• Published 9th Dec 2012
  • 10,500 Views, 1,125 Comments

Hot Heads, Cold Hearts and Nerves of Steel - Trinary

AU Dashverse: The Crystal Empire has returned and the foals of Equestria have gone missing!

  • ...

Chapter 11

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“I think we’ve been here before,” Pipsqueak spoke up, breaking the silence the three foals had been walking in all day.

Dinky looked at him. “How d’you know? All these dumb tunnels look the same.”

“That moss,” he pointed at a patch of moss clinging to the cave walls. “We tore some off for lunch, remember? You said it looked like a big muffin.”

“Sure didn’t taste like a muffin though." With a critical eye, Dinky examined the moss. "You’re right! It is the same moss! Grrr!” She stomped her hoof. “We went inna big circle!”

Alula groaned and came to a halt. “Oh, horseapples!”

“‘lula!” Dinky gasped. “You said a bad word!”

“It fits!” Alula grumped. “We’re going around in circles and it stinks like a big pile of horseapples!”

The little unicorn pointed a hoof at her accusingly. “You said it again!

“Now what do we do?” Pip wondered as he looked around.

Alula rubbed her hoof under her chin and pondered. “There’s this big hedge maze in Canterlot, and when I got lost there once Mom said I could find my way out if I just turned right every time I needed to turn.”

“But what if we can only go left? Do we go left twice?” Dinky asked. “No, wait, that’d be two wrongs, huh?” She pondered it a bit more. “But how d’you know going right’s the right way t’go?”

“‘Cause Mom said so,” Alula’s tone brooked no argument.

“But that was a hedge maze.” Pip pointed out. “These are underground tunnels and caves.”

“Did Missus Nimbus come here an’ check too?” Dinky smiled hopefully. “Maybe she left a clue!”

Alula shook her head. “I dunthink Mom’s ever been down here, but it’s still a maze and we’re still lost.”

Pip shivered. “It’s cold down here.”

Dinky rubbed her legs together, looking at her friends. “Maybe we should make a fire? It’s what Daring Do did during the Day of the Diamond Dogs.”

“What’re we gonna make a fire with?” Alula asked, not rejecting the idea but unsure of how it could be done.

Pip thought for a moment before his eyes lit up. “How about some moss?” He suggested, then adding as he made a face. “I don’t think I can eat any more of that stuff.”

Dinky stuck out her tongue in agreement. “Yeah.”

“I dunno...” Alula mused. “Moss isn’t wood. How do we start a fire without matches or sticks or flint or something?”

“I could try somethin’...usually I just make sparks when things go wrong, but I could try to light it. We jus’ need enough moss, right?” Dinky tossed her head, showing off her horn.

“I wish Missus Doo was here...she always makes fires!” Pip commented. “Even that one time with that applesauce.”

Dinky nodded, unable to stop a small sniff. “Momma could make everything okay down here. Though she might try to make a moss muffin, if she didn’t bring anything to eat.”

“Moss muffins sound real good right now,” Alula put a wing around Dinky comfortingly. “‘Kay...so I guess we get a bunch of moss, and Dinky’ll try to set it on fire with her horn? Maybe if we cook some of the moss it won’t taste so icky.”

Pip walked over to the cave wall coated with moss and started tugging on a corner with his teeth. “Grrr…” he growled, shaking his head vigorously like a puppy as he tried, unsuccessfully, to pull it off the wall.

After wiping her eye on Alula’s wing, Dinky went over to help Pip, pulling a loose edge.

Alula grumbled. “Like this, du—Pip.” She showed him how to grip the moss so he’d have more leverage.

"Ish all shlimy and grossh!" he whined through a mouthful of moss. But taking Alula’s advice, he found that he was able to get a better grip on it. He tugged and pulled and the entire carpet of moss promptly fell over, covering all three of them.

“Eek!” Dinky squeaked from under the moss, but being close to an edge, she managed to wriggle out quickly. “lula! Pip! You okay!?”

Alula or rather, a Alula-shaped lump of moss, stood up. “...Dummy.”

