• Published 26th Feb 2013
  • 9,060 Views, 94 Comments

Here Comes Havoc - elamentalwarrior

"A human name Riles is turned into a Draconequess, and is transprted to Equestria, and wants to make friends."

  • ...

Power of Chaos for Dummies (Fixed)

My little pony Friendship Is Magic is property of Hasbro

Brutal Legend is Property of Double Fine

Here Comes Havoc

Power of Chaos for Dummies


It has been several hours since I read that message, and still hadn't tried out my chaos powers. I was too distracted by the others things of being a Draconequess, like am I immortal, will I live forever, when will my stomach shut up? Ugh I haven’t even eaten since I left school. (Trick Question are school lunches really worth it?)

So I decided to find a good spot to relax and try out my powers, there was a big oak tree in a clear grassy filed.

'That will do for now.' Finally getting a break, and giving my feet a rest, so I went to try out my powers, thinking of what to create? I found one idea Pizza, I haven’t had Pizza in Months, so I used my powers to make a Pizza with five types of cheeses, M&Ms, Peanut Butter, Bacon, and Garlic. I know it may be wired but I just wanted to see if I really had powers.


Just like that there it was the very pizza I imagined was right in front of me with everything, I really do have powers this is so cool! I went to grab the slice, and it was like it just came out of the oven, and the moment I took a bite it was so amazing that I was literally crying with joy, once I was done with the pizza I 'CLICKED' my fingers to make a mug of my favorite Root Beer but instead of drinking it, I took a bite at the side of the mug and it didn't spill, and you know what else? The glass tasted like sugar glass, so I threw the rest in my mouth, swallowed it whole, and belched so loud that it echoed out a long distance.

Now what else to do? I know let try shape shifting just like Discord. I tried to find out what to morph onto, and it dawned on me, why not my human form? Maybe if I concentrate hard enough... I suddenly felt tingly all over and once I opened my eyes I was human again, only in a cartoon form ,but the bad part was that I was naked.

"Ahhhhhhh! OK change back change back CHANGE BACK!" I yelled.

I returned to my Draconequess form, so it might be a good time to continue on with my walk to who knows where.


Several Hours Later

I was getting sick of walking, and then it hit me. I have wings, why not just fly? Only I never had wings before, so this might be difficult. I tried to move my wings and they did. It felt weird but they were in perfect sync every time they moved, so I jumped high in the air and moved my wings. I waited to fall but didn't, I was flying, I was actually flying in the air, it was so cool. I began to soar through the skies until I found some clouds, and see if I could walk on them. I was right, they were so comfortable, and it was like fluffy marshmallows.

While I was at it, I took a look at my surroundings to see where I was. I could see a large white majestic castle on a mountain side.

...Processing please wait...

OH MY CELESTIA ITS CANTERLOT! Home of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna! This is so exciting, to actually see their castle, this is such a privilege, but I can't just go to their castle. What if they sense my presence just like they did with Discord? I bet they would not be too happy to see me, so maybe the Princesses can wait for now, besides Celestia could be busy with royal duties, and Luna is probably sleeping. So I decided to find Ponyville and see if I could find one of the main 6 to meet.

Only problem, which one to meet?

Twilight? No she would just have a letter sent to Celestia, and that would be bad for the start.

Pinkie Pie? Funny but no, she would just want to throw a party, not that I mind a party just it might be too soon.

Rarity? HA! You wish, not that I don’t like rarity. she is a nice pony, I just don’t want to stand still for hours, just to have a suit made.

Fluttershy? Well, it’s been done before so many times so... Well I want to try something different.

AppleJack? She’d sooner buck me in the dragonhood than even talk to me.

Rainbow Dash? Hmmm. Hot headed, easy to annoy and mess with. Perfect.

Once I made my decision, I was about to fly off to find Ponyvil- "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE STRANGE CREATURE ,WHAT IS THOU DOING IN OUR FAIR LAND?" My ears felt like they were about to melt off due to how loud that was. Well I guess my plans just went down the toilet, I slowly turn around to find Princess Luna standing on another cloud next to me at least 10 or 12 feet away, she was looking at me, eyes narrowed, and she looked really unhappy.


