• Published 26th Feb 2013
  • 9,064 Views, 94 Comments

Here Comes Havoc - elamentalwarrior

"A human name Riles is turned into a Draconequess, and is transprted to Equestria, and wants to make friends."

  • ...

A Date and a Swarm

My little pony Friendship Is Magic is property of Hasbro

Brutal Legend is Property of Double Fine

Here Comes Havoc

A Date and a Swarm


3rd POV [Connor and Trixie] Meanwhyle...

Connor has been working over time for Rarity so he could make some extra money for his date with Trixie , he didn't want to waste anytime saying hello to Havoc. Cutting fabric at a fast rate he only needed to make one final suit for Rarity and earn his pay.

"You better or else I'll have to make you a new one!" Rarity Yelled to Havoc and walked back inside ,she was impressed at how fast Connor can cut and sitch. "Darling you need to slow down or else you might hurt yourself."

"Can't stop almost finished." Connor said stiching up the last suit for Rarity. "And there you go." Holding it up for her.

Rarity looked at it and smiled. "Well thankyou very much Connor and I guess you want your pay?" Rarity asked.

"Yes please." Connor said knowing if he made Rarity upset he would pay the price.

Rarity got her safe out and gave Connor 200 bits for his help. "There you go darling I hope your date goes well."

"How do you know that?" Connor asked looking at Rarity.

"Oh a lady has her ways." She awnserd ,Connor just raised a brow at her. "Okay Applejack stoped by on her way home and told me ,I was going out to get more gems and we ran into echother."

Connor took a deep breath and nodded cause if he hurt anypony innocent Havoc would stuff him in a Coka-Cola bottle. "Alright I guess thts okay." Putting the money in his pocket he thanked Rarity and made his way to the Ponyville Hospital.

As he walked on he saw Havoc wearing his new suit and flew away in a chariot ,watching him fly away until he was out of sight he woundering if anyting else will happen now. But he pushed that question aside as he finally reached the hospital ,reaching the front desk he asked to see Trixie.

"Exsuce me i'm here to see Trixie." Conner said.

"Of course go right ahead." A nurse said writing down notes.

Connor made his way to Trixie's room to find her putting on her hat and cape she was finaly feeling better from yesterday. Conner cleared his throught to get her attention.

Trixie turned around and blushed when she saw Connor. "Oh uh hi Connor it nice to see you agian." Trixie said draging her hoove on the floor.

"Its nice to see you two Trixie I was just comming by to see how you were doning." Connor said

"Im doing fine I'll be checking out soon." Trixie said

"Oh okay." Conner said looking sad Trixie looked at him.

"Whats wrong." Trixie asked.

"Its just that I would like to know if you wanted to go out for dinner sometime?" Connor asked. Trixie blushed bright red and her heart was raceing.

"Well uh sure just let me get ready tonight and come to my caravan." Trixie said.

"Okay see you there." Conner walked out of the hospital and made his way back to Rarites.

When he arrived back at the Carousel Boutique Sweetie Bell was useing the leftover gems for arts and craft projects.

"Hey Sweetie Bell wheres Rarity?" Conner asked.

"Oh shes up stares looking for more fabric." Sweeit Bell awnserd not even looking at Connor.

Making his way up stares to Rarities room it was a compleate mess with Rarity taking a bite of a sandwhich and throwing it aside.

"Uh Rarity?" He asked trying not to trip over anything

"Conner? What are you doing back here?" Rarity asked.

"I came back here to get ready for my date and also to find out where it should be." Conner said.

"Well theres a place called Soup and Salad its the greatest place to go out to." Rarity said

"Okay that will do thanks." Connor said walking off and getting ready.

"Anytime." Rarity said returning to her work only to find her cat Opalescence sleeping on top of the fabric and just sighed "Oh Opale."


Two hours later...

Connor arrived at the Ponyville Park where Trixie's caravan was at ,checking himself one more time he Knocked on the door.

"Just a second!" Trixie yelled ,as a minite passed she opend the door and was wearing a purple dress. "Oh hello Connor."

"Hello Trixie you looking really beautiful." Connor said complementing on her dress.

"He he thank you so have you found a place where we can have dinner?" Trixie asked.

"Actullay Yes its a place called Soup and Salad." Connor awnserd.

"Well that sounds splended shall we go then?" Trixie asked as Connor smiled and nodded makeing there way to the Soup and Salad.


Ten minies later...

Arriving at the Soup and Salad and being placed at a table a waitress gave them menus.

