• Published 26th Feb 2013
  • 9,064 Views, 94 Comments

Here Comes Havoc - elamentalwarrior

"A human name Riles is turned into a Draconequess, and is transprted to Equestria, and wants to make friends."

  • ...

New Friends and New Faces (fixed)

My little pony Friendship Is Magic is property of Hasbro

Brutal Legend is Property of Double Fine

Here Comes Havoc

New Friends and New Faces


9 Hours Later Night Time

Finally waking up, my eyes were still closed. It felt like I was in a bed, it feels so soft and warm that I could just sleep in it forever. But I can't, knowing I need to get up. Opening my eyes and blinking out the sleep from them, I saw that I was in a room. My throat being dessert dry I 'CLICKED' my claws to make a bottle of cold water appear, and chugged it down like my life depended on it. Now able to breathe again, and eating the bottle, I took a look around the room, it was night time, and there appears to be a balcony. So I went out to see the stars. I've always loved looking at the night sky in my world, counting the stars, watching the moon, even finding constellations.

Seeing that I was in another world, the constellations were completely different. I’m guessing since Luna controls the night, she always rearranges the stars, maybe one of them is a pony or one of them is the Main 6 in perfect harmony, if not it’s still beautiful to watch.

"So you’re awake, I’m so relieved." I turned to find Princess Luna behind me. I bowed in panic "Uhh good morning, uh I mean Good NIGHT! Wait-wait I mean ummmm. Hello?"

She giggled at my response, (Smooth Move ya Doofus.) "There’s no need for such formalities, you can just call me Luna."

I smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of my head. "Soooo, uh what brings you on this fine night? I mean you couldn't have come just for me right?" God why am I so bad at talking to girls?

{"Because you never met a girl in your whole life"} "Shut up brain!"

"Oh on the contrary, I did come here to make sure you were well, and since I do not have any royal duties tonight, we can talk more about each other." Said Luna.

"Well if you like, what would you like to talk about?" I asked, taking a seat on one of the chairs on the balcony while Luna sat at the opposite end. The bad thing about these seats are they’re made only for ponies, and me being tall now, only helped a little bit.

"First I would like to know how you knew my name when we first met." Well this was it the answer of all answers.

"Alright I'll tell you how I know, but please don't take this the wrong way alright, first I need to do something." I said as Luna nodded I got up and walked to the middle of the balcony. I focused my chaos powers to change back to my human form. Only this time with clothes of my own custom choice. A pale blue shirt, with a black zipper hoodie, grey pants, and green sneakers, with a pair of mirror sun glasses just for the fun of it. Luna just sat there eyes wide open as she looked at me.

"Now before you ask me anything, this form that I have taken is a creature called a human and this is what I was before coming here." I said while sitting back down at my seat, with the table now higher than before. Luna tried to stifle her laugh so I countered before things got out of hand.

"Ok humans, or homo sapiens, are basically bipedal creatures, that don't have wings and can't use magic, but rely on their intelligence."

"Incredible! I only thought humans were mythical creatures, and that they were just made up for fun." Luna said.

"Well now that that’s taken care of, can you tell me how you know my name?" Luna asked

"Well alright what I’m about to say might scare you, and it is the full truth." I said as Luna nodded, wanting to know.

"In my world there is a show called My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, and it features Twilight and her friends having adventures and learning about friendship, over the years the show became very popular, and many people enjoyed it. And not just that, there was merchandise, fan art, and even Fanfics." I explained.

"I see. That is very hard to believe." Luna said looking at the ground. "But it’s nothing I can't handle, so what was it like back in your world?"

"Well its average, sometimes good things happen, and sometimes bad things happen. But all around its really boring, there’s nothing fun to do, and the only thing that can be possibly fun is trying to wait for the next day to go by."

"Well what about your family, don't you have any." Luna asked.

"No. I never had much family. The only family I had ever known was my uncle, who can't go one day without drinking and the only good thing that he does, is not try to throw an empty bottle at my head, I never even got to know my own parents, and never had any friends in my entire life." I said.

"Why would your uncle do that? Why would he try to hurt you?" Luna asked

I shrugged. "I don't even know. He’s been doing that for most of my life, the only stuff that I know about him, is how to stay off of his bad side." I said still having those stupid memories of him throwing a fit over small things.

"I could never imagine having such a life. It must have been so painful to endure." Luna said, feeling sorry for me, as I saw a tear roll down her eye.

"Yes it was. I've always wanted to have a real family, and make many friends, and just be happy." I said, looking at the night sky

"Well why not start now?" Luna said. I was confused as I looked at her and she just smiled and got up. "Havoc The Draconequess. Will you accept my friendship?" She asked holding up her hoof.