“It was your idea!” A small lump of moss objected, looking like he was wearing a really cheap green ghost costume.

“Nuh-uh!” Alula shook her head. “You did it wrong ‘cause you’re a dummy.” She struggled and tried to get out of the moss, without success.

Pipsqueak had better luck, squirming out and plucking strays bits of moss in his coat. “How was I ‘sposed to know it was gonna come down at once?”

Dinky grabbed the edge of the moss, grimacing at the taste. “Ew! C’muuh, ith iccy!”

But Alula was still lost and trapped under the moss, giving a fillyish scream of frustration. “Dumb moss! Dumb Dummy getting moss on me!”

Pip whispered to Dinky as he helped gather up some moss. “Alula likes to yell alot, doesn’t she?”

“Her family can get shouty,” she agreed.

After a moment of futile struggling, Alula let out a groan and, very reluctantly, muttered. “Dinky? Pip? I need your help to get outta here.”

“You promise to be nicer?” Pipsqueak asked. In answer, Alula silently resumed her struggle, trying to free herself on her own.

Dinky gave a disgruntled sigh and waited. Alula petulantly groused. “Why’s he gotta be such a dummy?” The colt pouted adorably, not that Alula saw. Nor did she see Dinky’s frown. Alula sniffled from under the blanket of moss. “Stupid dummy-colt.”

Pip walked over to the pile of moss covering Alula and gave her a gentle pat on the back. “‘m not a dummy...why you got to be so mean?”

She responded with a louder sniffle. “Why do you gotta be a stupid dummy cootieface ‘stead of bein’ strong and brave an’ stuff?”

“I-I can be brave...” Pip lowered his ears. “I’ll show you! Um...” He thought for a moment, then grabbed a chunk of moss and started tearing, creating a hole for Alula to step out of. “Uh...ta da?”

Alula wiped her eyes while trying to hide that she was doing it. “Not bad, for a…Pip.” She gave him a very brief nuzzle as she walked passed. Then she blushed and hastily added with more embarrassment than real heat, “Y—you’re still a dummy!” She began tearing up the moss blanket with more strength than was really needed, grumbling under her breath.

“Uh, thanks?” He blinked, clearly confused as he backed away.

Dinky gave a satisfied nod. “Now we gotta get a buncha rocks in a circle, to make sure the fire doesn’t spread.” She looked around. “…does it still count if the rest of the ground is rock too?”

“Um, I think it’s fine…” Pip walked over to Dinky’s side.

Assured, Dinky tore off a section of moss, dragging it away from the main part and began to focus on it. She got a spark or two at a time, which quickly sizzled out.

“S’okay Dinky...you can do it!” Pip whispered encouragingly.

Her horn flickered, sputtered and ultimately fizzled. “C’mon...” she ground out, a small shiver working up her spine as she knelt on the ground, bringing the tip of her horn closer to the pile.

“You’ll get it, Dinky.” Alula announced confidently, bringing over more moss.

“Stoopid moss...” the little unicorn grumbled, the light in her horn sputtered for a moment, then died. “AWW, C’MON!” She scrunched up her face and was rewarded with a shower of small sparks.

An idea struck Pip as he quietly stepped away from Dinky and tiptoed behind her. He took a deep breath as he leaned in …”BOO!!!”

“AAAAAAUGH!” Dinky shrieked, her horn lighting up in a flash before she scuttled backwards. “Piiip!” She whined. “That was mean!”

Alula glowered at the small colt. “Dummy! Stop bein’ such a...” she trailed off as she noticed that Dinky succeeded in starting the fire due to being startled. “Oh...huh. Guess you’re not a dummy this time.”

“Sorry Dinky...but look! You did it!” He pointed triumphantly at the tiny, but growing, fire.

“Oh yeah, huh?” She gave a half-smile, then frowned. “It was still mean. I coulda done it myself.”

“Who cares?” Alula asked pragmatically as she tossed some more moss on the fire. “At least we have a fire now.”

