• Published 9th Dec 2012
  • 10,500 Views, 1,125 Comments

Hot Heads, Cold Hearts and Nerves of Steel - Trinary

AU Dashverse: The Crystal Empire has returned and the foals of Equestria have gone missing!

  • ...

Chapter 29

It was Hearth’s Warming Eve in Ponyville, and the town had never known a bleaker one. The loss of the children had cast a pall over any attempted celebration of the holiday. It would be passed over in complete silence, save for the sobbing.

Here or there, ponies trudged through the snow. Some were Cloud Kicker and her ersatz pony militia, which included a despondent Sparkler and her mother, the heartbroken Derpy Doo. They had joined in the slim hope of finding Dinky or at the very least, feeling better by actively doing something. Right now, both seemed far out of reach.

The group patrolled past Town Hall just in time for a bright light from inside to blare out through the windows, blinding them. “What is that?” Somepony in back shouted. “Is it an attack?”

Sparkler raised a hoof to shield her eyes from the glare. “I think … they’re back?”

Derpy suddenly zoomed between them, knocking Cloud down as she grabbed Sparkler. “Who is it!? Are they there? Who's with them!?” She hopped up and down, unable to control her excitement.

Sparkler couldn’t help but bring her usual teenage snark and aplomb to the situation. “Mom, you have wings.”

Derpy stopped her shaking and looked to her sides, where her wings were twitching in excitement. “…Right.” With that, she zoomed over to Town Hall, crashing through the doors. Dust and wood chips went flying as the doors fell in on the bubbly pegasus. “Tell the Mayor I’m sorry about the doors!”

Inside, the party from the Crystal Empire blinked at the sudden entrance. “Derpy? That you?” Rainbow asked. “Wait, broken doors – of course it is.”

“Isn’t that your Mom, Dinky?” Pipsqueak asked, pointing at the rubble.

“Mommy?!” Dinky’s eyes lit up. “Mommy!

Beneath the rubble that used to be the doors, a gray ear twitched. “Dinky?” Hearing her daughter’s voice was enough. She blasted out of the debris and hurtled through the air until her outstretched hooves wrapped themselves around Dinky. Unable to stop, the two started rolling about on the floor as they waited for the momentum of Derpy’s charge to die down.

“WHOA!” Dinky yelled. “That was zoomy fast!”

Derpy lay on her back and held Dinky close, burying her face in Dinky’s mane. “My baby ... my baby ... oh my baby…”

From the doorway came another familiar face. “Derpy?” Cloud Kicker asked as she walked inside. “What was that abo—Dash? And … Alula?!” Then it was Cloud’s turn to charge in, albeit with more grace and precision than Ditzy had shown.

“Hiya Cloudy!” Alula jumped up and down, waving. Cloud sped over and began hugging and nuzzling her sister, trying to confirm that she was actually there.

“You okay?”

“M’fine.” Alula nodded. “We were inna cave and then we got lost, well, Dinky and Dummy got lost but I didn’t and I beat up a whole buncha monsters and…” she started happily babbling about her adventures as if she was retelling the events of a typical school day while Cloud just held her tight, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Sparkler slowly walked in, carefully stepping over the remnants of the door, “Mom, I know 'through the roof' is a turn of phrase, but—” she blinked trailing off when she saw Dinky and immediately galloped over to join the hug. Derpy began quietly sobbing as she held her daughters.

Dinky nuzzled her comfortingly. “I'm a'kay, Mommy, I'm here an' I'm home, an' Rainbow Dash an' her friends brought us ALL home!”

Rainbow fidgeted awkwardly as the room filled with the anxious parents of Ponyville, eagerly scooping up their missing children, overjoyed at their reunion. She saw Rarity and Sweetie Belle’s parents come over and embrace their two girls tightly … even the normally stoic Big Macintosh’s lip was trembling as he crushed Apple Bloom and Applejack to him, not noticing the slightly bluish tinge to their faces.

