• Published 9th Dec 2012
  • 10,500 Views, 1,125 Comments

Hot Heads, Cold Hearts and Nerves of Steel - Trinary

AU Dashverse: The Crystal Empire has returned and the foals of Equestria have gone missing!

  • ...

Chapter 16

Through the dark recesses of the underground, the gloom and doom was dispelled by the raucous singing of a certain tiny colt. “Our captain will stand on the bridge and sing—Pirates are all we can be!” Pipsqueak bellowed out joyously. Since Zecora had led them across the lake, the foals had been feeling their spirits improve tremendously. It was enough to get the lone colt and pirating enthusiast to roar out a lusty sea shanty.

“Dummy.” Alula grumbled. “Not s’posed to sing when you’re being sneaky.”

Dinky nudged her. “It’s okay, we got Miss Zecora!” She beamed happily at her. “And she said there weren’t any scary things on this side of the lake.”

Alula pouted, wanting to tell Pip to be quiet but not wanting to argue with Dinky either. Pip meanwhile continued his nautical singing. “With a hii hii hoo and a hii hii hey, we're hoisting the flag to be free! We will steal the show, Jolly Rogers go!” He capered and bounced around on his tiny legs. “We are wolves of the sea! We are wolves of the seaaaaaaaaaaa—ulp!” his hoof came down on a smooth patch of stone and he slipped. He went sliding down until he collided with the striped hindquarters of Zecora. “Hmf!” Pipsqueak waited for his eyes to stop spinning before he got back to his hooves. “Sorry Miss Zecora.”

“It is quite all right, no harm was done.” The zebra guide smiled kindly. “It will take more than that to hurt me, little one.”

Dinky and Alula had run over to quickly join them. “You okay Pippy?” Dinky asked. Pip nodded, earning a grunted ‘Dummy’ from Alula. Satisfied that everything was normal there, the little unicorn turned to Zecora. “How long until we find Rainbow Dash?”

“It is not much further my friend,” Zecora smiled encouragingly. “Your lonely trek is nearly at an end.”

Alula walked over. “How d’you know?”

“The nose knows.” The zebra noted, tilting her snout up demonstratively.

The foals all took a deep sniff and promptly started coughing as the smell of ponies who hadn’t bathed in a week filled their nostrils. “Ugh…Pip smells!” Alula complained plaintively, waving a hoof in front of her face.

“Nuh-uh, you stink worse!” Pipsqueak shot back, holding his nose. “You need to wash under your wings!”

The pegasus glared at him. “What are you, my mom?”

“I never wanted to take a bath so baaad.” Dinky whined.

Zecora rolled her eyes. “Aside from stains and sweat, stretch your senses further and you will not have regrets.”

Hesitantly, Dinky took another sniff. “Hey…I smell fresh air!”

“That must mean there’s a way out!” Alula cheered, buzzing her wings excitedly. Just like that, all three of them were reinvigorated with energy and hope as the little ponies charged down the tunnel to the opening, to freedom.

Smiling, Zecora followed them at a more sedate pace. Not only had she smelled the fresh air, she had also sensed the sudden magic force created from the power of love and friendship. She knew who had created that and the thought of seeing them again brought a smile to her usually enigmatic face.

Twilight Sparkle and her friends fought to stay standing as the ground beneath them shook. “What in tarnation?” Applejack yelped as Rarity slid off her back, awakening in the snow with a start.

“Hmph! Of all the--Applejaaaaack!” Rarity shook her mane free of the snow. “I knew I should’ve expected such uncouthness!”

AJ ignored her, turning to Twilight. “S’it a stampede or what?”

Twilight shook her head. “I don’t think so!” She shouted above the noise of the ground cracking and her friends screaming. “This isn’t normal tectonic activity! We’re far removed from any plate boundaries or volcanoes or anything that could create such a seismic--”

“Save th’ oration!” Applejack snapped as she grabbed Twilight’s tail with her teeth and yanked her away from the black crystal as it started to shake fiercely, cracks beginning to form.

“Ooooooh IIIIIII sssssoooound silllllyyyyyy!” Pinkie warbled as she let the vibrations in the ground move her around. “Wheeeeeee!”

Just then, the large black crystal that had blocked them from their friends shattered and burst upwards, showering down bits of broken shards and forcing the ponies to flee to a safe distance.

“Duck!” Twilight called as she ran behind a snow mound, lowering her head and covering it with her forelegs.

