• Published 26th Feb 2013
  • 9,060 Views, 94 Comments

Here Comes Havoc - elamentalwarrior

"A human name Riles is turned into a Draconequess, and is transprted to Equestria, and wants to make friends."

  • ...

Bugs and Dinner

My little pony Friendship Is Magic is property of Hasbro

Brutal Legend is Property of Double Fine

Here Comes Havoc

Bugs and Dinner


3rd POV [Connor and Trixie]

Running back into town Connor was carrying Trixie in his arms ,she was still unconscious from the summoning spell and most of the ponies were inside their houses agian. Thankfully Twilight and Applejack were outside looking around ,he ran to them but took a few seconds to catch his breath.

"Hey Connor whats going on and why are ya carryin Trixie?" Applejack asked looking at Trixie.

Connor's heart was still racein but was finally able to breath. "There was a performance at the park and Trixie was wanting a chalange from the audience so Havoc accepted ,then after a few minites Trixie summond some kind of giant bug monster."

"Connor thats impossible no pony magic can have that much power for a summoning." Twilight said.

Applejack looked at him sternly but knew he was telling the truth. "Hes tellin the truth Twilight."

Twilight was about to say somethin but Rainbow Dash flew down to them. "Guys! Theres some kind of giant bug monster chaseing Havoc Its huge with giant claws ,sharp teeth ,and it has one eye!" she yelled and saw Trixie. "And what is she doing back here?"

"Its a long story sugercube but first we need to get Trixie to a hospital." Applejack said and Twi and Dash nodded

"I'll send Princess Celestia a letter quickly" Twilight said running back to her home.

Applejack was leading Connor to a hospital whyle Rainbow Dash followed.


Ten minites later...

Makeing it inside the hospital Nurse Redheart rushed over to Connor and asked him to check Trixie for any serious injuries ,Conner placed Trixie down on a strecher that the other nurses brought and carried her to the Emergency Room.

As the doors swung Closed Connor looked on hopeing Trixie was okay ,until a orange hoof was waveing in front of him.

"Uh hello anypony home? Souldn't you be helping Havoc right now?" Applejack asked snaping Connor from his trance.

"Uh right be back soon." Connor rushed out and looked around to find a place to change ,seeing a bush he jumped in and changed into a gray pegasus with a blue mane and tail and his cutie mark was a Coka-Cola bottle. Jumping out and zipping into the sky he was now following the trail of damage done by the insectiocon if he finds the insectiocon he would find Havoc.


3rd POV [Celestia and Luna]

The sisters were out side sipping tea and talking about other royal duties until a letter appeard ,Celestia lifted it up and began to read it.

Dear Princess Celestia.

A new form of moster has been summond by The Great and powerful Trixe and is now chaseing Havoc and he may need help please hurry.

Your fathfull student Twilight Sparkle.

"Strange." Was all Celestia could say.

"What is it sister?" Luna asked.

"Havoc may need our help." Celestia said as she and her sister got their wings ready and took flight.

"Tia over there" Luna said ponting at Havoc and a giant beetle from far away they were flying into a volcano.

"Hurry Luna we have no time to lose" They picked up the pace and hopeing that Havoc would be alright.


Havoc's POV

Lung burning ,Legs aching ,Heart pounding ,Life on the line!

I have been running and running for a long time now and the insecticon was still hot on my tail ,I was now in the Everfree Forest hopeing to lose it. All hope was lost for that idea as the insecticon just tore through the trees like paper and was trying to slice me in half with it's giant claws ,all of the other monsters just watched us never daring to face of with the giant bot beetle.

As I ran I saw a mountan top and flew up to it so I can have some distance ,but the insecticon transformed into his beetle form and continued chaseing me. Makeing it to the top of the mountan it was actullay the volcano place where the dragon migration took place. Thankfuly there were no dragons I don't need any more problems on my mishapend hands. (Come to think of it where did Fluttershy go when she ran out?)

