• Published 26th Feb 2013
  • 9,064 Views, 94 Comments

Here Comes Havoc - elamentalwarrior

"A human name Riles is turned into a Draconequess, and is transprted to Equestria, and wants to make friends."

  • ...

Bad Dreams But Good times

My little pony Friendship Is Magic is property of Hasbro

Brutal Legend is Property of Double Fine

Here Comes Havoc

Bad Dreams But Good times


3rd POV [Terra] 1200 years ago

After the funeral of the King and Queen the three Alicorns took their places as the new rulers of Equestria.

Celestia would raise the sun to bring the day.

Luna would raise the moon to bring the night.

and Terra would watch over the land and keep it in check.

It has been 200 years since then ,however as time and time went on Celestia and Luna was gaining more credit from becomeing the new rulers which made Terra more and more jealous of his sisters. He was now in the Royal Library paceing back and forth. "Why do they get all of the glory? If it weren't for me this place would be vulnerable to enemy attack." Said Terra as he got more angry.

"If only I could show them what real power is ,and they would be begging me to have glory!" Terra yelled slaming his hoove on the wall next to the bookshelf ,the force was so strong that some of the book fell to the floor. He rolled his eyes and went to clean up the mess ,placeing them back on the shelf one by one until one opend book caught his eyes a page showing the same necklaces that he found that day. As he looked on he smiled placeing the book back on the shelf and heading for his room makeing it halfway to through the hall never loseing his smile

"So that is how the spirit of chaos came to be." He said reaching in under his bed keeping a box holding the two necklaces that he had with him the entire time ,one was glowing brightly with a reddesh aura ,whyle the other looked pale with a small blue aura.

Terra looked on with curiosity as he noticed their reaction ,the red one completely mesmerized him drawing him closer to its power. Terra begain to grow insaine thoughts in his mind ,and just grinned.

"Yes yes do you want power? Well heres your chance. Come clame your rightful place as a true ruler." A voice was calling out to him it was powerful and chaotic.

Terra just smiled and went to put it on ,but had secon thoughts when his memories came back to him of his sister Celestia refuseing to let him to have the kingdom ruled his way.

"If I can't have a kingdom of power then how about a kingdom of chaos!" He yelled putting on the red necklace then it felt like he was on fire he screamed in agony as his body began to morph into a different shape ,then he begain to spin around like a twister the ground was shakeing fearcely ,as everything calmdown Terra was now a different creature.

He had the head of a horse ,with a deer antler on the right, a goat horn on the left, one long fang, different-sized pupils, a snake tongue, and a goat beard. He has the right arm of a lion, the left claw of an eagle, the right leg of a lizard, and the left leg of a goat. In addition, he has a bat's right wing, a Pegasus' left wing, a horse's mane and a dragon's tail

Terra was now a draconequess and was laughing madly. "Yes YES! the power of chaos is now MINE! HAHAHA! YES! HAHAHA!

As his laughing died down he looked at the other necklace "Hmmmmm if one necklace can give me this much power what about two?" He asked himself as he reached to pick up the blue one and put it on. Nothing happend. He just looked at it ,tapping the gem several times but still nothing happend and just took it off.

"All well I guess this ones a dud lets just get rid of you." He said placeing it back in the box and opening a portal to a random world throwing it away like it was garbage and closeing it. "Blue isin't my kind of color anyway."

Just then the Door slamed opend ,turning around he smiled to see her sisters as they just stared at him.

"Who are you and what have you done with Prince Terra?!" Celeatia demanded.


3rd POV [Celestia and Luna] few minites earlier...

Celestia and Luna were watching the sky pass by showing another day has risen

"Well done little sister another day for our land." Celestia said proud of Luna's hard work.

"Thank you Tia but I couldn't have done this without your guidence." Luna said recovering from the dizzyness

"You have done well and thats whats counts." Celestia said nuzzleing her sister as they enjoied the night sky.

"I just wish Terra was here to see this ,and hoped it would have calmed him down." Luna said looking disappointed.

"He'll be fine hes just stressed out from watching the land." Celestia said not mentioning her and Terra's talk on ruleing Equestria.

"I know it just... I wish he could see things the same way we do." Luna said watching her own stars pass by.

Suddenly their was screaming of pain. "That sounded like Terra he could be in trouble!" Luna said worried of her brother.

"You may be right Luna lets hurry!" Celestia said as they rushed back inside and to Terra's room ,as they were halfway down the hallway the ground started shaking violently then out of nowhere the two sisters could since a chaotic presence.