"I think I'll have the Hey Salad with sundried tomatoes." Trixie said placeing the menu back on the table.

Connor looked on but all it had was pony type food ,it was starting to give him a hedache. "I'll just have the soup." He said keeping his manners intact.

The waitress wrote down there orders ,tacking back the menus saying it will be here shortly,and walked off.

"So until our food gets here you just wanto talk?" Connor asked

"Well certenly what would you like to talk about?" Trixie asked

"Well how did you get into show bussness?" Connor asked curious about how she became The Great and Powerful Trixie.

"Well it all started when I was a filly walking back home from Magic Kindergarden with my mother. We walked past a theater until I saw a poster for a magic show that was about to start ,my mom saw what I was looking at and smiled ,she bought us tickets ,and we went inside as we got into our seats the curtans began to opend up and there was an explosion of smoke and a unicorn mare appeard she was beautiful she was known as Enchantra the greatest magician in all of Manehatten ,she showed many magic tricks that were impossible for any other unicorn to achieve."

"For her last trick she needed a volunteer ,thats when she picked me from audience I was nervous when I walked up to the stage. Enchantra had a box set up and told me that I was going to do the magic trick I wanted to say no but she already steped inside and closed the box I was so scared when I saw the audience but when I saw my mom smile. I tried to focus all the magic that I could gather on the box she was in I was about to passout until the box fell apart and she was gone. I was afriad that I might have made her dissapear ,but then there was a tap on my sholder Enchantra was behind me coming out of another box the audience cheered for us. I felt so happy then I notied a tingly feeling I looked behind me and thats when my cutie mark apperard ,I ran to my mother and showed her she was so proud of me Thats when I wanted to be a magician and go into show bussness." Trixie finished.

"That sounds awsome Trixie I bet your mother is really proud of you." Connor said as Trixie smiled

The waitress came back with a cart and placed the food on the table.

"Well since our food is here might as well enjoy." Connor said


One Hour later...

Connor was walking Trixie back to her caravan ,they enjoyed ecothers company.

"Thank you very much Conner I had a great time with you today." Trixie said.

"I did to and hope to do it agian soon." Connor said.

Trixie went back inside and Conner walked Back to Rarities but thought of flying back he looked around and found a tree, he hid behind and turned into his pegasus form from yester day and flew off in joy of his first date.


3rd POV [Rainbow Dash]

Rainbow Dash was laying on a cloud but couldn't sleep ,she was still felling sorry for Havoc all he wanted to do was be friends but she just pushed him away when he first got here ,she was now looking down at the ground until she noticed Conner with Trixie ,they walking back to Trixie's caravan.

Rainbow Dash was to far away to understand what they were saying then Trixie headed inside and Connor walked off then he looked around and hid behind a tree then there was a blue fire erupting from behind and a grey pegasus appeard and flew off in happiness.

Rainbow Dash was shocked "Did Conner just turn into a pony?" she asked her self. "I've got to Tell Twilight."

Rainbow Dash got up and flew to Twilight's house and pound on the door.


3rd POV [Twilight and Rainbow Dash]

Twilight was reading her Nook and Spike went to bed ,she was still thankfull for Havoc's gift but she couldn't rember what she was doing before he came back yesterday.

Suddenly there was a pounding on the door and Twilight groned. "This a Library you don't have to knock." Twilight said

The door opend and Rainbow Dash flew in. "Sorry Twilight but this is important I saw Connor hide behind a tree and turn into a pony." Rainbow Dash said.

Twilight's eyes widen at what Rainbow Dash just said. "M-mabe you were just seing things Rainbow Dash." Twilight qulckly walked back to her Nook and countiued to read.

Rainbow Dash just looked at her. "You know don't you?" Rainbow Dash askedas Twilight just kept reading. she walked up to the table and slowly took the Nook away. "Twilight please tell me." Rainbow Dash demanded.

"Alright when I first saw Connor and talked to him he said he was part changeling." Twilight said

"WHAT!?" Rainbow Dash yelled "What were you thinking Twilight don't your remember what happen at the wedding?"

"He said hes a human turned changeling and he hasn't caused any trouble." Twilight said looking up stares hopeing Rainbow Dash didn't wake up Spike.

"Then what is he doing here?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Is he a Spy?"

"No Rainbow Dash he not a spy hes here to help Havoc." Twilight said

"Help him with what?" Rainbow Dash asked

"I dont really know even Connor dosen't know." Twilight said

Rainbow Dash tried to think of something else to say but failed. "Alright Twilight if you say hes no Trouble then your right but I still want to keep an eye on him."