For a moment, Rainbow Dash was reminded that she was a new arrival to Ponyville. She didn’t have any family here. Hers was back in Cloudsdale. And with all these family reunions going on she stuck out like a crooked pinion. Even Pinkie Pie had the Cakes and Fluttershy had her animal friends to fuss over them. And Twilight had just been with her brother and her soon to be sister-in-law. But Rainbow Dash…

Sparkler, who was still holding her little sister tightly, looked up and caught sight of her. “Hey.” She nodded to Dash. “It’s okay. C’mere.”

With a deep breath, Rainbow trotted over, slowly resting a wing on Derpy’s back as she shed tears of relief. “Hey, s'okay. She's okay, Derpy.”

Derpy sniffled, hugging Rainbow tightly and nuzzling her. “Thank you. THANK you, thank you thank you th-thank you...” She sobbed quietly. “I thought I'd never see her again.”

“No. Way.” Rainbow held her. “I'd never let my friends down - especially when Dinky and the others were on the line.”

Dinky saw her mother crying and leaned over to hug her. “Why’re you crying? I'm here, Mommy … it's a'kay. I'm here.”

Derpy smiled through her tears and nuzzled Dinky back, her eyes still on Rainbow. “Thank you, thank you, THANK you ... thank you for taking the others to save them.” She bit her lip, fighting for composure. “Dinky ... she's ... Rainbow, I thought I'd lost my baby.” Derpy kissed her daughter’s forehead, and then turned to nuzzle Dash. “I knew you were an amazing godmother, but this ... thank you. Thank you.”

“Yeah!” Dinky wriggled free and gave Rainbow Dash a fierce tackle-hug. “You've been like my mommy 'cause you're always there for me an' you've loved me forEVER an' ever an' stuff as my godmommy even if you couldn’t be here in Ponyville but now you are an' I love you so, so, so, so, so, SO much! I love you, Rainbow Dash! I love you.”

Rainbow felt her lip tremble as a mushy, uncool emotion threatened to destroy her whole cool image … and for the life of her, she didn’t care. She wrapped Dinky up in a tight, tight hug that won a startled squeak out of the little filly. Rainbow was saved from having to formulate a further response by a new arrival stepping through the doorway and drawing all attention her way. “Princess Celestia!”

Everypony in the room quickly kneeled, cutting out their fond reunions with the appearance of their sovereign. The silence was broken by Dinky squirming in Rainbow’s grip and waving to her. “Hi Miss Princess! Rainbow an' her friends brought me home!”

Celestia smiled and walked over to the Doos and Rainbow Dash, gesturing for everypony to stand. “I am very glad to hear that.” She gave Dinky a gentle nuzzle. “Nothing makes me happier than knowing that all my little ponies are safe and sound.”

Dinky responded in her usual subdued manner by attaching herself to Princess Celestia’s face and giving her a combined glomp, nuzzle and dinky-sized kiss. Rainbow smiled at the sheer adorableness as she went over to nuzzle her mentor. “Princess…”

“Rainbow Dash.” Celestia returned the gesture, resting a wing across Rainbow’s back and laying her head on her student’s. “I’m so happy that you’re back and everypony is safe. But where are Princess Cadance and Shining Armor?”

“Oh, uh, right. Cadance wrote it all down for you in a note … I think Twilight has it. Nothing to worry about, everything’s fine.”

“I’m sure.” The Princess nuzzled her. “While I would like to talk to you more about your journey, it will have to wait. It is Hearth’s Warming Eve and now is the time to be with family. I suggest that you and your friends celebrate your good fortune together. But even without knowing everything that you and your friends have been through, know that I am so very proud of you.”

“Thank you.” Rainbow returned the nuzzle, just enjoying the Princess’ presence for a bit. After a moment she turned her head back to her friends. “Hey everypony! Who’s up for a Hearth’s Warming Eve celebration at my place!” Technically, her place was actually Derpy’s place, but Derpy was too busy hugging Dinky to register any objection. “Cider and hot chocolate all around!”

“And cupcakes!” Pinkie bounced up and down. “We need cupcakes!”

“Yaay!” Dinky cheered. “Can we have muffins? And cookies? And—”

Derpy made her way over and gently pried Dinky from the Princess’ face, nuzzling her daughter some more. “We can have absolutely anything you want, Muffin.”

“Whoa!” Dinky hugged her mother tight. “That sound rilly cool!”

