• Published 9th Dec 2012
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Hot Heads, Cold Hearts and Nerves of Steel - Trinary

AU Dashverse: The Crystal Empire has returned and the foals of Equestria have gone missing!

  • ...

Chapter 28

“What?!” Applejack’s eyes practically popped out of her head. “Yer tellin’ me that the only pony who can set the li’l ones back to rights is the low-down, no-good ‘ornery son of a snake what changed ‘em in the first place?!”

“I would hardly think it likely that Sombra would help us – seeing as his own miserable continued existence depends on him retaining the years he stole.” Shining Armor pointed out bitterly.

“Then—is that it?” Rarity’s eyes wavered, her voice cracking slightly. “S-Sweetie Belle is going to miss out on her foalhood years—the best part of a young mare’s life?”

Rainbow drew everypony’s attention by snorting angrily and shaking her head. “No. No, she isn’t.” She marched over to the sullen, reserved form of the deposed tyrant.

Sombra’s only sign that he heard her coming was a slight twitch of his ear. Rainbow Dash waited for him to acknowledge her, but when he gave no acknowledgement of her presence, she grew impatient. “Hey!” She cuffed him with her wing, snarling. “Look at me!” With a slight grunt, the gray and black unicorn tilted his head up until he was staring into the hard cerise eyes of the pony who had beaten him. “You hear me?”

“I – hear you.” A soft, dull rasp floated up to her.

Rainbow nodded at him. “Good. You know what’s going on?”

“You were … debating my fate.” Sombra’s mouth thinned into a line. “To restore the children requires me to give up my life force. If I do that, I die.”

Dash tried to repress the flinch that ran through her body at that pronouncement. “Yeah. I know.” She let her shoulders sag a little. “But you have to.”

Sombra gave a small smirk, his teeth flashing against the darkness of his coat and mane. “Do I? It appears that I’m the only one with the knowledge and abilities to recreate the conduit crystal used in the ritual. And since cooperation means my demise, that hardly makes me want to volunteer.”

“Use your head,” Rainbow snorted. “Do you really think the Princess is just going to let you get away with what you’ve done?” Rainbow crouched down to look Sombra in the eye. “If you don’t give the kids back their life force, the Princess will just drain as much as of the life force as she can. You’ll die anyway, and the kids won’t even get aged back to normal. So you’ll be dead and hated. What sense does that make?” When Sombra didn’t answer, Rainbow pressed on. “It’s a bit late for the silent treatment. Hay, we shared memories, walked around in each other’s minds.”

Sombra’s eyes tightened with barely subdued anger. “Don't presume that means you know me.”

“I know that you weren’t always a psycho-monster,” Rainbow snorted. “And I know that you weren’t meant to be one either.”

“And how can you possibly know that?” Sombra drawled derisively.

Rainbow bristled at being dismissed.“Because if you were meant to be this evil overlord, then you wouldn’t have needed the Alicorn Amulet to corrupt you. You didn’t start to do the really nasty stuff until after you wore it. I know it messed with my head after I put it on.”

“Perhaps the evil was there all the time,” Sombra suggested, “and the Amulet merely provided its release.”

“Yeah, right.” Dash frowned, remembering her own experience with it. “What about your cutie mark? A cutie mark is a sign of your special talent, a reflection of your soul--maybe even your destiny. In all the time you spent being an arrogant princely creep or a full-blown monster, you never got it. That means that whatever it is you’re meant to do, being a tyrant isn’t it.”

Rainbow looked down at the Element of Harmony around her neck. “The Elements are all about harmony … I’m guessing that turning you into a puddle of goo wouldn’t count as being all harmony-ish or whatever. And—I’m thinking that maybe the Elements knew deep down that this had to be a choice for you to make. Considering how the Elements cured Princess Luna, they could’ve made all the kids the right age again. But they didn’t—because I think they knew that there was enough decency left in you that you would set things right yourself.”

Sombra scowled. “The past is littered with my crimes. I have no future to look forward to. All I have is the here and now—and you want me to give that up. I refuse to be remembered as just another defeated monster alongside Discord or Nightmare Moon.”

“So how do you want to be remembered?” Rainbow demanded. “As a failed ruler, murderer and foalnapper? Or as somepony who was willing to redeem himself by making the most noble sacrifice of all? The Elements cured you of the Amulet’s influence. This is your chance to make things right.”

He looked away and was silent for a long while. Rainbow Dash almost started up again when Sombra looked back to her, his eyes moist. “I—I don’t want to die.”

