• Published 9th Dec 2012
  • 10,497 Views, 1,125 Comments

Hot Heads, Cold Hearts and Nerves of Steel - Trinary

AU Dashverse: The Crystal Empire has returned and the foals of Equestria have gone missing!

  • ...

Chapter 3

& & &

Rainbow Dash had no sooner stepped outside of Town Hall before she was besieged by a multitude of ponies who were asking, pleading, and demanding to know what the Princess had told her, and how they were going to get their foals back. She tried to explain that they were going to go rescue them, but she couldn’t even make herself heard over the din. Finally she zoomed up over the crowd and flew off, leaving Celestia’s poor guards to contain and calm the crowd.

Sighing in relief, Rainbow landed in front of Ditzy’s house. She opened the door only to find herself face to face with Ditzy Doo and Cloud Kicker; the latter of whom was wearing her dusty guard’s armor and was strapping on her wing-blades with Ditzy’s help. They paused when they saw her walk through the door.

“Rainbow Dash!” Ditzy rushed over. “Did the Princess tell you where Dinky is? When are you going? Just give me a minute, I’ve already packed!” Her rapid-fire barrage of statements threatened to bowl the cyan pegasus over as she scrambled to respond.

“I—you, huh?”

Cloud Kicker rolled her eyes. “Eloquent as ever, RD. Look, we know you’re the Princess’ go-to mare for this sort of thing. And we want in.” She looked determined.

“You guys want to come too?” Rainbow groaned.

Kicker nodded. “If you mess with our foals, you mess with all of us.” She pawed at the floor. “And not just us! They took Carrot Top’s little sister and she wants in. They also took Twist and you know how much Bon-Bon loves that filly. And where Bon-Bon goes, Lyra goes too. Berry Punch is already liquored up and ready to go after whoever took Ruby Pinch and Cheerilee wants to make sure her sister doesn’t get in over her head. I’m sure Big Macintosh will want in too, and...” She spoke faster and faster, as if hoping that the more she got in the less likely Rainbow would say what she knew she was going to say.

“You’re not going. None of you are.” Dash shook her head.

Cloud narrowed her eyes as Ditzy’s wings opened in surprise. “Rainbow Dash, they took Dinky! That’s my muffin out there and if you think for a second that I’m just going to...to sit here and do nothing, then you don’t know me!”

“It’s because I know you so well that I know you’ll stay.” Dash replied gently. “Sparkler’s due to come back from Canterlot tonight. Do you really want her to arrive only to find out that both you and Dinky--her whole family--is just gone? She’s going to need you.” The gray pegasus shook her head, trying to deny what Rainbow was saying, only for her to press on. “Ditzy, you’re really awesome but this is going to be a really tough journey. If anything happened to you, what would I tell Dinky?”

Ditzy swayed on her hooves, numbly falling back on her rump. She sniffled miserably.

Dash sighed as she kneeled down next to her. “Ditz … I’m sorry. But the best place for you will be here with Sparkler. Okay?”

Ditzy’s tearfully swept Rainbow Dash up in a hug, burying her face in Rainbow’s neck. “Y-you better bring Dinky and yourself back safe and sound. If something happened to either of you...I-I swear I’ll--I’ll spank your rump ‘til its red!” she sobbed. Smiling, the rainbow-maned pony hugged her back.

“I promise.” She just held Ditzy for a moment before climbing back to her hooves. Ditzy left to pack a few things for Rainbow, excusing herself from the room.

Once she was gone, Rainbow Dash turned to the still armed and armored Cloud Kicker. “CK, you're in charge of Ponyville while I'm gone.” She paused then sheepishly rubbed the back of her head. “A heh. Not, that I'm, ya know, technically in charge or anything but...yeah.”

Cloud Kicker snorted dismissively. “Horsefeathers. That's make-work to keep me busy, and you know it.”

“CK...come on,” The blue pony implored. “Celestia herself isn't sure if the foalnapping was a trick to lure her away or not. That means that there could be another attack coming. And if we're off chasing down whatever took Dinky and Alula, who else is gonna keep Ponyville safe?”

There were several seconds of frustrated silence from Cloud Kicker as she wrestled with Rainbow’s logic--Rainbow Dash being logical, there was a scary thought--before she weakly protested, “But ... I could help.”

Dash nodded. “Yeah...I know.” She walked beside Cloud Kicker and draped a wing over her back. “But you could help even more here.” She winked. “I mean, between me, Shining Armor, Twilight and Applejack, I think we're all set for badflank heroic types. Can't have too much awesomeness in one place you know.”

Cloud Kicker gave a weak snort of laughter. “You would think about it that way.”

"You know it," Rainbow winked. "If we run into anything dangerous I’ll just have to love and tolerate them.” She made a quick jab with her front hooves. “Meet love,” she held out her right hoof “and tolerate!” she gently punched CK’s shoulder with her left.

The two shared a brief chuckle. There was a friendly silence for a bit before Cloud Kicker suddenly glomped her friend. “Hey, you come back in one piece, okay?”

The cyan pegasus grunted in surprise before shooting Cloud Kicker her best, most confident smirk. “Hey...it's me!”