“Yeah! Can we go too Rarity?” Sweetie squeaked adorably.

Apple Bloom waved her hoof. “Don’t ferget abou’ me!”

Rarity and Applejack looked at their families, then at each other. They smiled and looked to their younger sisters. “Absolutely.”

Scootaloo stood by awkwardly, scuffing her hoof against the floor. She wanted to go too, but didn’t want to be all pleading and stuff. That’d be lame. Besides, what if she was told no?

Rainbow Dash saw her self-declared number one fan looking down and regretted not having spent more time making sure she was okay too. Dinky was her god daughter of course, but she wasn’t the only foal in town who looked up to her. “Hey, Scoots, you wanna come too?”

“Do I?!” Scootaloo’s face lit up and her wings buzzed excitedly. Then she coughed and belatedly tried to recover her poise. “I mean, yeah sure. If you’re inviting me. I’ll just go and check with myparentsrightnowdon’tgoanywhere!” She zoomed off, presumably to find her parents and beg them for permission.

Rainbow smiled. “That kid is way too much like me.”

“I’ll say.” Rainbow turned to see Twilight walk up to her with a smile. “I don’t know if Equestria can handle two Rainbow Dashes.” Twilight mused teasingly.

Rainbow just shrugged with a grin. “Gotta leave a legacy of awesomeness behind for the next generation.”

“Oh, you’ve got that, don’t worry.” Twilight patted her shoulder. “After all this, there’ll probably be songs about you.”

“That sounds totally neat!” Pinkie exclaimed, sticking her head between the two of them. They hadn’t even noticed her approach, naturally. “Ooh, I got one!” She coughed and began to bounce around Rainbow, singing. “She's Rainbow Dash, and you bet she's gonna make a splash! She'll fly in and make the day all awesome and coool! And then she'll go over and pick up Dinky from schoool!”

Applejack rolled her eyes as she, Fluttershy and Rarity made their way over. “How about somethin’ more festive an’ less ego-riffc?”

“I’d like to sing some Hearth’s Warming Carols,” Fluttershy spoke up. “They’re so much fun.”

“That sounds like a wonderful idea.” Rarity agreed as Derpy, Sparkler, Cloud Kicker and even the Princess approached.

Rainbow rubbed the back of her neck. “Ah, what the hay. Allright…

Old friends, dear friends. Here where we ought to be. We’ll be together at Solstice.
Old friends, dear friends. Living in harmony. We’ll be together at Solstice.
Some things change with passing years. Let this feeling staaay.

Dash smiled at the ponies surrounding her. Old flight camp friends, her new best friends, the Princess, her expanded Doo family … all together on Hearth’s Warming Eve. She’d kept her promise and brought the kids back, and just in time too.

Old friends, new friends. Home with the family. We’ll be together at Solstice.
Snowflakes, sleigh bells. Bringing back memories. We’ll be together at Solstice.
Some things change with passing years. Let this feeling stay.
Old friends, new friends. Hoping we’ll always be...
Here with each other together on Solstice Daaay!

Everypony applauded and stomped their hooves in approval. After singing, Dinky hopped down from her mother’s back and and scampered over to Alula and Pipsqueak, still being embraced by their families. “Hey 'lula, Pippy! C'mon an' meet Miss Princess!”

“Whooooaaa ... the Princess!” Pipsqueak gaped as he made his way over.

Alula fidgeted in Cloud’s grip, throwing the Princess a salute as Cloud Kicker finally set her down and trotted over to her friends.

Celestia smiled. “Dinky, is it? And Pipsqueak and Alula, correct?”

“Yah-HUH!” Dinky chirped, nodding to her friends. “We got lost an' stuck an' it was SUPER-scary sometimes, but Rainbow an' her friends came t'save us! 'Lula an' Pip were both rilly brave!”

“I'm sure you all were,” Celestia smiled as she bent down to nuzzle Dinky, Pip and Alula in turn.

“Gosh....” Pip blushed, shyly tracing his hoof across the floor.

Alula flushed, but managed to keep her composure a little better, throwing a tiny salute to the Princess. “Hello, Highness.”

Celestia smiled, dipping her head in acknowledgement. “You're a Kicker, correct?”.