This time, Rainbow couldn’t keep herself from flinching. “Then don’t. You know more about these crystals than anypony alive. There’s got to be some way of transferring the life force you took back to the kids without killing you.”

Sombra shook his slowly head. “There isn’t any.”

She licked her lips, thinking hard. “You know … Princess Luna can enter dreams and stuff. She could—”

“I know all about dream walking and mind reading, as you’re undoubtedly aware,” Sombra reminded her. “I might not be able to keep them from finding the information forever, but you can be sure I can hold them off for a good while.”

So that was it then. Rainbow Dash looked away; she found she couldn’t bring herself to look at Sombra, the kids, or her friends just then. Her gaze wandered all over the room, which had been drastically altered by the wave of magic from the Crystal Heart. This must be what the place was like before Sombra redecorated and reshaped the Empire with his dark crystals. Now it was all bright and full of color and—the hay was that?

A large chunk of crystal was suspended in the air, connected by a thin length to the ceiling. Inside it was a dark shadowy mass. Rainbow had to narrow her eyes and tilt her head until she figured out what she was looking it. It was the three windigos, imprisoned and motionless inside the crystal.

Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of … whatever the hay they were, Rainbow mused. “Wonder what’s up with them?”

Sombra’s ears perked at her mumbled query, following her gaze. “They’re encased in the crystal. It is keeping them in a state of suspended animation: frozen in time.”

“Soooo, they’re stuck?” She flew up, idly tapping on the crystal. She waved a hoof in front of their frozen eyes, the windigos not so much as blinking.

“Something like that,” Sombra concluded. “I would keep them in there, if I were you.”

Rainbow rubbed her snout, an idea was bouncing around her head but she just couldn’t get it to come together.

“So what would happen if we kept them in there? Would they die or—”

“I’m not sure if spirits like windigos can die as such. Destroyed maybe…” Sombra mused. “But the harmonics of the crystal keep them perfectly suspended. They won’t age a day, assuming that windigos age at all.”

“That’s it! That’s perfect!” Rainbow whirled on Sombra. “We’ll stick you in a crystal!”

Sombra looked less enthused and more confused. “What are you babbling about?”

“Well, we need a crystal to focus the spell needed to draw the energy out of you and into the foals—what if you were in that crystal? It could draw out your energy and stuff, but if we don’t open the crystal again, you’ll stay in—whatever you called it.”

“Suspended animation,” Sombra provided. “However, the fact remains that I could never leave that crystal. The moment the spell was completed and you set me free, I would die.”

“What if we didn’t?” Rainbow asked. “What if we left you in there until—until we found someway to make it so you wouldn’t die?” She looked him straight in the eye. “If you do this—then I promise I will get the Princesses to get her smartest egghead unicorns and mages and stuff to find out someway of reviving you and keeping you alive, some day.”

Sombra slowly licked his lips, thinking it over. “There is … no guarantee that it would work. Or that they’d ever find a way to replenish my life force.”

“There’s more of a chance than if we go back to Canterlot and the Princess drains you,” Rainbow shot back. “Think about it … you could be woken up in another hundred or thousand years. Nopony would even know all the stuff you did when you wore the Amulet: a fresh start. A new chance.”

Sombra still hesitated. Rainbow was trying to be as sympathetic as she could be, but her natural impatience soon shown through. “Hey, it’s not like you’re getting any better offers on the table, guy. This is the best chance for everypony!” She leaned forward, forcing him to look her in eye. “You don’t want to be a monster anymore? Now’s your chance to prove it.”

Sombra sighed and his shoulders slumped down. “…I’ll do it.”

Rainbow nodded awkwardly and backed away to give him room, going back to her friends to fill them in.
Cadance frowned, still uncertain. “What if he merely encases himself in a crystal barrier that prevents us from regaining the stolen energy?”

“What good would that do him?” Twilight spoke up. “The Princesses could easily get him out again and he’d be back where he started. I think Rainbow Dash is right. This is our best chance for everypony.”

Cadance was quiet for a long moment before sighing. “I hope so.”

Sombra reared up, his horn flashing a blinding light as shoots of red crystals emerged, growing all around him. They shimmered as they slowly grew up around him, encasing his body. The last thing to be covered was his horn, which let out a bright flash before being completely covered. The flash temporarily blinded everypony present. When they looked back they saw Sombra frozen in place.

