• Published 26th Feb 2013
  • 9,065 Views, 94 Comments

Here Comes Havoc - elamentalwarrior

"A human name Riles is turned into a Draconequess, and is transprted to Equestria, and wants to make friends."

  • ...

Meetings and Parties (fixed)

My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Is Property of Hasbro

Brutal Legend is Property of Double Fine

Here comes Havoc

Meetings and Parties


Havoc POV

As we made our descent to Ponyville, I was able to see everything, the Library, Sugarcube Corner, and even Sweet Apple Acers. This was so cool, and since I’m going to be introduced to the citizens soon, I can probably help them out with stuff. But first, there’s one thing that we needed to take care of.

"MONSTER! A MONSTER! THE HORROR! THE HORROR!" Yup, can you guess who that was? As soon as we landed, all of the ponies saw me and ran onto their houses.

"Hey, I don’t blame them, I am a monster after all.” I said "Well they might be still scared since the events with Discord." Twilight said.

"It’s like Zecora all over again.” Applejack said.

"Awwww, but I was going to invite everypony to his welcoming party." Pinkie said, getting sad again.

"Now cheer up Pinkie, don't go setting up the water works just yet, Twilight will talk to the Mayor and get this all sorted out." Applejack said.

Pinkie smiled again and started bouncing around. "Oh, then that means I need to get a welcoming party setup for him." she suddenly bounced high up in the air "Be right back." And just like that she was gone in a flash to gett a party set up for me soon.

"So, what do we do while she’s taking care of things?" I asked

"Well I’m going to town hall, and I want to learn more of you and your species" Twilight said. I knew it, she never Gives up on knowledge.

Just wait until she finds out what I have in store for her. "I just hope she doesn’t put me on a lab table and dissect me."

"What does dissect mean?" Spike asked. I guess they don't do that here, and just use magic for that kind of stuff.

"Maybe I'll tell you when you’re older." I said.

Spike was confused at the moment, and then it looked like he got an idea. "Hey how about I show you around town, and we can get to know more about each other, he offered.

"Okay that sounds cool, I can get to know more about the town. And make some more friends, starting with you Spike." Spike was so happy as he led the way.


3rd POV [Applejack and Rainbow Dash]

Rainbow Dash was still having doubts about Havoc, and had the idea to follow them until Applejack stopped her by the tail "Oh no ya don’t. ‘YOU' still need to fix the Barn roof that you crashed through, And don't even think about makin any excuses."

"But Applejack he might be up to somethin!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"Ah said no excuses. And Havoc won't cause any trouble, if he did, wouldn't the Princess have us use The Elements, instead of inviting him here as a guest?" Applejack asked as Rainbow Dash floated down.

"I'm sorry it just that since he’s a new spirit of chaos, I’m just worried that he might harm you guys." She said looking at the ground.

"It’s okay sugarcube, we understand. Now, let’s get started on that roof, until the party starts." Applejack said

"Alright." Rainbow Dash answered as they made their way to Sweet Apple Acers.


3rd POV [Rarity and Fluttershy]

It was just Rarity and Fluttershy now, seeing their friend tending to other stuff. "Darling? Since it will be a while before the party, would you like to go to the spa?" Rarity asked

"Well I already fed my animal friends before going to Canterlot, and Angel is watching them, so I guess I can go."

Rarity smiled "Oh wonderful! Quick if we hurry, we can get the two for one special!" Rarity said as she hurried to the spa while Fluttershy tried to catch up.


3rd POV [Twilight]

Twilight was hurrying to town hall, she couldn’t wait to ask Havoc the questions she wrote in her list. However when she finally reached the front door and knocked, there was no answer .She tried it again but to no ad vile. So she teleported inside, where she got whacked by a newspaper. "Ouch! It’s me Mayor!" Mayor Mare dropped the newspaper and started apologizing.

"OH! I’m so sorry Twilight. I thought you were that monster!" Mayor mare said "Well he was sent here with us by Princess Celestia, and she wants you to introduce him to Ponyville." Twilight said giving the letter to the Mayor.