Cloud rolled her eyes. Rainbow didn’t notice Ditzy's return until she hefted her saddlebags over onto her back. Dash turned around just in time to have her old friend embrace her again. “I-I thought I’d pack you some supplies.” Ditzy’s voice was quivering. “I hope it’s enough for your big journey…dress warmly a-and be sure to get plenty to eat and…and…”

“I’ll be fine.” Rainbow hugged her back. “Don’t worry. We’ll be back with Dinky and the foals by Hearth’s Warming Eve.”

The gray pegasus shook as she gave her friend one last nuzzle. “O-okay, Rainbow Dash. I trust you.”

Rainbow smiled, but couldn’t help suddenly feeling ten pounds heavier than she had a moment ago.

& & &

Having marshaled their forces and supplies, Rainbow Dash was ready to tear out of Ponyville to save the missing foals and deck Sombra in the snoz. However she was forced to wait for their transportation to arrive. As the others stood at the Ponyville train station—the subject of no few stares from the curious populace, eager to see the heroes set off—Dash was tapping her hoof impatiently against the ground.

“You know, when I imagined us setting off on a mission to save Equestria...I didn't think it would be us waiting to catch a train,” she groused.

Pinkie Pie bounced and flounced around her, putting a hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder. “Silly Dashie, we’re riding a train, not catching one! Catching a train would be painful... and messy.” She made a face. “Besides we’d need like a big, big, biiiiig rope to catch it! Hey Applejack, do you have any rope?”

The farmpony chuckled as she dipped her head into her saddle bag. “Sure as shootin’ do! Got mah best lasso all wound and ready for whatever varmints nabbed Apple Bloom and the others.” Her face took on a look of grim determination; her eyes set as she tugged the brim of her hat down. “They better not have so much as put a single hair in her mane out of place, or so help me Celestia…”

Twilight reached out a hoof and put it on Applejack’s withers. “I’m sure they’re okay…King Sombra wouldn’t have gone through all the trouble of sneaking them out of their homes if he just wanted to hurt them. He could’ve done that here, but he didn’t. That means he wants them in the Crystal Empire.”

“I sure hope so.” Applejack let out a shuddering breath, somewhat soothed by her friend’s steady logic. “…thanks Twi.” She added gratefully.

Rainbow, agitated as ever, looked impatiently down the track for any sign of their train. “Come on! Grah, that’s it! If that train isn’t here soon, I say we walk!”

Rarity nickered. “Oh come now, Rainbow Dash. Surely you aren’t suggesting that we WALK all the way to the frozen north? It’s much better to wait a little while for a train that can get us there sooner, and indeed, more comfortably than journeying on hoof.”

“Anything’s better than standing here doing nothing!” snapped the irritated pegasus. “We gotta get moving—and I think finding your sister is a little more important than your comfort!”

Rarity scowled. “Do NOT cast aspersions on my love for my little sister! There is nothing I wouldn’t face, no danger, no discomfort or even—” she shuddered. “…mess—if it meant bringing Sweetie Belle back safely. But the train is the fastest,” she stressed, “way to get to the north, which I think is something you of all ponies should appreciate. And if it happens to be more comfortable than slogging through Equestria on hoof, then I for one am not going to complain.”

Cadence took a step forward. “Girls, please…I know you’re all tense and worried about your loved ones. But this is going to be a long journey. The only way we’ll save them and stop Sombra will be if we work together.”

Pinkie Pie just smiled. “Yeah! This trip isn’t going to be any fun if we’re all frowny, grumpy mcgrump pants at each other.”

“Fun? Pinkie, how can you be smiling at a time like this?” Rainbow asked incredulously.

“Easy!” Pinkie winked at her as she cleared her throat. This could only mean one thing...

Even when trouble’s knocking at my door,
You can always find a smile on my face!
And just when the thunder storm begins to pour
You can always find a smile on my face!

Rainbow facehooved. She had to ask... “Pinkie...” But there was no stopping her. She was on a roll!

Ready for adventure, always on the go
I’ll be there to help against the meanest foe
Don’t have to be afraid ‘cause I always know
That things will turn out right!

The pink pony suddenly turned around and popped in between Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, hugging them both tightly.

Even when I’m last, in a race
You’ll always find a smile, always find a smile,
always find a smile on my face!
Smile! Smiiile! Smiling! Smiiiiling!

She appeared standing atop of a surprised Shining Armor, grabbing his horn for support.

Even when I’m surrounded and there’s trouble ahead
You can always find a smile on my face!
I stare down my fears and be brave instead
That’s why you’ll find a smile on my face!

Ready for adventure, always on the go
I’ll be there to help against the meanest foe
Don’t have to be afraid ‘cause I always know
That things will turn out right

Hopping off the confused unicorn, Pinkie did a somersault that took her back to the ground. She landed on her hindlegs, spreading her hooves widely as she came to the big finish.

Even when I’m last, in a race
You’ll always find a smile, always find a smile,
always find a smile on my face
Smile! Smiile!

Somepony’s gonna help, some things will turn out fine,
That’s why you’ll always find a smile on my face!

As if perfectly timed to coincide with the end of Pinkie’s little number, the train pulled into the station. “Yay the train’s here!” She bounced up and down.

Shining Armor blinked. “How did she…?”

“Don’t.” Rainbow warned him, shaking her head. “Just…don’t.” She sighed. This was going to be a long trip.