Luna was getting scared as they got closer to Terra's door. "S-s-s-ist-er?" was all Luna could say.

"I know I can fell it to just stay close to me." Celestia said as they herd laughing wich made her uneasy.

Useing her magic to force the door open they were shocked at what they saw ,as it turned around and was smileing at them. Luna was completly scared and was shaking whyle Celestia was no longer scared but angry at this thing ,if it did anything to her brother it will pay.

"Who are you and what have you done with Prince Terra?!" Celeatia demanded.


3rd POV [Celestia and Luna and Terra]

"What ever do you mean Celestia we are related right? and you should know you hated my ideas about ruleing this land." Terra said placeing his arms on his sides.

Celestia and Luna's eyes widen now knowing what he was talking about. "Terra?" Celestia asked.

Terra nodded his head and was still smileing at his sisters as they gasped.

"Brother what has happend to you?" Luna asked worried about him as she was still scared.

"Oh nothing much just a new look and new powers ,and by that I mean powers of chaos." Terra said looking at new body and useing his new powers to create chaos. "And now with thise new powers all of Equestria will fall into chaos!"

Celestia and Luna were now shocked at what he just said ,and saw what he was doing now "Terra why are you doing this?!" Celestia asked hopeing he could be reasoned with.

"Because I can now Celestia and Terra is now long gone ,from now on you can call me... Discord."


3rd POV [Celestia] Present

Celestia woke up at her desk ,she had fallen asleep from doing paper work agian. The memories had return in whyle she was sleeping. She got up from her desk and went to the bathroom ,splashing cold water on her face to clear her mind she still wished she could help her brother just like with Luna. Returning to her desk to continue the paper work.

One hour later

The door was opend up by a unicorn maid. "Your Highness I brought you your lunch" Said the maid now walking in with a catering dish and placeing it on the coffee table.

"Thank you that will be all." Celestia said as the maid bowed and walked back to attend the rest of her job. Celestia was now finally finished with the paper work and now she can truely enjoy the rest of the day.


Havoc's POV

Two hours had went on since we went to the lake I was just laying on the water with my sun glasses on ,I took them off to see what was happening now ,turnsout everypony was haveing a good time except for the CMCs they were now sitting at one of the picnic tables looking board.

"Whats with them?" I asked myself as I got up and was walking on the water ,pulling a fish off of my neck leaving a bald spot on my neck ,and throwing it back in the water I made my way to them.

As I walked on Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon noticed their changes about one thirty mintes ago and were running in circles screaming for help ,thinking they had enough I 'CLICKED' my fingers to turn them back to normal but they still continued running and screaming ,I just smirked at them The'll find out sooner or later.

Miss Cheerilee was teaching some of the class on how to swim ,Ditzy Doo and her daughter dinky were bulding a sand castle , and some of the chaperones were just talking about stuff and drinking soda.

Finally making it to the picnic table sitting at the opposite side the CMCs were making myself look board to ,placeing my head on my hands and looking at the girls I asked them. "Whats wrong girls I thought you three would be haveing fun?"

"We thought we would be haveing fun all day ,but it just went by so fast we can't even think of anything new to do." Sweetie Bell said traceing circles on the table. Scootaloo looked like she was about th fall asleep. and Applebloom was just looking out at the lake. Then a thought came to me.

"Hey girls ever went under water before?" I asked them and they just gave me a look.

"Yeah we went under water ,about a dozen times." Scootaloo said glareing at me

"What I ment was have you ever wanted to explore the under water?" I said they were now confused

"What are you talkin about?" Applebloom said I just smiled.

"Lets go to the doc and I'll show you." I said walking down to the dock as they followed. I had my arms behind me and was singing Rock of Ages by Def leppard as we went on.

"Hey whats that song your singing? Ive never herd it before." Sweetie Bell asked I guess they dont have rock'n'roll music.

"Hmm? Oh its a song called Rock of Ages by a music band called Def Leppard ,and tell you more about it when we get home." Sweetie Bell agreed as we made it to the docks.

"Ok now what?" Scootaloo asked still board out of her mind.

"Now this." I said 'CLICKING' my fingers to make a submarine from Bioshock appear as it droped in the water it made a big splash

"Woah what is that its huge" Applebloom asked trying to find out what it was.