I was shocked, baffled, and amazed at her question, but I felt so happy to have her become my first friend ever. "Princess Luna I would be honored to become your friend." I said smiling, while grabbing her hoof and shook it.

"Oh thank you so much! This is so exciting. I can’t wait to tell my sister when she wakes up!" Luna said smiling wide.

"Well what’s going to happen now?" I asked Luna, wondering how this is going to turn out for me. "And how are the rest of the ponies gonna react to me?"

"Don't worry about that, my sister has sent a letter to Twilight Sparkle and her friends. They are going to arrive in the morning, so you might need to get some sleep." Luna said

"WHAT!?" I said, changing back to my draconequess form as I walked to the bed and sat down. "I don’t need sleep, I can stay up forev"- and like that I was out.

{"Yeah right what a douche."} "I can still hear you Brain!" {"I know I just love to see your reaction, hehehe and I must say, she is pretty hot."} ANYWAY! I was fast asleep.


3rd POV [Luna]

Luna just giggled at how Havoc became so social just like that. As she placed him in the bed, and pulled the covers back over him, she went to manage the rest of the night. And now she was happy that she had made a friend, and that Havoc felt the same way.


3rd POV [Twilight and Spike] 9 Hours Earlier

Twilight was busy rearranging the books in perfect order, as spike was cleaning out the library, so it wouldn't attract any bad business. "Hey Twilight I’m almost done with th-(BURP)." Suddenly Spike burped up a letter from the Princess, and went to take it to Twilight.

"Hey Twilight, a letter from the Princess has arrived." Spike said as Twilight went to grab the letter.

"I wonder what it could be I hope everything’s alright." Twilight said as she read the letter and was completely speechless at what was written there. "There’s another draconequess? And he wants to be friends?" Twilight said as she just kept reading the letter over and over until she accepted what was on it. "Spike, go let the other girls know about this, and have them ready tomorrow."

"Ok Twilight you can count on me." Spike said as he went to write letters to the rest of the main 6.

Twilight was now in her room packing up supplies for the trip to Canterlot. She was still worried about this new Draconequess, but if Princess Celestia said he was no danger, than she has nothing much to worry about. She wondered what to ask of him, and was now writing down questions. "This could be the research of the century!" She thought to herself


3rd POV [Celestia] Morning time

Celestia was now getting up from bed, and getting ready to raise the sun. As the magic built up in her, the sun began to lift into the sky. She was still thinking of Havoc, and when she entered his mind and saw his past. But not even Discord can alter his own memories or change their outcome. What’s seen is what happened. So now, all she has to do is wait for Twilight and the others to arrive. But right now she has new royal duties to attend to.


3rd POV [Main 6 and spike]

As the main 6 were riding a chariot to the castle, they were still asking about the Draconequess.

"Oooo! Do you think he like parties!? I hope so. And do you think he'll make chocolate rain!? Oh I love cho-" Applejack shoved a hoof in Pinkie Pie’s mouth.

"Settle down Pinkie, we need ta meet him before throwing a party for em" Applejack said while adjusting her hat, so as not to blow off in the wind.

"I certainly hope he’s not like Discord at all, that ruffian still gives me the creeps." Rarity said, keeping her mane clean.

"Well I hope he’s not scary, but if the Princesses letter says he’s friendly, I would like to meet him." Fluttershy said, trying not to look down at the ground.

"Don't worry, if he tries anything, we can take him down and then Discord can have some company." Rainbow Dash said, sounding tough, receiving rolling eyes from the others, minus Fluttershy and Pinkie.

"Alright everypony were almost to Canterlot, now remember we will offer and teach him friendship, and 'NO' attacking him alright?" Twilight said pointing at Rainbow Dash who just shrugged it off.

"We’re here Ladies." One of the Royal guards said, as they made their decent to the castle.

"Alright, time to meet the new Draconequess." The rest of the main 6 and Spike nodded in agreement, as they entered the castle's throne room finding Princess Celestia and bowing to her.

"Twilight, it’s great to see you again." Celestia said smiling warmly. "Now you all know of our newest arrival right?"

They nodded in understanding. "Good I'll go get him, just wait here".

Celestia walked off to the royal bed chambers, while the Main 6 and Spike started a conversation to pass the time.


Havoc's POV

It’s been three hours since I got up and went to take a shower to look more presentable. After all, first impressions are very important. After drying off, I was now waiting to meet the other ponies. I was more excited than an ant at a sugar factory. I heard the door open up with Princess Celestia, I bowed to her, since she is a princess its only common courtesy. "Good morning Princess Celestia, it’s nice to see you again."