“Oh no, where? We have to help that poor duck!” Fluttershy cried. Rarity rolled her eyes and with surprising firmness, yanked the two of them behind another snow bank. And just in time too, for it started raining broken slivers and pieces. Fortunately it lasted only a few seconds before subsiding.

Pinkie Pie poked her head up. “Holy moly! That’s a big hole-y!” She pointed to the empty spot where the fallen black crystal had once been, revealing a gaping hole in the ground.

“Everypony okay?” Fluttershy looked around. “Oh my...” Hovering above the hole was a large reddish-purple fiery heart, radiating warmth and light.

Rarity’s eyes grew three sizes. “Oh my goodness ... it’s beautiful!”

Ignoring the magical phenomenon for the moment, Twilight rushed out of cover and galloped over to the opening, fearing the worst. “Shining Armor! Rainbow Dash! Cadance!” She looked down. “Are you all right?!”

“Twiley?” A familiar voice warbled out of the dark, quickly illuminated by a unicorn’s horn.

A relieved smile crossed her face as she heard her brother’s nickname for her and saw her friends. “Shiny! Everypony okay?”

“We’re okay, but Rainbow Dash has been hurt.” Cadance called up. “Can you bring us up?”

Twilight nodded. “Right!” Her horn lit up and her magic surrounded Rainbow Dash, Shining Armor and Cadance. She slowly lifted them up out of hole and gently lowered them down to the ground. “W-what happened down there?” Twilight asked, panting slightly. Between her attempts to remove the crystal, the fight with the bushwoolies and her more recent efforts, she was feeling pretty drained.

Shining Armor draped his neck on top of hers. “It’s okay, we’re fine. But what happened to you?” He looked at Twilight’s companions, who all wore minor reminders from their skirmish with the bushwoolies. “Are you okay?”

“Just a little dust up.” Applejack assured him, taking the opportunity the clean some debries from her beloved stetson. “Twi held her own.”

Shining Armor let out a proud smile. “That’s my little sis,” he chuckled as Twilight’s cheeks pinkened.

After hugging her brother, grateful he was okay, Twilight trotted over to her other friends. “Rainbow Dash! I saw you get hurt and--”

“S’no big deal.” Rainbow insisted, smiling despite a slight twinge of pain coming from her back. “Cadance and Shining, uh, took care of it.” She silently willed her face not to blush, with little success.

Fluttershy hurried over to her. “Rainbow Dash! Oh please be okay!” She gently but firmly forced her way to her to her friend’s side to examine her. “You’re injured! I have some iodine and bandages in my saddle bags...”

Rainbow winced in anticipation of iodine, especially the though of it being applied to her more personal areas. “It’s fine Fluttershy, really! I feel perfectly, ow!” She yelped as Cadance gently prodded her.

“Now Rainbow, Fluttershy is just trying to help.” She chided her. “And I think it would be for the best if we properly treated your injuries while we have the chance.”

Before Dash could think of a proper protest a new voice interrupted. “If I may be so brash, I think I have just the remedies for our friend Rainbow Dash.”

There was only one equine Rainbow knew who spoke like that. She whirled her head around so fast she almost ended up giving herself whiplash. “Zecora?!”

Sure enough, the zebra shamaness was standing behind them as if she had been there all along. Shining Armor moved around until he stood protectively in front of Rainbow Dash, lowering his head so his horn was poised straight at the mysterious zebra. “Stay where you are!”

Rolling her eyes, Rainbow reached out and swatted him with her wing. “Chillax, Shiny-hiney, that’s Zecora, remember?”

After a moment Shining Armor seemed to relax. “...Right.” His eyes still narrowed suspiciously. “You disappeared after Nightmare Moon was defeated.” He said in a not quite accusing tone.

“There were other places I needed to be.” Zecora replied simply, as if that actually answered anything. “Things to attend, things to do, and much to see. Speaking of which, I found you some company.” She took a half-step aside.

A look of stunned surprise crossed Rainbow’s face as she beheld three little ponies—two fillies and a colt—standing beside Zecora, one of them very, very familiar. “Dinky?!”

The little filly’s eyes watered as she heard her name. This time it wasn’t a dream, wasn’t some stoopid heads trying to trick her…this was for real! “RAINBOW DASH!” Dinky zoomed over at Dash-like speeds and leaped up into a flying tackle-glomp into her godmother’s chest that knocked Rainbow Dash to the ground.