"That is called a submarine its used for deep sea diveing and to explore under water" I said now getting on top of it and opening the hatch and jumping inside, however there was one problem there were no controls at all it was just a floor with walls and windows. "Oh thats right they didn't show the inside of it on the video game." I wisperd to myself.

"Hey Havoc is this what a submerine is suppose to look like?" Scootaloo asked on top of the hatch door.

"Hold on I just need to think of somethin." I said tring to find out what kind of controls the thing would need. "C'mon think think THINK!" Tapping my for head as I got an idea why not make my own controls for it first a steering wheel ,a radar computer system ,oh and some seats ,maybe a popcorn machine with soda dispenser ,and last but not least Fuzzy dice.

"So what do you think? is it cool or what?" I asked as I got them and placed them down inside the sub.

"Wow! it looks amazing now" Applebloom said

"Yeah but whats with this stuff?" Scootaloo asked pointing at the compuer system.

"Oh thats just for fun ,now let me just close the hatch so just get in the seats." I said makeing sure it closed tight as the girls got in the seats. "And one more thing just to be safe" 'CLICKING' my fingers to make life vests for them.

"Oh thanks Havoc these are cool." Scootaloo said putting on hers.

"So what is it supposed to do something?" Sweetie Bell asked.

"Yup now WE DIVE!" I yelled... but nothing happend they just looked at me funny. "Umm oh yeah forgot about the diveing button." I said pressing the button to dive under water. The sub began to sink and we could be able to see under water from the front window. the CMC's eyes widen with excitement as we drove through the water.

"Hey girls take a look at this." I said pointing at a sunkin ship ,as fish were swiming in and out of it.

"That is so cool. Hey! I see somethin right there." Applebloom said pointing inside the ship it looked like a gold light ,and it was shining in the sunlight.

"I see it to but what is it?" Sweetie Bell asked

"Do you think its Treasuer?" Scootaloo asked

"How about we find out." I said parking the sub on solid ground ,and getting up from my seat I walked over to the hatch. "Just wait here I'll go get whats over there." I said

"Awwwwwwwww!" The CMCs protested.

"Now look it might be dangerous and I don't want you three to get hurt alright?" they just nodded their heads.

(Good I seen what Applejack can do with those back hooves of hers and I do not want that hppening to me.)

I used my magic to turn myself human agian only dressed in a big daddy subject delta suit. their eyes widen but I stoped them from sayin anything. "I'll explain later just wait here ,Back shortly" I put on my helmit and opend a door to a room where I can step outside ,closeing the door and watching the water fill in and steped out.

To tell you the truth it felt like I was in jello whyle coverd in bubble wrap ,I made my way to the ship but being in a heavy suit underwater dosen't make it easy for ya I can tell ya that much. I looked closely at the ship it looked like a pirate ship it must be ancient ,steping inside and turning the light on I was in what must be the captin's quarters ,looking around the place and waveing away some fish I found maps ships in broken bottles and a telescpoe collection and the bones of the caption laying in his bed (A good caption always goes down with his ship.) and finally the treasuer Applebloom was talking about.

Looking inside it was full of gold coins ,gems ,and jewlery. Closeing the chest and picking it up I soluted the caption "Thank you sir you really are a good caption." and I swear he sat up and was soluteing me as well okay that was scary.

Walking out with the trasure the CMCs were now at the front window waveing their forarms around and shouting.

"I know I know this was to easy." I said as I waved back to them. Now they were pointing at something turning around I was face to face with a giant eyeball.

...Processing please wait...

"A GIANT SQUID!?" But how? this is fresh water (Let me guess magic?) I ran for the sub but one of its tentacles grabed my leg tripping me and forcing me to drop the chest ,then two more tentacles grabed my waist ,and arm and it was trying to undo my suit.

"OH NO! YOU ARE NOT GOING TO DO THAT TO ME NOT NOW NOT EVER!" Grabing the tentacle on my arm and useing my magic to electrify the best make it let go of me, now tased I quickly grabed the chest and ran to the sub.

Now inside I put the chest next to the popcorn machine ,takeing off my helmit ,and running for the controls. "Buckle up girls this is going to be a bumpy ride!" they had no idea what I was talking about. "Get in the seats and put on your seat belts" the quickly did now getting the sub off ground ,but the squid was back and it was angry ,it swam towards us wraping its tentacles around the sub with its mouth biteing on the front window ,and its toung was licking the glass. (Okay thats just nasty.)