"You can just call me Celestia, and it’s nice to see you to." Celestia said. "Now Havoc I want you to come with me to the throne room to meet Twilight and her friends."

"As you wish, Celestia." I said bowing once more just to be nice, Celestia just giggled as I followed her while looking at the decor. It was more beautiful than seeing it on the show, and since I was following her, I tried my best not to stare at her flank. I know Ponies don't usually were clothes, but I’m no pervert, so I just concentrated on looking at the other stuff in the hallway until. 'DARN IT!' I just looked for one second before quickly turning my gaze away.

{"Get a good look lucky boy?"} "Not now brain!" {"Face it dude you’re a pervert, just admit it."} "I am not now if you'll excuse me I have celebrities to meet without any interruptions." {"Sure. If you say so."}

When I reached the throne room, I saw them, the Main 6 and Spike in person. I tried to hold back a girly squeal, and took a deep breath as Celestia and I reached the throne.

"Alright everypony, meet Havoc. The new spirit of chaos." Celestia said introducing me.

"Hello it’s nice to meet you all." I said taking a look at them closely.

Twilight was eyeing me curiously, possibly trying to find out what animals I’m made of.

Spike was giving me the Ooo face, probably thinking I look cool.

Applejack just looked at me, like I was doing something stupid.

Rarity looked disgusted, maybe its cause of my look which was making her so rude and uncouth. (Irony).

Fluttershy was nervous, and was hiding behind her mane; she is shy after all which was just adorable.

Pinkie pie was jumping up and down, smiling like there was a giant Cake covered in candy. (Probably wants chocolate rain.)

And finally, Rainbow Dash, who was giving me the stink eye. So I gave her a heartwarming smile which made her even more uneasy.

I decided to break the ice. "So, are ya going to introduce yourselves or just stare at me? I know how about I introduce myself. My name is Havoc I’m a draconequess, and the new spirit of chaos, it’s nice to meet all of you."

Twilight was the first to speak. "My name is Twilight Sparkle."

I raised an eyebrow pretending that I didn't know them. "You’re not a vampire are you?" I asked.

"What? No. I’m a unicorn, why would you ask that?"

"Oh nothing." Twilight was confused but moved on.

"My names Spike." stepping up next to Twilight. "I’m Twilight's number one assistant." Spike said.

"A talking Dragon, this place gets cooler and cooler every second." I said, Spike looked happy

"My names Applejack, its swell to meet ya partner." Applejack said, offering her hoof as I grabbed it, she shook my arm like crazy.

"Nice to meet you too." I said trying to rescuing my arm.

"I am Rarity, It’s always a pleasure to meet a new face." Rarity said bowing to me.

"It a pleasure to meet you to Miss Rarity." I said bowing back.

"Ummm, my names Flutte..." Fluttershy said unable to hear her.

"Well it’s nice to meet you Flutte..." Fluttershy blushed at what she just did, and hid back behind her mane.

"Hi there, I’m Pinkie Pie. Do you like parties? I like parties. Would you like to have a party, oh please oh please let me throw you a party! OH! And can you make chocolate rain?” Pinkie Pie asked.

"Uhhh, yes I like parties, and you can if you like to, only if it will have Ice Cream Cake. But I can't make chocolate rain because I don't wanna make a mess in the throne room." I answered, Pinkie looked disappointed. "But maybe some other time" Pinkie suddenly became happy again

Rainbow Dash just smirked. (I know where this is going) "Names Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer in Equestria, and you better remember that buddy."

I tried not to laugh at what she said. "I'll try to keep that in mind"

"Now that introductions are done." Celestia spoke up. "I want you to take Havoc to Ponyville." Twilight was shocked

"Um, with all due respect Princess, won't his appearance cause a panic?" Twilight asked.

"Do not worry, I have written a request for Mayor Mare to have him introduced." Celestia said, giving a letter to Twilight.

"Alright Princess, we can handle this." Twilight said as she took the letter.

"Well, I must return to my duties, take care now my little ponies and Draconequess." Celestia said as they bowed once more as did I.

The Main 6, Spike, and I went to the royal chariots, the royal guards eyed me, but seeing me with the others kept them from stopping me. (Yeah you can't do anything about me sukkahs.) Then we got on the chariots and made our way to Ponyville.


3rd POV [? ? ?] One Day Earlier.

A guy in a grey tuxedo, with aqua blue hair, awoke in a dry cave. Blinking the sleep out of his blue eyes, he slowly stood up and dusted off his outfit. He found a letter in one of his pockets. After reading it, only one thought came to his mind.

"Where the hell am I supposed to find this guy?"