The stunned pegasus put up no resistance. She was so shocked that she could have just as easily been bowled over by a feather. “H-how, what did—” she tried to ask any one of a thousand questions she had for the filly, only to promptly realize that it didn’t matter. Explanations could come later. For now, she just held Dinky and hugged her tight.

Dinky trembled slightly in Rainbow’s embrace as she started a breathless recounting of what happened. “I wuz so scared 'cause there were wasn't anypony around an' I couldn't see anything an' it was just me an' Pip an' 'lula an' 'lula got hurt an' then Miss Zecora had to help us fight off these scary monsters an' I wanted Favorite 'cause I couldn't see Mommy an' I MISSED YOU SO MUUUUCH!” She bawled, hugging Rainbow Dash even tighter, threatening to cut off Dash’s circulation.

Rainbow returned it, unconsciously rocking Dinky. “I-I missed you too, Dinks. Don't worry ... you're safe now.” She vaguely heard some sniffling from Fluttershy but didn’t pay it any mind.

In a sobbing babble, Dinky mewled. “I missed you 'cause I love you so much an' I wanna go home!”

Instinctively stroking the scared filly’s mane, Dash started whispering soothing noises in her ear. “S-s'okay, Dinks, s'okay ... I'm here.” Dinky sobbed into her chest, the built-up tension and fear from the last few days overflowing and finally pouring out.

Concerns for image and coolness forgotten, Rainbow Dash continued to gently rock Dinky while Cadance walked over to gently stroke the poor filly’s back. “I muh, I muh, m-missed you all...” Dinky sniffled, beginning to calm down.

“I missed you too,” Dash hugged her tightly.

“We all did.” Fluttershy agreed as she went into nurturing mode, nuzzling Dinky. “Don't worry, everything’s going to be okay.”

Dinky nuzzled her back. “”Miss F-Fluttershy...?” Her eyes went wide and shimmered as she shot a hopeful look at her. “Did Mommy or Sparky come too?”

“O-oh dear.” Fluttershy lowered her ears. “Um, I'm sorry Dinky but it was too dangerous for them to come. But I'm sure they're getting everything ready for you back in Ponyville.”

The poor filly visibly seemed to deflate upon hearing that. “…a'kay.” She murmured, redoubling her hugging of Rainbow Dash. The moment was too much for Pinkie Pie as she burst into great, wracking sobs and tears flowed from her face like fountains.

Fluttershy felt heartbroken. “I'm sorry … please don't be sad. Your mom did ask me to bring something for when we found you.” She turned her head and began nosing around in her saddlebag. After a moment she succeeded in pulling out a familiar white blanket covered in cute animals.

Dinky’s eyes lit up. “FAVORITE!” she grabbed her accurately, if not originally, named comfort blanket and wrapped it around her. “Thanks Miss Fluttershy!” She reached out her hooves to give Fluttershy a hug.

“Y-you're very welcome, Dinky.” Fluttershy let her hug her and after a moment, Dinky returned her attention and hugs to Rainbow. For her part, Rainbow Dash held Dinky tightly while gently sniffling and tearing up herself.

The other foals had not been standing still after they—finally!—had found some adults from Ponyville. Despite not being that familiar with the adults present, Pipsqueak ran over to them, needing some comfort himself. He ended up running over to Applejack and began tightly hugging her right front leg.

Applejack took being held by a more-or-less unfamiliar colt in stride. “Easy, Sugarcube,” she stroked his head gently with her other front leg. “We're all here for ya.” She sat down and hugged him. “C'mon now, ya'll''re all right.”

Pip let out a sniff. “T-thank you, Miss Applejack.” He hugged her back tightly.

“Aw, hay son, ye're welcome.” Even though she didn’t admit it, Applejack needed this as much as Pipsqueak did. As glad as she was to see some of Ponyville’s foals safe and sound, she was still worried out of her mind for Apple Bloom.

Even Alula, who tried to radiate a tough-as-horseshoes attitude appropriate for a Kicker, was overjoyed to see some familiar faces. She let out a tiny sniff before rubbing her face roughly. “Toldja I'd get us outta here, Dummy.” She had the grace to remember to look to Zecora and amend her statement slightly. “We'd get us outta here.”

Fluttershy, spying Alula’s injured leg, sprang into action. “Oh my goodness!” She zoomed over and scooped up Alula, cooing at her. “Oh you poor thing!”

“WAAAUGH!” Alula yelped in surprise at the sudden grabbing. Having swallowed her panic, she immediately began trying to rebuild her tough warrior filly image. “...It's justa flesh wound.” She grumbled.