Cadance sighed. “All right then … let us begin.” Her horn began to glow, a similar magical aura surrounding the red crystal. The two started to pulse in synch with one another. A single bead of sweat made its way down the side of Cadance’s face as she dug in her hooves and poured in all her strength to reversing the spell. A hoofull of small glowing sparks started emanating from the crystal. There were a few at first, moving slowly toward the herd of aged-up foals. But soon more and more of them started pouring out of the crystal, moving faster and faster. It was a like a stream of stars washing out over the onlooking ponies, wondrous and incredible.

The tide of magical energy started to ebb until only a trickle of sparks emerged, then even fewer, until none. Cadance collapsed in exhaustion, only to be held up by Shining Armor. “Did … did it work?”

An excited whoop from Applejack answered for him. “It sure as sugar did!” She galloped over to her little sister and scooped her up in a tight hug. “That’s much better!”

The little filly squirmed and whined. “Ack! Applejaaaaack!”

“Sweetie Belle!” Rarity’s eyes shimmered as she ran over to her now petite little sister.

“Rarity!” Sweetie squeaked happily, wrapping her hooves around Rarity’s neck.

It wasn’t long until everypony was laughing and hugging and celebrating. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, the natural celebrator and nurturer, were all too happy to act as surrogate old siblings and parents for the restored kids and dish out plenty of hugs in their stead.

Of course, there was one filly Rainbow Dash reserved for herself. Dinky squeaked as she was squeezed. “Rainbow Daaaash! I'm a muffin, notta squeaky toy!”

“Heh. Then why’d you squeak?” Rainbow returned, looking around to make sure she had some privacy before kissing Dinky on the nose.

Dinky gave her a kiss back. “Mwa! C'ause you make me all squeaky!” She beamed up happily at her godmom, before frowning in thought. “You didn't get cooties from that stoopid meanie, didja?”

Rainbow shook her head. “Nah. We blasted the cooties out of him.” She held Dinky tight, but turned her head to quickly check the crystal. Sombra looked the same as he had before the spell … except for one minor difference. On his formerly blank grey flank, there was a cutie mark: three red crystals. Awesome. Rainbow gave Dinky another relieved squeeze.
“Good!” Dinky sighed, clearly relieved as she gave Rainbow a squeeze. “That was scary!

“I know.” Dash nodded, acknowledging the scariness of the situation without admitting that she herself was scared. “But you were a really brave little filly ... then a big filly ... then a little filly again. Huh.” She blinked. “You know, this was kind of a weird day.”

“Yeah.” Dinky agreed. “I got rilly big, but then I was a shrinky Dinky again, which is good, 'cause snugglin' with you would been hard when I was that big.” She nuzzled Rainbow. “Rainbow Dash? Can we go home now?”

Rainbow grinned. “You know it. Ready to see your mommy and Sparky?”

“Yah-HUH!” Dinky nodded emphatically, before giving a small sniffle, wrapping Favorite around her. “'Cause I missed 'em as bad as I missed you. I wanna go home, an' see Mommy an' Sparky an' have you stay over with us, an' we can be a big family again an' we never hafta come back up here again, unless Miss Cadance rilly lets Miss Rarity pritty things up.”

“Sounds like a plan, kiddo.” She ruffled Dinky’s mane. “You were such a brave filly. I'm really proud of you.”

Dinky gaped up Rainbow, her chest puffing out with pride. “Rilly?”

“Really,” Dash repeated, flicking Dinky’s muzzle with a feather.

Dinky wrinkled her nose. “Cool! But...” she looked around. “Can you keep a secret?”

Rainbow tilted her head curiously. “Sure. Go ahead.”

Dinky fidgeted in her grip. “I didn't feel rilly brave. I was scared.”

“That’s okay.” Rainbow held her close. “I'm still proud of you.” Relieved, Dinky snuggled her contentedly. “So …. Ready to go?”

“Yeah!” Dinky wriggled out of forelimbs and onto the floor, where she started eagerly dancing up and down on her hooves. “So let's gooooooo!” She turned and ran out the door.

Rainbow cleared her throat and pointed her hoof in the opposite direction. “Dinky? The way out is that way.” She waited and heard the sound of Dinky’s hooves stop and then suddenly scamper back.

Dinky poked her head back in. “Oh. I knew that!” Then she started scampering across the room to the opposite door.

Dash laughed and quickly followed her. “Come on Dinks! Race ya!”

Dinky started bouncing around the others when they failed to match her pace. “Come on! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!”

Cadance smiled as she looked down at her. “We’re going, Dinky … first we just have to let all the crystal ponies know that things have changed.”

Pinkie nodded. “Oooh! You could put up a big sign that says ‘Under New Management.’”