"No Rainbow Dash I don't think thats a good idea ,besides Him and Havoc have saved Ponyville from those Diamond Dogs." Twilight said.

Rainbow Dash couldn't help but agree with Twilight and gave back her Nook she was about to leave but she used up all her energy when flying to Twilight's house and yawned.

Twilight giggled. "Maybe you should stay the night here." Twilight said Useing her magic to pick up Rainbow Dash and put her on the couch ,Rainbow Dash was already asleep the moment she was placed on the couch. Twilight placed the covers over her and went back to reading.


Havoc's POV

"Now as you can see the sun stays in one place whyle the rest of these planets revolve around the sun." I said useing my magic to create a model solar system of my world ,she was still curious of how my world worked so I showed her all nine of the planets and what they were capable of.

"Amazing and all that without magic. "Luna said smileing.

"It sure is." I said placeing the model down. "So what else do you want to know?" I asked

"Hmm I don't know I asked you so many questions of your world." Luna said rubing her chin.

"Its okay Luna theres no need to rush." I said.

"Well there is one thing I want to ask you now." Luna said.

"Sure what is it?" I asked.

"What is it like haveing chaos powers?" Luna asked.

"Well it feels strange ,but all I was doing was createing stuff out of nothing and shapeshift." I awnserd.

"I see it does sound like your powers are similar to Discords ,lets just be thankful that your useing them wisely." Luna said

"Really are you sure you don't want a little bit of chaos?" I asked 'CLICKING' my fingers to make a chocolate cloud with candy rain appear.

Luna just giggled. "Im sure Havoc." she looked up at the moon. "Its getting late you should get some sleep."

I couldn't disagree. "Yeah im with you on that." I yawned and made the cloud disappear.

We walked back into the castle it was alot different at night time ,Luna showed me to my room she still had to keep the night going.

"Well goodnight Luna It was great talking to you agian." I said

"Goodnight Havoc it was great talking to you agian as well." Luna said. "And before I go could you come down here." Doing as she said I was now face to face with her ,I was about to ask but I was silenced when she kissed me right on the cheek. I swear my whole head turned red she winked at me and walked off.

I just took off my suit and layed in bed looking at the ceiling as time went on I begain to fall asleep with a smile on my face.


Morning Time...

I was now in the hallway looking around since they rarely show the castle on the show I was worried of getting lost until I smelled the scent of waffles and strawberries ,following the trail I was back inside the dinning room with Celestia sitting at the table.

"Good morning Havoc how was your sleep?" Celestia asked.

"Good morning Celestia ,my sleep was good no dreams but good." I awnserd

"Thats nice ,since your here would you like some Waffles?" Celestia asked.

"Of course but wheres Luna?" I asked sitting at the table.

"Shes asleep now she is responsible for the night." Celestia said. "Shining Armor and Cadence are somewhere else in the castle so for now its just you and me."

"Well what about Prince BlueBlood?" I was still worried about him.

"He went home this morning so you don't have to worry." Celestia giggled.

"Sorry im get paronid sometimes." I said.

"Its alright theres nothing to be sorry about." Celestia smiled. "Besides Havoc Luna enjoied your company last night and im happy for you two."

I rubbed the back of my head and smiled. "Well what are new friends for?" I said as we both laughed.

Our waffles finaly arrived and placed on the table and there was also stawberries as well ,I was about to take a bite when all of a sudden a green streak came through the window shattering it and smashing the table.

"What the?" was all I said

Looking down at the now broken table there was a small crater with a changeling jumping out and hissing ,but the worst part was it had my waffle stuck to its face.

"Hey I was going to eat that." I said. The changeling shook off the waffle and charged at me. "HEY HEY!" I quickly doged it and the changling flew into the wall ,I ran up to the changeling grabing it and throwing it back out the window. "And stay out!" I yelled. "Are you alright." I asked Celestia.

"Yes im fine." Celestia said getting up we looked out the window and there was more of them. "I need to get Luna in the mean time Havoc go find Shining Armor and Cadence but be careful."