Now in the middle of the volcano the insecticon transformed back into his robot form. "Ha ha ha your resistance is useless organic creature you will be destroyed ,and with this new world will make a fine addition to Lord Megatron's conquest."

A shiver went down my spine and my heart skipped a beat. If this insecticon gets back to the TFP world it will tell Megatron about this world and He might want to conquer it. Theres only one thing to do ,take this bug down.

"Sorry bug but that will nver happen." I pulled out a water balloon and threw it in his face and green paint splashed over his face. It was now trying to wipe it away then I got an idea 'CLICKING' my fingers a relic pod appeard ,smileing I hid behind a rock and waited.


3rd POV [Insecticon]

Wipeing away the paint the insecticon was looking around trying to find that creature ,then it saw a relic pod sitting on the ground it scrached it's head figureingout why theres a relicpod in this world. Putting that question aside it walked up to the pod and opend it. "If this is a relic Lord Megatron will be pleased with my success." the insecticon said.

Getting the lid off and looking inside a red flash hit its face and the insecticon went sky words and hit the ground hard.


Havoc's POV

I can't believed that over sized beetle fell for that trick ,that relic I made had a giant boxing glove punch the insecticon (you can't beat the classics.)I was laughing so hard that I lost focus It got up and roard so loud the ground shook it was furious.

"Oh boy" was all I could say as the insecticon was now running on all fours at me now trying to think "C'mon c'mon." shuting my eyes and concentrating I just need to get far away so I don't get squashed.

My body went light then I heard a crash behind me ,opening my eyes and turning around the insecticon crashed into a rocky wall and fell to the ground. Then I noticed a pair of hooves around me I turned around to find a grey peaguses with the same hair style as Connor's

"Uh thank's for saveing me." I said then he just gave me a look.

"Havoc its me Connor." He said putting me back on the ground.

"What!? bu- Oh right changeling okay ,so hows Trixie doing?" I asked

"I don't know yet shes at the hospital now." Connor said looking down.

"Hey don't worry dude im sure she'll be okay these ponies know what their doing." I was about to say something else but the insectiocon was getting up and shaking its head. "Connor right now we need to take care of this thing first." I used my magic to make a pair of double barrel shotguns from Bioshock 2 ,both of them with all 3 upgrades (Tesla Shotguns.) "Here these might help you out." I gave him to Conner and he smiled.

"Oh Sweet man." He changed back into his human form and took them aiming at the insecticon. "Lets get'em!"

I coulden't help but agree ,turning human agian only in a Gears of War outfit only without a helmit and with a leafblower from Dead Riseing 2 only it shoots Hailmaries (Blasting Touchdown.) My own combo weapon Idea. "With pleasure."

{YouTube Blue Stahli Scrape}

The insecticon roared agian and ran at us ,Connor was jumping on rocks whyle shooting at the same time. I was at a far distance aiming for a soft spot ,I fired a football granade at the base of its neck and it exploded on impact. The insecticon just craked its neck and laughed I fired agian and another one flew into its mouth and exploded.

The insecticon looked like it was chokeing now and coughing up smoke it was grabing its chest trying to stop chokeing. Connor rushed to the highest mountan top and show several rounds and its face. One round hit its eyepanle craking it the insecticon sreamed in pain and coverd its eye panel.

"YEAH YEAH YEAH! Eat that ya Cyclops!" He yelled giving the insecticon the bird. "Deph perception pal look into it!"

"Ha ha ha nice shot Dude!" I yelled at Connor giving him the thumbs up. I quickly discarded my weapon and used my magic to create a Tesla Ball also from Dead Riseing 2 only with dynomite and gas "I think its time to finish this." I ran up to the insecticon and as it uncoverd its face it roard agian I threw the Tesla Ball in its mouth and the insecticon swallowed it.

"This should be interesting." Connor said as he ran back to my side the insecticon was being electrocuted we could see the electricity surgeing through its armor.