“Oh you poor baby!” Fluttershy’s nurturing instincts having been kicked into overdrive. “Don't worry, Fluttershy will make it all better! Mwah! Mwah! Mwah!” She started kissing Alula's hurt leg.

Alula squirmed. “Ach! Miss Fluttershy, 'm fine!” She tried vainly to wiggle free only to find that Fluttershy had a surprisingly iron grip.

Rainbow Dash finally felt Dinky calm down enough so she could start asking her what happened. “Dinky, how'd you get away?”

The little unicorn nodded to Zecora. “We had a lotta help from Miss Zecora! She showed us some RILLY neat things an' got us past a buncha scary monsters!”

“I got us past some too...” Alula pouted.

Rarity hesitantly approached Zecora, not afraid of the zebra, but of the news she was desperate to have yet still feared to hear. “ ...What of the rest? Please, was there any sign of my Sweetie Belle?”

Applejack, still holding Pip tightly, listened intently. But their answer came not in the form of a rhyme but in the gentle clinking of Zecora’s jewelry as she shook her head. Rarity seemed to collapse in on herself and Applejack just compensated by hugging Pip tighter.

“These three were very blessed,” Zecora intoned sadly. “They wandered away from the rest of this mess.”

“They were in these mine carts being pulled by zombie ponies!” Pip announced.

“Z-zombie ponies?” Applejack gulped as she broke out into a cold sweat.

“Oh Sweetie Belle!” Rarity swooned, only to be caught by Twilight’s magic.

“They have an army of the dead?!” Pinkie Pie gasped. “Quick, somepony get a chainsaw and put it on my hoof!”

“They're not zombie ponies.” Alula explained. “Just really slow and stuff.”

“Like Sparky onna Saturday, but not as grumbly.” Dinky offered.

“They were still scary!” Pip insisted. “But not as scary as the lake squid monster or the bushie things!

Zecora dipped her head. “Those would be the crystal ponies, still enchanted by the wicked king. Once Sombra is dethroned will freedom again ring.”

Applejack looked Pipsqueak over and swallowed heavily. “Oh mah stars, you ain't kiddin.”

The young colt nodded earnestly. “The dumb rat-things said they wanted to bake me inna stew and gobble me up! ... or maybe a quiche.” Unconsciously, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Applejack hugged Dinky, Alula and Pip tighter.

“That wuz scary...” Dinky shivered, clinging even tighter to Rainbow Dash.

Alula rolled her eyes, hiding her own nervous swallow. “Dummies wouldn't know how to cook a pony if they tried.”

Pinkie Pie was furious. “Trying to bake ponies into pastries? That's disgusting AND stupid! Who would ever even THINK of doing a thing like that?!” She demanded, snorting angrily.

“ ...Can we go home now?” Dinky asked, looking around at the adults.

Applejack shook her head sadly, hugging Pip a little closer. “Not yet, darlin'. There's still other ponies t' help.”

“You mean like Apple Bloom and all the other fillies and colts?” Pip asked.

Rarity nodded, walking over to Applejack and taking the opportunity to ruffle Pip’s mane. “Yes, dear. My ... our little sisters are still out there, in that filthy, dreary place.”

Fluttershy let out a scared little whimper, more afraid for the abducted foals than for her own safety. She also squeezed Alula a little tighter, prompting an indignant squawk from the squirming filly.

Rainbow gave Dinky a comforting rub. “Don't worry. I--I promised your mom you'd be back in time for Hearth's Warming Eve and that's what I'm gonna do. We're just going to kick the bad guy’s butt and then you'll be home in time for presents.”

That won a small smile from the little unicorn. “ ...I like presents.”

“When we get back, I'm going to get you anything you want.” Dash promised. “Anything at all.”

“I want Mommy, an' Sparky.” Dinky answered immediately. “An' you. An' Gramma an' Grampa.”

“You'll see them all. I promise.” Rainbow gave her another little squeezed before she looked over to Alula. “And Cloud Kicker and your parents and your Clan will be there too.”

Alula, by this point barely visible from Fluttershy’s embrace, managed to get out. “'Course they'll be.”

“And your folks too.” Dash added to Pipsqueak, who beamed. She looked around at her friends. “And we'll save everypony else too: Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, the foals, the Crystal Ponies, everypony.”

Princess Cadance nodded in agreement as she walked over to the fillies. “You must've been so scared.” She stroked Dinky’s back with one hoof as she leaned over to nuzzle Alula, still in Fluttershy’s grip.