Well she will do for now, just to be safe I bowed to her in a gentleman’s pose, and smiled. Since I’m a new creature and this is my new life, I will have a new name. "My name is Havoc, and for what I am there might be a problem with that."... She eyed me curiously as to what I was talking about.

"You see I"... I put my hands to my sides, and waited a few seconds to add some drama in the mix... "Am a Draconequess."


3rd POV [Luna] A few minutes earlier.

Luna couldn't sleep, but luckily she didn't have any royal duties to attend, so she left to take a walk around in the castle garden. She enjoyed the fresh air and the clouds in the sky. She loved how her sister kept the day time so beautiful, until she saw a mysterious creature far away, she used her magic to view the creature closely, and she was confused. This creature had body parts completely unknown to her, so she went to investigate.

As she made her way to the clouds above, she saw the creature looking at the castle, and it had a worried look on its face, and then its face had a questionable look. ‘Maybe it’s capable of sentient thought.’ Which gave her suspicion of it, as she got closer to the creature it nodded its head ,and went to fly off. That’s when she made her move.



Havoc POV Present

Luna was completely shocked at what I just said, I could see her eyes widen, and her pupils turn to peas. Then she glared at me, and got her horn glowing.


I tried not to flinch at her voice, and just shrugged. I just stood there until I spoke. "No I’m not here to free Discord, I only wish to live in peace. To tell the reason why I’m a draconequess, is because I was chosen to become the new spirit of chaos, and so far I’ve only got the basics of my powers".

"WAIT YO- oh uh sorry, but you mean to tell me you were not always a draconequess?" Luna asked raising an eye brow.

"Well sort of. I was a different creature before coming to this world. I kinda found this treasure, and thought it was just a regular necklace, and when I put it on it changed me into this. And then it then teleported me to this world. I know it sounds crazy but it’s the truth I assure you."

I saw Luna standing there, giving it some thought. Then she spoke again. "If that is true, I want to take you to my sister to see if you’re telling the truth. Follow me back to the castle and try to keep up".

"As you wish Princess Luna." I said bowing to her once again.

She turned to face me curiously. "How did you know my Name?"

"I'll Explain once we meet your sister, and I assure you, I'm not an enemy, and I have no reason for any conflict against you."

Luna looked at me again, her eyes still narrowed but continued on. "Very well then."


Five Minutes Later...

Luna and I have made it to the throne room entrance, and to tell you the truth, it was beautiful, just like in the show. Some of the royal guards here, eyed me suspiciously, but didn't do anything since I was with Luna. (My Beautiful Protector.) As we reached the throne room, we saw her, Princess Celestia. Now I was beyond all nervous, my heart felt like it was about to pop out of my chest. Once we made it to the throne, she eyed me just like Luna, got up from her throne, and walked towards us.

"Luna who is this, and why have you brought him here?" Celestia asked. This didn't make me any less nervous, even if she had spoken nicely. I felt like I was about to pass out.

"Sister, he said his name is Havoc, and he also said that he has been chosen to be the new spirit of chaos." Said Luna.

Celestia turned her gaze to me. I swear I could feel my heart stop for a second. "Is this true Havoc?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

Well this was it. Time to speak to the pony of all ponies (QUIT BEATING YOU STUPID BLOOD PUMP!)

"Y-yes Y-yo-your Hi-high-highness I have a letter right H-here." I reached for the letter slowly, but I was so afraid that I could barely move. Even so, I got the Letter out and showed it to her. She used her magic to inspect it, and after she read the letter, she took a deep breath and her horn began to glow bright, and as she approached me. I couldn't take it anymore, I just passed out on the spot. (Hello floor meet the back of my head.) And was knocked out cold, not knowing what she done to me, either she vaporized me or got Twilight and her friends to use the Elements of Harmony to turn me into stone.

But at least I got to meet my favorite character, Princess Luna.