"Okay we may need to run." I said as we started running from it ,as we got far away the Tesla Ball exploded and it made fire blow out of the insecticon's mouth ,it fell to the ground and its eye panel shut down. "If Optimus Prime could see this now"

"Peice of cake that over grown roach didn't see it comein." Connor ran up to the Insecticon to get a closer look at it.

"Hey waitup!" I yelled running after him ,Getting a closer look as well it was alot like the ones on the show it had all the features that the insecticons had. "If this Insecticon would of strayed from the path of destruction we would not be burying it today.

"Reall are you serious how are we gona bury this thing? its huge!" Connor said

"Relax it'll be easy we just need some construction vehicles and location for it." I said

"Fine but this was your idea not mine." Connor said putting his guns in his pockets. "Oh and thanks for the guns."

"No problem what are friends fo-" the ground begain to shake and a shadow appeard over us we turned around to se the insecticon getting back up. "No wounder the Autobots have trouble takeing down these things there relintless."

Connor was about to draw out his guns but was flicked away by a giant finger ,he was scent flying in the air all the way back to the ground.

"CONNOR!" I yelled and glared at the insecticon. "Hey-" It grabbed me and threw me into the ground. I tried to move but I was stuck in a small me-sized crater.

"Pathetic creature now you will face the full fury of an insecticon warrior." It rased its claws up at me and roard.

But before it could finish me off the insectiocon was hit with a yellow beam and blue beam of magic sending it flying back in the wall it crashed in.(That could only mean one thing) Looking up I saw the Princesses flyin down to me.

"Havoc are you alright?" Luna asked worried about me.

"Yeah im alright just brused" I said as she helped me helped me out.

"HOW DARE THO HURT OUR NEW FRIEND!" Luna said useing her royal canterlot voice at the insectiocon as it got back up and roard. I don't like where this is going.

"Uh Luna thats not such a good idea that bug is powerful and will not show mercy." I said trying to calm her down

"Havoc we know what happend but right now we must deal with this thing." Celestia said fireing a beam of magic but didn't do any good.

The insectiocon ran on all fours at us ,the sisters tried as they might but the insectiocon just ignored the magic attacks as it jumped in an attempting to tackle us ,panicking I fired some random magic at the insectiocon then everythin went white.

"Im dead im dead ain't I?" I said covering my eyes and laying on the ground. "Luna im so sorry."

"Um... Havoc your not dead." Luna said as I uncoverd and opened my eyes. She looked like she was trying not to laugh.

"Whats so funny wheres the insectiocon?" I asked she just pointed at my chest and I was dumfoled at what I saw ,The insectiocon was seven inches tall and looked like it was made out of plastic ,I just made this dangerous bug into a toy bug.

It was still trying to claw my armor but it didn't even scratch the surface I just laughed and picked the insectiocon. "You will pay for this in the name of Megatron I will destroy you!" It got its blaster ready and fired at my nose ,the lazers didn't even hurt me and I just smiled. pulling a jar out of my pocket and placeing the insectiocon inside watching it pound on the glass

"Transformers Prime action figures ,Collect the whloe set." I said as the Princesses just gave me a look ,I felt like an idiot now ,I put the jar down and started to apologise. "Luna ,Celestia im sorry I didn't want you or anypony else to get hurt so I had to-" my words were cut short as Luna slaped me across the face. now leavin a swolen red welt on my cheek.

"Thats is for sacring me like that!" Luna said as I rubbed my cheek scared that they may never want to talk me agian ,then Luna just jumped up and hugged me. "Don't ever do that agian please" I think my face just turned red ,I was able to settle down and hug Luna back.

"Cross my heart hope to fly stick a Cupcake in my eye." I said useing the Pinkie Promise Luna just giggled.

"Hey im dyein over here a little help please!" Connor yelled I got up and ran to him he didn't have any serious injuries just a scraped sholder and had several bruses from the impact and his tuxedo had several rips and tears.