Pip gave Dinky an apologetic nuzzle. “‘M sorry...s’just...it’s so cold!” He shivered. “And now we have a fire!” He grinned as he approached the fire, turning around so his spotted rump could get some warmth. He sighed happily as he gave a dopey smile.

Dinky giggled at him as she stood up, shivering as her knees left the cold stone ground. “S’better...Daring Do was right, a fire always helps.”

“Why’s it gotta be so cold in here anyway?” Alula grumbled as she stretched out her wings to soak up some warmth. The trio sat and munched on some fire-dried moss—it didn’t do much to improve the taste—and enjoying the warmth.

But it was soon interrupted when they noticed something in the air. “Ewww!! What stinks?!” Dinky held her nose.

Pip gagged and waved his hoof in front of him. “Bleeech!”

Alula started flapping her wings, trying to dispel it. “Maybe we should turn around and—AAAAH!!” She shrieked as she rounded a corner. Dinky and Pip screamed too as they came face to face with something from their nightmares. A pair of large, hairy creatures, one dark brown and the other a light lavender. The creatures were larger than a grown pony and bulkier too. One was crouched over on all fours while the other stood on its feet. They were covered with shaggy, matted and tangled hair that covered every part of them, save their arms below the elbow and their feet, which seemed small, thin and bony compared to the rest of them.

Their round heads were graced with long, thin, hairless ears tapered off in a point that gave the impression of horns. Their mouths were full of long, white fangs and they had bulging red globular eyes. Accompanying them was a foul odor, indicating that the two hairy things probably hadn’t had a bath in months.

“Oh look….” The brown one grinned as it rubbed its clawed-hands together. “Dinner.”

The three little ponies gulped. They were looking at the moss the foals had been cooking...right?

“H-hello…” Dinky shook nervously. “W-we’re looking for a grown-up…can you help us?” She shot them her widest, most pleading smile. Alula frowned at them in warning as Pip just looked at them with awed amazement.

The two creatures looked at each other. “Oh yessss...” The brown one hissed. “We can help. We heard that you lost your way…we’re here to bring you home.”

“R-really?” Dinky asked hopefully. “You’re gonna take us back to Ponyville?”

“I dunno…they don’t exactly look like good guys.” Alula murmured. “They look like monsters!”

“Well, Rainbow Dash made friends with lotsa weird monsters when she went to stop Nightmare Moon...” Dinky countered. “Maybe these are some of those hole-digging things? And Momma says it’s important not to judge somepony based on app—appe—how they look.” She looked over the new visitors again. “‘Sides, they’re kinda fluffy.”

Pip nodded. “Kinda fat too...”

The lavender-furred one grumbled. “Hey, we are not fat! It’s this fur, it makes us look...poofy.”

Dinky, with innocent naivete, reached out to touch the hairy leg of the brown furred creature. “Wow! He’s so fluffy!” She looked up hopefully. “You can help us, right?”

The brown one bit down on a growl before it could form. “Why...yesss...of course.” Its eye twitched.

“Great! I’m Dinky Doo, an’ we’re kinda lost down here. Can you help us get back to Ponyville? Pretty please?”

The lavender one nodded. “Of course we can. We know these tunnels like the backs of our hands.”

“Hands?” Dinky asked questioningly. The creature gestured with the appendage in question. It was startled when the little filly yelled. “AAAAH MISTER, YOU GOTTA BUNCHA SNAKES ON YOUR HOOF!”

“Gyaaah! Where, where?!” He frantically examined at his hands.

The brown-furred one facepalmed. “Those are your fingers, stupid.”

“….oh.” The other blinked. “Right. Hey, don’t call me stupid!”

“Then don’t act stupid!”

Pip murmured gently to Dinky and Alula. “Are you sure they can help us find the way home?”

“Ida know, but they seem…okay…enough…I guess.” Dinky shrugged. “At least we’re not alone now, right?”

“Yeah...I guess they’re better than nothing,” Alula allowed, watching them warily. “What are you anyway?

