Hardly.” Dash snorted. “She was a royal guard brat. Had a stick so far up her plot…”

That made the prim unicorn suddenly cough uncomfortably. “Y-yes, well…” she considered her words carefully. “I ... am having some trouble imagining that.”

“It's the truth.” Rainbow shrugged. “When I first met her she was always serious, trying her best to 'live up the name of the Kicker Clan' blah blah blah. Real boring. Anyway, Ditzy brought them into our group and cabin. I ended up sharing a bunk bed with Fluttershy. She wanted me to keep an eye on Fluttershy and try to get her to stand up for herself, and to try to get Cloud Kicker to loosen up a bit.”

“And perhaps she also hoped the two of them might help you learn a touch more gentleness and responsibility?” Rarity suggested delicately.

Rainbow blinked as if the idea had never occurred to her, which it likely hadn’t. “Huh.” She shrugged.

“So that’s how y’all became friends?” Applejack asked, a touch surprised when Rainbow shook her head.

“Not at first…we just kinda did stuff together because Ditzy wanted us to, but we didn’t really…connect.”

Rarity tilted her head curiously. “So what changed?”

“There was this trio of idiots who always gave me and Ditzy trouble.” Dash snorted in contempt. “Of course I could outfly all three of them with one wing tied behind my back, and they knew it. So instead they tried to go after Cloud Kicker and Fluttershy. CK could take of herself, but Fluttershy…”

Rarity frowned and AJ’s face darkened dangerously as a number of crude words were shared--most of them from Rarity. After making a mental note to invite them to the next camp reunion, Rainbow continued her story. “Yeah, so then they stole a care package from Fluttershy’s parents. Me and CK confronted them and, well, that was the first and only time those morons actually thought they could take us in a fight.” Dash grinned and pounded her hooves together. “That was the first time me and Kicker really close friends. I mean, we'd been hanging out because Ditzy asked us to, but that fight was the first time we were...really friend-y.”

“Figures you two’d come together over something like that.” Drawled Applejack.

“Yeah…it was a great day! Of we course we got in trouble for it: no dessert for a week and sent straight to our cabin, which really sucked since CK smelled like flank--Score sat on her.” Rainbow grinned. “But Fluttershy shared her care package with us and her mom’s cooking is way better than the food at camp, so I guess we came out ahead there. We’ve been buds ever since.” She stretched her neck, sighing in relief when she felt something pop.

Rarity rubbed her muzzle thoughtfully. “As uncouth as parts of your story was, it was...chivalrous of you and Cloud Kicker to defend Fluttershy’s honor and bond in the process.”

Rainbow chuckled. “Heh. Funny thing is, I had always thought Kicker was way too uptight and serious to know what it meant to have fun. But hey, kicking Billy, Hoops and Score around was awesome. When I told her that, she said ‘I kinda thought you were an irresponsible nut who only cared about feeding her own ego until then, but fighting alongside side you to help out Fluttershy...I guess it gave me a chance to see the real you.’”

“Ah guess that about sums you up.” Applejack mused. “Glad t’know the three of you managed t’be such good friends and influences on each other...even though Ah think you loosened Cloud Kicker up a bit too much, if'n ya ask me.”

“Hey don't look at me!” Rainbow defended herself. “I didn't get her started on...that.”

“Ah. I could've sworn the two of you were ... close.” Rarity commented after a moment.

Rainbow Dash shook her head determinedly. “She's just a friend!”

Applejack nodded, agreeing with Rarty. “The two of ya seem pretty attached t'the hip.” Then she added quickly. “Not that there's anything wrong with that.”

“We're just friends!” Rainbow exclaimed again, even more defensively; her face the same color as the apples on Applejack’s rump.

“Cloud Kicker's 'just' friends with a lotta ponies.” If looks could kill, Rainbow Dash’s gaze would have scorched, atomized and completely obliterated the orange farmpony.

“Curious.” Rarity chose to comment in lieu of continuing the argument. “With how long you've known her, I'd be quite surprised if she never ... offered to socialize with you.”

Rainbow coughed, choosing not to mention the number of time's Cloud Kicker had seriously or not so seriously hit on her. “Look, we've just...got a lot of history. After I did my Sonic Rainboom and became Celestia’s student our little group kinda...fell apart for a while.”

“Well, it's kind of a big thing bein' Celestia's student an' all.” Applejack commented.

“Heh, jealous much?” Rainbow snickered, prompting another eye roll from her friend.

“Oh, quite.” Rarity agreed with Applejack. Then she gave a little frown. “But Twilight said something about the two of you spending time in Canterlot. After the whole Trixie debacle.”