"You'll be fine its just some scratches good thing your tux cushioned your fall." I said

"What oh no not my tux this is my favorate one!" Connor yelled looking at his tuxedo I just rolled my eyes.

"Relax im sure Rarity can fix it in no time." I helped him up and walked back to the Princesses. "Hey check this out." I picked up the jar and showed it to him.

"Ha looks like the big bug isn't so big now huh?" He tapped on the glass and the toy insecticon just hissed at him.

"And I know just the one to give this guy to." I gave the jar to Celestia ,she took the jar and eyed the toy insecticon curiously.

"I will take this back to the castle for study in the mean time thank you agian Havoc and Connor it looks like you two coming here are a blessing to Equestria." Celestia smiled as did Luna.

"So im guessing dinner will be tomorrow?" I asked ,Luna nodded

"Yes im glad to have you comeing back at the castle." Luna said excited to see me agian I felt the same way about her.

"Well don't worry I wouldn't miss it for the world." I said trying not to blush but failed.

"Well we must return im hopeing to see you agian tomorrow as well." Celestia said.

The Princesses said their good byes and flew off Connor just smirked and elbowed me.

"Oh ho ho getting lucky are we?" I blushed and steped away.

"Lets get to the hospital and make sure Trixie is Okay." I said trying to change the subject. Connor looked worried now as we walked back to Ponyville.

"I hope shes okay shes my favorite character." I just looked at him.

"Wait your a brony to?" I asked

"No im not I just like the bad guys." Connor said without looking at me

"That ... that explains a lot." I said we just countinued our journy to the Ponyville Hospital.


One Hour later...

We made it to the hospital and we saw Applejack and Rainbow Dash sittin in the waiting room Applejack waved at us but Rainbow Dash just gave me and Connor the stank eye.

"Hows Trixie doing?" I asked ,Applejack just shrugged

"I don't know shes been in there for whyle now." she said adjusting her hat.

"There is no need to worry she just had a case of magical back lash from the spell she did earlyer." Nurse Redheart came to us with a notepad. "Shes waking up now so you can go see her but hurry now visiting hours are almost over."

"Hey Connor how about you go and see her." I said as Connor nodded and followed Nurse Redheart.

"So howed the fight go with that monster?" Applejack asked.

"It puts the other monsters in the Everfree Forest to shame but we manged to take it down and I coulden't have done it without Connor and the Princesses ,and yes the Princesses were there." I said grabbing a nearby magazine.

"Well thats a relief sugercube." Applejack patted my back I looked at Rainbow Dash and she just glared at me so I hid my face be hind the magazine


3rd POV [Connor and Trixie] Meanwhyle

Connor followed Nurse Redheart to Trixies room hopeing shes okay.

"Shes right through this door." Nurse Redheart said as she opend it.

Trixie was still in bed and she was looking out the window until she noticed Connor. "Who are you?" she asked

"Uh hi im Connor I was the one who brought you here." Connor said

"What why?" Trixie just looked at him

"Its just that im a big fan of your show you may have needed help." Connor said rubing the back of his head and smileing

"Well uh im really flatterd." Trixie said blushing. "Speaking of what happend when I was out?"

"You summond a giant bug monster and it chased Havoc." Connor said.

"Really? Well he should of known better than to match the Great and Powe-OW! my head." Trixie grabed her head cause it was pounding so hard.

"Its time to leave now she needs her rest" Nurse Redheart came back with a tray of medicane and was giveing it to Trixie.

"Ok then I hope to see you agian Great and Powerful Trixie." Connor said heading for the door.

"I hope so to and you can just call me Trixie." She said.

"And you can call me Connor." He smiled and went out of the room.


Havoc's POV

So far the Magazine I was reading was boring as tartarous so instead me and Applejack just talked about stuff ,but Rainbow Dash was still silent I guess she still hasen't goten over me being a new sprit of chaos yet ,so I just walkes over and sat next to her.