The brown one drew himself up to his full height, gesturing dramatically. “We are dwellers of caves and tunnels...the greatest hunters and trackers in the world. Once we get a scent, nothing can throw us from the trail. We are relentless, we are ferocious, we are...the bushwoolies!” He growled with deadly earnestness.

Pip let out a strangled snort.

“...Never heard of you before.” Alula remarked blandly. “So can you help us get back to Ponyville?” The brown bushwoolie clenched his fists angrily.

“Of course we can.” The lavender one replied.

Dinky gave a relieved sigh, then looked back to Pip and Alula triumphantly. “I toldja!” She looked back to the Bushwoolies. “Can we go now, pleasepleasepleaseple—“ she paused, looking at the fire. “Oh, wait, we gotta put that out first.”

The brown bushwoolie snorted. “Fine, make it quick.”

She went to the fire, then paused. “Um, does anypony have a fire extinguisher?” The brown bushwoolie facepalmed, again.

Pip shook his head. Alula walked over and tried to stomp out the moss, but yelped and pulled back after a few stomps. “Right...fire is hot.”

“That was kinda dumb, Alula.” Pip couldn’t help commenting.

Alula frowned petulantly. “You’re the dumb one, dummy.”

“Usually Momma’s only making fires, Sparky and I hafta put ‘em out.” Dinky pondered. “Maybe it’ll be okay if we just move the rest of the moss away?”

“FINE!” Barked the brown one angrily, stomping over to kick the moss away from the fire. “There, now let’s go!” He yelled at the ponies.

Dinky jerked back, afraid and tearful. “I was jus’ tryin’ to be responsible...sorry.”

That prompted an angry glower from the pegasus. “You dunhafta be mean about it.”

The bushwoolie grumbled angrily, baring his teeth at them until the lavender furred one stepped on his foot warningly. That just made the other one sulk and cross his arms. “Fine...let’s go.” He pointed down the tunnel.

“Jerks...” Pip muttered as he started walking, next to the sad-faced Dinky.

Alula protectively placed herself between Dinky, Pip, and bushwoolies. “You gotta apologize for bein’ mean.”

Gulping nervously, Dinky softly hissed at her. “‘lula, let’s just go.”

“Bushwoolies don’t apologize.” The brown-furred one growled.

“You were mean to Dinky. You gotta ‘pologize, or I’m gonna tell on you!” Alula threatened. That prompted the bushwoolie to bare his fangs at her.

Dinky laid her ears flat against her head, suddenly suspecting that they might not be nice…whatever they were. “Alula, c’mon. They can say sorry later.” She urged, before offering a small smirk. “Momma can make ‘em.” Alula giggled at that.

That prompted the one with brown fur to growl, baring his fangs again. “No puny pony makes me apologize! We’ve been chasing you puny mammals ever since you snuck away from the carts and the stupid ponies that were supposed to be watching you. Now follow us or stay here and starve!”

“You’re working with the bad ponies who stole us from our homes?” Alula demanded, outraged. “I knew you were bad guys!”

“Oh way to go. You couldn’t pretend for five minutes?” The bushwoolie with lavender fur demanded.

The brown one threw his arms up in frustration. “They’re just so annoying! I’ve eaten things that didn’t complain this much!”

“NOW who’s the stupid one?” The one with lavender fur crossed his arms smugly.

“You are…’cuz you’re a pain in the butt!”

“Don’t you take that tone with me!”

“Pain in the butt! Pain in the butt!”

While the two argued, Pip shouted. “RUN!” with a shriek, Dinky did just that, Pipsqueak following behind her. Alula followed, making a point of staying behind her friends.

Their quick departure snapped the bushwoolies out of their argument. “Get back here!” Snarled the brown one as they gave chase on all fours. The bushwoolies were fast, and larger than the ponies. They even rolled themselves up into balls, grasping their ankles with the hands and rolled down the tunnels.

“No fair!” Dinky yelped as she looked back to see two big balls of smelly, stinky fur bearing down on them.

Pip wrinkled his snout. “Peeeeuuuwww!!! Ugh, it’s like something the cat threw up!”