"Alright." I said as I flew outside ,there was a whole swarm flying around the castle. "If changlings are here that could only mean one thing." I said. I flew to the royal court yard there were changelings catching ponies. "Not on my watch." I landed on the ground ,some of the changelings approched me and hissed. "Uh hey guys theres no need to fight." I pulled out a baseball bat and baseball. "Baseball anyone? Heres Havoc as he gets ready for the pitch and heres the wind up!" I hit the ball and it hit a changeling right on the head and bounced off onto another changeling's and another and another knocking them out cold. "Oh thats gota hurt ladies and gentlemen." I quickly ran up to a pony family seeing if they were okay thankfully they were so I counteued my search for Shining Armor and Cadence.


3rd POV [Celestia and Luna]

"I need to get Luna in the mean time Havoc go find Shining Armor and Cadence but be careful." Celestia said as Havoc nodded and flew out the broken window ,She was in the Hallway running to Luna's room. Changelings broke through the windows but Celetia made quick work of theme by useing her magic to repell them away.

Reaching Luna's room she rushed inside and closed the door ,Luna was still in bed sleeping as Celestia tried to wake her up."Luna wake up Canterlot is in danger." Luna was still sleeping. "Luna? Luna wake up!" Celestia knew her sister was a heavy sleeper. "Ponyville noire is finaly out." Luna's eye's open and she quickly got up.

"Im up im up!" Luna yelled she looked around and saw her clock. "Sister do you have any idea what time it is?"

"Im sorry Luna but right now Canterlot is in danger agian." Celestia said.

Luna got up and the sisters ran for the door ,but befor they could open it a swarm of Changelins broke through then everything went green and then black.


3rd POV [Shining Armor and Cadence]

Shining Armor and Cadace were in the royal garden enjoying the smell of flowers.

"Im glad you and Havoc got along so fast." Cadence said

"Well I thought he would be trouble at first good thing I was wrong about that." Shining Armor said kissing his wife.

Cadence giggled. "Maybe because he showed you those sets of armor." she smirked.

"Well ...Th-they were really cool plus he literally made a fool out of Prince BlueBlood." Shining Armor said smileing sheepishly.

"Whatever you say." Cadence said smileing and nuzzleing him.

They started to her a buzzing sound ,they thought it was just a bee so they ignored it. Then the buzzing sound got louder and louder ,they turned around only to see a green flash and darkness.


Havoc's POV

I was back inside the castle and takeing out Changelings that were inside ,I ran into the throne room only to find Queen Chrysalis sitting in Celestia's throne and I also found Shining Armor and Cadace plus Celestia and Luna inside green cocoons ,Queen Chrysalis saw me and she wasn't happy. "So your the creature that stoped the Diamond Dogs from invading Ponyville." She said. "Do you know what I had to go through to persuade them to steal ponies for me?" Queen Chrysalis asked

"So it was you who sent those Diamond Dogs to Ponyville." I said glareing..

Queen Chrysalis just laughed. "Right you are ,since my subjects still needed time to recover from the wedding I made a deal with the Diamond Dogs. They steal us ponies and I give them gems."

I knew that enough was enough. "Alright you had your fun now let them go." I demanded.

"Unlikely now that these four are subdued I can take over Equestria and theres nothing you can do to stop me." Queen Chrysalis said with an evil smile.

"Really? Well what if I did this?" I pulled a pie out and threw it at her face. "You need to put some color in your life anyway." The pie tin fell off showing Queen Chrysalis's enraged face. "You mad?" I asked.

"YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!" She yelled. "GET HIM!" A swarm of changelings sourounded me. "A pity it has to end for you." She said useing her magic to wipe off the pie. "Maybe if you lucky I can add your love to my changelings."

"Not even in your dreams BEETLE BUT!" I yelled ,turning myself human with an electric gutar ,slaming it down on the floor creating a shockwave that was scatering the changelings to the walls. "There is one thing that I do love and its HEAVY METAL!" I slamed down on the gutal strings sending a soundwave at Queen Chrysalis.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She screamed and covered her ears. "Stop that this instant!"

"Whats that you want it louder?" I asked ,slamming down on the gutal strings even harder to make the soundwave more powerful.


"Think agian Chrysie!" I yelled back. Quickly dogeing her I put away the gutar and turned back into my Draconequess form. "You can take over Equestria but these ponies will never accept you as their new leader ,your nothing more than a parasite siphoning of the lives of others." I said clenching my fists.

Queen Chrysalis turned around and glared at me her horn was glowing. "How dare you insult me you pathetic vermin ,I have imprisoned those who have stoped me before you" She pointed at the four cocoons. "I now controll this castle." She stomped the floor. "And your love is worth nothing to me anymore." She said as she aimed her horn at me fireing a green beam of magic.