“Yes, Highness,” Alula answered in an odd combination of meek but disciplined.

“I thought as much,” Celestia mused. “You made it through none the worse for wear, I trust?”

Dinky nodded sagely to the Princess. “'Lula got kinda hurt protectin' me an' Pip, but she's a'kay now!” Rainbow Dash flinched, looking towards Cloud Kicker. Alula’s sister bit her lip and looked like she had to restrain herself from flying over to immediately check Alula for her injuries.

Alula chimed in. “Yes, Highness. I got hurt a little, but not bad or anything.”

“Yeah! 'lula's rilly tough--kinda bossy, but tough!” Pip added.

“Thanks, Du—Pip.” Alula managed to give him a small smile.

Dinky looked up at Celestia. “Hey Miss Princess? Thanks for sendin' Rainbow an' her friends t'help us.”

“Anything for my ponies,” Celestia cast her gaze in Dash’s direction, making sure that she heard. “I knew Rainbow Dash and her friends would not disappoint.”

Rainbow couldn’t repress the goofy grin her mentor’s praise sparked in her. She was about to join the Princess and the kids when she found herself surrounded by grateful parents and family members of the rescued foals: Cheerilee almost crushed Rainbow’s neck with her enthusiastic embrace, Carrot Top shook her hoof so much it nearly fell off and Filthy Rich gratefully promised her a lifetime discount at his Barnyard Bargains store. Rainbow had no idea how so much gratitude could hurt. Big Macintosh’s tearful, mammoth, full-bodied hug put her in more danger of dying than all the bushwoolies under Sombra’s command.

She had no sooner gotten free of her well wishers than she found herself the subject of somepony else’s attention. “Dash?”

Rainbow turned around to see Cloud Kicker. “CK?” Her ears wilted slightly. “I’m sorry Alula got hurt.”

“It's fine, Dash. More than fine.” Cloud assured her as she leaned in close. “You brought my sister back to me. Thank you.” Then she kissed her.

“Hmmpphh?” Rainbow eloquently blurted out.

Dinky spotted them first and called out a warning. “Ackpt! Watch out for cooties, Rainbow!”

Alula turned to look, her eyes widening. “Whoa!”

Princess Celestia raised a wing to her face and covered her mouth.

“Oooooooh!” Rarity grinned manically as she watched. Fluttershy whispered something into her ear, prompting a titter and a gossipy giggle back from Rarity.

“Think ya can let her come up fer air now?” Applejack drawled from her place with her family.

“You're right!” Pinkie gasped. “Cloud, that's too long! Rainbow's turning blue!”

“Rainbow's always blue.” Twilight rolled her eyes.

Cloud Kicker slowly broke the kiss with Rainbow Dash. “Thanks,” She gently said again.

Rainbow Dash, whose eyes were busy imitating Derpy’s, smiled weakly as she rubbed her reddened cheeks. “W-welcome…” It was then that she became aware of the looks and giggles of her friends, Rarity whispering to Fluttershy and looking pointedly at Rainbow’s wings … which were now fully spread. Fluttershy covered her mouth with a hoof, letting out a quiet giggle as Rainbow fought to push her wings back down.

“Whoooaaa...” Dinky noted as she saw Rainbow’s slightly derped eyes. “Nice one, Miss Cloud Kicker! You fixed her eyes!” She tilted her head in confusion. “But why're her wings all sproingy?

“Because of reasons,” Sparkler explained as she hugged her sister.

Alula just looked back and forth between Rainbow Dash and Cloud Kicker with a huge grin on her face. “Cool!”

Princess Celestia coughed delicately. “Yes, well, I'll leave you to your ... celebrations. Happy Hearth's Warming Eve to all.”

“A'kay!” Dinky waved at her. Then she wriggled out of Sparkler’s hooves and ran after Celestia as she headed to the door. “WAIT! Miss Princess!”

Celestia stopped and turned back. “Hmm? Yes?”

“I gotta rilly 'portant question for ya!” Dinky proclaimed grandly.

“Of course.” The Princess nodded. “Go ahead.”

“Why do ponies call ya 'Your Highness'?” Dinky tilted her head back so she could look up at her. “Izzit 'cause you're so tall?”