Dinky scrunched her nose at the smell, not seeing the rock in her path until she tripped over it and went sprawling. “Owww!!”

Alula slammed her hooves against the ground as she ran to stand protectively over her. “Dinky, are you okay?!”

Neither filly had a chance to respond. The bushwoolies unrolled themselves on either side, preventing any possible escape. They either ignored or forgot about Pip, who paused a little further down and was watching the scene with growing panic.

Alula flared her tiny wings and delivered some quick hoof jabs in warning. “Back off! I’m warning you...” But the bushwoolies had a much greater reach than she did and with two of them on either side of her, they could move faster than she could react. The brown one snarled and lashed out with his claws. Alula shrieked and dropped to the ground, clutching her back right leg.

Dinky gasped as a thin red trail seeped through Alula’s hooves. “Ohmygosh ‘lula!”

The brown bushwoolie grinned toothily as he leered over them. “All this running has worked up my appetite...I’m hungry.”

The lavender one looked at him severely. “You know the Dark One wants them back alive.”

“He has over a hundred of the little horsey mammals already! He won’t miss one or two.” The brown one retorted, sizing them up. “Perhaps…this one!” He reached out to grab Dinky.

“EEEE! DUN EAT ME! DUN EAT ME!” She shrieked, starting to cry. “LEMME GO!”

“Leave her alone or I’ll deck you!” Alula snarled, tears running down her cheeks as she laid on the ground, ignored.

That’s when Pip had an idea. “Don’t eat the fillies! They—they have cooties!” He blurted out. The two creatures looked at each other questioningly.

“Cooties? What are cooties?” The brown one asked.

Pip shuddered. “Cooties are the ickiest, most grossest things ever! They make you--well, I dunno what happens if you get too much of 'em, but it's really, REALLY bad!”

“And pony females have these cooties?” The lavender one looked sick.

Alula bristled. “No we don--”

“Shuddup!” Pipsqueak hissed at her.

The brown one stroked his chin as he dropped Dinky with a yelp. “All right, then we’ll eat you!” He grabbed Pipsqueak. “The puny spotted one won’t be missed…he’ll make an excellent stew!”

“Ugh, it’s always stew with you.” The lavender one balled his fists on his hips. “Why can’t we have a little variety? Like a light, fluffy quiche?”

“Quiche?! We’re big, scary monsters! Monsters do not eat quiche!”

“Why not?” Pip asked innocently, an idea forming. Given how easily the two had argued before…

“Why not?!” The brown one looked as if Pip was mad. “What kind of self-respecting monster would eat a dainty pastry dish?! Stew is what we will make of your bones!”

The lavender bushwoolie crossed his arms in a sulk. “I'm tired of stew! I want to put him in a crust and bake a light fluffy quiche! I’m sure the colt will make a fine pastry filling.”

“It's a matter of principle! MONSTERS DO NOT EAT QUICHE!”

“I kinda like quiche.” Pip admitted.

Dinky and Alula looked at each other. “Is that Dummy crazy?” Alula hissed. Her friend shrugged, wondering for once if Pipsqueak’s culinary suggestions really did make him a dummy.

“See?” The lavender one threw up his hands. “Even he sees that being a quiche would be great!”

“He’s just a stupid, tiny mammal, what does he know?” The brown bushwoolie countered, dropping Pip to the ground. As the two started arguing further, Pip desperately waved at his friends, desperately winking at them and hoping they would catch on.

The fillies eyes widened as they realized what he was trying to do. “No way!” Alula countered as she leaned against Dinky to take the strain off of her leg. Both monsters looked her way. “Stew’s faster to put together in the field.”

Now it was the brown one who crowed. “You see?”

“But we’re not in a field, we’re in a cave!” The other retorted.

Dinky tossed in her two bits. “But quiche is a bit like muffins. Only not as muffiny, and sometimes it’s got stuff like spinach in it.” She stuck her tongue out. “Gramma always makes it like that.”

“Ha!” The lavender bushwoolie grinned. “Three against two! I win!”