“Kickers gotta be tough.” Alula tried saying with the grunting tone she heard some of her guardspony kin use, and fail adorably.

“Of course they are.” Cadance agreed soothingly, kissing Alula’s forehead and ignoring her grumbles.

Dinky relaxed, sighing. “...Yah-huh. But we got through it, an' we're okay now.”

“Uh-huh!” Pip nodded, still hugging Applejack.

“Well, you're just the bravest little fillies and colt I've ever seen.” Cadance smiled. “My name is Princess Mi Amore Cadenza but you can call me Cadance. And you must be Dinky Doo. Rainbow Dash has told me a lot about you.”

Dinky peeked up a bit. “...Rilly?”

“Really.” Cadance’s smile grew softer. “I used to foalsit for Rainbow Dash, just like she foalsits for you.”

“Whoooa...” Dinky tilted her head as she regarded the pink princess in awe. “Are you immoral? 'cuz you look RILLY young for that!”

Applejack let out a snerk as Rarity hid her amusement behind a polite cough.

Cadance felt cheek her cheeks grow even pinker, especially when she saw Shining Armor trying to hide his amusement. “Well, I’m just a regular old unicorn, I’m afraid.” She nuzzled Dinky.

“I wouldn’t say that.” Shining smiled fondly at his new fiancee.

“Definitely not.” Rainbow Dash agreed firmly. Twilight’s face lit up at seeing the tension and animosity between them gone. She was about to ask them just what had happened down there when Dinky interrupted them.

“It's a'kay!” She told Cadance. “'Cause if you foalsat for Rainbow Dash, it's only cause you're, like, almost as cool as she is!”

Cadance let out a most un-princessly squee. “Aww, that's so sweet!” She rubbed her nose against Dinky’s.”You're as cute as Rainbow Dash was when she was your size!”

“Rainbow Dash was as small as me?” Dinky gasped in amazement. “'Cause I know I'm kinda small.”

“Everypony was a tiny little cutie wootie at some time!” Cadance smiled. “Even Rainbow Dash!”

“...Cutie-wootie.” Applejack snerked in Rainbow’s direction. Rarity just tittered to herself, pretending to help Fluttershy with Alula. Rainbow Dash felt a massive blush engulf her face as she tried not meeting anypony’s eyes.

“So you've gotta be rilly good at foalsittin', huh?” Dinky pressed.

Cadance nodded. “Oh yes! I foalsat for Rainbow Dash, for Twilight Sparkle...”

“For her AN' Miss Twilight?” Dinky asked in amazement, giving her an experimental hug.

“Oh yes! They were the cutest little fillies ever!” Cadance proclaimed, rather loudly for Rainbow and Twilight’s liking. “Except for you and your friends, of course.”

“Caaaaadie...” Rainbow whined precociously as her friends giggled in the background.

Twilight facehoofed, groaning as Shining Armor chuckled at her blushing face. “Quiet you.”

The teasing smile on Shining’s face only grew. “Oh you better get used to it, Twilight. Cadance and I are going to have a lot of Twiley stories to tell, especially now that we’re engaged.” He grinned at his little sister.

“Look, I don’t care if you--” Twilight’s jaw dropped as his message sank in. “E-engaged? Y-you and Cadance are--you mean--you actually ponyed up and asked her?” She looked from Shining Armor to Cadance and back again.

Shining Armor quirked his brow, looking from Twilight to Rainbow Dash. “You told her?” He pouted a little at her.

Dash shrugged. “Hay, I couldn't be sure if you would ever actually work up the nerve to ask Cadance. Figured your sister at least deserved to know. No offense Shiny, but you can be a real dork sometimes.”

“What, you think I wouldn’t tell my own sister that I was getting married--to her old foalsitter no less?” Shining looked skeptical. “That’s the most ludicrous thing I ever heard.”

Rainbow Dash shrugged and didn’t reply. The ear-piercing squee from Twilight was more than enough of one. “You’re marrying Cadance! You’re marrying Cadance!” Twilight hopped around her brother gleefully before bouncing over to Cadance. “You’re marrying Shining! You’re marrying Shining!”

Fluttershy gasped. “How wonderful!” She fluttered off the ground happily.

Applejack tipped her hat to them. "Well, Ah'll be--congratulations you two!"

“A r-royal wedding?!” Rarity squealed, clutching her mane with both hooves. “Oh I must put together an ensemble worthy of attending such an event!”