I smiled. "That maybe so but my love is worth everything to everyone else." I used my magic to make a shield from dark sector and it started to asorbed her magic. "You may only find love as food but its is alot more that that." She stoped and I took down the shiled. "Love is the very thing that drives people to protect their friends and family." I walked up to her. "And it is something that you can never understand." I said right in front of her face.

Queen Chrysalis just stood there. I walked up to the throne right under the cocoons. "These are my friends and I will protect them no matter what." I was about to free them until I heard a buzzing sound ,I turned aroung to find Queen Chrysalis hovering above me bearing her teeth ,she charged at me ready to bite me. I pulled out some blue powder in my hand and blew it in her face ,as she inhaled in she strted to lose control of her flying and fell to the ground unconscious.

With her out of the way I flew up and used my claws to open the cocoons. I got Cadence out first then Shining Armor.

"Are you to alright?" I asked.

"Yes where fine just dizzy." Shining Armor said as he was looking after Cadence.

I got Luna out next and she helped me get Celestia out ,Luna jumped up and hugged me agian. "Oh thank you Havoc I was scared that you would get hurt." I hugged her back.

"No problem Luna ,are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes I just thought Equestria would be doomed." Luna said.

"Hey as long as im around that will never happen." I said winking at her and she giggled.

"Well Havoc it looks like you saved Equestria once agian ,your really becomeing quite the savor." Celestia said as she was looking at Queen Chrysalis.

"Shes just asleep ,and it turns out she was the one who sent the Diamond Dogs to Ponyville." I said.

"We know Havoc we heard and seen everything when we were inside." Luna said. "And yes I heard what you said about us." Luna giggled.

"You did? well I-" I was silenced one more when she kissed me on the other cheek, my head went red agian.

Celestia and Cadence giggled at us. "Do I hear wedding bells?" Cadence asked.

Luna blushed as well I tried to think of something, and thankfully Shineing Armor steped in. "Maybe we should deal with the Queen."

"Yeah Thats a good idea Celestia you deal with her and I'll sweep up her changelings." I said quickly. 'CLICKING' my fingers to make a giant ant farm appear ,I started to round up the changelings. I heard laughing but they had good reasons.


Six hours later...

I was done rounding up the changelings and thanks to the help of Luna we brought the ant farm back to Celestia to have her decide what to do with them.

Shining Armor and Cadence needed to return to the Crystal Empire so we said our goodbyes to them.

Luna and I left the throne room and were now in royal garden Luna showed me the types of flowers there were even some that looked alive.

"I thought I've seen everything but it looks like I was wrong." I said wipeing of pollen from my face.

Luna was shakeing her head. "I told you to be careful not stick you face right in the flower."

"Sometimes you learn from your mistakes." I said as we both laughed.

"Oh Havoc you the first po- I mean person to ever make me smile so much." She said as we satdown on the grass looking at the view of the land.

"Yeah I didn't know that I could do that." I said.

"Seriously thank you Havoc ,its great haveing you here I haven't had this much fun in years." Luna smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Your welcome Luna." I said Luna scooted up closer to me and we just lookoed on. "Hey Luna what was it like when you first came back home?"

"I was nervous and scared ,most of the royal guards wouldn't even look at me because they were still scared of me." Luna said. "Even some of the ponies that visit got scared of me ,but thanks to Twilight Sparkle she was able to show me that not all of the ponies were scared of me and overtime they started to like me."

"Thats good to hear." I said watching birds fly by ,I heard Luna yawn so I looked over and she was looking tired. "You should get back to bed you need to maintain the night after all."

"I wish we could of done this longer but your right I just hope to see you agian Havoc." Luna said with half opend eyes.



"Riles my real name is Riles."

"Riles? Thats a strange name but it fits you maybe I'll just call you that from now on." Luna giggled as she got up.

"I don't mind ,besides I need to head back to Ponyville so I can help out other ponies." I got up to and streched my wings.

"You do what you must farewell Riles." Luna said walking back inside.

"Farewell Luna." I said

I flew back to the throne room and Celestia was only siping tea. "Um Celestia I need to get going now." I said.

Celestia smiled once agian. "Before you go I just wan't to thank you agian for saving me and my family Havoc ,your always welcome back here."

"Thank you and I hope to talk to you agian." I said walking out.

"Do you need a ride back to Ponyville?" Celestia asked

"Nah I want to fly this time." I awnserd.

I lifting into the sky and shoot down back to Ponyville like a comet.

Author's Note:

I already know about the errors, and trying to fix them.