“This isn’t a vote!” The brown one cuffed him upside the head. The lavender one retaliated in the same way. Then they began to shove one another and it soon dissolved into a wrestling match between the two bushwoolies as all else became forgotten as they shouted their battle cries.



Pip carefully made his way around the massive wrestling furball and ran over to Alula and Dinky. “Let’s go while they’re busy fighting.”

Alula nodded. “Right, let’s keep quiet and…hnnng!” she grimaced as she put weight on her injured leg.

Dinky gasped. “’lula!”

“I-I’m okay.” She lied. “You guys go, I’ll catch up.”

“You can’t walk like that! Those stoopid, stoopid rat things will catch you! Pippy and I will help you walk.” She proclaimed, nodding to him as they took up positions on either side of the injured pegasus.

Alula quietly fumed. “Imma Kicker! I can do it myself!”

“Nu-uh!” Pip shook his head. “Stop bein’ a silly-filly!”

“Dummy dolt-colt.” She feebly retorted, but didn’t object further as the three ponies started making their quiet retreat. “…thanks…”

Meanwhile, the two arguing bushwoolies were still going at it. The one with brown fur found himself stuck in a headlock when he noticed the prisoners weren’t where they had left them. “Did we order this dinner to go?” He asked his compatriot.

“No, why?”

“’Cause there it goes!” He pointed angrily. With a snarl of anger, the two creatures ended their fight and chased after their quarry.

With Alula’s injured leg slowing them down, the three little ponies couldn’t escape. “Help us! Somepony! Heeeeeeeeeelp!” Dinky shrieked, her cry echoing off the cave walls as the bushwoolies came closer.

“Forget it, tiny pony mammals!” The brown one huffed, bearing down on them. “You’re going to be my dinner and you’re going to like it!”

The trio quickly turned a corner, trying to stay one step ahead...unfortunately, that tunnel ended in a dead end. “Oh no...” Dinky turned around, pressing her back against the wall.

The bushwoolies grinned, their teeth glinting brightly in the dark. The terrified foals huddled together and closed their eyes. Had they been open, they would have seen a shadow detach itself from the wall behind the bushwoolies and slam a hoof against the ground.

The children opened their eyes and the hairy monsters whirled around in shock at the unexpected arrival. An oddly accented voice murmured strange words, “Eleka nahmen nahmen Ah tum ah tum eleka nahmen!” A staff clutched in the strangers hooves lit up the tunnel in a pulsing green light.

The sudden light made the bushwoolies hiss and cover their eyes. “What pony trick is this?” Their answer came in the form of a series of sharp whacks to the head and shoulders, courtesy of the staff. Yelping painfully, the bushwoolies attempted to charge the interloper. When the lavender one threw a punch, the stranger leapt onto his arm and used it as a springboard to leap over him entirely, delivering a jump kick to the brown-furred one. Whirling back, the lavender bushwoolie received a sharp hoof to the jaw.

Alula, Dinky and Pip watched with awed amazement. Whoever this pony was, he or she moved like lightning! Always twirling and leaping, just a hair away from being caught or slashed. The staff rang out against the slow, bumbling monsters again and again until they could finally take no more and fled, running down the tunnel as fast as they could.

Once they were gone, the stranger turned back to the stunned children. “T-thanks mister...” Dinky stammered.

“Well, what have we here? What are you doing in this dark place, my dears?” The cloaked pony asked, tilting her head.

“Runnin' away from scary monsters.” Alula answered, relaxing a bit when she noticed the shadow had a distinctly pony-shape.

Dinky nodded. “An' tryin' t' find an adult. D'you know where one is?”

“I may,” she replied, lowering the hood of her cloak. She was a zebra with a mohawk, carrying her still faintly glowing staff and a warm smile. “With you I will stay. While I may not know where your parents abide, will you allow me to journey by your side?”

Pipsqueak looked up at the zebra with wide-eyed awe. “Wow...”

Dinky on the other hoof, burst out into a relieved smile. “Miss Zecora!” She rushed over and gave her an adinkable glomp, threatening to cut off all circulation to her head.