"Havoc do sometin!" Applebloom yelled as the girls were screaming

"Ok maybe I can shake it off!" I drove the sub into spining it aroun and around but it didn't work and all I did was make Scootaloo turn green and throwup.

"Don't you have any others ideas?" Sweetie Bell said now dizzy.

"I might have one but its a one shot deal" I said pressing a buttion make a small cannon the size of a peashooter aim at the squids mouth shooting pepper inside its throught it stoped what it was doing and looked like it was about to sneeze.

"Brace yourself girls" I said as we all held on.


It sneezed so hard that is tentacles popped of and was shooting throught the water like a missle back to the ship.


3rd POV [Giant Squid]

The giant squid just shot into the ship dierecty into one of the rooms hitting a wall hard and landing in a bed forceing a blanket and ice pack to land on the cephalopod it was outcold an will be for a whyle.


Havoc's POV

"Well that went well ,lets get back to the others its almost time to leave." I said changing back into a draconequess ,the girls cheered telling me how cool that was as we drove back to the surface.

Now at the docks I took out the chest and carried it to the picnic tables ,and sitting it on the ground and opening it the CMC's eyes went wide.

"Woah this so cool!" Applebloom said

"I ahve never seen this much gold in my life!" Sweetie Bell said

"What should we do with it?" Scootaloo asked.

"Well you three discoverd it so its all yours" I said be cause I don't even need money anymore. the girls jumped in excitement and were thanking me.

"There you are where have all of you been?" Cheerilee asked running to us with a worried look on her face.

"Its alright Miss Cheerilee I wanted to show the girls what its like under water and they discoverd hidden treasure" I said pointing at the chest and her eyes went wide.

"Is this true girls?" Cheerilee asked the three as they jusy nodded and told her how cool I was. "Well sine you all are not hurt I'll let this go but please tell me first before you run off like that."

"Yes Miss Cheerilee" we all said and she just giggled.

"Alrgit start packing your things its almost time to go" Cheerilee said as we nodded ,the girls already packed their stuff and were trying to push the chest ,and I just laughed

"Here let me help you three out." I said closeing the chest and picking it up they just sheepishy smiled at me ,and followed me back to the school carrage.


3rd POV [Connor]

Connor was now trolling the ponies in Ponyville either it was confuseing them or driveing the crazy. He was now heading for sweet apple acers hideing behind a tree transfroming in an ocean blue stallion pegasus with a pale white main and tail and his cutis mark was a sliced pear. He made his way to sweet apple acers and found Applejack laying next to a tree.

"Um excuse me Miss im looking for some pony that works at this farm." Connor said to Applejack

"We I work here names Applejack partner what can I do for you" Applejack asked

"Wan't to talk to the maneger into buying some pears" Connor said

"What! this is an apple farm we don't do pears here!" Applejack yelled since shes an apple farmer.

"Well my boss is starting a farm on the other side of Ponyville and he wanted to know if you would like some pears."

"There ain't no way theres going to be another farm to run us out of bussness im gona talk to your boss and show him whos boss!" Applejack said now running to the other side of town.

Connor looked around and changed back to human grabing an apple and eating it. "These ponies are to easy."


3rd POV [Applejack]

Applejack was now angry and was at the other side of town she looked everywhere but couldn't find the new farm. she looked all around Ponyville but couldn't find "That slezy varmit Ive been tricked!" Applejack yelled causeing some of the ponies to look at her as she just blushed and walked away. "When I find that guy Im gonna buck his teeth out." wispering to herself

However the school carrage came back so she had to deal with that later she walked to the school to meet her sister. As she arrived at the school she saw Applebloom with her friends and Havoc carrying a treasuer chest ,and they were laughing. she raised a brow and made her way to them.


Havoc's POV

We laughed as we made our way out of the carrage I had to carry to chest the whole time but didn't mind. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were jelous of the CMCs now.

"Did you see there faces it looked like there foreheads were about to slde right off!" Scootaloo said

"I still can't believe that they were actulay jelous of us" Applebloom said

"The'll probably stay like that for days" Sweetie Bell said

We all kept on laughing until Applejack showed up "Hey Ya'll whats so funny?" Applejack asked we explaind what went by at the lake. Well most of it ,and I told her that the CMCs discoverd hidden treasure and showed her her jaw droped.

"Whowee there girls looks like ya'll hit the mother load say why don't ya'll come back to the farm for some apple pie" Applejack asked as we cheerd and went on with her to sweet apple acers.