"What do you want?" she asked not even looking at me.

"Rainbow Dash do you hate me becuse im a Draconequess?" I asked her and she just looked at me.

"What do you think." She was now glareing at me but I kept going.

"Look I maybe a new sprit of chaos but im not evil and I coulden't be evil if I wanted to ,I only want to be friends with everypony and use my powers for good." I looked her in the eyes and she just looked away. "When I was little I had no friends no family not even a good life I had nowhere to go ,and I never got to know my parents, I ve always wanted to make friends and protect them no mater what and I would never want to do any thing to hurt them."

Rainbow Dash looked like she was abput to cry now "Im sor.."


"Im sorry ive been such a jerk to you since you got here ,and all you did was help other ponies." She said I never thought she would get this emotinel.

"So what do ya say can we finally be friends?" I asked holding out my hand.

"I would like to." She said but instead of shaking my hand she jumped up and hugged me.

{Another girl dude you are getting lucky and its barly a week.} "Hey brian have heard you for a whyle how was your beauty sleep?" {'Yawn' it was good I just wanted to see how you were doin.} "Im doing fine me and Rainbow Dash just becam friends now." {Thats good to hear whos next Queen Chrysalis?} "Oh thats so funny I forgot to laugh." {Whatever you say dude.}

We stoped hugging as Connor came back from visiting Trixie. "So howd it go?" I asked.

"It went pretty good I think I might have a date tommarow." Connor said smileing.

"Well good for you Connor." Applejack said "Well I need to get back to the farm Applebloom is trying to help with the apple buckin." Applejack was walking out the door

"And I need to get back to weather control." Rainbow Dash was flying out with Applejack

"Bye guys see you next time." I waved them good bye.

"See ya Havoc I need to get my tux fixed pronto." Connor said as he walked back to Rarities shop it she'll probably get her couch and faint on it.

I made my way Back to Twilights house and when I went through the door ther were books everywhere except on the shelfs.

"What is this rearange every book day?" I asked

"Twilight's Looking for a book on big monster bugs and so far nothing." Spike said looking like he was about to passout. ,He already know of my human form if thats what your thinking.

"Ive got an idea watch this." I used my magic to make a Nook and Spike just looked at it. "Hey Twilight I ve got a new book for you!" I yelled then there was a purple flash ,Twilight was smileing now.

"Really where is it!?" Wow I didn't know she like books that much I showed her the Nook and she just looked at it. "Um what is this suppose to be."

"This is a Nook its like a notepaded book ,it can hold up to 10,000 books and yet dosen't need much space" I said and she just looked at me. "Here let me show you." Useing my magic to copy eveybook in the Library and transfering it to the nook and giveing it to Twilight. "There you go enjoy."

"Uh thanks?" she looked a the screen and afer a few minites of helping her she was amazed at what was now on there. "Wow Havoc this is amazing I'll never have to spend hours looking for a book to read ever agian thank you." Twilight smiled and so did Spike

"No problem now if you'll exscuse me in hittin the hay" I changed back to my Draconequess form and went to bed.


The Next Day...

Today was the day I get to have dinner with the Princesses so I made sure to take a shower ,brush my teeth ,and come my hair. I went over to Rarities to get my suit fortunately it was still in the same condition when she made it.

"Thanks Rarity I hope Connor hasen't been to much trouble." I said putting my suit back on.

"Oh nonsence darling hes been very helpful to me infact with his help I was able to get things done in half the time." Raity smiled as she showed me the clothes she was makeing ,there were a lot. as Connor kept cutting out fabric and didn't have time to talk.

"Happy to hear that Rarity don't worry about the suit I'll make sure nothing happens to it." I said walking back to the Library.

"You better or else I'll have to make you a new one!" She yelled ,a shiver went up my spine note to self keep the suit in perfect condiction for real.

Makeing it back to the a chariot arrived at the Libary with Twilight and Spike were waiting at the front door.