As Mayor Mare read the letter she was so relieved that there was no danger. "Alright Twilight, I'll setup a town meeting with everypony, but it may take some time."

"Take all the time you need, right now I need to do some stuff." Twilight said with eyes shining, and rubbing her hoofs together maniacally.

As she made her way back to the Library, there was some kind of bipedal hairless ape with an aqua blue mane, and in a grey tuxedo, standing in front of the library door. She had no idea what it was and why it would wear a tuxedo.

"Rarity would want fashion tips if she saw this thing." she thought. "Hello?"

Suddenly it turned its head to Twilight, showing its blue eyes and it looked annoyed. "What, you never seen a guy before?"

Twilight gasped as the creature spoke. “You can talk?"

It rolled it’s at her. "No, I’m a figment of your imagination. of course I can talk." it said rudely at Twilight.

"Hey! There’s no need to be rude about it. Who are you, what are you, and why are you here anyway?" She asked

"Well my name is Connor, I’m a human, a guy human, and I’m looking for this new spirit of chaos." He said, Twilight was curious, could this be Havoc's friend?

"Well if you’re talking about Havoc? He’s with Spike, and they’re taking a tour of Ponyville and won't be back for some time, but you can stay here until they come back." Twilight Offered

Since he would have to wait for Havoc to come to him, he had no choice "Fine. Do you have any coke cola?" He asked

"Um I don’t know what that is, but I can make some tea if you like." she said going inside her home.

"Umm sure alright." Connor sat down in a wooden chair even more annoyed that here was no Coke Cola. "This guy better be worth it." he thought to himself.

Twilight came back from the kitchen with tea. "Careful it’s hot, oh and is it okay if I ask you some Questions?" She asked.

He sighed and drank a little bit of his tea, hoping this will pass the time. "Alright what would you like to ask?" He asked, then Twilight just smiled.


3rd POV [Mayor Mare]

Mayor Mare got every available pegasus to deliver letters to everypony for the town meeting. As she returned to her seat, there was one more piece of paper to sign, and then she was finally done.

After signing it she could enjoy the rest of her time in her office. "Good bye final document." She said as she put it away, and then opened her door to find a sandwich. “And hello desk sandwich." she said as she took a bite, and got out one of her favorite stories. ‘Daring Do and the Changeling Empire.’ It was the newest edition, she began to read it.

She read a part of the story that was really scary. A pony got swiped by a changeling. "HOLY BUCK!" She yelled


3rd POV [Pinkie Pie]

Pinkie Pie was heading to Sugar Cube Corner bouncing along the way, once she made it inside she couldn't find the cakes, they were gone. "Hmmm, where did the cakes go? It’s not closing time yet, is it?" She asked herself as she looked around.

The Kitchen? "Nope."

The Dinner? "Nope."

The Hallway? "Nope."

The Baby Cakes Nursery? "Nope."

The Master Bedroom? "yup!"

As Pinkie opened the bedroom door, she found several pieces of bedroom furniture piled up in the middle, with all of the cake family wearing pots and pans for helmets.

"Hey, why are you all in that fort, are you playing a game? .Can I play, it looks fun!" Pinkie said jumping up and down.

"Pinkie we’re not playing, we’re hiding from the monster." Cupcake whispered at Pinkie while holding a spatula for a weapon.

"OH! You mean our new friend? Oh he’s no monster he a Draconequess, and he came with us because of Princess Celestia. Pinkie answered cheerfully.

"So he’s here as a friend? Then why are you here?" Carrot Cake asked.

"Oh, I wanted to see if it was okay to throw him a welcoming party. Oh pleasepleasePLEASE CAN I!?" Pinkie said giving her puppy dog stare at the bakers, they tried to fight it but was over powered.

"All right, you can, but only as long as clean up your messes."

"OHTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU" Pinkie said jumping up and down in excitement, and hugging the Cakes, and then zoomed out to the kitchen to get everything started.

"Honey, how about you take the twins to their room while I try to put everything back." Carrot cake said, as he pushed one of the dressers back onto place.