Cadance smiled. “Something like that.” She turned to the other adult in the room, the crystal pony called Azure Prism. “Azure, please … go out and tell the crystal ponies of what has happened. Sombra’s evil reign is over. The crystal ponies don’t have to be afraid anymore. Tell them to dance and sing and celebrate, let the joyous news be spread--and let the bells chime out for all Equestria to hear--let the bell of freedom ring!”

Azure, the normally meek and scared pony beaten down by years of enslavement, had a new gleam in her eye. “Yes, your majesty! At once!” She gleefully whinnied and galloped out, eager to spread the news to her fellow ponies of the joyful tidings.

“Hitting the ground running, huh?” Rainbow quipped as Cadance held the Crystal Heart over her head.

“These ponies haven’t had anything to celebrate in a long, long time.” Cadance smiled. “I aim to start correcting that. Starting now.”

A wide manic grin began to cross Pinkie Pie’s face. “Their first party. In a thousand years?! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE------” And with a pink flash out the door, she was gone.

“Whoo-ee!” Applejack wiped her brow. “Ah think Pinkie’s about to have herself a moment.”

“She sure seemed excited.” Twilight agreed. “I guess we should see what she’s up to before--” Her ears twitched as the sound of bells began to peel and chime. “You don’t think that Pinkie…”

“Only one way to find out.” Princess Cadance led the way through the Crystal Palace, now resplendent with bright colors and refracted light, until the group reached the front door. Cadance took a quick breath and opened the doors with her magic. Outside, the entire populace of the city had turned out, eager to see if the stories were true. Whispers had made their way through the Empire that Sombra had been deposed, tyranny and oppression replaced by love and freedom and that the rightful Crystal Princess had returned.

Spontaneous fireworks and banners, streamers and confetti had appeared all across the main avenue leading from the castle to the edge of the Empire. At in the middle of the street stood--or rather, bounced--Pinkie Pie.

Nopony even questioned this.

When the crystal ponies saw Cadance, the Crystal Heart held above her with magic, the explosion of joy was untrammeled. Bells and chimes ringed out all across the city in a spontaneous celebration that had Pinkie Pie bouncing giddily in place. Cadance smiled, gently leaning against Shining Armor as she walked down to meet her subjects. The joy in her heart could not be contained it was not long before she expressed what she was feeling to her new subjects, her subjects echoing her, knowing that things after so long would finally change for the better.

With a thankful heart, with a endless joy, with a growing family every girl and boy will be nephew and niece to me! (Nephew and niece to me!)

Will bring love, hope and peace to me! (Love, hope and peace to me!)

Yes, and every night will end … and every day will start—with a grateful prayer and a thankful heart!

With an open smile and with open doors, I will bid you welcome, what is mine is yours. With a glass raised to toast your health! (With a glass raised to toast your health!)

And a promise to share the wealth! (Promise to share the wealth!)

I will sail a friendly course, file a friendly chart … On a sea of love and a thankful heart!

Cadance turned to smile back to her companions from the long journey there.

Life is like a journey … who knows when it ends?

She made sure to shoot Rainbow Dash in a particular comforting smile.

Yes, and if you need to know the measure of a mare, you simply count her friends. Stop and look around you!

She gestured to the glittering buildings and spires of the Crystal Empire.

The glory that you see … is born again each day, don't let it slip away. How precious life can be!

The procession continued, with the herd of foals watching all the beautiful buildings and strange new ponies in awe. Cadance dipped her head to the crystal ponies.

With a thankful heart that is wide awake, I do make this promise with every breath I take -- will be used now to sing your praise! (Used now to sing your praise!)

And beg you to share my days! (Beg you to share my days!)

With a loving guarantee, that even if we part -- I will hold you close in a thankful heart. I will hold you close in a thankful … heart.

Cadance held a hoof over her heart as the crystal ponies stomped and cheered.

“Now that is the way for a princess introduce herself,” Rainbow said to her friends over the din.

Dinky tugged on Rainbow’s wing to get her attention. “That was rilly fun! But can we go home now?”

“Sure. We just need to get Cadance and then we’ll head back to the train and—” Rainbow was suddenly cut off by Shining Armor tapping her on the shoulder.

“Actually, that won’t be necessary.” He reached down to rub Dinky’s mane. “Cadance and I decided that we’ll be staying here in the Crystal Empire.”

Rainbow blinked. “Whoa, really? Looking to trade up from Captain of the Royal Guard to Prince?” She chuckled and nudged him.

