• Published 26th Feb 2013
  • 9,064 Views, 94 Comments

Here Comes Havoc - elamentalwarrior

"A human name Riles is turned into a Draconequess, and is transprted to Equestria, and wants to make friends."

  • ...

My Brutal Draconequus

My Little pony Friendship is Magic is property of Hasbro

Brutal Legend is Property of Double Fine

Here Comes Havoc

My Brutal Draconequus

Ahh... my head everything is so dizzy and spinning. I can't focus, I can't even move or I might barf my stomach out. Oh great, I'm passing out again, see ya in a bit folks.


Some Time Later...

Finally! It felt like days since I was last awake. My eyes are all blurry and I can't see anything, but on the bright side I'm not dizzy anymore, and the sun is shining. It felt great and, wait... THE SUN WAS SHINING!? Last thing that I can remember I was in that cave. Where am I exactly?

It seems to be some kind of forest. I could see animals running, hear the sound of birds chirping, and the bright sun shin- 'AHHHHH! MY EYES!' I quickly covered my eyes mentally laughing at myself for doing something so stupid. When I went to open them again, to my shock and horror, I saw two different hands. I had to breathe slowly to keep myself from panicking. I saw a lake and slowly crawled towards it, trying not to freak out, because that always, ALWAYS leads to problems. To add insult to my mental injury, I looked into the reflection and saw a monster looking at me. I shook my head and looked again. The monster was still there. Turning my head slightly it did the same as me. 'OMFG that monster is ME!' I screamed in my head. 'However...' since I'm, apparently, a monster now, I decided to get a good look at myself.


My Left horn was a Ground Urchin quill, only it looked like silver colored crystal.

My right horn was like one of Doviculus' horns in the form of an Emerald Green antler.


My head was of a Reaper Steed (ALIVE). Pale blue fur, my eyes were average sized. The sclera were yellow with orange irises, my muzzle was shorter by 3 inches, and my teeth looked like they were made of metal. I had a pair of fangs that resemble wavy knives, I still had my brunette hair style (Front hanging loose with Pineapple Tail), and my neck was a foot and a half longer.


My mane was that of a RazorFire Boars, milk chocolate in color with a short mohawk style.


My torso was a Gullator and was 4 feet long with jet black fur, short but shaggy (like those carpets), and yet soooo soft, uhh, sorry. MOVING ON!


My left arm was a Metal Beast's, skinny and jet black shoulder, with a large jet black forearm. The palm was thick and white with bright white claws that acted like were round with pointy cone like finger tips, but the bad part was it didn't come with a metal bracelet. Well, that sucks.

My right arm was that of a Tollusk. Dark orange, but instead of being muscular, it was skinny. The texture was scaly, but leathery at the same time. The paw was just like Discord's, only with hardened black knuckles and short, black, retractable talons (AWESOME!).


My left wing was blood red with a black bone lining just like Eddie's demon wing, only bat like and no holes.

My right wing was cloud white, with rich blue feather tips. Maybe a Fan Leech or something? I don't know.


My left leg was a Raptor Elk's. White, tan, and furry with a forest green scaly shin, and foot with with a pale white hoof.

My Right leg was a Lazar Panther, dark grey with thin, dark purple streaks and hot pink paw pads. Well, that's embarrassing, ain't it?

Tail (COOL!)

My Tail was a dragons. 3 1/2 feet long and medium green, with big purple stripes, a feather like tail tuft, and a rolled up piece of paper tied to it.

By Discord's beard I'm one of them. I'M A DRACONEQUUS! A LIVING KIMAERA! I mean, I have a horse head and a dragon's tail. It's not that hard to figure out (no offence). Which can only mean I'm in the one place there's a clear sky, bright sunshine, animals frolicking, and me being a one man freak-show in a cartoon world. I'm in Equestria, the land of ponies and the Elements of Harmony!

My Brony side wanted to do multiple backflips, and my Brutal Legend side also wanted jump joy for becoming most of my favorite animals all rolled into one. Come to think of it, why is there a rolled up paper on my tail? I untied the paper and unrolled it only for confetti and streamers to pop out and a trumpet sound to play which is fairly cool.

Congratulations! You have been chosen to become the new Spirit of Chaos. Before you do anything, you'll need to know the basics of your new powers and form.

Your form is based on favorite animals of your choosing, whether they be real or mythical, as long as it resembles a horse and dragon.

Your powers are limited by imagination. Your new powers focus around bringing thought into reality. Simply snap your fingers for it to work! If you don't have fingers, it can be activated by thought, similarly to unicorn magic. Now for the rules of your powers.

1)You cannot kill.

2)Don't force grey chaos into others.

3)You cannot bring back the dead.

4) Have fun!

Sheesh. Rules have changed since Discord's return, or where there any rules at all? Besides I'm against killing. I'm a pacifist. Come to think of it, where did the necklace that I put on go? Did it just dissolve into me, or something? Ahh, who cares? I'll deal with it later. Right now, what to do?

Author's Note:

A/N Sorry for the short chapter thinking of stories is harder that I thought