"Well this is it Havoc I hope it goes okay ,maybe I should send a letter." Twilight said getting worried.

"Relax Twi its just dinner ,not a world meeting." Spike said trying not to laugh.

"Im just hopeing we don't have another problem agian." I said as we all laughed.

I said my goodbyes to them and got on the chariot and flew off to canterlot.


One Hour Later...

Makeing it to the castle doors I was met with two unicorn royal guards who glared at me.

"HALT! state your bussness." The first guard said.

"Im here to see the Princesses." I said trying to keep a straight face.

"There are no meetings today so leave at once." The second guard said.

"But I was invited over for dinner by the Princesses." I said with a sad face.

"Leave now or else." The first one was getting his spear ready.

"Or else what?" I asked glareing back.

Before the First royal guard could say anything a white unicorn showed up in silver armor ,or in this case Shining Armor it was Captin Shining Armor Twilight's older brother.

"Whats going on here?" Shining Armor asked as he was looking at me.

"Sir this thing is refuseing to leave." The second guard said.

"Your a thing." I mutterd at the second guard which now made him angry.

"How dare you!" He yelled and charged for me but was stoped by Shining Armor's magic.

"I am Captin Shining Armor ,who are you and what is your bussness here?" Shining Armor asked.

"I am Havoc new sprit of chaos and im here to have dinner with the Princessess but these two won't let me." I awnserd, he just eyed me.

"Follow me please." Shining Armor said walking inside the castle as I followed.

Makeing back to the throne room Celestia and Luna were at the front of the throne with Princess Cadence.

"Your highness I have brought someone who wants to see you." Shining Armor said as Celestia and Luna smiled.

"Havoc you finally made it! This so wondrfull." Luna said then she looked at my suit.

"Miss Rarity wanted to make me a suit and woulden't take no for an awnser." I said saving her the trouble of asking ,Luna just giggled.

"Ant Luna was talking about I am Princess Mi Amore Cadenza but you can call me Cadence." She introduced herself.

"Its very nice to meet you Princess Mi Amore Cadenza but you can call me Cadence" I said bowing to her as she tried not to laugh Shining Armor just eyed me.

"Welcome back Havoc how was your week in Ponyville?" Celestia asked.

"It went well I made a lot of friends and learned to control my powers better." I said.

"Well thats good to hear now let head to the dinning room where we are more comfterble." Celestia said walking to the dinning room as we all followed.

As we sat down in our chairs I sat across from Luna ,Shining Armor sat next to Cadence ,and Celestia sat at the end next Luna and me I begain to thell them of what happend when I went to Ponyville about the town going into lockdown because of me when I first arrived ,meet in my new friend Connor (Leaving the part of him being a changeling so he dosen't get in trouble) ,an invasion of Diamond Dogs ,The school filed trip with the CMCs ,and the Insecticon being summond by The great and Powerful Trixie. Also I told them I learned that friend are relyable and can help you out when you truely need it.

"And thats how my week has been so far." I said smileing. Cadence just looked at me like I was stupid and I think I broke Shining Armor's brain.

"That must have been quit a week for you Havoc." Luna said.

"It was but it was a fun week." I said as me and her laughed.

Then the doors opend up showng the snobby prince himself Prince BlueBlood who walked in and gave me a disgusted look "Aunt Celestia what is this thing and why is it sitting at the table." He asked ,I feel offended now.

"BlueBlood this is our new friend Havoc and 'He' is our guest." Celestia said.

"What! How could you even let him set one hoove in your castle he is hideous!" BlueBlood yelled this guy reall is a jerk.

"Hey im right here you snobby prick." I said as BlueBlood gasped.

"How dare you insult me Captin throw him in the dungon." He said as Shining Armor just rolled his eyes. "Are you deph I said throw him in the dungon!" BlueBlood yelled.

"Did I also mention that im a new sprit of chaos? I could easly turn that pretty face of yours into an eggplant if I wanted to." I held my fingers in a snaping position and gave him and evil smile ,BlueBlood's eyes widen and he gulped.