“Wheee!” Pinkie cartwheeled by. “A wedding, a wedding! Oooh there’s gonna be a super fantasterrific party! With lots of cake and music and dancing and kissing!”

“Eeeww!” Alula made a face. “Gross!”

Twilight suddenly stopped mid-bounce, not noticing Pinkie Pie having joined her at some point. She walked over to Rainbow Dash and gently gave her a hug. “Hey. Are you okay?”

A weak smile crossed Rainbow’s face. “Yeah.” Somehow she managed to put everything she was feeling into that one word. She hugged her back. “It’s cool, Twilight. Thanks.”

“What happened down there?” Twilight asked. “I know you said you were fine and Shining Armor said you were fine but...”

“Look, Twi, it was nothing.” Rainbow Dash insisted. She shrugged. “We just talked about what was bothering us, we sorted it out, Shiny proposed to Cadance and then we banished an ancient evil that encouraged and fed on our anger and strife.”

“Oh well that’s--wait, what?!” Twilight goggled at her. Rainbow shrugged again as if to say, ‘eh, stuff happens.’ Which for them, tended to happen a lot, Twilight mused to herself. So perhaps she shouldn’t be so surprised by all this.

After a congratulatory hug, Dinky tapped Cadance’s leg. “You're rilly nice, but can I go back to Rainbow Dash now?”

Cadance smiled, not put off in the slightest. “Of course sweetie, you can go back to your godmom.” She instead reached over to cuddle Alula, who was now sandwiched between Fluttershy and Cadance.

Dinky thanked her and ran off to latch herself back onto Rainbow Dash. After a comparison hug, she nodded. "Yeah, you're a better hugger.” She told her godmother.

“Thanks, Dinky.” Dash hugged her back. “Everypony missed you.”

Rarity looked to Pipsqueak. “ ... Young colt, did you see another unicorn filly with you? One that looked a bit like me, perchance?”

“You mean, like a marshmallow?” He asked innocently.

The prim white unicorn twitched and forced a smile onto her face. “If you think the description fits.” She ground out between teeth clenched in a painfully wide smile.

Applejack chuckled. “Ah knew Ah liked this colt.”

“I think she was in another cart being pulled by the not-zombie ponies.” Pipsqueak answered. “The bushie-rat monster things said they were taking all the fillies and colts to the king.”

Rarity swayed, her eyes wide and brimming with tears. “Oh ... oh Sweetie Belle...”

Applejack reached out and put a comforting hoof on her shoulder. She swallowed before looking back to Pip. “An' one that looked like me? Didja see her?”

Pip shrunk down in Applejack’s embrace. “'M sorry...”

The farmpony hugged him a little closer. “Nuthin' to be sorry for, hun.”

He sniffled. “It was so scary, and all of my other friends are probably there: Snips and Snails, Featherweight and Rumble and Chowder and...” Pip started rambling, going on to list almost every filly and colt and Ponyville. Applejack and Rarity’s eyes grew wider as they heard more and more names. “...Ruby Pinch and Twist, Archer, Lickety Split and Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom ... even Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon!”

Applejack held him like he was her younger brother. “ ... Oh mah stars.”

Pipsqueak trembled slightly. “And there were a whole lotta other carts and a whole lotta kids and...” he latched onto Applejack, shivering slightly. “They wanted to do bad things. I just know.”

“Easy, hun, easy.” Applejack soothed, stroking his back and looking to Rarity. “They ain’t gettin’ you.” Rarity nodded and approached, hugging both Applejack and Pip, trembling slightly herself.

“I want my Mum and Dad. I wanna be home...” Pip murmured.

“I do too, darling.” Rarity said gently. “I want all of us to be home.”

Rainbow Dash looked from Dinky and the foals to her friends. “We'll get them back. We'll get them ALL back.”

“All of 'em?” Dinky asked in awe.

Dash nodded. “Every. Single. One.”

After a moment Dinky nodded and hugged her. “You can do it, Rainbow Dash. 'cause you're Rainbow Dash.” After a brief squeeze, Rainbow helped Dinky onto her back.

Applejack and Cadance followed suit, helping put Pipsqueak and Alula on them. “All right, that's three.” AJ noted. “What now?”

“Now?” Rainbow Dash echoed. “We get to the Crystal Empire and kick the throne out from under Sombra so fast his rump leaves a crater in the ground!” She reared up and whinnied, the still glowing fiery heart silhouetted behind her.

Clinging to her back, Dinky pumped a triumphant hoof in the air. “Yeah!”