Zecora staggered back slightly before smiling and returning the hug. “Ah, what a mighty surprise! Dinky Doo, here, before my eyes!”

The little filly shook with relief, getting teary-eyed and choked up. Finally, a grown up! “What're you doin' down here?”

The zebra rubbed her back gently, murmuring soft reassurances. “Keeping an eye on the evil city has been my chore. I am awaiting the arrival of allies, to help me more.”

Alula gave a relieved sigh as Zecora set Dinky down. “Okay, that's good.”

“You know her Dinky?” Pip asked.

The unicorn nodded, hastily rubbing a hoof across her face. “Yah-huh! She was with me when...well, when Rainbow Dash came t' Ponyville. After…after my mom got stolen.”

“You mean when Nightmare Moon came and was all super scary and evil?” Pip’s eyes widened again.

Limping slightly, Alula took a step forward, unable to suppress a wince. “Oh yeah, I heard about her…”

“Ah my poor dear,” Zecora walked over to Alula. “You are injured I fear.”

Alula was quiet for a moment. As much as she wanted to be tough and strong and say it didn’t hurt…it did. “You…you know medical stuff, right?” she asked, biting down on her lip.

Zecora nodded, patting Alula’s back. “Tell me, what happened to cause you such pain? I shall fix you up while you explain.”

“We ran into some big furry nasty monster things.” Alula winced as Zecora examined the wound. “One of them scratched me.”

The older equine hmmed to herself. “Ah, I see. You have encountered a bushwoolie.”

“They were dumb and ugly and gonna bake me inna quiche!” Pipsqueak spoke up.

“Or a stew!” Dinky added.

Zecora frowned, snorting in quiet fury. “Such foul beasts! Dreaming of eating little ponies as treats!”

“Yeah, they were really mean.” Alula showed Zecora the red, inflamed scratch that went down her haunch and onto her back right leg. “Can ya fix it?”

“I have just the thing...but I warn you, this may sting!” Zecora warned before she removed a vial from her saddlebag and unstoppered it. She gently poured it on Alula’s wound.

The injured filly hissed and whimpered, tears welling in her eyes.

Her worried friends sat next to her. “S'okay 'lula...” Pip nuzzled her gently.

“S-she's okay, right? She’s gonna be okay?” Dinky asked worriedly, sniffling slightly.

Zecora nodded. “It is the medicine taking hold. I am sorry if I seem cold.”

“S'okay,” Alula whispered, grimacing. “Medicine hurts sometimes. It'll make me better, right?”

The zebra nodded. “Such a brave filly. Many adults would whine and act silly.” She gave the little pegasus filly a nuzzle.

“I gotta be brave...” Alula murmured to herself as Zecora made a poultice to gently apply to the filly’s leg. She bound it tightly with some wrapping, apologizing when Alula winced. “T-thank you, Miss Zecora,” she said when she was finished. “It feels a lot better now.”

Dinky let out a relieved sigh. “That’s good.” Just then a thought occurred to her. “We found an adult! An' not just any adult, but Miss Zecora! We're okay now!” She looked to Zecora. “We're okay now, right?” Her eyes were bright and hopeful.

Zecora hesitated. “I will keep you safe from monsters, beasts and spirits of black. But I'm afraid I cannot take you back.”

“But things were supposeta be okay when we found an adult!” Dinky sounded despondent and it broke the zebra’s heart.

Alula sat up. “Why can't you take us back?”

“I'm sorry little one,” Zecora was genuinely regretful as she scooped Dinky up in a hug. “But Rainbow Dash and her friends will need my help if the battle is to be won.”

Dinky gasped. “Rainbow Dash is comin'!?” Her face lit up again. “Wait...what battle?”

“She is indeed on her way, to make sure the evil of Sombra does not stay.” Zecora confirmed.

“Well ... we're safe with you at least, right?” Alula looked to Zecora, who nodded.

“With me, I can guarantee your safety.” She set Dinky down as she started walking, leading them out of the dead end and down another tunnel, different from the one the monsters had fled to. “Come Dinky, tell me now...how did you come here anyhow?”