Celestia just chuckled as Dinky looked up at her expectantly. “I ... suppose it is at that.” She ruffled Dinky’s mane with a wing, winking to her. “You are very adorable, Dinky Doo.”

“Thanks Miss Princess!” Dinky smiled. “But I dunno why ponies keep callin' me a door-a-bell. I just knock wherever I go!”

Dinky’s mother and sister groaned and did a simultaneous facehoof. “Oh my gods…” Sparkler groaned.

Derpy shook her head. “Oh, Dinky…”

“Silly Dinky!” Pip giggled.

“Yeah, she’s so goofy.” Alula nodded in a rare moment of agreement.

Princess Celestia shook her head. “Nevermind. Go and enjoy the holiday with your family Dinky, with my blessings.”

“Ooh. Cool!” Dinky grinned. “Thanks again Miss Princess!” She reached up and hugged the Princess’ face, giving her a kiss on the cheek before happily hopping back to her mother.

The Princess blinked at the filly’s unabashed forwardness and her sudden exit. “You’re ... welcome.” She shook her head once and made good on her earlier farewell.

After she had left, Cloud Kicker went over to Rainbow and draped a wing over her back. “So ... let's go do some Hearth’s Warming celebrations.” She gave Rainbow a squeeze. “I wanna hear all about what happened. Were you awesome?”

Rainbow puffed her chest out slightly, eager to “Uh, of course? Duh!”

“So...” Cloud grinned. “Got any good stories?”

“Well, let's see,” Rainbow mused coyly as she picked up Dinky and plopped her on her back. “I think I could tell some awesome stories over some hot chocolate. Maybe even open Hearth's Warming presents early”

“YEAH!” Dinky cheered as she hugged Rainbow around the neck, quickly echoed by Pipsqueak and Alula as the group: Rainbow Dash, her friends, their families, the Doos, Cloud Kicker, Alula, Pipsqueak and.

“So, about that story...” Cloud prodded.

“Oh, you wanna hear about how I kicked Sombra in the face?” Rainbow tossed her mane. “Well it started like this … I first had to fight my way through five hundred bushwoolies. By myself. Blindfolded, and with three hooves tied behind my back.”

“Rainbow...” Twilight chastised with a groan.

“Okay, okay...” Dash relented. “TWO hooves behind my back.”

Every adult present groaned and facehooved.

& & &

Far from the warmth and togetherness of Rainbow Dash and her friends, a lone figure trudged through the snow of the Frozen North. Zecora sighed, her breath a cold puff quickly lost to the biting wind. She had made her way out of the Crystal Empire while the others had debated Sombra’s fate. A quick incantation rendered Zecora invisible to the senses of the bushwoolies who inhabited the surrounding wastes. However, most of them were busy gobbling down quiches to notice her anyway.

While she wished she could have stayed to assist them in that difficult task, she knew that they had to find the solution themselves and not grow too dependent on anypony--or zebra’s--advice. Beyond which, they probably would not have looked too kindly on what she had done. Zecora looked up to check that she still had her prize. There, dangling from the top of her trusty staff, hung the Alicorn Amulet.


Comments ( 64 )

Hopefully to be buried someplace safe........

Zecora you sly zebra you :trixieshiftright:....... We must have a sequel!
“But why're her wings all sproingy?"
“Because of reasons,” Sparkler explained as she hugged her sister.
^ Best line from the series in my opinion. Blows 'Mr. Sombrero' out of the water :rainbowdetermined2:

OH SHIT Zecora's gone bad.

Decent ending for the most part. The kiss here was as unnecesaary as the spanking in your last, but the resolution of the A and B plots was satisfying.

I felt the biggest detractors to my enjoyment of this story was the excessive levels to which the characterizations of the foals and Cloud Kicker were taken. Could have used some serious toning down and way less focus overall.

3589202 How do you know she's not just holding onto it to prevent other ponies from being able to find it? coughTrixiecough coughMagicDuelcough

Given Trinary's writing history, a sequel is all but certain. And will probably be just as awesome as this.