"Sure thing honey, just be careful now." Cupcake answered as she took the twins back, Pound Cake was denting frying pan, and Pumpkin Cake was teething on a rolling pin.


Havoc's POV

It’s been three hours since Spike gave me the tour, it was good to see the town in person, sad part was the town was deserted. Luckily we were heading to Twilights house. Spike suggested that we teleport, but I told him that I never tried that kind spell before, and didn't wanna risk hurting him if something went wrong. He understood how it feels when something goes wrong with Twilights spells, so instead he just talked about how he came to Ponyville with Twilight, and how they meet their other friends.

We enjoyed each other’s conversation, and as we got closer to the Library I could have sworn we heard fighting.

Spike ran as fast as he could, but with those little legs he got, it would take forever, so I grabbed Spike and placed him on my head. "Hang on little dude!" I yelled as I got on all fours and ran faster to the library, and it turns out running on all fours is actually pretty fun, as I dug my paw & claw into the ground we finally reached the Library and saw Twilight attacking another human, and man did he have some awesome hair. "Twilight what are you doing?" I shouted at her as she was throwing books, furniture, and even her own bed at the guy.

She turned to look at us then teleported behind me. "Havoc! Spike! Oh thank Celestia you arrived!" she said hugging

Spike "He’s some kind Changeling Hybrid, and he also said he was looking for you!" I looked at the guy and boy he was angry, if looks could kill I would be dead right now.

"Twilight what did he even do? You don't look hurt, and from what I’ve seen, you pretty much trashed this place."

Twilight was shocked at what she just did and answered me. "Well he told me he was part Changeling and I sort of freaked out."

I just deadpanned. "That’s it? That’s all he did? No attacking, no threatening, not even trying to hurt you?" I asked.

She just dug her hoof into the floor. "Twilight you can't just assume the worst and attack them because they’re different, many people have gotten into a lot of trouble doing that kind of thing, and it’s a very easy way not to make friends." I said. Twilight was now feeling sorry for what she did.

As I let her think about what she did, I walked over to the other guy to make sure he was okay.

"Hey dude, are you alright?" I asked him as he dusted of his tux.

"Yeah I’m fine, just some bruises but I'll live. She really doesn’t like changelings doesn’t she?" He said

"Nope I guess not, so what’s your name?" I asked him

"Connor, and was I sent to this world to help you. And no I don’t know who sent me here." Shesh, I think he might rival my uncle's attitude.

"Okay then, my name is Havoc and what do you mean help me?" I asked he just shrugged.

"Don’t know, don’t care. I just want some Coke Cola PLEASE!" he yelled. Well he did say please.

"Oh why didn’t you say so, let me get one for you." I 'CLICKED' my fingers to make a bottle of Ice cold Coke Cola appear. He saw the bottle I had, and went to grab it. I quickly took it away.

"Hold it, not until you forgive Twilight. She was only scared of you." I told him.

"You've got to be kidding me. I cannot believe this." I gave him a serious look

"If you don’t accept Twilight's apology, you don’t get any coke forever and ever and ever." I said swaying the bottle left and right


I got Twilight to come over and apologize. "I’m sorry I attacked you Connor." She said.

Connor looked like he was about to say something disrespectful until I started to Twist the cap off slowly while smiling. "Fine, fine I forgive you." he said crossing his arms, then I gave him the coke and he just took it like it keeps him alive.

"There now, that wasn't so hard was it?" I asked smiling at him as he finished his soda he let out a big burp and threw the empty bottle away.

"It’s starting to blow, how much you suck right now." Connor said.

"I get that kind of effect on people who are jerks to my friends." I said

"Whatever, now what?" he asked.

"Well I think it’s almost time for the town meeting, so we may as well get there, and I think it’s best if you stay in human form for now.

"Hmph alright but what about you? Can you get a disguise like this?" he asked probably making fun of me, I just smiled.

"Oh I don't need a disguise but just in case need one."

I transformed into Juliet form Lollipop Chainsaw. Connor just stood there, eyes wide open and mouth completely dropped. I just giggled at him

"Don't leave your mouth open, you'll catch flies doing that." I said with the same voice she has, I walked over to him and closed his mouth, and changed back to my Draconequess form.