"Well I must be going now hope to see you agian soon auntie." He quickly went out the door but stoped. "This isn't over you abomination!" He yelled this guy is such a douchebag.

I slowly looked at him and had my hand in a gun pose ponting right at him. "Bang." His uniform exploded and he was now in a clown costume ,showing him the true fool that he was.

He looked like he was about to throw up but all he said was "MUMMY!" he ran out the door to either his mom or who noes where with his shoes honking all the way.

I heard laughing coming from the others. "That was amazing it was about time someone stood up to him." Cadence said.

"Yeah im sorry I just don't like it when some one is really mean." I said looking down.

"You did what you had to all you did was hurt his pride so theres nothing wrong." Celestia said smileing agian.

"And I enjoied it to ,he has been so cruel to our ponies" Luna said

"If you haden't steped in I would of thrown him in the dungeon instead." Shining Armor said.

As time went on Shining Armor and Cadence have told me about themselfs and that they now watch over the Crystal Empire ,me and Shining Armor became good friends now and I showed him some armor suits from the video games Dead Space ,Gears of War ,and Fable 3 he liked them so much that he wanted to reverse engener them for the royal guards ,I had to ask Celestia first ,she looked at the armor suits and took a likeing to the Fable 3 Armor and aggried.

"Well its getting close for night time to come would you like to stay the night Havoc?" Celestia asked.

"If its not to much trouble and I just hope BlueBlood dosen't get me in my sleep." I said getting up from my chair.

"Don't worry he won't be any trouble for tonight and before you go would you like to see me raise the moon?" Luna asked.

"I would love to Luna." I awnserd as me and Luna walked outside ,Shining Armor and Cadence were already heading for bed and Celestia was doing the same. Luna was standing in the middle of the balcony ,her horn begain to glow bright and the I saw the moon begain to rise into the sky ,as her magic cooled down I was stunned. "That was amazing Luna you really know how to make a beautiful night." I said as Luna blushed.

"Oh its nothing its not that difficult since im an alicorn." Luna said looking at her moon.

"Well try being on a planet with 30 moons." I said Lunas eyes suddenly widen.

"Your world has 30 moons !?" Luna asked

"No no theres just another planet called Saturn it has 30 moons that revolve around it." I said

"Incredible." Was all Luna could say ,but then I wanted to ask her a question.

"Um Luna when we first met you said Discord was the only Draconequess what did you mean by that?" I asked luna just looked at me and to the ground. "If you don't wana talk about it its okay."

"Its alright I'll tell you ,Discord wasn't always a Draconequess from the begining ,he was once an alicorn named Terra and he was also the Brother of me and my sister." I was now shocked at what she just said.

"Wait you mean to say that Discord was your brother?" I asked

"Yes he was but one night something changed him and we don't know what ,he said he was jelous of me and Tia ,and he changed his name to Discord and overthrown Equestria ,Me and my sister did his biding until we discovers The Elements of Haromy in the Libary it was said that they were made by the first alicorns of this world so we used them on Discord sadly they only had enough power to imprison him instead of changeing him back ,we were able to free Equestria but at the cost of our brother." Luna was now crying.

"Luna im so sorry for asking you I didn't mean to bring back bad memories." I was crying as well ,felling so sorry for her I felt so stupid for asking her that question."

Luna jumped up and hugged me agian. "Thank you thank you for listening to me it feels so good to get that off my conscience." Luna was still crying and I hugged her back.

"Well im not felling tired yet so do ya just wana talk some more?" I asked

Luna smiled "I thought you never ask."


3rd POV [Queen Chrysalis]

Standing on a mountan peek Queen Chrysalis and her changeling subjects were now looking at the castle after returning from their failed plan of the royal wedding.

"Soon I will have my revenge and nothing will stop me now ,all of Equestria's love will be ours!." Queen Chrysalis laughed into the night sky.