So what will you cover next? The Canterlot Wedding? Discord? You make the rewrites slightly darker than the source material. I wonder if you did, how you would make the Discord saga much darker.

3589382 you'd think if she was gonna do that she would have still had to sneak out? She could have simply told them what's she's doing if all she plans on doing is hiding it. Plus, personally, it would be interesting to see a character subtly go from ally to foe in the background and then appear much later in a very different light.

I'm not saying all that's gonna happen, but it would be very interesting.

You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this fic to be complete so I can read it. It quite literally felt like forever. :applecry:
Now that it has finally concluded I awaited the many joyous moments that are sure to come while reading the sequel to one of my all time favorite fics.
See you next time with my final thoughts. :ajsmug:

Since Cloud Kicker kissed Dash, does this count for fulfilling Fluttershy's dare from chapter 8?

Will there be more adventures? Against Discord maybe? or Changelings? Or Alicorn Rainbow!? :rainbowkiss: I pray for that last one :heart:

I hope for more.

3589440 Might I remind you that in this canon, it was established in the ending of the first story that she is working with a certain madpony with a blue box? And that she was here to help because of that pony?

It is entirely possible that he told her to be on the lookout for it, and that if she found it, she was not to let anypony wear it, including herself, and that he wants her to destroy it if at all possible. As for why they might hate her for doing it, it's entirely possible that Twilight might have wanted to try analyzing its magic, and we can imagine how disastrous that would have been.

I admit that my theory is mostly based on conjecture, but I would also like to point out that the same applies to your theory. I say that unless we actually see her wearing the Alicorn Amulet, it is too soon to assume that she intends to use its power for herself.

ooh ooh ooh i want the changelings next heh that'll be fun maybe expand a bit more on rainbows loneliness i was expecting her to quietly sneak off to mope before everypony proved her wrong be finding her and then thanking her.

Rainbow puffed her chest out slightly, eager to “Uh, of course? Duh!”

I'm eager to know what she was going to say...

But this was a great ending! I'm eagerly awaiting their next adventure!


... The point of hiding something isn't to tell people you're hiding it and hope they don't find it. Part of something staying hidden is no one knowing you have it period. And no, it wouldn't be interesting. As lenient as I am on cliches, that is one of the worst. Long before our modern fandoms, that was already done to death. "LE GASP, THE ALLY - HE IS ACTUALLY NOW A MADMAN!"

Until Tri says otherwise, I am quite happy taking this as it was written, and that Zecora is off to go lock that bitch up somewhere dark and safe. Besides, the girls probably would have called to have it destroyed or something - which, to a practical and fore-thinking mind like Zecora's shown, is pure folly. Might come a time where Equestria's not got its goddesses and rainbow superlasers to protect it, that having an Amulet-corrupted tyrant to defend it would be best. That's the kind of thing you make contingencies for!

All ends end well. Nice story

Old friends, dear friends. Here where we ought to be. We’ll be together at Solstice.
Old friends, dear friends. Living in harmony. We’ll be together at Solstice.
Some things change with passing years. Let this feeling staaay.

I remember that movie!

Ack! The kiss was...I'd rather not think about it. I personally prefer straight shipping. Now the kiss might have just been Cloud Kicker giving her gratitude and nothing else. I won't try and read into it any further. But the mare seriously needs to know her boundaries, sheesh.

Anyway, that prophecy mentioned before all but implies Discord will return. When he will return, I don't know. Wonder what you have planned for the next chapter. But I'm pretty sure it will be worth it.


According with Zecora, after Fear, will come Chaos.
I´m interested in their adventures in the meanwhile.

Please keep shipping out of this. It may raise arguments with some people and this is too good for that.

I'm almost starting to enjoy this alternate more than the canon show. The ripples of one small change continue to grow as the story unfolds in new fashion. Naturally, when I heard sequel, I could not get to it fast enough. You make a wonderful habit also of combining various episodes into single plots, cutting out the unnecessary chafe and amping up the stronger elements, and I applaud you for such.