“I'm getting there, Rarity...” Dash ground out. “Anyway, we were talking about being Dinky’s godmom, remember?” After seeing Applejack impatiently motioning for her to keep talking, she decided to do so. “So, yeah, there was me, Fluttershy, CK, and Ditzy. Well, after I went to Canterlot it wasn't long before CK went back to Canterlot to live with her family. She even got into West Hoof early on account of her family—early admission or whatever. Fluttershy moved to Ponyville. I tried keeping in touch with Fluttershy, but letter writing...not really my strong suit. I visited Ditzy and Dinky a couple of times after she was born, and Dee moved groundside. But it just...kinda fell off my radar as more stuff kept happening in Canterlot." Rainbow looked down, feeling ashamed that she hadn't spent more time with her goddaughter.

Applejack tilted her head. “Why'd a pegasus wanna go groundside? Cloud Kicker's about the only one Ah know, and even that's fer her... uh, recreational stuff.”

Rainbow and Rarity shared a skeptical look at each other before replying in unison: “Dinky.”

AJ facehooved. “Right….And, um, what a cute little critter she is, too!” She added quickly.

“Fluttershy also prefers living on the ground.” Rarity reminded her, before adding sweetly. “You do remember Fluttershy, don't you?”

“Oh, burn.” Rainbow Dash snickered as Applejack flushed. “Where was I—oh yeah, Ditzy. Guess some doctor told her that her foal wasn’t gonna be a pegasus. So our group just kinda…drifted apart. Me and CK still hung out in Canterlot until she left West Hoof and moved to Ponyville too. Then a few months later the Nightmare Moon thing happened, and well, here I am. As for the godmom stuff, I...dunno why she even picked me. I wonder if CK or Fluttershy would be a better choice for Dinky's godmom now.”

“Ah’m not so sure ‘bout that.” AJ nudged her. “Ah don’t think yer giving Ditzy enough credit. She knew what she were doing.”

“I agree.” Rarity chimed in. “Ditzy might not be the most…coordinated of ponies, but when it comes to her family she certainly knows what she wants for them.”

Rainbow shrugged. “Maybe…after the Nightmare Moon stuff she made Kicker the godmother of her other daughter, Amethyst Star. But everypony calls her Sparkler. I think she made Fluttershy her medical proxy until the girls are old enough and…there was something else…oh yeah, I think Carrot Top is the executor of her estate.”

“Such a kind soul,” Rarity observed. “And ... forgive me if it's indelicate to ask this, but what of Dinky's sire?

“Ah wasn't gonna ask, but...Ah'm a might curious mahself.” Applejack admitted.

“....that's really not my story to tell.” Rainbow said after a brief hesitation.

“I see…” Rarity sought for some way to alleviate the awkwardness. “So, darling…” she smiled teasingly. “…I was certain I spotted you and Cloud Kicker hugging before we left…”

Applejack awkwardly clapped Dash on shoulder. “Ya go, girl!”

Rainbow’s face lit up in a bright blush. “C-c'mon! It wasn't like that at all!”

“Oh really? Yer face is tellin’ a different story than yer mouth.” AJ chuckled, nudging her. She broke off only to let out a massive yawn. “Whoo-ee! Heh, Ah guess all this jawing finally got me tuckered out. Maybe we should all hit the hay? Ah’m feeling better than Ah did a little while ago, maybe enough to grab forty or so winks.”

Rarity nodded primly, covering her mouth to hide her own tiny yawn. “Quite. This has been a rather pleasant evening, but it is time for me to get my beauty rest.”

“Yeah,” Rainbow agreed quickly, grateful to have that particular conversation ended before it got even more embarrassing. After tossing another piece of fuel into the furnace, the three mares made their way back inside the train, where the warmth and quiet stillness provided a vast contrast to the cold snow and wind outside. Quietly they all crept into their respective beds amidst hushed whispers of goodnight and sweet dreams.

Rainbow Dash was the last to fall asleep. She stared out of the window of the moving train, watching the snowy scenery rush past. Her talk with her friends had made her feel better, but she knew on some level that nothing was actually resolved. Still, she had made it through what anypony would easily concede had been a hard day. She only hoped that the next few days wouldn't be as hard.

With that thought in mind, Rainbow Dash fell asleep. She dreamed of her friends who slept beside her, of Ditzy Doo and Cloud Kicker, of Dinky and the foals, of the Princesses and the wicked King Sombra...and of Shining Armor.

It was a long night.

& & &