“Er…” Shining coughed, coloring slightly. “Anyway, we need to help adjust the crystal ponies to being part of Equestria again, as well as make up for all the time they lost.” He looked over his shoulder to Cadance, who was dictating a letter to Twilight. “Cadance is explaining everything to Princess Celestia and telling her what we’re going to need. We’ll need teachers and counselors to help with the adjustment, mages to collaborate with the crystal ponies to better understand how the crystals work … we’re even going to extend the railway line so that it reaches the Crystal Empire itself. Not to mention removing the crystals with Sombra and the windigos to be transported back to Canterlot, under heavy guard.”

“Sounds good.” Rainbow shuffled her hooves awkwardly. “But, you’re gonna come back eventually, right?”

Shining mussed her mane. “Of course we are; we’ll need to go over our wedding plans with you gals.” He chuckled and put a hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder. “There’s something the last Captain of the Royal Guard told me when he retired. There are three things a good guardpony needs: a cool head, a warm heart and nerves of steel. You might still have a ways to go on the first thing, but when it comes to the rest: you’re pretty solid stuff.”

Cadance’s face was beaming serenely as she walked over to an open space located beneath the palace. Unlike most national treasures, this resting place for the Heart wasn't some vault or safe where it was going to be locked away until needed again; the mount was open to the crystal ponies in a specially-prepared section of the palace hollowed out and exposed, presenting the massive jewel to the ponies who so depended on it for their wellbeing and safety. It was a visible representation of the trust and hope endowed in the ponies, abused for so long by Sombra and his minions.

When she inserted the Crystal Heart into place, it began to glow and spin as it absorbed the love and happiness of the crystal ponies. A bright flash worked its way from the ends of the Crystal Empire inwards, lighting up the roads and closing in on the Crystal Heart. It began to spin even faster as the beam of light shot up through the palace and emerged at the top in the form of a glowing, wavering aurora borealis.

Everypony oohed and ahhed as the magical wave swept across them, blanketing them with warm feelings of love and joy. The crystal ponies began to shimmer, their coats no longer dull and faded, but lustrous and bright.

“So coooool…” Dinky gasped as she leaned against Rainbow Dash, snuggling up close as Rainbow wrapped a wing around her.

“You want to see cool?” Rainbow rubbed her head. “Just wait until we get you home for Hearth’s Warming Eve with your family.”

Dinky’s eyes gleamed. “YEAH!”

“So we just have to walk you kids to the train…” she winced. Marching a hundred foals through the cold and snow just to get to the train didn’t sound enjoyable. There was something else nagging at her, but she couldn’t quite put her hoof on it.

“Uh, Rainbow? About the train?” Twilight spoke up.


“That’s how you’re planning to get the foals home, right?”


“The train … with only three compartments?” Twilight prodded. “The train that the eight of us found really cramped and uncomfortable for a week long journey?”

Rainbow raised a hoof only as Twilight’s words sunk in. “Oh, horseapples.” She facehoofed. Dinky giggled. Silly Rainbow!

“No need to worry.” The two looked to see a radiant looking Cadance stepping between them. Cadance tilted her head up and closed her eyes, soaking in the magic being radiated from the crystal ponies, channeled through the Crystal Empire to her. “I can harness the magic from the love of the crystal ponies to send you all back home. To send all the children home.”

“How wonderful!” Rarity put a hoof up to her brow, the other still firmly wrapped around Sweetie Belle. “The thought of return trip in that cramped little train … I would almost rather fight Sombra all over again!” She paused. “Um, your Majesty will remember to send the train back with our belongings though, won’t you?”

Rainbow rolled her eyes as Cadance promised that they would. “Okay, so let’s get going!” The impatient rainbow-maned pony snorted. “Cadance, do your stuff.”

“Ooooh! Wait! I almost forgot!” Pinkie piped up. She started rummaging around her mane with a look of pure concentration on her face … that, or gas. Her eyes lit up as she pulled out a small package in neat bow. Before anypony could ask, she started tied it to a rocket and lit the fuse, sending it hurtling out over the city and into the frozen wastes surrounding the Empire.

“Um, Pinkie? What was that about?” Twilight asked in confusion.

Pinkie smiled mysteriously. “Oh just a little snack to tide over some hungry guys we know.”

“Oh?” Twilight decided to humor her. “What did you make them? Cupcakes?”

She was surprised when Pinkie shook her head. “Nope! Quiche!”

Rainbow facehooved. “Cadance? Before anything else happens?”

The princess chuckled. “Of course.” She closed her eyes and her horn began to pulse in harmony with the Crystal Heart. There was a bright flash, and then they were gone.