And boy howdy, do you have a knack for taking the usual story and making things Darker and Edgier. Stealing the foals of Ponyville completely blindsided me, and I loved it. You give King Sombra not only a much needed and very menacing upgrade, but also instill a compelling backstory that I could very well believe. Particularly given the timeframe, his either seeding or nurturing the feelings that eventually turned Luna into a Nightmare. Plus having a menagerie army and some dark emotion amplifying crystals, as well as the Alicorn Amulet. You also do wonders to analyze the psychosis behind a mad tyrant trying to ascend to alicornhood. And as someone else pointed out, if Rainbow Dash of all ponies is calling you out on your ego, you know you have issues. His redemption was equally intense, given the sacrifice involved.

I could tell almost instantly there was some connection with Sombra's "only foal" and what was happening in the present, though finding out that Cadence of all ponies is a descendant? Wow.. I guess it makes more sense given that in this continuity she's a unicorn, as well as her ultimate upgrade into Crystal Princess of the Empire (which, as Twilight rightly points out, is largely name only). And it definitely wasn't an easy journey, going through the nightmares Sombra laid out to protect the Heart.

Even the side characters rule. Cloudkicker remains utterly hilarious. Even when she's just being referred to by thankfully still innocent foals or by more knowing friends. I can definitely get behind that ship. Alula, Pip and Dinky make for a cute trio of fillies in the absence of the customary CMC, whom were later found and rejoined them. I feel they may be a smidgen over-exposed but they do make for a good break in the darker main plot when time calls for it. And some of their adventures were adorable, particularly their brief upgrade to adulthood bodies and subsequent awkwardness. And Zecora is definitely growing into her role of mysterious guide and mentor.

The continued subplot of Rainbow's crush on Shining Armor, as well as the resolution with Cadence, was interesting. It definitely set the tone for a lot of the story's drama, secret keeping and general misunderstandings. Oh that dense lovesick idiot. Fitting they'd be the three separated from the main group by a rockslide and be forced to bare all.

Dialogue is top notch, storytelling is tight, characterization is dead on (if allowing for AU). You also do wonders to ensure the ponies work together, rather than simply alongside one another. Overall, brilliant work. I was gripped from start to finish. Can't wait for more, sounds like Discord is being planned, and am curious... given the finale of season three... is RD going to find herself with a horn in one of your coming stories? She's not exactly learning formally about magic or friendship, but she is providing a glue to bind other together and being a reasonably good leader to the others, as well as maturing and overcoming her own flaws. This is especially evidenced in the 'Spare Sombra or Not' Debate towards the end. Plus, from what I hear in semi-canonical sources, Cadence was originally a Pegasus before she became an Alicorn.


Yeah, the foals just kinda hogged the spotlight in the middle. I only read their parts in the case something important happened that mattered to what I actually wanted to read (about the main characters, naturally).

Yay Cloud KickerX Dashie shipping. It was implied earlier, and was done nicely at the end. I hope it comes up in later fics, and I can't wait to see what comes next. I hope it's changelings, and Discord a fic or two later. Since Dissy is a fun villain and with how you reimagine villains you'll make them epic.

“Why do ponies call ya 'Your Highness'?” Dinky tilted her head back so she could look up at her. “Izzit 'cause you're so tall?”

*Heart attack from Diabetus.*


Well, I finally had time to read this chapter, and I absolutely loved it. It was absolutely adorable, and I am very happy to see things moving forwards between Rainbow and Cloud because they are just too cute together.

I would also really like to see the next episode be more of a slice of life type deal to focus more on that budding relationship and the changes to Twilight's life if you are feeling up for it because you have been in adventure mode for a while so a change would be nice. There are a number of episodes you could draw on to some extent if you wanted to, although I think you would be better off forging your own path like you have been because you have been doing a fantastic job taking elements of the show and giving them your own very unique twist.

Cloud Kicker! What r u doing!? Cloud Kicker! Staph! This isn't your 'verse!

Cute ending.

Sneaky enchantress is so sneaky. I loved the story. It was a great ending, and i enjoyed the blend of silly and adorable.

Thanks for the great ride.

Great story. The only part I didn't like was when Celestia gave the excuse of not being able to come because of ponies panicking. You'd think they could have some politician cook up some reassuring words while two goddesses went and dealt with Sombra. A better excuse would have been an anti Celestia/Luna magic field around the castle so they had to send someone else. But other than that it was good.