"C'mon we got a town meeting to get to." I said as twilight lead the way, I could swear that Connor was mumbling swears and his face was bright pink as we walked to town hall.


Five Minutes Later...

When we made it to town hall, there was a stage set up. And Twilight led us to the back to meet Mayor Mare. "Alright Mayor here’s Havoc and his friend Connor… well sort of his friend."

The Mayor was looking at us weirdly. "Well it’s nice to meet you two, just go into the back stage and wait." I nodded as Connor just followed me.

"Fillies and Gentlecolts I present to you Havoc and Connor!" The stage opened up the ponies were even more shocked, seeing me again and seeing a new creature, they started to calm down a little. "Now does any pony have any questions?"


30 minutes later...

We were now done with the questions. And The Mayor told every pony that Pinkie Pie was throwing a Double

Welcoming party for Connor and I (Pinkie sense obviously.) Just as we entered The giant ginger bread house, all the lights were off. (Here we go) I got ready for what’s about to happen.

"SURPRISE!" Many ponies jumped out and greeted us, there was confetti everywhere and for the most part the buffet table could go on forever. This was my chance to try out Pinkies cupcakes, but suddenly, Pinkie jumped on my neck I couldn’t understand what she was saying, but I just thanked her and she jumped off.

{"Three girls in one day, you sure are getting lucky."} "She was just being nice." {"C'mon you love it here."} MOVING ON!

The party went on and every pony was here, there were even other ponies I've never seen before. Pinkie offered one of her cupcakes, I was finally able to taste it, and it was like my taste buds were in heaven, so many flavors that it was awesome.

"Pinkie there’s only two things wrong with these cupcakes." I said, Pinkie looked worried for a moment as I continued. "They’re too good and there’s not enough." Pinkie was so happy that she just hugged me right there, so what the hay I hugged her back.

{"See I knew you were as ladies’ man, there’s nothing with that."} "Brain, just shut up and enjoy the party." {"Shesh what a jerk."} "I heard that." {"Well while you’re hugging, I'll be busy napping."} "Good."


One hour later...

The party started to die down a little until only I, Spike, Conner, and The Main 6 were left. And to be clear, the party was awesome, even though it looked like a little kids birthday party, it’s no excuse to not enjoy it.

Connor, on the other hand, was almost bored out mind. He just laid next to a wall the whole time, but I saw him swipe some snacks from the table and eat some Ice Cream Cake. But that was about it. After we cleaned everything up, 4 of The Main 6 went home for the night, and as Connor was about to walk off Rarity stopped him.

"And just where do you think you’re going?" Rarity asked, as Connor just stood there.

"Uh I’m going for a walk." He answered.

"Not until I learn how you did that suit, I need to know your secrets and I won't take no for an answer." She dramatically said. Connor tried to walk past her, but he was lifted up by Rarity’s magic as she carried him to her house. Conner struggled, but to no avail, so I tried to hold my laugh and just smiled and waved him goodbye.

"Bye Conner, see ya tomorrow!" I yelled then he flipped me the bird (Aww now that’s just mean.)

When Twilight, Spike, and I finally made it back to her house, it was still a mess, so I offered to use my magic to clean her house. She gracefully accepted, I bet ya she just wants to see my powers in action. As I 'CLICKED' my claws, everything was back where it was, and so clean that everythin was sparkling. And I knew it was time to face the music.

"Alright what do you want to know?" I asked, as I sat down in a chair the she smiled wide.

"Everything you know." Well might as well get this over with.


Two hours later...

It was now Ten o’clock and I finally answered all of her questions, and to tell you the truth. I. WAS. TIRED. I could barely see straight and keep my balance, fortunately Twilight offered the spare bed in her guest room. I thanked her as I walked off as she put her notes about me away.

One big problem the bed was small, and it was only for ponies (Go figure.) So I used my magic to make it bigger. As the bed Tripled in size to fit for me, I jump in the bed and as soon as my head hit it the pillow I was fast asleep.

Good night everypony.