“We were ponynapped. Or at least, ponies took us while we were nappin'.” She shrugged. “Same thing, I guess.”

“But we got away, but then we were lost.” Alula added before Dinky continued the narrative.

“An' we got chased by a zombie pony, an' attacked by somethin' in the water, an then those fatty stoopid-heads.”

“Alas, such a tale of woe! This truly upsets me so.”

Dinky nodded. “I wanna go home.”

“Me too...” Pip agreed. “All we have had to eat was moss and gross stuff. And we hadda go to the bathroom in the cave!”

“Yeah ... do you have any real food, Miss Zecora?” Alula asked hopefully.

Zecora smiled. “I have bread, oats and a gourd. Why, it is practically a smorgasbord!”

Pip smacked his lips happily. “That sound great!” Alula exclaimed as Zecora went through her bags, taking out small round loaves of bread and some fruit.

"Ah, but you my sick little foal, must drink all the herbal tea from my bowl.” Their new friend told her as she poured another bottle into a wooden bowl. It was a viscous purple and green solution that steamed, wafting its smell over to the foals.

Dinky gagged and made a face. “Smells icky!”

Zecora shrugged, her necklaces chiming slightly. “It might smell of ick, but it will certainly cure any who is sick.” Alula looked distinctly unhappy as she hesitantly reached for the bowl, sloshing its contents around. Being lost in a dark cave? Fighting monsters? She could deal with that, but like any foal, taking bad medicine was like torture. But she didn’t want Pip and Alula to see her acting weak and whining. So with a grimace, she started drinking down the medicine. It was every bit as bad as she expected it to be. It tasted like it had been cooked with smelly laundry.

Meanwhile, her friends gorged themselves on real food. Dinky was ravenously tearing into her bread, “Thanks, Miss Zecora!” She said around a mouthful of food.

Pip had the presence of mind to wait until he swallowed to give his thanks. “Yeah, thank you Miss Zecora, ma'am!”

She chuckled. “Such splendid little boy!” She reached out a striped hoof to rub Pip’s head. “I'm sure his charm brings you two much joy.”

“He'zokay.” Dinky allowed. Pip beamed.

Alula swallowed a mouthful of medicine, biting down on the urge to gag. “Got cooties.” She mumbled, having finished about half of the bowl’s contents. “C'n I have some bread or somethin?”

Pip pouted adorably. Dinky frowned at her friend. “'lula...” Zecora just shook her head and chuckled.

Alula ate a bit of bread to get the taste of the medicine out of her mouth, Dinky still scowling at her. She sighed. “Guess he's okay for a cootie-colt.” She finally allowed before going back to finish the medicine.

“Ah, the adorableness of youth! So sweet it is, I think it rotted a tooth.” Zecora noted philosophically.

Dinky held up a hoof to her mouth so she could faux-whisper to Zecora, “I think she likes him.”

The zebra chuckled. “I think you might be right my dear, but you will not get her to admit it, I fear.”

“Sheza bit weird, like that.” The little filly nodded seriously.

“Ick.” Alula made a face as she finished her medicine, though whether she was referring to the medicine or liking Pipsqueak is up to debate. “Do not.” She tore off another mouthful of bread, studiously ignoring Pip who was sticking his tongue out at her. “I think you better give Pip some of that medicine too.” She mumbled. “Just in case.”

Pip protested. “I'm not sick!”

“Be good my little ones,” Zecora chided gently. “I must contemplate on what is to be done.” After a chorus of okays, she got up and picked up her staff. She stuck it in the ground and then climbed up it. Then she stood upside down, balancing on her head with her eyes closed, meditating.

"Oh, cool.” Dinky exclaimed excitedly. “You can do yoda!"

“Wow...” Pip breathed as he tilted his head to the side, trying to look at her right side up. “That's amazing! Whup!” He leaned over too far and fell over.

The children started giggling as they continued their first real meal in what felt like a long time. They might not have found their parents or Ponyville, but they weren’t alone anymore. And that made all the difference in the world.

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