Great ending! All nicely wrapped up, and it's lovely to see everypony home in time for Hearth's Warming.

I like how you're using Zecora in this story. She's obviously clued in to a lot more of what's going on than meets the eye. Looking forward to what happens with Discord!


Quite true. It seemed to me that things were pointing in that direction though, and I made my comment a long time before Rainbow Triumphant had been written and we found out about Dash's home life in this universe.

And it occurs to me that I haven't posted here since I'd finished the story. I loved it quite a bit, possibly even more than Rainbooms and Royalty. I eagerly await anything else done with the Dashverse.

It was a fun ride, but the story ends.

Great ending but it left me slightly... Confused... While rainows wings were sprung it doesn't necesarily mean that she acually had feelings for cloud kicker and so I don't know what to make of whether this AU depicts her as a filly fooler or not. And while she obviously had feelings for many colts that doesn't mean that she isn't... I don't know maybe I have just read 1... Or 50... Too many romance novels and fanfics. Other than that a neatly wrapped ending and I hope more is included in the dashverse. Anyway thanks for this amazing story!

Well I’ve read your other stories so this 1 review is pretty much for the entire Dash-verse (FiE gets its own review in a minute). But I will just start out by saying by giving you the brutally honest truth: everything in this storyline is quite simply a work of art.

You manage to make the stories mature and interesting, while keeping the core of MLP intact. It’s something that few writers can do without removing what makes these little ponies so special. It especially shows in this last chapter with Dash talking the bad guy into an act of atonement.

The fact you’re also willing to just break outside the box is also inspiring and shows why Dash is your main character.
No good roll for Spike? Gone!
Princess Cadence? BAM! Unicorn with a better back-story than canon and real depth instead of the perfect pink pretty princess.

So kudos to you!

Just to give you an idea though, I think it would be hilarious to see the Dashverse Twilight get sent to the FiM universe pre-Twilicorn and see just how jacked up it is in comparison. Or heck have her do it after Dash becomes an alicorn (if that’s where your going with this) to see what things would have been like had she been the leader. Would make for some interesting interaction. :twilightsheepish:


I'm praying for a combination of both.

Well, here I am at the end and what can I say that all of the other fans havent? You can create such awesome stories and situations for our blue mare, thank you. This has been and always wil be an awesome ride to sit through. Now, don't be a stranger, I hope to see you again!

Disregard my other comment. :twilightblush:

Another great story. I'll admit, Pinkie is... starting to grate. Sorry. *Ducks head* But I loved the foals, I loved Dash. I loved what you did with Sombra. Maybe it's me and my black/white mentality, but I didn't see much of a conflict with it being him or the foals. Even before the Amulet he was a jerkass. Anyway, onto the next!

5617594 I would tell you the answer to that question but that would be telling.


The end. After RD wonders about Zecora´s whereabouts.

That was great story :pinkiesmile: I thought you did well with the characterizations :twilightsmile: I do believe you did spend way to much on the foals that I almost died of diebetes but in the end I didn't think it distracted for plot, well maybe little. :twilightblush: Still well done though :twilightsmile: Also so that kissed at the end by CK did that count as winning the bet she had with Fluttershy :rainbowlaugh: Also does that mean we might see those two getting together :trixieshiftright: I mean after all I don't many pairings of those two so I would think it would be interesting :trollestia: Well done and I look forward to reading the sequel :twilightsmile:

Question! Why doesn't the Dashverse have it's own group yet?

E: Both alternates, both originals, and Blossom.

Did you really have to ask?

Of course, why didn't I consider that option.:derpytongue2:
So which would you like to see? Lol. Or it the same as Cloudy's?

I'm a sucker for a more sensitive Rainbow. I like to think that underneath that tough exterior she's a big softie.

Me too.:twilightsmile::rainbowkiss::yay::heart:
Especially when I first saw her on 'Just For Sidekicks'.

Btw, I think you might enjoy this fic - Two Hearts, Fall Apart. Unless you already read it. This is where I got the ideas for alt. Dash and Shy from.


Oh, I know. Timberwolves are a real animal too. I was just commenting on the use of the pun. :scootangel:

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